DUI lawyer

Selecting a Good DUI Lawye


Consult Jon Artz who is also called the best Los Angeles DUI lawyer. He has a tremendous reputation in Los Angeles as being one of best lawyer who win acquittals for most of his clients. Visit his site to know more.

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Selecting a Good DUI Lawyer

Jon Artz is specialized in DUI defense in Los Angeles and well known as best DUI lawyer among the peers.

He is practicing DUI for over 40 years and 99% of their clients stay out of jail and keep their license.Jon Artz is a lawyer who can defend you in court.

Expert in Creative Sentencing which keep clients out of jail.

Mr. Artz has successfully won thousands of DUI Alcohol/drug cases in court

His pretrial motions often exclude prosecution evidence from trial which results in Not Guilty verdicts or a great reduction in the charges.

Some Appreciation

Why Jon Artz?Specialized in California DUI Defense for 40 years.

Expert in Creative Sentencing to help clients avoid jail.

Gets All Charges Dismissed in over 90% of his DUI jury trials.

His winning track record as a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles motivates prosecutors to cut better deals.

Hes an expert in blood-alcohol science, chemistry, and detection technology.

Jon created trial strategies that have become standard practice in CA DUI Defense.He belongs to an elite corps of Celebrity DUI lawyers in Southern California.

He is one of four DUI lawyers who wrote the book on California DUI Defense.

Legal experts have called Jon the Best DUI Attorney in California.

Offers comprehensive DUI, DMV, and addiction recovery solutions.

Appoint Jon for best DUI Defense: JON BRYANT ARTZ 12400 Wilshire Blvd, 4th Floor,Los Angeles, CA 90025 Ph. (310) 820-1315 Fax. (310) 820-1691

[email protected]://www.duilawyerlosangeles.com/

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