Dominios cromosomicos

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  • 8/13/2019 Dominios cromosomicos


    Chromatin DynamicsMichael R. Hubner and David L. Spector

    Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724;email: [email protected], [email protected]

    Annu. Rev. Biophys. 2010. 39:47189

    TheAnnual Review of Biophysicsis online

    This articles doi:10.1146/annurev.biophys.093008.131348

    Copyright c 2010 by Annual Reviews.All rights reserved


    Key Words

    nuclear organization, gene positioning, gene expression, chromos



    The expression patterns of many protein-coding genes are orchest

    in response to exogenous stimuli, as well as cell-type-specific devmental programs. In recent years, researchers have shown that dyn

    chromatin movements and interactions in the nucleus play a crrole in gene regulation. In this review, we highlight our current

    derstanding of the organization of chromatin in the interphase nuand the impact of chromatin dynamics on gene expression. We also

    cuss the current state of knowledge with regard to the localizatio

    active and inactive genes within the three-dimensional nuclear sFurthermore, we address recent findings that demonstrate the m

    ments of chromosomal regions and genomic loci in association changes in transcriptional activity. Finally, we discuss the role of i

    and interchromosomal interactions in the control of coregulated g


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  • 8/13/2019 Dominios cromosomicos


    FRAP: fluorescencerecovery afterphotobleaching


    INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472CHROMATIN DYNAMICS IN

    INTERPHASE NUCLEI . . . . . . . . . 472CHROMOSOME TERRITORIES . . . 475


    CHROMOSOMETERRITORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477



    CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482


    Nuclear structures appear to be self-organizing

    and, unlike cytoplasmic organelles, are not en-closed by membranes (for review, see Reference

    78). Therefore, they lack a physical compart-mentalization of individual cellular functions

    and enzymatic activities. Even more surprisingand enigmatic is the complex regulation of di-

    verse functions such as cell-type-specific regu-lation of gene expression, DNA damage repair,

    DNA replication, and the maintenance of nu-clear architecture upon successive cell divisions.

    In interphase nuclei, each chromosome oc-

    cupies a distinct territory (for review, see Ref-erence 27). Increasing evidence indicates thatthe organization of chromatin in the nucleus is

    not static. Rather, dynamic rearrangements and

    repositioning relative to nuclear structures andother chromosomal loci on the levels of bulk

    chromatin, single chromosomes, and individualgenes appear to be involved in the regulation of

    gene expression and differentiation. In this re-view, we highlight recent advances toward our

    understanding of the role of chromatin dynam-

    ics in these and other nuclear processes.


    The dynamics of chromatin has long been ofinterest to geneticists and cell biologists. For

    example, the question of whether chromosome

    rearrangements observed during the pairing

    meiotic homologs in maize andNeurosporarquire a special motile machinery, or wheth

    they move by diffusion, was first raised Barbara McClintock in 1945 (77). The develo

    ment of fluorescent live cell imaging techniquin recent decades has allowed for chromatin d

    namics to be studied in the live cells of a wirange of organisms from yeasts to insects anmammals.

    When bulk chromatin and centromerwere studied on the scale of the whole n

    cleus, excluding apparent curvilinear chromsome movements that have been attributed

    nuclear rotation, they appeared to be essentiastationary (31, 89, 105). Experiments in whi

    bulk chromatin in Chinese hamster cells wirradiated with UV light, and the damaged r

    gion was tracked over time, also indicated thchromosomal regions exert no significant m

    bility (26). The mobility of bulk chromatin w

    also studied by fluorescence recovery after phtobleaching (FRAP) experiments in Swiss 3T

    and HeLa cells (1). The photobleached arof the nucleus in these experiments was e

    sentially immobile over distances greater th0.4 m and observation times greater th

    1 h (1). However, chromatin movements migoccur on a smaller scale and thus be i

    accessible by such photobleaching expements. Therefore, Sedat and colleagues appli

    submicrometer single-particle tracking of a florescently labeled yeast chromosomal regio

    near the centromere of chromosome III (76

    This study found that chromatin is free to udergo substantial Brownian diffusion but tha

    given chromatin segment is confined to a nclear subregion. To rule out that nuclear rot

    tion contributes to the apparent chromatin dnamics, the positions of two chromosomal lo

    relativetoeachotherweremeasuredinthreedmensions. These measurements revealed a d

    fusion constant of yeast centromeric chromatof D = 5 1012 cm2 s1 and a confin

    ment radius of R = 0.3 m, which is mu

    smaller than the diploid yeast nucleus (3 m diameter; 76). Interestingly, centromer

    chromatin mobility was independent of acti

    472 H ubner Spector

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    Chromosometerritory: interphaseequivalent of achromosome

    GFP: green

    fluorescent protein

    embryos can be directly compared to mam-

    malian chromatin because Drosophilaembryoshave a unique, highly nonrandom radial and ax-

    ial positioning of chromosomes in the nucleus.In this Rabl configuration, chromosomes dis-

    play a polarized arrangement with telomeresat one pole of the nucleus and centromeres

    at the opposite pole. Interestingly, the Rablconfiguration is lost at distinct stages of thecell cycle and during development (30, 33,

    118). The structural basis for this organiza-tion is likely to be an association with the nu-

    clear envelope of approximately 15 chromoso-mal regions per chromosome arm (75). These

    associations arelikelyto decrease chromatindy-namics in Drosophila embryos. In fact, in de-

    veloping Drosophila spermatocytes that lack aRabl configuration, chromatin has a high de-

    gree of local and long-range dynamics that isrestricted to the size of a chromosome territory

    (124). In pre-meiotic mid-G2 spermatocyte nu-

    clei, chromatin moves by constrained Brown-ian diffusion. Chromatin motion involved two

    components: (a) a short-range component overa 12 s timescale with an apparent diffusion

    constant of1.3 102 m2 s1 and a con-finement radius of R 0.3 m and (b) a

    slower long-range movement over longer timeintervals (10 min) with a 13 times smaller dif-

    fusion constant of 1







    anda confinement radius of R = 0.6 m (124).

    Such behavior indicates that chromatin mobil-

    ity is severely constrained, and the entire con-finement region is explored during the sam-

    pling interval. Interestingly, chromatin in ma-ture spermatocytes in late G2 phase have an ap-

    proximately 4 times lower short-range mobility(D = 3.4 103 m2 s1, R = 0.15 m) and

    a 10 times lower long-range mobility (D =9.4 105 m2 s1, R = 0.2 m) com-

    pared with mid-G2 spermatocytes (124). Thesechanges of chromatin dynamics during the

    cell cycle suggest the involvement of specificor nonspecific interactions of chromatin with

    other (immobile) components, such as the nu-

    clear envelope or internal nuclear structures.How these differences in chromatin mobility

    reflect the spermatocytes progression towards

    meiosis remains to be determined. Chromat

    movement does not appear to be directed completely random. Rather, a large moveme

    in one direction was often followed by a movment in the opposite direction, consistent wi

    the random walk-on-a-chain model (48, 124In HeLa cells, centromeres are dispers

    throughout the nucleus in interphase. Thpattern is established by a nearly isometrexpansion upon chromatin decondensation

    telophase and early G1 (105). Therefore, tpositionofeachcentromereinearlyG1isdete

    mined mainly by its position on the metaphaplate (105). Most interphase centromeres a

    immobile, although individuals or a smgroup of centromeres occasionally moved

    slow rates of 710 m h1 (105). Using paticle tracking by high-resolution two-photo

    microscopy with 20 nm and 30 ms spatial antemporal resolution, respectively, green flurescent protein (GFP)-tagged Lac repress

    protein that binds to a Lac operator repecassette was analyzed in interphase CHO ce

    (62). Interestingly, periods of rapid constraindiffusion of the labeled chromosomal loc

    were interrupted by relatively abrupt jumps approximately 150 nm that lasted 0.32 s (62

    The confinement radius of the rapid motiis 40 nm, which is on the order of the 30-n

    fiber and could thus reflect local oscillations chromatin folding (62). Two labeled chrom

    somal loci that are

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    know little about interphase chromatin pack-

    aging at or above the 30-nm fiber (7). Thestudy above raises several intriguing questions:

    What is the origin and function of these

    jumps? Are they related to transcription,and does transcriptional activity influence

    jump distance and/or frequency?

    Do all chromosomal loci follow the samekinetics? One might predict that chro-

    matin more closely associated with thenuclear envelope has less freedom for

    these motions, whereas genes at the sur-

    face of chromosome territories mightjump farther and/or more frequently.

    Are there specific (immobile) attachment

    sites that determine jump distance, andwhat are they?

    In summary, bulk chromatin dynamics in thenucleus is several orders of magnitude slowerthan the diffusive mobility of DNA in solution.

    The diffusion of chromatin is likely to be influ-enced by various factors such as steric hindrance

    between large and possibly highly entangledchromatin regions, the degree of compaction of

    the chromatin fiber, the rigidity and density ofthe surrounding nucleoplasm, the attachment

    of chromatin to proteinaceous nuclear struc-tures or possibly a yet ill-defined nonchromatin

    nuclearscaffoldreferredtoasthenuclearmatrix(90), the attachment of chromatin to subnuclear

    structures such as the nuclear envelope or the


    ment sites might account for the observed dif-ferences in chromatin mobility during the cell

    cycle and cellular development (124). Duringinterphase, there seems to be no major chromo-

    somal rearrangement or translational mobilityon the scale of individual chromosomes. How-

    ever, chromatin dynamics appears to be fastenough to allow for intrachromosomal interac-

    tions, such as the association of an enhancer anda promoter in cisor in trans, over less than1 m

    distance within seconds (51, 68). Furthermore,

    long-range chromatin movements observed inDrosophila and mammalian cells suggest that in-

    dividual chromosomal regions can, at least to

    some degree, invade neighboring chromosome

    territories (13, 30). Thus far, such long-rangeinteractions have only rarely been observed in

    live mammalian cells. However, this may becaused by the limited number of loci examined

    by live cell imaging.


    The idea that chromosomes, visible during

    mitosis, occupy distinct regions in the inter-phase nucleus when they are not as condensed

    was first suggested by Carl Rabl in 1885 (93)and later refined in 1909 by Theodor Boveri,

    who coined the term chromosome territory(11). Theoretical considerations and indirect

    evidence during the following eight decades(for a detailed review, see References 24 and

    25) led to the first indirect visualization ofchromosome territories, by the clusteringon metaphase chromosomes, of laser UV-

    microirradiated interphase chromatin (26,136). Advancements in in situ hybridization

    techniques allowed the visualization of distinct,nonoverlapping chromosome territories in

    interspecies somatic hybrid cells (74, 99). Theterritorial organization of chromosomes in

    nonhybrid cells was demonstrated by wholechromosome fluorescence in situ hybridization

    (chromosome painting) of mammalian cells(28, 36, 64, 65, 92) and in plants (9, 61, 71)

    (Figure 1). In live cells, chromosome territo-ries were visualized by incorporating labeled

    nucleotide analogs during S-phase and follow-

    ing the segregation of labeled and nonlabeledsister chromatids during several rounds of

    mitosis (10, 73, 134). Live cell analysis of suchlabeled chromosome regions in neuroblastoma

    or HeLa cells revealed only small Browniandiffusion-like dynamics with diffusion con-

    stants on the order of D = 1011 cm2 s1

    during an observation period of several hours

    (10, 35). However, chromatin dynamics mightdepend on the cell type, the observation

    period, and the differentiation state of the cell.

    For instance, fluorescently labeled chromatindomains in neuronal interphase cells exhibited

    significant motion by nuclear rotation (31). Chromatin Dynamics 475

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    a b








    Figure 1

    Projections of mid-optical sections of human fibroblast nuclei that highlightchromosome territories. Three (a) and all 23 (b) pairs of chromosomes weredetected using 3D-FISH with chromosome paint probes obtained by flow-sorting. Individual chromosomes are indicated. Image in panel acourtesy ofIrina Solovei. Image in panelbcourtesy of Andreas Bolzer and Irina Solovei,

    University of Munich, Germany.

    Similarly, gross chromosomal movements were

    observed in Drosophila larval CNS cells, with

    an increased separation of distal positions of along chromosome arm at the onset of S-phase

    (30). In Drosophila imaginal discs, chromatinmovement is more constrained in differentiated

    cells than in undifferentiated cells (diffusionconstant D = 2.1 1012 cm2 s1 and 3.3 1012 cm2 s1, respectively), which suggests a

    link between a more restricted gene expressionprofile and the confinement of chromatin to asmaller nuclear space (117).

    Whether the spatial order of interphasechromosomes is propagated through mitosis

    has been quite controversial. Initial FRAP anal-

    ysis indicated that global chromosome posi-tions are transmitted from mother to daughter

    cells (45). However, further analysis of smallerchromosomal regions indicated that the exact

    positions of chromatin were not transmitted

    (120, 127). In fact, increased chromatin dy-namics was observed in early G1 cells (127).Chromosomal positions in adult human fi-

    broblasts with diploid or triploid karyotype ortrisomy 21 may be established early in devel-

    opment and retained in prometaphase rosettesand through mitosis (84). Conversely, chromo-

    some positions in the prometaphase rosette in

    normal human diploid embryonic fibroblas

    were relatively random (4). However, the psition of a chromosome on the metaphase pla

    carried through anaphase into telophase (4Chromosomal positions were described to

    cell type specific, similar to the positions of hman chromosomes 3, 7, 8, 13, 17, 21, X, and

    which were found to be different in Sertoli ceversus blood lymphocytes by whole chromsome painting (21). Human chromosome terr

    tory positions have also been reported to be sidependent, with smaller chromosomes gene

    ally located toward the interior of the nucleand larger chromosomes at the periphery (11

    The positions of human chromosomes and 19, which are similar in DNA conte

    with 85 Mb and 67 Mb, respectively, have beexamined in the nuclei of several cell lines (29

    The gene-poor chromosome 18, with low Cpisland density, late replicating DNA, and litt

    hyperacetylated histone H4, localized to mo

    peripheral sites; whereas the gene-rich chrmosome 19, with a high density of CpG island

    early replicating DNA, and abundant hypeacetylated H4, localized preferentially to t

    nuclear interior (29). The nuclear positions these chromosomes appeared to be establish

    early in the cell cycle and were maintainthroughout interphase (29). The chromosom

    arrangements of chromosomes 18 and 19 habeen conserved between humans and Ne

    World monkey species (116), as well as OWorld monkeys (115). Similarly, in chick

    cell nuclei, chromosomes occupy highly cosistent radial chromatin arrangements wi

    gene-rich, early-replicating microchrom

    somes in the nuclear interior, and gene-poolate-replicating macrochromosomes at t

    periphery (114). Interestingly, the chickmacrochromosomes 2 and Z contain genes h

    mologous to human chromosome 18, wherethe chicken microchromosomes correspo

    to human chromosome 19. Therefore, rsearchers have proposed that despite profoun

    changes in the karyotype, the radial positioing of chromosomes has been conserved ov

    300 million years of evolution betwechickens and humans (114). The correlatio

    476 H ubner Spector

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    between gene density and the nuclear position

    of chromosomes hasbeen confirmed with otherchromosomes in diploid human lymphoblasts

    and primary fibroblasts (12). Intriguingly, therod cells of the retinas of nocturnal, but not

    diurnal, mammals have recently been shownto possess an inverted chromatin organization,

    with euchromatin as well as nascent transcriptsand the splicing machinery lining the nuclearperiphery while heterochromatin is localized

    to an internal nuclear region (108).On the basis of the nuclear distribution

    of DNA hypersensitive sites at the nuclearperiphery, active genes transcribed by RNA

    polymerase II (RNA Pol II) were originallysuggested to have a preferentially peripheral

    localization (52, 56, 88). However, the directvisualization of incorporated 3H-uridine or

    Bromo-UTP(for review, see Reference109), orof proteins involved in transcription and RNAprocessing, has not revealed a predominant lo-

    calization at the nuclear periphery (17, 53, 128).Rather, RNAtranscripts areconcentrated at the

    surface of chromosome territories, andsnRNPsinvolved in pre-mRNA splicing locate pre-

    dominantly outside of chromosome territories(135). Interestingly, protein coding genes, irre-

    spective of their transcriptional activity, localizepredominantly at the periphery of chromo-

    some territories, whereas noncoding sequencesassume more interior positions or are randomly

    positioned in the territory (59). It was therefore

    proposed that genes preferentially localize tothe surface of chromosome territories where

    they are accessible to transcription factors andsplicing components that reside in the inter-

    chromatin domain (ICD) between territories(23, 125, 135) (Figure 2a,b). However, invagi-

    nations within chromosome territories likelyalso make internal regions of the chromosome

    accessible to the transcription machinery. Evi-denceforaroleoftranscriptioninthefrequency

    of intermingling of chromosome territories hascome from high-resolution studies in human

    lymphoblasts (13). Importantly, the degree of

    intermingling correlated with the frequencyof chromosome translocations, which implies

    that DNA double strand breaks formed within

    RNA Pol II: Rpolymerase II

    an intermingling region are more likely to

    cause interchromosomal rearrangements (13).The discovery of chromosome territories

    leads to several intriguing questions:

    What is the basis for chromosome terri-

    tory formation and (self-) organization? Is the nuclear position, and the posi-

    tion relative to each other, an inherentproperty of chromosomes, cell types and

    tissues? Is chromosome position a cause or con-

    sequence of their gene expression state?

    The development of new high-resolutionimaging techniques and high-throughput

    chromatin-interaction networks will help us toaddress these questions in the near future.



    It was widely accepted that the nuclear pe-

    riphery is a generally repressive compartmentand harbors mainly gene-poor chromosome

    regions in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae(for review, see Reference 3). Surprisingly, a

    genome-wide analysis in S. cerevisiae revealedthat several highly transcribed genes associate

    with nuclear pore proteins and that GALgenes relocate to the nuclear periphery upon

    transcriptional activation (19). Similarly, theINO1 gene relocates to the nuclear periphery

    when activated (14). The nuclear pore basket

    structure may play a role in the gene activationprocess in yeast because it binds to thepromoter

    region of genes early during transcriptionalupregulation (100). The gene gating hypothesis

    proposed by Blobel in 1985 might help explainthe localization of some activated genes to the

    nuclear periphery (8). According to this hy-pothesis,a subsetof transcribed genes associates

    with nuclear pores, which facilitates the exportof RNPs from the nucleus into the cytoplasm.

    Thus far, it has not been conclusively de-termined whether the transcriptional activity

    of a gene is the cause or the consequence

    of, or is independent of, its location withina chromosome territory or within the three-

    dimensional nuclear space. Interesting insight Chromatin Dynamics 477

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    c d





    20 m 2 m

    0.5 m

    Active genes

    Coregulatedgenes cis-acting



    Figure 2

    (a) Chromosomes are organized into territories in the interphase nucleus. (b) Gene-rich chromosomes assume more interior positionin the nucleus, whereas gene-poor chromosomes are more peripheral. (c) Actively transcribed genes tend to locate at the surface ofchromosome territories. Coregulated genes can form intra- and interchromosomal contacts and colocalize with foci rich in proteinsinvolved in transcription and splicing. (d) Intra- and interchromosomal associations play a role in the regulation of gene expression bbringing enhancers in contact with protein coding genes.

    comes from a study of the nuclear localiza-tion of the X-chromosome-linked adenine nu-

    cleotide translocase genes ANT2 and ANT3 in

    human female amniotic fluid cells (34). ANT3escapes X-chromosome inactivation, and both

    transcriptionally active alleles locate at the exte-riorofthetwohomologousX-chromosometer-

    ritories. In contrast, the transcriptionally silentANT2 allele on the inactive X-chromosome

    (Xi) locates to the interior of the chromosometerritory, whereas the expressed ANT2 allele

    on the active X-chromosome (Xa) locates to tperiphery of thechromosome territory (34). O

    human chromosome 6, large chromatin loo

    that contain several megabases of DNA prtruded outwards from the surface of the chr

    mosome territory (126). The frequency wiwhich a genomic region was observed at t

    periphery of the territory was cell type spcific and appeared to be related to the num

    ber of active genes in that region (126). Impotantly, the upregulation by interferon-gamm

    478 H ubner Spector

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    of the major histocompatibility class II com-

    plex (MHC II) on chromosome 6 led to an in-crease in the frequency with which the gene

    cluster was found on a protruding chromatinloop (13, 126). Similarly, retinoic acidinduced

    differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cellsresulted in the decondensation and relocaliza-

    tion of activated Hoxb genes away from theirchromosome 11 territory (20). Conversely, inthe case of Hoxd genes, decondensed alleles can

    be found in the interior of a chromosome terri-tory, whereas looped-out gene loci can still be

    condensed, indicating that looping and chro-matin decondensation might not be causally

    linked (80).During B and T lymphocyte development

    in mouse, large-scale spatial reorganization ofthe nucleus and genome may play a role in

    maintaining differentiation-induced heritablegene silencing (15, 16). In particular, several

    lymphoid genes move close to centromeric

    heterochromatin clusters upon transcriptionalshutdown (15). Because this relocation appears

    temporally delayed due to transcriptional shut-down, it is likely to be the consequence rather

    than the cause of gene silencing (15). Con-versely, the transcriptional activation of the hu-

    man -globin locus involves movement of thelocus control region (LCR) away from the cen-

    tromeric heterochromatin (102). Therefore,this relocation may be required to achieve hi-

    stone H3-H4 hyperacetylation and an openchromatin structure of the locus but is not suf-

    ficient for high-level transcription (102). Sim-

    ilarly, during murine B lymphocyte develop-ment, Igh and Igloci preferentially locate at

    the nuclearperiphery in hematopoieticprogen-itors and pro T-cells, but they assume more

    central positions in pro-B nuclei (55). On thebasis of these studies, large-scale chromatin re-

    arrangement and repositioning during lympho-cyte differentiation may play a role in transcrip-

    tional regulation, replication timing, and therecombination of Igh and Ig loci (55, 132).

    Similarly, the T-helper-cell cytokines IFN-on chromosome 10 and the regulatory regions

    of the TH2 locus on chromosome 11 associate

    LCR: locus conregion

    in transin nave T-cells but less frequently in

    differentiated TH1 or TH2 cells (111). Further-more, the beta-globin locus undergoes a relo-

    calization during mouse erythroid differentia-tion, in which the locus progressively moves

    away from the nuclear periphery (94). TheLCR-dependent association of the beta-globin

    locus with transcriptionally engaged RNA PolII foci may be the driving force for locus move-ment (94). Interestingly, transcriptional activa-

    tion at the periphery precedes locus movement(94). This indicates that the nuclear periphery

    is not a totally repressivecompartment in mam-malian cells (3, 104). In fact, the nuclear periph-

    ery may be divided into subdomains associatedwith active or silent gene regions (for review,

    see Reference 58).When functionally unrelated neighboring

    genes on chromosome 7 in several human celltypes were studied, active genes preferentially

    located with euchromatin in the nuclear inte-

    rior, whereas inactive genes located mainly toperinuclear heterochromatin at the nuclear pe-

    riphery (133). Upon activation, the cystic fi-brosis transmembrane conductance regulator

    (CFTR) gene on chromosome 7 moved from aperipheral position toward the nuclear interior

    (133). TheMash1locus, which is repressed andlocated at the nuclear periphery in mouse em-

    bryonic stem cells, was shown to move towardthe nuclear interior when it becomes activated

    during neuronal differentiation (129). Interest-ingly, the same group found that the nuclear

    periphery is not a universally repressive com-

    partment because the IFN gene remains at theperiphery upon transcriptional induction dur-

    ing T-helper cell differentiation (49).The effect of transcriptional induction on

    the nuclear position of single genetic loci hasbeen studied in live cells by using transgenes

    whose integration sites can be visualized withfluorescent proteins. In Chinese hamster

    ovary (CHO) cells, a transgene that containsa Lac operator (LacO) repeat cassette that

    preferentially localizes at the nuclear peripheryrelocated predominantly to the nuclear interior

    when constitutively activated by the VP16 Chromatin Dynamics 479

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    acidic activation domain (122). In another

    study, a transcriptionally activated locusexerted intermittent directional movement

    toward the nuclear interior at velocities of0.10.9 m min1 over distances of 15 m in

    an actin- and/or myosin I-dependent fashion

    (22). On the other hand, two other inducible

    loci in baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells, oron human chromosome 1p36 in U2OS cells,did not significantly change their nuclear

    position upon transcriptional upregulation(54, 121). Interestingly, this human locus is

    integrated near a telomere that may serve ananchoring function. Upon induction, a signif-

    icant chromatin decondensation, as well as therecruitment of RNA Pol II, splicing factors,

    and histone H3.3, were visualized (54). Thisindicates that transcriptional induction and

    chromatin decondensation can be independentof intranuclear localization and are likely locus

    and/or chromatin context specific. Further evi-

    dence that localization to the nuclear peripherydoes not preclude transcription came from a

    study in which an inducible reporter gene wastethered to the nuclear periphery via a Lac

    repressor-lamin B fusion. The locus targeted tothe nuclear lamina was inducible with kinetics

    similar to the untargeted locus (57). Interest-ingly, the targeting of the locus to the lamina

    required passage through mitosis (57), whichindicates that a gross chromatin reorganization

    might require chromosome condensation andnuclear breakdown and reformation. In a simi-

    lar approach, an emerin fusion protein was used

    to target an active gene to the nuclear laminain a process that also involved mitosis (95).

    Interestingly, this study showed a silencing ofthe reporter gene, as well as neighboring genes

    (95). Additionally, Lac repressor-mediatedtethering of portions of human chromosomes 4

    and 11 to the nuclear membrane protein Lap2led to the silencing of some genes located near

    the tethering site or even further away, whereasmany other genes were not affected (37). The

    differences between these results might becaused by the different targeting approaches

    to potentially different microdomains at the

    nuclear periphery. Furthermore, the nucle

    periphery might play different roles in ttranscriptional activation of a silent gene

    the maintenance of ongoing transcription.In some cases, DNA motifs have been im

    plicated in transcription-dependent gene psitioning. For instance, a functional enhanc

    antagonized the transcriptional silencing otransgene by preventing its localization close

    centromeric heterochromatin (39). In contra

    the Gypsi chromatin insulator element caussequences from separate chromosomal loci

    colocalize in insulator bodies at the nuclear priphery and thereby regulate gene expressio

    (44).In S. cerevisiae, generecruitmentsequenc(GRS) in the promoter region of the INO

    gene are sufficient to target an internal locus the nuclear periphery and confer physical co

    tact with the nuclear pore complex, whichrequired for full induction of the INO1 ge

    (2).In addition to a role in transcription, th

    nuclear periphery has recently been shown

    play a role in DNA repair in budding yeaThe Msp3 protein that spans the inner nucle

    membrane sequestered persistent doublestraDNA breaks (DSBs), as well as telomeres,

    the nuclear periphery (87, 101). Additionallirreparable DSBs were recruited to the nucle

    periphery through association with the nucleporin Nup 84 and the nuclear-pore-associat

    SUMO ligase Slx5/Slx8 (82).


    Several scenarios have been suggested with r

    gard to how the transcription machinery antarget genes meet up in the nucleoplasm. O

    the one hand, transcription factors have beshown to move throughout the nucleoplasm

    diffusion, thereby gaining accessibility to targloci (91). On the other hand, it has been su

    gested that, rather than recruiting and assem

    bling transcription complexes, genes can mgrate to preassembled foci termed transcripti

    480 H ubner Spector

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    factories (18, 85). These foci exist in theabsence

    of transcription, but transcription initiation isnecessary to tether distal genes to shared foci

    (79). Genes on different chromosomes suchas the Myc proto-oncogene on chromosome

    15 and the Igh locus on chromosome 12 inmouse B lymphocytes colocalize in the same

    transcriptionfactory, which suggests a high mo-bility of individual chromosomal regions (86)(Figure 2c). However, the direct movement of

    genes to transcription factories has not beendemonstrated in living cells.

    Intra- and interchromosomal interactionshave also been studied by chromosome con-

    firmation capture (3C) (32) and fluorescent insitu hybridization (FISH) techniques. Upon

    transcriptional activation by the female steroidhormone estradiol, the estrogen receptor alpha

    (ER) target genes TFF1 (pS2) and GREB1colocalize in foci rich in transcription factors

    and splicing components (51). This interchro-

    mosomal interaction depends on the nuclearactin/myosin-I machinery and dynein light

    chain 1 (51). Interestingly, thehistone H3 lysine4 demethylase LSD1 is essential for estradiol-

    dependent gene activation (42) and is involvedin the association of the target genes with

    interchromatin granules but not their inter-chromosomal interaction (51). It remains to be

    elucidated if the TFF1 and GREB1 genes showa directed movement towarda pre-formed tran-

    scription factory where coregulated genes asso-ciate or if transcription complexes are recruited

    to the site where these coregulated genes

    become associated. Similarly, the Hoxb1 locusshows increased intra- and interchromosomal

    interactions upon transcriptional activationand looping-out of its chromosome territory

    during mouse embryonic stem cell differenti-ation (130). Recently, the 3D architecture of

    the human genome has been investigated usinga variation of 3C, referred to as Hi-C. Using

    this methodology, Lieberman-Aiden et al. (66)reported that chromatin conformation at the

    megabase scale is consistent with a fractal glob-ule where interactions are more likely within a

    compartment than between compartments.

    Transcriptionfactory: nuclearich in Ser5-phosphorylatedPol II

    FISH: fluorescsitu hybridizatio

    Long-distance chromosomal interactions in

    cis and in trans (Figure 2d) have been de-scribed for the transcriptional regulation of ol-

    factory receptor genes, which are the largestgene family in mammals. The regulatory 2.1-kb

    H-element on chromosome 14 associates withonly one of approximately 1300 odorant recep-

    tor (OR) genes on different chromosomes. Thisleads to the monoallelic and mutually exclusiveexpression of oneOR gene per olfactory neuron

    (68, 103). However, the H-element is probablynot the only element that confers gene activa-

    tion to OR genes because the deletion of theH-element in mice has a graded effect on gene

    expression with distance from the H-elementincisand had no effect on OR gene expression

    intrans(40).Intrachromosomal interactions also play a

    role in gene imprinting in mouse. The LCRof the imprinted insulin-like growth factor

    Igf/H19 locus on chromosome 7 interacts with

    the upstream differentially methylated region1 (DMR1) of the Igf2 gene, as well as an

    intergenic region flanked by the Wsb1 andNf1 genes of chromosome 11 and a chromo-

    some 6 locus (67, 81). The association requiresCCCTC-binding factor (CTCF), which re-

    cruits Polycomb repressive complex 2 throughits interaction with Suz12 (63). Interestingly,

    the LCR association is specific for the mater-nal Igf2/H19 locus and the paternal Wsb1/Nf1

    locus, despite biallelic expression of Wsb1 andNf1 genes (67). The association of the LCR

    with the Wsb1/Nf1 region occurred in approx-

    imately 40% of the cells studied (67). It remainsto be elucidated why this interaction is not de-

    tected in all cells and if the interaction is cellcycle dependent. Furthermore, it is unknown if

    the loci interact directly or if they only colocal-ize with the same nuclear substructure.

    The pairing of homologous chromosomesin somatic cells has been observed in plants, as

    well as in Drosophila and other dipterans (forreview, see References 47 and 50). In contrast,

    chromosome pairing occurs infrequently and ispresumably a random event in human cells. A

    few exceptions exist: In human T-lymphocytes, Chromatin Dynamics 481

  • 8/13/2019 Dominios cromosomicos


    XIC: X-chromosomeinactivation center

    a spatial and temporal association of the mater-

    nal and paternal chromosome 15q11-q13 re-gion has been observed during S-phase (60).

    Interestingly, this region contains an imprintedregionthat contains the Prader-Willi syndrome

    (PWS) and the Angelman syndrome (AS) loci.Cells from PWS and AS patients lack the asso-

    ciation of homologous loci, and therefore themutual recognition and pairing of chromosome15 may be involved in the imprinting process

    (60).Female mammalian cells randomly in-

    activate one of the X-chromosomes in aninheritable manner early in development to

    equalize the dosage of X-linked genes. At theonset of X-chromosome inactivation, two ho-

    mologous X-chromosome inactivation centers(XICs) transiently colocalize (5, 6). The non-

    coding Xist RNA is upregulated on one of theX-chromosomes, coats the entire chromosome,

    and acts as a transcriptional repressor incis(6).

    It is not yet known if and how Xist RNA is in-volved in the association of XICs. Interestingly,

    the inactive X-chromosome contacts the per-inucleolar region in 80%90% of mid-to-late

    S-phase cells in an Xist RNA-dependentmanner (131). Therefore, the inactive

    X-chromosome may need to visit the perin-ucleolar region repeatedly to maintain gene

    silencing (131). However, Xist RNA is notthe only noncoding RNA involved in gene

    silencing. The 91.5-kb Kcnq1ot1 RNA isinvolved in the imprinting of the Kcnq1 locus

    (38, 72), and the antisense Igf2r RNA (Airn)

    plays a role in the imprinting of the Igf2r locus(4, 70, 83). It will be interesting to find out

    if these noncoding RNAs play a role similarto Xist in the pairing of homologous loci to

    induce monoallelic gene silencing.Intra- and interchromosomal interactions

    are not restricted to genes that are tran-scriptionally coregulated. For example, dur-

    ing V(D)J recombination in developing B- andT-cells, the distant variable (V) and (diversity)-

    joining constant (D)JC gene segments colo-calize in a stochastic manner to facilitate

    chromosomal rearrangements, which lead to

    diverse antigen receptor repertoire (for reviesee References 41, 55, 96, 97, and 110). Sim

    larly, the T-cell receptor (Tcrb) and T-cell rceptor(Tcra-Tcrd) loci undergo long-ran

    interactions by locus contraction and loopin

    of the 655-kb Trcb locus (106). Interesting

    once recombination is complete, the loci seprate,andtheinteractionisnolongerobservedsubsequent developmental stages, which pro

    ably prevents further V-DJ recombinati(96, 106).


    It has been a little over a century since chrmosomes have been postulated to locali

    in distinct territories in interphase nucl

    Over the past three decades, we have gainsignificant insight, with increasing spatand temporal resolution into the dynam

    of bulk chromatin, chromosomal loci, aindividual genes. Nevertheless, some esse

    tial questions have not been conclusiveanswered yet: Is there a subnuclear structu

    that serves as a scaffold for the organizatioof the genetic material, or are chromosom

    self-organizing? If so, what is the basis of th

    self-organization, and how are complex pr

    cesses such as transcription, DNA replicatioDNA repair, and cell division regulated regard to nuclear position? Do genes move

    specialized compartments for efficient trascription, and do coregulated genes colocali

    in these structures? Are changes in nuclelocalization a cause or a consequence of gen

    activation? Currently, the development autilization of high-resolution microscopes an

    high-throughput methods to detect gene inteactions are vastly expanding our knowledge

    the role of gene position and dynamics in th

    regulation of gene expression. Research ovthe next decade is certain to provide many u

    expected surprises in regard to these and othoutstanding questions about how the genom

    functions within the context of the cell nucleu

    482 H ubner Spector

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    1. Chromosomes occupy distinct territories in the interphase nucleus.

    2. Chromatin movements are generally on the scale of 0.30.5 m.

    3. Chromatin position is not precisely transmitted through mitosis.

    4. Gene-poor chromosomes tend to be on the nuclear periphery, and gene-rich chromo-

    somes localize to more internal nuclear regions.

    5. Both silent and active genes can be found at the nuclear periphery.

    6. Examples of chromatin movement have been documented in regard to both transcrip-

    tional induction and gene silencing.

    7. Intra- and interchromosomal gene associations have been shown to influence gene



    1. What is the nuclear organization of chromatin, and what role does it play in transcrip-tional regulation?

    2. What are the dynamic processes of chromatin at higher spatial and temporal resolution?

    3. Is the position of chromosome territories and chromosomal loci a cause or a consequence

    of their transcriptional activity?

    4. Are individual chromosome territories organized by a scaffold-type structure?

    5. Is the colocalization of coregulated genes a common process, and how is their motionaccomplished?


    The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that

    might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.


    We thank Irina Solovei, Andreas Bolzer, and Thomas Cremer (University of Munich, Germany)for the images in Figure 1, and James Duffy (CSHL) for drawing Figure 2. Research in the

    Spector laboratory is supported by NIGMS 42694, NIH/EY 18244, and 5PO1CA01310638.M.R.H. received fellowships from the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO; ALTF

    160-2005) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).


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