Dodgers Resume Winning but Cease When Christy …10 i THE SUN, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1913. Dodgers...

10 i THE SUN, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1913. Dodgers Resume Winning but Cease When Christy Mathewson Looms Up to Bar the Way EVEN BREAK IN DUPLEX CRASH Brooklyn TiiKp First (Jainc; Giants Got Square in Second One. KOMEl.SfTT BIG FIG 11 K Two in First Battle. Whi'iit's Winning for Dodger in the Tenth. SECOND fOXTKST FHOLIC Matty Breezes Alonir in Kino Stylo nnri riirck the KiiPiny. The Olants broke even with the vesterdav and fell half a game further behind the Phillies, "ho Inmmeted th Bostons, from whom the haw- - won three straight, while the (Hants have "' losing two out of throe. The (Hants an- no four game behind. The Roil won from the Pirates and the St l.ouls-Chl-eae- o cam" was postponed eslerilnj's Hrnlt. Breeklvn, 4. .New York. 2 tn lnnln;s " YoTk'.v, Rrnoklvn, 1 isecond 2.imr Philadelphia. . rtntnn 3. Cincinnati. ;. Flushing. 1, t ground". Drtnllril ( lull smnillnB. ijl , 'Iss'-S'.i- f J i s 5 J' J 1 i x i ' J ; - 1 ifi Z i . S o - - - Philadelphia ij ;j b1 i 6 31 1; o;i NewVork.... 2 5 s 9 2 7 33 ran Brooklyn . ij I I s 7 I 3n i'l 5.V, Chicago . . 3 s s;i: i;e :7 .112 PltUbura . 2 ; .1 j 3J 1 S ' 27 3.' l5s Bout on 3) 3) t I I 21 31 Wll Ut Loui j 3 3 i I ij 3 '7 21 30 in;! Cincinnati t 3' 3' 2 l 3 ' 21 3 3Vi' Game Lost 17 .: :';7I3:' 3i 35331 ' V ' n' BreokHn la New York. Philadelphia In Bown l'lttyburs In Clnclnnail, Chlcag-- j In t. Loulf. A duplex tilt between th- - r;int and BrooKIyns ,ltracte-- l Monday rnd to the I'olo Crnundtnf ovhi- i'n.ftiMi cfterriay, which comourw f.iw tin- Hronkln "III the tlrM same and the Ulants th- - Th" rspcctle ciis wiiv I to 2 and 5 to 1, and the that th- - Urookhn trlhesmin tooli was In an encounter whbh was much thf moie Interestlni; of tlv tno, though not as mtl.ifactory to a majority of the encompassing throne The flrnt atfalr las't'-- ten Innlncs and contained bolts of linpoitant bearing on the outcome In the form of h(iin-- - runs After the (Hants had laBKcd up to the ninth Inning Larry Inl smauK il a four bagger Into the ilsht tbld grand Mand and tld the siok Then- - was nnbodv on when Larry did this llavnm how the thing was don- -. Vh-a- t of tlie Hrool. lyns. who was a gianary of riches for the Superha popl-- , "talked to th- flout In the t.nth. nt a sc jurying honir to the same remote wing and won th cam- - b bringing in t" inns. Itagan pitched a deal of admirable ball foi the l!iookliis In lh- - fit t ingngement, and although hit mostly in the last two Innings kept the Olants in the batk-groun- d sultlclently to pull out, aldid a lie was by good suppoit Sernl hard .'-- ' Yoik liners weie gobble ui becaiii they ent to the Wheat nld, and was a nourishing renal for the !rooklns In several icfpects. Kronune pitclied cleveily for the (Jlantf and would hae won his game but foi an nor by Met kin. The llrooklyn looters mail- - more racket than the Manhattan partisans In this game, except that the gieatest upioar of all was when Doyle tagged the pen for his homer, and th lliookljn plajers had more life and vigor. There was a trance- - like aspect to the (Hants which didn't vanish until too late to save the gume Jn the second i onlcst Mathev(,n tV; the mound. effei:tuall rhecke.1 the Urook-ly- n hitting as well as the (Hants' tobog-ganln- g and the Flngle run off him was on sufferance more than anything Matty liriezed along with a minimum of balls pitched, his contiol being of his onn fUwcs kiml and his headwork a cereliellai chef as they say In the Hols de Uionx Me mad th- - ncUhboi Ins enem hit 'em when, tliej weie, and when th tontisuoiis cnlunv hit em wheie Ihey weien't .Matty and hi support easilj took can- - of the sucierdlng b.itter". Matty mixed up teasers foi th- - hard swinging Stensel in such a manner that the latter onlv pocked at the ball and, being pulled out of plumb, drifter four foft grounder; to the Inlleld. The llrook. lyns plaed laggedly, and the (Jlanls, though not fren with their hat against Curtis, sandwiched In enough hits to prorlt from openings. The first run of the first gam came Brookbn's, way in th' thiid inning. Mo-.- whose knack of cicumnagatlng Hie buojs went far 10 win for Ills tc.mi. Mngl'd to right null one out. Shafep miule a neat play on f'nlFhaw, but 1'iomme pafsed Stengel and Wheat boomed a swift lick off Doyle's close, Moran scoring. Doyle made .1 gallant try for the dihc, but wasn't superhuman, The (Hants squared It in the fourth Fhafer and Kletche.s hit safely, wit li one out. Pole popped to risher and Merkle singled and lunught in Slvifer. Murray forced Merkle. The Oiaiite ouldn't hold their ground Moran scratched an Inlleld single In the fifth, with one out l'romme hd him napping, but Merkle made a sin ful throw to second and Moran tlltted to third, f'utshaw tocketed nut, but Stensel whaled safely to centre and tcoied Moiail poyle's home inn tied th- - score In the ninth, with one out, anil Meikle followrd with a tn bagger, Munay struck out on a high, fast pitch, llagan passed Mejeis end Snodgtass flnatfd a Ity to Wheat Crundall's penchant for getting In a hole In the tenth was costly With one nut he walked Stengel, and with three balls and two strikes on Wheat he pllt t tin plate Wheat sent the ball Into the extieine right corner of the upper stand. The Olants didn't quit. Oandall opened the tnth with a single, Oraut, Ills pinch runner, was forced by Cooper, shafer hit to pauhert mid had a hit because nohodv covered ttist Fletcher Miiashed hard to Moran and Doyle 1 racked a foul toto the atand, which wasn't far from telnr fair. The expendltum of effort told on Larry, nnd his next ontrlbutlon was a fly to Stengel, The first sextet of Supeibas who farerl Matty perished on tepid gi minder. Klsliei and Miller sinned n the ihird before anybody was nut. Muriay'H quick tleldlng holding Flahsr on second, bunted Imaelf out, Moran forced Fisher at third Cutahaw cut a fly to Hhafer. There- - Doyle Out at Third fjfrA. " ...... Tin- - ilnrlnic l.nrry I frustrated hy siroim .trtii llltn Miller 11 f tin- - dod- gers Mild (In- - nulli- - work of II1-1- I Miillh In til nllcmpi tit Kti-n- l tlilnl In tin Iniiltm of tin- - first KM nit- - rsrrdn. omltli Iiiin In Jump tiiililrrntil In ntnlit Uiiyli- - llttttj; spikes. In tin- - fiiri-sriiiiii- In V. lliihltisnti, .in the cimchlnit line, nlm ntitf Dn-il- tlir Hlicnnl In on iIiimii," Matty Hurls Only 70 Times in Game A CCOHUINfi Id an j j I'Ollllt. Mutlll'WMlIl pitclii'il MJVi'iity halls, to the UrooUlyn bnts- - ini-t- i in ycstcrdnyV :iino. Tin- - record for tlio snialli-- t rmin!)ir of IkiIN in tiitio ititiitii;s win Iiunir up in wlnn Sntid of the Athletic pitched -- ixty- einht to the St Loin Hrown.. In UUl Klmer Stt;ee of th- - Pirates pitched hall to the Hrooklyns. and Walter ,lolinon of j i the delivered n similar number to the Cleveland.-- , while Matty pitched ninety-tw- o in a ' Kdine with Cincinnati Own yeir. Last !euon Matty wa ereditti with pitiliint; sjxty-nin- e hall-- i in a full j game The Giant' veteran box-- I man, by the way, ha pitohed but i one shutout since u and thnt, was the thirteen innitit; contest, H to n. with the )oiit;ei-- at Kbbets- Field in April. nftei It was a procssini nf Hrooklyns baik 'o the bench until the ninth, when Cutshaw catapulted a triple ti, left and tan In unchallenged on Stengel's grounder to p.ivle I is nicked the Hiooklyns in thy fourth Me drove out a vicious foul, then shitted in a bunt, which found the de- fence unpr'pared He stol" second and wns batted home by Murray Curtis lost the plate In the fifth. He b.gan by hitting Snodgiass. Matt.v forced Snodgrass, but traipsed homo In easv stages on an Infield out a bai- - on balls, an Infield hit by Fletcher and another base on balls. Th- - Podg-i- s lltteied the campus with enors in the fighth. Ylngllng made a wild throw on I'ietcher and Pnubert a bad throw to head off I'letch at second lUsult. I'letch takes thlid. Straight as the crow tiles did Povle's gnmndi r go betweill rishet's b gs and I'letcli ambled liome Merkle achieved his third strike out of tlie game, just standing thre and letting th- - ball pass him. Miiliav lle, tn tight Mejer, who liadn t made a hit. Ilk.d the Ylngllng and win one tingling to right. Moran fumbled and povle scuttled to thlnl Tin- - chief went to rccond on steal and on Miller's throw and a pour return, lmyo tame In on an Heal Snodgrass singled thiough I'tshir and tallied Mevers. The scores; Kilt ST OAMK HROOKl.YN NKW YORK iN l,i ah r h i a e ah rh p a e Moran. if f. : 3 : o inurnll s m i I ni' :b f, 0 n Kllrro.- - I ii n n n stetuel el .1114 0 1 I'lioper I f I II M I Wlmt.lf 1 3 0 (' sli.,f.r.3ll 2 .1 2 n IUllbltb ( II l r. 0 Pled her n 113 11 Milllll lb !, 1 I 1 niloylevb 1112 2 1 k I 1 ii 3 2 uMerl.leth 4 n ; 9 n ; Millu-- I o ft s i oMuriHj i f I i l 1 n n Tiaiiltl p I 1 il H 3 e 3 1 n :, n i - Fno,' f t 1 0 S 1 i Total 31 s 31 s i Krnnime n j n 1 1 a n pM I'nr'ek 1 i 1 n ii n Ifraii.i ill p 0 I 1 1 n 1 1 n n 0 i Total- - 37 2 n 30 t 3 Tiitl-- d for Piirn in the eu'hth limine tn.ilted for Fronime tn the rulith inniiu, tK-i- (or Crtnilall in the tenth innuir Ilronklvn n n n i n a o n : 4 New York ,nniinnniA; F'lr.t tiape on error- Ilioolilvn 2 on bses. Urooklyn. s: New York, s Kirt tiase nu b.ills Off ftniom. 3: nfi Krrininifi, 2: off I'ramlall, 1 Ulnuk out II v ItTsaii, - by KrimiiiH- - 2, nv i raii'i.ill l Home runs wheat, Iiojle Two base bus Wheal, Mfrkle Stolen h.ises Mnran. Ikro? l)ole Double plav lole and Merkle Hits -- off Fromnie, 7 In fUhl IntiiiiEs; off rrandiil in tun inninir I'mpire In chief- - Klein I'leld umpire -- Orlh. Time : hours SKCONH OAMK nrtOOKI.YN NKW VOUK IN I, i ah r h p a ei ab i h p a e Moral! rl 4 0 0 0 If I 0 o 1 i rnli'n.Ih 1112 4 liMMler.Sh 3 1 1 r. 1 Slensel i f 4 l) II 3 0 n Fletcher as I 1 I 2 1 Wheat, If 4 0 110 nnrolell. 3 2 114 0 t r. 2 liMerkle.lli I n n 13 o o Smlth.Sb 4 0 110 AMurrav.rf 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 I ! I 2 Meyers e.. 4 l I I l 0 Miller e 3 II J 7 2 OSnndc'scf 3 0 t 3 0 (I Clirtu P 2 a t 3 O.M ll'son.p 3 t II 1 il 0 Hummel I n o o o d, Yuull't.p m I Totals 31 7 .'7 1 0 Totala 33 ' 21 12 ' Hilled tor Cunls in Hie eighth inning nrnoklyn . 1 ii i) ii 1 n o 0 - Ne-- York. a 0 1 i n n 3 (, Fimt tiase on errors New York, 3 lfi on pH-- Hrniiklyu. 6: New York, First haw-o- balls Oft Curtis, .' Siriuk out Hv Ciirtu ; by Yinifliiia, 1, lv Miilhewson Three V..- - Sil I'tilbhrtu 'I'vi,, H,-- n 1,, 11...... ' Slolfll ban's- Sltafer, Dovle. 2 Meyei llnuole inlay Shafer and Merkle (III hv pilehed bill iiv i.urii' iiioutfrasKi iiua-v- m t urns, f in even Innlnsai off Vlmhn. 2 In one Inning Umpire In rhiel Klem Field umpire Orlh Time 1 hour and 31 nilnulea. t FOUR NEW MEN AND CHANCE NOT THROUGH him Cnsti'llo 11 I'H.e for the Now York A morion us Krom Mount St. Mary's, j. 1,'KAI, ST A II WITir T1IK BAT Willinnis of ftnlvoston. Hnnloy of Mnnlinttnn nnd Horrors of IMoliniond Sijrn. Chance has secured four new piiyeis for the New York Americans and has the dragnet out for others. It was announced ez'prd,i that Chance had sig.ied I 'an CoMello, ' the crack second baseman of Mount Saint Mao's College, llmmltsburg. Mil Cistello has lieen attracting the alien-- t l.iii of major league ciut. ever since the opening of the II- - leeched flattering offers from MrOr.iw- of the li ants. .Itini iib of the Pctrolls, Griffith o' the Wnhington and Connie Mack of the Athletic Hut the nung man held out for his own terms and Chance dually decided to meet them It Is not known ho'v much i.ilar the Ni-- York Anierl-a- hai- - agreed lo pa Co.itello, but It Is to be a; I.Teni. A'coi llcg to Chime the new second b.iseniin l a ilrst class batsman, a fleet has,, limner anil a Unknot fleldrr. The New York innii.iger has ordered Costelln t tfpnrt at tin I'oln (iroiinds this morn-- i g f r practice nnd when the team re-t- u ns heic next week the collegian prob-a- ' l w.ll be stat oiled at the middle bag, f nl to find out what he can do in f.nt i ompair ' "i.uice ,ilo hta pinl a large sum, said t be more than for the release of II Williams of the c,,iheston club of tin- - Toa League. Williams is a brother of litis Williams of the St. Louis Itrowns. He caught and p!aed first base for Hal-es!'i- n last x'.if and made an excellent record. Me lias been cowrlng the Initial bag th.s .war and his hitting has been far above the average. He has been ordered to report here on July Toai Manles, the left handed pitcher of Manhattan College, also has been signed b the I' I, Hanlev received several offers, one from Met .raw, hut Chance's figures were the best Mauley will repiut at the I'olo Cro'inds y Jay Hogers, catcher of the Richmond club of the Virginia League, whose re- lease was bought b. Chance last week, also has accepted terms and will Join the team In the neat future. Chance has notified Catcher Hevnnlds of the Houston Texas League club to show up un Sep-t- c abcr I It Is beheved that Chance will hag several promising pitcher and a couple of outfielders In a few days, as the wires Hie working REDS SOME FIGHTERS. It li lie h lilts nml Uln I plilll llnttlr I'rimi I'lrntrs. Cincinnati. .Mine 23 Hum lied hits uff thlee l'lttshutg pitchers. (Olinled with s. veial iosiIv emus, allowed incinnatl in i.ihi' til- - mud gam.- - of the series from the I'lrates this afteiinjon bv ili of T to ! Cincinnati foueht "a crand nn. hill battle With the score a tie in the eighth and one down llarter, who had ri placed Johnson for Cincinnati, singled. Pevore walked. Itoliinson replaced Cam-n't- z llescher walked, tilling the bases Hates singled, storing Haiter with the winning run The scon- - CINCINNATI riTTSm-RC- , ah r i ti a r .1. i. ... - r, nrm ..( i it rt rt r -- . . i C 2 r?rne ill i i i n Bes.-he- r If I t 'i raro . f r. .1 0 t lljte. rf I a e Viox..h I : Mar'ii lb 3 il ii r, W'e'r . 4 1 - 1 TlllUer.M .' 'I .' I li Miller lb 4 1 llfrch r. j I o n o n n n n n loit.e lb 1 i i - " vviin-- in i t ii 1 0 Alm'da rb I n o n vvin,f f i l, ,1 ft l iirnh..-- 1 I I ii ( lm'11 c 3 n e ii ii Clarke . tut n 0 Mensnr 11111 II. nlun p il ii J 0 Conner n ft n n ft n .1 non n I 0 10 11 C'inn'.n J 0 0 n 4 tlbil.Vll t (i ft rt'tm'n.p 1 ,1 0 0 llarter p 1 t 1 Total. 33 21 13 Total. 33 7 l: :7 i Una for Cooper in the second tnuint iPatted for Jnhnun 111 the sixth iniiin; Cllleiiuull 2 1 0 0 n 2 2 1 x 7 rittilmt.- - 30:010 0 i)n- - Tan base hits-Hat- e-, Almeida Tlllee bane hit Mitt r Double plays l)ode and Marin. Laniniir. Wanner and Miller. Wajner. Viox and .Miller tfus Mirsans, Wilson. 'inx Molen base. - llvrne, Carev. Wa?ner, VIiit, llernhammer struck nut- - Hv Jnhu.on. .. In Confer, I. b Cauniitz. ,', Firl base on hall-O- tt iuMitiin. .". olf Camultz 3. off Hobin on. I lilt In pitrhed ball- - Hv Ilenlon, 1; bv Camnitr. I. Hit-- Cooper. 3 in one Inninj off Tnlon, .'. in three tunnies; off .lolin.011, 2 In three mum;, oft I'aninuz In six and one-thir- mum;; oft Itobiusun. 3 in one and two thirds 1111:1 n . off Haler, 1 in to iniilnrs Time-- 1 hour and 1", minutes empires flien nan and Karon POOR HUB EYES AID PHILLIES. Connolly nnd II nun lllajmlup I'llr Victors Hut llnril Tim, KnsTON, June '.'3 -- Teiilfio hitting, coupled with poor Judging of flies hy two of tlie local ontfieldeis, enabled the Phillies to win an x to 3 victory over the Braves Until Connolly and Minn failed to cover their ferritin properly The batting of l.uderus, Loliert and Cra-vat- h was of the fence breaking variety. The score; i.V I.I BOSTON iN 1. abrhpae abrhnae I'ask't.ef 3 3 1 r. 0 O.Mirlliess f, 1 3 fi 1 I.ud s lb I 2 3 H 0 O'Mvem lb I 0 2 PI 0 1 Lots.rt.1h 13 0 oll.nrd If 3 0 ft 0 t f. 1 1 2 1 ftConn'lv.ll ft 1 ft 1 ft 0 Crav'h.rf fi 1 4 1 1 I 'Randen 1 0 0 ft o 0 Knahe.Jb 10 13 2 '' Collins If I ft 0 1 0 ft I o ft 3 2 Iisepn'.v..,h 3 ft t 3 3 1 Kllllfer, e I ft 0 7 0 O'Tltlls rf .111111 Breniian p I 1 2 1 3 o'Devlln.3h t ft 0 1 2 ft - - Mann el o o n n Toiil. iv 4 15 27 ?iWhihn,e 1114 9 6 James n 3 110 10 Smith I o ft ft Totals r. 3 11 27 12 3 'Milled for cnnnollv lu seventh tPatted for James in ninth Philidelphla 21013;ooit Boston niooofttfti-- To base hits Paskert, Breniian Craralh (2i, I.ohrri, Maranville Three base hits Itbert, Luderus i'ji Home run -- Cravalh. SacrifVe bus Paskert, Mvere Stolen base- - Whahnr pontile nlays Knahe and Doolan: Sweeney and Mvers flv l.uderus Iaft on bases Philadelphia. Ilnsinn. 3 First base on balls Off Breniian, ; nfl James, 2. First bare on errors- - Bnsion. I Hit hv pitcher-B- y Jamra iDonlaui. by Breiinau . iTitusi Struck nut Bv Breiinau. 0; by James, 4 Time hour 53 minutes Umpires- - Rlcler and Byron Anirrlrnn Aaaorlnllon, AT TOLEDO n II E Kansas City . ... 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 ft s 12 2 Toledo . , (IftOOftftOOO. flOl II illenes-Jam- es and Kruaer; Yauahn and O Cniinnr AT COLUMBUS R II E Minneapolis ft o ft 1 ft 1 l 1 f- t-i 6 o Columbus oftooooon r. o llatteriea Patterson and Owens: Davn and Smith. IxiuliTllle. Milwaukee rame poitponed, wet rroiinds Indianapolis St Paul jame poatpnned, net trninids Smith Untitle lienarnr. Maenn 1 Charleston. 6 Savannah, I; Albany, 1 itwelve inninrt' ,lai ksoiv llle, fi, Columbus, I VI ml n In I.eiiKne. Peterfburj, 6 Nnrlnlk, 3 fan Innlncsl Rnhmniid. 0; iloaimkr n uhirlaen Innlnfsi Ne,nrl Ne . Poilimoiitli, 2 itwelve 111 IIIIl'SI BAHEBAIX. Polo r.roundi, 3:30 P. M. CIA.NTS v. onuOKLYN.-a- ar. Coombs Gives Up Hope of Playing pHiLADKU'HIA, Junn .'U.-Jiu k Coombs, stnr (wirier of the Athletics, will be unuble to pitch iiKaln this season, nccordiiiR to his own admission made yesterday to Connie Muck and John Shibo of the Athletics, who visited the sick pitcher nt Hotel Strand, Atlantic. City. Coombs is taking on weight fust, having gained eighteen pounds since he went to the shore fifteen days ago. He now weighs 158 pounds nnd is inking on weight at the rate of n pound a day. Mack hoped that Coombs would he in con- dition to help the Athletics (luring the last month ofthe championship season, but his hopes have been shattered by Coombs's own an- nouncement, AMERICAN LEAGUE. 'I he Athletics recovered their form y and - mincemeat of the cham- pions. The Krnnns and White Sox split a double bill, and these were the only games played. The field was too moist In Washington for hostilities, t ctrriln ' Hrsnlts. Philadelphia, 13, Hoatnn, 4 Si. I.iiiiK 3. Chicago. 1 (Hrst gatnei. ChlenRn, I. SI I.011I., 3, twelve Innings (senind gamei U ashlnglnn-Ne- Vork. wet (rounds. Dctiillril Club Mnnrtln. i'T' - if Is 11 e I'niladclptua S 71 3 s ii;, 16 Cleveland 'l. (, s ii Washington h I1 3 4 7I1 S3 28 Huston a I 4 5 .1 ; 31 57 Chleano. l 3 llll 0 30 Detroit ' 3 I. 7l 3 39 3, : 4 & 3 43 Ne York 2 1 ; 5 4: 17 41 20! (lames Lost 'li;? 30 39 43 41 Todna Pchednl. Nv Y"rk In Wahlncton. Itnrtrm In t'hitailf IphU. St. Louie In Chicago. NO STOPPING ATHLETICS. Mnckmen Hon nil Hert m Pllchers nnil Win l l.'l In 4, I'lili.viU'.l.i'illA, June :3. The Philadel- phia Athletics pounded Hay Collins. Mose-le- y and I'oster all over the field win- ning the third game of the scries from tin- - Ited Sox 111 hallow style by 13 to 4. The leaders made llfteen hits for a total of twenty. six bases, Harry leading the way with two home run drives, linker combed out a triple, double and a single and WaNh made two singles and a double. Itrown started to pitch for the Athletics, but was taken out after the first Inning In favor of Houtk. who h Id the Hed Sox powerless until the ninth, when he eased up and two runners scored. A lightning double play engineered by Schang. Hairy and Mclnnls wna the feature. The score: BOSTON iA LI 1'HILA I A. Ll ah r h p a eE M'n'y.rf 4 3 1 2 0 0 tnn-ier rf 3 1 0 2 0 0 4 2 3 2 9 0 Verke Jb 3 1 1 0 K Co ns :b 4 2 2 I 3 0 ' 3 0 2 E. 0 Uakcr.3b. . f 2 3 2 3 0 I'n k'n cf t 1 0 0 0 Melnnn lb 4 1 2 10 ft ellf 4 0 0 1 0 0 Oli1rins.ll. 3 2 0 0 lard'r Jb : I I I 3 2 2 4 4 " 4 1 0 4 0 0 Schsni.i- 3 0 " 2 3 0 laliv-in.s- I 0 2 I l 0 Broun. p.. ft 1 0 0 0 0 'arm nc" 0 o r, i o Houck.p :, 0 n 0 l 0 ' 'ady.c 2 o 1 1 I o - - - I Ft Co'lis p : 0 0 ft I o Totals 37 13 IS 27 11 ftl vtoseley.p 0 0 0 o 0 0 'osier. p v " ii i 'I Hall , I 0 1 ft n e Totals 31 4 7 21 1 1 Bailed for Foster In ninth lnnin Ilo.ton t o ! ft o ft o a i Philadelphia 1 1 o 1 4 1 -- 13 Hits Off Hrovn 1 in nn inntiiK; orf Houek s in tuhl innims, off Colli n. s in four and one third innlnsa: off Moseley. 2 In to lhirrt of an innings; off Foster i. In Ihree innirfs Turn base hits, Yerkes. Walsh. E Collins. Baker Three base hil -- Baker Home runs-llarr- v. sacrtflre Barry Stolen bases Siieaker, Walsh, Harry, Oklriin la-I-t on bases- - nostnii. .1; Philadelphia. . Struck out Ily It Collins. 3. b) Houck. 2; by Mnseley. :; bv Foster, 2 Double plays -- Sonant, Barry and Meliinu. Collins and Mclnnis First bate on balls Off Brown, I. of) Collins. 1: off Moseley, I. off Foster. I: oft ltnuek. h Wild nilehes- - itrown, Moseley. Houck. 2 empires Dineea and Hart, Time: hours and 17 mtnutet. WEIRD GAME FOR MICHIGAN. Oillhlt hy lenn Il an In. Wolver- ines Win hy 7 tn 'J. Ann AnnoR, June ;3 Michigan took a weird game from Pennsylvania this after- noon by the score of 7 to 2, though the visitors oiithlt the Wolverines, the latter getting but two SHfe hits. Imlay, Penns Ivnnla's star pitcher, lu the fourth when six runs had been made off him with but one lilt, Sayre who replaced- - nlm, had Michigan guessing. The big crowd, typical of com- mencement week, went wild, as this ties up the series and the Wednesday game will now be decisive. I'onnsv lvanla errors came at opportune tlnif. It was laker's three sacker In the third that really broke up the party, na the sacks were clogged when he un- loosed. Slsler was hard hit throughout, but he was backed by practically fault- less fielding. The Michigan southpaw fanned seven of the Quakers, Just dupli- cating Imlay's performance, while Sayr' fooled flvei opponents after he took th mound. The score : PENNSYLVANIA MICHIGAN ab r h P a e! ab r h p a rWatl.lf 3 0 2 ft I, Bell. i f 3 10 10 0 Corjell.Jh 3 1 ft 0 0 nCorey.lf, 4 0 2 0 0 Mindset 4 0 I t 0 0 M'Q'een.2b 3 2 0 0 2 0 Arms'g.rf 2 0 1 0 0 1 Sialer.p . .1 2 10 4 0 To'mey.Cb 4 0 0 1 1 liWebber.rf 3 1 0 2 0 9 Gordon v 1 0 1 12 0 4 0 9 13 9 9 c.lend' 3 1 0 0 0 DiBaker.M .3 0 3 0 1 Imlay, p 10 0 111 Baer.e .,.. 3 0 0 7 2 0 Sasre.p , 2 o 0 ft o o.Hiichttt.ab 3 0 0 0 0 ft Haley .00000 0 Wall'ce.lbl 0 0 3 0 0 Totals., 29 7 2 27 II Clark. lb. 0 0 o 4 0 o Martin, rf 3 0 0 1 0 ol Totala. .27 2 ti 24 2 I" '"IV. Batted for Sayre In the ninth Pennsylvania t lOiooooo 2 Michigan 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 ,, 7 Hils-O- ff Imlay. 1 In tour and a half Inninia Three base hits- - Baker. Oordon Sacrifice hits Imlav. Coryell. Stolen baae-B- ell. First base on ball-O- ff Imlay. 2: off Staler. 2. Hit by niiched hall Bv Slsler iCilendenningi : hy Im lay (Sisleri. First haw on errora-Mlchlr- an, 2: i Pennsjlvanla. I. Ieft on haaea-Mlc- hlf an, 2: Pennsylvania. 7. Struck out-- By Imlay, 7: by Savre, r,; by Siller. 7 Passed balla-Oord- 2j Ha'er. 2. Wild pltch-Sa- yre Umpire-Cham- ber lain. Tlme- -2 hours j Carolina Asanclatlnn. J Charlotte, 4; Wlnslon-Faleni- , 2 (first e"!iarlntte, 2, Wlnston-Salani- . I (second name, seven Innlnisl, ilreenibnro. ti; Durham. 2 (called st th end of the sevanlh. rain) Anhevwe, 4; naintn. i, vr KiiBlanit l.raaia. Ixiwell. . Hroikton, 5, Fall River, : New Hertford. 7. Worcester, I; Portland, I. Liwrenie, f, Lynn, o. i First gam. I Lvnn, 7; Lawrence, 1 (Steond tarn.) innthrrn Pragnr. Memptu. 2; C'hattanoota, Montfomery, 3; Nashville. 1. Iiirmlniham. fi: Mobile, I. Atlanta Now Orleans iamt pottpentd, rata. AIRTIGHT PITCHING WINS FOR AMHERST Dnrttnoiitli Hatters All nt Son Apnlnst, Robinson, Knll-Injrb- y Score of 2 to 0. TWIRLEH CAN HIT TOO Makes Two Hits in Three Times at Bat. Aiding in Knn Mannfaotnre. Northampton, Mass., June. 23. Robin- son pitched alrtlyht ball for Amherst to- ddy and shut out Partmouth 2 to 0 In the annual commencement game. The Am- herst twlrlcr was peculiarly effective In the pinches and seemed to have no diff- iculty In disposing of Ills opponents at critical moments. In addition to pitching a sterling game Itoblnson took a hand In the scoring with two singles In three times at bat. Hallett pitched fairly good for Dartmouth, but had one. bid Inning. Neither team got a man beyond tecum! In the first four Innings, but In the fifth Amherst hunched together three hits which, combined with an error, yielded two runs. Williamson, the first man up. struck out but was safe at first when the third strike got nway from Wanamnker. Wash- burn then singled and Hoblnson scored Williamson with another slnglo after Strahan had been retired. An error filled the bases and Pe Castro singled, scoring Washburn. Hoblnson was caught at the plate trying to score on the same play, and Pe Castro made the third out on an attempted steal a little later. The score: AMHERST ; DARTMOUTH, ab r h p a e ab r hp a e ft K'h' 4 0 10 ftll.nwe .. 4 0 0 2 2 0 be tro.rf 4 0 2 0 ft 1 Siilhv'n.rf loot 1 o lirten.3b 4 o ft o 3 0 10 2 10 0 S' 4 0 0 10 0 W'maker.e 4 0 0 9 2 0 (iood' 3 ft 1 1.1 0 0 Il'liue. 2b. 4 0 13 2 0 wtll-an.s- s 1113 11 Cook. lb. .3011 I Wash'n.2h 3 114 2 O TwIt'ell.lf I 0 1 o o Strahan c 1 o o S 2 ol .1 K'ball.Sb 3 0 10 11 Rob'n.p 3 0 2 0 7 l Hailelt.p. 3 0 1 0 Total! 3 T fTrTltT Hi Totala 31 0 6 341 11 2 Dartmouth . .. oooooooo o- -o Amherst .. 00000200 x- -2 First base on balls-O- ff Robinson. 1; off Hal-let- t, 1 Struck nut-- By Robinson, 0; hy , d. Fused Tlme- -1 hour 51 minutes. t'mptres-Rc- ed and EVEN BREAK ALL ROUND. Both llanaarera Chased and White Sua anil Browns P.ach Win. Chicac.o. June 13. The Chicago White Sox and the St. llrowns again broke even In a double header The Hrowns won the first game. 3 to 1. The Sox took the second. 4 to 3. In a twelve Inning battle. It was Itussell against Hamilton In the latter tight, and It was a battle of southpaws all the way. Had the llrowns been able to hold the Sox In the last half of the twelfth they would have secured a tie, as it was getting so dark that another Inning would have been Impossible. Manager Callahan was chased from the game In the first and compelled to sit In the stand during the second. Umpire o'Loughlin did the chasing, and he and Manager Stovall had some trouble In the final Inning of the second, with the same result Stovall was ejected Clcotte, Itussell and White were pitted against Uaunigardner In the first con- test, and Harry lord occupied the posi- tion of star slugger with three safe wal- lops. Pratt proved the big man with the war cluh In the second, getting four hits, one of them a double and another a triple. The score FIRST GAME ST LOUIS lA L CHICAGO iA l.i ab r h p a e ab r h p a e Shotfiirf 4 2 1 3 0 o Rath :b 101130 Stovall lb 4 12 13 0 E.literlv 10 10 0 0 J rati. Lb.. 4 0 113 o'Bertrer.b 0 0 1 0 0 n rill'm.rf 3 1 1 0 0 Lord 3b 4 0 3 0 4 0 Johns nlf 2 0 1 4 0 I ft I la 0 0 1 0 0 n 0 Collins rf 4 ft 0 3 1 0 Alltln.3b 3 0 n 3 3 0 Boihe.lf I 0 ft l 0 ft Lavans sa 4 ft 0 2 3 n S. haller.lf I 0 ft 0 0 ft Atnew.c 4 o l J 0 4 ft 1 ft ft ,1 Bau't'r.p 3 0 0 2 2 0. Weaver. 3 I t ft 0 Sehalk.i- - 3 0 15 10 Tola! 32 3 7 27 11 i Clcotte p 2 ft ft 1 3 ft IRussell.p ft 0 ft 0 0 pFutirmer ft 0 0 0 0 White.p 0 0 0 ft 1 0 Total 2H l '.'; 12 0 Ratted for Rath in the eighth limine 'Batted for Russell in Ihe eishlh limine Si Louis 200000ft el's Chicago noooilOOii Two ha hits-l'r.- itt. Chase Three base hit -- Stovall Sacrifice hits Johnston, William Stolen bases-Pra- tl. Weaver. Shotton Double plavsAusitn and Stovall: Pratt. Lavans and stovall la-- rt on nasea st, l.ouis. a: cnicaso. 5. Firsl base on balls-O- ft Clcotte, I. oft Rus. sell. 1; off Raumtardner. 4 Struck out- - By , 2: by Russell I: by While, 1 Umpires O'Louehlln and Hildebrand Time 2 hour and 5 minutea SECOND GAME ST LOUIS CHICAGO aftrhpael abrhpae Shott'n of I 2 3 6 0 0,Rath.:b 1 0 0 n ft ft Uriel. lb 300701 Beraer.'.'b. 512121 -- Stovall, lb 200400 lonUb fi 0 I ft I 2 1) 0 9 0 1 OC' 1 1 2 12 1 0 Pratt. :b.. 5 0 4 1 2 o'CoIlin rf. 1 0 0 ft ft ft Wil'mrt 5 0 0 1 0 0 Bo.lie.lf ..4 0 2 5 0 0 John'n.If. 5 0020 0 Mttlik,cf 5 1 ft 2 ft 0 AUtlll.3h 4 ft ft 1 1 Weaver. 5 I .' t 1 Lavan:. 0 12 4 o'shatk.c. 3 I 11 ft n Alex'der.c 5 0 n S ! ft.Ru-sell.- .1 0 ft 3 0 Ham'tn.p 5 0 0 0 2 0 .1.177": Totals. 41 4 15 3 11 4 Total 13 3 Ml 13 2i Two out when winning run was scored St Loui ,, 11001000000 ol Chlraao,. oooftlOOilOO 14 Two baa ien, Pratt Thiee base hil-C- Pratt, Russell Sacjinee hits- - Mat-in- Brief, Austin. Collin 3i. Chae (stolen base Sholtrn 1:1, Pratt. Double play-L- ord lo Chase 10 Schalk Loll on bae-- St Lpuia. It; Chlcaio. 10. Firt base on ball -- OH in-el- l. 4; olf Hamilton. 3 Struck ou 6 .HUia-el- 9: by Hamilton. 9. Wild pitch Knsell Time 2 hour 20 minute. Umpire- - Hilde- brand and O'Louehlln. Mnalle thr William Captain. Wll.t.lAMSTowN, June 23, Following the Vermont game on Weston Field this afternoon Itutherford O, Alnslle of Oak Park, III. was elected captain of the Williams baseball team for the season of 1S14. lie has played on the learn for the last three years in right field and at sec- ond base, NriT Vnrk State l.eagnr, AT ALBANY. R. It E Albany 00100000 x 1 1 0 Hlnthamton. ..00000000 0 0 i 1 Ratlerle Frlel and Ugan, Heck and Crnsiln. AT SYRACUSE R. H B Svracu.. ,.00000014 1 7 1 Scranlon 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 4 10 1 naileries Johnson, Hurrh'll snd II re 11. nan; Oaskell, Marnney and Harklns. AT UTICA. n. h. e. Utlra 0000 3 002 x 7 1.1 0 Wllkesharr. ... oooooooo 0 0 3 I Hailerles Puck and Clnughrr, Marlon and Hrennan. AT TROY. R. If. E. Elmlra 4 0 1 0 0 1 s 0 8 14 2 Trnv OOOOOOlfl 0 1 I 2 Hatierlss Nagle. Rltter and Foster; Wag-nt- Harklns and Flttierald. Vaatern Aaaoelatlnn. Hartford, 5, Nw London, 0, Plllsfleld. 3: Springfield. 1. Hrldport, 5. Holyok. 3 iflrst cam) Holynke, 4: Bridgeport, 3 (aecnnd game), New Havtn. 2; Watcrbury. 0 inrt gimei. New Haven, 4: Waterbury. 3 (second game), firrr York aad Jersey I.eagtne, Kingston, 7. Nnvburth, 1 lflrl gamei, Newburgh, ; Klngnon. 3 Isetond game), Western l.eagae. Omaha. : Wichita, 2. Lincoln, It: D Moln. 3. Dnvr 1: SI. Jo. 0. Topeka. 19 i Bloua City. t. Rickart Secretary of Federal League CT, LOUIS. Juno 23. -- Announce- men! was made here to-d- that Lloyd Rickart, who recently re- signed as secretary of the St. Iiouls Americans, was elected secretary of the Federal lugue at a meeting In Cincinnati. The announcement was made by Kd Steininger, president of the St. Iiouls Federals and former president of the. Cardinals. Rickart ii known In the West as one of the most capable and best versed men in business affairs of baseball in this part of tho country. The fact that the Browns, during many sec- ond division years, still managed to return a small profit is credited to his good work by many-baseba- ll followers. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. stirIai-- ' rteanlts. Jersey City, : Roeheier. 7 Newark, 3: Montreal, 2 Trovldence. 3: Toronto. 0 Balttmore. Buffalo- - rain. Standing nf the Clofca. W. 1 P. c. t. 1.. P.C. Newark. . .42 tz .51 Baltimore. ..2 ."3 .439 Rocneater...M 3' .& Jersey dir.. 37 12 .4.1 Buffalo.... S3 H &5 Montreal,... 25 M .431 Providence. .20 - .47.1 Toronto. . .23 3 .a Tn-dBj- Srhrdnle. Roeheiter In Jersey City Montreal In Newark Buffalo In Baltimore. Toronto In Providence. PURTELL'S TIMELY HOMER. Transforms Pendlnck Into Vlclnrj-fn- r .leraey fHy. Capt. Rill Purtell's home tun drive In the eleventh Inning of yesterday's game between Itochester nnd Jersey City trans- formed the deadlock Into a Jersey City victory, giving the Skeeters the first battle of the series by 11 score of S to 7. Pur-tell- 'a smash was made with Jack Qulnn pitching nnd none out. Rochester out-batt- the home team tT to 11, hut the locals, put their blngles together when they counted. Three pitchers were used up on each side. The score: ROCHESTER. I JERSEY CITY ah r h p a e ab r h p a e Priest. 2b .12 2 12 1 Vaut' 4 1113 0 Padd k.rf 5 113 0 0,Kmht.2b 5 12 14 1 2 3 5 0 0 Kelly.lf .. 5 1 2 2 " Slm'ns.2b 5 0 1 : 3 0 Echen.ef 3 0 0 4 0 ft S' 5 0 1 S 1 . 1 0 0 0 0 Conroy.lf 5 0 1 2 0 olMcCahe.rf 4 2 1 3 0 1 Martin. 4 0 2 3 2 0,l'i.rtell.3b 4 2 4 4 2 0 WlU'ms.c 1 1 2 7 2 0,Calho 4 0 1 10 0 1 Keefe.p. 4 0 1 0 2 ojBlair.e . 4 0 0 330 Wllh-m.- 0 0 0 0 0 0,DocinT,D 2 0 0 ll 2 0 Smith... 1 I l 0 0 ft Maner.p. 1 0 ft 0 0 1 Qulnn.p ,10000 otMcllaIe,p 0 0 0 0 Totl .17 7 17130 12 Totals . 3S ".1133 15 4 Batted for Wilhelm in the ninth inning tNone nut when winnlri run wa scored Rochester ft000 2 1ft31OO-- 7 Jersey City I0002OO40O1 S First base on error- Rochester Two base hit -- Conroy Home ell Sacrifice Stolen base lriest Lefi 011 bases-Jer- sey City. 3; Rochester. 13. Double ldl. Marlln and SUimidt First bae on balls-O- ff Doeseher, ;: ofl Manser. 4: off Keete. 3 Struck out Bv Doeseher, 3: by Mcllale 4: bv Keefe. 1: hv Wilhelm. 1: by Oulnn. 4 Hit by pitcher-- By I)oea,-he- r iSihmidti: by Keefe iMcCabei Hil-- Olf Doeseher. 9 lu six and one third innings; off Manser, 3 In one and one third Inninas: off Mi Hale, 4 in Ihree lunulas: off Keefe. ! In seven and innings: off Wilhelm. 1 in twu-tlur- of an limine; oft Quinn. 1 In three Inning Umpire Nalhn and Owens. Time-- 2 hour and 45 minutes. NEWARKS WN7HURT ROYALS. (irlags nf Montreal Injured In name Won hy Indiana. Newark took the first game of the present series from Montreal esterday, 3 to 2. Artie i.riggs, the first base- man of the Koyals, while sliding Into third base. In the opening Inning wrenched his tight leg near the knee and tore the ligaments so hnillv thnt he had to be taken to St. James Hospital. The Is Ihe worst of the kll the doc-toi- s at the hospital have ever seen. The score : .MONTREAL NEWARK ab r h p a e ab r h p a a Gilh'y.rf 3 1 0 2 a Dallon.rf 1113 0 0 10 113 1 G jn' 1 2 n II'n'r.ef I ft ii 2 0 W 4 0 1 4 0 1 Hi's lb I i 0 ft Sw 4 ft 1 11 1 I' 2 n ft 2 4 0 3 1 1 I ft (1 Hurns.jh n n 0 (1 E Z'n.Sb 3 0 1 n 4 1 L'x.-- b lb 4 n 1 11 0 II Gelz.2b 3 ft 0 2 ft D'nui.lf I 1 1 ft 0 Hicgins.c 2 ft 0 1 ft ft ft ft 2 5 0 larch 3 ft 1 2 0 Madil'n c I i' 2 I t Matt'tl.p 1 0 1 ft 5 Totals 3') 3 6 27 11 2 Totals. 35 J :i 1? ,'i None out .when winnin: run was sored. .Montreal 1 0 ft 0 ft u ft o 12 Newark 1 ft ft ft n n 0 I 13 Two bass Wis llaltou, Mers. W Zimmer man, ThrcA bast hll -- Demmitt Firl has on balls-O- ff Lee. 1; olf Maltern, 1 Firsl base on errors Newark, 1: Montreal, 1, Lett on bases- Newark, I; Montreal, 7, Umpires-Mul- len and Kellj Tune- - hour and 20 min- utes Cnir's WIIiIiii-si- i Iti-nt- s III111. PRovinRNCF. June 23 H.illey wns al- most unhittable this afternoon and Provi- dence broke Its losing streak by defeating Toionto, 3 lo 0. (iuw pitched ;i good game, hut Ills wlldness In the flf'.'. proved his undoing In this lnnlr. w;,', Kncher and Platte on the base-- ; ih' passes, litis hit for two bases, sending both in In the eighth Peal drove the ball to the fence lor a homti run. Tlie score; Tnrorta .. 0 4 t r fi ft 0 0- - 0' 1 E2 Preeidane , i, 11 d 11 ! 1 1 v - ! 5 1 .9ilrtes Toronto, (law and Hernia, I'rov-idtsv- e, Hslley and Knehvr More .N'rrr HI nod for Pirates. PtTTsntiBd, ,Iun iS. Fred Clarke, the Pirates' leader, has signed Fred Kom-mer- an outfielder who has been making a fine ircord with the Spilngfleld club of Three I League, Clarke went on a mys- terious Journey last week, and It wut iiot known until y what the quest of hi. Journey was. Doubles Kommers, Inttclder Cypert of Arkansas University, and Out- fielder llarl Topham, from Hucknell, will loin the Pirate crew, Pitcher Kd Kayres, the new southpaw from Hi own University. Joins the team Wednesday. Pnbllc School Its Wlna Cnp. The representatives nf Public School 118 won the deciding game In the serler among the Pay Hidge schools of Brook-iM- i for the Reaver cup. defeating Public School 14 at Prospect Park. The losers made a great rally In the last Inning and scored seven runs before they were re- tired. The score: P. R. U 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 'V E3 r. H. HI 1 0 0 n 0 0 - 12 Hatlerles Durkett Woods and Sonhorn; Nelson, Pelany and Knnecky. Texan Prague, fleaumnnt. it; Dallas. 4. Fort Worth. 5; Oalvestnn. n. Waco. 2; San Antonio, ft. Houitnn, fi; Austin. 2. K. 1. T. I.ranne. Cairo. 5; Vlnrennea, 2 inrt gam), Cairo. ; Vlncenne. 3 second game). I'aducMh. 5, Harrlsburg. 4. Ownboro. 3. Henderson. 2, Hopklnsvllle-Clarks- 111 game pnitponed, rain. rnttnn Mtat-e- I.engue, Jaekon. 13; Clarkvtlle. 3. ('nlumbu. ; Meridian. 2. No other games played. Trl-Mtii- te l.raarne, Trenton, 4. York, J. Atlantic City, : Alltntown, Harrlsburg, 7; Wilmington, 9, ra LOUGHLIN VICTOR IN GRUELLING MATCH California!! Rents Barrett in First Round of KnsrlMi Tennis Championship. HAS TO BATTLE VYWU.h Briton Loads Two Sots tn Onn as Yankee Begins Hi (innie Rally. fipfin1 rnhf? le'pirfeft tn Tnr P' I.ONPON. Juno 23 Mauilce Met lln. the Anierlcnii champion at tei made 1111 auspicious start In the open , -- play for the nil I'ngland champions'- n at Wimbledon In a match went the full live sets and esolvi. u .. f Into a question of tin- - survlvil or a fittest, ll" defeated Hoper t leil n Hngllsh player of Intern itlnnal tepi,- - . Hon. The fcore vvaa I ", - e, . ij 1! 2, S rt. There never wns such nn nsfemb' ig- - f playern for the Knglish title tlx 11,. cup contests having drawn the eprii- - 1 every country to the llrltish s. u r the first lime in tetinN lih trv t - ' lleved that the winner of the Wtirhltd 1 competition will provide is champl"" Is entitled surely to the honor ot . j called the best tennis plnyrr 111 tin x r Many critics believe that Atnerlin la- - excellent chance tor this ,1 performance under ,1 aging circumstances y lends roi.e tn this Idea, The match between Mcl.ouchl 11 ,id Pariett was full of Incidents fmi-- i si, t to finish. Hoth men plavrd at th ,p of their form and to the crowd th. t looked on ll seemed that Pariett tn than once was certain to conn- - out Hie victor. This wns espfclally the tee ; after the thin! set, In which the 7t c' sn- - men allowed MoLoughlln only on. -- one The California!! rallltd In nn iitie.eii,d manner and captured the fourth set n :. evening up the sets. The final set w.i h ,j fought from beginning to end, Mi I.our'i filially achieving victory at s r, p ,. were scleral other good matches-- , but iv that enthusid the crowd In the s... manner as the titanic battle lu'w.. McLoughlln and llarrett. BRONX BOYS VICTORIOUS. HrooLlyn's Heat School Henlen In PlnxifT nf Tie. In the plajoff of the S In 5 tie sen e game between Public School 12, tirm x champions, and Public School 152, bt of the Hrooklyn schools, at the Prosp-'i- t l'ark Parade (Srounds yesterday aftr noon, the Mrouxltes were tlie victors I a tally of 4 to 3. This game was on of the series for the elementary schnn championship of Orenter New York T- Hronx team will now meet P. S. s3, Mai. hattan tltleholders. nt McNulty Fie i nfternoon. Plllon of the winners deserves ih honors of the day for his splendid work-o- n the slab. The Hrookljn lads wei only able tn connect safely nn his slan-- a In three Innings, the third, eighth .oel ninth He fanned eleven men. P. S. 152 lost a great opportunity b h fifth when with two on the bags n to left. Plundell came. spdlng to the plate and had plenty of ihan'" tn beat the throw home on a slide, but Instead he kept running and was tagged out. This cut off a splendid batting la" which had netted the No, 132 team tw runs and five hits. The seme; I' 8. 152. BROOKLYN V S 4.-- BRONX ab r h p a ei ab r h p a e Ra'n'r.Sh 1 ft 1 ft R'snh r It 3 2 ' I It'ndellpl 1 a 2 n OC-n'- l ",b 4 ' 2 " Carraolf I ft 1 2 ft nSrh'il'rs I ft 1 1 Rlley.:b. 4 7 5e l! I ft ' ' 3 3 a 1 9 ft ftll'f-ve.l- .' ft n 1! ll' 4 I I 1 2 1 Mi L' 31' 1 ("n'hin.c 112 3 2ft Di'm'il rf 3 ft 09 M'dl'drfl I I ft Danzier e 3 3 1) ft . ft Dillon p ' 1 Totals 31 3 21 1.' Total. ." I ' I! 1 P S l:..'. Brooklvn ft n . 0 ft n P S. 4., Bronx . a ft Ift on bases P 12 3 P T base hits- - Bohncrl. Dillon Three b b Dillon HoDie run Mudforn O nnuii I Stolen bases- - KaHiiir. Ro.rnis r- - . o Cnnui Bes-u- Double play Hohneil It s n 1 Youu: First base on balls Olt IMlnn et niundell. 1. Stiuck out Bv li.Uoii ' Plundell 3 Hit by pitihed bill Ity 111 ni Rosenberci. COVERLEY WLQTHES Golf Etiquette From a Srtcial Cable liispaiih InlHesrs London, .Inn" ','1,-- A shirHer of horror raided in tin' nriistooralic golf clubs of Kngland this week when the meiiiberis of the "outrageous' eondlK't of a visitor at a well known club near London, who entered 111" smokjng room in his shirt sleeves preparatory to playing. Wants "Proper" Goll Garb. The Daily Mail editorially sup- ports the members who object to men playing golf in their shut sleeves. The pnner points (up iIihi it is "perfectly simp!" - obtain vestments of gosnnvr fabric. A coal of siieli licli texture could not hamper or un- duly heat a player." It is "perfectly simple" wear Made by London's best Sporting Tailors. Tropical Flannel Suits Linen and Pongee Suits The "Kilmer Coat The "Heresford" Coat -- Jersey Cloth Coals Oxford SfcjrtB Footwear Caps, For Oolf Tenuis Motoring -t- ho Country Club the Kikes, Mountains and the Seashore. Between 43d and 44th St(t

Transcript of Dodgers Resume Winning but Cease When Christy …10 i THE SUN, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1913. Dodgers...

Page 1: Dodgers Resume Winning but Cease When Christy …10 i THE SUN, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1913. Dodgers Resume Winning but Cease When Christy Mathewson Looms Up to Bar the Way EVEN BREAK IN

10 i THE SUN, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1913.

Dodgers Resume Winning but Cease When Christy Mathewson Looms Up to Bar the WayEVEN BREAK IN


Brooklyn TiiKp First (Jainc;Giants Got Square in

Second One.


Two in First Battle. Whi'iit'sWinning for Dodger

in the Tenth.


Matty Breezes Alonir in Kino

Stylo nnri riirckthe KiiPiny.

The Olants broke even with thevesterdav and fell half a game further

behind the Phillies, "ho Inmmeted thBostons, from whom the haw- - won

three straight, while the (Hants have "'losing two out of throe. The (Hants an-

no four game behind. The Roil won

from the Pirates and the St l.ouls-Chl-eae- o

cam" was postponed

eslerilnj's Hrnlt.Breeklvn, 4. .New York. 2 tn lnnln;s

" YoTk'.v, Rrnoklvn, 1 isecond 2.imrPhiladelphia. . rtntnn 3.

Cincinnati. ;. Flushing. 1,t ground".

Drtnllril ( lull smnillnB.

ijl ,'Iss'-S'.i- f

J is 5 J' J 1 i x i' J ; - 1 ifi Z i

. S o - - -Philadelphia ij ;j b1 i 6 31 1; o;i

NewVork.... 2 5 s 9 2 7 33 ran

Brooklyn . ij I I s 7 I 3n i'l 5.V,

Chicago . . 3 s s;i: i;e :7 .112

PltUbura . 2 ; .1 j 3J 1 S '27 3.' l5s

Bout on 3) 3) t I I 21 31 Wll

Ut Loui j 3 3 i I ij 3 '7 21 30 in;!

Cincinnati t 3' 3' 2 l 3 ' 21 3 3Vi'

Game Lost 17 .: :';7I3:' 3i 35331 'V '


BreokHn la New York.Philadelphia In Bownl'lttyburs In Clnclnnail,Chlcag-- j In t. Loulf.

A duplex tilt between th- - r;int andBrooKIyns ,ltracte-- l Monday rnd tothe I'olo Crnundtnf ovhi- i'n.ftiMi cfterriay,which comourw f.iw tin- Hronkln "IIIthe tlrM same and the Ulants th- -

Th" rspcctle ciis wiiv I to 2 and5 to 1, and the that th- - Urookhntrlhesmin tooli was In an encounter whbhwas much thf moie Interestlni; of tlvtno, though not as mtl.ifactory to amajority of the encompassing throne

The flrnt atfalr las't'-- ten Innlncs andcontained bolts of linpoitant bearing onthe outcome In the form of h(iin-- - runsAfter the (Hants had laBKcd up to theninth Inning Larry Inl smauK il a fourbagger Into the ilsht tbld grand Mandand tld the siok Then- - was nnbodv onwhen Larry did this llavnm howthe thing was don- -. Vh-a- t of tlie Hrool.lyns. who was a gianary of riches for theSuperha popl-- , "talked to th- flout Inthe t.nth. nt a sc jurying honir to thesame remote wing and won th cam- - bbringing in t" inns.

Itagan pitched a deal of admirable ballfoi the l!iookliis In lh- - fit t ingngement,and although hit mostly in the last twoInnings kept the Olants in the batk-groun- d

sultlclently to pull out, aldid a liewas by good suppoit Sernl hard .'-- 'Yoik liners weie gobble ui becaiii they

ent to the Wheat nld, and wasa nourishing renal for the !rooklns Inseveral icfpects. Kronune pitclied cleveilyfor the (Jlantf and would hae won hisgame but foi an nor by Met kin.

The llrooklyn looters mail- - more racketthan the Manhattan partisans In thisgame, except that the gieatest upioar ofall was when Doyle tagged the pen forhis homer, and th lliookljn plajers hadmore life and vigor. There was a trance- -like aspect to the (Hants which didn'tvanish until too late to save the gumeJn the second i onlcst Mathev(,n tV;the mound. effei:tuall rhecke.1 the Urook-ly- n

hitting as well as the (Hants' tobog-ganln- g

and the Flngle run off him was onsufferance more than anything

Matty liriezed along with a minimumof balls pitched, his contiol being of hisonn fUwcs kiml and his headwork acereliellai chef as they say In theHols de Uionx Me mad th- - ncUhboi Insenem hit 'em when, tliej weie, andwhen th tontisuoiis cnlunv hit em wheieIhey weien't .Matty and hi support easiljtook can- - of the sucierdlng b.itter".

Matty mixed up teasers foi th- - hardswinging Stensel in such a manner thatthe latter onlv pocked at the ball and,being pulled out of plumb, drifter fourfoft grounder; to the Inlleld. The llrook.lyns plaed laggedly, and the (Jlanls,though not fren with their hat againstCurtis, sandwiched In enough hits to prorltfrom openings.

The first run of the first gam cameBrookbn's, way in th' thiid inning. Mo-.-

whose knack of cicumnagatlng Hiebuojs went far 10 win for Ills tc.mi.Mngl'd to right null one out. Shafepmiule a neat play on f'nlFhaw, but 1'iommepafsed Stengel and Wheat boomed a swiftlick off Doyle's close, Moran scoring.Doyle made .1 gallant try for the dihc,but wasn't superhuman,

The (Hants squared It in the fourthFhafer and Kletche.s hit safely, wit li oneout. Pole popped to risher and Merklesingled and lunught in Slvifer. Murrayforced Merkle. The Oiaiite ouldn't holdtheir ground Moran scratched an Inlleldsingle In the fifth, with one out l'rommehd him napping, but Merkle made a sinful throw to second and Moran tlltted tothird, f'utshaw tocketed nut, but Stenselwhaled safely to centre and tcoied Moiail

poyle's home inn tied th- - score In theninth, with one out, anil Meikle followrdwith a tn bagger, Munay struck out ona high, fast pitch, llagan passed Mejeisend Snodgtass flnatfd a Ity to WheatCrundall's penchant for getting In a holeIn the tenth was costly With one nut hewalked Stengel, and with three balls andtwo strikes on Wheat he pllt t tin plateWheat sent the ball Into the extieine rightcorner of the upper stand.

The Olants didn't quit. Oandall openedthe tnth with a single, Oraut, Ills pinchrunner, was forced by Cooper, shaferhit to pauhert mid had a hit becausenohodv covered ttist Fletcher Miiashedhard to Moran and Doyle 1 racked a foultoto the atand, which wasn't far fromtelnr fair. The expendltum of effort toldon Larry, nnd his next ontrlbutlon was afly to Stengel,

The first sextet of Supeibas who farerlMatty perished on tepid gi minder. Klslieiand Miller sinned n the ihird beforeanybody was nut. Muriay'H quick tleldlngholding Flahsr on second, bunted

Imaelf out, Moran forced Fisher at thirdCutahaw cut a fly to Hhafer. There- -

Doyle Out at Third

fjfrA. " ......

Tin- - ilnrlnic l.nrry I frustrated hysiroim .trtii llltn Miller 11 f tin- - dod-gers Mild (In- - nulli- - work of II1-1- I

Miillh In til nllcmpi tit Kti-n- l tlilnlIn tin Iniiltm of tin- - firstKM nit- - rsrrdn. omltli Iiiin In Jumptiiililrrntil In ntnlit Uiiyli- - llttttj;

spikes. In tin- - fiiri-sriiiiii- In V.

lliihltisnti, .in the cimchlnit line,nlm ntitf Dn-il- tlir Hlicnnl Inon iIiimii,"

Matty Hurls Only70 Times in Game

A CCOHUINfi Id an j

j I'Ollllt. Mutlll'WMlIl pitclii'ilMJVi'iity halls, to the UrooUlyn bnts- -

ini-t- i in ycstcrdnyV :iino. Tin- -

record for tlio snialli-- t

rmin!)ir of IkiIN in tiitio ititiitii;s winIiunir up in wlnn Sntidof the Athletic pitched -- ixty-

einht to the St Loin Hrown.. InUUl Klmer Stt;ee of th- - Piratespitched hall to theHrooklyns. and Walter ,lolinon of j

i the delivered n similarnumber to the Cleveland.-- , whileMatty pitched ninety-tw- o in a

'Kdine with Cincinnati Own yeir.Last !euon Matty wa ereditti withpitiliint; sjxty-nin- e hall-- i in a full

j game The Giant' veteran box-- Iman, by the way, ha pitohed but

i one shutout since u and thnt, wasthe thirteen innitit; contest, H to n.

with the )oiit;ei-- at Kbbets- Fieldin April.

nftei It was a procssini nf Hrooklynsbaik 'o the bench until the ninth, whenCutshaw catapulted a triple ti, left andtan In unchallenged on Stengel's grounderto p.ivle

I is nicked the Hiooklyns in thyfourth Me drove out a vicious foul, thenshitted in a bunt, which found the de-

fence unpr'pared He stol" second andwns batted home by Murray Curtis lostthe plate In the fifth. He b.gan by hittingSnodgiass. Matt.v forced Snodgrass, buttraipsed homo In easv stages on an Infieldout a bai- - on balls, an Infield hit byFletcher and another base on balls.

Th- - Podg-i- s lltteied the campus withenors in the fighth. Ylngllng made awild throw on I'ietcher and Pnubert abad throw to head off I'letch at secondlUsult. I'letch takes thlid. Straight asthe crow tiles did Povle's gnmndi r gobetweill rishet's b gs and I'letcli ambledliome Merkle achieved his third strikeout of tlie game, just standing thre andletting th- - ball pass him.

Miiliav lle, tn tight Mejer, wholiadn t made a hit. Ilk.d the Ylngllng

and win one tingling to right.Moran fumbled and povle scuttled tothlnl Tin- - chief went to rccond on

steal and on Miller's throw anda pour return, lmyo tame In on an

Heal Snodgrass singled thioughI'tshir and tallied Mevers. The scores;


ah r h i a e ah r h p a eMoran. if f. : 3 : o inurnll s m iI ni' :b f, 0 n Kllrro.- - I ii n n n

stetuel el .1114 0 1 I'lioper I f I I I M IWlmt.lf 1 3 0 (' sli.,f.r.3ll 2 .1 2 n

IUllbltb ( II l r. 0 Pled her n 113 11Milllll lb !, 1 I 1 niloylevb 1112 2 1

k I 1 ii 3 2 uMerl.leth 4 n ; 9 n ;Millu-- I o ft s i oMuriHj i f I i l 1 n nTiaiiltl p I 1 il H 3 e 3 1 n :, n i

- Fno,' f t 1 0 S 1 iTotal 31 s 31 s i Krnnime n j n 1 1 a n

pM I'nr'ek 1 i 1 n ii n

Ifraii.i ill p 0 I 1 1 n 1 1 n n 0 iTotal- - 37 2 n 30 t 3

Tiitl-- d for Piirn in the eu'hth liminetn.ilted for Fronime tn the rulith inniiu,tK-i- (or Crtnilall in the tenth innuir

Ilronklvn n n n i n a o n : 4

New York ,nniinnniA;F'lr.t tiape on error- Ilioolilvn 2 on

bses. Urooklyn. s: New York, s Kirt tiasenu b.ills Off ftniom. 3: nfi Krrininifi, 2: offI'ramlall, 1 Ulnuk out II v ItTsaii, - byKrimiiiH- - 2, nv i raii'i.ill l Home runs wheat,Iiojle Two base bus Wheal, Mfrkle Stolenh.ises Mnran. Ikro? l)ole Double plavlole and Merkle Hits -- off Fromnie, 7 InfUhl IntiiiiEs; off rrandiil in tun inninirI'mpire In chief- - Klein I'leld umpire -- Orlh.Time : hours


ah r h p a ei ab i h p a eMoral! rl 4 0 0 0 If I 0 o 1 irnli'n.Ih 1112 4 liMMler.Sh 3 1 1 r. 1Slensel i f 4 l) II 3 0 n Fletcher as I 1 I 2 1Wheat, If 4 0 110 nnrolell. 3 2 114 t r. 2 liMerkle.lli I n n 13 o oSmlth.Sb 4 0 110 AMurrav.rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 I ! I 2 Meyers e.. 4 l I I l 0Miller e 3 II J 7 2 OSnndc'scf 3 0 t 3 0 (I

Clirtu P 2 a t 3 O.M ll'son.p 3 t II 1 il 0Hummel I n o o o d,

Yuull't.p m I Totals 31 7 .'7 1 0

Totala 33 ' 21 12 '

Hilled tor Cunls in Hie eighth inningnrnoklyn . 1 ii i) ii 1 n o 0 -Ne-- York. a 0 1 i n n 3 (,

Fimt tiase on errors New York, 3 lfi onpH-- Hrniiklyu. 6: New York, First haw-o-

balls Oft Curtis, .' Siriuk out Hv Ciirtu; by Yinifliiia, 1, lv Miilhewson Three

V..- - Sil I'tilbhrtu 'I'vi,, H,-- n 1,, 11......' Slolfll ban's- Sltafer, Dovle. 2 Meyei llnuoleinlay Shafer and Merkle (III hv pilehed bill

iiv i.urii' iiioutfrasKi iiua-v- m t urns, f ineven Innlnsai off Vlmhn. 2 In one InningUmpire In rhiel Klem Field umpire OrlhTime 1 hour and 31 nilnulea.




him Cnsti'llo 11 I'H.e for theNow York A morion us Krom

Mount St. Mary's,j.


Willinnis of ftnlvoston. Hnnloy

of Mnnlinttnn nnd Horrorsof IMoliniond Sijrn. Chance has secured four newpiiyeis for the New York Americans andhas the dragnet out for others. It wasannounced ez'prd,i that Chance hadsig.ied I 'an CoMello, ' the crack secondbaseman of Mount Saint Mao's College,llmmltsburg. Mil

Cistello has lieen attracting the alien-- tl.iii of major league ciut. ever since

the opening of the II- - leechedflattering offers from MrOr.iw- of theli ants. .Itini iib of the Pctrolls, Griffitho' the Wnhington and Connie Mack ofthe Athletic Hut the nung man heldout for his own terms and Chance duallydecided to meet them It Is not knownho'v much i.ilar the Ni-- York Anierl-a-

hai- - agreed lo pa Co.itello, but It Isto be a; I.Teni.

A'coi llcg to Chime the new secondb.iseniin l a ilrst class batsman, a fleethas,, limner anil a Unknot fleldrr. TheNew York innii.iger has ordered Costellnt tfpnrt at tin I'oln (iroiinds this morn-- i

g f r practice nnd when the team re-t- u

ns heic next week the collegian prob-a- 'l w.ll be stat oiled at the middle bag,

f nl to find out what he can do inf.nt i ompair

' "i.uice ,ilo hta pinl a large sum, saidt be more than for the releaseof II Williams of the c,,iheston club oftin-- Toa League. Williams is a brotherof litis Williams of the St. Louis Itrowns.He caught and p!aed first base for Hal-es!'i- n

last x'.if and made an excellentrecord. Me lias been cowrlng the Initialbag th.s .war and his hitting has beenfar above the average. He has beenordered to report here on July

Toai Manles, the left handed pitcher ofManhattan College, also has been signedb the I' I, Hanlev received severaloffers, one from Met .raw, hutChance's figures were the best Mauleywill repiut at the I'olo Cro'inds y

Jay Hogers, catcher of the Richmondclub of the Virginia League, whose re-lease was bought b. Chance last week,also has accepted terms and will Jointhe team In the neat future. Chance hasnotified Catcher Hevnnlds of the HoustonTexas League club to show up un Sep-t- c

abcr I

It Is beheved that Chance will hagseveral promising pitcher and a coupleof outfielders In a few days, as the wiresHie working


It li lie h lilts nml Uln I plilll llnttlrI'rimi I'lrntrs.

Cincinnati. .Mine 23 Hum lied hitsuff thlee l'lttshutg pitchers. (Olinled withs. veial iosiIv emus, allowed incinnatlin i.ihi' til- - mud gam.- - of the series fromthe I'lrates this afteiinjon bv iliof T to ! Cincinnati foueht "a crand nn.hill battle With the score a tie in theeighth and one down llarter, who hadri placed Johnson for Cincinnati, singled.Pevore walked. Itoliinson replaced Cam-n't- z

llescher walked, tilling the basesHates singled, storing Haiter with thewinning run The scon- -


ah r i ti a r .1. i. ... -r, nrm ..( i it rt rt r -- . . i C

2 r?rne ill i i i nBes.-he- r If I t 'i raro . f r. .1 0 tlljte. rf I a e Viox..h I :Mar'ii lb 3 il ii r, W'e'r . 4 1 - 1

TlllUer.M .' 'I .' I li Miller lb 4 1

llfrch r. j I o n o n n n n nloit.e lb 1 i i - " vviin-- in i t ii 1 0

Alm'da rb I n o n vvin,f f i l, ,1 ft liirnh..-- 1 I I ii ( lm'11 c 3 n e ii iiClarke . tut n 0 Mensnr 11111II. nlun p il ii J 0 Conner n ft n n ft n.1 non n I 0 10 11 C'inn'.n J 0 0 n 4

tlbil.Vll t (i ft rt'tm'n.p 1 ,1 0 0llarter p 1 t 1

Total. 33 21 13Total. 33 7 l: :7 i

Una for Cooper in the second tnuintiPatted for Jnhnun 111 the sixth iniiin;

Cllleiiuull 2 1 0 0 n 2 2 1 x 7

rittilmt.-- 30:010 0 i)n- -Tan base hits-Hat- e-, Almeida Tlllee bane

hit Mitt r Double plays l)ode and Marin.Laniniir. Wanner and Miller. Wajner. Vioxand .Miller tfus Mirsans, Wilson.'inx Molen base. - llvrne, Carev. Wa?ner,

VIiit, llernhammer struck nut- - Hv Jnhu.on... In Confer, I. b Cauniitz. ,', Firl base onhall-O- tt iuMitiin. .". olf Camultz 3. off Hobinon. I lilt In pitrhed ball- - Hv Ilenlon, 1; bv

Camnitr. I. Hit-- Cooper. 3 in one Inninjoff Tnlon, .'. in three tunnies; off .lolin.011, 2In three mum;, oft I'aninuz In six and one-thir-

mum;; oft Itobiusun. 3 in one and twothirds 1111:1 n . off Haler, 1 in to iniilnrsTime-- 1 hour and 1", minutes empires fliennan and Karon


Connolly nnd II nun lllajmlup I'llrVictors Hut llnril Tim,

KnsTON, June '.'3 --Teiilfio hitting,coupled with poor Judging of flies hytwo of tlie local ontfieldeis, enabled thePhillies to win an x to 3 victory over theBraves Until Connolly and Minnfailed to cover their ferritin properlyThe batting of l.uderus, Loliert and Cra-vat- h

was of the fence breaking variety.The score;

i.V I.I BOSTON iN 1.abrhpae abrhnaeI'ask't.ef 3 3 1 r. 0 O.Mirlliess f, 1 3 fi 1

I.ud s lb I 2 3 H 0 O'Mvem lb I 0 2 PI 0 1

Lots.rt.1h 13 0 oll.nrd If 3 0 ft 0 tf. 1 1 2 1 ftConn'lv.ll ft 1 ft 1 ft 0

Crav'h.rf fi 1 4 1 1 I 'Randen 1 0 0 ft o 0

Knahe.Jb 10 13 2 '' Collins If I ft 0 1 0 ft I o ft 3 2 Iisepn'.v..,h 3 ft t 3 3 1

Kllllfer, e I ft 0 7 0 O'Tltlls rf .111111Breniian p I 1 2 1 3 o'Devlln.3h t ft 0 1 2 ft- - Mann el o o n n

Toiil. iv 4 15 27 ?iWhihn,e 1114 9 6

James n 3 110 10Smith I o ft ft

Totals r. 3 11 27 12 3

'Milled for cnnnollv lu seventhtPatted for James in ninth

Philidelphla 21013;ooitBoston niooofttfti--To base hits Paskert, Breniian Craralh (2i,I.ohrri, Maranville Three base hits Itbert,Luderus i'ji Home run -- Cravalh. SacrifVebus Paskert, Mvere Stolen base- - Whahnrpontile nlays Knahe and Doolan: Sweeney andMvers flv l.uderus Iaft on basesPhiladelphia. Ilnsinn. 3 First base on balls

Off Breniian, ; nfl James, 2. First bare onerrors- - Bnsion. I Hit hv pitcher-B- y JamraiDonlaui. by Breiinau . iTitusi Struck nutBv Breiinau. 0; by James, 4 Time hour 53

minutes Umpires- - Rlcler and Byron

Anirrlrnn Aaaorlnllon,AT TOLEDO

n II EKansas City . ... 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 ft s 12 2

Toledo . , (IftOOftftOOO. flOlII illenes-Jam- es and Kruaer; Yauahn and


R II EMinneapolis ft o ft 1 ft 1 l 1 f- t-i 6 o

Columbus oftooooon r. o

llatteriea Patterson and Owens: Davn andSmith.

IxiuliTllle. Milwaukee rame poitponed, wetrroiinds

Indianapolis St Paul jame poatpnned, nettrninids

Smith Untitle lienarnr.Maenn 1 Charleston. 6

Savannah, I; Albany, 1 itwelve inninrt',lai ksoiv llle, fi, Columbus, I

VI ml n In I.eiiKne.Peterfburj, 6 Nnrlnlk, 3 fan InnlncslRnhmniid. 0; iloaimkr n uhirlaen InnlnfsiNe,nrl Ne . Poilimoiitli, 2 itwelve 111


BAHEBAIX. Polo r.roundi, 3:30 P. M.CIA.NTS v. onuOKLYN.-a- ar.

Coombs Gives UpHope of Playing

pHiLADKU'HIA, Junn .'U.-Jiu k

Coombs, stnr (wirier of theAthletics, will be unuble to pitchiiKaln this season, nccordiiiR to hisown admission made yesterday toConnie Muck and John Shibo of theAthletics, who visited the sickpitcher nt Hotel Strand, Atlantic.City. Coombs is taking on weightfust, having gained eighteen poundssince he went to the shore fifteendays ago. He now weighs 158

pounds nnd is inking on weight atthe rate of n pound a day. Mackhoped that Coombs would he in con-

dition to help the Athletics (luringthe last month ofthe championshipseason, but his hopes have beenshattered by Coombs's own an-



'I he Athletics recovered their form y

and - mincemeat of the cham-pions. The Krnnns and White Sox splita double bill, and these were the onlygames played. The field was too moist InWashington for hostilities,

t ctrriln ' Hrsnlts.Philadelphia, 13, Hoatnn, 4

Si. I.iiiiK 3. Chicago. 1 (Hrst gatnei.ChlenRn, I. SI I.011I., 3, twelve Innings

(senind gameiU ashlnglnn-Ne- Vork. wet (rounds.

Dctiillril Club Mnnrtln.

i'T' - ifIs 11


I'niladclptua S 71 3 s ii;, 16

Cleveland 'l. (, s iiWashington h I1 3 4 7I1 S3 28

Huston a I 4 5.1

; 31 57

Chleano. l 3 llll 0 30

Detroit ' 3 I. 7l 3 39

3, : 4 & 3 43

Ne York 2 1 ; 5 4: 17 41 20!

(lames Lost 'li;? 30 39 43 41

Todna Pchednl.Nv Y"rk In Wahlncton.Itnrtrm In t'hitailf IphU.St. Louie In Chicago.


Mnckmen Hon nil Hert m Pllchersnnil Win l l.'l In 4,

I'lili.viU'.l.i'illA, June :3. The Philadel-phia Athletics pounded Hay Collins. Mose-le- y

and I'oster all over the field win-ning the third game of the scries fromtin- - Ited Sox 111 hallow style by 13 to 4.The leaders made llfteen hits for a totalof twenty. six bases, Harry leading the waywith two home run drives, linker combedout a triple, double and a single andWaNh made two singles and a double.Itrown started to pitch for the Athletics,but was taken out after the first InningIn favor of Houtk. who h Id the Hed Soxpowerless until the ninth, when he easedup and two runners scored. A lightningdouble play engineered by Schang. Hairyand Mclnnls wna the feature. The score:

BOSTON iA LI 1'HILA I A. Llah r h p a e E M'n'y.rf 4 3 1 2 0 0

tnn-ier rf 3 1 0 2 0 0 4 2 3 2 9 0

Verke Jb 3 1 1 0 K Co ns :b 4 2 2 I 3 0' 3 0 2 E. 0 Uakcr.3b. . f 2 3 2 3 0

I'n k'n cf t 1 0 0 0 Melnnn lb 4 1 2 10 ft

ellf 4 0 0 1 0 0 Oli1rins.ll. 3 2 0 0

lard'r Jb : I I I 3 2 2 4 4 " 4 1 0 4 0 0 Schsni.i- 3 0 " 2 3 0laliv-in.s- I 0 2 I l 0 Broun. p.. ft 1 0 0 0 0

'arm n c " 0 o r, i o Houck.p :, 0 n 0 l 0 '

'ady.c 2 o 1 1 I o - - - I

Ft Co'lis p : 0 0 ft I o Totals 37 13 IS 27 11 ftlvtoseley.p 0 0 0 o 0 0

'osier. p v " ii i 'IHall , I 0 1 ft n e

Totals 31 4 7 21 1 1

Bailed for Foster In ninth lnninIlo.ton t o ! ft o ft o a iPhiladelphia 1 1 o 1 4 1 -- 13

Hits Off Hrovn 1 in nn inntiiK; orf Houeks in tuhl innims, off Colli n. s in four andone third innlnsa: off Moseley. 2 In to lhirrtof an innings; off Foster i. In Ihree innirfsTurn base hits, Yerkes. Walsh. E Collins.Baker Three base hil -- Baker Home runs-llarr- v.

sacrtflre Barry Stolenbases Siieaker, Walsh, Harry, Oklriin la-I-t onbases- - nostnii. .1; Philadelphia. . Struck outIly It Collins. 3. b) Houck. 2; by Mnseley. :;bv Foster, 2 Double plays -- Sonant, Barry andMeliinu. Collins and Mclnnis First bate onballs Off Brown, I. of) Collins. 1: off Moseley,I. off Foster. I: oft ltnuek. h Wild nilehes- -itrown, Moseley. Houck. 2 empires Dineeaand Hart, Time: hours and 17 mtnutet.


Oillhlt hy lenn Il an In. Wolver-ines Win hy 7 tn 'J.

Ann AnnoR, June ;3 Michigan took aweird game from Pennsylvania this after-noon by the score of 7 to 2, though thevisitors oiithlt the Wolverines, the lattergetting but two SHfe hits.

Imlay, Penns Ivnnla's star pitcher,lu the fourth when six runs had

been made off him with but one lilt,Sayre who replaced- - nlm, had Michiganguessing. The big crowd, typical of com-mencement week, went wild, as this tiesup the series and the Wednesday gamewill now be decisive.

I'onnsv lvanla errors came at opportunetlnif. It was laker's three sacker Inthe third that really broke up the party,na the sacks were clogged when he un-

loosed. Slsler was hard hit throughout,but he was backed by practically fault-less fielding. The Michigan southpawfanned seven of the Quakers, Just dupli-cating Imlay's performance, while Sayr'fooled flvei opponents after he took thmound. The score :

PENNSYLVANIA MICHIGANab r h P a e! ab r h p a

rWatl.lf 3 0 2 ft I, Bell. i f 3 10 10 0Corjell.Jh 3 1 ft 0 0 nCorey.lf, 4 0 2 0 0Mindset 4 0 I t 0 0 M'Q'een.2b 3 2 0 0 2 0Arms'g.rf 2 0 1 0 0 1 Sialer.p . .1 2 10 4 0To'mey.Cb 4 0 0 1 1 liWebber.rf 3 1 0 2 0 9Gordon v 1 0 1 12 0 4 0 9 13 9 9

c.lend' 3 1 0 0 0 DiBaker.M .3 0 3 0 1

Imlay, p 10 0 111 Baer.e .,.. 3 0 0 7 2 0Sasre.p , 2 o 0 ft o o.Hiichttt.ab 3 0 0 0 0 ft

Haley .00000 0

Wall'ce.lbl 0 0 3 0 0 Totals., 29 7 2 27 IIClark. lb. 0 0 o 4 0 o

Martin, rf 3 0 0 1 0 ol

Totala. .27 2 ti 24 2 I" '"IV.Batted for Sayre In the ninth

Pennsylvania t lOiooooo 2

Michigan 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 ,, 7

Hils-O- ff Imlay. 1 In tour and a half InniniaThree base hits- - Baker. Oordon Sacrifice hits

Imlav. Coryell. Stolen baae-B- ell. First baseon ball-O- ff Imlay. 2: off Staler. 2. Hit byniiched hall Bv Slsler iCilendenningi : hy Imlay (Sisleri. First haw on errora-Mlchlr- an, 2:

i Pennsjlvanla. I. Ieft on haaea-Mlc- hlf an, 2:Pennsylvania. 7. Struck out-- By Imlay, 7: bySavre, r,; by Siller. 7 Passed balla-Oord- 2jHa'er. 2. Wild pltch-Sa- yre Umpire-Cham- ber

lain. Tlme- -2 hours

j Carolina Asanclatlnn.J Charlotte, 4; Wlnslon-Faleni- , 2 (first

e"!iarlntte, 2, Wlnston-Salani- . I (secondname, seven Innlnisl,

ilreenibnro. ti; Durham. 2 (called st thend of the sevanlh. rain)

Anhevwe, 4; naintn. i,

vr KiiBlanit l.raaia.Ixiwell. . Hroikton, 5,Fall River, : New Hertford. 7.Worcester, I; Portland, I.Liwrenie, f, Lynn, o. i First gam. I

Lvnn, 7; Lawrence, 1 (Steond tarn.)innthrrn Pragnr.

Memptu. 2; C'hattanoota,Montfomery, 3; Nashville. 1.Iiirmlniham. fi: Mobile, I.Atlanta Now Orleans iamt pottpentd, rata.



Dnrttnoiitli Hatters All nt Son

Apnlnst, Robinson, Knll-Injrb- y

Score of 2 to 0.


Makes Two Hits in Three Timesat Bat. Aiding in Knn


Northampton, Mass., June. 23. Robin-son pitched alrtlyht ball for Amherst to-

ddy and shut out Partmouth 2 to 0 In theannual commencement game. The Am-

herst twlrlcr was peculiarly effective In

the pinches and seemed to have no diff-iculty In disposing of Ills opponents atcritical moments. In addition to pitchinga sterling game Itoblnson took a hand In

the scoring with two singles In three timesat bat. Hallett pitched fairly good forDartmouth, but had one. bid Inning.Neither team got a man beyond tecum!In the first four Innings, but In the fifthAmherst hunched together three hitswhich, combined with an error, yieldedtwo runs.

Williamson, the first man up. struckout but was safe at first when the thirdstrike got nway from Wanamnker. Wash-burn then singled and Hoblnson scoredWilliamson with another slnglo afterStrahan had been retired. An error filledthe bases and Pe Castro singled, scoringWashburn. Hoblnson was caught at theplate trying to score on the same play,and Pe Castro made the third out on anattempted steal a little later. The score:

AMHERST ; DARTMOUTH,ab r h p a e ab r h p a e

ft K'h' 4 0 10 ftll.nwe .. 4 0 0 2 2 0be tro.rf 4 0 2 0 ft 1 Siilhv'n.rf loot 1 o

lirten.3b 4 o ft o 3 0 10 2 10 0

S' 4 0 0 10 0 W'maker.e 4 0 0 9 2 0(iood' 3 ft 1 1.1 0 0 Il'liue. 2b. 4 0 13 2 0wtll-an.s-

s 1113 11 Cook. lb. .3011 I

Wash'n.2h 3 114 2 O TwIt'ell.lf I 0 1 o o

Strahan c 1 o o S 2 ol .1 K'ball.Sb 3 0 10 11Rob'n.p 3 0 2 0 7 l Hailelt.p. 3 0 1 0

Total! 3 T fTrTltT Hi Totala 31 0 6 341 11 2

Dartmouth . .. oooooooo o- -o

Amherst .. 00000200 x- -2

First base on balls-O- ff Robinson. 1; off Hal-let- t,

1 Struck nut-- By Robinson, 0; hy ,

d. Fused Tlme- -1hour 51 minutes. t'mptres-Rc- ed and


Both llanaarera Chased and WhiteSua anil Browns P.ach Win.

Chicac.o. June 13. The Chicago WhiteSox and the St. llrowns againbroke even In a double headerThe Hrowns won the first game. 3 to 1.

The Sox took the second. 4 to 3. In atwelve Inning battle. It was Itussellagainst Hamilton In the latter tight, andIt was a battle of southpaws all the way.Had the llrowns been able to holdthe Sox In the last half of the twelfththey would have secured a tie, as it wasgetting so dark that another Inning wouldhave been Impossible.

Manager Callahan was chased from thegame In the first and compelled to sitIn the stand during the second. Umpireo'Loughlin did the chasing, and he andManager Stovall had some trouble In thefinal Inning of the second, with thesame result Stovall was ejected

Clcotte, Itussell and White were pittedagainst Uaunigardner In the first con-test, and Harry lord occupied the posi-tion of star slugger with three safe wal-lops. Pratt proved the big man withthe war cluh In the second, getting fourhits, one of them a double and another atriple. The score


ab r h p a e ab r h p a eShotfiirf 4 2 1 3 0 o Rath :b 101130Stovall lb 4 12 13 0 E.literlv 10 10 0 0

J rati. Lb.. 4 0 113 o'Bertrer.b 0 0 1 0 0 n

rill'm.rf 3 1 1 0 0 Lord 3b 4 0 3 0 4 0Johns nlf 2 0 1 4 0 I ft I la 0 1 0 0 n 0 Collins rf 4 ft 0 3 1 0Alltln.3b 3 0 n 3 3 0 Boihe.lf I 0 ft l 0 ft

Lavans sa 4 ft 0 2 3 n S. haller.lf I 0 ft 0 0 ft

Atnew.c 4 o l J 0 4 ft 1 ft ft ,1

Bau't'r.p 3 0 0 2 2 0. Weaver. 3 I t ft 0Sehalk.i- - 3 0 15 10

Tola! 32 3 7 27 11 i Clcotte p 2 ft ft 1 3 ft

IRussell.p ft 0 ft 0 0pFutirmer ft 0 0 0 0White.p 0 0 0 ft 1 0

Total 2H l '.'; 12 0Ratted for Rath in the eighth limine

'Batted for Russell in Ihe eishlh limineSi Louis 200000ft el'sChicago noooilOOii

Two ha hits-l'r.- itt. Chase Three base hit-- Stovall Sacrifice hits Johnston, WilliamStolen bases-Pra- tl. Weaver. Shotton DoubleplavsAusitn and Stovall: Pratt. Lavans andstovall la-- rt on nasea st, l.ouis. a: cnicaso.5. Firsl base on balls-O- ft Clcotte, I. oft Rus.sell. 1; off Raumtardner. 4 Struck out- - By

, 2: by Russell I: by While, 1 UmpiresO'Louehlln and Hildebrand Time 2 hour

and 5 minuteaSECOND GAME

ST LOUIS CHICAGOaftrhpael abrhpaeShott'n of I 2 3 6 0 0,Rath.:b 1 0 0 n ft ft

Uriel. lb 300701 Beraer.'.'b. 512121--Stovall, lb 200400 lonUb fi 0 I ft I 1) 0 9 0 1 OC' 1 1 2 12 1 0

Pratt. :b.. 5 0 4 1 2 o'CoIlin rf. 1 0 0 ft ft ft

Wil'mrt 5 0 0 1 0 0 Bo.lie.lf ..4 0 2 5 0 0

John'n.If. 5 0020 0 Mttlik,cf 5 1 ft 2 ft 0

AUtlll.3h 4 ft ft 1 1 Weaver. 5 I .' t 1

Lavan:. 0 12 4 o'shatk.c. 3 I 11 ft n

Alex'der.c 5 0 n S ! ft.Ru-sell.- .1 0 ft 3 0Ham'tn.p 5 0 0 0 2 0 .1.177":Totals. 41 4 15 3 11 4

Total 13 3 Ml 13 2i

Two out when winning run was scoredSt Loui ,, 11001000000 olChlraao,. oooftlOOilOO 14

Two baa ien, Pratt Thiee basehil-C- Pratt, Russell Sacjinee hits- - Mat-in-

Brief, Austin. Collin 3i. Chae (stolenbase Sholtrn 1:1, Pratt. Double play-L- ord

lo Chase 10 Schalk Loll on bae-- St Lpuia.It; Chlcaio. 10. Firt base on ball -- OH in-el- l.

4; olf Hamilton. 3 Struck ou 6 .HUia-el-

9: by Hamilton. 9. Wild pitch KnsellTime 2 hour 20 minute. Umpire- - Hilde-brand and O'Louehlln.

Mnalle thr William Captain.Wll.t.lAMSTowN, June 23, Following

the Vermont game on Weston Field thisafternoon Itutherford O, Alnslle of OakPark, III. was elected captain of theWilliams baseball team for the season of1S14. lie has played on the learn for thelast three years in right field and at sec-

ond base,

NriT Vnrk State l.eagnr,AT ALBANY.

R. It EAlbany 00100000 x 1 1 0

Hlnthamton. ..00000000 0 0 i 1

Ratlerle Frlel and Ugan, Heck andCrnsiln.


Svracu.. ,.00000014 1 7 1

Scranlon 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 4 10 1

naileries Johnson, Hurrh'll snd II re 11.

nan; Oaskell, Marnney and Harklns.AT UTICA.

n. h. e.Utlra 0000 3 002 x 7 1.1 0Wllkesharr. . . . oooooooo 0 0 3 I

Hailerles Puck and Clnughrr, Marlon andHrennan.


Elmlra 4 0 1 0 0 1 s 0 8 14 2

Trnv OOOOOOlfl 0 1 I 2Hatierlss Nagle. Rltter and Foster; Wag-nt-

Harklns and Flttierald.

Vaatern Aaaoelatlnn.Hartford, 5, Nw London, 0,Plllsfleld. 3: Springfield. 1.

Hrldport, 5. Holyok. 3 iflrst cam)Holynke, 4: Bridgeport, 3 (aecnnd game),New Havtn. 2; Watcrbury. 0 inrt gimei.New Haven, 4: Waterbury. 3 (second game),

firrr York aad Jersey I.eagtne,Kingston, 7. Nnvburth, 1 lflrl gamei,Newburgh, ; Klngnon. 3 Isetond game),

Western l.eagae.Omaha. : Wichita, 2.Lincoln, It: D Moln. 3.

Dnvr 1: SI. Jo. 0.Topeka. 19 i Bloua City. t.

Rickart Secretary

of Federal LeagueCT, LOUIS. Juno 23. -- Announce-

men! was made here to-d-

that Lloyd Rickart, who recently re-

signed as secretary of the St. IioulsAmericans, was elected secretary ofthe Federal lugue at a meeting In

Cincinnati. The announcement wasmade by Kd Steininger, president ofthe St. Iiouls Federals and formerpresident of the. Cardinals. Rickartii known In the West as one of themost capable and best versed menin business affairs of baseball inthis part of tho country. The factthat the Browns, during many sec-

ond division years, still managed toreturn a small profit is credited tohis good work by many-baseba- ll



stirIai-- ' rteanlts.Jersey City, : Roeheier. 7

Newark, 3: Montreal, 2Trovldence. 3: Toronto. 0

Balttmore. Buffalo- - rain.

Standing nf the Clofca.W. 1 P. c. t. 1.. P.C.

Newark. . .42 tz .51 Baltimore. ..2 ."3 .439Rocneater...M 3' .& Jersey dir.. 37 12 .4.1

Buffalo.... S3 H &5 Montreal,... 25 M .431Providence. .20 - .47.1 Toronto. . .23 3 .a

Tn-dBj- Srhrdnle.Roeheiter In Jersey CityMontreal In NewarkBuffalo In Baltimore.Toronto In Providence.


Transforms Pendlnck Into Vlclnrj-fn- r

.leraey fHy.Capt. Rill Purtell's home tun drive In

the eleventh Inning of yesterday's gamebetween Itochester nnd Jersey City trans-formed the deadlock Into a Jersey Cityvictory, giving the Skeeters the first battleof the series by 11 score of S to 7. Pur-tell- 'a

smash was made with Jack Qulnnpitching nnd none out. Rochester out-batt-

the home team tT to 11, hut thelocals, put their blngles together whenthey counted. Three pitchers were usedup on each side. The score:

ROCHESTER. I JERSEY CITYah r h p a e ab r h p a e

Priest. 2b .12 2 12 1 Vaut' 4 1113 0

Padd k.rf 5 113 0 0,Kmht.2b 5 12 14 1 2 3 5 0 0 Kelly.lf .. 5 1 2 2 "Slm'ns.2b 5 0 1 : 3 0 Echen.ef 3 0 0 4 0 ft

S' 5 0 1 S 1 . 1 0 0 0 0Conroy.lf 5 0 1 2 0 olMcCahe.rf 4 2 1 3 0 1

Martin. 4 0 2 3 2 0,l'i.rtell.3b 4 2 4 4 2 0

WlU'ms.c 1 1 2 7 2 0,Calho 4 0 1 10 0 1

Keefe.p. 4 0 1 0 2 ojBlair.e . 4 0 0 330Wllh-m.- 0 0 0 0 0 0,DocinT,D 2 0 0 ll 2 0

Smith... 1 I l 0 0 ft Maner.p. 1 0 ft 0 0 1

Qulnn.p ,10000 otMcllaIe,p 0 0 0 0

Totl .17 7 17130 12 Totals . 3S ".1133 15 4Batted for Wilhelm in the ninth inning

tNone nut when winnlri run wa scoredRochester ft000 2 1ft31OO-- 7Jersey City I0002OO40O1 S

First base on error- Rochester Two base hit-- Conroy Home ell Sacrifice

Stolen base lriest Lefi 011 bases-Jer- sey

City. 3; Rochester. 13. Double ldl.

Marlln and SUimidt First bae onballs-O- ff Doeseher, ;: ofl Manser. 4: off Keete.3 Struck out Bv Doeseher, 3: by Mcllale 4:bv Keefe. 1: hv Wilhelm. 1: by Oulnn. 4 Hitby pitcher-- By I)oea,-he- r iSihmidti: by KeefeiMcCabei Hil-- Olf Doeseher. 9 lu six and onethird innings; off Manser, 3 In one and onethird Inninas: off Mi Hale, 4 in Ihree lunulas:off Keefe. ! In seven and innings: offWilhelm. 1 in twu-tlur- of an limine; oftQuinn. 1 In three Inning Umpire Nalhn andOwens. Time-- 2 hour and 45 minutes.


(irlags nf Montreal Injured In nameWon hy Indiana.

Newark took the first game of thepresent series from Montreal esterday,3 to 2. Artie i.riggs, the first base-man of the Koyals, while sliding Intothird base. In the opening Inning wrenchedhis tight leg near the knee and torethe ligaments so hnillv thnt he had to betaken to St. James Hospital. The

Is Ihe worst of the kll the doc-toi- s

at the hospital have ever seen. Thescore :

.MONTREAL NEWARKab r h p a e ab r h p a a

Gilh'y.rf 3 1 0 2 a Dallon.rf 1113 0 010 113 1 G jn' 1 2 n

II'n'r.ef I ft ii 2 0 W 4 0 1 4 0 1

Hi's lb I i 0 ft Sw 4 ft 1 11 1

I' 2 n ft 2 4 0 3 1 1 I ft (1

Hurns.jh n n 0 (1 E Z'n.Sb 3 0 1 n 4 1

L'x.-- b lb 4 n 1 11 0 II Gelz.2b 3 ft 0 2 ft

D'nui.lf I 1 1 ft 0 Hicgins.c 2 ft 0 1 ft ft ft ft 2 5 0 larch 3 ft 1 2 0Madil'n c I i' 2 I tMatt'tl.p 1 0 1 ft 5 Totals 3') 3 6 27 11 2

Totals. 35 J :i 1? ,'iNone out .when winnin: run was sored.

.Montreal 1 0 ft 0 ft u ft o 12Newark 1 ft ft ft n n 0 I 13Two bass Wis llaltou, Mers. W Zimmer

man, ThrcA bast hll -- Demmitt Firl has onballs-O- ff Lee. 1; olf Maltern, 1 Firsl baseon errors Newark, 1: Montreal, 1, Lett onbases- Newark, I; Montreal, 7, Umpires-Mul- len

and Kellj Tune- - hour and 20 min-utes

Cnir's WIIiIiii-si- i Iti-nt- s III111.

PRovinRNCF. June 23 H.illey wns al-most unhittable this afternoon and Provi-dence broke Its losing streak by defeatingToionto, 3 lo 0. (iuw pitched ;i goodgame, hut Ills wlldness In the flf'.'. provedhis undoing In this lnnlr. w;,', Kncherand Platte on the base-- ; ih' passes,litis hit for two bases, sending both inIn the eighth Peal drove the ball to thefence lor a homti run. Tlie score;

Tnrorta .. 0 4 t r fi ft 0 0- - 0' 1 E2

Preeidane , i, 11 d 11 ! 1 1 v - ! 5 1

.9ilrtes Toronto, (law and Hernia, I'rov-idtsv- e,

Hslley and Knehvr

More .N'rrr HI nod for Pirates.PtTTsntiBd, ,Iun iS. Fred Clarke, the

Pirates' leader, has signed Fred Kom-mer-

an outfielder who has been makinga fine ircord with the Spilngfleld club ofThree I League, Clarke went on a mys-terious Journey last week, and It wut iiotknown until y what the quest of hi.Journey was. Doubles Kommers, InttclderCypert of Arkansas University, and Out-fielder llarl Topham, from Hucknell, willloin the Pirate crew, Pitcher Kd Kayres,the new southpaw from Hi own University.Joins the team Wednesday.

Pnbllc School Its Wlna Cnp.The representatives nf Public School

118 won the deciding game In the serleramong the Pay Hidge schools of Brook-iM- i

for the Reaver cup. defeating PublicSchool 14 at Prospect Park. The losersmade a great rally In the last Inning andscored seven runs before they were re-tired. The score:

P. R. U 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 'V E3

r. H. HI 1 0 0 n 0 0 - 12Hatlerles Durkett Woods and Sonhorn;

Nelson, Pelany and Knnecky.

Texan Prague,fleaumnnt. it; Dallas. 4.Fort Worth. 5; Oalvestnn. n.Waco. 2; San Antonio, ft.Houitnn, fi; Austin. 2.

K. 1. T. I.ranne.Cairo. 5; Vlnrennea, 2 inrt gam),Cairo. ; Vlncenne. 3 second game).I'aducMh. 5, Harrlsburg. 4.Ownboro. 3. Henderson. 2,Hopklnsvllle-Clarks- 111 game pnitponed,


rnttnn Mtat-e- I.engue,Jaekon. 13; Clarkvtlle. 3.('nlumbu. ; Meridian. 2.No other games played.

Trl-Mtii- te l.raarne,Trenton, 4. York, J.

Atlantic City, : Alltntown,Harrlsburg, 7; Wilmington, 9,



California!! Rents Barrett in

First Round of KnsrlMi

Tennis Championship.


Briton Loads Two Sots tn Onn

as Yankee Begins Hi

(innie Rally.

fipfin1 rnhf? le'pirfeft tn Tnr P'I.ONPON. Juno 23 Mauilce Met

lln. the Anierlcnii champion at teimade 1111 auspicious start In the open , --

play for the nil I'ngland champions'- n

at Wimbledon In a matchwent the full live sets and esolvi. u .. f

Into a question of tin- - survlvil or afittest, ll" defeated Hoper t leil nHngllsh player of Intern itlnnal tepi,- - .Hon. The fcore vvaa I ", - e, . ij

1! 2, S rt.

There never wns such nn nsfemb' ig- - f

playern for the Knglish title tlx 11,.cup contests having drawn the eprii- - 1

every country to the llrltish s. u rthe first lime in tetinN lih trv t - '

lleved that the winner of the Wtirhltd 1competition will provide is champl""Is entitled surely to the honor ot . jcalled the best tennis plnyrr 111 tin x rMany critics believe that Atnerlin la- -

excellent chance tor this ,1

performance under ,1

aging circumstances y lends roi.e tnthis Idea,

The match between Mcl.ouchl 11 ,idPariett was full of Incidents fmi-- i si, tto finish. Hoth men plavrd at th ,pof their form and to the crowd th. tlooked on ll seemed that Pariett tnthan once was certain to conn- - out Hievictor. This wns espfclally the tee ;after the thin! set, In which the 7t c' sn- -

men allowed MoLoughlln only on. -- oneThe California!! rallltd In nn iitie.eii,dmanner and captured the fourth set n :.evening up the sets. The final set w.i h ,j

fought from beginning to end, Mi I.our'ifilially achieving victory at s r, p ,.

were scleral other good matches-- , but ivthat enthusid the crowd In the s...manner as the titanic battle lu'w..McLoughlln and llarrett.


HrooLlyn's Heat School Henlen In

PlnxifT nf Tie.In the plajoff of the S In 5 tie sen e

game between Public School 12, tirm x

champions, and Public School 152, btof the Hrooklyn schools, at the Prosp-'i- t

l'ark Parade (Srounds yesterday aftrnoon, the Mrouxltes were tlie victors I

a tally of 4 to 3. This game was onof the series for the elementary schnnchampionship of Orenter New York T-

Hronx team will now meet P. S. s3, Mai.hattan tltleholders. nt McNulty Fie i

nfternoon.Plllon of the winners deserves ih

honors of the day for his splendid work-o- n

the slab. The Hrookljn lads weionly able tn connect safely nn his slan-- a

In three Innings, the third, eighth .oelninth He fanned eleven men.

P. S. 152 lost a great opportunity b h

fifth when with two on the bags nto left. Plundell came. spdlng

to the plate and had plenty of ihan'"tn beat the throw home on a slide, butInstead he kept running and was taggedout. This cut off a splendid batting la"which had netted the No, 132 team twruns and five hits. The seme;I' 8. 152. BROOKLYN V S 4.-- BRONX

ab r h p a ei ab r h p a eRa'n'r.Sh 1 ft 1 ft R'snh r It 3 2 ' IIt'ndellpl 1 a 2 n OC-n'- l ",b 4 ' 2 "

Carraolf I ft 1 2 ft nSrh'il'rs I ft 1 1

Rlley.:b. 4 7 5e l! I ft ' ' 33 a 1 9 ft ftll'f-ve.l- .' ft n 1!

ll' 4 I I 1 2 1 Mi L' 31' 1

("n'hin.c 112 3 2ft Di'm'il rf 3 ft 09M'dl'drfl I I ft Danzier e 3 3 1) ft . ft Dillon p ' 1

Totals 31 3 21 1.' Total. ." I ' I! 1

P S l:..'. Brooklvn ft n . 0 ft n

P S. 4., Bronx . a ft

Ift on bases P 12 3 P Tbase hits- - Bohncrl. Dillon Three b b

Dillon HoDie run Mudforn O nnuii I

Stolen bases- - KaHiiir. Ro.rnis r- - . o CnnuiBes-u- Double play Hohneil It s n 1

Youu: First base on balls Olt IMlnn etniundell. 1. Stiuck out Bv li.Uoii 'Plundell 3 Hit by pitihed bill Ity 111 niRosenberci.


From a Srtcial Cable liispaiih InlHesrsLondon, .Inn" ','1,-- A shirHer

of horror raided in tin'nriistooralic golf clubs of Knglandthis week when the meiiiberis re.nlof the "outrageous' eondlK't ofa visitor at a well known clubnear London, who entered 111"

smokjng room in his shirt sleevespreparatory to playing.Wants "Proper" Goll Garb.

The Daily Mail editorially sup-ports the members who object tomen playing golf in their shutsleeves. The pnner points (upiIihi it is "perfectly simp!" -

obtain vestments of gosnnvrfabric. A coal of siieli liclitexture could not hamper or un-duly heat a player."

It is "perfectlysimple" wear

Made byLondon's best

Sporting Tailors.

Tropical Flannel Suits Linenand Pongee Suits The "KilmerCoat The "Heresford" Coat --

Jersey Cloth Coals OxfordSfcjrtB Footwear Caps,

For Oolf Tenuis Motoring -t-

ho Country Club the Kikes,Mountains and the Seashore.

Between 43d and 44th St(t