Drupal Security

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My second presentation at DrupalCamp Sofia 2011 about securing Drupal sites.

Transcript of Drupal Security

  • 1. Drupal Security DrupalCamp Bulgaria 2011

2. ! , . . 3.

  • Drupal APIs secure

4. , , . 5. APIs , , 6. !

  • Overview: http://drupalsecurityreport.org

7. http://drupal.org/writing-secure-code 8. http://drupal.org/security/secure-configuration 9. Cracking Drupal http://crackingdrupal.com/ 10. http://heine.familiedeelstra.com/ 11. http://drupal.org/project/security_review 12. http://drupal.org/project/coder 13. 14. 15. !

  • , update (Update Status 5)

16. drupal.org Security Advisory emails. 17. (VCS drush) 18. 19. insecure tools

  • : FTP, Telnet, HTTP

20. Total Commander, FileZilla? 21. : SSH, sFTP, FTPS, HTTPS 22. - security fix- PHP, Apache, mySQL, etc? 23. !

  • ?

24. ? 25. ? 26. , 27.

28. 29. Database (SQL) 30. 31. Shell

  • http://acko.net/blog/safe-string-theory-for-the-web

32. 33. 34. Demo If you can do it, XSS can do it better! 35. 36. Cross Site Request Forgery

37. img . 38. JS . 39. $_GET, $_POST 40. Form tokens URL tokens . 41.

  • http://drupal.org/security/contrib

42. http://drupal.org/securityteam/risklevels 43.

  • (Arbitrary code execution)

44. , PHP include- PHP 45. , : PHP input format 46. http://xkcd.com/327/ 47. SQL Injection

  • SQL query-,

48. 49. , - , hashed passwords, etc. 50. Access Bypass

  • authentication bypass

51. , , , 52. Authentication bypass 53. 54. ? http://mmartinov.com