Does Vertical Integration Affect Firm Performance ... · Does Vertical Integration Affect Firm...

Does Vertical Integration Affect Firm Performance? Evidence from the Airline Industry Silke J. Forbes University of California, San Diego Mara Lederman Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto This draft: July 2009 Abstract This paper investigates the effects of vertical integration on operational performance in the U.S. airline industry. All of the large U.S. network carriers use regional partners to operate some of their short- and medium-haul routes. However, some regional partners are owned while others are independent and managed through contracts. Using detailed flight-level data and accounting for the potential endogeneity of integration decisions, we estimate whether an airline’s use of an owned - rather than independent - regional partner at an airport affects its delays and cancellations on the flights that it itself operates out of that airport. Our results indicate that integrated airlines perform systematically better than non-integrated airlines at the same airport on the same day. Furthermore, we find that the performance advantage of integrated airlines increases on days with highly adverse weather conditions. Because adverse weather requires airlines to make real-time adjustments to their planned schedules, this finding suggests that the benefits of ownership are particularly high when firms need to make a greater number of non-contracted adaptation decisions. We believe that this work is one of the first to both document the performance implications of vertical integration decisions as well as shed light on the underlying source of these differences. . JEL codes: L22, L25 Key words: Vertical Integration; Firm Boundaries; Firm Performance; Airlines We thank Severin Borenstein, Kenneth Corts, Julie Cullen, Luis Garicano, Robert Gibbons, Scott Masten, Anita McGahan, Steven Tadelis and seminar/conference participants at the Harvard-MIT Organizational Economics Seminar, Northwestern University (Kellogg School of Management), Loyola Marymount University, the University of California, Berkeley (Haas School of Business), the University of Rochester (Simon School of Business), the University of Southern California (Marshall School of Business), the University of Toronto (Rotman School of Management), the Allied Social Science Association Conference, the International Society for New Institutional Economics Conference and the NBER Universities Research Conference on the Airline Industry for helpful comments and suggestions. We are grateful to Itai Ater for providing the airport capacity data. Graton Gathright provided excellent research assistance. All errors are our own.

Transcript of Does Vertical Integration Affect Firm Performance ... · Does Vertical Integration Affect Firm...

Page 1: Does Vertical Integration Affect Firm Performance ... · Does Vertical Integration Affect Firm Performance? Evidence from the ... implications of vertical integration decisions as

Does Vertical Integration Affect Firm Performance? Evidence from the Airline Industry

Silke J. Forbes University of California, San Diego

Mara Lederman Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

This draft: July 2009


This paper investigates the effects of vertical integration on operational performance in the U.S. airline industry. All of the large U.S. network carriers use regional partners to operate some of their short- and medium-haul routes. However, some regional partners are owned while others are independent and managed through contracts. Using detailed flight-level data and accounting for the potential endogeneity of integration decisions, we estimate whether an airline’s use of an owned - rather than independent - regional partner at an airport affects its delays and cancellations on the flights that it itself operates out of that airport. Our results indicate that integrated airlines perform systematically better than non-integrated airlines at the same airport on the same day. Furthermore, we find that the performance advantage of integrated airlines increases on days with highly adverse weather conditions. Because adverse weather requires airlines to make real-time adjustments to their planned schedules, this finding suggests that the benefits of ownership are particularly high when firms need to make a greater number of non-contracted adaptation decisions. We believe that this work is one of the first to both document the performance implications of vertical integration decisions as well as shed light on the underlying source of these differences. .

JEL codes: L22, L25

Key words: Vertical Integration; Firm Boundaries; Firm Performance; Airlines

We thank Severin Borenstein, Kenneth Corts, Julie Cullen, Luis Garicano, Robert Gibbons, Scott Masten, Anita McGahan, Steven Tadelis and seminar/conference participants at the Harvard-MIT Organizational Economics Seminar, Northwestern University (Kellogg School of Management), Loyola Marymount University, the University of California, Berkeley (Haas School of Business), the University of Rochester (Simon School of Business), the University of Southern California (Marshall School of Business), the University of Toronto (Rotman School of Management), the Allied Social Science Association Conference, the International Society for New Institutional Economics Conference and the NBER Universities Research Conference on the Airline Industry for helpful comments and suggestions. We are grateful to Itai Ater for providing the airport capacity data. Graton Gathright provided excellent research assistance. All errors are our own.

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I. Introduction

Do firm boundary decisions affect firm performance? While theoretical work on

the “theory of the firm” predicts that one should find performance implications of vertical

integration decisions,1 there is little direct evidence on this question. Such empirical

evidence has been hard to establish for two reasons. First, it is difficult to obtain data on

relevant outcome measures for similar transactions that are organized differently.

Second, firm boundary decisions will typically be endogenous (Masten, 1993). In this

paper, we overcome both of these difficulties and document the existence and magnitude

of performance differences between integrated and non-integrated firms carrying out

virtually identical transactions. Our results indicate that, operationally, there is a

performance advantage to vertical integration.2 Moreover, we find that this performance

advantage increases in situations in which adaptation decisions are more likely to be

needed. We believe that this paper is one of the first to both measure the performance

implications of integration decisions as well as provide empirical evidence on their cause.

Our setting is the U.S. airline industry. The large U.S. network carriers, often

called “majors”, employ regional airlines to operate a subset of their routes. Regional

airlines may be owned by the major for which they operate or they may be independent

and contract with one or more major carriers. As we explain in greater detail below,

contracts between majors and independent regionals compensate the regional based only

on the specific routes that it serves. As a result, when non-contractible schedule changes

arise – as they frequently do in this industry - independent regionals may be less willing

than owned regionals to carry out the schedule adjustments that their majors request,

especially if these adjustments – while profit-maximizing for the major – impose costs on

the regional. Because the regional’s flights and the major’s own flights at an airport

compete for potentially scarce resources, this incentive problem may affect the efficiency

with which majors can respond to schedule disruptions.

To investigate this relationship between ownership and operational performance,

we estimate whether use of an owned – rather than independent – regional at a particular

airport affects a major’s performance on the flights that it itself operates out of that

1 See, for example, Williamson (1975, 1985), Grossman and Hart (1986) and Hart and Moore (1990). 2 We use the term “operational performance” to distinguish what we measure from measures of overall performance such as profits.

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airport.3 We measure performance using flight-level data on delays and cancellations.

Our empirical approach exploits three important features of our setting. First, the

network structure of airline operations allows us to derive a plausible set of instrumental

variables for the endogenous vertical integration decision. Second, because we observe

many airports at which some majors use owned regionals while others use independent

regionals, we are able to include fixed effects for each origin airport-day combination in

our regressions, in addition to a set of airline-airport level control variables. Thus, we are

identifying the effects of integration by comparing the performance metrics of integrated

and non-integrated majors at the same airport on the same day. Third, while ownership

decisions are fixed at least in the medium term, the relative returns to integration over

non-integration in this industry can change on a daily basis as airlines will typically need

to make more adjustments to their flight schedules on days with adverse weather. This

allows us to use observable variation in daily weather conditions to investigate whether

the relationship between integration and performance changes when the likelihood that

airlines will have to make non-contracted adaptation decisions increases. It also allows

us to estimate a specification that includes airline-airport fixed effects. These fixed

effects – which provide an additional way to account for the endogeneity of integration

decisions - will absorb the underlying effect of vertical integration but the interaction

with weather will still be identified.

Our results indicate that majors using only integrated regional partners at an

airport experience departure delays that are, on average, 5.4 minutes shorter than those

experienced by majors using only independent regionals. The cancellation rates of

integrated majors are also lower, by about one percentage point. These are not small

effects, given that the average departure delay in our sample is about 11 minutes and the

average cancellation rate is 4 percent. When we allow the effect of ownership to vary

with daily weather conditions, we find that the performance advantage of majors using

owned regionals increases by an additional 3 minutes on days with heavy rain. The

results that use snow as our measure of adverse weather are somewhat weaker, likely due

to measurement issues. However, once we restrict to a winter sample and consider both

3 Data limitations prevent us from also estimating the relationship between ownership and the operational performance of flights operated by that regional.

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delays and cancellations, we find that the performance advantage of majors using owned

regionals also increases on days with snow.

In addition to being one of the only papers to provide evidence on the effects of

vertical integration on operational performance, we believe that this paper is also one of

the few empirical contributions that focus explicitly on the relationship between

integration and adaptation decisions.4 Williamson (1975, 1985) first developed the

hypothesis that integration facilitates adaptation decisions. Bajari and Tadelis (2001) and

Tadelis (2002) further develop the idea that the need for ex post adaptation decisions can

be a source of transaction costs and can therefore influence both contract design and

integration decisions. In our previous work, Forbes and Lederman (forthcoming), we

investigate the determinants of vertical integration between major and regional airlines.

Our focus there is also on the need for ex post adaptation and we show that majors are

more likely to use owned regionals on routes on which they expect to have to make more

adaptation decisions and on routes on which having adaptation decisions resolved sub-

optimally is more costly.5 We build on our earlier work by focusing now on the

consequences of integration in this industry rather than its determinants. Moreover, we

exploit the fact that while an airline’s chosen governance structure may reflect the

average route characteristics that we consider there, variation in daily weather means that

route characteristics will sometimes deviate from these averages thus changing the

returns to vertical integration on those days. The fact that airlines cannot change their

ownership decisions on a day-to-day basis allows us to use exogenous variation to

estimate whether the performance effects of integration change on days on which we a

priori expect the benefits of integration to be larger.

There is an existing set of papers that focuses on the consequences of vertical

integration. Lafontaine and Slade (2007) provide a survey of this literature. Within this

4 There are empirical studies which test whether complexity (which makes complete contracts more difficult to write) or asset specificity (which makes the resolution of conflicts arising under incomplete contracts more costly) affect the likelihood that a transaction is organized internally. See, among others, Monteverde and Teece (1982), Anderson and Schmittlein (1984), Masten (1984), Masten and Crocker (1985), Joskow (1985), and Hubbard (2001). See Lafontaine and Slade (2007) for one review of this literature and Hubbard (2008) for a more detailed discussion of the evolution of this empirical literature. 5 We also discuss a potential cost to ownership, namely higher labor costs, and argue that majors will optimally trade off the benefits of ownership against these costs. At the end of Section V, we carry out back-of-the-envelope calculations that compare our estimates of the performance benefits of integration to rough estimates of the difference in labor costs between owned and independent regionals.

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literature, one can distinguish between those papers that test market power based theories

of integration (such as Hortacsu and Syverson, 2007) and those that – like us - test

incomplete contracting based theories. The latter category includes papers such as

Mullainathan and Scharfstein (2003), Ciliberto (2006) and Gil (forthcoming) which,

respectively, investigate the effects of organizational form on investment decisions and

the length of movie runs. Our paper is perhaps most closely related to Novak and Stern

(2008) which also examines the relationship between vertical integration and a specific

performance measure – in their case, Consumer Reports ratings of automobile systems.

They find that integrated firms have lower initial ratings, but greater improvements in

ratings over time, which can be interpreted as evidence that integration facilitates

adaptation when changes become necessary.6

This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we explain why ownership of a

regional may lead to operational efficiencies, particularly when non-contractible schedule

adjustments are needed. Section III describes our empirical approach and Section IV

addresses data and measurement issues. We present our results in Section V. In Section

VI, we provide some additional discussion. A final section concludes.

II. Vertical Integration in the Airline Industry

In this section, we discuss why ownership of a regional may result in improved

operational performance. We first briefly discuss the role of regional airlines in the

commercial airline industry. We then explain what vertical integration means in this

industry and contrast it to the alternative form of governance (long-term contracts).

Finally, we describe the mechanism through which integration may lead to operational

efficiencies in this context and provide examples that illustrate the link between this

mechanism and our empirical analysis.

II.A. The Role of Regional Airlines7

6 There is also a set of papers which looks at the overall performance consequences of choosing an organizational form that is inconsistent with the transaction environment. This literature on so-called “transactional misalignment” originates with Masten et al. (1991) and includes a number of recent contributions mostly from the strategy field. 7 For a detailed description of the role of regionals in the U.S. airline industry, we refer the reader to Forbes and Lederman (2007).

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Regional airline service represents a large and growing fraction of U.S. domestic

air travel. In our sample period, about one out of every seven domestic passengers was

traveling on a regional carrier. Regionals operate as “subcontractors” for large network

carriers on low-density short and medium-haul routes. These are routes which are most

efficiently served with small aircraft.8 Majors subcontract these routes because regionals

have a cost advantage in operating small aircraft resulting from the substantially lower

compensation that regional airline employees receive.9 Majors do not typically operate

any small aircraft themselves; thus, the decision whether to use a regional to serve a route

is effectively a decision about plane size.

Regionals operating as subcontractors for majors do so under codeshare

agreements. Under these agreements, the regional operates flights on behalf of the major.

These flights are operated under the major’s flight designator code and are marketed

under the major’s brand (for example, the regional Comair operates flights for Delta

under the name Delta Connection). Most regional flights operating under codeshare

agreements connect small airports to one of the major’s hubs and many of the passengers

travelling on the regional connect to or from flights operated by the major. The major is

responsible for the scheduling, marketing and ticketing of the regional’s flights, even

those that do not connect to one of its hubs. Thus, regionals are providing an input –

specifically, the operation of the aircraft - into a final product that is sold by the major.

This is the sense in which majors and regionals are involved in a vertical relationship.

II.B. Organizational Forms

Relationships between majors and regionals are governed by one of two

organizational forms – (1) a regional may be independently owned and contract with one

or more major carriers; or (2) a regional may be wholly-owned by the major with which it

partners.10 Table 1 lists the major-regional partnerships that were in place in 2000 for the

carriers in our sample. Regional carriers that appear in bold were fully owned by their

8 Examples of such routes include Boston to Burlington, VT, or New York City to Albany, NY. 9 See Forbes and Lederman (forthcoming) for a discussion of the source of lower labor costs among regional airline employees. 10 In which case, we do not observe that regional operate flights for competitors of its parent company.

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major partner. The table shows that there is substantial heterogeneity both across and

within majors in the extent to which regional partners are owned.

In the case of an owned regional, the major carrier owns the assets of the regional

but the regional and the major technically maintain separate operations. The main reason

they separate their operations is so that they can maintain distinct labor contracts (one for

the major’s own employees and one for each of its regional’s employees) and thereby

preserve the cost advantages that regionals provide.11 We use the term “vertical

integration” to refer to this relationship between a major and an owned regional.

The relationship between majors and independent regionals is governed by

contracts. These contracts specify which routes the regional will serve for the major, the

planes that the regional will use and the schedule of flights. Contracts between majors

and independent regionals take one of two forms.12 Historically, most were revenue-

sharing agreements under which the major and the regional shared the revenue from

passengers whose itineraries involved travel on both airlines. The last ten years has seen

increasing use of “capacity purchase agreements” under which the major pays the

regional a fixed amount on a block-hour or flight-hour basis. These agreements are

structured to cover the regional’s costs and provide it with a reasonable rate of return.

Capacity purchase agreements insulate a regional from revenue risk but leave it the

residual claimant on profit increases that result from effective management of costs such

as salaries and benefits. It is important to emphasize that under both contract types –

revenue-sharing and capacity-purchase – independent regionals face financial incentives

that are based only on the routes that they serve and not on the remainder of the major’s


II.C. Vertical Integration and Operational Performance

We hypothesize that performance benefits to ownership might arise in this setting

because contracts between majors and independent regionals are incomplete on at least

11 If two separate airlines are effectively being operated as a single entity, the unions representing employees at those airlines may file an application with the National Mediation Board (NMB) seeking to have them declared a “single transportation system”. If the application is granted, the unions of the carriers will operate as a single entity. 12 This discussion draws on American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (2007) which provides more detail on the various contractual forms in this industry.

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one important dimension – real-time schedule adjustments. Real-time schedule changes

are common in the airline industry, resulting from a variety of factors such as adverse

weather or mechanical problems. When schedule disruptions arise, majors may have to

make adjustments to the set of flights operated by their regional partners. Inclusion of

these types of schedule adjustments in a contract is unlikely to be feasible because the

contract would have to specify ex ante not only the full set of changes that would be

made under every possible contingency but also the precise manner in which the regional

would carry out these changes.13

When non-contractible schedule adjustments are required, an independent

regional’s incentives will not necessarily be aligned with those of the major. This is

because the contracts that are used in this industry do not provide an independent regional

with any explicit incentives to act in a way that maximizes the overall profits of the

major’s network. Schedule changes that the major requests may even impose costs on

the regional for which it is not compensated by the major. For example, certain schedule

changes may require a regional to pay overtime to its crew and independent regionals

bear full responsibility for their labor costs. In addition to these direct costs, schedule

changes ordered by the major may negatively impact the regional’s own performance

statistics. Observable metrics such as on-time performance or the proportion of cancelled

flights can be important in seeking new business from other major carriers. For these

reasons, independent regionals may have limited incentives to execute the real-time

schedule changes that their majors request.

Why would this impact the operational performance of the major? At a given

airport, an airline’s own flights and its regional flights are integrated into a common

network and compete for access to potentially scarce airport and airline resources.

Takeoff and landing slots, gates, ground crew and equipment like de-icing machines can

be shared across majors and regionals. When schedule adjustments become necessary, a

major trying to optimize its network may ask its regional to take certain actions that give

the major’s flights preferential access to these resources. Whether and how these actions

are carried out by the regional can impact the performance of the major’s flights.

13 Even if it were feasible to specify these contracts, the fact that such contracts are not written suggests that it would be prohibitively costly to do so. Carlton (1979) shows theoretically that reducing uncertainty over the availability of inputs can be a motivation for vertically integration.

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Consider the following examples: (1) When an airport is affected by adverse weather,

airport activity will be reduced because more time is required between takeoffs and

landings. Airlines will likely need to delay a large fraction of their flights. A major may

choose to delay its regional flights so that larger, fuller mainline flights can depart and

may ask a regional to move its aircraft from its gates. The willingness and speed with

which the regional does this will impact the major’s ability to avoid further delays on its

own flights. (2) When a flight lands later than scheduled, the gate and/or ground crew

scheduled for this flight may no longer be available. To avoid a lengthy arrival delay as

well as a lengthy departure delay on the aircraft’s next leg, a major may try to “turn the

plane around” more quickly than usual. The major may ask the regional’s employees to

help unload and load baggage from the plane. The willingness and speed with which the

regional does this will clearly affect delays experienced on this flight. More generally, if

airport or airline resources are scarce, then any time flight departures or arrivals deviate

from their set schedule, integration may allow a major to more efficiently respond to the

schedule disruption by improving its access to resources that had been allocated to the


Note that in these types of situations, owned regionals are more likely to comply

with the major’s requests than independent regionals. Integrated regionals are likely to

be less concerned with their own financial and operational performance metrics.

Furthermore, owned regionals should be more concerned about the profits and overall

financial health of their major. Owned regionals fly only for the major that owns them; if

the major were in financial difficulty and had to divest itself of its regional unit, this

might impose costs on the regional’s employees who, after divestiture, might have to

accept the lower salaries that prevail at independent regionals. Finally, career paths

between owned regionals and majors may be better established. Employees at owned

regionals may therefore have better incentives to comply with the major’s requests.

III. Empirical Approach

Ideally, we would like to investigate whether ownership of a regional allows a

major to come closer to its profit-maximizing departure schedule, given the realized

values of all relevant variables (for example, weather and air traffic control problems).

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Clearly we cannot calculate what an airline’s ideal departure schedule would be in every

state of the world. We can, however, measure a major’s delays and cancellations on each

flight that it operates. Therefore, for our empirical analysis, we assume that fewer delays

on average (relative to the major’s original departure schedule) indicate that a major is

coming closer to achieving its optimal departure schedule. While we would also like to

explore the impact of ownership on the regional’s performance, data limitations prevent

us from doing so because most regionals are too small to meet the reporting requirements

of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Our results with respect to the major’s own

flights are therefore only a partial estimate of the effects of integration in this setting.

III.A. Empirical Specification

Our empirical specification regresses a major’s performance on a particular flight

on its extent of integration with the regional carrier(s) that it uses at the origin airport of

that flight. We exploit the fact that there are many airports at which some majors use

owned regionals while others use independent regionals and include fixed effects for each

origin airport-day combination in our model. Thus, we are able to test whether – at a

given airport, on a given day - the operational performance of majors using owned

regionals differs from that of majors using independent regionals.

Specifically, we estimate the following equation:





tifr ZXOWNEDPERF 1 (1)

where tirPERF is a measure of airline i’s operational performance on flight f on route r on

day t, to is an origin airport-date fixed effect, irOWNED measures the extent of airline

i’s ownership of its regionals serving the origin airport of route r, tirX is a vector of

airline-origin and airline-destination control variables (such as the airline’s scale of

operations at the origin), trZ is a vector of (non-airline specific) destination airport

control variables (such as the daily weather conditions at the airport)14, and tifr is an

error term. Our first set of results focuses on the coefficient 1 which measures the

average difference in the operational performance of majors using owned and majors

14 Non-airline specific origin airport controls are captured by the origin airport-date fixed effects.

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using independent regionals. Because our measures of performance are flight delays and

cancellations (i.e. measures of poor performance), 1 <0 would indicate that there

benefits to ownership.

As described in the previous section, we hypothesize that ownership may mitigate

an incentive problem that is particularly likely to arise when majors need to make non-

contractible changes to a regional’s schedule. Indeed, the related theoretical literature has

suggested that ownership may facilitate ex post adaptation decisions which can arise

when contracts are incomplete. To investigate whether the performance effects of

ownership may result from the fact that ownership of a regional facilitates real-time

schedule adjustments, we identify days on which a major is more likely to have to make

unanticipated changes to its set schedule of flights. We exploit the fact that adverse

weather is one of the leading causes of schedule changes and use measures of the daily

weather at an airport as proxies for the likelihood that flights departing from that airport

will be affected by non-contracted schedule adjustments. We interact these with our

measure of ownership to test if ownership has a different effect on operational

performance on days with particularly adverse weather conditions. We do this by

estimating the following modified version of equation (1):







where trWEATHER is a vector of variables that measure the extent of adverse weather at

the origin airport of route r on day t. If there are performance benefits to ownership and

if these are greater on days with adverse weather, then we would find both 1 <0 and 2


III.B. Endogeneity

Because ownership decisions are made by optimizing firms, measures of

integration will typically be endogenous in a performance equation (see Masten, 1993,

and Gibbons, 2005). While this is true in our setting as well, endogeneity is perhaps not

as large a concern as it might be in other settings. We are measuring the effect of vertical

integration on one component of performance while presumably ownership decisions are

made to optimize overall performance. In addition, we include origin airport-date fixed

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effects in all of our models. Thus, we already control in a flexible way for unobservable

airport characteristics that may be correlated with both ownership decisions and airlines’

operational performance. Or, put differently, because our identification comes from

variation across airlines at a given airport, endogeneity of the ownership variables must

result from correlation between ownership decisions and airline or airline-airport

unobservables that affect delays and/or cancellations. For example, suppose that airlines

are more likely to use owned regionals at their hubs and also systematically experience

longer flight delays at their hubs. If we are unable to perfectly control for the relationship

between being a hub carrier and delays, then comparing the performance of majors using

owned regionals at an airport with majors using independent regionals at the same airport

might confound the effects of using an owned regional with the effects of being a hub


Finding instruments for organizational form decisions is generally difficult.

However, the network structure of our industry provides a set of instruments that – under

certain assumptions – will be orthogonal to the error term in the performance equation.

The logic of our instrumental variables approach is best illustrated with an example (see

Figure 1 for a representation of this example). Our ownership variable measures a

major’s extent of integration with the regional(s) that it uses at a particular airport - for

example, the extent to which Delta uses an owned regional to serve its regional routes

into and out of the Boston airport (routes such as Boston-Albany or Boston-Burlington).15

We are concerned that there may be unobservable factors that both affect Delta’s

incentives to use an owned regional for these routes as well as affect Delta’s performance

on the routes that it itself serves out of Boston (routes such as Boston-Atlanta or Boston-

Tampa). We require instruments that are correlated with Delta’s ownership decisions on

its regional routes in Boston but which do not otherwise affect Delta’s performance on

routes such as Boston-Atlanta. We use characteristics of the endpoint airports that

Delta’s regionals connect to Boston as instruments for Delta’s ownership decision at the

Boston airport – i.e.: we use characteristics of Albany and Burlington as instruments for

Delta’s ownership decision at the Boston airport. In particular, we use the characteristics

15 As we explain in the next section, we measure Delta’s ownership decision at the Boston airport as a weighted average of its ownership decisions on the regional routes that it operates from the Boston airport.

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that our earlier work found to predict owned regional use. These characteristics are the

average weather conditions at an airport and the extent to which an airport is integrated

into an airline’s network.16

For these instruments to be valid, we must assume that the average weather

conditions and the degree of network integration of the Albany and Burlington airports

have no direct effect on departure delays or cancellations on Delta’s routes out of Boston.

At first glance, this assumption may appear problematic since characteristics of Albany

and Burlington – in particular, their weather - can affect the regional’s arrival delays at

Boston which, in turn, can affect the major’s departure delays out of Boston (since delays

are generally thought to propagate through an airline’s network). However, for several

reasons, we believe this assumption is quite reasonable in our setting. First, we are using

the average weather patterns – based on 25 or more years of historical data - at the

regional’s endpoint airports not the realized weather at these endpoints on any given day.

While the realized weather at, say, Albany on a particular day is likely to be correlated

with arrival delays on the Albany-Boston route that day and potentially with departure

delays on Delta’s flights departing from Boston on the same day, the average weather at

Albany is much less likely to be correlated with Delta’s departure delays out of Boston

on any given day. Second, in addition to our baseline model, we also estimate

specifications in which we include airline-airport fixed effects. Since average weather

conditions are fixed over time, these fixed effects will explicitly capture any relationship

between expected weather conditions at the endpoints served by the regional and the

major’s departure delays.17 Finally, to the extent that there is any residual correlation

between average characteristics of the endpoints served by a regional and the

performance of a major on its own flights, it should bias our two-stage least squares

results towards finding that majors using owned regionals perform worse since our

previous work shows that that airlines vertically integrate on routes that are more likely to

experience schedule disruptions.18

16 The precise construction of the instruments and the data used for the instruments are described in Appendix A. 17 In these specifications, the direct effect of vertical integration on performance is also absorbed by the additional fixed effects, but we can still estimate the interaction between integration and weather. 18 This is also apparent from the first-stage regression, which we discuss in Section V.A below.

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IV. Data and Measurement

IV.A. Data Sources

Our primary source of data is flight-level on-time statistics from the U.S. Bureau

of Transportation Statistics. This database contains every flight operated by all major

U.S. carriers.19 We augment these data with information from several other sources.

Data from the Official Airline Guide (OAG) provide us with the complete flight

schedules of all domestic airlines, regionals as well as majors.20 The OAG data allow us

to measure an airline’s total scale of operations as well as the scale of operations of each

of its regional partners, at each airport at which it operates. We combine these data with

information from the Regional Airline Association (RAA) that shows which regional

airlines are owned by a particular major. Together, the OAG and RAA data allow us to

calculate an airline’s extent of vertical integration with its regionals at each airport at

which it operates. We also obtained estimates of airport capacity for a subset of 31

airports from the FAA. Finally, data on the daily weather at each airport are taken from

the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

IV.B. Construction of the Sample

Our sample year is 2000. Our sample includes all domestic flights operated by

the seven largest network carriers (American, Continental, Delta, Northwest, TWA21,

United and US Airways)22 departing from the largest 100 U.S. airports.23 Beginning with

this sample, we then impose the following restrictions. First, we exclude flights that

depart from or arrive at airports in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam or the U.S. Virgin

Islands because the nature of routes to these states and territories is quite different from

travel within the contiguous 48 states. This drops eight of the largest 100 airports.

19 Carriers are required to report these data if they account for at least one percent of domestic passenger revenues in the prior year. 20 Our data provide a representative week for each quarter. 21 TWA went through financial difficulties during this period and was acquired by American Airlines in April, 2001. We have checked that our results are robust to excluding TWA. 22 All of the traditional network carriers employ regionals to some extent. The so-called “low-cost carriers”, such as Southwest Airlines, do not subcontract flights to regional carriers. 23 Airport rankings are based on year 2000 enplanements and are compiled by the Federal Aviation Administration. Airport size decreases quite rapidly. For example, the largest airport based on enplanements is Atlanta (39,277,901 passengers), the 20th largest airport is Philadelphia (12,294,051 passengers), the 50th largest is San Antonio (3,528,955) and the 100th largest is Harrisburg (644,180).

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Second, because our empirical approach exploits variation across airlines at an airport we

exclude departure airports at which we do not observe at least two majors using a

regional. This drops 20 of the largest 100 airports. Third, we drop flights on days for

which any of our weather data for the endpoint airports are missing. Fourth, we exclude

routes to or from New York’s LaGuardia airport because LaGuardia changed its slot

control rules during 2000, resulting in a large increase in delays (see Forbes, 2008, for

details). Fifth, because we are relating a major’s departure delay on a route to its vertical

integration with a regional at the departure airport, we exclude routes that depart from an

airport at which the major does not use a regional at all. Finally, we exclude flights on

Saturdays and Sundays so that our within-airport variation in an airline’s extent of

vertical integration is not driven by within-week fluctuations in regional use on the same

route. Our final dataset includes 1,951,836 flights departing from 72 departure airports

and arriving at 159 arrival airports on 260 days.

IV.C. Variables

Variable names and definitions appear in Table 2a. Summary statistics are in

Table 2b.

i. Performance Measures

Our main dependent variable is Departure Delay which measures the time

between the scheduled departure and the actual departure of an aircraft from the gate.

This is our preferred measure of the airline’s performance as it does not include delays

that are incurred on the runway or in the air, and thus captures the delays that are most

likely to be under the airline’s control. Note that the departure delay will be negative if

the aircraft pushes back early from the gate. Short negative delays of a few minutes are

quite common. However, we exclude flights that leave more than 15 minutes early, as

we suspect that they represent a rescheduled flight. We also exclude very long delays of

over 12 hours, as these flights would typically have to be rescheduled for the next day, so

that part of the delay would be attributable to the fact that the airport does not operate

overnight, as opposed to the airline’s poor performance. As reported in Table 3b, the

average departure delay in our sample is 11 minutes.

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We also use several alternative dependent variables. Cancelled is a dummy

variable that equals one if the flight is cancelled. Arrival Delay measures the difference

between scheduled arrival and actual arrival. We construct Arrival Delay > 30 minutes

or Cancelled and Arrival Delay > 45 minutes or Cancelled, which are dummy variables

that equal one if the flight is delayed over 30 or 45 minutes, respectively, or the flight is

cancelled. About 4% of flights in our sample are cancelled, 18% are delayed over 30

minutes or cancelled and 14% are delayed over 45 minutes or cancelled.

ii. Ownership Measures

To measure the extent of a major’s vertical integration with its regionals at an

airport, we construct Fraction Owned which measures the fraction of all regional flights

that a major has departing from an airport on a day that are operated by a regional that is

owned.24 As Table 3b indicates, the mean of Fraction Owned is 0.56. During our

sample period, there are no changes in the ownership of any regional carriers. Almost all

of the variation in Fraction Owned therefore comes from differences across the 282

carrier-airport combinations.25 Variation in Fraction Owned within carrier- airport over

time arises from two sources. First, there are some changes in the number of regional

flights by majors who use two regionals of different ownership types at the same airport.

Second, there are four instances in which a carrier switches from using one type of

regional at an airport to using a different type of regional at that airport. These are all

cases in which the major had an existing relationship with the new regional at other

airports prior to the switch. Our results are robust to excluding these carrier-airport

combinations from the estimation.

As an alternate measure of integration we also use Owned Regional Flights

which measure the number - rather than the fraction - of all regional flights that a major

has departing from an airport on a day that are operated by a regional that is owned.

While the advantage of this alternate measure is that is captures the scale of the regional’s

operations and thus potential variation in the degree to which the regional might have an

effect on the major’s delays, the important drawback of this alternate measure is that our

24 Note that some majors use owned as well as independent regionals at the same airport. Fraction Owned can therefore take on other values than 0 and 1. 25 An analysis of variance shows that these differences explain 99% of the variation in Fraction Owned.

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instruments are only able to predict the decision to vertically integrate, not the scale of

regional operations. We are thus not able to instrument for Owned Regional Flights and

have to estimate the specifications in which we use this variable with OLS.

iii. Weather Measures

The NOAA data contain daily observations from airport weather stations on the

minimum, average and maximum temperature, and the total accumulated precipitation

(measured in inches). Based on these data, we construct Rain which measures

precipitation on days on which the average temperature is above 32 degrees Fahrenheit

and Snow which measures precipitation on days on which the average temperature is 32

degrees Fahrenheit or less.26 As indicated in Table 3b, the average daily rainfall in our

sample is 0.11 inches and the average daily snowfall is 0.08 inches. Of course, there are

many days on which there is no snow and many airports for which there is never any


Our empirical approach requires us to measure “adverse” weather – i.e.: weather

conditions that are likely to necessitate schedule adjustments. To construct our preferred

measure of extreme weather, we first calculate the 95th percentile of the daily rain

distribution for each airport in our sample. We then construct the dummy variable

Rain>95th Percentile which equals one on days on which the observed rainfall at the

airport exceeds the 95th percentile of that airport’s rain distribution. Thus, roughly

speaking, Rain>95th Percentile captures an airport’s 18 rainiest days of the year.28 We

construct Snow>95th Percentile analogously. The mean of Rain for observations with

Rain>95th Percentile equal to one is 1.29 inches and the mean of Snow for observations

with Snow>95th Percentile equal to one is 3.11 inches. We construct all of the weather

variables for the both the departure and arrival airport of a flight.

Using the within-airport rain distribution to identify days with “extreme weather”

has two benefits. First, it accounts for the fact that the same weather occurrence may

26 We assume an average water equivalent for snow of 8%, i.e. we convert 0.01 inch of accumulated precipitation on days with below freezing temperatures into 0.125 inches of accumulated snow. 27 For this reason, we also present specifications that are only estimated on a “winter” sample. 28 Note that days on which this dummy is equal to zero do not necessarily have zero rain and may still require unanticipated schedule changes. We are simply using this measure to try to capture the difference between the worst days and all other days.

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have a different impact at different airports, depending on that airport’s regular weather

patterns. This is particularly important for the snow measure since a small amount of

snow will generally be a much bigger disruption in a city that does not usually experience

much snow than in a city with regular snowfall.29 Second, this approach to defining days

with extreme weather ensures that – at least for the rain variable - bad weather events are

observed at all airports in our sample.

iv. Airline-Airport Level Control Variables

We control for an airline’s overall scale of operations at the origin airport of a

route as well as its scale of regional operations. We use the OAG data to construct Total

Flights which equals the total number of flights per day that a major has departing from

an airport (including regional flights) and Regional Flights which equals the total

number of daily regional flights that a major has departing from an airport. We construct

these measures for the both the departure and arrival airport of a route, though our main

specifications only control for the airline’s size at the departure airport. In Appendix B,

we present specifications that add airline-specific characteristics of the arrival airport as

well as specifications that measure an airline’s scale of operations in an alternate way.

v. Airport Level Characteristics

We construct several variables that measure airport characteristics that can affect

departure delays and/or the likelihood of cancellations. We construct these variables for

both the departure and arrival airports of a flight. However, in most specifications, the

departure airport variables will not be separately identified from the fixed effects. Note

that conditions at the arrival airport can affect departure delays, especially if the arrival

airport has issued a so-called ground stop, which orders all flights that are scheduled for

landing to remain at their departure airport until the ground stop is lifted. We construct

Airport Flights which measures the total number of domestic flights scheduled to depart

from (arrive at) an airport on a given day. We also construct Slot which is a dummy for

29 Of course, the flip-side of this is that these measures may treat weather events that are very different in absolute terms as equivalent.

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whether the airport is slot-controlled.30 We expect delays to be greater at slot-controlled

airports because these airports are highly congested. Finally, we construct a measure of

congestion for a subset of 31 airports for which we were able to obtain estimates of the

airport’s capacity from the Federal Aviation Administration. Congestion is calculated as

the total number of flights that an airport has scheduled to depart or arrive during a

particular hour divided by the airport’s flight capacity in good weather. The Congestion

variable is matched to the delay data at the level of the departure airport-hour.

V. Results

V.A. First-stage Results

Table 3 presents the results of the first stage regression of Fraction Owned on our

instruments and the exogenous variables. Recall that – for an observation such as a Delta

flight between Boston and Atlanta - our instruments for Delta’s degree of ownership of

its regional(s) at the Boston airport are the average characteristics of the endpoint airports

that Delta connects to Boston using a regional partner. As Table 3 indicates, all of the

instruments have highly significant effects and the signs of the effects are as in Forbes

and Lederman (forthcoming). Owned regionals are more likely to be used when a greater

fraction of the regionals’ routes arrive at the major’s hubs and when the endpoints served

by the regionals experience greater annual rain and snowfall. Endpoints with more

months with below freezing temperatures are less likely to be served by owned

regionals.31 Joint significance of the instruments is confirmed by the F-statistics

presented at the bottom of Table 3. Most of the other explanatory variables also have

highly significant coefficients.32 The R-squared of the regression is 0.59.

V.B. Baseline Results

Table 4 presents our main estimation results. In the first column, we ignore the

potential endogeneity of Fraction Owned as well as omit the airport-date fixed effects.

While this simple OLS model is not our preferred specification, it provides a useful

30 In our sample, the slot-controlled airports are Chicago O’Hare, John F. Kennedy in New York, and Reagan National in Washington, DC. We have excluded LaGuardia Airport in New York (see above). 31 Forbes and Lederman (forthcoming) explain that this result is consistent with the observation that those airports have shorter delays on average. 32 The first-stage regressions also include departure airport-date fixed effects.

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starting point because it allows the coefficients on all of the control variables - many of

which will later be absorbed by fixed effects - to be directly estimated. The coefficient on

Fraction Owned is negative and statistically significant, indicating that majors that use

owned regionals for a larger fraction of their regional flights at an airport experience

shorter delays on their own flights that depart from that airport. The point estimate

implies that majors using only owned regionals experience delays that are 3.9 minutes

shorter on average than those experienced by majors using only independent regionals.

The coefficients on the various sets of control variables in this regression all have

reasonable signs and magnitudes. The estimates on Total Flights and Regional Flights

indicate that flight delays are decreasing in an airline’s total number of flights at the

airport, but increasing in the airline’s number of regional flights. The first effect suggests

that airlines with more total flights at an airport are better able to manage delays.

However, controlling for an airline’s total number of flights, having more regional flights

(of either type) at an airport leads to longer departure delays (on flights operated by the

major itself). This second effect likely results from the fact that large jets cannot take off

as quickly after small aircraft as they would after other large jets. Since airlines tend to

have many of their flights take off at the same time to facilitate passenger connections,

this will lead to longer delays for a carrier that has a large number of regional flights at an

airport.33 The estimates on the airport-level control variables indicate that flights

departing from or arriving at slot-controlled airports and airports with more total flights

experience longer departure delays. The coefficients on Rain>95th Percentile and

Snow>95th Percentile confirm that rainfall or snowfall that is above the airport’s 95th

percentile causes significant departure delays - approximately 9 minutes of delay if the

rain or snow is at the departure airport and 5 to 6 minutes of delay if the rain or snow is at

the arrival airport.

In the second column of Table 4, we add the airport-date fixed effects. The

coefficient on Fraction Owned in (4-2) is again negative and highly significant. Relative

to (4-1), the point estimate is smaller in absolute value, suggesting that the fixed effects

help to control for some unobservable airport characteristics that may be correlated with

33 This finding is consistent with Rupp (2005) who finds that smaller aircraft experience significantly longer flight delays.

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the use of owned regionals. The airport-date fixed effects absorb the departure airport

control variables. The coefficients on the remaining control variables are quite similar to

those in (4-1) though the estimates on the arrival airport weather measures are smaller.

In the third column of the table, we instrument for Fraction Owned using the

instruments described in Section III and estimate the performance equation using two-

stage least squares. We again include airport-date fixed effects. The point estimate on

Fraction Owned increases in magnitude compared to the OLS estimate in (4-2),

consistent with our expectation that the endogeneity of the ownership decision biases the

OLS coefficient upwards. The estimate on Fraction Owned implies that majors using

only owned regionals at an airport experience flight delays that are 5.4 minutes shorter

than the delays experienced by majors at the same airport and on the same day using

only independent regionals. Given that the average departure delay in our sample is 11.1

minutes, this effect is economically very significant. Using the results from Forbes

(2008) on the effect of flight delays on ticket prices, we calculate that these longer delays

would translate into an average reduction in the price of a roundtrip ticket of $15.30 for

direct passengers and $8.30 for connecting passengers. This corresponds to 3.4 percent

and 1.9 percent, respectively, of the average ticket price for routes in our sample, which

is quite sizeable given the typically low margins in this industry.

In column (4-4), we add interactions between Fraction Owned and our measures

of adverse whether to investigate whether the relationship between ownership and

performance is different on days on which non-contracted schedule changes are more

likely. Note that for ease of presentation, we only present the coefficients on Fraction

Owned and its interactions with Rain>95th Percentile and Snow>95th Percentile.

Appendix Table B-2 shows the coefficients on all of the control variables included in the

first specification of this table.34 We instrument for Fraction Owned and its

interactions.35 We again find a negative and statistically significant coefficient on

Fraction Owned. The magnitude of the coefficient is only slightly reduced from its

34 Note that once we interact Fraction Owned with the weather variables, we also interact Total Flights, Regional Flights and Airport Flights with the weather variables to ensure that ownership-weather interactions are not capturing the mitigating effects of weather on one of these other variables which may be correlated with Fraction Owned. 35 We instrument for the interaction terms using interactions of our instruments with Rain>95th Percentile and Snow>95th Percentile.

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magnitude in (4-3). We also find a negative coefficient on the interaction of Fraction

Owned with Rain>95th Percentile. These estimates suggest that using owned regionals

provides majors with a performance advantage on all days and that this advantage

increases – and indeed almost doubles – on days with very adverse weather. The point

estimates imply that - on days with rainfall below the 95th percentile of the airport’s

distribution - majors using only owned regionals at the airport experience flight delays

that are 5.2 minutes shorter than the delays experienced by majors using only

independent regionals. On days with rain above the 95th percentile, the performance

advantage of majors who only use owned regionals increases so that their delays are

about 8.2 minutes shorter than the delays of majors who only use independent regionals.

The average delay in our sample on days with rain and snow below the 95th percentile is

10.4 minutes, compared to an average delay on days with rain above the 95th percentile of

20.2 minutes. It is important to note that this specification only provides estimates of the

performance advantage of owned regionals in “good” and “bad” weather since the direct

effect of weather is absorbed by the airport-day fixed effects.36

Interestingly, we do not estimate a significant coefficient on the interaction

between Fraction Owned and Snow>95th Percentile. While this may seem surprising

given that we know that snow can have a large impact on flight schedules, we suspect

that our inability to precisely estimate the effect of snow results from several factors.

First, there may be problems with the way in which we measure snow. In particular, we

have a large number of airports that never experience any snow and we have many

airports that experience only small amounts of snow so that the 95th percentile of their

snow distribution is either zero or a very small number. Second, it may be difficult to

detect differences in how well different airlines at an airport deal with snow because large

amounts of snow may simply shut down airports for periods of time. Finally, it may be

the case that snow has more of an effect on cancellations than on delays. To deal with

these issues, in the next table, we restrict our sample to what we call a “winter sample”

and experiment with several different measures of snow.

36 That is, the negative coefficient on Fraction Owned*Rain>95th Percentile does not imply that owned regionals have shorter delays on bad weather days than good weather days. Rather, it implies that majors using owned regionals have shorter delays on bad weather days than do majors using independent regionals (i.e.: their performance advantage is greater).

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In our next specification, we address the concern that there may be some residual

correlation between our instruments and unobservable airline-airport characteristics. To

do this, we include fixed effects for each major airline-origin airport combination.37

While these fixed effects do not allow the coefficient on Fraction Owned to be separately

identified, they still allow us identify the coefficients on the interaction terms using

variation across airlines in the change in their performance when there is adverse

weather. We present the results of this specification in (4-5). The coefficients on the

interactions of Fraction Owned with Rain>95th Percentile is somewhat larger compared

to (4-4) and increases in statistical significance. The point estimate implies that the

performance advantage of majors using owned regionals is 3.9 minutes greater on days

with rain above the airport’s 95th percentile. The interaction with snow is still


In the final two columns of this table, we re-estimate (4-3) and (4-4) using

Cancelled as the dependent variable.38 We do this both to see whether the same

relationship between ownership and performance emerges when performance is

measured based on cancellations and to ensure that the shorter delays that majors using

owned regionals experience are not coming at the cost of higher cancellation rates. The

results from (4-6) and (4-7) suggest that this is not the case. The coefficient on Fraction

Owned in both specifications is negative and statistically significant indicating that

majors using owned regionals at an airport also experience fewer cancellations. We do

not find any significant results on the interactions of Fraction Owned with weather in (4-

7). This may be due to the fact that we have a small number of observations for which

we observe cancellations on “bad weather” days, since only 3.9 percent of all of our

flights are cancelled, and the “bad weather” variables, by definition, only capture a small

number of days in the sample.

Overall, the results in Table 4 clearly suggest that use of an owned - rather than

independent – regional at an airport improves a major’s operational performance at that

37 With these additional fixed effects, endogeneity will be an issue only if there are unobservables that may be correlated with ownership decisions and differentially affect an airline’s delays and cancellations in good and bad weather. 38 Note that the number of observations varies between the specifications with Departure Delay and Cancelled because Departure Delay is missing for flights that are cancelled.

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airport, and that this performance advantage increases on days with extreme rain. We

now explore these results further in Tables 5 through 7.

V.C Winter Sample

We begin in Table 5 by investigating the effect of snow in a more detailed way.

To eliminate noise from our snow measure, we restrict our sample to airports that

experience some snow on at least 10 days of the year and only look at those airports from

November to March inclusive.39 We use this “winter sample” for all specifications in

Table 5. In the first column, we re-estimate (4-4) on this sample. We again find a

negative and statistically significant coefficient on Fraction Owned. The point estimate

on Fraction Owned*Snow>95th Percentile, however, remains insignificant.40 The

interaction between Fraction Owned and the rain measures are never significant in the

winter sample. This is not surprising because the airports which meet our selection

criteria experience very little rain during the winter months that are included in this

restricted sample.

As mentioned earlier, part of the reason why we are finding such noisy estimates

on the snow interactions may be because extreme snow is more likely to cause

cancellations than delays. Indeed, average delays are almost identical on days with

Snow>99th Percentile and days with Snow>95th Percentile (21.3 minutes and 21.9

minutes, respectively) while cancellation rates are 50 percent higher on days with

Snow>99th Percentile than on days with Snow>95th Percentile (15.4 percent of flights as

compared to 10.3 percent of flights). Given this, in the remainder of Table 5, we use

Cancelled as our dependent variable and estimate specifications with three different snow

measures. In columns (5-2) through (5-4), we find a negative and statistically significant

coefficient on the un-interacted Fraction Owned term indicating that – consistent with

the results in (4-6) and (4-7) on the full sample – majors using owned regionals

experience not only shorter delays, but also lower cancellation rates. Furthermore, we

find negative and statistically significant coefficients on the interaction of Fraction

39 This leaves us with 24 airports. The average daily snowfall at the airports (in the months we include) is about 0.34 inches. About 15 percent of the airport-days in this sample experience some snowfall. 40 In regressions which do not report in the paper, we find that our alternative snow measures, interacted with Fraction Owned, also have statistically insignificant effects on departure delays.

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Owned with Snow>99th Percentile and with the linear snow variable, Snow. The point

estimates on these interactions terms imply effects that are economically quite significant.

For example, the estimates in (6-3) indicate that – on days with snowfall below the

airport’s 99th percentile – majors using only owned regionals have cancellation rates that

are about 2.1 percentage points lower than majors using only independent regionals. This

difference increases by 6.9 percentage points on days with snowfall above the 99th

percentile. To provide some context for these numbers, in this sample, the mean

cancellation rate on days with snow below an airport 99th percentile is 4.8 percent while

the mean cancellation rate on days with snow above the airport’s 99th percentile is 15.4

percent. Overall, we take the results in Table 5 as additional evidence that the

performance advantage of majors using owned regionals increases on days on which real-

time schedule adjustments are more likely.

V.D Results on Scale of Operations and Congestion

In Table 6, we attempt to provide additional evidence that sheds light on the

mechanism underlying the performance differences that we have found. Recall that a

benefit of integration in this setting may be that it provides better access to scarce airport

resources. If this is indeed the case, then the magnitude of the performance advantage

may increase with a carrier’s scale of regional operations at an airport and at times when

an airport is congested. To test this, we would ideally estimate Equations (1) and (2) with

the number of regional flights by owned carriers as the measure of ownership, rather than

using the fraction of regional flights operated by owned regionals. The difficulty with

this, however, is that, while our instruments can predict a major’s decision to use owned

or integrated regionals at an airport, they cannot predict the scale of regional operations at

that airport. Therefore, we cannot estimate such regressions with two-staged least

squares. Nevertheless, we show some suggestive evidence using a measure of the scale

of regional operations in specifications that are estimated with OLS. In interpreting these

results, it is important to recognize that they may be biased upwards because of the

endogeneity of the integration decision.

The first column of Table 6 re-estimates our main specification from Table 4 but

now with the number of owned regional flights as the measure of integration. Since the

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number of owned regional flights varies within carrier across airports, we are able to

include airline fixed effects and still identify the direct effect of Owned Regional Flights.

We find that this variable has a negative effect, suggesting that majors with a larger scale

of owned regional operations indeed experience shorter delays, as predicted. The

interaction of Owned Regional Flights with Rain>95th Percentile is also negative, as

predicted. However the interaction with Snow>95th Percentile has a positive coefficient.

This result is not consistent with our predictions and is different from what we found in

Tables 4 and 5 when using two-staged least squares. We suspect that it is due to the fact

that we are not able to instrument for Owned Regional Flights. In (6-2), we add carrier-

airport fixed effects to the model. As before, these fixed effects absorb the un-interacted

effect of integration, but we can still identify the weather interactions. The coefficients

on these are virtually unchanged compared to (6-1).

One concern with using Owned Regional Flights is that the results might be

driven by a few airports with very asymmetric distributions of regional flights. In (6-3),

we show that the results using this variable are robust to excluding a set of 12 hub

airports at which the hub airline is disproportionately larger than the other carrier(s) at the

airport. Next, we focus on a particular experiment that the data give rise to. We have

two carriers, American and United, which only use a single type of regional throughout

their entire network: American uses only integrated regionals, while United only uses

independent ones.41 To the extent that we can consider the carriers’ route networks as

given, the decision of which type of regional to use at an airport can be taken as given for

these two carriers. As a result, endogeneity concerns should be less prevalent when

comparing these two carriers than when looking at the full sample. In column 4, we limit

our sample to these two carriers and to airports at which both of these carriers operate and

find that our results are consistent with what we found earlier.

In the final column of this table we investigate the effect of Congestion and its

interaction with Owned Regional Flights. Our results so far have established that

integrated regionals have a greater performance advantage on days with bad weather,

when more schedule adjustments are necessary. If this benefit comes from access to

41 TWA also uses only one type of regional, but its network is smaller and has fewer hubs than the other two carriers.

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scarce resources, one would expect that the performance advantage would also be greater

at times when the airport is congested. We find that this is indeed the case, although the

effect is small. Our estimate implies that, at the mean value of Owned Regional Flights,

a one standard deviation increase in Congestion would reduce delays by 0.12 minutes.

One possible reason why the estimated effect is so small is that, at most airports, airlines

can choose to avoid congestion by scheduling their flights outside congested time

periods. This is in contrast to bad weather, which the airlines cannot avoid.

V.E Alternative Measures of Delay

In our final results table, we explore the effect of Fraction Owned on alternative

measures of delay. We do this for two reasons. First, we want to make sure that our

baseline results are robust to different ways of measuring flight delays. Second, we want

to investigate if our main findings might be due to an alternative explanation which we

outline below. In (7-1), we re-estimate (4-4) with arrival delays as the dependent variable

instead of departure delays.42 Note that we estimate the effect of Fraction Owned at the

departure airport on the length of flight delays as measured at the time of arrival. We do

this to investigate whether the performance advantage of integrated firms that we found

at the time of the flight’s departure indeed translates into an advantage at the time of the

flight’s arrival, which is what consumers presumably care about. We find that this is

indeed the case. The estimated effect is 7.6 minutes, which again is quite sizeable

compared to the mean arrival delay of just over 10 minutes. . Next, we use the

percentage of flights that are delayed more than 30 or 45 minutes, respectively, or

cancelled as alternate measures of delay in specifications (7-2) and (7-3). Besides

checking our results for robustness, these specifications also let us test whether our

results might be driven by the following alternate explanation: One might be worried that

integrated majors do not actually perform better than majors who contract with their

regionals, but rather are better able to shift flight delays to their regional partners. While

some shifting of delays to regionals is probably optimal (because regionals carry fewer

passengers per departure and/or because they have lower labor costs), the fact that most

regionals do not report delay statistics gives majors an additional incentive to shift delays

42 In all specifications in this table, we also add a control for the arrival airport being the carrier’s hub.

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to their regionals. If all integration did was allow majors to shift delays for the purpose

of improving their performance metrics, it would not reflect a true efficiency.

Fortunately, we can look for evidence of this by exploiting the way that flight

delays are commonly reported to the travelling public. Specifically, the delay statistic

that the FAA focuses on in its regular reporting on flight delays – and that is typically

reported in the media and in online flight reservation systems – is not the average flight

delay, but the proportion of a carrier’s flights that are delayed more than 15 minutes.

Therefore, if a carrier wants to improve its standing in these commonly reported

statistics, it can try to do so by focusing on flights that would be delayed slightly over 15

minutes and making an effort to reduce the delays on these flights to just under 15

minutes. In fact, simple histograms plotting arrival delays suggest that all carriers do this

to some extent. We suspect that if integrated majors were better able to shift delays to

their regional partners, they would focus on flights with delays around 15 minutes but

not, or at least to a much lesser extent, on flights with much longer delays. Specifications

(7-2) and (7-3) let us explore whether our results hold when we estimate the effect of

integration on the proportion of flights delayed over 30 minutes or over 45 minutes.

We find that our results hold in both specifications. The effects of Fraction

Owned and Fraction Owned interacted with Rain>95th Percentile are negative and

significant as in previous specifications. The estimates imply that, on days with “good”

weather, carriers which use only integrated regionals at their departure airport have 6.0

percentage points fewer arrival delays of over 30 minutes. The sample average of such

delays on “good” weather days is 17.1 percent. On days with Rain>95th Percentile, the

performance advantage increases by 4.9 percentage points. We find qualitatively similar

results for delays over 45 minutes. As in our previous results, these findings are

economically quite significant. More importantly, they indicate that our findings are

indicative of true performance advantages from integration, rather than just an advantage

in reallocating delays from major carriers to their regional partners.

V.F Back of the envelope calculations

We conclude this results section with simple back of the envelope calculations

that relate the performance advantage of integration that we find to the likely costs of

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integration. We find that integrated carriers have delays that are on average 5.4 minutes

shorter than those of independent carriers. Forbes (2008) shows that, for a sample of

routes involving LaGuardia Airport in New York, ticket prices fall by $1.42 per minute

of additional delay on direct routes and by $0.77 per minute for connecting passengers.

Using those numbers and combining them with data on the numbers of direct and

connecting passengers on the routes in our sample, we calculate that the benefit to the

major from integrating an average regional would be $26 million a year. Since Forbes’

results are for passengers traveling to and from New York City, who may have a higher

value of time than the average U.S. airline traveler, this number is likely an upper bound

to the benefit of integration.

How does this compare to the costs of integration? As Forbes and Lederman

(forthcoming) explain in detail, the most important component of these is the higher labor

costs that result from vertical integration. While we do not have comprehensive data on

differences in labor costs across regionals, we were able to get aggregate payroll data on

five of the regionals in our sample for the year 2000 from the Bureau of Transportation

Statistics. The total annual payroll for these regionals ranges from $56 million to $326

million, with an average value of $157 million. We can only speculate on the actual

differences in salaries between owned and independent regionals, but given these

numbers these differences could certainly well be in a similar range as the benefits to

integration that we compute.

VI. Discussion

Our empirical results indicate a significant performance advantage to vertical

integration in our setting. This performance advantage appears to be greater on days with

adverse weather and when airports are more congested. These findings are consistent

with our hypothesis in Section II – that ownership may allow majors to more efficiently

re-optimize their networks when schedule adjustments become necessary and airport or

airline resources are scarce. While it is clear that the contracts used in this industry lead

to incentive problems between majors and independent regionals, one might question

why either more sophisticated contracts or informal contracts cannot be used to better

align incentives. We believe that neither formal nor informal contracts are likely to

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resolve the incentive problem in this setting. First, consider a contract that compensates

the regional based on the performance of the major’s entire network. While this more

closely aligns the regional’s incentives with the major, the performance of the major’s

overall network depends on the major’s effort as well as on the regional’s effort and both

efforts are likely unobservable to the other party. As a result, this contract would give

rise to moral hazard problems and be unable to achieve the first-best outcome (see

Holmström, 1982). Furthermore, such a contract would expose the regional carrier to a

great deal of risk. Recent changes in the industry – in particular, a greater reliance on the

capacity purchase agreements described in Section II - suggest that regional carriers

should be regarded as risk-averse.

Second, consider a contractual arrangement that simply allocates to the major the

rights to make any ex post adjustments to the regional’s schedule. Our understanding is

that this is frequently occurs. However, having the rights to order specific schedule

changes is not equivalent to having the rights to implement those schedule changes.43 At

the time that schedule changes need to be executed, a major cannot simply replace its

regional’s labor and execute these changes itself. Since schedule changes ordered by the

major must still be carried out by the regional, we expect that even with a contractual

allocation of decision rights, incentive problems will remain.

Finally, consider the role that relational contracts may play. Within its

relationship with a particular major, an independent regional may have an incentive to

develop a reputation for cooperation if there is value in continuing the relationship with

the major. However, cooperating with the major may lead to worse performance metrics

for the regional. While the major it is working for will know whether the poor metrics

reflect cooperation or poor performance, other majors that the regional may try to work

for will likely not be able to distinguish the two. Cooperation may therefore have the

effect of reducing the regional’s ability to attract outside business which, in turn, will

weaken its bargaining position vis-à-vis its current major. More generally, reputations

for cooperation in this setting may be difficult to establish because the same observable

43 This is in contrast to the standard Grossman-Hart depiction of control rights which confer the right to determine precisely how an asset is used.

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metrics that are consistent with cooperation are also consistent with poor operational


Although we attribute the performance differences that we measure to differences

in the incentives of owned and independent regionals, one might question whether our

results would not also be explained by differences in the skill levels of owned and

independent regionals. Given that owned regionals tend to have higher labor costs, could

they be employing more skilled employees – in particular, more skilled pilots? We

believe that differences in skills are unlikely to be responsible for the performance effects

that we find. It is hard to imagine how differences in the skill levels of pilots at owned

and independent regionals would lead to differences in the performance of the majors

using those regionals.44 Specifically, even if owned regionals did have more skilled

pilots, this might affect the frequency and/or severity of incidents and accidents at the

regional but this is unlikely to affect departure delays at the major. One might

hypothesize that pilot skill would affect arrival delays at the regional and, in turn,

departure delays at the major. However, given that flight speed is determined by the

airline (not the pilot) and the precise timing of a flight’s arrival is determined by air

traffic control (not the pilot), any possible relationship would seem to be quite weak.

VII. Conclusion

This paper has investigated whether – at a given airport, on a given day - the

operational performance of majors using owned regionals differs from that of majors

using independent regionals. Our results indicate that it does. We find that majors using

only owned regionals at an airport experience delays that are about 5 minutes shorter than

the delays experienced by majors using only independent regionals. On days with

extreme rain, this performance advantage increases to about 8 minutes. These findings

are both statistically and economically significant. While the results that use snow as a

measure of adverse weather are somewhat weaker, we do find a consistent pattern when

we restrict to a winter sample and consider both delays and cancellations. We also find

suggestive evidence that the relationship is stronger during periods of greater airport

44 This is in contrast to willful actions of the pilots that can lead to longer flight delays, as evidenced by Lee and Rupp’s (2007) finding that flight delays temporarily increased after airline pay cuts were announced.

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congestion. These findings support our hypothesis that ownership allows a major to more

efficiently respond to real-time schedule disruptions, especially when airport resources

are scarce.

We believe that this paper contributes to the existing literature in several ways.

First, this paper is the first to show that, for similar transactions, the operational

performance of integrated firms differs from the performance of non-integrated firms,

and to measure the size of these performance differences. Second, we do this while

attempting to control for the potential endogeneity of integration decisions both with

numerous fixed effects and by instrumenting for the choice to vertically integrate. Third,

our setting allows us to not only estimate performance differences but also shed light on

their cause. In particular, the fact that airlines’ ownership decisions are fixed in the short-

run while the likelihood of adaptation decisions change on a daily basis provides us with

a rich source of identification that is unavailable in many other settings.

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Figure 1 Illustration of Identification Strategy



Served by American Airlines SYR


Served by Delta Air Lines

Served by American’s regional(s)

Served by Delta’s regional(s)






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Table 1 Majors and Regional Partners in 2000

Regional carriers in bold are fully owned by the major

MAJOR REGIONAL PARTNER American Airlines American Eagle Airlines Business Express Continental Airlines Continental Express Gulfstream International Airlines Delta Air Lines Atlantic Coast Airlines/ACJet Atlantic Southeast Airlines Comair SkyWest Airlines Trans States Airlines Northwest Airlines Express Airlines, I Mesaba Aviation Trans World Airlines Chautauqua Airlines Trans States Airlines United Airlines Air Wisconsin Atlantic Coast Airlines Great Lakes Aviation Gulfstream International Airlines SkyWest Airlines US Airways Mesa Air Group/Air Midwest Allegheny Airlines Mesa Air Group/CCAir Chautauqua Airlines Colgan Airways Commutair Mesa Air Group/Mesa Airlines Piedmont Airlines PSA Airlines

Source: Regional Airline Association (

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Table 2a

Variable Names and Definitions

Variable Definition Source


Departure Delay Difference between scheduled departure and actual departure of aircraft from the gate.

BTS On-time data

Arrival Delay Difference between scheduled arrival and actual arrival of aircraft at the gate.

BTS On-time data

Cancelled =1 if flight is cancelled BTS On-time data

Arrival Delay > 30 minutes or Cancelled

=1 if flight is delayed more than 30 minutes or flight is cancelled BTS On-time data

Arrival Delay > 45 minutes or Cancelled

=1 if flight is delayed more than 45 minutes or flight is cancelled BTS On-time data


Fraction Owned Regional Fraction of major’s regional flights at the departure airport that are operated by an owned regional partner

OAG & RAA data

Owned Regional Flights Number of major’s regional flights at the departure airport that are operated by an owned regional partner, in hundreds

OAG & RAA data

WEATHER VARIABLES (defined for both departure and arrival airports)

Rain Daily precipitation, on days with average temperature >32 degrees Fahrenheit (inches)

NOAA data

Rain>95th Percentile =1 if rain at an airport on a day is greater than the 95th percentile rain observed at that airport during the summer (winter) sample

NOAA data

Snow Daily precipitation, on days with average temperature <=32 degrees Fahrenheit (inches)

NOAA data

Snow>95th Percentile =1 if snow at an airport on a day is greater than the 95th percentile snow observed at that airport during the winter sample

NOAA data

Snow>99th Percentile =1 if snow at an airport on a day is greater than the 99th percentile snow observed at that airport during the winter sample

NOAA data

AIRPORT-LEVEL CONTROLS (defined for both departure and arrival airports)

Airport Flights Total number of domestic flights scheduled to depart from (arrive at) the airport on a day, in hundreds.

OAG data

Slot =1 if the airport is one of four slot-controlled airports (ORD, LGA, JFK, DCA)

Authors’ construction

Congestion Number of flights scheduled to depart from or arrive at the airport during same the hour as this flight, divided by the airport’s hourly good weather capacity, as reported by the FAA.

OAG & FAA data

AIRLINE-AIRPORT LEVEL CONTROLS (defined for both departure and arrival airports)

Total Flights A carrier’s total number of flights at an airport on a day (including regional flights), in hundreds

OAG data

Regional Flights A carrier’s total number of regional flights at an airport on a day, in hundreds

OAG data

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Table 2b Summary Statistics

Mean St Dev Min Max


Departure Delay (min) 11.12 32.21 -15 714 Arrival Delay (min) 11.03 36.43 -68 796 Cancelled 0.04 0.19 0 1 Arrival Delay > 30 minutes or Cancelled 0.18 0.39 0 1 Arrival Delay > 45 minutes or Cancelled 0.14 0.34 0 1


Fraction Owned Regional 0.56 0.45 0 1 Owned Regional Flights (in hundreds) 0.66 0.85 0 2.66

WEATHER VARIABLES (departure airports)

Rain (inches) 0.11 0.35 0 12.56 Rain | Rain>95th Percentile=1 1.29 0.80 0.02 12.56 Snow (inches) 0.08 0.77 0 28.88 Snow| Snow>95th Percentile=1 3.11 3.70 0.13 28.88


Total Flights (in hundreds) 3.40 2.66 0.02 9.26 Regional Flights (in hundreds) 1.04 0.79 0.01 2.98

AIRPORT LEVEL CONTROLS (departure airports)

Airport Flights (in hundreds) 6.20 3.40 .22 12.38 Slot 0.12 0.33 0 1 Congestion 0.58 0.18 0.01 1.12

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Table 3 First Stage Regression

Dependent Variable Fraction Owned Regional

Fixed Effects Departure Airport-Date

EXCLUDED INSTRUMENTS Fraction of Regional’s Routes Arriving at Hub 0.246 (0.007)** Average Annual Precipitation at Endpoints Served by Regional 0.006 (0.0004)** Average Annual Snowfall at Endpoints Served by Regional 0.010 (0.0003)** Average # of Months with Below Freezing Temperature at Endpoints Served by Regional -0.238 (0.005)** AIRLINE-DEPARTURE AIRPORT CONTROLS Total Flights -0.137 (0.006)** Regional Flights 0.485 (0.019)** ARRIVAL AIRPORT CONTROLS Slot -0.067 (0.002)** Airport Flights 0.006 (0.0002)** Rain>95th Percentile -0.007 (0.002)** Snow>95th Percentile -0.031 (0.003)** Observations 1,876,049 F-statistic on instruments F( 4, 66518) = 1184.28 Prob>F Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared 0.5871 Standard errors are clustered on airline-airport-date. + significant at 10%; * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%.

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Table 4 Basic Results

Dependent Variable Departure Delay (minutes) Cancelled

Fixed Effects None Airport-Date Airport-Date,

Carrier-Airport Airport-Date Estimation Method OLS OLS 2SLS 2SLS 2SLS 2SLS 2SLS

(4-1) (4-2) (4-3) (4-4) (4-5) (4-6) (4-7)

OWNERSHIP VARIABLES Fraction Owned -3.944 -3.410 -5.387 -5.225 -0.010 -0.010

(0.261)** (0.114)** (0.356)** (0.367)** (0.002)** (0.002)**

Fraction Owned*Rain>95th Percentile -2.976 -3.857 -0.004

(1.735)+ (1.652)* (0.008)

Fraction Owned*Snow>95th Percentile 1.736 -0.883 -0.001

(2.011) (1.999) (0.015)

AIRLINE-DEPARUTRE AIRPORT CONTROLS Total Flights -0.722 -0.415 -0.733 -0.709 -0.001 -0.002

(0.126)** (0.082)** (0.103)** (0.103)** (0.001)* (0.001)**

Regional Flights 2.178 2.835 3.850 3.666 0.004 0.006 (0.392)** (0.245)** (0.313)** (0.312)** (0.002)* (0.002)**



Slot 1.929 (0.475)**

Rain>95th Percentile 9.440 (0.883)**

Snow>95th Percentile 9.669 (1.143)**

ARRIVAL AIRPORT CONTROLS Airport Flights 0.237 0.217 0.230 0.193 0.156 0.002 0.002

(0.011)** (0.009)** (0.009)** (0.009)** (0.010)** (0.00006)** (0.00006)**

Slot 0.480 0.480 0.324 0.274 -0.494 0.020 0.019 (0.116)** (0.109)** (0.113)** (0.113)* (0.115)** (0.001)** (0.001)**

Rain>95th Percentile 5.461 3.145 3.130 3.141 3.157 0.018 0.018 (0.219)** (0.162)** (0.162)** (0.162)** (0.161)** (0.001)** (0.001)**

Snow>95th Percentile 6.368 1.871 1.804 1.859 1.959 0.055 0.055 (0.439)** (0.228)** (0.228)** (0.228)** (0.227)** (0.004)** (0.004)**

Observations 1,876,049 1,876,049 1,876,049 1,876,049 1,876,049 1,951,836 1,951,836 Standard errors are clustered on airline-airport-date. + significant at 10%; * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%. Fraction Owned and its interactions are treated as endogenous in (4-3) through (4-7). Columns (4-1) through (4-5) include fewer observations because the delay variable is missing for flights that are cancelled.

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Table 5

Winter Sample, Alternate Weather Measures

Dependent Variable Departure Delay

(minutes) Cancelled

Fixed Effects Airport-Date

Estimation method 2SLS 2SLS 2SLS 2SLS

(5-1) (5-2) (5-3) (5-4)


Fraction Owned -1.967 -0.018 -0.021 -0.020

(0.592)** (0.004)** (0.004)** (0.004)**

Fraction Owned*Rain>95th Percentile -1.002 -0.006 -0.003

(3.106) (0.012) (0.012)

Fraction Owned*Snow>95th Percentile -2.360 -0.018

(2.891) (0.016)

Fraction Owned*Snow>99th Percentile -0.069


Fraction Owned*Rain 0.004


Fraction Owned*Snow -0.007


Observations 308,144 324,280 324,280 324,280 Standard errors are clustered on airline-airport-date. + significant at 10%; * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%. Fraction Owned and its interactions are treated as endogenous in all specifications. All specifications include the airline-departure airport control variables and the arrival-airport control variables from Table 4 as well as interactions of these controls with the weather variables. All specifications are estimated on the “winter sample”. The construction of this sample is described in Section V.C. (5-1) has fewer observations because the delay variable is missing for flights that are cancelled.

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Table 6 Alternate Ownership Measures and Samples

Dependent Variable Departure Delay (minutes)

Fixed Effects Airport-Date;

Carrier Airport-Date; Carrier-Airport

Estimation method OLS OLS OLS OLS OLS (6-1) (6-2) (6-3) (6-4) (6-5)

Sample Full Full Exclude very asymmetric


AA, UA at common airports

Airports with congestion data

OWNERSHIP VARIABLES Owned Regional Flights -0.438


Owned Regional Flights*Rain>95th Percentile -5.086 -5.194 -4.270 -3.978 -5.170

(0.822)** (0.820)** (0.999)** (1.232)** (0.827)**

Owned Regional Flights*Snow>95th Percentile 4.258 4.061 3.461 3.055 4.319

(1.155)** (1.145)** (2.168) (3.258) (1.150)**

Congestion 19.156


Owned Regional Flights* Congestion -1.012


Observations 1,876,049 1,876,049 1,015,090 343,006 1,545,609 Standard errors are clustered on airline-airport-date. + significant at 10%; * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%. All specifications include the airline-departure airport control variables and the arrival-airport control variables from Table 4 as well as interactions of these controls with the weather variables. The sample for each column is indicated at the top and described in the text in Section V.D.

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Table 7 Alternate Delay Measures

Dependent Variable Arrival delay (minutes) =1 if arrives >30 minutes

late or cancelled =1 if arrives >45 minutes

late or cancelled

Fixed Effects Airport-Date Estimation Method 2SLS 2SLS 2SLS

(7-1) (7-2) (7-3)


Fraction Owned -7.621 -0.060 -0.040

(0.401)** (0.004)** (0.003)**

Fraction Owned*Rain>95th Percentile -1.847 -0.049 -0.047

(1.902) (0.017)** (0.016)**

Fraction Owned*Snow>95th Percentile 4.756 0.016 -0.002

(2.310)* (0.020) (0.018)

Observations 1,875,635 1,951,836 1,951,836 Standard errors are clustered on airline-airport-date. + significant at 10%; * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%. Fraction Owned and all of its interactions are treated as endogenous in all specifications. All specifications include the airline-departure airport control variables and the arrival-airport control variables from Table 4 as well as interactions of these controls with the weather variables. (7-1) includes fewer observations because the delay variable is missing for flights that are cancelled.

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Appendix A -Construction of Instruments Fraction Owned measures the fraction of an airline’s regional flights departing from a given airport that are operated by a regional that is owned. Our instruments for this variable are measures of the characteristics of the endpoint airports that are served from that airport by the regional carrier(s). For example, we instrument for Delta’s value of Fraction Owned at the Boston airport with the characteristics of the endpoint airports that Delta’s regionals serve from Boston. Our choice of instruments is motivated by the analysis in Forbes and Lederman (forthcoming). Specifically, for each flight that a major’s regional operates from a particular airport, we calculate the following four characteristics of the arrival airport of that flight:

1. Hub: A dummy variable that equals one if the airport is a hub to the major. 2. Precipitation: The average annual precipitation at the airport. This average is

taken over 25 years (1971-1995) of monthly weather data taken from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). When precipitation is frozen (i.e. snow, hail, or freezing rain), this variable measures the water equivalent of the precipitation. Note that this is different from the depth of snowfall. The density of new snow is typically between 5% and 12% of water.

3. Snowfall: The average annual snowfall at the airport. This average is taken over

30 years (1971-2000) of annual snow data and reported by NOAA. 4. # of Freezing Months: The average number of months per year in which the

average daily minimum temperature at the airport is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. This average is taken over the25 years of monthly weather data from NOAA.

After constructing these four measures for each regional flight from a particular airport, we calculate the average of these four variables over all of the flights that a particular major’s regional(s) operate from a given airport during our sample period. For example, we would calculate the average of these four measures over all of the flights that Delta’s regionals operate from Boston in the year 2000. This provides us four airline-airport level variables that we use as instruments for Fraction Owned (which is also an airline-airport level variable). We call these four variables Fraction of Regional’s Routes Arriving at Hub, Average Annual Precipitation at Endpoints Served by Regional, Average Annual Snowfall at Endpoints Served by Regional, and Average # of Months with Below Freezing Temperature at Endpoints Served by Regional. The results of the first-stage regression of Fraction Owned on these variables, as well as the exogenous variables from the second-stage equation, are presented in Table 3.

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Appendix B – Supplemental Tables

Table B-1 Alternate Weather Measures

Dependent Variable Departure Delay (min) Fixed Effects Airport-Date


Fraction Owned -5.356 -5.184 (0.370)** (0.418)**

Fraction Owned*Rain -0.522 (1.148)

Fraction Owned*Snow -0.039 (0.612)

Fraction Owned*Rain>0 -0.364 (0.823) Fraction Owned*Snow>0 1.721 (1.707)

Observations 1,876,049 1,876,049 Standard errors are clustered on airline-airport-date. + significant at 10%; * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%. All specifications are estimated using two-stage least squares treating Fraction Owned and all of its interactions as endogenous. All specifications also include the airline-departure airport controls and the arrival-airport controls from Table 4 as well as interactions of these controls with the rain and snow variables. The coefficients on these variables are not reported but are available upon request.

In the first column, Fraction Owned is interacted with the linear Rain and Snow variables. In the second column, Fraction Owned is interacted with Rain>0 and Snow>0 which are dummy variables that equal one on days with positive rain (snow).

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Table B-2 Coefficients on Control Variables and Hub Control

Dependent Variable Departure Delay (min)Fixed Effects Airport-Date

OWNERSHIP VARIABLES Fraction Owned -5.225 -3.365 (0.367)** (0.296)** Fraction Owned*Rain>95th Percentile -2.976 -3.190 (1.735)* (1.438)* Fraction Owned* Snow>95th Percentile 1.736 0.200 (2.011) (1.836)

AIRLINE-DEPARTURE AIRPORT CONTROLS Total Flights -0.709 (0.103)** Total Flights*Rain>95th Percentile -0. 117 (0.576) Total Flights*Snow>95th Percentile -0.999 (0.859) Regional Flights 3.666 0.949 (0. 312)** (0.124)** Regional Flights*Rain>95th Percentile 1.462 2.038 (1.809) (0.937)* Regional Flights*Snow>95th Percentile 4.402 3.455 (2.678)+ (1.618)* Hub 1.525 (0.208)** Hub*Rain>95th Percentile -0.630 (1.469) Hub*Snow>95th Percentile -3.533 (2.562) ARRIVAL AIRPORT CONTROLS Slot 0.193 0.375 (0.009)** (0.112)**

Airport Flights 0.274 0.197 (0.113)* (0.009)**

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Rain>95th Percentile 3.141 0.580 (0.162)** (0.044)**

Snow>95th Percentile 1.859 0.450 (0.228)** (0.068)** Observations 1,876,049 1,876,049 Standard errors are clustered on airline-airport-date. + significant at 10%; * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%. All specifications are estimated using two-stage least squares treating Fraction Owned and all of its interactions as endogenous.

The first column of this table shows the coefficients on the full set of control variables that are included in specification (4-4). The second column of the table replaces the Total Flights measure with the Hub dummy which equals one if the origin airport of the flight is a hub for the major.