Draft Feedback Questionairre

Draft Feedback Questionnaires Gabby Lake 18

Transcript of Draft Feedback Questionairre

Page 1: Draft Feedback Questionairre

Draft Feedback Questionnaires

Gabby Lake18

Page 2: Draft Feedback Questionairre

Poster1.  Can you tell what genre the film is, how and why?Horror due to mainly the image which shows blood on the ripped top, the body language of the girl as well. Also the dark colours add to the spooky mysterious mood which you defiantly wouldn't associate with a comedy or romance film. 2.  Do you think the main image of the poster is effective?Yes because the choice of the white top stands out from the black background and helps the blood stand out more making it obvious of its genre. 3.  What do you think about the name of the film?Relevant to the theme and story line. 4.  Do you like the font used?I like the font of the 'the curse' word the most as it stands out and adds more detail to the theme. 5.  From looking at the poster, what do you think the film is about?Given from the image and name I would initially think the film was about something paranormal or witch craft kind of thing. 6.  Do you like the colour scheme and do you think it represent the horror genre?Horrors mainly have these dark colours to give a sense of unknown and fear so yes the colours do match the idea of horror. 7.  Any suggestions for improvement?I think some of the text such as 'don’t look back' is a bit unclear so maybe could be bigger or bold, also just make the text of scream and last house on the left bigger so it stands out more. Last thing is you could add the symbol used throughout the trailer just to make it more relevant to the context of the film.

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Film Magazine1. Do you think that my magazine looks like a realistic film magazine?Yes has all the main features you would expect from a magazine. 2. What do you think about the name of the magazine?Relevant and fits the theme. 3.     What do you think about the colour scheme?Colours complement each other making them stand out and catch people’s attention. 4. Can you recognise that this is the same film as the poster, what links can you see?Both images are similar, both black backgrounds, both include the same font of ‘the curse'. 5. Do you think that having other films promoted on the cover is effective?Yes because it gives you an idea of what it’s going to be like, if you like the films being promoted than you’re more likely going to want to watch the film. 6. Any suggestions for improvement?It could have some more cover lines round the edge of the page to say what else is included in the magazine.

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Trailer1. Do you think that it is like a real film trailer? If so, why? If not, why not?It has links with other real film trailers that does make it look realistic, the different clips and building of tension to the end makes you want to watch the film. 2. Can you tell what genre the film is, if so why?Yes as you get a tense feeling of what's coming next, I think the clip of heavy breathing and running defiantly gives allot of effect because you feel involved and want to know what's coming. 3.  Is the storyline clear?Yeah it flows in stages of what is going to happen next in the film. 4. What do you think about the music?I like the music a lot because it’s relevant and the tempo picks up at the same places it’s seen to on the screen. 5.  Do you like the name of the film?Yes, I personally love horrors and would chose something to watch with the name 'The Curse' because it intrigues me. 6. Any suggestions for improvement?I think the make the lighting a lot darker to match each other would make it more like a horror, also to add a few more in between shots of the main event in the story line, the girl possessed. Maybe add more variety of angles and shot even add some voice overs to explain the story line a little more.