Driving Test Preparation 01

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  • 8/12/2019 Driving Test Preparation 01


    Driving Test PreparationThe multiple choice section contains 42 questions from a totalsample of 313. At the end of each page, the panel at right willupdate you on how you are going. To pass the official test youmust get 32 or more correct.

    Multiple Choice 0

    Multiple Choice QuestionsPage 1 of 4

    1. At traffic lights what is meant when a red lightappears?

    Stop, make sure there is no traffic, then drive

    straight ahead.

    Stop, wait behind the stop line until the lightschange to yellow.

    Stop, wait behind the stop line until the lightschange to green.

    2. What does this sign mean?

    Crossroads ahead, reduce your speed and watchout for other traffic and pedestrians.

    Cemetery ahead.

    Hospital ahead, drive carefully.

    3. When driving in an area where there are manypedestrians (eg a bus stop) it is important to:

    Put your headlights on high beam so they can seeyou better.

    Increase your speed to avoid the chance of hittingthem.

    Multiple Choice

    1. 12. 23. 33.2. 13. 24. 34.3. 14. 25. 35.4. 15. 26. 36.5. 16. 27. 37.6. 17. 28. 38.7. 18. 29. 39.8. 19. 30. 40.9. 20. 31. 41.10. 21. 32. 42.11. 22.

    So far you have 0 answer


  • 8/12/2019 Driving Test Preparation 01


    Slow down and watch for an indication that theywill enter the road.

    4. When you see this sign you must:

    Slow down and be prepared to stop only if there isany danger of a collision with another vehicle orpedestrian.

    Stop at the stop line and give way to all traffic onyour right only.

    Stop at the stop line and give way to all traffic.

    5. When you see this sign you must:

    Slow down and be prepared to stop and give wayto all traffic if there is any danger of a collision.

    Slow down and be prepared to give way to trafficon your right only, if there is any danger of acollision.

    Stop and give way to all traffic even if theintersection is clear.

    6. You are sitting in a seat that has a seat belt fitted to it.When must you wear it?

    Only when driving long distances.

    Only if you are travelling greater than 30 km/h.

    Any time the vehicle is travelling forwards.

    7. How close to an intersection, without traffic lights, areyou allowed to park?

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    15 metres.

    6 metres.

    10 metres.

    8. What does this sign mean?

    The road ahead is closed, go back.

    There is a hump (sudden slope up and down) inthe road ahead, slow down.

    There is a tunnel ahead, turn on your headlights.

    9. You want to turn left at a dual lane roundabout. Whichlane must you use?

    Left lane.

    Either lane.

    Right lane.

    10. Which statement is true?

    You must give way to pedestrians if there is anydanger of hitting them.

    You must give way to pedestrians only at markedcrossings.

    Pedestrians have no special rights on the roads.

    11. What does this sign mean?

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    No turns permitted.

    Double lane bridge ahead.

    Traffic travels in each direction.


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    12. What does this sign mean?

    You can overtake vehicles only on the left side.

    You must stay in or move to the left lane, unlessyou are overtaking another vehicle.

    You must stay in the left lane and must notovertake any vehicles.

    13. Before beginning to overtake another vehicle, youshould:

    Check to see it is safe, change gear if necessary,and signal your intention before moving out.

    Sound your horn, move out and overtake.

    Signal and slow down so you will have more roomto overtake.

    14. You are driving in a 70 km/h zone, keeping to the

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    limit. Several vehicles pass you. One of yourpassengers suggests you should keep up with theother traffic. What should you do?

    Speed up a little bit over the speed limit, becauseeveryone does it.

    Decide your speed yourself, based on the speedlimit and the conditions.

    Follow the suggestions and keep up with thetraffic.

    15. When you see this sign you should:

    Slow down, then drive slowly over the crossinglooking both ways for trains.

    Come to a complete stop, look both ways for trainsand proceed with caution if no trains areapproaching.

    Stop, only if a train is at the crossing.

    16. If both vehicles P and O in the diagram are turningright, which vehicle is in the best position to turn leftinto the street marked 'X'?

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    Vehicle O.

    Neither vehicle.

    Vehicle P.

    17. You are on an open country road with doubleunbroken dividing lines. There are no side streetsand no entrances to properties. Are you allowed tocross the dividing lines?

    Yes, to overtake another vehicle.

    No, not under any circumstances.

    Yes, to overtake a pedal cyclist.

    18. What is the meaning of this sign?

    You must not pass another vehicle going in thesame direction on the bridge.

    You must not pass another vehicle travelling ineither direction on the bridge.

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    You must give way to all other vehicles travellingin the opposite direction.

    19. You want to drive your car but you have a very badheadache. A friend gives you some of their

    headache tablets to kill the pain. What should you dobefore you take these tablets?

    Ask your friend if the tablets have affected them.

    Read the label and confirm they are notprescription drugs and there are no specialwarnings on the label.

    Drink a large glass of milk because this reducesthe adverse effects of medicines and drugs.

    20. What is the most common cause of drivers being

    involved in rear end collisions?Poor brakes or brake failure on their vehicles.

    The driver in front braking too hard.

    Following too close to the other vehicle in front.

    21. If you get sleepy while driving, it is best to:

    Turn on the air conditioning or open the windows.

    Turn on the radio very loud.

    Stop, rest, and change drivers if possible.

    22. You are driving on a freeway and realise you forgotsomething at home. You want to go back for it. Canyou do a U:turn on this road?

    No, not at any time.

    Yes, providing you use the gravel joining roads.

    Yes, any time.

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    23. What does this sign mean?

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    Drive carefully, and watch out for kangaroosentering the road for the next 30km.

    Nature reserve 30km ahead.

    Zoo 30km ahead.

    24. When driving in wet weather, your vehicle will:

    Stop in the same distance as on a dry road.

    Handle better, so you can go faster.

    Take longer and further to stop, so slow down.

    25. You are a driver who is about to move off from thekerb into a flow of traffic. What must you do?

    You only have to signal for 2 seconds if there areother vehicles travelling on the road.

    You must signal for at least 2 seconds and giveway only to traffic travelling in the direction youwish to go.

    You must signal for at least 5 seconds and giveway to all traffic.

    26. What does this sign mean?

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    Police station ahead.

    Do not drive with your lights on high beam.

    A sharp depression in the road is ahead, be

    prepared, slow down.

    27. What does this sign mean?

    Road ahead slippery when wet, drive carefully.

    Steep down grade in the road ahead, slow down.

    Road under repair, slow down.

    28. When going downhill, what happens to the brakingdistance of your vehicle?

    Becomes much longer.

    Becomes less.

    Remains the same as the grip of the tyres on theroad remains the same.

    29. When turning left at a dual lane roundabout youshould enter and leave the roundabout:

    In the lane with the least traffic.

    In the left lane.

    In the right lane.

    30. If there are pedestrians on a pedestrian crossing('Wombat' crossing), you are required to:

    Stop and give way only to persons crossing fromyour right.

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    Give way to all pedestrians on the crossing, andthen continue when it is safe.

    Stop and give way only to children from eitherdirection.

    31. What does this sign mean?

    Cattle or sheep crossing the road ahead, drive

    slowly.Railway level crossing ahead, slow down and lookout for trains, be prepared to stop.

    Give way sign ahead, slow down and be preparedto stop.

    32. What should you do if your windscreen is shatteredby a stone from a passing vehicle?

    Immediately punch a hole in the windscreen withyour fist so that you can see if it is safe ahead.

    Brake firmly to bring your vehicle to a stop asquickly as you can.

    Ease off the accelerator, wind down the sidewindow to look out of, brake lightly and stop off theroad.

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    33. What does this sign mean?

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    Pedestrians must not stand on the roadway.

    A vehicle may not stop, except when actuallypicking up or setting down persons.

    Vehicles must not stop at the kerb for any reason.

    34. You are driving an older relative for an appointmentand are running late. They ask you to go faster to getthere on time. You should:

    Choose a safe speed and say you will not go anyfaster.

    Drop them off at the train station.

    Take the advice of a more experience driver andgo faster where you can.

    35. When you see this sign you:

    Must not stop here at any time.

    Must not stop your vehicle at the kerb during thetimes shown.

    May stop at any time to pick up or drop offpassengers.

    36. What does this sign mean?

    Right lane traffic may turn right or go straightahead at the next intersection.

    All right lane traffic must turn right at the nextintersection.

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    One way traffic ahead.

    37. When being overtaken by another vehicle whatshould you do to help?

    Brake quickly to let the other vehicle overtake.

    Move to the left and stop.

    Keep left and allow plenty of room to let the othervehicle back in.

    38. At which ONE of the following places are U:turnspermitted?

    In an intersection where a 'Stop' or 'Give Way' signis displayed.

    On a freeway.

    At intersections that have traffic lights showing agreen right turn arrow and when it is safe.

    39. Which statement below contributes mostly to youngprovisional drivers being involved in single vehiclecrashes?

    Drinking too much alcohol.


    Speed and fatigue.

    40. If you are taking any sort of medicine, you should:

    Only drive a motor car not a heavy vehicle.

    Find out from your doctor or chemist whether themedicine or drug will affect your driving and actaccordingly.

    Only drive during the day after taking the medicineor drug.

    41. What does this sign mean?

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    Sharp turns in the road ahead.

    Road may be slippery when wet, slow down anddrive carefully.

    Road under repair, drive carefully.

    42. When the road is marked this way are you permittedto cross the lines to overtake the bicycle rider if theway forward is clear?


    Yes, only if it is one way traffic.


    43 2 no
