During this time all priests and deacons are …Page Four May 31, 2020 Remember our priests!......


Transcript of During this time all priests and deacons are …Page Four May 31, 2020 Remember our priests!......

Page 1: During this time all priests and deacons are …Page Four May 31, 2020 Remember our priests!... During this time of isolation and separation because of the Coronavirus, we need to
Page 2: During this time all priests and deacons are …Page Four May 31, 2020 Remember our priests!... During this time of isolation and separation because of the Coronavirus, we need to

Page Two May 31, 2020

Sunday, May 31, 2020–Pentecost Sunday Alfonso Tropinski, John Zumpano, Jack Navarra and Ron Macey

Monday, June 1, 2020–The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church Catherine & Paul Floersch and Anthony Segretto

Tuesday, June 2, 2020–Saints Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs Phyllis Rice, Michael Potvin and Lucille Yurkanin

Wednesday, June 3, 2020-Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs Bernard Hester and Tony Acuna

Thursday, June 4, 2020–Weekday 32nd Anniversary of Ordination-Father De Salvo and Vinenzo Marino

Friday, June 5, 2020-Saint Boniface, Bishop and Martyr Bishop Joseph Imesch and Alicja Maria Mazurek

Saturday, June 6, 2020-Weekday Robert Donlevy and Al Rupp

Sunday, June 7, 2020–The Most Holy Trinity Theresa Javois, The Deceased Members of the Alfano Family, Dennis Harast and Parish Purgatorial Society

During this time all priests and deacons are remembering weekly Mass intentions

in their prayers.

Father De Salvo and Father Twaruzek are remembering all intentions as

they offer daily Mass.

Please remember our church in your will. Contact Tony Brandolino at 630-655-5523

for information on how you can include St. Isaac Jogues Parish.

Dear Parish Family, Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost ~ the Birthday of the Church and the end of the Easter Season.... a very different Easter Season! Since the middle of March when the government “stay at home” order began we haven’t even been in our church. Hopefully, soon, during the coming month of June, we will begin to see things change. I look forward to welcome parishioners back home to our church for Mass. And even though we are not together celebrating the Eucharist, we know that we are now alone. God is always with us. He gives us His Holy Spirit so that He can be with us always. It was on Pentecost that the Lord’s promised gift of the Holy Spirit was poured forth upon the Apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was on this day that the Spirit of Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom, Piety, Fortitude, Counsel, and Fear of the Lord came upon them and filled them with a sense of mission to accomplish all that Christ had commanded them to do in His name. That mission given to the Apostles on Pentecost continues to this day with all of us. There are a variety of ministries and apostolates available at Saint Isaac Jogues Parish. Good Stewardship of the Lord’s blessings involve gifts of our time and talent, along with our treasure. All three are important. All three are necessary. Our support and involvements in the Church are ways in which we carry out the Lord’s command to “preach the Gospel to all people!” At the same time, our “doing” of the Gospel, helps us to grow in holiness. And, after this long period of “shut down” I’m hoping many of you will be eager to become more involved, more committed to a

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devout, sincere, and enthusiastic practice of our beautiful Catholic Faith! The Ascension of Jesus teaches us that WE are His hands, His feet, His voice, and His love in the world today. And, Pentecost, celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit into the life of the Church to make our “doing” of the Gospel possible. Let’s all do our part. Decide what YOU are going to do to add to the vibrancy of Saint Isaac Jogues Parish. You and I really are part of a beautiful, ancient, and profound heritage of faith that has been passed down to us in the Catholic Church from Christ through the Apostles, continuing for over 2000 years. Let’s do our part to build-up and preserve the heritage of faith that generations of Catholics here in Hinsdale have left us since our parish w as founded in 1930. Our share in the mission of the Church began with our own Baptism. Pope Francis I has often challenged Catholics to “find out” the day of their Baptism and to keep it as a special day in your life — like your birthday. With the feast of Pentecost, the beginning of the Church’s mission, let’s use this day to re-dedicate ourselves to the “part” of the mission Jesus has given each one of us to do. Let’s remember the day of our own Baptism (mine was on March 10, 1963), thank God and our parents for the gift of faith we were given on that special day, and re-dedicate ourselves to being faithful and active followers of the Lord in our daily lives. You and I share in the mission of the Church... What are you doing for Jesus? What is your life saying for Him? What are you doing to further the mission of HIS Church? God's blessings on all of you! Father De Salvo

ONLINE GIVING Our parish provides Online Giving as an electronic tool for contributions so you can give via the ‘web’.

Online Giving helps you maintain your giving especially while you cannot be here at Mass. This

also helps the parish streamline our cash flow, especially during this time when mass attendance is

not allowed or bad weather or vacation times keep us from attending our church.

Go to our parish website at www.sij.net to get started

today. Our deepest thank you to all who have already

signed up for Online Giving.

It truly has been such a help to us during this time.

Bob O’Connell Ryan Collins

Jerry Kowalski Baby Henry Agne

Fran Boland Donna Monaghan Thomas Mueller June McGannon

Carol Cratin Zidek

Karen Skokna Doris Sanders Shirley Jones

Ken Crane Baby Aleman Ken Ruminski Theresa Boyle Don Kaminski George Sekera

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gn 3:9-15, 20 or Acts 1:12-14; Ps 87:1-3, 5-7; Jn 19:25-34 Tuesday: 2 Pt 3:12-15a, 17-18; Ps 90:2-4, 10, 14, 16; Mk 12:13-17 Wednesday: 2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12; Ps 123:1b-2; Mk 12:18-27 Thursday: 2 Tm 2:8-15; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Mk 12:28-34 Friday: 2 Tm 3:10-17; Ps 119:157, 160, 161, 165, 166, 168; 1-6; Mk 12:35-37 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:1-8; Ps 71:8-9, 14-15ab, 16-17, 22; Mk 12:38-44 Sunday: Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9; Dn 3:52-55; 2 Cor 13:11-13; Jn 3:16-18

Page 4: During this time all priests and deacons are …Page Four May 31, 2020 Remember our priests!... During this time of isolation and separation because of the Coronavirus, we need to

Page Four May 31, 2020

Remember our priests!... During this time of isolation and separation because of the Coronavirus, we need to remember that while we are separated, we are not alone. God is always with us! And we, as Believers, are bound together by Christ in love and charity through prayer and bonds of affection which knit us as one. This time of year is a joyous one for many priests. Traditionally, in the Diocese of Joliet, it is in the Spring that our priests are ordained. And so, for the Fathers who so faithfully serve Saint Isaac Jogues Parish, anniversaries are “in the air...” If you have the chance, make sure you wish our priests a “happy anniversary.” Remember them in your prayers, drop them a note and send a card. They have been faithful in remembering all of you in their daily masses and prayers during this time of separation. It’s good for us to appreciate the sacrifices of their lives, the love they have shown the Lord, and the dedication they have shown His Church by giving themselves in service as priests... After the Heart of Christ! Remember to always pray for vocations to the priesthood and to the religious life. Father William De Salvo Father De Salvo, our pastor, was ordained to the priesthood on June 4, 1988. Father will celebrate his 32nd anniversary of ordination this year. Father Michal Twaruzek Father Twaruzek, born in Poland, was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet on May 16, 2015. This year, he celebrates his 5th anniversary of ordination. Father Jerry Tivy Father Tivy, a retired priest of the Diocese who assists us on a regular basis, was ordained May 23, 1964. Additionally, on June 5th, Father will celebrate his 82nd birthday! Father Larry Dreffein, OFM Father Larry Dreffein, OFM, was ordained a priest on June 5, 1976. He made his Solemn Profession of vows in the Order of Friars Minor [the Franciscans] on September 5, 1969. Father Dan Stempora Father Stempora, a retired priest of the Diocese who assists us on a regular basis, was ordained May 28, 1960.

Ad Multos Annos, Fathers!

Pentecost: The Coming of the Holy Spirit The Solemnity of Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Apostles. At His Ascension, celebrated 40 days after Easter, the Lord promised that He would send the Spirit [the Paraclete] to His Apostles to fill them with His life, His Spirit, so that they will be

able to courageously and faithfully proclaim His Gospel and give witness to Him. On Pentecost, 50 days after Easter, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit with His seven-fold gifts. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, knowledge, holy fear of the Lord, counsel, piety, and fortitude. These same gifts, given to Mary and the Apostles at Pentecost, were given to each of us at Baptism and sealed, or poured forth in abundance upon us at Confirmation. By nature, the gifts are supernatural “habits” because they dispose us to do something easily. They incline us to steadily and constantly follow the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. The gift of wisdom enables us to judge rightly the things of God; this gift gives us a kind of divine “taste” for the Lord and His will. The gift of understanding empowers us to better understand and enter into divinely revealed truths and the connections between them in the Catholic faith. The gift of knowledge enables us to see and judge rightly about created things, and to use these as stepping stones to glory while we see God in all things. The gift of counsel gives us the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to judge rightly about particular events, what is to be done or avoided on the road to heaven. The gift of piety enables us to form a childlike affection for God as our Father; it also supports our universal love for others. It enables us to grow in holiness, devotion, and in our love for God. The gift of fortitude moves us under the power of the Holy Spirit to heroic practice of virtue and to overcoming all dangers on the path to heaven. Finally, the gift of a holy fear of the Lord empowers us to be teachable and submissive to God’s will out of respect and reverence for the divine majesty of the infinite God. This gift teaches us to love God, to remember death and judgement. This gift teaches us, and enables us to grow in humility, the foundation of all virtues and holiness... knowing our place, who we are and who we are not before God and others. Let our prayer this Pentecost day, be in our hearts always... Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and enkindle in us the fire of your love.

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Mary: Becoming a Community of Prayer Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said that it was with Mary that Jesus' earthly life began, and it was with her that the Church took its first steps. ... She discreetly followed her Son's journey during His public life, even unto the foot of the cross. Then, with silent prayer, she continued to follow the progress of the Church. The stages of Mary's own journey from the house of Nazareth to the Upper Room of Jerusalem were marked by her capacity to maintain an ongoing state of contemplation, meditating upon each event in the silence of her heart, before God. The Mother of God's presence with the Eleven after the Ascension ... has great significance because with them she shared the most precious of things: the living memory of Jesus in prayer. After Jesus' Ascension to heaven, the Apostles met with Mary to await the gift of the Holy Spirit, without which it is not possible to bear witness to Christ. She, who had already received the Spirit in order to generate the incarnate Word, shared the entire Church’s expectation of the same gift. If it is true that there could be no Church without Pentecost, it is also true that there could have been no Pentecost without the Mother of Jesus, because she had a unique knowledge of what the Church experiences every day by the action of the Holy Spirit. Vatican Council II’s Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium had emphasized this special relationship between the Virgin and the Church. We see the Apostles before the day of Pentecost constantly devoting themselves to prayer, together with certain women including Mary the mother of Jesus. Mary's place is in the Church, wherefore she is hailed as a pre-eminent and singular member, and as its type and excellent exemplar in faith and charity. Venerating the Mother of Jesus in the Church means, then, learning from her how to become a community of prayer. This is one of the essential aspects of the first description of the Christian community given in the Acts of the Apostles. Our prayers are often dictated by difficult situations, by personal problems which cause us to turn to the Lord in search of light, comfort and aid. But Mary invites us to open prayer to other dimensions, to address God not only in moments of need and not only for ourselves, but unanimously, perseveringly, faithfully and with “one heart and soul”. Mary was placed by the Lord at decisive moments of the history of salvation, and she always responded with complete readiness as a result of her profound bond with God matured through assiduous and intense prayer. Between the Ascension and Pentecost, she was with and in the Church, in prayer. Mother of God and Mother of the Church, Mary exercises her maternity until the end of history. Mary teaches us the need for prayer and shows us how only through a constant, intimate and complete bond of love with her Son can we courageously leave our homes to announce the Lord Jesus, Savior of the world.

Page 6: During this time all priests and deacons are …Page Four May 31, 2020 Remember our priests!... During this time of isolation and separation because of the Coronavirus, we need to
Page 7: During this time all priests and deacons are …Page Four May 31, 2020 Remember our priests!... During this time of isolation and separation because of the Coronavirus, we need to