Downtown Granada, Spain (西班牙 格拉那達市區)

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Transcript of Downtown Granada, Spain (西班牙 格拉那達市區)

(Downtown Granada, Spain)

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Granada Granada is a mid-sized provincial capital in the Andalucia region of Spain.Rich in history and culture, Granada is arguably the single most worthwhile city in Spain for visitors. In addition to a rich multicultural history, the Alhambra and other monuments, a student-driven nightlife, and skiing and trekking in the nearby Sierra Nevada, Granada offers a break from the summer heat of other Andalusian cities such as Crdoba or Seville. Spring and autumn are also both excellent times to visit. With much more cultural interest than other cities like Malaga, Granada is never overcrowded (although you should still book tickets to the Alhambra at least one day in advance).

Av Andaluca

Gran Va Columbus Avenue Granada Cathedral

Map of Granada

Av of the Constitution(Av de la Constitucin)

Av of the Constitution(Av de la Constitucin)

Triumph Square circle

Triumph Square (Plaza del Triunfo)

Instituto de Educacin Secundaria Ies Padre Surez

Gran Va Columbus Avenue(Calle Gran Va de Coln)

Santander Bank office(Oficina Banco Santander)

The beautiful upstairs balcony of the Santander Bank

Subdelegacion del Gobierno en Granada

Subdelegacion del Gobierno en GranadaPhoto from Google

Restaurante Mare Nostrum

Gran Va Columbus Avenue

Restaurante Chino (Calle lvaro de Bazn ) ()

Gran Va Columbus Avenue(Calle Gran Va de Coln)

Easter procession at Calle Crcel Baja Crcel Baja

Catedral de Granada

Photo from www

Granada Cathedral entrance doorPhoto from www

Plaza Isabel La Catlica Photo from www

Photo from www

Elvira street()

Lighting shop

Calle lvaro de Bazn

Gran Va Columbus Avenue(Calle Gran Va de Coln)

Street lights of Gran Va Columbus Avenue

Subdelegacion del Gobierno en Granada

Delegacin Territorial de Educacin en Granada

Triumph Square circle

Delegacin Territorial de Educacin en Granada

Bronze sculpture head at the Constitution Avenue

Triumph Square

Plaza de toros de Granada


THE ENDSpanish Music Granada - Baccara