Dublin City Council’s Primary School Magazine Iris do ... City Council’s Primary School Magazine...

Iris do Bhunscoileanna, Winter 2012 / An Geimhreadh 2012 Dublin City Council’s Primary School Magazine

Transcript of Dublin City Council’s Primary School Magazine Iris do ... City Council’s Primary School Magazine...

Iris do Bhunscoileanna, Winter 2012 / An Geimhreadh 2012Dublin City Council’s Primary School Magazine

Hi everyone,Welcome to the winter edition of Classmate.I hope you are all looking forward to Christmas.In this edition of Classmate we feature a number of exciting free family events that are taking place in the city over Christmas and the New Year. Highlights include the live animal crib at the Mansion House on Dawson Street and the Red Stables Christmas Art Programme in St. Anne’s Park. On New Year’s Eve, there will be a Torchlit Procession through the streets of the city and a magnifi cent fi reworks display over St. Stephen’s Green. For more information see pages 4 and 5.

For all you book lovers, Dublin City Libraries have a greatselection of books for you to enjoy over Christmas, log on towww.dublincitypubliclibraries.ie to check the library catalogue orto reserve a book. If you dare, from January to March 2013, you can read the ‘Nightmare Club’ series of books by Annie Graves as part of ‘Dublin’s Reading the Nightmare Club’. Check out page 9for more details.

Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane is also running a number of exciting workshops in December. To fi nd out more about the workshops and how to make a Christmas wreath see pages 10 and 11.

Beidh Tóstal Éireann 2013 ar siúil in Éirinn an bhliain seo chugainn. Is féidir le do mhuintir agus le do chairde páirt a ghlacadh sa Tóstal. Féach ar leathanach 12 agus 13 chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil.Did you enter Dublin Fire Brigade’s Art Competition? See page 14 to see if your picture will be used in the Fire Brigade’s 2013 calendar.The Chinese New Year Festival takes place from 8th to the 18th February 2013. As part of the Chinese New Year Festival a carnival will take place on Sunday 10th February (Chinese New Year’s Day) in Meeting House Square, Temple Bar from 12 noon – 6pm, where Dragons, Lion dances, martial Arts, Tai Chi and Irish-Chinese entertainment will ring in the New Year. There will also be arts and crafts workshops at Dublin City Gallery the Hugh Lane on Sunday 10th and 17th of February. For more information on all festival events see www.cny.ie in 2013.

Congratulations to Saibh Mangan, age 11, from Corpus Christi GNS, Drumcondra, Dublin 9, who won the design a front cover competition. Check out page 3 to see if you were also one ofthe other lucky winners.

Slán go foil,

Nollaig shona daoibh

Winteris here!


What is inside?Céard atá faoi iamh?

3 Front Cover Competition Winners

4 Dublin at Christmas

5 New Year’s Eve Festival

6 Christmas in the Mansion House

7 Christmas Word Search

8 + 9 News from Dublin City Public Libraries

10 + 11 What is on in Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane?

12 + 13 Tóstal Éireann 2013

14 Dublin Fire Brigade Art Competition Winners

15 Clean up after your dog

16 Colour in a Front Cover Competition

competition winnersFront cover

Other WinnersOther Winners

Overall WinnerOverall WinnerSaibh Managan (11)Corpus Christi GNS, Drumcondra, D9

1. Diana Mare (12)St. Vincent’s GNS, North William St., D1

2. Christina Ryan (10)St. Vincent De Paul GNS, Griffi th Ave, D9

3. James Mates (7)Scoil Mologa, Ranelagh, D6

4. Darragh McHugh (8)Drimnagh Castle Primary School, Drimnagh, D12

5. Esther Campbell (11)Howth Road Mixed School, Clontarf, D3

6. Lilí Ní Bhrádaigh (8)Scoil Neasáin, Baile Hearmain, BÁC 5

7. Lucy Kearney (7)Scoil Mhuire, Mount Sackville, Chapelizod, D20

8. Shauna McNally (9)Assumption Senior Girls School, Walkinstown, D12

9. Éabha Burns Teeling (9)Greenlanes National School, Clontarf, D3

10. Caitlin Doyle (10)St. Canice’s GNS, Finglas, D11

2. Christina Ryan

4. Darragh McHugh

10. Caitlin Doyle

6. Lilí Ní Bhrádaigh

7. Lucy Kearney

1. Diana Mare

8. Shauna McNally

3. James Mates

5. Esther Campbell

9. Éabha Burns Teeling


The Red Stables Christmas ProgrammeCome and join the festive activities taking place at The Red Stables, St Anne’s Park, Mount Prospect Avenue, Dublin 3 in December.

Drop in family art workshops take place on the 8th, 9th and 15th December from 12pm-4pm. Artists Fionnuala Hanahoe and Mary Noonan will help you make Christmas decorations.

Join artist Martina Galvin on Sunday 16th December,12 – 4pm, to make Christmas fi nger puppets, colourful angels, white Christmas doves, robin red breasts and other birds you might fi nd in St. Anne’s park.

For further information please contact: The Red Stables, St. Anne’s Park, Mount Prospect Avenue, Dublin 3. T. 222 7377, email [email protected] www.redstablesartists.com.

Dublin at Christmas!

Santa’s Grotto at the Docklands Christmas FestivalSanta will be arriving on Saturday 8th December and will meet all the boys and girls every Saturday and Sunday from 12pm – 7pm and it is free!!! To celebrate the true giving spirit of Christmas Santa will be asking boys and girls to bring a gift and leave it at Santa’s Giving Tree for distribution.

The Christmas markets in the Docklands will take place from 7th – 23rd December on George’s Dock, Dublin 1 and surrounding areas. It will open from Monday to Friday 12 noon to 8pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 8pm. There will be craft and food stalls as well as Victorian fairground rides.

The Ark – A Christmas CarolA Christmas Carol’s unforgettable characters come to life in this playful adaptation of Charles Dickens’ most famous cautionary tale. Energetically retold by award-winning actors Aaron Monaghan and Bryan Burroughs, this is the perfect pre-Christmas treat for children aged 8+ and families.

Tickets (family shows) €10/€8 concessions, (schools) €6.50/€4.50 concessions. Family performance times: Saturdays 8, 15, 22 December: 2pm, 4pm. Schools performances times: Tuesdays – Fridays, 4-12 December: 2pm, 4pm.


Dublin city is a special place at Christmas. To fi nd out

about what is happening in the city over Christmas and

the New Year log on to www.dublinatchristmas.ie.

So why not come in to the city over Christmas and the

New Year to enjoy the events and festivities with your

family and friends.


NYE Dublin is Ireland’s offi cial New Year Festival, which takes

place from the 31st December to 1st January. Th e two day festival

which is supported by Th e Gathering, Fáilte Ireland and Dublin City

Council, will be packed full of free family entertainment. What better

way to start your New Year than becoming part of the NYE Dublin

Celebrations? Th e highlight of New Year’s Eve for families will be

the fabulous Torchlit Procession, leading up to a stunning Fireworks

Display on Stephen’s Green.

Fabulous FireworksFor the fi rst time ever the skies of St. Stephen’s Green will be lit up in anticipation of the New Year with an explosion of fi reworks. There will be designated family viewing zones and there are street performers to keep all entertained.

So, whether you are young or old, native Dubliner or visitor, performer or spectator, NYE Dublin 2013 has something exciting for you. We can not wait to party with you in Dublin as we see in 2013 together and celebrate the arrival of The Gathering 2013, a year long programme of events, happenings and gatherings where people from around the world come together to celebrate all things Irish. For more information, see www.nyedublin.ie and join our Community.

Torchlit ProcessionNYE Dublin would like to invite you to take part in our fi rst ever Torchlit Procession. With fi rewalkers, lights, lanterns, stilt walkers and other mystical creatures, this will be a spectacle to behold. This is a free event for all the family to take part in.

If you would like to take part, you can register at www.nyedublin.ie. It is free to register, but remember to ask your parents for permission fi rst! Register early – the fi rst 500 people to register will receive a free LED light to light up your way through the streets of Dublin during the procession.

Create your own torchWhy not make your own lantern to carry during the procession. There are some fun templates for lanterns on our website, www.nyedublin.ie. There will be free workshops for children, where artists will teach you how to make your own lantern. You can register for these classes at www.nyedublin.ie.

CompetitionMake your own lantern and take a picture of it at the Torchlit Procession on New Year’s Eve. E-mail it to [email protected]. The best entry will win a prize and your photo will appear on our website.


Christmas in the Mansion House

Christmas is always a very exciting time in the Mansion House with lots happening!

Decorating the Mansion HouseThe Mansion House is decorated with two Christmas trees – one on the forecourt and one in the entrance hall. We decorate the trees and also decorate the fi replacesto give the rooms a lovely Christmassy feel.

Christmas day in the Mansion HouseThe Lord Mayor, Naoise Ó Muirí and Lady Mayoressattend midnight mass in the Pro-Cathedral in Dublinon Christmas Eve.

The Lord Mayor’s daughters, who are 6 and 4, have written to Santa and told him that they are living in the Mansion House for the year. Santa Claus visits the Mansion House through the big chimney in the entrance hall. Hopefully they have been good girls and will fi nd some lovely presents there on Christmas morning!

The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress visit Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children in Crumlin and the Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street on Christmas morning. They travel on to the RDS to spend some time at the Christmas Day Dinner for the homeless and then they head home to their family and have Christmas dinnerin the Mansion House.

Christmas events in the Mansion HouseSome charities use the Mansion House as a venue for Christmas carol concerts and we have lots of lovely singing while we do our work.

Live Animal CribEvery year we have the Live Animal Crib on the forecourt. The donkeys, sheep and goats are kindly donated to us by the Irish Farmers Association and are looked after by their owner every day. Lots of people come into the city to visit the animals and it is a real Christmas tradition for Dubliners. We also have carol singing at the Live Animal Crib at weekends and lots of people join in! If you are lucky you will see the Lord Mayor leading the carolling! The Live Animal Crib raises a lot of money for the Mansion House Fuel Fund, which donates money to charities who help those in need in Dublin, including the Simon Community and St. Vincent de Paul.

ChristmasWord Search


Can you fi nd the following 10 words in the word search? You may win a prize.




Santa Claus


Snowfl ake





Send your entries to the address below:

Corporate Services Department, Media Relations & Corporate Communications,3 Palace Street, Dublin 2. Closing date: 14th January 2013.




School Address/Seoladh Scoile:













The question in our last competition;‘What is the name of Erika McGann’s new book?’The answer is ‘The Demon Notebook’.

The winners are Erin Dunphy and Jack Woods.

Copies of ‘The Demon Notebook’, ‘Leave it to Eva’ and ‘Secrets and Shadows’ have been presented to Erin and Jack, courtesy of O’Brien Press.

Competition Winners

News from Dublin


The libraries are popping up all over the place! We have a new ‘Pop-Up Library’, which made its fi rst appearance in Liberty Hall for the Children’s Book Festival. Can you recognise our Mystery Librarian? She could not wait to get behind the library desk and lend some books. Here is a clue – she is a very good person to have around if you meet a dragon.

If you know who she is, win a book prize by sending your answer [email protected].

Library Competition

During the summer, Dublin Libraries ran a short storycompetition called ‘Message in a Bottle’, which tiedin with the wonderful Tall Ships Festival. We had many entriesfrom all over Dublin and beyond. Thirty-six fi nalists including the three winners wereinvited to take part in creative writing workshops with children’s author, Conor Kostick, during the Children’s Book Festival in October, where they were presented with certifi cates. The winners also received family tickets for the Viking Splash Tour.

Congratulations to the winners:

Grainne Meghen (under 9) from the Central Library

Maeve Farrell (between 9 and 12) from Raheny Library (via Co. Roscommon)

Amy Murphy (over 12) from the Central Library

You can read the winning short stories by visiting http://dublincitypubliclibraries.com/story/message-bottle-short-story-competition.



Maeve Farrell

Amy Murphy

Grainne Meghen


Who is


Dear Santa Claus,

I really, really, really want a greatbook in my stocking for Christmas...

Here are some great book suggestionsfor that Christmas stocking.

Ratburger by David Walliams

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: TheThird Wheel by Jeff Kinney

Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan

Who Could that be at this Hour?by Lemony Snicket

The Terrible Thing That Happenedto Barnaby Brocket by John Boyne

Arthur Quinn and the FenrisWolf by Alan Early

How to Seize a Dragon’sJewel by Cressida Cowell

Emerald Star by Jacqueline Wilson

Dear Dork (Dork Diaries 5)by Rachel Renee Russell

Guinness World Records 2013

New Books for Christmas


City Public Libraries


Dublin’s READING the Nightmare Club – Do YOU dare?

This spring, Dublin will be reading the Nightmare Club books and we hope you will too. The Nightmare Club is a series of six short, scary books. The books feature 12 year-old Annie Graves, who invites boys and girls to join her sleepover club, where everyone who sleeps over has to tell a scary story.

The six books are not in any order, so if you like one you can read another. The books, which feature brilliant illustrations, are: Help! My Brother’s A Zombie, Guinea Pig Killer, Mirrored, A Dog’s Breakfast, The Wolfl ing’s Bite and Frankenkids.

There will be author and illustrator visits to public libraries and schools as well as city-centre based events to promote this campaign. These well-illustrated books will appeal to both girls and boysof mixed reading abilities.

Remember to log onto www.dublincityofl iterature.ie,where you can fi nd out more details about this exciting campaign. The books will be available to borrow from Dublin City Public Libraries.

‘Dublin’s READING the Nightmare Club’ is a project organised by Dublin UNESCO City of Literature and Dublin City Libraries, in conjunction with the publisher Little Island, and will run from Januaryto March 2013.

Horrid Henry’s Christmas Presentby Francesca Simon

Christmas Stories by Michael Morpurgo

Lost Christmas by David Logan

In the Night Garden: Everybody lovesChristmas by Andrew Davenport

The Nutcracker by Alison Jay

The Snowman by Raymond Briggs

Zoe and Beans: Zoe’s Christmas Listby Mick Inkpen

The Night before Christmasby Clement C. Moore

The Twelve Days of Christmas by Jane Ray

Rise of the Guardians (Film tie-in)

There are so many Christmas books, old and new.

Check the library catalogue for full details or to reservea book. www.dublincitypubliclibraries.ie.

Christmas Books




What is on this winter in Dublin

The French Impressionist artist Claude Monet (1840 – 1926) loved painting outside in the open air. Monet had a unique painting style and became known as an ‘Impressionist’. The name ‘Impressionist’ was taken from the title of his painting, ‘Impression, Sunrise’. His work has an unfi nished look, which was very different from the paintings of artists who lived before him. Monet avoided using the colour black to show shadows and he believed there were no lines in nature. As a result, he painted wonderfully colourful scenes and used lively brush strokes to capture the feeling of the moment.

Sometimes he would paint the same scene over and over again, but at different times of the day and the year, trying to capture the changing shadows and light.

This painting shows the village of Lavacourt under a blanket of snow. The snow is a blue colour, perhaps because it is either early morning or evening is approaching. To the left is the River Seine, with two boats moored at the riverbank.

ab i i i h l i i i

Lavacourt Under Snow by Claude MonetWritten by Sarah Johnston, Art Education Assistant.

1. Which part of the picture do you think the sun is shining most brightly upon and why?

2. Why do you think Monet painted the snow blue? Does the colour blue make you feel warm or cold?

3. How would you go about reproducing this effect?


Christmas Art Workshops

Saturday 8 December, 3.30pm–4.30pmOrigami Snowballs art workshop for 10+ year olds with artistSinead McGeeney. Cost is €5.00.

Saturday 15 December, 11am–1pmConstruct star and angel christmas tree decorations in thisFREE drop-in art workshop for all ages with artist Martina Galvin.

Sunday 16 December, 3pm-4pmSnowy Landscapes FREE workshop with artists Kitty Rodgersand Janine Davidson.

Please contact the gallery reception T. 222 5564 to book your place.


City Gallery The Hugh Lane?

Christmas trees are usually a type of evergreen tree called fi r trees. The custom of decorating the Christmas tree with bright lights and ornaments has become one of the most well-known holiday traditions. We bring Christmas trees into our homes and hang Christmas wreaths on our doors as a symbol and reminder that the darkness and cold of winter will end and the green of spring will return.

How to make a paper Christmas wreath

You will need

●● White, red and yellow cardWhite, red and yellow card

●● Green paintGreen paint

●● PaintbrushPaintbrush

●● Pritt StickPritt Stick

●● Scissors (ask an adult to help you)Scissors (ask an adult to help you)

●● Red pom pomsRed pom poms

Step 1: Paint the palm of your hand with green paint. Make fourteen green hand prints on a white piece of card to create the holly leaves.

Step 2: When the paint is dry cut around the hand prints. Overlap the hands into a circle with seven leaves on each side and glue them into position to create the wreath.

Step 3: Draw a large bow on red card and two bells on yellow card. Cut the bow and bells out

and glue them to the top of the wreath. Ask an adult to help you with this.

Step 4: Glue red pom poms around the wreath for the berries. You can also paint foam balls red for the berries.

Step 5: Add as much decoration as you like! You can use glitter or glue scrunched up coloured pieces of tissue paper. Now your wreath is ready to hang on your door!


p r.




Instructions 1




Sunday Sketching for 7+ Year Olds

Sunday sketching takes place on Sundays from 3-4pm. During these FREE workshops, we explore paintings, sculpture and some of the architectural features of Charlemont House through discussion and drawing. These classes are aimed at 7+ year olds, are free and materials are provided. No booking is required for Sunday sketching, although numbers may be limited. For further information, please see www.hughlane.ie/childrensworkshows/forthcoming.

Guided tours with your classIf you would like to visit the Hugh Lane with your class, you can arrange a guided tour. Tours cost €25 per group. There can be up to 30 people in a group and we need at least two weeks notice. It is also possible to book a sketching tour or a combined tour and workshop during your visit. To book a guided tour please contact Síle McNulty-Goodwin, Curator of Education and Research on T. 222 5558 / 222 5553 or email [email protected].

Gaeilge Béarla

Tóstal The gathering

Gach cearn den domhan

All over the world

Comóradh Celebration

Mór millteach Enormous

Do mhuintir Your family

S’agaibh féin Your own

A bheith ar an eolas faoi

Find out about it

Páirt a ghlacadh


Ríomhphost E-mail

Duine éigin Someone

Aithne agat air nó uirthi


Teacht anall Come over

Cuireadh Invitation

Gluais / Glossary

“Dá mhéid daoine a bheidh páirteach ann, is ea is mó spraoi a bheidh ann!

“The more people that join in, the more fun it will be!

An bhliain seo chugainn, beidh go leor leor daoine ag teacht go hÉirinn ó gach cearn den domhan don chomóradh mór, Tóstal Éireann 2013. Comóradh mór millteach, comóradh Éireann, a bheidh ann.

Beidh tóstail go leor ann le freastal orthu. Nó is féidir le do mhuintir nó le do scoil a dTóstal féin a bheith acu! Gheobhaidh tú smaointe agus cúnamh ag www.thegatheringireland.com. Is féidir leat Tóstal s’agaibh féin a chur suas ar an suíomh gréasáin ionas gur féidir le daoine eile a bheith ar an eolas faoi.

Ar mhaith leat páirt a ghlacadh ann?Níl le déanamh agat ach litir, cárta nó ríomhphost a scríobh chuig duine éigin i dtír eile a bhfuil aithne agat air nó uirthi agus iarraidh ar an duine sin teacht anall (ach labhair le do thuismitheoirí sula seolann tú an litir nó an ríomhphost).



ComórtasTarraing cárta poist le haghaidh Tóstal

Éireann 2013. Beidh duais ar fáil.

Seol do chárta phoist go dtí:

An tAonad Forbartha Gaeilge, Seirbhísí Corparáideacha, Caidreamh leis na Meáin & Cumarsáid Chorparáideach, Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath, 3 Sráid an Pháláis, Baile Átha Cliath 2.

Dáta deiridh iontrála: 14 Eanáir 2013




Ainm agus Seoladh Scoile:

Buaiteoirí:Eagrán An Fhómhair 2012Seo a leanas liosta na mbuaiteoirí ón eagrán deireanach. Seolfar duaiseanna amach chugaibhsa phost. Maith Sibh!

Mark Nesbitt, Scoil Eoin Baiste, Cluain Tarbh, BÁC 3.

Atia Rimi, St. Louis S.P.S., Rathmines, BÁC 6.

Bláthnaid Nic Chormaic, Scoil Neasáin,Baile Hearman, BÁC 5.

Joshua Dezprez, St. Louis S.P.S., Rathmines, BÁC 6.

Clár Ní Thiarnaigh, Scoil an tSeachtar Laoch, BÁC 11.

Nathan Maher, Age 6,(overall category A winner)

First Class, St. Joseph’s BNS, Terenure, D6W.

Ahmed Al Mesbah,Age 4, Junior Infants,Our Lady’s National

School, Milltown, D14.

Jessica Ionas,Age 10, 5th Class,

St. Catherine’s Senior National School,

Cabra, D7.

Daniel Kelly, Age 11,(overall category C winner)6th Class, St. Brigid’s BNS,

Foxrock, D18.

Keeva Corcoran, Age 6,First Class, St. Andrew’sNational School, Lucan,

Co. Dublin.

Amy Tighe, Age 6,First Class, Scoil Bhríde JNS,

Donaghmede, D13.

Aoibhínn Ní Fhlannchaithe, Age 10,(overall category B winner)

4th Class, Scoil an Duinnínigh, Swords, Co. Dublin.

Evin Rogers, Age 7, 2nd Class, Springdale NS, Raheny, D5.

Briogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath

Peter Kenny, Age 8, 2nd Class,

Our Lady’s of Good Councel

BNS, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.

Lauren Smith, Age 14,6th Class, St. Michael’s House Special National School, Baldoyle, D13.

Catherine Anna Murphy,Age 12, 6th Class,

Our Lady’s Of Good Counsel GNS,

Johnstown, Co. Dublin.

Codie Cashin, Age 9,

3rd Class, Rutland NS, D1.


Fire Safety Week Art Competition WinnersEvery year Dublin Fire Brigade organises an art competition during

Fire Safety Week. This year Fire Safety Week ran from the 1st – 5th October 2012. All schoolsin Dublin were sent information on the fi re safety art competition asking children to participate.

The theme was ‘Fire Safety is your Safety’. The winning pictures will be used to create the2013 Dublin Fire Brigade Calendar. Well done to all who entered the competition.

Dogs Are Wonderful Pets!

Dog Litter

Wouldn’t it be great if dogs cleaned up after themselves? Unfortunately they cannot – so it is the person in charge of the dog who is responsible for cleaning up. Dog owners should always clean up after their pets but sadly, some do not. It is not nice and it is one of the most unpleasant types of litter on our streets.

Dog poo is illegal!

You cannot stop your dog fouling in a public place, butdid you know it is against the law not to clean up the poo?If you fail to remove it you could receive an on-the-spotfi ne of €150, or a fi ne of €4,000 in court.

You can report an offence by ringing the Litter Hotline –1800 251 500.

Old dog poo can be a health hazard!

Fresh doggie poo is not dangerous and there is no risk of picking up an infection if it is cleaned up straight away. Butit does become a risk after 2-3 weeks. So young children can be put at risk of infection if dog poo is not cleaned up in public parks, playgrounds, beaches and footpaths. This is the main reason that dog owners should clean up after their pets.

Scoop the poop!

It is easy to be responsible and do the right thing. The person who is walking the dog should always carry a small plastic bag or poop scoop with them. Tie a knot in the bag and pop it in a litter bin or takeit home for disposal.

You could train your dog to do the poo in your own garden, which makes it easier for you to clean up after them.

Dog dirt ruins the environment!

Please be a responsible dog owner – bag it and binit – you would not like to put your foot in it, and neither would anyone else!

Dogs are great companions and many of us keep them as pets. However, if you own a dog you do have responsibilities.




Corporate Services Department, Media Relations & Corporate Communications, 3 Palace Street, Dublin 2.Seirbhísí Corparáideacha, Caidreamh leis na Meáin & Cumarsáid Chorparáideach, Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath, 3 Sráid an Pháláis, Baile Átha Cliath 2.

T: 222 2266E: [email protected]: www.dublincity.ie

A Dublin City Council PublicationFoilseachán de chuid Chomhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath

Would you like your picture to be on the front cover of the next edition of Classmate?

Please colour in the above picture and send your entry to the address below. The winning picture will be on the front cover of the spring edition of Classmate and you could also win a prize! Closing date is the 14th January 2013.

School Address/Seoladh Scoile:


Age/Aois: _______________ School/Scoil:______________________________________________________________________________