Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?

Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work? When you first come across the concept of affiliate marketing, one thing that crosses your mind is whether it really works or not. After all, why should someone buy through your affiliate link rather than someone else’s link or just go direct to Amazon or wherever? The off-the-cuff answer is “it varies”.

Transcript of Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?

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Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?

When you first come across the concept of affiliate marketing, one thing that crosses your mind is whether it really works or not.

After all, why should someone buy through your affiliate link rather than someone else’s link or just go direct to Amazon or wherever?

The off-the-cuff answer is “it varies”.

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Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?

Think about other things you buy – soft drinks, burgers, etc.

Chances are that you don’t buy them direct from the manufacturer but instead via a middleman in the shape of a store or whatever.

That entity takes a commission on the sale – sometimes in the form of a retail margin, sometimes just a flat percentage of the price charged.

Affiliate marketing is the same in principle.

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Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?

Affiliate marketers are the internet equivalent of commission only sales people.

Sometimes affiliates get paid per lead (sometimes called CPA, cost per action) but most of the time we get paid when we introduce someone who buys something.

Generally affiliate marketers get paid a percentage commission although sometimes it can be a flat amount per sale.

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Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?

Most affiliate programs pay a one-off commission:

You get paid for the first sale and then the company you've introduced the person to gets paid for any subsequent sales with no commission due to you.

Some programs offer a recurring commission – you get paid as long as the person remains a customer.

And others will give you a commission on subsequent purchases.

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Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?

Most people don't make much money from affiliate marketing.

That's not because it doesn't work – it's down to human nature.

If you've ever made a New Year resolution you'll know that very few of them even last the month of January let alone happen as you'd hoped when you made the resolutions.

That's the same kind of thing happening with affiliate marketing.

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Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?

But – much like the resolutions – if you follow through with your affiliate marketing then there's a much better chance that you'll get results.

The trick is to work at your affiliate marketing in a niche that you enjoy.

Create content on a regular basis and include affiliate links off to the products you suggest.

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Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?

There are lots of ways to create the content but I find the best two are:

● Answering questions – people increasingly search for the answer to various questions

● Compiling Top X lists – where X is a relevant number of products. I usually use between 3 and 5 but there's no magic “correct” number

Make your content long but keep it interesting.

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Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?

Various studies have shown that in the first page of results, most pages have well over 2,000 words.

When I've taken the trouble to count, I've found it to often be over 3,000 words.

Some people I follow aim for upwards of 10,000 words on one single page.

That's a staggering amount of content.

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Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?

Chances are you won't write it all in one sitting.

But it's well worth doing because it's the main thing you can do to catapult your affiliate marketing website into the search results.

Once you start getting traffic, build a list of interested people.

You can start making money even with a surprisingly small list of 100 or so people, maybe even less.

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Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?

Write to them regularly.

Preferably daily.

And send out a mix of useful content (if you're organised, that can build up into your larger content pieces) and affiliate links.

Keep everything in your own voice – let your personality shine through – and genuine. You'll begin to get affiliate sales sooner than you thought.

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Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?

If you'd like more help with your affiliate marketing, click this link and you'll get more free help as my way of saying “thank you”

You'll also get a mix of tips, tricks and (of course) other products you may find useful.

So click this link and start earning money from your affiliate marketing.