Dr. Mary Stone Chinese version

Volume II: Dr. Mary Stone: The Middle Kingdoms Miracle Maidens 卷 II玛玛·玛玛 卷卷卷卷 卷卷卷 卷卷 卷 传女 Table Of Contents 卷卷 I "With Unbound Feet" I 卷卷 卷卷 II "The Elizabeth Skelton Danforth Memorial Hospital" II 卷卷卷卷·卷卷卷卷·卷卷卷卷卷卷卷 III "Winning Friends In America" III 卷卷卷卷卷卷 IV "A Versatile Woman" IV 卷卷 Jenny Hughes / Gertrude Howe: 玛玛·玛 玛 ()/玛玛玛玛·玛 玛 () Dr. Ida Kahn: 卷卷卷卷卷 "A childhood In Three Countries" 卷卷卷卷卷卷卷卷卷卷 "The University Of Michigan" 卷卷卷卷卷 "Seven Years In Kiukiang" 卷卷卷卷卷卷卷 "Pioneer Work In Nanchang" 卷卷卷卷卷卷卷卷卷 Mariam Wong: ___________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________


A Chinese / English version about the life of Dr. Mary Stone whose Chinese name was Shi Mei Yu from Kiukiang / Jiujiang, China.

Transcript of Dr. Mary Stone Chinese version

Volume II:    Dr. Mary Stone: The Middle Kingdoms Miracle Maidens  

      卷 II:  玛丽·斯通(石美玉)医生:中国的传奇女性

Table Of Contents  目录

I "With Unbound Feet"                                                          I 解放双足II "The Elizabeth Skelton  Danforth Memorial Hospital"       II 伊莉莎白·斯凯尔顿·但福德纪念医院III "Winning Friends In America"                                      III  赢得美国朋友IV "A Versatile Woman"                                                      IV  多才多艺的女性

Jenny Hughes / Gertrude Howe:   珍妮·昊格珠(胡遵理)/格特鲁德·昊(昊格珠)

Dr. Ida Kahn:  康爱德医生

"A childhood In Three Countries"                在三个国家的童年时代"The University Of Michigan"                     密歇根大学"Seven Years In Kiukiang"                       七年的九江生活"Pioneer Work In Nanchang"                    在南昌的开创性工作

Mariam Wong:



                    Dr. Mary Stone: The Middle Kingdoms Miracle Maidens by Stanley Crawford


(VHMS) photo     照片来自《传教政治家维吉尔哈特》

Shi Mei Yu/ Dr. Mary Stone



I "With Unbound Feet" I 解放双足

On the first day of the third moon in 1873 a young father knelt next to his wife who had just given birth to a daughter they named Shi Mei Yu, Beautiful-Gem, and agreed that this perfect child should never be marred by the binding of her feet.  It was unheard of! Even the servant women of Kiukiang would have been ashamed of venturing outside the door with unbound feet, even to the beggar women hobbling about on stumps 3-4 inches in length.  Not a single girl, even a slave, had been known to grow up with natural feet in all of central China.  Yet her parents, descendants of one of the proudest and most aristocratic families of China, with

genealogical records for over two thousand years, decided Beautiful-Gem would be the first to violate the customs of her ancestors.  It was unbelievable.  When she came of age, and most girls began the custom of binding their feet, she discovered being a pioneer was not easy.  One day on her way to school, a classmate taunted her, denying her to pass until she rendered obeisance to her bandaged stumps.  Not until her mother’s assistance arrived could Shi Mei Yu continue on her way to school.

  1873年 3月 1日,一位年轻的父亲跪在妻子身边。她刚刚产下了一名女婴,取名为石美玉,意为“美丽的玉石”;夫妻俩一致认为这么漂亮的女孩不应该遭受裹脚之苦。中国的女孩不裹脚可是闻所未闻!在九江,既便是女佣外出,也会因为偶尔没有缠脚而感到羞耻。人们甚至可以看到女乞丐们裹着三、四寸长的小脚踹跚而行。在中国的中部地区,从女孩到下人,从没听说有谁不缠脚的。石美玉的父母,虽然祖上显赫,家族的历史长达两千多年,却决定让这个“美丽的玉石”成为违背祖训的第一人!这简直难以置信。随着她的年龄越来越大,许多同龄的女孩已经开始裹脚。她发现当第一位不裹脚的女性是很不容易的。有一天石美玉去上学,有位同学拦住她的去路,嘲笑她没裹脚并让她给自己的裹脚鞠躬。最后还是母亲赶到,她才能继续上学。

Friends and relatives protested vigorously against such indifference her parents displayed toward her future prospects of finding a husband.  “You will never get her a mother-in-law,” they declared, and no doubt this may be true.  No one could have foreseen a time in conservative China when men would not only be willing to marry a woman with natural feet, but decidedly prefer them. 


When Shi Mei Yu was eight years old her father took her to Dr. Bushnell, announcing “Make a doctor of my daughter.”  This was as startling revelation as the unbound feet!  A Chinese Woman Physician was unheard of, yet her father showed limitless faith in his Beautiful-Gem.  Upon completion of her basic education necessary for medical training, it was agreed to send her to the mission girl’s boarding school under the care of Miss Hughes.  During the next ten years of her life, Beautiful Gem studied both Chinese and English to prepare her for medical college.  She also kept busy in the dispensary, assisting the foreign doctors translating ailments of their patients; a wonderful opportunity to obtain hands on experience with the instruments she would command herself in the not too distant future.


In 1892, her childhood friend, Ida Kahn, accompanied Miss Hughes, boarding a steamer to the United States, then on to Ann Harbor, where they would study medicine at the University of Michigan Medical College.  As they passed through customs, an official inquired, “What makes these Chinese girl’s so special from the others who come here?”  “All the difference between a Christian and a Heathen,” was Miss Hughes reply.  It was a revelation, creating a great interest in these Chinese girls, fully prepared to pass the University of Michigan Medical entrance examinations.  While attending school, Shi Mei Yu took pity on the professors who had trouble pronouncing her name and decided on an English translation; Mary Stone would make it easier for them.  Announcing this in class one day, she was bewildered by the bits of laughter coming from fellow students; she had said she was an “old maid” and a product of something almost unknown in her own country, an unmarried woman with unbound feet.

  1892年,她儿时的伙伴康爱德与昊格珠女士一起登上了前往美国的轮船。她们来到Ann 海港,将在密歇根大学医学院开始学习医学。当她们通关时,一名官员问道:“这些中国女孩与来这儿的其他人有什么不同?”“ 像基督徒和异教徒一样有天壤之别”,昊格珠女士回答说。这句话激发了人们对这些中国姑娘的兴趣。经过充分的准备后她们通过密歇根大学的入学考试。入学之后,石美玉对那些无法正确念出她名字的教授们深感同情,于是决定将其翻译成英文——玛丽·斯通,这个名字他们读起来会更容易些。当她在班上宣布此事时,同学们的嘲笑让她很不解;她曾说过,在中国象她这样既没有裹脚也没有出嫁的“老姑娘”,是难得一见的。

During Shi Mei Yu’s course of study she became strongly impressed with the evils of foot-binding and asked her mother why she had bound her own feet. Her mother replied, “While you were growing up I left my feet bound so people would not think this is where I had the idea for not binding yours.”  In 1894, while at a conference in Shanghai, her mother shared the story of Beautiful-Gem, and their decision to keep her feet unbound and moving forward on the stage.  She then proceeded to unwind the wraps that bound her own feet, vowing never to re-wrap them again.  Her husband was moved to tears, embracing his wife in support of her decision. The last slippers she wore under duress were sent to Shi Mei Yu as testament to their decision. 


Their four years of studies at Ann Harbor drew to a close, and with diplomas in hand, the young physicians were invited to Chicago for a tour of the hospitals.  This is where they met Dr. I. N. Danforth, who remained a life long friend and supporter.  He was about to sail for Europe, yet found time to take the young doctors around to meet physicians directing the hospitals they visited. He says, "She won the hearts and minds of all those who met her." 

  她们在Ann 海港为期四年的学习临近结束,拿到文凭时,这两位年轻的医生应邀前往芝加哥的医院进行参观。在那里她们遇见了但福德医生,一个支持她们并与她们结下了毕生友谊的人。那时他即将起航前往欧洲,但还是抽空领着这两位年轻的医生直接去与医院负责人会面。他说:“她令所有见到她的人心悦诚服。”

Doctors Mary Stone and Ida Kahn returned to China in the autumn of 1896, to a welcome reserved for the most honorable of officials.



Shi Mei Yu / Dr. Mary Stone

graduation picture

石美玉/玛丽·斯通 毕业照

It was first thought the young doctors would tour other mission sites, to gradually overcome prejudices, but on the third day a small number of patients showed up at their door and this kept increasing until December; when it became necessary to rent a Chinese house to serve as a hospital.  In 1897, Dr. Stone reported their little dispensary had received 2,353 patient’s,

performed 343 house calls and currently had 13 beds occupied, all while having visited the hospitals of Nanking for a month.  I have a personal story of a child sick for a long time.  Deemed incurable by the local Chinese doctor, the family turned to the two young physicians as a last resort.  When the young boy completely recovered, his parents wanted to show their gratitude by having a “Merit Board” ceremony.  When the day came, tea with cakes were prepared.  Fire-crackers, drums, and a bugle lead the paraded into the hospital grounds followed by the family with a Merit Board engraved with red lettering and banners flowing along its sides.  Tea and cakes were enjoyed while the Merit Board was hung. As quickly as it began, the joyous crowd disappeared, leaving the Merit Board for all to see.

一开始,为了对教会医院有全面的了解,这两位年轻的医生想参观其他传教点;但在第三天,便有小部分病人找到她们,之后病人越来越多,以至于到十二月份,已经需要租一幢房子来开设医院了。在参观南京医院的一个月期间,根据斯通医生报告,1897年她们的小诊所共接待病人 2353人,出诊 343 次,使用病床有 13 张。我听说了一个故事,有个小孩病了很久,在被当地的中医认为无药可治后,他的家人最后向这两位年轻的医生求助。当男孩完全康复后,这家人为了表达谢意,想举行一次立“功德牌”仪式。在那天,他们准备了茶和糕点。鞭炮声、鼓声和喇叭声领着人们拥进了医院的场地,后面跟着捧着“功德牌”那家人。牌上刻着红字,两侧旗子飘扬。功德牌被挂起后,人们享受着茶和糕点。欢送牌匾的人们来去匆匆,只留下那块功德牌供人瞻仰。


Dr. I. N. Danforth: collected donations from Chicago area residents to build the Elizabeth Chinese Watercolor of the Elizabeth Skelton Danforth Memorial Hospital  Skelton Danforth Memorial Hospital. The yellow placard above the front gate is a piece of black slate with Chinese characters.  但福德医生,从芝加哥民间募集捐款请人创作的但福德纪念医院的伊丽莎白风格的中国水彩画 ——


As the fame of the young physicians grew, they campaigned for a bigger dispensary with letter writing like this: "Our little building measures 28’ X 21’ and has no escape from the heat with trees or awnings, which is certainly not conducive to convalescing".  It was not greeted with

any return mail until late in 1898; Dr. Stone received a letter from none other than her friend Dr. I.N. Danforth, who had been busy raising funds to construct the Elizabeth Danforth Skelton Memorial Hospital.  The doctors drew up their own plans and an architect revised them in Chicago with all the detail and requirements needed to complete it.  These plans were carried out to the letter and in 1900; an airy grey brick building with white granite and limestone was ready.  The following day as they moved in, the American Counsel advised all foreigners to leave Kiukiang immediately.  The mission hospital was reluctant to leave the two doctors fate with the Boxer rebellion running wild, so it was decided all would escape to Japan.

 当两位年轻的医生名声鹊起的时候,为了争取更大的诊所,她们在求助信中写道:“我们的小诊所只有 28英尺×21英尺大小,没有树和遮阳篷来防晒,这很不利于患者康复”。诸多回信都没有起到实质性作用,直到 1898年底,石美玉医生收到了一封信,来信者不是别人,恰恰是她的朋友但福德医生。为了开办伊莉莎白·但福德·斯凯尔顿纪念医院,她已经开始忙于筹集资金。医生们自己起草了方案,然后由一位芝加哥的建筑专家对其中所有细节和建设所需部分作了改进,随即这些方案被严格执行。1900年,一座由灰砖砌成、带有白色花岗岩和石灰石而且通风好的房子落成。就在她们迁入新址的第二天,美国领事馆建议所有外国人立即离开九江。教会医院勉强同意两位医生留下,随着义和团运动声势的扩大,她们决定前往日本避难。

The hospital escaped injury and when they returned three months later, her report for 1900 says, “Our hospital is a constant reminder of the pain and suffering it alleviates, providing an inspiration in all our work.  During the six months since we opened our doors we have received 3,679 outpatient visits with 59 in-patient and 414 house visits." 

 医院在这场运动中幸存下来。三个月后,当她们返回时,她在 1900年的年度工作报告中写到:“我们的医院永远提醒我们要减轻病人的痛苦,这激励着我们的一切工作。医院开营以来的六个月内,我们共接待 3679名门诊患者和 59位住院患者,并且出诊 414 次。

The hospital was formally christened "The Elizabeth Skelton Danforth Memorial Hospital" in December of 1901, during the annual meeting of the Central China Methodist Mission held in Kiukiang.


(VHMS) photo   照片来自《传教政治家维吉尔哈特》Opening ceremony of the Elizabeth Skelton DanforthMemorial Hospital with Dr. Ida Kahn by left pillar top rowand Dr. Mary Stone by right pillar top row


This is the frieze stone with Elizabeth Skelton Danforth Memorial Hospital inscription I found entombed next to the parking lot.  I asked a motorcycle owner if he would mind moving his wheel parked on top of it.  Later, I found this stone in three pieces stacked next to a storage building as the Women's & Children's Hospital is currently undergoing renovation.  The red

paint sandblasted away along with much of the tooled stone.  这是刻有“伊莉莎白·斯凯尔顿·但福德纪念医院”的石板,我在停车场边发现了这个被掩埋了的石刻。我请一位摩托车主将压在其上面的车轮挪开。接下来,我发现这块石板断成了三块,堆在一个仓库旁边,因为当时的妇女儿童医院正在进行维修。红色的漆随着一些碎石溅色得到处都是。

Elizabeth Skelton Danforth Memorial Hospital nurses at graduation ceremony.



“On the afternoon of the 7th of December, foreign residents of Kiukiang, representatives from the Central Methodist Mission, and many native residents came together and celebrated the grand opening of the Elizabeth Danforth Skelton Memorial Hospital, of which two Chinese lady physicians are in charge, Dr. Mary Stone and Dr. Ida Kahn.  There were a number of official Chinese ladies, whose rich costumes showed the official rank of wealth of husbands and fathers.  The Chentai Prefect, Assistant Perfect and Local Magistrate added their official dignity to the occasion.  Noticeably appreciated by all was the first hymn "God save the Emperor.” - The North China Daily Herald - December, 1901

 "12月 7日下午,旅居在九江的外国人、华中卫理公会的代表和诸多当地民众聚集在一起,隆重庆祝伊莉莎白·斯凯尔顿·但福德纪念医院开业。这家医院由两位中国女医生负责,分别是玛丽·斯通医生和艾达·康医生。到场的还有很多中国官太太和大家闺秀,她们服饰的华丽程度显示出各自的丈夫或父亲的财富等级。陈台长官、助理长官和地方法官也来捧场。令人铭记的是最开始的所念赞美歌‘上帝拯救吾王’”。——1901年 12月《字林西报》报道。

Bishop Moore presided over the formal opening of the hospital; Mr. Clennell, H.B.M, Counsel for Kiukiang, gave a very good address, to which Dr. Stuart, American Vice Counsel gave a very fitting response, followed with short, pithy speeches by Dr. Beebe and Dr. Hart.  The two heroines from Kiukiang kept modestly in the background refusing to be introduced, much to the disappointment of the audience.  Although officials insisted that coming forward would be in entire harmony with etiquette propriety, the young Chinese ladies remained firm, represented by their wise teacher, Miss Hughes, who had guided them since childhood.  Following refreshments the guests toured the wards, verandas, solarium, dark room, surgery rooms, offices, then back to the Reception Entry of this admirably designed hospital.  The operating table of glass and enamel, with skylight overhead, the adjoining sterilizing room containing an apparatus for distilling and purifying, were especially interesting to the Chinese observers.  The drug rooms were well stocked with modern instruments, with a microscope at the nucleus of a medical library. Everywhere one looked was evidence of forethought and careful expenditure.

  莫尔主教主持了医院的开业庆典。驻九江领事 Clennell先生作了精美的致辞。而美国副领事斯图亚特医生也作了很合适的回应,接下来,毕必医生和哈特医生分别发表了简短精练的讲话。令人们失望的是,来自九江的两位女主角却在后台,谦卑地不肯出来自我介绍。尽管官员们坚称走上前台将更合礼仪,但依然被两位年轻的中国姑娘拒绝。最后由他们的老师,一手将她们带大的昊格珠女士代表她们做自我介绍。用过点心之后,人们参观了病房、阳台、日浴室、暗室、手术室和办公室,然后回到了接待处,医院的设计令人惊羡。玻璃和瓷釉制的手术台,头顶上的天窗,连同附近的配有一个蒸馏和提纯装置的消毒间尤其令参观者感兴趣。药房都配有现代化设备,在一个医学图书馆的中间还有一台显微镜。在每个角落人们都能看到这座医院建筑设计的前瞻性和精心付出。

Chinese people showed high regard for these skillful and dedicated young physicians.  Easily seen where the appreciations in commendatory tablets hanging in the entrance hall, and less obvious, gracious and serviceable gifts amounting to more than $2,500. The doctors had received in the past twelve months 7,854 out-patient visits, with 531 in-patient visits.  Their

services became requested by different official families of both Kiukiang and Nanchang, the capitol of Kiangsi, with patients coming from adjoining provinces.  The young physicians made fearless journeys far out into the surrounding countryside crossed the mountains, always receiving perfect safety, courtesy and respect.  Often upon returning from a successful visit their chairs would be draped in red cloth and the physicians carried home in triumph through an adoring crowd, accompanied all the way by the sound of praise, and of course, fire-crackers.

 中国民众很尊敬这两位技术精湛、辛勤工作的年轻医生。在进门的墙上,经常可以看到挂着表达谢意的牌匾,有些不那么醒目却有实用价值的礼物价值高达 2500多美元。在过去的十二个月内她们共接待 7854位门诊患者和 531位住院病人。她们被邀请到九江和省会南昌的各级官员家里看病,也有很多邻近省份的病人前来求医。年轻的医生们会不畏艰险、跋山涉水到周边乡村行医,她们经常受到良好的保护和尊贵礼遇。她们凯旋归来的时候,有时候轿子会被扎上红布,轿夫们抬着她们穿过欢呼的人群,一路上赢得人们的高声赞美,当然还有鞭炮噼噼啪啪为她们送行的声音。


  Dr. Mary Stone in the (ESDMH) c hildren's ward


Dr. Mary Stone described the opening of the hospital to Dr. Danforth, adding this note, "The Chinese were very much impressed with your way of commemorating your wife.  "Dr. Kahn added, “A Chinese official, as he was walking through said; It would make one well just to stay in such a pleasant place.”


The first big test of their hospital began in early 1901, when the Yangtze River overflowed its banks, devastating crops and homes of the people living along its vital shores. Tens of thousands were forced to flee, hungry and destitute, with some of them literally starving to death as they flocked to the gates of the hospital.  Woman’s Work of the Far East, a mission publication, described an encounter with an old woman who had a three year old baby on her back and another three month old baby inside her torn dirty frock, saturated by the torrents raining down from the clouds that day.   “She had not eaten for a couple of days and was forced to resort to begging. Her son was in shock and only able to collect sticks to make a fire, while her husband was down with typhoid fever.  They had lost everything.  She was given a blanket, some rice and milk for the baby, but still no more than a days worth of nourishment.  We never saw her face come around again, leaving us to hope salvation was rewarded them. In what form it came, we can only guess.”


In addition to the refugees, the increase in regular patients was taxing the limited supply of medicines and space, forcing patients with minor aliments to be turned away, even if they could pay for their care.  During the height of demands for services in Kiukiang, the doctors were requested by officials in Nanchang to come and open a dispensary, addressing the needs of the capitol city.  Without question, the Doctors agreed one of them should go, and it fell to

Dr. Ida Kahn to make the journey.  Beautiful-Gem would be sending her lifelong friend and confidant to respond to a greater need for this new western medicine.  To neglect the needs of Nanchang, of which only Dr. Kahn could assure, was out of the question.  Dr. Stone bid adieu to her friend with prayers of “God-speed” in her endeavors, willfully accepting the extra burdens thrust upon her by Dr. Ida’s absence.


The dispensary started averaging 1,000 patients per month, with Dr. Stone’s surgery schedule becoming much heavier.  Her work-force had been reduced by those who journeyed to Nanchang.  The records clearly indicated they had decidedly increased the level of confidence amongst the Tao Tai’s (ladies of rank), who had refused surgery, but now were willing to turn to the doctors for help.  The largest obstacle for the hospital became the need for more space.  Most of the neighbors around the hospital grounds were kind, except one; when an opportunity to relocate the road to the opposite side of the property, his was the only voice of dissent.  A local official overruled his objection by stating the hospital does a public service for the greater good of the community.  Later, another noisy neighbor called the White Horse Temple was a drain on one ward of the hospital with its incessant banging on the drums and cymbals making it dark, dank and intolerable.  A $2,000 donation from the U.S. allowed for the purchase of its property and thus killed two birds with one stone.

 诊所每月的病人达千人之多,石美玉医生的手术日程也安排得十分紧凑。因为派了一些人去了南昌,她的医护人员很紧缺。记录中还清晰记载着他们果断采取措施,提高了道台的几位夫人对西医的信任度。她们过去曾拒绝手术,但现在愿意接受医疗救助了。医院面积有限成为发展的最大障碍。医院附近绝大部分的邻居都是很友好;不过,有一次道路有可能改道至医院对面,有户人家出言反对。一位地方官员驳回了异议,声称医院作为公共服务机构,能为社会带来更多利益。后来,另有一位邻居抱怨说医院有堵墙上的水从白马寺流过,不断的滴水声就像敲打着鼓和铜钹,弄得那里阴暗潮湿,叫人难以忍受。医院收到一笔来自美国的 2000美元捐款,这样医院就买下了这块地,这才解决问题,真是一石二鸟。

In 1896, Drs. Stone and Kahn had started a medical career from a modified home and 10 years later, Dr. Mary Stone was sole director of an ever expanding facility now known as the Jiujiang Woman’s and Children’s Hospital.


III "Winning Friends In America"


During the winter of 1906, Dr. Stone was afflicted by appendicitis which she self-diagnosed and directed treatment providing her some relief.  Renewed attacks convinced her and her friends that submitting to an operation was the only means of saving her life.  So, early in 1907, after eleven years of unceasing labor, she reluctantly agreed to stop working, taking a well deserved rest.  The best medical care was arranged for her in the U.S. and President Roosevelt personally sent a letter to the Commissioner of Immigration requesting the Chinese physician be admitted into the country without delay or strain.  She was waived through customs and into a waiting ambulance, then by train to be administered to personally by Dr. Danforth in Chicago.  The surgical procedure went off without a hitch and in less than a month from leaving China, Dr. Mary Stone was released to convalesce at the home of Miss Hughes in New Jersey. 


Though Dr. Stone hardly relaxed for any length of time, within a couple of weeks, she was accompanying Miss Hughes to meetings, making friends with all the local society ladies.  Soon the house was filled with boxes of blankets, instruments, pillows, a box organ and many other useful items for the hospital back in China.  From there Dr. Stone went to New York for a month giving lectures and reporting on the activities at the mission.  This lead to the increase of donations to her hospital.  An additional two weeks were spent in Chicago visiting hospital’s and attending lectures on a new specialty in medicine; ear, nose and throat.


To top off her stay in the U.S., Dr. Stone made a pilgrimage to her Alma Mater, visiting former professors and friends she had not seen since leaving Ann Arbor.  The indefatigable little Chinese doctor finally received a much needed furlough before returning to China, returning rested, refreshed and recharged with the latest knowledge of internal medicine.  With these new donations, she was able to supply the hospital with more effective equipment, allowing greater efficiency in its daily operation.

石医生在美国的最后一站是拜访母校、看望昔日的教授和朋友,自从她离开Ann 海港之后,他们还未曾谋面。中国这位不知疲倦的小医生最终渡过了她宝贵的休假,调养之后,她精神焕发并且带着最先进的内科医学知识回到了祖国。有了那些新的捐助,她给医院配备了更先进的设备,大大提高了手术的效率。

IV "A Versatile Woman"


Chief among the gifts was the money to build an additional wing onto the existing structure.  The need for this addition had become a requirement the day they opened the hospital, but its fruition was always elusive.  Either the costs for materials were too high, or a contractor could not be found.  Dr. Stone’s ingenuity had squeezed the maximum of activity from its current footprint.  Upon her return to Kiukiang, work started immediately to doubling the size of the hospital. The building was finished the following autumn, putting Dr. Stone into “Seventh Heaven”.  Along with the new wing of the hospital a bungalow was built in the hills south of Kiukiang, for the children with fevers to escape the intense heat of the Kiu-kiang plains and recuperate in the cool breezes blowing down the sides of Lushan.  Being delighted with this additional "Rawlings" bungalow annex to the newly expanded hospital downtown, where the little ones and others can be sent to avoid the unbearable rays from the summer sun. 


Before the stone masons had finished cleaning their trowels, they began to build a home for Miss Hughes, the nurses, and Dr. Stone.  The new home was a gift from her newly made friend’s in the U.S.A.  During the Chinese New Year, when the obligations of the hospital were less severe, Miss Hughes and Dr. Stone took a trip to Shanghai to purchase furniture with the detail Dr. Stone took in supplying her hospital. Attention was paid to selections of wood, lights, and textiles.  The silverware was elegant, but not pretentious, complimenting the Jingdezhen porcelain that was personally made for them by a potter whose child’s life had been saved by Dr. Stone years before.  Beautifully brush-stroked enamels were a secret color combination reserved for royalty commissioned pieces.  “I shall make the home as homey as I can and it will be opened to common folk as well as Tao-tai.”  


In 1909 a nurses dormitory was constructed, further expanding the hospital compound and giving the nurses greater seclusion when off-duty. One of the ladies who met Dr. Stone after returning to the U.S. reported, “She is able to do a great many things, and when she asks, she receives, proving  no matter how formidable the task, she has proven time and again, she can overcome all the obstacles before her.  And talk of mission work, the people at home don’t know the meaning of the words!  Here is a plucky little Chinese woman in the midst of "the God” awful heat (I dare not go outside while the suns’ heat scorches the day, nor leave the comforts of shade till nightfall) yet she is busy throughout the day evaluating up to 20 patients before making her rounds as well as going by sedan chair out into the depths of the countryside to heal some afflicted repulsive case of humanity with who knows what.”

 1909年,医院的规模更大了,新落成的护士宿舍楼让护士们在工作之余有了更多的空间。一位曾和斯通医生相识的女士回到美国后回忆道:“她可以做很多事情,只要她想做,她就能成功;无论面临多难以完成的任务,她总是一次又一次地证明——她能够克服所有困难。传教团在中国所遇到的重重困难,美国本土的人是难以理解的!这是一位站在上帝万丈光芒之中的勇敢中国女性(白天烈日炎炎,我不敢走出门外;直到夜幕降临,才从荫处离开)她一整天都在忙碌着,每天巡诊之前她要诊治近 20个病人,然后还要乘轿深入乡村治疗各种疑难杂症”。

Dr. Stone’s successful treatment of the most difficult diseases is all the more remarkable when you learn of the reluctance of the Chinese to consult a physician until near the point of death.  Their utter lack of knowledge in caring for the sick, combined with dreadful unhygienic surroundings, created conditions almost too terrible to describe.  Women arrived almost dead; paralyzed or blinded by angry or jealous men, with some doing self-inflicted wounds to escape the injustice they have long endured.  One account tells of a woman who came seeking help with every square inch of flesh on her body covered by wounds or blood.  She was so diseased, parts of fingers and toes were falling off.  The woman was put into isolation and Dr. Stone solely took charge of her care. She used antiseptics and gloves, careful not to infect her own flesh, and after several weeks of enduring excruciating pain, while protesting “Doctor, I’m too filthy for you pure hands to touch,” the woman was nursed back to health.   



A Mr. Charles Dow was astonished to meet the quaint little Chinese woman, who stood on a stool, performing complex surgeries even well experienced physicians with western facilities would be hesitant to perform.  He reported she had no head nurse, no surgical assistant; Dr. Stone performed these surgeries entirely unaided except for the faithful nurses she had trained herself. A Dr. Perkins of New York recalls being in her operating room when a woman of 20, who could not be betrothed because of a cleft palate reaching into the nose, was transformed into a marriageable maiden.  Dr. Stone’s grandest surgical story is of removing a tumor from an old woman, who for 16 years suffered with an abdominal tumor which weighed 26 kilos. The doctor lamented, “The people appreciate surgery more with every successful outcome.  The tuberculosis patients who have seen the quick recovery want me to operate on their lungs.”

 有位查尔斯·道先生曾见过这位传奇的中国女性。当时她正站在搁脚凳上做一台非常复杂的手术。如此高难度的手术,即便是经验老道的医生用西式器械操作时也会有所犹豫。他说除了她自己培养出来的训练有素的护士外,石医生既没有护士长,也没有手术助手,可是整台手术却能顺利完成。这让他感到惊讶。来自纽约的珀金斯医生回忆起他在斯通医生手术室里遇见了一位 20岁的女性患者,因其兔唇裂至鼻部而无法结婚,斯通医生为她做了整形手术,使她看上去像一位妙龄少女。斯通医生最著名的手术是给一位高龄妇女摘除肿瘤,该患者自16岁起就患有腹部肿瘤,重达 26公斤。石医生感叹说:“一次次成功的手术让人们以为手术无所不能,以至于结核病患者看到病人术后很快康复,希望我也能给他们的肺部做手术”。




Another large commitment of Dr. Stone’s career was the training of nurses.  The art of nursing was still in its infancy, and she had to first translate the textbooks from English into Chinese.  She had to recruit women who were committed to assisting her in all the multiple tasks required of being a nurse.  It was imperative to be able to read and write Chinese, as well as know a little arithmetic and English.  The course load she prescribed to her nurses was equal to

those of western standards.  The reliable and trusted nurses on staff, having completed their education, became dedicated assistants, an ample reward for the time expended towards their education.  This spawned the Jiujiang University School of Nursing, of today.


After weeks of unusual strain, Dr. Stone was persuaded to seek relaxation on Lushan. On two occasions she received telegrams requesting her return to the hospital to address more serious complications than they could handle.  However, Dr. Stone was most satisfied with the appearance and condition she found under the sole direction of the nursing staff.  “Were it not for the efficient results of my assistants, I could not manage the daily tasks a hospital requires.  We who want our work to prosper, cannot afford to ignore those who we depend upon for its success.” 


A funny story is shared an old ragged woman seeking help.  The nurses took hold of her and stripped her naked, even unwinding her bound feet, bathed her and put her into a clean gown before laying her in a bed.  The old woman pleaded for her foot wrappings.  “No,” said the nurses, "not in our clean beds. "In the evening a small fire would be started with all the clothing worn into the hospital by its patients, still full of festering infection.


Dr Stone’s philosophy was given to all the staff:

"A well run hospital is one that practices sound economics of 'True Economy, avoiding all waste and extravagance'.  Not one cog can be neglected to maintain a smooth operation of day to day business.  Attention is encouraged from the record files to the washing machine. This does not necessarily mean buying cheap furniture that has to be replaced frequently, nor cheap food to have the patients suffer from lack of nourishment.  To use poor quality drugs prolongs the

need to use them and avoid wooden beds that must patronize Standard Oil chemicals to keep them clean.  Use thin bedding and quilts to ease washing, and avoid cheap servants who will do nothing.  Utilize a trained staff who places value in their work. Provide the instruments and machines necessary for a proper functioning medical care institution.  Host a valuable daily operation; this will last longer than if thriftiness is the desirable motive."



As a result those who visited the Elizabeth Skelton Danforth Memorial Hospital conveyed universal testimony of it being one of the finest hospital’s they had ever seen.  The need to find those with the means to help support the struggling finances of the dispensary was constant.  Dr. Stone would receive a generous compensation from a morning’s call, and need to spend it all in the afternoon on the many who could not afford to pay for services rendered.  The nurses would socialize at homes where they knew a former patient resided, and even non-Christian Chinese were known to donate gift money to relieve the situation. In her regular writing to friends abroad, she encouraged them to mail back the latest articles and procedures published in the medical journals and textbooks of the time.  “We feel that in order to keep up with our profession it is necessary to receive the latest works, especially since the medical science is one of the most progressive of all.”  Some of the most rewarding of testaments for Dr. Stone came when the whole village would invite her after one villager returned with stories of magical cures being made by this most humble of souls.   Men promised not to force their daughter’s to endure the barbaric act of foot binding which caused terrible pain and suffering in a woman’s life, nor would these men display anger at their wives if they so chose to cut the wraps they endured for many years.


In 1909, Dr. Stone gave the commencement address at the Nanking Normal School for Women.  The Viceroy and other notables of China were present.  Dr. Stone was greatly touched when the daughter-in-law of the Viceroy told her she would gladly give up all her fine clothes, jewelry, servants and position, if she could lead as useful a life as Shi Mei Yu. She felt unfulfilled being one of the many puppets in the long court ceremonies with nothing to think of except her appearance and nothing to do but kill time.


Dr. I.M. Danforth wrote that he had a nurse willing to come to China to assist her in the operation of her dispensary, and asked what she thought of this plan.  Though she was willing to take her if Dr. Danforth “wished”, she would rather not on the whole.  Personally she wrote that she was eager for her to come, yet the training was accomplishing two more things which could only be done if she was purely Chinese. Along with developing their skills, Dr. Stone was convincing her students they were able to do things they never dreamed of, and show people of other nations the only reason why Chinese women for centuries have lived such narrow lives is they had not been allowed to develop their powers.  Bringing in an American nurse might appear as if all these efforts were in vain.  She admitted the work taxed her heart and faith, and having another experienced hand on board would help distribute those responsibilities, making for a less stressful atmosphere.  The nurse Dr. Danforth was recommending for the position was Caroline Maddock, my great-grandmother.  Dr. Stone proposed this new nurse should go to the Wuhu General Hospital and work with her good friend Dr. Edgerton Hart, who was my great grandfather.  

 但福德医生处有名护士愿来中国做石医生的手术助手,他写信询问石美玉的意见。如果但福德医生愿意,她个人倒愿意接受这名护士,但综合考虑后,她还是 亲自回信谢绝了。她说她个人非常希望她的到来,但培训已接近尾声,剩下的两项培训项目,只有地地道道的中国人才能胜任。除了培养学员的操作技能,斯通医生还让她们认识到,她们可以做到许多出乎她们不曾想象的事情;她还告诉其他国家的人们,几个世纪以来,社会没有给中国女性学习本领的机会,这是她们生活在社会底层的惟一原因。而此时引进一名美国护士会让人误以为中国的护士培训不成功。她承认这项工作耗费她的精力。一名熟练的外国护士也许能分担她的部分工作,减轻她的工作压力。但福德医生所推荐的那名护士叫凯若琳·马尔克,是我的曾祖母。斯通医生建议这名护士去芜湖综合医院,同她的好友埃杰顿·哈特医生即我的曾祖父一起工作。

1908 brought particular burdens to Dr. Stone who carried on all her regular tasks until the Chinese revolution forced all the patients, women and children into the foreign concession on the west side of the city.  The order came at night and by daylight not a single person was left in the hospital.  Dr. Stone turned over the hospital to the revolutionary leaders and her nurses cared for the injured soldiers inside it.  Revolutionary leaders wanted her to wear a white bandage to represent their cause, but she explained that though her sympathies lied with

them, she must remain neutral as ordered by the Red Cross allowing her to treat the wounded of both sides.


The Manchu Governor was captured and taken to Kiukiang, where, in chagrin to his confinement he attempted to commit suicide.  Deserted by his servants and soldiers and with no one to care for his mortal wound, Dr. Stone cared for him with two nurses until his death.  This was the same Governor who refused the right of Chinese citizenship for her in purchasing land for a men's hospital, asserting she was buying property for foreigners.  When the leaders heard of his death, they were greatly disturbed for none of them wanted to tell General Ma, as an old oriental custom of he should punish the bearer of ill tidings.  Being asked to take the news to General Ma herself was being accorded not only high regard for her title as a doctor but also as a woman.  The general asked her many questions about her work and exclaimed afterwards that when things get settled he would support such work; “the Chinese ought to help it”. 



Jenny Hughes & Dr. Mary Stone                                                            LA Times: December, 31 1954

珍妮·昊格珠和 石美玉医生                                                      洛杉矶时报:1954年 12月 31日