Dollar Detectives go to Cashella - EVERFI

Dollar Detectives go to Cashella Volunteer Guide

Transcript of Dollar Detectives go to Cashella - EVERFI

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Dollar Detectives go to Cashella

Volunteer Guide

Page 2: Dollar Detectives go to Cashella - EVERFI

Table of Contents

Your Role & The Dollar Detectives GameGame Link

Event Schedule

Puzzle Answers & Helpful HintsPuzzle Answers & Calculations

Helpful Hints for Students

Discussion QuestionsWrap Up & Reflection Questions

Tips Working with StudentsEngaging Students

Managing Behavior





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Your RoleVolunteers will play the role of advisor, helping students work through the four puzzles and referencing the tips and hints in this volunteer guide. For smaller groups of students (ten or less), you may choose to play the game in the main video conference and work together as one team.

For groups of ten students or more, we recommend using breakout rooms to split students into teams, which also adds a fun competitive dynamic!

• Multiple Volunteers: If multiple volunteers are present, we recommend each volunteer works directly with a team of students. You will remain in a single breakout room for the entire event and work through the game alongside your team of students. We recommend one volunteer per small group of 5-8 students.

• Single Volunteer: One volunteer can remain ‘on call’ to all students as they complete the game. This volunteer can answer questions via the chat function, or spend a few minutes visiting each breakout room.



Event Schedule

Activity Length

Introduction & InstructionsStudents meet the Host and Volunteers. The Host reads the Intro Script about Cashella to set the scene.

5 minutes

Dollar Detectives GameplayStudents work in teams to solve the four puzzles. Volunteers are on hand to assist students with any questions and share their knowledge with the students to help develop their understanding.

20 minutes

Reflection & Thank YouThe Host welcomes everyone back. They discuss the puzzles, ask students and volunteers to share what they learned, and conclude with thank yous to the teacher and students.

5-10 minutes

Sharing The Weblink & Unlock Code

In order for students to access the website to participate,the lead volunteer or “host” will need to share the weblink and unlock code for ‘The Dollar Detectives go to Cashella’ shown below.

Weblink: Unlock code: cash3lla

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Puzzle Answers & Hints2Puzzle 1 (Lin)

Correct Answer: Students must buy essential festival items, while maximizing spending money for the festival. They must evaluate the best value for each item on their checklist.

The correct answer is $1,252. This is the smallest amount of money to buy everything on the list.


• (4) single-person tents @ $25 per tent = $100

• (2) two-person tents @ $45 per tent = $90 (best value!)


• Flight: $200 per person x 4 people = $800

• Rental Car: $200 each way x 2 ways = $400 (best value!)


• Festival food trucks: 36 meals x $35/meal = $1,260

• Superstore picnic: $250 total/day x 3 days = $750 (best value!)


• Single Water Bottles: 48 bottles x $1/bottle = $48

• Case of Water: 2 cases of water = $12 (best value!)



ANSWER: $90+$400+$750+$12 = $1,252

Task 1 Working out return travel for 4 people

Obstacle: Students may miss that the rental car is $200 each way, so should be multiplied by 2.

Prompts: How many housemates are there? Does that cost allow them to get home again?

Task 2 Working out the cheapest way to buy 36 meals

Obstacle: Students may assume the Superstore Picnic cost is per meal, but it is the total cost for an entire day of meals for the four roommates (12 meals total).

Prompts: How do we get those 36 meals the cheapest? Is the difference surprising?

Helpful Hints for Students

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Puzzle 2 (Mina)

Correct Answer: Students must look at Mina’s bank statement and work out the total value of the non-essential items. By saving on these, she can take the money to Cashella as spending money instead!

The correct answer is $150. This is the total of all non-essential spending on the statement.

Non-essential items are:

• Live TV Streaming Plan: $25

• Headphones: $80

• Take-Out Dinner: $45



ANSWER: $25+$80+$45 = $150

Task Students must identify which items are non-essential spending.

Obstacle: Define ‘non-essential’ to the students, and discuss what items this could include.

Prompts:What is a non-essential item? Is a streaming service really essential? Food is essential but groceries are less expensive than non-essential items like take-out from a restaurant.

Helpful Hints for Students

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Puzzle 3 (AJ)

Correct Answer: Students must determine the credit card that will yield the most cash back in the next 6 months, without overextending their spending.

The correct answer is $435. This is the total amount of “cash back” they can earn in 6 months from the Green Stream card.

Money Flex:

• Fee: $0

• Rewards: (1% of $100)+(3% of $400) = $13/month x 6 months = $78

• Perks: +$150

TOTAL: $228 cash back

Green Stream:

• Fee: -$25

• Rewards: (2% of $500) = $10/month x 6 months = $60

• Perks: +$400

Elite Travel

• Fee: -$50

• Rewards: (1% of $400) + (4% of $100) = $8/month x 6 months = $48

• Perks: n/a - minimum spend not met

TOTAL: no cash back



ANSWER: $435 cash back - most cash back!

Task 1 Determine the percent cash back based on the purchase type.

Obstacle: Each card has different cash-back rates for food, travel, or general purchases.

Prompts: What are our categories of spending each month? What is the percent cash back for each category?

Helpful Hints for Students

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Task 2 Identify which card(s) the roommates do not qualify for.

Obstacle: One card (Elite Travel) has a spending minimum higher than the roommates monthly spending.

Prompts: How much are we spending monthly? Are there any cards we won’t qualify for based on our spending across three months?

Task 3 Factor in any one-time fees in the calculation.

Obstacle: Students may forget to subtract any one-time fees for opening an account.

Prompts: What are the three things we need to calculate for each card (fees, cashback rewards, additional perks)?

Task 4 Calculate the total amount of cash-back after 6 months.

Obstacle: Students may overlook the interval of time -- how much cash back they can earn in 6 months.

Prompts: What is the monthly cash back for each card? What is the interval of time that we should include in our calculations?

Helpful Hints for Students continued


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Task 2 Work out the total money that can be earned in the weeks before Cashella.

Obstacle: There are 2 weeks left until Cashella, so use this timeframe to calculate answers.

Prompts: How many weeks until the festival? How many times can we repeat some of the jobs?

Task 1 Identify any hidden costs.

Obstacle: Students may miss that the ‘online tutoring’ charges a one-time $10 fee to use the platform.

Prompts: Do any of these jobs cost the roommates money to make money? Let’s factor in any costs.

Task 3 Decide which activities are NOT an option due to the financial risks.

Obstacle: Some of these activities might have short-term benefit, but long-term risk..

Prompts: Is skipping a credit card payment a smart option if it means paying late fees and interest next month?

Puzzle 4 (Noah)

Correct Answer: Students must work out ways to make some extra money before Cashella, and there are just two weeks to go until the festival. Students must calculate the total amount of extra cash they can make without taking on unnecessary financial risks.

The correct answer is $760 for dog walking, babysitting, and online tutoring. Skipping a credit card payment is not an option because there is financial risk.

• Dog walking: $20/walk x 3 walks/week x 2 weeks = $120

• Babysitting: $20/hr x 5 hours x 2 days = $200

• Skip our credit card payment: Not an option. Financial risk to your credit score.

• Online tutoring: ($45/lesson x 5 x 2) - $10 = $440


Helpful Hints for Students


ANSWER: $120+$200+$440 = $760

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Discussion Questions3

Acknowledge the students’ achievement in using their financial knowledge and analytical skills to crack each of the financial challenges. Not only did they save money for the roommates, but they can use the knowledge themselves to be more savvy with money and work out their best options in future; whether on a credit card statement, options in a supermarket, or comparing savings accounts.

Questions for Students:

• What did you think of The Dollar Detectives game? Was it hard? Was it fun to play?

• What did you think of the challenges - which was your favorite puzzle?

• Which puzzle took you longest to crack? Why? How did you overcome those challenges?

• Can anyone tell me a skill they have picked up today?

• What are some of the things you’re saving for (activites, items)?

• What financial tips do you think you can take away from today (finding ways to save or earn extra cash, remembering to always pay your credit card bill on time to avoid late fees, interest, or damage to your credit score, etc.)?

Questions for Teachers:

• What did you think of The Dollar Detectives game? How did you think your students did?

• Were you surprised by how well the students did? We were very impressed!

• Would you welcome us back in future? We’re really grateful you allowed us to visit your school!


Puzzle Answers for Quick Reference

Puzzle Answer

Puzzle 1 (Lin) $1,252

Puzzle 2 (Mina) $150

Puzzle 3 (AJ) $435

Puzzle 4 (Noah) $760

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Tips Working with Students4

Engaging Students

If you are new to working with young people, these simple tips will help you to engage with students, encourage them to participate, and aid with their understanding of the puzzles.

• Layer instructions. Rather than giving one large instruction at once, break it down and add new tasks over time. Ask a different student to read each question to increase participation and get students talking. Only proceed to the next when you’re happy everybody is following along.

• Give examples. If you are introducing a new concept or piece of advice to solve one of the puzzles, giving a relevant example to the students is incredibly powerful to aid understanding.

• Repeat and ask questions. Ask questions to double-check understanding. Feel confident to ask: ‘does everyone understand?’ at any time. This simple prompt allows students to stay on track.

Managing Challenging Behavior

These simple and effective tips are provided to help you prevent any challenging behavior, and how to manage and continue to run the workshop if any behavior issues arise:

• Establish rapport. Building a good relationship with students will make your job much easier. Allow time to ask how their day is going as they are arriving online and joining the virtual session. Address them by name when possible to connect on an individual level.

• Model. Demonstrate the kind of behaviour you want to see.

• Positive language. Praise is often more effective than criticism. For example, rather than saying “would everyone stop talking,” you could say, “I’d like to see some really good listening.”

• Special responsibilities. Give students specific jobs (for example, “Joe, can you calculate the total cost of flights vs. rental car in Puzzle 1, while Alisha works through the cost of food?”) and ask them to share back to the team. If students feel they have a role, they remain invested in the session.

• Set clear expectations. Make sure you explain, as they occur, which behaviors are not