Download Issue 131


Transcript of Download Issue 131

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Republic of Singapore


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ChairmanCOL Lim Kok Siong

MembersLTC Cindy Chua

LTC Lily FooLTC Edwin Lim

LTC Teo Ping SiongLTC Michael WongMs Heng Ai Buay

Ms Liew LilyMs Loh Seok Chen

EditorsSLTC Christopher Chew

LTC Andy Ang

Assistant EditorMs Lee Xiao Wen

Staff Writers & Photographers

CPL Andrew AngLCP Shawn Lui

LCP Benson SimREC Ng Yong Sheng


ISSUE NO. 131 / 2014

PG 14

Pg 10

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The opinions and views herein are those expressed by the writers and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) or the Ministry of Defence. The material in Air Force News is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the RSAF.


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Pg 4 - 5 Pg 6 - 7Pg 8 - 9

Pg 10 - 13Pg 14 - 21Pg 22 - 25 Pg 26 - 27Pg 28 - 29Pg 30 - 31Pg 32 - 36Pg 37 - 39

Pg 40Pg 41

Pg 42 - 43

Exercise Red Flag – NellisExercise Pitch BlackExercise Combat HammerNational Day ParadeRSAF45@Heartlands M-346 InaugurationRSAF 46th Anniversary45 Years of Heli OperationsOur Valued Partners Happenings in the RSAF Awards & CeremoniesDeveloping Our People My Air Force Story Changes in Appointments

Pg 28

pG 42

The past few months have been a thrilling and enriching experience for me in the

RSAF. Being part of the Air Force News team has given me exceptional exposure by covering events such as RSAF45@Heartlands. I got to see how well-received and respected the RSAF is in the public. The smiles and sense of satisfaction were evident in the faces of the visitors to all 5 Heartlands locations. I was also inspired by the dedication and hard work displayed by the RSAF personnel who spent many months and worked through the night to put this spectacular event together. I am truly honoured and proud to be in the RSAF!

I’m thrilled to be part of the Air Force News team. As an RSAF serviceman, I’m glad to be

given the opportunity to capture the dedication and professionalism of our airmen and women through the course of my National Service. Whether it was jetting past Marina Bay during the National Day Parade or preparing for the inauguration of our new Advanced Jet Trainer, our servicemen and women continue to hold themselves to the highest of standards. I’m honoured to be part of the Air Force Tribe that protects our skies 24/7.

– LCP Shawn Lui –

– LCP Benson Sim –

Pg 4

Pg 6 Pg 32


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Under the unrelenting heat of the Nevada desert, RSAF personnel went about their work, preparing aircraft for take-off.

The Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), the sprawling range with an airspace more than 50 times the size of Singapore is home to Exercise Red Flag —Nellis (RFN), the United States’ premier air combat exercise.

The RSAF deployed 8 F-15SG and 8 F-16C/D fighter aircraft, and 3 CH-47 helicopters from its Peace Carvin II (PC II), Peace Carvin V (PC V) and Peace Prairie (PP) Detachments in the United States. They were joined by the USAF’s F-22, F-15, F-16 and EA-18 fighter aircraft and the FAF’s C-130 in the large force employment exercise.

From 14 to 25 Jul, participants were involved in a wide range of missions, flying a day mission and a night mission every weekday for the duration of the exercise. Such large-scale exercises, comprising upwards of 100 aircraft, enhances interoperability between participating nations. Said LTC Tham Yeow Min, Detachment Commander of PC V, “We need to come together and put in our best to integrate and execute the plans so that we can achieve mission success.”

A pilot performing pre-flight checks on the F-16 fighter aircraft against the Las Vegas skyline

PP Detachment personnel refuelling the Chinook helicopter during a day mission

“Participating in large force

employment missions enhances our training

because we are able to integrate with the other

forces in this exercise and see the big picture of how air warfare works.”

— LTA Leow Yee ShiangPilot, PC II

CPT Kenton Lee, a CH-47 Pilot from the PP Detachment, was involved in the exercise for combat search and rescue missions. He echoed sentiments of RFN’s training value, and said, “A big-scale exercise like Red Flag tests you from the high-level operational capabilities all the way down to technical-level considerations. It validates all of our aspects of training and the RSAF’s operational capabilities as a whole.”

“It is a privilege to be able to work with our US counterparts, many of whom have combat experience. It gives us an opportunity to learn from them and apply the things we learn to our context,” added SSG Low Yu Min, an Air Crew Specialist from PP Detachment.


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“We are the United States Air Force experts on our adversaries. We

simulate our adversaries and how they fly and employ their fighter aircraft, what they do in their aircraft, and their tactics,” said LTC Kevin Gordon, Commander of the 64th Aggressor Squadron (AGRS).

Flying the F-16C Fighting Falcons and F-15C Eagles, the 64 AGRS and 65 AGRS, together with five other squadrons in charge of aggressor radar, cyberspace, space and information operations, make up the 57th Adversary Tactics Group, and are the “Red Forces” of RFN. This dedicated aggressor force is the hallmark of the exercise.

Every day, different scenarios are played out by the Red and Blue forces. For one mission, the goal of the Blue Force was to capture the Red General.

“We have a single aggressor is in charge of all aggressor forces and all our domains — air-to-air, surface-to-air, space and information. We will sit down and lay down our objectives on how to defend and protect our general against the blue forces. Each domain comes out with its own game plan, objectives and tactics on how to achieve the objective.

“With every mission, we hope to teach our blue forces something about how an adversary today would fight a war. It won’t feel like they’ve won every time, but my job is to teach them and they’ll certainly have learnt along the way,” concluded LTC Gordon.

The 65 AGRS’ F-15C fighter aircraft preparing for take-off

“I have multiple experiences with RSAF. I was an instructor at Luke Air Force Base back in 2003 and I flew with the RSAF as part of my assignment and I have nothing but respect for the RSAF and its pilots. They are very professional, capable and humble. They are very eager to learn and improve themselves every day. The knowledge and my history with the RSAF were reaffirmed with the experience that I have had with them in RFN.”

— LTC Kevin GordonCommander, 64 AGRS


PC V, inaugural p a r t i c i p a n t

of Red Flag — Nellis, triumphed over 14 other units to secure the Red Flag #14-3 Outstanding Maintenance Unit.

“We are proud to win the Outstanding Maintenance Unit in RFN this year. The exercise was challenging and realistic. We were given real-time exercise

injects which attempted to disrupt our aircraft generation and maintenance operations. However, we worked together as a team to overcome all the challenges. The exposure to such a large-scale exercise has been fantastic and we have learnt a lot. Winning the Outstanding Maintenance Unit is really the icing to top it off,” said ME2 Shyam, Line In-Charge, Flight Line Crew, PC V Detachment.

A ground crew performing maintanence checks on the aircraft

A Flight Line Crew conducting a pre-flight check on the aircraft


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CPT Tan speaking to Flying Officer Paolo Neri, an RAAF F/A-18F Super Hornet pilot, about the F-15SG fighter aircraft

Creative marshalling is a tradition for many fighter SQNs and is deliberately scheduled into long exercises to boost the morale of both the air and ground crew. To view the viral video of ME1 Tan Wen Kai showcasing his slick moves at the RSAF Facebook page, scan the QR code!


T he drone of the RSAF’s F-15SG and F-16C/D fighter aircraft engines greeted nightfall as the aircraft

prepared to take off for a night mission. Then, a thunderous roar punctuated the air as an F-16D fighter aircraft zoomed off the tarmac, leaving a brilliant trail of fiery exhaust in its wake. One by one, the rest of the fighters followed suit, soaring into the skies above. The mild winter night was about to get much hotter.

From 1 to 22 Aug 14, the RSAF participated in Exercise Pitch Black, a biennial, large-scale multilateral air combat exercise held in Darwin, Australia. This year’s instalment saw the participation of 100 aircraft and 2,300 personnel from the seven participating nations. Joining Australia, Singapore, Thailand, the United States and New Zealand

in this year’s exercise were new players France and the United Arab Emirates.

“Besides exposing our servicemen and women to day-night aerial combat scenarios to hone their operational competencies, the exercise helps to promote mutual understanding and enhances interoperability. More importantly, it helps to strengthen the defence ties with the participating nations,” said RSAF Exercise Director, SLTC Linus Tan.

For CPT Adrian Tan, an F-15SG fighter pilot, the greatest takeaway was achieving

interoperability with the other Air Forces. “We need to match each other’s capabilities, to form up and to come up with the best game plan to achieve the [mission] objectives,” he said.

The exercise tested the ability of our airmen and women to work together to accomplish their mission. LTA Lee Si Wei,

RSAF PARTICIPATIONNumber of personnel

F-15SG fighter aircraft

F-16C/D fighter aircraft

G550 AEW aircraft

KC-135R Stratotanker

Total number of RSAF aircraft








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The RSAF’s F-15SG (back) and F-16C/D (far right) operating alongside fighter aircraft from different countries

The RSAF’s KC-135R performing air-to-air refueling on an F-15SG fighter aircraft This year’s exercise marked the first live drop of the GBU-49 Enhanced Paveway II, a dual-mode guided bomb featuring a Global Positioning System (GPS)-aided Inertial Navigation System as well as a laser guidance system, allowing all-weather operational flexibility. Such training allows the RSAF to hone its ability to employ stand-off weapons, which are launched from a distance and allows the attacker to evade defensive fire from the target area.


CAF, MG Hoo Cher Mou, signing the GBU-49 before the live drop

ME2 (NS) Loh checking one of the antennaes of the F-15SG fighter aircraft

CPT Tan’s Weapon Systems Officer (Fighter), underscored the importance of working seamlessly with the pilot in the F-15SG fighter aircraft. “I back Adrian up in his decision-making, especially in large scale exercises such as Pitch Black. The extra ears and eyes are valuable assets in the air as it helps us to make appropriate split-second decisions,” he said.

Augmenting the capabilities of the exercise detachment were our Full-

Time National Servicemen (NSFs) and Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen).

3SG Chia Yong Biao, an NSF Flight Line Crew from 143 SQN, extended his National Service to participate in the exercise. “Pitch Black is a biennial, multilateral exercise and I wanted to challenge myself by participating in it,” he said. “I feel proud that I’m able to contribute to my country.”

ME2 (NS) Loh Soon Beng, an Air Force Engineer from 7 AELG, found himself challenged in his first overseas deployment as an NSman. “As the demands [of the exercise] were greater than the usual In-Camp Training, I really needed to practise everything I learnt and perform to the best of my abilities,” he said.

The RSAF performed very well in a whole

range of areas. They have significant

capabilities in their aircraft and in their

aircrew, so we are always pleased to work with them.

— Group Captain Michael GrayRoyal Australian Air Force Exercise Director


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Peace Carvin V (PC V), the RSAF’s F-15SG fighter detachment in the United

States, participated in Exercise Combat Hammer from 4 to 8 Aug 14. Our inaugural participation also marked the first time a country outside of the United States was invited for the exercise.

Exercise Combat Hammer is the United States Air Force’s weapon system evaluation program for air-to-ground munitions, providing aircrew with realistic scenarios in which live and inert weapons are employed.

Over four days, the F-15SG aircrew employed a range of munitions, such as Laser Guided Bombs

(LGBs) and Laser Joint Direct Attack Munitions (LJDAMs), on various targets at the Utah Test and Training Range, which is situated 200 nautical miles from Mountain Home Air Force Base where PC V is located.

The exercise provided the RSAF a means of testing and evaluating its air-to-ground munitions. Stringent evaluation is made possible in a few ways — telemetry kits are installed on the bombs give real-time flight analysis to evaluators on the ground, the range is equipped with cameras and instrumented to measure weapon accuracy. Other measurements also include impact conditions such as velocity and impact angles.

PC V personnel at the Utah Test and Training Range

“I was happy to have been part of PC V’s inaugural

participation for this exercise. I was

even more excited to be able to drop weapons and see for myself the weapons effects. I feel proud to be given the opportunity to employ the GBU-12 Paveway II LGB and the LJDAM on mobile targets. This experience has continued to build in me confidence in our weapons’ combat readiness and validated our day-to-day training and tactical employment considerations.”

— LTA Darryl Leo, Best Weapon Systems Officer

Award Winner


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ME2 Ben Chua loading the LJDAM on the F-15SG

Peace Carvin V’s Air Force Engineers preparing to load the LJDAM on the F-15SG

An F-15SG fighter aircraft dropping the GBU-12

Paveway II LGB

“Apart from employing the LJDAM against stationary and mobile targets, this exercise also provided us the opportunity to conduct strafing against mobile vehicles, which would not be possible in our daily training at the Mountain Home Range Complex,” said CPT Edmund Tse, who secured the Best Pilot award in this exercise.

“It was a fairly challenging experience for us, especially during one of the missions where we had to change our flight profile real-time due to weather,” he added.

Exercise Combat Hammer not only tested the aircrew in their ability to employ the munitions effectively, but also the maintenance crew who had to prepare the various weapons that had to be loaded on the aircraft every day.

Their hard work and dedication was crucial to the success of the exercise.

“It was a proud moment for us to see that all the weapons that were prepared and loaded on the aircraft did not fail any ground tests and resulted in successful employment on all targets,” said ME2 Ben Chua, who was part of the Best Weapon Load Team in the exercise.

An F-15SG fighter aircraft dropping JDAMs


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Spirits were at an absolute high at The Float @ Marina Bay, where a 27,000-strong crowd clad in brilliant red and white filled the spectator stands to celebrate Singapore’s 49th birthday at the annual National Day Parade (NDP). The mix of exhilaration and patriotism pulsated through The Float as the NDP’s mesmerising symphony of lights and water gave spectators yet another visual treat this year.

Story & Design by Shawn Lui

Our HOme

Our PeOPle,

NDP 14NDP 14


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The Red Lions forming a six-way star

The RSAF contingent marching to The Float @ Marina Bay

“Watching the Chinook, the aircraft that I maintain on a daily basis flying the

state flag is one of the most fulfilling parts of my

life in the RSAF.”

— ME3 Tay Siang MengAir Force Engineer, 806 SQN

The State Colours Ensign marching to The Float @ Marina Bay


A single Super Puma helicopter hovered over Marina Bay. One by one, each member of the Red Lions

jumped out of the helicopter, free-falling into formation. The Red Lions is the SAF Parachute Team that has performed in the NDP since 1989.

Particularly meaningful about this year’s free-fall display was the Junior Red Lions initiative, in which 18 primary school students were selected to train under the Red Lions. It was the NDP Executive Committee’s initiative to get regular Singaporeans actively involved in celebrating the nation’s birthday.

Next up was a military tattoo featuring a combined band and the Singapore Armed Forces Silent Precision Drill Squad. Over 160 participants paid tribute to the nation by marching to classic NDP theme songs such as “Home” and “We Will Get There”. The military tattoo concluded with a 21-gun salute.

Led by Parade Commander LTC Wong Pui Pin and the State Colours Ensigns, 35 contingents with 2,000 participants from the SAF, Home Team, and various homegrown corporations formed an impeccable parade.

One of the iconic moments of the NDP was the flag flypast. The National Anthem was sung as the Chinook helicopter flew the state flag across Singapore’s city skyline, escorted by two Apache attack helicopters.

This was followed by five of the RSAF’s F-15SG fighter aircraft jetting across Marina Bay — a symbolic salute to the nation. Roars of the F-15SG reverberated across The Float while spectators cheered for the formidable fighter jets.

“To be a State Colours Ensign requires a lot of training and it was challenging for me. But this made it a fulfilling and memorable experience for my colleagues and me. ”

— LTA Royston LimInstructor, C3 School

State Colours Ensign for NDP 14

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This year’s Dynamic Defence Display marked 30 years of Total Defence in Singapore, and the SAF put up impressive displays of its platforms and assets. For the RSAF, the Surface-to-Air PYthon-5 and DERby (SPYDER) stole the show as one of the platforms on display for the first time.

The SPYDER making its debut appearance at this year's Dynamic Defence Display segment

Eventually night fell, and spectators were dazzled by the fireworks display. A vibrant mix of pyrotechnics filled Singapore’s skyline, a fitting finish to celebrate 49 years of independence.

“This year’s parade is a parade with a heart. We want to recognise Singaporeans

from all walks of life, past and present, coming together to

celebrate what it means to be Singaporean — the will to defend the country, coming together as one heart beating together. This is a very special moment, a very special day, where we recognise ourselves as Singaporeans.”

— COL Tan Boon KiatParade & Ceremony Chairman, NDP 14


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MOS ViSitS 127 SQN

As part of his visit to 127 SQN on 26 Jul 14, Minister of State for Defence, Dr Mohamad

Maliki Bin Osman, witnessed the SQN at work for the preparations on the flypast, and thanked the NSmen involved for their contributions. Dr Maliki boarded this very Chinook helicopter, which participated in the state flag flypast for NDP-NE3.


During the celebration of Singapore's birthday, the RSAF also sought to build the internal

tribe and recognise its airmen and women for their contributions towards Singapore’s continued peace and security. CAF, MG Hoo Cher Mou, hosted an engagement session on 26 Jul 14, where more than 500 servicemen and their families attended and joined in the celebrations.

CAF interacting with servicemen at the engagement session

Dr Maliki with personnel from 127 SQN

In tandem with National Day this year, the RSAF hosted various visits to its SQNs and

engaged communities as part of celebrating the nation’s birthday. Relive some of these precious moments, as we remind ourselves that everyone plays a part in ensuring Singapore’s continued progress.


127 SQN also hosted 18 National Cadet Corps (Air) Cadet Officers on board the Chinook

during the National Education shows as part of the RSAF'S initiative to strengthen partnership with National Cadet Corps (Air).

“It is truly an eye opener watching our state flag from the skies, and it’s a

sight I will cherish for years to come.”

— NCC (Air) Cadet Richard Chua

“The flag is a rally point for all Singaporeans. When I attend NDP every year, when the rotors of the Chinook start to sound in the distance, it sets my heart beating faster.”

— Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin OsmanMinister of State for Defence

In ConjunCtIon wIth natIonal Day 2014


Held at MINDEF on 8 Aug 14, more than 2,000 personnel from MINDEF and SAF gathered to

celebrate the nation’s 49th birthday, where the National Anthem was sung and the Pledge was recited.

Dr Ng and senior officials from MINDEF and SAF taking the pledge at the Observance Ceremony


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PhotoBooth PICtuRES


VISItoRST he RSAF celebrated its 45th Anniversary with fellow

Singaporeans from July to September 2014 through the RSAF45@Heartlands exhibition. The exhibition is a culmination

of a series of events planned over the year to commemorate the RSAF’s 45th Anniversary.

Through a variety of exhibits, RSAF45@Heartlands showcased the RSAF’s heritage, transformation journey, operational capabilities and readiness, and the professionalism and commitment of its people. Visitors had the chance to participate in interactive games and activities, such as the fighter simulators and RSAF photo booth. They were also engaged by RSAF personnel manning various weapon systems static displays and exhibits.

In all, more than 200,000 visitors were a part of the RSAF’s anniversary, making its birthday a truly memorable one.

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GaME PlayS



To find out more about the RSAF45@Heartands exihibitions at the RSAF Facebook Page, scan the QR code now!


Story by Andrew AngDesign by Benson Sim

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MAJ Edwin Khoo, a Staff Officer from Air Force Inspectorate, pasting an RSAF-themed tattoo sticker

on a child’s arm. He is the creative artist behind the stickers, which were a massive hit with both children and adults alike. He could only work on his designs at night, after putting his children to bed.

MAJ Lum Sow Loon, an AWO (C3) from ASCG, explaining to a visitor how the 3rd Generation Networked Air Defence system keeps Singapore’s skies safe.

Minister for Defence, Dr Ng Eng Hen; Minister of State for Defence, Dr Mohamed Maliki Bin Osman; and Member of Parliament from Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC, Mr Hri Kumar Nair, launched the RSAF45@Heartlands exhibition at the Toa Payoh HDB Hub.

I came across some aircraft caricatures during an overseas trip about seven years ago. That inspired

me to develop something that kids would like to collect and display. Something that they can identify with our Air Force.

— MAJ Edwin Khoo


ME3 Dominique Lim from AELS UC (top) and LTA Dimir Pot from 116 SQN (bottom) were on hand to take photos with visitors and explain to them the role of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.

LTA Gwendolyn Chen, a fighter pilot from 140 SQN, guiding a young visitor through the F-16 Simulator at the RSAF45@Heartlands exhibition.

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Visitors having their photo taken with 2SG Alvinjeet and LCP Joshua Lim from 18 DA Bn in front of the Mechanised IGLA static display.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs, Mr Teo Chee Hean, interacting with RSAF personnel involved

in the Search and Locate mission for MH370.

Second Minister for Defence, Mr Chan Chun Sing, hosted members of the Advisory Council on Community Relations in Defence (Employer and Business).

3SG Goh Zhe Wen, an Air Crew Specialist from 125 SQN, taking a photo with visitors at the Super Puma helicopter display.


Through my involvement in such an operation, I am able to tell my fellow Singaporeans of the RSAF’s capabilities in missions such as SAL and how we are

able to use these capabilities to help other nations.

— ME2 Sanhti, volunteer “scanner” for MH370 Search and Locate Mission

Emcees Noah Yap and Shrey Bhargava from the SAF Music and Drama Company hosting a game involving visitors to the exhibition.

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ME2 Claire He and ME2 Joanne Tan from the Black Knights team handing out souvenirs to visitors at the Black Knights booth.CAF went around the various exhibits and static displays

to interact with members of the public. He also thanked our airmen and women on duty at the various locations of the exhibition for their dedication.

ME1 Joseph Mok, one of the RSAF Ambassadors, handing out balloons during the event.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, being briefed by CO 125 SQN, LTC John Lim, on the RSAF’s counter-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden.


LTA Joshua Ching and 3SG Joey Tan are all smiles as they pose for a photo with a child at the Mistral GBAD system static display.

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MAJ Jason Huang and CPT Shirley Che, AWOs (GBAD) from 160 and 163 SQN, with their children.

2LT Tay Si Yi, an AWO (GBAD) from 9 DA Bn, accompanying a young visitor on board her unit’s V200 vehicle.

COMD APGC and Chairman of the RSAF45@Heartlands Executive Committee, BG Neo Hong Keat, posing with two visitors.

Staff from HQ RSAF sharing the RSAF Facebook page with members of the public.

CPT Kelvin Tan, an AWO (GBAD) and RSAF Career Ambassador, speaking to a member of the public about prospective careers in the RSAF.


RSAF45@Heartlands is a culmination of the RSAF’s celebration of our 45th Anniversary with our fellow

Singaporeans. As much as it is about celebrating 45 years of our Air Force with Singaporeans, this series of RSAF45@Heartlands exhibitions is also about letting our fellow Singaporeans understand the RSAF and our operations.

— COMD Paya Lebar Air Base and Deputy Chairman of the RSAF45@Heartlands Executive Committee, COL Randy Ong

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CPT Daryl Lim, a fighter pilot from 144 SQN, guiding an NCC (Air) Cadet on the F-16 Simulator.

ME4 Chong Ming Huei, an Air Force Engineer from 817 SQN, speaking to NCC (Air) Cadets from Catholic High Secondary School about the RSAF’s operations.

ME2 Joanne Tan of the Black Knights team with a visitor.

Dy COMD Paya Lebar Air Base, ME6 Stewart Ng, with staff and students from Temasek Junior College.

Black Knight #1, LTC Joseph Leong, and Black Knight #6, CPT Chang Haw Ning, interacting with elderly residents from the Sree Narayana Mission Home, the adopted home of Sembawang Air Base.


MINDS-TGS students posing in front of the I-HAWK static display.

During RSAF45@Heartlands, our airmen and women engaged various groups of visitors as part of the RSAF’s Community Outreach Programme and SAF-Schools Partnership Programme.

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To minimise disruption to traffic and disturbances to residents, our airmen and women prepared the weapon systems for RSAF45@Heartlands late in the night and early in the morning. Dedicated and meticulous, they made sure the systems looked fighting fit when visitors started streaming into the static display area.

Preparing for Perfection

Even as the event came to a close, a full day’s work did not prevent our airmen and women from packing up in the same way they had set up — with utmost care and attention.

After a Hard Day’s Work


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now expect a smoother transition between training and

operational platforms with the inauguration of the RSAF’s new Advanced Jet Trainer — the M-346. Replacing the ageing A-4SU Super Skyhawks, the M-346 has cockpit displays that are similar to advanced fighter jets, and will enhance fighter pilot training with the M-346’s sophisticated simulations, aerodynamic performance, and modern avionics systems.

Delivered to the RSAF in 2012 at Cazaux Air Base, France, the Alenia Aermacchi aircraft was officially inaugurated into 150 SQN on 3 Sep 14 at Cazaux Air Base by Minister for Defence, Dr Ng Eng Hen. He was accompanied by CAF, MG Hoo Cher Mou; COMD Air Force Training Command, COL Benedict Ang; and senior officials from the RSAF and the French Air Force (FAF).

Dr Ng unveiling the inauguration plaque with CAF and COL Ang

Dr Ng and CAF unveiling the M-346 tail flash


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A-4SU Super Skyhawks vs. M-346

The need for a new and modernised Advanced Jet Trainer emerged as the global industry of fighter planes underwent revolutionary technological change in recent years, amidst the RSAF’s own significant modernisation. New fighter jets have been introduced, and the need to update our Advanced Jet Trainer to meet modern training requirements arose. The M-346 was acquired as its training systems mimic modern fighter jets, and thus bridges the gap of transition between training and operational platforms.

Dr Ng affixing the SQN patch onto CO 150 SQN, LTC Kelvin Wan

150 SQN has come a long way in broadening defence relations between the two Air Forces since our M-346 performed a flypast at the

Strengthening Bilateral Ties with France

FAF’s CPT Laurent Porchon and the RSAF’s LTA Pan Shang Hua, the first pilot trainee to fly solo on the M-346 in the world

I’m proud to be

the first FAF pilot

attached to the

RSAF’s 150 SQN. I’m

glad to work alongside RSAF

pilots before I retire.

— CPT Laurent PorchonFlying Instructor, FAF

The M-346 cockpit has advanced avionics systems that emulate modern fighter jets

“The M-346 will help enhance fighter pilot training by introducing advanced combat skills at an earlier stage of training,” explained MAJ Dennis Lin, a Qualified Flying Instructor (QFI) at 150 SQN. As a QFI who has flown both the A-4SU and the M-346, MAJ Lin shared that the new jet trainer has advanced avionics systems on board that will allow fighter pilot trainees to acquire additional skills within the same training period.

A pilot in the M-346 simulator

FAF’s 80th Anniversary celebrations at Cazaux Air Base. Since early this year, the SQN also saw the attachment of the first FAF Flying Instructor, who is currently training alongside our fighter pilot trainees to become a QFI.

Athough the RSAF’s Cazaux detachment was initially meant as a temporary detachment when it was first deployed in 1998, it is set to stay on in France till 2035.

Training for skills

such as radar

employment, Beyond

Visual Range engagements

and precision weapons

delivery are all now possible

with the M-346.

— MAJ Dennis LinQFI, 150 SQN


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Beginning in 2008, the RSAF began

replacing its basic trainer with the

Pilatus PC-21 aircraft trainer in

Flying Training School in Pearce,


Together with the replacement of

our airgrading aircraft from the

SF260 to the current CT4 — and the

replacement of the ageing A-4SU

to the M-346 — the RSAF’s flying

training transformation journey

aims to advance the RSAF towards

a technologically advanced, full-

spectrum 3rd Generation Air Force.

The M-346 training programme

also incorporates a Public-Private-

Partnership programme with ST

Technologies, as part of the RSAF’s

flying training transformation

journey. ST Aerospace will maintain

and operate the M-346, and provide

both simulator instructors and an

integrated training system made

by Boeing. This is a cost-effective

approach that allows the RSAF

to focus on our operations, while

leveraging on ST’s and Boeing’s

global networks and expertise in

aviation management and training.

Completion of the RSAF’s Flying Training Transformation Journey

The Pilatus PC-21, which replaced the S-211 as the RSAF’s aircraft trainer in 2008


Looking ahead, the M-346 will herald a

new era for 150 SQN. Much remains to be done to bring this programme to its full potential. However, I am confident that this same pioneering spirit, passion and professionalism of 150 SQN will help us overcome the obstacles and push the training envelope, and produce the next generation of world class fighter aircrew for a first-class RSAF.


The M-346 now serves as a more

capable and modernised Advanced

Jet Trainer that is poised to produce

more confident fighter pilots. “The

inauguration of the M-346 marks

the final step in the 3rd Generation

RSAF flying training transformation

journey,” said CO 150 SQN, LTC

Kelvin Wan. “As CO 150 SQN, I

am proud and honoured to lead

my team in taking flying training to

greater heights.”

Public-Private-Partnership Programme As part of our Flying Training Transformation Journey, the RSAF utilises the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) Programme to enhance cost efficiency and maximise external contractors’ expertise. Contractors such as ST Aerospace and Lockheed Martin provide simulators and aircraft

maintanence to enhance our training needs.

BAE Systems (Australia)

Lockheed Martin

ST AerospaceBoeing




The M-346 is designed of various weapons and capacity for enhanced


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The Alenia Aermacchi M-346 offers the Embedded Tactical Training Simulation (ETTS), an important

feature that enhances fighter pilot training.

Technical Specifications

Wingspan 9.72m

Length 11.49mHeight 4.98m

Maximum Speed 1,090 km/hRate of Climb 6,401 m/min

Service Ceiling 13.716m

The M-346 allows air combat weapons training without employing actual weapons.


The M-346’s advanced avionics systems on-board allow for simulation of a variety of tactical scenarios.

IN-FLIGHT SENSOR & SCENARIO SIMULATIONCoupled with a host of new training systems and features on the aircraft, the M-346 effectively enhances fighter pilot training by introducing additional combat skills within the same period of time.


to carry up to three tonnes has a large fuel combat persistence.



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P roud servicemen and women stood at attention as the national anthem echoed

through the field and the national flag was raised.

The flag-raising ceremony kick-started the RSAF 46th Anniversary, an event held to celebrate 46 years since the birth of what is today one of the most advanced air forces in the region.

To mark the occasion, a Cohesion and Games Day was held at Air Force Training Command on 1 Sep 14. Graced by CAF, MG Hoo Cher Mou, the event saw personnel from the six Commands and HQ RSAF gathered to participate in the event.

In his opening address, MG Hoo recognised the hard work of the RSAF personnel and expressed gratitude to every serviceman

and woman who work tirelessly to ensure the smooth operation of the organisation. He then moved on to honour the dedicated pioneers who had laid a strong foundation for the RSAF.

“Our Air Force is where we are today because we stand on the shoulders of giants — the men and women who have served with distinction before us. In the years ahead, as you go about your daily duties in defending our nation’s skies, I trust that you will continue to draw strength and inspiration from the men and women in our Air Force Tribe, both past and present, to bring our Air Force to greater heights,” said MG Hoo, followed by a hearty round of applause.

Awards Ceremony

To recognise the contributions of servicemen and women towards the RSAF over the past year, MG Hoo presented awards to deserving personnel who had displayed outstanding performances and stellar attitudes.

The RSAF Best Servicemen and RSAF NSmen of the Year awards were presented to personnel in recognition of their performance in their respective fields of expertise. The ceremony also recognised the recipients of the CAF Cardinal Individual Award, given to those who have shown exemplary efforts in People Development.


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1SG Goh Orry Jude, an Air Defence Systems Specialist from 3 DA BN, is one of the recipients of the RSAF Best Servicemen Award. He attributed his success to the unwavering support of his SQN, “I thank them [the SQN] for nominating me for this award. It has motivated me to continue giving my best for the RSAF.”

CAF Challenge Shield

In a bid to promote cohesion and foster stronger bonds within the Air Force Tribe, RSAF personnel from the respective Commands formed teams to participate and compete in a series of sporting activities such as basketball, volleyball, street soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, Tug-of-War as well as the Command Relay Swim.

The teams competed against each other as spectators cheered them on, and after gruelling rounds of contests, Air Defence and Operations Command emerged victorious as this year’s CAF Challenge Shield champion.

RSAF Charity Drive 2014

As our airmen and women celebrated the RSAF’s anniversary, they kept in mind the need to give back to society through its annual Charity Drive. MG Hoo presented cheques to representatives of the organisations supported by HQ RSAF and the Commands at the event.

ADOC personnel cheering their Command on during the event

CAF presenting a cheque to Mr Ong Koon Heng, a representive from the SAF Benevolent Fund


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helicopter community has come a long way and attained several notable milestones. In particular, 120 SQN’s Alouette IIIs were the first RSAF aircraft to be deployed for an overseas mission when they participated in the Kuantan flood relief efforts in 1971.

RSAF helicopters also played an integral role in the SAF’s largest ever Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief operation during the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami relief efforts. More recently, the Super Puma helicopter and S-70B Naval Helicopter have participated in the SAF’s counter-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden since 2009.

These achievements underscore the full spectrum of operations that RSAF helicopters have undertaken, and the strategic value that they contribute to the SAF. With advanced platforms like the S-70B Naval Helicopters and the AH-64D Apache attack helicopters in its inventory today, Helicopter Group is well-poised for future generations of success.

45 Years of Helicopter Operations

Helicopter Group held a celebration on 29 Aug 14 at Sembawang Air Base Officers’ Mess to commemorate the 45th anniversary of RSAF helicopter operations. CAF, MG Hoo Cher Mou, graced the event as the Guest-of-Honour.

The evening’s proceedings, which comprised a keynote address by Commander Helicopter Group, COL Teoh Chun Ping, a speech by helicopter pioneer LTC (RET) Shanmugaratnam s/o Erampamoorthy, and the unveiling of a commemorative plaque by MG Hoo, celebrated the successes and triumphs of the RSAF’s helicopter community since its inception 45 years ago. The 600-strong crowd was also treated to a hearty dinner and performances by Helicopter Group’s own musical talents.

The Chinook helicopter and Apache attack helicopter participating in the

2014 Air Warrior Challenge

An Air Crew Specialist looking over the destruction caused by the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami

Helicopter Group personnel with the RSAF’s helicopter pioneers

Celebrating the Journey

The RSAF’s helicopter journey began with the inauguration of the first operational helicopter squadron in September 1969. 120 SQN operated the 8 Alouette III light utility helicopters. Since its humble beginnings, the




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Personnel from 120 SQN, the first operational SQN in the RSAFA 120 SQN helicopter hovering over a cable car duirng the rescue mission

An Alouette III helicopter taking off during the Kuantan Flood Relief Operation in Malaysia

Recollections of a Veteran

“We were amazed as there was no sign of roads. The water had flooded everything. What used to be roads looked like canals. The poles that held electrical wires were guiding ropes for sampans.”

LTC (RET) Leo Tin Boon, a 32-year RSAF veteran and one of the first four helicopter trainees, was one of the helicopter pilots who took part in the RSAF’s first overseas mission to assist in Kuantan flood relief efforts in 1971.

The anniversary celebrations also provided a rare opportunity for Helicopter Group to reconnect with its pioneers who were invited to the event. In their speeches, COL Teoh and LTC (RET) Erampamoorthy hailed the contributions of these pioneers, many of whom have had to make huge sacrifices in the course of duty.

COL Teoh recounted the successfully-executed rescue operations following the 1983 Cable Car incident and commended the sterling bravery of the men who had placed their lives in danger to accomplish their mission. One such person was Helicopter Group Command Chief SWO Selvanathan, who was then a winchman involved in the rescue. SWO Selvanathan’s and his fellow aircrew’s display of courage and commitment resulted in the successful evacuation of all the 13 stranded survivors.

In his speech, COL Teoh reminded Helicopter Group personnel of their far-reaching influence on their successors. “Generations of helicopter pilots, Air Crew Specialists, maintenance crew worked hard, made sacrifices, so that we grew stronger as a community. So for the generation today, what we do, not only has an impact today. It will have an important influence on people tomorrow,” he said.

Connecting with our Pioneers

The experience was nothing short of eye-opening for LTC (RET) Leo, then a junior helicopter pilot. “We did not have any navigational aids and we couldn’t pick up any signals so we had to resort to map reading and dead reckoning when flying,” he said.

The missions were also challenging. “When we conducted food resupply missions, one pilot had to help push out the sacks of rice to the villagers so we had to operate on a single-pilot basis,” he said.

“Thankfully, our training had prepared us well and we successfully completed all our missions.”

Explaining his greatest takeaway from his time in the RSAF, LTC (RET) Leo said, “What I cherish most is the strong sense of camaraderie — the closeness of being together as a unit. I am ready to fight for you, you are ready to fight for me. Together we are ready to accomplish our mission. We stand as a team.”


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Chief of Air Force of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), GEN Tan Sri Dato’

Sri Rodzali bin Daud, conducted his farewell visit to Singapore from 6 to 8 Aug 14.

During the visit, GEN Rodzali called on Minister for Defence, Dr Ng Eng Hen; CDF, LG Ng Chee Meng; and CAF, MG Hoo Cher Mou.

GEN Rodzali’s visit here underscores the warm and

long-standing bilateral ties shared between Singapore and Malaysia, as well as defence relations between the RSAF and RMAF.

RMAF CoAF Farewell Visit

A delegation from the Royal Australian Air Force, led by Air Vice Marshal

(AVM) Mel Hupfeld, Air Commander Australia visited Air Combat Command (ACC) at Changi Air Base (East) on 4 Jul 14.

Hosted by then COMD ACC, BG Lim Tuang Liang, the delegation viewed a static display of the F-16D+ fighter aircraft. They were also updated on ACC’s recent operations and developments.

Air Commander Australia’s Visit to Singapore

AVM Hupfeld with ACC personnel

GEN Rodzali inspecting the Guard of Honour

Dr Ng presenting a token of appreciation to GEN Rodzali

▲ BG Lim presenting a plaque to AVM Hupfield

Both air forces also interact regularly through professional exchanges, courses and exercises such as Exercise Bersama Lima under the ambit of the Five Power Defence Arrangements, which comprise armed forces from Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and the United Kingdom.



After the visit, AVM Hupfeld called on COS-AS, BG Lim Yeong Kiat, at MINDEF. The visit underscores the strong defence relations between Singapore and Australia.

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USAF CMSAF’s Visit to Singapore


The United States Air Force

(USAF) Chief Master Sergeant

of the Air Force (CMSAF), James

Cody, called on CAF, MG Hoo Cher

Mou on 27 Aug 14. Also present during the call was

Chief Master Sergeant Steve McDonald.

From 2 to 5 Sep 14, a delegation from the Indonesian Air Force

(TNI AU), led by LTC Insan Nanjaya, was in Singapore as part of the RSAF-TNI AU Junior

Officers’ Exchange Programme (JOEP).

The delegation visited the Helicopter Simulator Centre and 126 SQN at Sembawang Air Base and

CAF and CMSAF Cody in a discussion

RSAF and TNI AU officers at the Air Force Museum

also toured the Air Force Museum and Air Force Training Command (AFTC).

During their visit to AFTC, the delegation was briefed on the organisational structure and operations of the RSAF. They also learnt how the RSAF uses the Virtual Hangar Trainer to enhance its operation training.



ME4 Yeo See Kiat briefing the TNI AU officers on the Virtual Hangar Trainer

USAF and RSAF personnel at MINDEF

CMSAF Cody also called on Air Force Command Chief,

ME6 Andrew Koh, and visited the Air Force Training

Command (AFTC).

During his visit to AFTC, CMSAF Cody was briefed

on the organisational structure and operations of

the RSAF, and viewed the Virtual Hangar Trainer.

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President Tony Tan Keng Yam

hosted about 700 personnel

from the SAF at the Presidential

Garden Reception at the Istana on 13

Jul 14. Held annually since 1992, the

reception serves to recognise the commitment and

contributions of SAF personnel towards the defence

of Singapore.

During the reception, President Tan interacted

with Regulars, Full-Time National Servicemen, and

Second Minister for Defence, Mr

Chan Chun Sing, visited Air Combat

Command (ACC) on 11 Jul 14. He was

hosted by then COMD ACC, BG Lim

Tuang Liang.

During the visit, Mr Chan was updated on ACC’s

key capabilities, developments and achievements.

He also flew in the F-15SG fighter aircraft to better

understand the capabilities of the multi-role

fighter aircraft such as its enhanced firepower and

longer endurance, which contribute to the RSAF’s air

defence and counter-air operations.

Mr Chan concluded the visit with an interaction session

with the air crew and ground crew from ACC, where

he engaged RSAF servicemen and thanked them for

their contributions in safeguarding Singapore’s skies.

Presidential Garden Reception 2014

2nd Minister for Defence Visits ACC

Dr Ng interacting with RSAF personnel

Mr Chan being updated on the capabilities of the F-15SG fighter aircraft

Mr Chan with senior RSAF commanders and 149 SQN personnel before his familiarisation flight

President Tony Tan with RSAF personnel


Operationally Ready National Servicemen from the

SAF. They shared different perspectives on National

Service based on their experiences and contributions,

which ranged from participating in bilateral exercises

to balancing their National Service duties with personal


Minister for Defence, Dr Ng Eng Hen; Second Minister

for Defence, Mr Chan Chun Sing; Minister of State for

Defence, Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman; CDF, LG Ng

Chee Meng; and Service Chiefs were also present at

the reception.


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Head Civil Service Visits 140 SQN

Members of the Government Parliamentary Committee for

Defence and Foreign Affairs (GPC-DFA) visited UAV Command at Murai Camp on 11 Jul 14.

Hosted by Minister of State for Defence, Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman, members of GPC-DFA were briefed on the organisational structure of UC and its role in safeguarding Singapore’s skies by delivering Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance capabilities.

Head Civil Service, Mr Peter Ong, visited 140 SQN at Tengah Air Base on 7 Aug 14.

Hosted by CDF, LG Ng Chee Meng, Mr Ong was briefed on the recent

developments and operations in the Singapore Armed Forces. Mr Ong also flew in the F-16D fighter aircraft for a familiarsation flight.

Members of GPC-DFA viewing the static display of the Heron 1

Ms Ellen Lee, a GPC-DFA member, trying the UAV simulator

CAF, MG Hoo Cher Mou; COS-AS, BG Lim Yeong Kiat; COMD Air Combat Command, COL Kelvin Khong; Head Air Plans, COL Kelvin Fan; COMD Fighter Group, COL Patrick Nalpon Selvan; and other senior officers were also present at the visit.

Mr Ong concluded the visit with an interaction session with RSAF personnel, where he thanked the servicemen for their efforts in guarding Singapore’s skies.


Mr Ong in the F-16D fighter aircraft


Members of GPC-DFA also had the opportunity to try out the UAV training simulators and viewed the static display of the Heron 1 UAV.

Mr Ong with CDF; CAF; COS-AS, BG Lim Yeong Kiat; COS-JS, BG Chia Choon Hoong; and RSAF personnel

— Ms Ellen LeeMember of GPC-DFA

I’m truly impressed by the fact that we can fly aeroplanes unmanned, and by what the UAV can do. Essentially, I think it’s important in war zones, where you have to send out reconnaissance and the UAV does just that.

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The 24th RSAF NSmen Seminar was held at Air Force Training

Command on 8 Jul 14. The seminar aims to engage and update NSmen on key developments in the RSAF.

Guest-of-Honour, CAF, MG Hoo Cher Mou, gave an opening address. This was followed by presentations from COMD 6 Air Engineering Logistics Group, ME7 Timothy Yap, and Head Air Manpower, COL Lim Kok Siong.

During the dialogue session MG Hoo gathered feedback from the attendees, and presented awards to servicemen and women who have displayed exemplary commitment towards the defence of Singapore.

The CAF Quarterly Safety Forum

(CQSF) was conducted at Changi

Air Base (West) on 24 Jul 14. The CQSF

aims to raise the awareness of our

people on safety matters in the RSAF.

Head Air Force Inspectorate, COL Philip Chionh, and

Head Aviation Psychological Branch, Ms Delicia Ser,

delivered presentations on human factor issues in

aviation safety. Participants also analysed and derived

learning points from the case studies that were

presented to them.

During the forum, CAF, MG Hoo Cher Mou, also

presented the CAF Coins, the CARDINAL Awards, the

CAF National Education Excellence Awards and the

CAF Safety Awards to deserving recipients.

24th RSAF NSmen Seminar

CAF Quarterly Safety Forum



MG Hoo presenting the Certificate of Appreciation to SSG (NS) Giam

MG Hoo with COS-AS, BG Lim Yeong Kiat; Air Force Command Chief, ME6 Andrew Koh; senior commanders and the recipients of the Certificates of Appreciation and Commendation

A participant presenting the findings of his group discussions

CAF presenting the CAF Safety Award to 2WO Koh Kim Keng, an Air Crew Specialist from 126 SQN

— SSG (NS) Amanda Giam Air Defence Systems Specialist, 160 SQN

Certificate of Appreciation Recipient

I decided to volunteer as I want to continue contributing towards the defence of Singapore. Even though I have left the RSAF, I still feel a sense of belonging towards the Service because of the continual engagement from my SQN.

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COS-AS Visits 130 SQN

Ms Heidi Grant Visits ACC

COS-AS, BG Lim Yeong Kiat, made his introductory visit to 130 SQN

at Royal Australian Air Force Base Pearce from 10 to 12 Sep 14.

Hosted by CO 130 SQN, LTC Koi Eng Chew, BG Lim toured the detachment’s facilities and went on a familiarisation flight in the PC-21 aircraft. He also viewed the detachment’s flight simulators and interacted with SQN personnel.

Deputy Undersecretary of the Air Force, International Affairs,

Washington D.C., Ms Heidi Grant, visited Air Combat Command (ACC) at Paya Lebar Air Base on 6 Aug 14.

During the visit, Ms Grant visited 149 SQN, and was briefed on ACC’s role in the air defence of Singapore — to employ air combat capabilities decisively across a spectrum of missions in the air, on land and at sea. She then viewed the static displays of the F-15SG and F-16D+ fighter aircraft.

Ms Grant also called on CAF on 8 Aug 14.



COS-AS with 130 SQN personnel at Royal Australian Air Force Base Pearce

Ms Grant in the cockpit of the F-15SG with COMD ACC and senior RSAF officers


RSAF Award Winners’ Incentive Flight

21 Full-Time National Servicemen (NSFs), Operationally Ready

National Servicemen (NSmen), and Regulars had the opportunity to fly in a Chinook helicopter on 18 Aug 14 at Sembawang Air Base (SBAB).

The incentive flight served a reward for these outstanding servicemen, who won this year’s NSF of the Year, NSman of the Year, and Best Serviceman Awards.

Head Air Manpower, COL Lim Kok Siong, attended the post-flight reception held at SBAB Specialists’ Mess, where he congratulated the servicemen and

Participants boarding the Chinook helicopter

thanked them for their contributions in safeguarding Singapore’s skies.

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Reaching Out to the Community

Paya Lebar Air Base volunteers celebrating National Day with MINDS-TGS students

MINDS-TGS students dressed in traditional costumes donated by the RSAF during their school’s Racial Harmony Day celebrations

ME5 Henry Chan and ME4 Wong Leong Kwan sharing with a resident about the RSAF operations at the Marine Parade GRC Community

Engagement and Emergency Preparedness Day

In the third quarter of 2014, personnel from Paya Lebar Air Base, Sembawang Air Base, and Air Force

Training Command engaged members of the public through various events as part of the RSAF’s

Community Outreach Programme.

Servicemen from Air Force Training Command at the Geylang East Home for the Aged

Sembawang Air Base personnel participating in an Observance Ceremony held at Republic Polytechnic

Paya Lebar Air Base personnel at a welcome event for new residents in Punggol Sails

PLAB COP MINDS-TGS National Day Celebration

MINDS-TGS Racial Harmony Day Celebration


Republic Polytechnic National Day Observance Ceremony


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JUL23The 7th Senior Military Experts (MEs)

Appointment Ceremony was held at the SAFTI

Military Institute on 23 Jul 14. Officiated by Second

Minister for Defence, Mr Chan Chun Sing, 91

servicemen and women were appointed as senior MEs,

with 51 from the RSAF. CAF, MG Hoo Cher Mou; then Chief

of Navy, RADM Ng Chee Peng; and senior commanders

were also present at the ceremony.

In his speech, Mr Chan emphasised the importance of

MEs in the SAF. “As senior MEs, you are a critical pillar

that complements the Officer and Warrant Officer Corps

to achieve mission success for the SAF,” he said.

The appointment ceremony marked the completion of

the Military Domain Experts Course, which trained the

MEs to acquire in-depth expertise in their respective

fields. They will then move on to assume command or

staff appointments in their respective domains.



50 Newly Minted Officers Ready to Defend Our Skies

51 New RSAF Military Experts Appointed

553 officer cadets, of which 50

were from the RSAF, were

commissioned at SAFTI Military Institute

on 20 Jul 14. Deputy Prime Minister and

Minister for Finance, Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnum,

reviewed the parade.

The newly commissioned officers tossing their peak caps

— ME4 Ng See Lye Sword-of-Honour Recipient

DY OC Logistic, 149 SQN

I believe that our men will stay committed and passionate about the things that they do if they are instilled with a sense of purpose.


Speaking at the parade, Mr Tharman urged the newly

commissioned officers to lead the men under them by

example. “Our soldiers come from all walks of life and

bring with them different expectations and perspectives.

As their leader, train them well and build them into a

cohesive fighting force,” said Mr Tharman.


ME4 Elangovan’s wife affixing the rank epaulette for him

2LT Sim receiving the Sword-of-Honour from Mr Tharman

— 2LT Sim Jing EnSword-of-Honour Recipient

Air Warfare Officer (GBAD) Course

Because I wasn’t physically fit prior to enlistment, I had difficulty handling the heavy RBS-70 weapon system, but it was with the strong

support of my family and friends that encouraged and motivated me to push on.

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The annual SAF Sports Association (SAFSA) Awards Ceremony was held at

The Chevrons on 5 Aug 14. This ceremony recognised the achievements of outstanding SAF sportsmen and women and the contributions of coaches, technical officials and sports administrators.

From 30 Jun to 4 Aug 14, the 8th Air Force Advanced Course

(AFAC) was conducted at Air Force Officers’ Advanced School in SAFTI Military Institute. A total of 27 RSAF

officers, including two Defence Executive Officers from Human Resource, graduated from the five week course. Guest-of-Honour, CAF, MG Hoo Cher Mou, graced the end-of-course ceremony.

The AFAC aims to equip mid-level RSAF officers with the necessary professional military knowledge, management and leadership skills in preparation for the Flight Commander Appointment.

— CPT Louisa TanAir Warfare Officer (C3), Air Surveillance Control Group

Captain of the Best Mixed Team (Netball)

The RSAF core values apply to everything. Other than work, it also applies to netball and the team. Team Excellence played an essential role in our triumph. Everyone in the team was motivated and strived towards a common goal.

— CPT Tan Xi JieTop Graduate, 8th AFAC

Staff Officer, Joint Plans and Training Department

The course has been immensely useful in enhancing my understanding of how the RSAF operates, and how to be an effective Officer Commanding and RSAF battle staff. This course also sets an excellent foundation for me to further contribute to the RSAF’s mission success.


CDF presenting the award to Best Mixed Team (Netball)

CAF presenting the award to the Top Graduate, CPT Tan Xi Jie

Guest-of-Honour, CDF and Chairman of the SAFSA Council, LG Ng Chee Meng, as well as CAF and Chairman of the SAFSA Management Committee, MG Hoo Cher Mou, presented the various awards to the recipients.

CAF with the 8th AFAC graduates


SAFSA Awards Ceremony 2014

8th Air Force Advanced Course



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RSAF Combined Graduation Ceremony

The RSAF Combined Graduation Ceremony was held at the Air Force Training Command

(AFTC) Auditorium on 30 Sep 14. During the Ceremony, CAF, MG Hoo Cher Mou, presented certificates, vocational badges and ceremonial swords to 61 graduates.

“First and foremost, you must be competent and anchored to your professional fundamentals. Work hard


— OCT Andrew TaiBest Trainee

16th AWO (C3) RADAR Course

My dad was a Regular and he inspired me to sign on to serve

my country. My experiences in the RSAF have also been beneficial in my development as an individual.

COL Ang leading the symbolic mixing of the Air Force Spirits

34th Tri-Service Warfighter Course

The 34th Tri-Service Warfighter Course (TSWC) was conducted

from 11 Aug to 5 Sep 14 at Air Force Officers’ Advanced School, SAF Advanced Schools. 67 Officers

from the three Services graduated from the Course.

Guest-of-Honour, Chief of Army, MG Perry Lim, graced the Graduation Ceremony on 5 Sep 14.

The Course serves as a mid-level integration platform for SAF Officers and senior Military Experts to understand SAF joint operations, with emphasis on Operations-Other-Than-War.



20th Specialist Cadet Graduation Parade

1,003 Specialists Cadets, of which 51 were

from the RSAF, graduated as specialists at the 20th Specialist Cadet Graduation Parade at Pasir Laba Camp.

— 3SG Jia SongshangGolden Bayonet Recipient

Air Defence Systems Specialist Course

Despite being physically exhausted from our training, we continued to spur each other on and worked as a team to achieve mission success for our exercises.

Chief of Army, MG Perry Lim, reviewed the parade.

MG Lim urged the newly minted specialists to fulfil their duty in safeguarding Singapore, just as others have done before them. “It is now your turn to step up to take responsibility to defend our home, to protect our families and friends, and to secure our future and way of life.”

— CPT Gerald TeoDistinguished Graduate, 34th TSWCStaff Officer, Air Plans Department

It was heartening to see that despite our different service and

vocational backgrounds, we were all committed to one SAF. I have come

out of the course more inspired and better equipped with the knowledge and skills to be an officer worthy of the command responsibilities given to me.

and perform your vocational competencies, and demand high standards of yourself. Only then will you be able to lead and train others effectively and confidently,” said MG Hoo.

The Ceremony concluded with the symbolic mixing of the Air Force Spirits led by COMD AFTC, COL Benedict Ang.



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“World Class People, First Class Air Force”. The RSAF takes pride not only in the capabilities of its state-of-the-art military equipment, but in the successes and strengths of its airmen and women as well. The RSAF strongly believes in providing its people with opportunities to further their education and hone their skills. In August this year, 2WO Vijaikumar S/O Rangabashayam, an Air Crew Specialist (ACS) from 127 SQN, graduated from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) with a Degree in Sports Science and Management.

2WO Vijaikumar, who has been in service for more than 20 years, was given the Continuous Learning and Studies Scheme (CLASS) Diploma award to pursue a diploma at Ngee Ann Polytechnic in 2005. Following his return to service, 2WO Vijaikumar continued to perform beyond expectations. In recognition of his stellar conduct, 2WO Vijaikumar was selected to represent the RSAF in the United States Air Force Non-Commissioned Officers Course in Hawaii in 2009.

A year later, 2WO Vijaikumar was awarded the CLASS Degree award. Despite falling above the age limit of 35, he proved himself worthy of the award at numerous interviews. He was even nominated as a candidate for valedictorian by peers and lecturers, which he feels very honoured and privileged about.

For 2WO Vijaikumar, choosing Sports Science and Management was an easy decision as he recognises the relevance of the subject to his work in the RSAF. “Sports are very similar to what our work in the RSAF requires. In sports, you have to work as a team. Even individual sports require the team effort of the sportsman, the coach, the physiotherapist, and the manager,” 2WO Vijaikumar shared. “Similarly, in the RSAF, the pilots work closely with the ACSes and Flight Engineers. The concepts I learnt in the course, when you put them in context, are useful to my work.”

Now that he has returned to the RSAF, 2WO Vijaikumar is looking forward to keeping up with the tempo of operations. He is very thankful for the opportunities the SAF has provided him with, and hopes to contribute back to the RSAF in every way he can. Within the coming year, he plans to pursue his Masters and PhD in Sports Science and Management.

2WO Vijaikumar conducting pre-flight checks

Bringing Out The Best In Our People



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It seems like it was only yesterday when I joined the RSAF as an Airframe and Engine Specialist in 1992 and was posted to 128 SQN, which operated the Scout 700 Remotely Piloted Vehicle (RPV). My first reaction upon seeing the RPV was, “How does the pilot fit into such a small aircraft?” I soon realised that the aircraft was remotely piloted from a control station and its mission was to deliver intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities to the RSAF as the “eyes in the sky”.

The initial training as a trainee was tough and challenging for me. My senior instructors gave their 100% and they too expected the same effort from me. Expectations were high but when I qualified as a Senior Technician after On-Job-Training, there was a great sense of pride as it was hard-earned.

In 1994, I participated in my first overseas exercise. I faced a baptism of fire during the exercise as I witnessed and experienced the importance of teamwork, professionalism and dedication with my fellow detachment buddies (both operators and technicians alike). Together, we set up the deployment site and were operationally ready within a day! I still recall the experience with a sense of pride as the detachment had persevered through the long working hours and rough environment to make the detachment mission a successful one.

The Searcher Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) replaced the Scout 700 RPV in 1996. Being part of the pioneer crew that operated the Searcher UAV, I encountered many challenges. Through these difficult times, the operators and technicians worked together to resolve teething issues. Our “Never Say Die” spirit and professionalism

to realise “Mission Success, Safety Always” was what drove us on. It was this pioneering spirit that spurred me on during my career. It was also during this period when I built mutual trust and respect with my colleagues, many of whom became my good friends.

I continue to serve as an Operationally Ready National Serviceman (NSman) after leaving RSAF in 2008. When I got to know about the NS Volunteer Scheme, I signed up immediately without hesitation, joining the NS Volunteer Service in 2012. One of my first contributions was volunteering to support my SQN during the week between Christmas and the New Year. I remember meeting then CDF, LG Neo Kian Hong, when he made his rounds to various units on New Year’s Day to show his appreciation, especially to the NSmen. I felt appreciated and part of the bigger RSAF family.

NSmen played a major role in the initial launch of the Searcher UAV. In the annual Top Notch Challenge, this capability was validated when 128 SQN’s NSmen successfully launched and recovered the Searcher UAV. This year, the SQN introduced NS Officers and WOICs to lead an NSmen team in the competition. I felt a great sense of pride and accomplishment as it was the first time that I had assumed the role of Flight WOIC during Top Notch Challenge. During the competition, there was a lot more interaction, discussion and most importantly, meaningful involvement from NSmen during that period. At the end of the competition, the NSmen gave positive feedback which included ways to improve training and how to fine-tune future exercises.

I am thankful for my time in the RSAF and the camaraderie that I share with the people of my SQN; they will always be part of my Air Force story. Looking ahead, I hope to add more to my story continuing to contribute in upcoming In-Camp Trainings.

3WO (NS) Tan Yew Teck, Senior Technician

Formation NSman of the Year 2014



3WO (NS) Tan Yew Teck during an overseas exercise

128 SQN personnel deploying the Searcher UAV



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The command of Air Power

Generation Command (APGC)

was handed over from BG Sarbjit Singh

to BG Neo Hong Keat at a Change-of-

Command Parade held at Paya Lebar

Air Base on 31 Jul 14. The Parade was

witnessed by CAF, MG Hoo Cher Mou.

Outgoing COMD APGC, BG Sarbjit, is a fighter pilot

by training and joined the RSAF in 1983. Before he

assumed the appointment of COMD APGC, BG Sarbjit

was COMD Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Command (UC);

Deputy Commander Tengah Air Base; Deputy Head

Air Operations (Ops Planning); Branch Head in Air

Operations Department; and CO 144 SQN.

Incoming COMD APGC, BG Neo, is a fighter pilot by

training and joined the RSAF in 1986. He has held various

command and staff appointments including Head Air

Operations; Deputy Head Air Operations (Strategies

and Plans), COMD UC; and CO 140 SQN.


BG Lim handing over the Command Symbol to COL Khong

BG Neo taking his Oath as the new COMD APGC

BG Sarbjit handing over the Command Symbol to BG Neo

CAF presenting BG Lim with the Successful Command Plaque


JUL18The command of Air Combat

Command (ACC) was handed

over from BG Lim Tuang Liang to COL

Kelvin Khong at a Change-of-Command

Ceremony held at Changi Air Base

(West) on 18 Jul 14. The Ceremony was witnessed by

CAF, MG Hoo Cher Mou.

Outgoing COMD ACC, BG Lim, is a fighter pilot by

training and joined the RSAF in 1991. Before he assumed the appointment of COMD ACC, BG Lim was previously

Head Air Plans (HAP); Head SAF Operations and

Planning Group, Joint Operations Department; COMD

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Command; and CO 145 SQN.

Incoming COMD ACC, COL Khong, is a fighter pilot by

training and joined the RSAF in 1995. He has held various

command and staff appointments including HAP; Head

Operations Development Group, ACC; CO 149 SQN; as

well as Branch Head in Joint Operations Department

and Air Operations Department.



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BG Lim handing over the Command Symbol to COL Khong

Changes in Appointments (Jul — Sep 2014)

COL Chin handing over the HeliG Command Symbol to COL Teoh



The command of Helicopter Group

(HeliG) was handed over from

COL Chin Pak Chuen to COL Teoh

Chun Ping at a Change-of-Command

(COC) Parade held at Sembawang Air Base (SBAB)

on 14 Aug 14. The parade was witnessed by COMD

Participation Command, COL Jonathan Tan.

Outgoing COMD HeliG, COL Chin, is a helicopter pilot by

training and joined the RSAF in 1987. Before he assumed

the appointment of COMD HeliG, COL Chin was COMD

SBAB; Dy Head Air Intelligence; Head Joint Operations

Planning Directorate; and S3 120 SQN.

Incoming COMD HeliG, COL Teoh, is a helicopter pilot

by training and joined the RSAF in 1994. He has held

various command and staff appointments including Dy

Head Air Operations; CO 126 SQN; and Branch Head in

Air Operations Department.

COMD APGCDate: 31 Jul 14Incoming: BG Neo Hong KeatOutgoing: BG Sarbjit Singh S/O Tahil Singh

HAODate: 25 Jul 14Incoming: BG Lim Tuang LiangOutgoing: BG Neo Hong Keat

COMD ACCDate: 18 Jul 14Incoming: COL Kelvin KhongOutgoing: BG Lim Tuang Liang HAP Date: 14 Jul 14 Incoming: COL Kelvin Fan Outgoing: COL Kelvin Khong

COMD HELI GPDate: 14 Aug 14Incoming: COL Teoh Chun PingOutgoing: COL Chin Pak Chuen

DY HAO (SP)Date: 14 Jul 14Incoming: COL Gaurav KeerthiOutgoing: COL Teoh Chun Ping

CO 120 SQNDate: 2 Jul 14Incoming: LTC Chan Hwang ShengOutgoing: LTC Lim Guan Leng

CO 145 SQNDate: 9 Jul 14Incoming: LTC Chan Ching HaoOutgoing: LTC Lim Kok Hong

CO 124 SQNDate: 30 Jul 14Incoming: MAJ Eng Teng YongOutgoing: LTC Denzil Titt

CO 816 SQNDate: 22 Aug 14Incoming: ME6 Teo Keng SiangOutgoing: ME6 Wong Kah Mun

CO 3 DA BNDate: 27 Aug 14Incoming: LTC Wong Khiong SengOutgoing: LTC Chiong Beng Han

CO 505 SQNDate: 29 Aug 14Incoming: ME5 Lam Yee WeeOutgoing: ME6 Wong Chee Yuen

CO 705 SQNDate: 2 Sep 14Incoming: ME5 Kumaran SunilkumarOutgoing: ME5 Foo Toon Kwang

CO 163 SQNDate: 4 Sep 14Incoming: MAJ Peh Chin LeongOutgoing: LTC Ace Tey

CO 707 SQNDate: 4 Sep 14Incoming: ME5 Foo Toon KwangOutgoing: LTC Pang Mee Ling

CO 111 SQNDate: 19 Sep 14Incoming: MAJ Phua Jia KaiOutgoing: LTC Brandon Sim

COMMAND CHIEF UC Date: 3 Sep 14Incoming: ME4 Shee Meng YongOutgoing: ME5 Tan Wee Seng

COMMAND CHIEF APGCDate: 23 Sep 14Incoming: ME5 Tan Wee SengOutgoing: ME4 R Sasidharan Pillai

COMMAND CHIEF 705 SQNDate: 4 Jul 14Incoming: 1WO D Suria Narayanan

COMMAND CHIEF 707 SQNDate: 15 Jul 14Incoming: ME3 Joseph Raj S/O Pitchay

COMMAND CHIEF 708 SQNDate: 23 Jul 14Incoming: ME3 Neville Ng

COMMAND CHIEF 201 SQNDate: 26 Aug 14Incoming: ME3 Tamilarasi D/O Muniandi Outgoing: ME3 Rajendran S/O Punniamurthi

COMMAND CHIEF OTCDate: 15 Sep 14Incoming: ME4 Ler Eng



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“I’m interested in aviation, and like most kids, have dreamt of flying a plane when I was young. I see

drawing as a medium where I can revisit the past and realise those childhood dreams.”

— Lee Xin LiIllustrator