DPA Newsletter Winter 2015

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Check out the latest issue of Decarcerate PA's newsletter! This season we're featuring articles about the #BlackLivesMatter movement, information about our upcoming 24-hour "speak in" to protest the Silencing Act, updates from the Coalition to Abolish Life Without Parole, an essay by David Lee, a spotlight on the Amistad Law Project, and a reportback on our 12 Days for Justice campaign. Decarcerate PA puts out a quarterly newsletter, which we send for free to anyone who is incarcerated in Pennsylvania who requests it.We envision this humble publication as a space to keep incarcerated people updated on critical prison issues here in Pennsylvania and the organizing efforts that Decarcerate PA is putting forth to address them. We also envision this as a space to communicate and reflect together upon how we can all be involved in building this movement together across prison walls.If you know people who would also like to receive this newsletter, please let us know. Our mailing address is Decarcerate PA, PO Box 40764 Philadelphia, PA 19107To read past newsletters, visit http://decarceratepa.info/newsletter