Drugs used in affective disorders: antidepressants Sarah & Clara.

Drugs used in affective disorders: antidepressants Sarah & Clara

Transcript of Drugs used in affective disorders: antidepressants Sarah & Clara.

Page 1: Drugs used in affective disorders: antidepressants Sarah & Clara.

Drugs used in affective disorders: antidepressants

Sarah & Clara

Page 2: Drugs used in affective disorders: antidepressants Sarah & Clara.

• Depression: Most common mental health issue. ICD-10: Mood [affective] disorders (F30-F39).

• Key symptoms:• 1) Persistent low mood/sadness and/or• 2) marked loss of interest or pleasure

• If have those, check for these: – disturbed sleep (decreased or increased compared to usual)– decreased or increased appetite and/or weight– fatigue or loss of energy– agitation or slowing of movements– poor concentration or indecisiveness– feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt– suicidal thoughts or acts

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Pharmacological treatments for depression – 4 main classes:

• Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)• Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI-As)• Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs)• Atypical Antidepressants (e.g. NRIs, SNRIs)

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SSRIs MAOI-As TCAs Atypical

Fluoxetine Moclobermide Amitryptiline Buspirone

Paroxetine Phenelzine Nortripyline Bupropion

Citalopram Isocarboxadize Cocaine Reboxetine

Setraline Venlafaxine









Reboxetine Phenelzine


Bupropion Isocarboxadize Cocaine

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Explain the MoA of SSRIs:

• Serotonin is released into the synaptic cleft.• Under normal circumstances, some of this serotonin is taken back

up into the pre-synaptic nerve ending by a re-uptake pump.• SSRIs inhibit this re-uptake pump.• Therefore serotonin levels in the cleft are increased…• …and more serotonin is available to bind to receptors• = HAPPY (NB: Serotonin often referred to as 5HT)

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Side effects of SSRIs/5HT modulation (5):

• Slow onset (2-3 weeks earliest)• Sleep disorders• Sickness• Sexual dysfunction• ‘Serotonin Syndrome’ (hyperthermia, cardiovascular

problems, aggression, tremor and rigidity)


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Explain the MoA of MAOI-A’s:• Increase levels of

NA/5HT by inhibiting their enzymatic breakdown by monoamine oxidase.


• Some are selective/non-selective and reversible/irreversible.

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Side effects of MAOI-A’s (5):• Postural hypotension• Convulsions• Restlessness• Sleep disorders• CHEESE REACTION• + not to be used with either SSRIs or TCAs = bad mix

• Cheese reaction: • Cheese, red wine etc contain tyramine – another substance

usually broken down by monoamine oxidase. A build up of tyramine can cause a hypertensive crisis.

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The 5 main actions of TCA’s:• 5HT reuptake blocker• NA reuptake blocker• α1 adrenoreceptor antagonist

• H1 receptor antagonist

• M1 receptor antagonist

• Biggest effect is the increase in NA levels. Bit iffy with the effect on 5HT…

• And they have side effects to match!• H1: Sedation and weight gain• A1: Vasodilation and tachycardia• M1: Constipation, dry mouth, glaucoma

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Atypicals (don’t worry too much)

• NRIs (e.g. Ruboxetine) work in exactly the same way as SSRIs to up 5HT levels.

• SNRIs (e.g. Venlafaxine) are multitaskers and up levels of NA and 5HT by reuptake inhibition

• 5HT partial agonists reduce neuronal impulse firing to allow serotonin levels to replete:

• Buspirone• Trazodone• Tandospirone

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A final few others…• Agomelatine

• Melatonin agonist• Increases slow-wave sleep

• Lithium• Historical general mood stabilizer, CNS mechanisms not well understood.

• Non-pharmacological:• CBT• Counselling• Electro convulsive therapy (ECT)• Trans-cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

NICE recommendation: a combined treatment programme of CBT + AD.

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Page 13: Drugs used in affective disorders: antidepressants Sarah & Clara.

Any questions?https://www.cnsforum.com/educationalresources/imagebank/antidepressants

Page 14: Drugs used in affective disorders: antidepressants Sarah & Clara.

Exam style questions• List: the two main symptoms & additional symptoms required

for the diagnosis of depression• List the types of pharmocological treatment used for

depression. Name two drugs for each class of drugs. • Name some non-pharmacological treatments for depression• What is the MOA for SSRIs?• Name some side effects of SSRIs• What is the “Serotonin Syndrome”?• Describe the MOA of Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors. • What are the side effects of MOA-I?• Which receptors do Tricyclic Antidepressants work on? Name

the effects for each receptors, and therefore the side effects for this type of drug (actual exam question!)