DSS Horatio Secure Cloud brochure ENG


Transcript of DSS Horatio Secure Cloud brochure ENG

Page 1: DSS Horatio Secure Cloud brochure ENG
Page 2: DSS Horatio Secure Cloud brochure ENG

Horatio Secure Cloud is a set of solutions studied to protect the company’s informative assets. It supports the continuance of your business operations providing you the access to the maintenance and the recovery of your data, wherever you are.

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Technological infrastructure

Data Storage Security S.r.l. (DSS) counts on Vaults dedicated exclusively to the “Horatio Secure Cloud” service, in data centers located in highly strategic geographical areas in Italy.The data centers comply with international standards: with ISO 27001:2005 for information security management, and with ISO 9001:2008 for the information management qualities. The DSS guarantees the structures monitoring twenty-four seven in order to offer the highest efficiency and the constant data availability. In order to respond to the operative continuity in case of disaster, the DSS has a center for disaster recovery with direct access to the “Horatio Secure Cloud” service

Cloud backup

The service of remote data protection allows the backup and the data restoration through a dedicated software. The system uses a specific algorithm, operating on the HTTP protocol with an SSL encryption, in order to guarantee the data transfer from the source, which has to be protected, to the DSS Vaults. This method allows the backup system to be a firewall friendly solution, with no need of any specific expedients to cross the firewall barriers. The service makes the use of the bandwidth for the backup process really effective, thanks to special algorithms for data compression and duplication. It guarantees the data filing inside the DSS Vaults through AES and 256 bit encryption.

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Cloud drive

This is a groundbreaking synchronization service which allows to keep the data in sync between a PC/laptop and an appropriate remote virtual hard disk through the use of a dedicated software, whilst a web application allows the access to and use of the service from any device connected to the internet. Just as Cloud Backup, Cloud Drive is able to work on the most used operating system currently available on the market and it uses AES and 256 bit encryption together with HTTP protocol and CSS encryption to guarantee the transfer and data storage safety from the source, to be synchronized with the DSS Vaults.

Cloud plus

The service allows to protect the company LAN transferring the mission-critical systems on the DSS Vaults as a virtual image. This enables you to have, in case of necessity, an operative duplicate of your own IT infrastructure, which can be activated and used directly from remote or at the DSS center for Disaster Recovery.
