Dossier de presse machu picchu 2012 en

On the tracks of the secret chamber PRESS PACK achu 20 12



Transcript of Dossier de presse machu picchu 2012 en

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On the tracks of the secret chamber



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Press release ................................................. 3On the tracks of the secret chamber .......... 4About Thierry Jamin .................................. 6About the Institute Inkari ........................... 7The team ....................................................... 9Contact ......................................................... 11Medias ........................................................... 12

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Press release

A French-Peruvian-Spanish team discovers a chamber (burial?) in Machu Picchu

Thanks to David Crespy’s intuition, a French En-gineer visiting the Machu Picchu in Peru, Thierry Jamin, Archaeologist and Explorer, is about to make a major discovery at the most visited ar-chaeological site in South America.

For more than fifteen years, Thierry Jamin, French Archaeologist and adventurer, explores the jungles of South Peru in every possible direction, searching for clues of the permanent presence of the Incas in the Amazonian forest, and the legendary lost city of Paititi. After the discovery of about thirty incredible archeological sites, located in the North of the department of Cusco, between 2009 and 2011, which include several fortresses, burial and ceremonial, centres, and small Inca cities composed by hundreds of buildings, and many streets, passages, squares…, Thierry Jamin embarks on an incredible journey in Machu Picchu.

A few months ago, Thierry Jamin and his team think they have realized an extraordinary archaeological discovery in the Inca city discovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911. This discovery was made possible thanks to the testimony of a French engineer who lives in Barcelona-Spain, David Crespy. In 2010, while he was visiting the lost city, David Crespy noticed in the heart of the city the presence of a strange «shelter», precisely located at feet of one of the main buildings. For him, it doesn’t make any doubt; he was looking at a «door», an entrance sealed by the Incas. In August, 2011, David Crespy, found by chance an article about Thierry Jamin and his work, in the French Newspaper, the “Figaro Magazine”. Immediately he decided to contact the French researcher.

Thierry Jamin, who has investigated several burial sites in the North of Cusco, listened carefully the story of David Crespy. Quickly, he was to confirm the facts behind the story. Accompanied by archaeologists of the Regional Office of the Culture in Cusco, he was able to visit the site several times. His preliminary findings are unequivocal: it is indeed an entrance, blocked by the Incas at an undetermined moment of History. This one is strangely similar to a burial site, such as the ones Thierry Jamin and his companions often find in the valleys of Lacco and Chunchusmayo.

In December 2011, Thierry and his team lodge an official request to the Ministry of Culture in Lima to perform electromagnetic resonances in order to confirm or not the existence of cavities in the building basement. This license is granted few months later.

Carried out between the 9th and the 12th of April 2012, the elec-tromagnetic resonances not only confirmed the presence of an underground room but several! A staircase is detected, just behind the famous entrance. Two principal accesses seem to lead to dif-ferent chambers including the principal square one. The different technics used by the French researcher(s), (Molecular Frequencies Discriminator) allow to highlight the presence of important ar-chaeological material, including deposits of metal and a large quan-tity of gold and silver!

Thierry Jamin is now preparing the next step: the opening of the entrance blocked by the Incas more than five centuries ago. The 22nd of May 2012, he officially presents to the Peruvian authorities a request for authorization which will allows his team to proceed with the opening of the burial chambers.

The project for “Machu Picchu 2012” is scheduled to extend over a six months period. At stake, an extraordinary archaeological treasure and new knowledge in the forgotten History of Inca Empire. Soon you will see the Machu Picchu in a different way…

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On the tracks of the secret chamberIn 2010, while he was visiting the lost city, David Crespy noticed in the heart of the city the presence of a strange «shelter», precisely located at feet of one of the main buildings, leading to a small path which is not used by tourists, not even by archaeologists. For him, it doesn’t make any doubt; he was looking at a «door», an entrance sealed by the Incas. In August, 2011, David Crespy, found by chance an article about Thierry Jamin and his work, in the French Newspaper, the “Figaro Magazine”. Immediately he decided to contact the French researcher.

Thierry Jamin, who has investigated several burial sites in the North of Cusco, listened carefully to the story of David Crespy. Quickly, he was to confirm the facts behind the story. Accompanied by archaeologists of the Regional Office of the Culture in Cusco, he was able to visit the site several times. His preliminary findings are unequivocal: it is indeed an entrance, blocked by the Incas at an undetermined moment of History. This one is strangely similar to a burial site, such as the ones Thierry Jamin and his companions often find in the valleys of Lacco and Chunchusmayo.

The general environment of this «door», located in the center of one of the main buildings of the city, dominating the whole urban area, confirmed to Thierry Jamin that it is undoubtedly a burial site of primary importance.

With the help of David Crespy, the French Archaeologist thinks now having localized the entrance of a major tomb (perhaps royal) in the heart of the city. The tradition and a few ancient chronicles, like those written by Garcilaso de La Vega or Juan de Betanzos, report that Machu 4 achu2012 Picchu belonged to the panaka (lineage) of the emperor Pachacútec, the Inca who turned the small Andean State into the most powerful empire of the American continent. According to the traditions, he would have been buried in Machu Picchu. It is quite possible that this burial chamber is directly connected to this sovereign of the XVth century. It would be a major event for Peru and Pre-Colombian America’s History. Indeed, until now, no mummy of an Inca emperor has been ever found. It would be an amazing discovery, with no historical precedent!

A chamber (funeral?) hidden by the Incas

In April 2012, the Peruvian Ministry of Culture give the green light to Thierry Jamin’s team to perform a series of electromagnetic resonances designed to confirmed or not the existence of a funeral chamber in the building(s) basement no.02, Sector 02, Sub-Sector E, Unit 03 of the lost city (National Directorial Resolution no.144-2012-CPB-VMPCIC-/MC, dated 22 March 2012).

Carried out between the 9th and the 12th of April 2012, the electromagnetic resonances confirmed the presence of one or several cavities underneath the building in question ! Thierry Jamin’s team manage to locate, thanks to the use of their GPR Golden King DPRP, the existence of two entrances behind the famous door and get the 3D image of a staircase that leads to a chamber (funeral?).A few days later, the measurements made by the use of a “rover CII New Edition” and a CaveFinder confirm the presence of steps, several underground cavities including a large rectangular room.

The GPR will also detect the presence of a large quantity of metal. The use of a Molecular Frequencies Discriminator meanwhile will highlight the presence of objects in gold and silver.

Finally, the use of endoscopic cameras confirms the hypothesis that the stones and the backfill located at the entrance of the building only had the function to hide a passage and not the structural purpose. Very large empty spaces suggest the existence of a mysterious corridor…

It seems that Thierry Jamin and his group were right. The resonances are definite. It is indeed an entrance, blocked by the Incas, to hide something of a major importance. Here lies maybe the main treasure of Machu Picchu.

After handing over the research Final Report to the Peruvian Ministry of Culture (approved by the Ministry on the 5th September 2012 by a new Directorial Resolution), Thierry Jamin is now preparing for the next step: the opening of the entrance blocked by the Incas more than five centuries ago.

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The opening of the door

The 22nd of May 2012, Thierry Jamin officially presents to the Peruvian authorities a request to proceed to the opening of the funeral chambers. At stake, an extraordinary archaeological treasure and new knowledge on the Forgotten History of the Incas.

Conducted by Thierry Jamin (Executive Director) and Hilbert Sumire (Official Director for the archaeological project), the operation “MaPi 2012” benefits from the skills of the Architect Victor Pimentel, Director of Conservation project.

The 5th of November 2012, by the Directorial Resolution no. 826-2012-CPB-VMPCIC/MC, the persons in charge at the Ministry of Culture refuse Thierry Jamin and his Team the license. The Instituto Inkari – Cusco whole team is actually called up to obtain the reconsideration of the project.

The operation « Machu Picchu 2012 » is scheduled to extend over a 6 months period.

Soon you will see the Machu Picchu with new eyes…

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Thierry JaminFrench archaeologist & explorer, graduated from the Universities of Tours and Toulouse-France. Fascinated by the Inca civilization, he devoted his research, for fifteen years, to the study of the permanent presence of the Incas in the Amazonian forest. After many expeditions in the Peruvian Amazonian forests, he might now be closed from his ultimate goal: the «fantastic» lost city of Paititi. Thierry Jamin, President of the Inkari Institute of Cusco, is also the Executive Director of the project «Machu Picchu 2012».

Publications Historia, « Spécial Archéologie, l’année des grandes découvertes », « Jeu de piste chez les Incas », N° 126, Juillet – Août 2010. Thierry Jamin, « Pusharo, la memoria recobrada de los Incas », Lima - Novembre 2007. Thierry Jamin, Pierre-Albert Ruquier, « L’Eldorado inca. A la recherche de Païtiti », éd. Hugo & Cie, Paris - Novembre 2006.National Geographic, « Expédition au Pérou pour retrouver l’or des Incas », « Les aventuriers de la cité perdue », Vol. 13.2, N° 71 - Août 2005.

LiensThe Institute Inkari website: The Gran Paititi’s explorers website: www.granpaititi.comThe petroglyphs of Pusharo (in spanish):

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The Institute Inkari - CuscoAfter numerous campaigns of searches, realized in association with the Peruvian authorities, Thierry Jamin and his companions create in September, 2009, a first non-governmental organization dedicated to the scientific research. Around thirty exceptional archaeological discoveries will be thanks to them officialized, between 2009 and 2011, in the North of the department of Cusco. Among these, several necropolises, fortresses and numerous magnificent Inca citadels populated with hundreds of buildings, tens of streets and places, etc. Thierry Jamin is persuaded, the main city of its searches is not very far any more.

Today, victim of his success, the French archaeologist has to transform, in January, 2012, his ancient associative structure into a more solid organization: the Instituto Inka of Investigación & Revaloración Indígena, or the Instituto Inkari - Cusco. This non-governmental, non-profit organization has for main mission the scientific research, the protection and the development of archaeological sites existing on the Peruvian national territory.


The missions of the Instituto Inka of Investigación and Revaloración Indígena - Cusco (Instituto Inkari - Cusco) are to promote, to impulse and to realize programs of scientific research with archaeological and\or anthropological character on the Peruvian national territory. His main axis of search is the study of the permanent presence of civilizations Inca and pre Inca in Amazonian forest and the search of their main centre of occupation and expansion. The hypothesis of the existence of a major Amazonian archaeological centre, as that of the legendary lost city of Paititi, constitutes one of the main directions of the searches of Thierry Jamin and his group since 1998. The results of the last campaigns of exploration of the group Inkari go to this direction.

Being made, the Inkari institute also settled as objectives the protection of the pre Hispanic cultural, historic and archaeological heritage on the whole Peruvian territory by all the means.

The Inkari institute advises, supports, makes sensitive and trains to the techniques of protection of the cultural heritage with the local populations of its zones of searches, the economic resources of which are very often very precarious.

Within the framework of its annual campaigns of investigations, the Inkari institute supports the local populations to improve their living conditions within the framework of projects with character cultural, economic and social : sanitary projects (constructions of health centres), educational (construction of schools), agricultural (organized by networks of distribution and of promotion of local agricultural productions, etc.), projects of economic and tourist development (assistant to the construction of tracks, elaboration, implementation and promotion of organised trips in mind of the united tourism, etc.), projects aiming at the protection and in the improvement of the natural environment, etc.

Within the framework of these projects of searches, the Inkari institute operates exclusively in the statutory legal frames Peruvian, in coordination with institutions and official administrations : Ministry of Culture, Regional offices of Culture, Ministry of the Environment, National Service of the Natural Protected Areas (SERNANP), regional governments, municipalities, peasant communities, etc.

The results of the archaeological investigations of the group Inkari are published after every campaign within the framework of a Final Report, with the Ministry of Culture and are the object of publications regulars in the specialist publications and every public at the level nation and international.

In these zones of exploration, the team of the Institute Inkari wants a dynamic element within the framework of an economic and social development for the benefit of the isolated populations, avid for access to a justifiable improvement of centres them life, in particular in health, educational, in ways of communication, access to the electricity and to the drinking water, etc.

For that purpose, the Inkari institute contributes to the organization and to the planning of economic and social projects by supporting actively the creation and the action of the other associations, the local committees and the small or the micro companies begun of municipal interest, within the framework of a production of economic activity susceptible to help in the development of these populations : implementation of organised trips premises, constructions of inns, constructions of restaurants, development of craft activities, etc.

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In the educational sector, the Inkari institute supports the local communities with the provincial, regional and central institutions to help in the construction and in the management of rural schools, in the creation and the management of libraries of countryside, in the access to the computing, to the Internet and in multi-media.

The Inkari institute also considers as a priority of its action plans the protection of the natural environment of the zones concerned by its investigations. It supports, with the local communities and the regional, central and quite typical institutions of action to protect the ecosystems. It supports and advises the local communities within the framework of projects of reforestation, municipal town and country planning within the framework of basic works of water distribution or disposal of waste water, electrification, transport or development of communications.

In their request, the Inkari institute brings its advice in legal, technical and/or financial material to the local communities within the framework of an intensification of the management public and deprived of their institutions : legal, technical and/or financial advice within the framework of economic and social projects, such as the construction of sanitary, educational, tourist infrastructures, etc.; legal, technical and/or financial advice within the framework of the creation of small or micro companies; legal, technical and/or financial advice within the framework of agricultural or industrial projects of development (mines, fishing, fair tourism, etc.), of technological innovations, etc.; legal, technical and/or financial advice within the framework of the marketing of local products in the regional, national level or in the export.

In their request, the Inkari institute gives its legal service to local communities and to their inhabitants for the defence of their rights : assistant to the access to the registers of properties buildings, access to the justice, to the health, to the information, to the defence of their right citizens, etc.

The Inkari institute defends the rights of the native populations and the first peoples. It subscribes categorically to the measures established by the United Nations protecting the rights and the liberties of the native populations.

Its actions of support come true in a frame of total equity, of justice and political and ideological independence. Its principles of actions are the transparency and the respect absolved from the professional ethic, the only conditions to guarantee the efficiency of the actions begun on the ground.

To operate its missions of search and its social and cultural projects, the Inkari institute uses all the legal means considered as necessities. It seeks supports it economic and technical of the Peruvian national institutions, but also that of any international institution avid to support its action. Private companies and Peruvian and international associations, as well as the private individuals, can also contribute actively to the functioning the Inkari institute.

The Institute Inkari Europe

Inkari Europe is a Law 1901 association, based in Toulouse, France E.U., the main objective of which is to support the searches of French the archaeologist and explorer Thierry Jamin in Peruvian Amazonia.

The interface between the Instituto Inka of Investigación and Revaloración Indígena - Cusco (Instituto Inkari - Cusco) and the Association Inkari Europe chaired by Didier Cujives, Mairie de Paulhac (31), Member of Midi-Pyrénées Régional Council has the principal task to raise some funding for the Machu Picchu 2012.


The Institute Inkari website:

President of Inkari Europe, Didier CUJIVES Mobile: +33 (0)6 08 26 57 60 Mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]

Treasurer of Inkari Europe,, Mario MARTINEZ Tél.: +33 (0)1 74 13 47 25 - Mobile: +33 (0)6 87 03 28 30 Mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]

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The teamHilbert Sumire Bustincio

Peruvian archaeologist, Director of research at Machu Picchu for the first step, in april 2012, he is the oficial director of the archaeologi-cal project presented to the Peru-vian Ministry of Culture (National Register of Archaeologists N° BS - 0855).

Víctor Armando Pimentel Gurmendi

World-famous and recognized, it is useless to present him ! The famous architect and the Peruvian conser-vator Victor Pimentel (Register CAP N˚ 0080), participate to the project «Machu Picchu 2012» as Director of Preservation.

Daniel Ángel Merino Panizo

Spanish archaeologist specialized in the study of archeological sites in funerary context at the University Complutense of Madrid. Daniel Merino has participated in nume-rous research projects in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Peru, inclu-ding the site of Chan Chan.

José Benigno Casafranca Montes

Vice-president of the Inkari Ins-titute of Cusco, José is retired from the National Police of Peru for few years now. He fought for fifteen years against the Shining Path and belonged to a rescue unit in the high mountains of Cusco. Since 2009, he is the right hand of

Thierry Jamin, the Coordinator & Head of Security and Logistics of the project «Machu Picchu 2012».

David Crespy

French engineer based in Barce-lona, David Crespy is the source of this incredible story. As possessed by the urge of knowing the answers behind the mystery of this myste-rious «door», he funded the entire first phase of this project and par-ticipated, with the Inkari group, in

the ground penetrating radar tests in April 2012. Quite a character!

Herbert Cartagena

French-Peruvian explorer, Herbert Cartagena has spent many years searching for the lost city of Paititi. In 1979, his wife Nicole and him discovered the small Inca citadel of Mameria, in the middle of the vir-gin forest. He is the Coordinator, with José, of the project «Machu

Picchu 2012».Publications :Nicole et Herbert Cartagena, « À la recherche de Païtiti, cité perdue du Pérou », in « Géo », N˚ 191, Paris, janvier 1995. Nicole & Herbert Cartagena, « Païtiti, dernier refuge des Incas », éd. Robert Laffont, Paris 1981. Nicole & Herbert Cartagena, « Sur la piste des Incas », éd. Robert Laffont, Paris, 1975.

Edward Valenzuela Gil

Managing to Cusco of the TV production company Neviza, Ed-ward is the official cameraman of Thierry Jamin’s team since 2009. A really cross-country man and a great professional ! He is a public relations manager to the Inkari Ins-titute of Cusco and covered all the

first stage of the operation «Machu Picchu 2012».

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Various Peruvian Archaeologists specialising in the study of metals and burial place will join the group on site, but also Anthropologists, Geologists, Petrologists, Curators, Sur-veyors, Civil Engineers, etc. It is also worth mentioning all Thierry Jamin’s partners are based in France and work with him in his usual research and this special operation in Machu Picchu.

Alain BonnetAlain is the manager of the com-munication agency Prodiris ( and audiovisual produc-tion company Jungle Doc Produc-tions (, that he leads with Thierry Jamin. Since 2003, he is in charge of Thierry Jamin’s public relations (websites,

blogs, newsletters, Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

Didier Cujives

Mayor of the French town of Paul-hac, Ambassador of the Region of Midi-Pyrénées at the European Parliament. Didier Cujives is also the President of the NGO Inkari Europe, a Toulouse-based organi-zation dedicated to support Thierry Jamin’s research in Peru.

Mario Martinez

Treasurer of the NGO Inkari Eu-rope and a very active support of Thierry Jamin’s research.

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INSTITUTO INKARI CUSCO - Thierry JAMIN President Pasaje Esmeralda, # 181 Distrito de Santiago CUSCO – PÉROU Tel./Fax: +51 (84) 25 39 77 - Mobile: +51 974 780 419Skype : thierrycusco007 Mail: [email protected] Websites: ,,

INSTITUTO INKARI CUSCO Daniel MERINO PANIZO Executive secretary Calle Monte Abeto, # 171 SURCO – LIMAMobile: +51 948 484 751Mail: [email protected]

France Communication, public relations Alain BONNET Tel.: +33 (0)5 34 46 14 48 - Mobile: +33 (0)7 70 90 95 55 Mail : [email protected]

President of Inkari EuropeDidier CUJIVES Mobile: +33 (0)6 08 26 57 60 Mail : [email protected] ; [email protected]

Treasurer of Inkari Europe Mario MARTINEZ Tel.: +33 (0)1 74 13 47 25 - Mobile: +33 (0)6 87 03 28 30 Mail : [email protected] ; [email protected]


David CRESPYTel.: +34 93 675 23 51Mobile: +34 620 902 354Mail: [email protected]

United States

Public Relations & Fundraising,Benoit DUVERNEUILTel.: +1(954) 562 5370Email: [email protected]

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MEDIASAll stages of this incredible adventure were photographed and filmed in High Definition.


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13 14 15 16Captions:1. General view of the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu. Toward the centre of the picture, to the left, the building of our research and

the mysterious entrance dominate the urban area. (Photo: Thierry Jamin, September 2011)2. The Inca Pachacutec. Detail of the statue on the main square in Aguas Calientes. (Photo: Thierry Jamin, September 2011)3. General view of Building 02, Sector 02, sub-sector E, Unit 03 in the urban section of the Machu Picchu.The mysterious entrance

is hidden on the east side at the base of the building facing Putucusi.(Photo: Thierry Jamin, September 2011)4. Perspective of the mysterious entrance. (Photo: Thierry Jamin, September 2011)5. Close up view of the entrance towards the cavities located by Thierry Jamin and his team in April 2012. (Photo: Thierry Jamin,

April 2012)6. General view of the building «upper level» at the foot of which The French Engineer David Crespy has located the mysterious

«door»(Photo: Thierry Jamin, April 2012)7. The Archaeologist Thierry Jamin in front of the entrance towards the chambers (burial?), located in April 2012.(Photo: Thierry

Jamin, April 2012)

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8. The electromagnetic resonances. In the foreground, the Engineer Ricardo Tamaki studying the basement of the building using a Discriminator of Molecular Frequencies. Behind him Daniel Merino and Herbert Cartagena from the Inkari Institute - Cusco un-der the close supervision of 4 Archaeologists from the Archaeological Park of Machu Picchu.(Photo: Thierry Jamin, April 2012)

9. The electromagnetic resonances. Under the watch of Jose Casafranca, the vice-president of Institute Inkari - Cusco, the technician Freddy Mamani Sutta confirms the presence of underground cavities in the basement of the building through the magnetometre of the GPR Rover II New Edition. (Photo: Thierry Jamin, April 2012)

10. Ricardo Tamaki (right) and Mario Escobar (left), from the group Escobard, Lima, use a super sensor to detect the presence or not of cavities in the basement of the building. In the background, David Crespy and Daniel Merino observe carefully the scene. (Photo: Thierry Jamin, April 2012)

11. Equipped with the GPR Golden King DPRP, Ricardo Tamaki performs a horizontal scan from the entrance in the direction of the subterranean chambers.. (Photo: Thierry Jamin, April 2012)

12. The Archaeologist Thierry Jamin installs the GPR Cave Finder to confirm the existence of subterranean chambers. (Photo: Thierry Jamin, April 2012)

13. 3D modelling of a staircase leading to the main chamber. The picture was obtained by the GPR Golden King DPRP. (Photo: Thierry Jamin, April 2012)

14. The Spanish Archaeologist Daniel Merino executing the sketch of Building 2. (Photo: Thierry Jamin, April 2012)15. From left to right, the technician Freddy Mamani Sutta, and the Archaeologists Thierry Jamin and Daniel Merino, studying the

surprising results obtained by the Rover II New Edition. (Photo: Thierry Jamin, April 2012)16. David Crespy and Thierry Jamin in front of the famous entrance. What archaeological secrets does it sheltered ?(Photo: Thierry

Jamin, April 2012)

These photographs can be downloaded as zip file at the following address: - Size: 100 Mo.

They are protected under the author rights and can only be used for illustration of an article of news, the texts are written by Thierry

Jamin, executive director of the project and pictures’ author. All published articles have to be reported to Alain Bonnet(+33 7 70 90 95

55 - [email protected]).


The first visits of the door in September 2011, the resonances in April 2012 and the future campaign for the opening of the door were filmed or will be filmed by the cameraman from the Institute Inkari film - Cusco

To use the images as part of topical subject you can contact Alain Bonnet(+33 7 70 90 95 55 - [email protected]).