Draft Feedback Questionnaire

Draft Feedback Questionnaire Brittany Furness 21

Transcript of Draft Feedback Questionnaire

Page 1: Draft Feedback Questionnaire

Draft Feedback Questionnaire

Brittany Furness21

Page 2: Draft Feedback Questionnaire

PosterCan you tell what genre the film is, how and why?Yes, the genre is Horror. I can tell this from the colour scheme used and also by the picture of the possessed looking girl. Do you think the main image of the poster is effective? Yes, it is frightening. It makes the story line of the film clear. What do you think about the name of the film?The name of the film is catchy and allows the viewer to understand what type of film they will be watching. Do you like the font used?Yes, clear to read, barky texture ties the theme of the woods into the poster well. From looking at the poster, what do you think the film is about?A girl that is cursed, due to the blood its possible she a killer. Do you like the colour scheme and do you think it represent the horror genre?Yes red and black are classic horror film colours. Any suggestions for improvement?The use of an age certificate is needed to make it look more realistic. Also a slogan or logo would make the poster more appealing.

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Film MagazineDo you think that my magazine looks like a realistic film magazine?Yes, very professional looking good touches like other films names along the top make it more believable. What do you think about the name of the magazine?Catchy and realistic, it also connotes the theme of horror. What do you think about the colour scheme?Very good, the yellow writing and black background makes it stand out well. Can you recognise that this is the same film as the poster, what links can you see?Yes there is good overlapping use of colours, images and text that ties them together. Do you think that having other films promoted on the cover is effective?Yes makes it realistic. Any suggestions for improvement?Use a brighter red for the circle to make it stand out more, also a catchy strap line would help draw views in and promote interest.

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TrailerDo you think that it is like a real film trailer? If so, why? If not, why not?Overall good due to professional, smooth looking transitions between each shot. Also it is quite short; the ending where the girl screams is good. Can you tell what genre the film is, if so why?Horror, it’s very clear. The music and characters used make it obvious. Is the storyline clear?Yes it’s a girl that appears to get cursed then hunts down her friends in the woods. What do you think about the music?Good, gives the audience a tense feeling of anticipation that something bad is going to happen. Do you like the name of the film?Good makes it clear what the story will be about. Any suggestions for improvement?Needs to be longer as this will look more professional. The storyline could be better explained, as only a general idea of what the film is about has been portrayed. A dimmer lighting, possibly go back to the woods a night. Finally more variety of camera angles and shots would make it look more interesting. Jumping from shot to shot and using different angles could allow the story line and what each character experiences to be clearly explained without the trailer becoming too long.