7. ročník odborné ECM konference // Jihlava // 10. - 11. 9. 2014 E-BOOK ESCAPE PLAN pro vaše dokumenty



Transcript of DOCURIDE 2014

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7. ročník odborné ECM konference // Jihlava // 10. - 11. 9. 2014


ESCAPE PLANpro vaše dokumenty

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konference DOCURIDE slaví již 7 let a já mám to štěstí, že jsem mohl být u přípravy a organizace všech sedmi ročníků. Velmi dobře si pamatuji, jak se rodil první DOCURIDE od nápadu až k jeho realizaci. Vzpomínám si, jak jsme po každé diskutovali témata, o kterých budeme hovořit a na každoroční uvítání účastníků. Každý rok jsem pak odjížděl z Jihlavy s dobrým poci-tem, že konference splnila očekávání, protože reakce účastníků byly velmi kladné. A protože si přízně účastníků opravdu ceníme, dali jsme si za úkol kvalitu konference udržet, ba co víc posunout ji zase o kus výš. Rozhodli jsme se konferenci změnit, ale zároveň zachovat její charakter a zaměření na sprá-vu podnikového obsahu (ECM). Vytvořili jsme progra-mový tým složený z business konzultantů a odborníků na oblast ECM a po společných diskuzích jsme zvolili tři hlavní oblasti, kterých se budou informace a přednášky na konferenci týkat. Big Data je termín, se kterým se

budeme v budoucnu setkávat stále častěji a tak je třeba se jimi zabývat již dnes a být připraveni na změny. Elektronická mezifiremní komunikace je na vzestupu a začíná se stávat již standardem. Přesto řada firem stále ještě komunikuje nejvíce emailem. To vše je třeba dělat v souladu s platnou legislativou a proto téma legislativa na DOCURIDE rozhodně patří. Naším cílem je připravit Vás na cestu, kde není třeba papírů, ale kde přesto budete mít potřebné infor-mace stále při sobě. DOCURIDE byl měl být Vaším průvodcem na této cestě „bez papírů“. Za náš progra-mový i organizační tým a partnery konference pevně věřím, že se nám tento cíl podaří naplnit.

Martin HanusekHead of ECM, Sabris

Vážené dámy, vážení pánové,

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DOCURIDE je dvoudenní odborná konference zaměřená na oblast Enterprise Content Management, která se koná vždy na podzim v Jihlavě. Má již svou zavedenou tradici a patří mezi největší konference svého druhu v České republice. Pravidelně se jí účastní téměř 100 lidí, představitelů významných společností a odborníků na oblast ECM.

Cílem konference je snaha reagovat na aktuální témata a trendy v oblasti práce s elektronickými dokumenty, zprostředkovat odborný výklad platné legislativy týkající se elektronické archivace a autenticity digitálních dokumentů, prezentovat přístupy a konkrétní řešení v různých oblastech práce s dokumenty a informacemi a v neposlední řadě umožnit účastníkům výměnu zkušeností s ostatními manažery z praxe.

Přednášky probíhají jak společně v hlavním sále, tak v oddělených sekcích dle témat, které si účastníci volí libovolně dle svého zájmu. Jednacími jazyky konference jsou čeština, slovenština a angličtina (přednášky nejsou tlumočeny). Na závěr prvního dne konference organizujeme společnou večeři a zábavný společenský program, kde je možné se s účastníky

blíže poznat a pokračovat ve výměně užitečných informací.

Účastníci konference z hlediska pozic:







Strategie a plánování

JinéTOP management

Finance a administrativa

IT managementIT specialisté


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Přečtěte si rozhovor, který vyšel v souvislosti s letošní konfe-rencí DOCURIDE v letním dvojčísle čísle časopisu Profit vydávaném společností Mladá fronta, a.s.

PAPÍR JE NA ÚSTUPUJeště před třemi roky si na elektronickou

komunikaci a na skartaci papíru málokterá

společnost troufla, říká Martin Ohlídal,

konzultant společnosti Sabris a člen pro-

gramového týmu konference DOCURIDE.

V poslední době je tomu nakloněná legisla-

tiva a podle našich informací i státní správa.

Letošní už sedmý ročník odborné konference o digitalizaci a elektronických dokumentech DOCURIDE má jako jedno z hlavních témat Legislativu v České republice i v EU. Co se chystá za právní úpravy?>> Nerad bych předbíhal přednášky

našich hlavních hostů, kterými jsou Radim

Polčák, vedoucí Ústavu práva a technologií

z Právnické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity,

a Ondřej Felix, hlavní architekt eGover-

nmentu na Ministerstvu vnitra ČR. Mezi

nejdůležitější změny, které nás čekají, patří

unijní směrnice eIDAS “Regulation of the

European Parliament and of the Council on

electronic identification and trust services

for electronic transactions in the internal

market”, která by měla vejít v platnost k 1. 1.

2015 a která sjednotí roztříštěné a zastaralé

principy týkající se především elektronické

identifikace a důvěryhodných služeb, dosud

platné v jednotlivých zemích EU.

Je podle vás právní úprava dostatečná nebo jsou zde nějaké nešvary?>> Odpověděl bych, že je nutná a potřeb-

ná. S ohledem na stále větší integraci

EU, rychlost, jakou se ubírají technologie

vpřed, a „elektronizaci EU“ je inventura

v oblasti elektronických dokumentů a jejich

integrity, autenticity a autorizace opravdu

potřebná. Nešvary se teprve objeví, a to ne-

jen s příchodem nařízení eIDAS, ale zároveň

s tím, jak je jednotlivé země zapracují do

svých legislativ.

Probírat se bude i role elektronické komunikace mezi firmami. Jaká je vize blízké budoucnosti? Jaké trendy mohou firmy v elektronické komu-nikaci očekávat? >> Elektronická komunikace je díky postu-

pující „e- legislativě“ a především díky stále

vyšším požadavkům na rychlost a přesnost

reakce čím dál více věcí výměny dat přímo

mezi systémy. Člověk je ze všech článků


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komunikace tím nejméně spolehlivým a nejví-

ce chybujícím, což vede řadu firem k hledání

cest elektronické výměny dat namís-

to produkování klasických či elektronic-

kých dokumentů. Je to samozřejmě výzva,

protože vlastníci procesních kroků mohou

být tímto trendem odříznuti nejen od výkonu

komunikace, ale také od kontroly, kterou by

měli vykonávat. Klasická řešení elektronic-

ké výměny dat tak budou potřebovat nové

přístupy, a tedy i nové technologie. Ty by

měly eliminovat lidskou omylnost a přitom

zabránit, aby se komunikace stala „black

boxem“, který nejde ani monitorovat ani řídit.

Dalším trendem je nepochybně rozšiřování

elektronické mezifiremní komunikace na

mnohem větší okruh společností. Jakmile se

libovolné společnosti podaří získávat většinu

dat od partnerů do systému napřímo, bez

papíru a bez mailu, hledá cestu, jak na elek-

tronickou platformu převést i ta zbývající

data, která ještě přicházejí nedigitálními

kanály. Jinými slovy trend, který nás čeká, by

se s nadsázkou dal označit jako „elektronická

výměna dat pro všechny“.

Společnost Sabris se na vnitropodnikovou komu-nikaci zaměřuje. Co jsou podle vašich zkušeností nejčastější chyby v komunikaci v rámci firmy? >> Téma komunikace je velmi široké.

Rozhodně nejčastější chybou je nekomu-

nikace. Chybují především jednotlivci, v tom-

to případě manažeři, kteří si svou roli v komu-

nikaci zjednodušují a komunikaci podceňují.

Často to souvisí s mylnou představou

o výkonu manažerské funkce. Manažer je

v první řadě komunikátor, někdo kdo komu-

nikaci zprostředkovává, aktivně vyvolává

a zefektivňuje a kdo neustále balancuje ve

svých rolích mluvčího svých podřízených vůči

firmě, mluvčího firmy vůči zaměstnancům,

komunikátora mezi firmou a jejími partnery

či zákazníky a organizátora komunikace

svých procesů a agend vůči jiným procesům

a agendám.

(přepis rozhovoru)

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Organizátor konference:

Generální partner:

Zlatý partner:


Mediální partneři:

Odborný partner:

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případech výrazně automatizují. Pro masově probíhající

procesy je taková automatizace výraznou výhodou.

RIZIKO CHYBOVOSTI V rámci norem komunikace se v řadě firem uplatňují různé

zvyklosti. Datová pole ve standardních formátech zpráv

mohou byt využívána odlišně od obecného standardu. Do

systémů vkládají data lidé a ti občas dělají chyby. Pokud

se doklad obsahující neúplné nebo nezpracovatelné infor-

mace přenese do systému příjemce, je velmi pracné chybu

najít a vyřešit. Pro běžného účastníka procesu to znamená

spoléhat se na pomoc specialistů. Ti, jsou-li k dispozici,

komplikovanou procedurou zjistí, kde nastal problém.

Z původního zefektivnění procesů se dostáváme zpět

do procesních potíží. Nesprávné plnění objednávky, špatné

zaúčtování faktury nebo neprovedená platba mohou

způsobit zásadní problémy s nemalými následky.

V ČEM SPOČÍVÁ ELEKTRONICKÁ VÝMĚNA DATV dnešní digitální ekonomice se stále více prosazuje

datová integrace podnikových informačních systémů

uvnitř korporací a také v rámci dodavatelských vztahů, tedy

mezi korporacemi navzájem. Procesy, v nichž byly datové

toky dominantně zajišťovány pomocí papírových dokladů,

jako jsou faktury, objednávky, balící listy a podobně, jsou

ve stále větší míře řešeny propojením systémů, a to formou

elektronické výměny dat. Namísto papírových resp. elek-

tronických faktur putují mezi firmami datové pakety nor-

mou definovaných datových struktur. Systém dodavatele

tak místo samotného dokladu zasílá do systému odběratele

jen jeho datové podklady. V ideálním případě systém

odběratele doklad i zpracuje a vše probíhá bez nutnosti

zásahu člověka.

Původní sekvenční procesy zajišťované jednotlivými proces-

ními články, pracovníky a odděleními se zkracují a v mnoha


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Naše společnost vyvinula softwarové řešení EMOND (Efek-

tivní Monitoring Dokladů elektronické výměny) pro nastavení

a zajištění přehledné komunikaci mezi systémy a podporu

maximální, operativní i dlouhodobé kontroly nad procesem

přenosu dokladů v rámci mezifiremní i vnitrofiremní komu-

nikace mezi informačními systémy formou „EDI“. Řešení

EMOND je koncipováno jako inteligentní „poštovní úřad“

na hranicích systému. Přijímá zprávy a ověřuje jejich

správnost dříve, než je postoupí adresátovi - transakci

uvnitř systému. Je připraveno provádět vícestupňové

kontroly a zpracování těchto zpráv a na zjištěné skutečnosti


upozorní technickými hlášeními vybrané účastníky procesu

(odesílatele, adresáta, administrátory). Poskytuje aktuální

přehled veškeré došlé i odchozí „pošty“ s označenými

zprávami, které z nějakého důvodu neprošly kontrolou.

Autorizovaným uživatelům umožní vstoupit do konkrétního

dokladu, zjistit chyby a rozhodnout o jejich nápravě. Je-li

to společností požadováno, může řešení EMOND sloužit

jako brána pro veškerou komunikaci vstupující do systému

nebo naopak z něj vycházející. Jde tedy o jeden sjednocující

kanál elektronické výměny dat zaručující pružnou a efektivní


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Řešení umožňuje přijímat zprávy ze standardních rozhraní

EDI (např. VDA), pracovat se zprávami jiných systémů mimo

SAP (např. e-shop). Jako vstupní kanál může využívat Sabris

Brokera a umožňovat tzv. B2B i B2b spojení pro menší

obchodní partnery s přístupem přes Sabris B2B portál


EMOND může přebírat data ze skenovaných či jinak

digitalizovaných nestrukturovaných zpráv. Různé formá-

ty příchozích zpráv konvertuje do standartního formá-

tu, následně identifikuje typ zprávy a ve strukturované

formě, rozdělenou podle definovaných polí, ji ukládá

před dalším zpracováním do Inboxu. Zde jsou ukládány

i technické zprávy zasílané automaticky jako reakce

na jednotlivé příchozí zprávy př. potvrzení o přijetí, potvrzení

o zpracování nebo upozornění na vrácení zprávy z důvodu



Řešení EMOND zprávy automaticky zpracovává podle

přednastavených nebo zákaznických procesních scénářů.

Scénáře využívají transakce v SAP ERP a podle typu

zprávy řeší nezbytné kontroly správnosti, úplnosti

a použitelnosti zprávy. Již v základní verzi jsou připraveny

standardní scénáře vytvořené dle Best Practices s možností

rozšíření nastavení dle potřeb zákazníků ve vybraných ob-


Možný příklad: klíčový zákazník pošle objednávku

se špatným (neexistujícím) číslem smlouvy. V základním

nastavení jsou veškeré neshodné a automaticky

nezpracovatelné zprávy identifikovány a vráceny

odesílateli s upozorněním na chybu. Volitelnou možností

je podle typu zákazníka nebo objemu objednávky namísto

vrácení zprávy iniciovat nápravné řízení na straně příjemce,

který nesrovnalost řeší např. přes svoje oddělení zákaznic-

kých služeb.

Zprávy uložené ve standardním formátu do Inboxu, které

nevybočují ze scénářů kontrol, jsou automaticky zpracovány



Systém nabízí uživatelsky přívětivé rozhraní pro neau-

tomatizované operace. Všechny zprávy, které neprojdou

kontrolami standardních nebo zákaznických scénářů, jsou

označeny a je možné do nich nahlížet nebo je s patřičnými

oprávněními opravovat. Z vybraných scénářů ve standard-

ním nastavení i ze zákaznických scénářů systém umožňuje

spouštět tzv. zvláštní scénáře, které řeší zpracování

dokladu vyžadující zásah člověka (účastníka procesu)

pomocí workflow v SAP ERP nebo mimo tento systém

např. v MS SharePoint apod.


Doplňkovou funkcionalitou k přijímání zpráv je jejich

odesílání. Po vygenerování standartního dokladu v SAP

ERP, který má být odeslán, řešení EMOND ukládá standard-

ní doklad do Outboxu, zkontroluje ho a odešle. Z odchozích

dokladů, po kontrole jejich správnosti a úplnosti podle

standardních scénářů, jsou generovány výstupní zprávy

ve formátu XML, a to z důvodu komunikace se Sabris Bro-

kerem. Pro jinou EDI komunikaci jsou generovány formáty

zvoleného typu např. VDA, které se dále předávají na klien-

tem vybraného brokera.

ZOBRAZOVÁNÍ ZPRÁVZákladní službou pro uživatele a administrátory elektro-

nické komunikace je uživatelsky přívětivé rozhraní pro zo-

brazování zpráv/dokladů. Pro zobrazení přijatých zpráv

v Inboxu či odeslaných zpráv v Outboxu je možné využívat

řadu filtrů. Administrátor či uživatel tak může podle svého

zaměření resp. procesní zodpovědnosti nahlížet na frontu

dokladů jednoho či více typů. Řešení EMOND umožňuje sle-

dovat nezpracované nebo neodeslané doklady a s nimi sou-

visející komunikaci. Všechny standardní doklady lze otevřít

a prohlížet ve formulářích odpovídajících typu konkrétního

dokladu. Vybrané položky dokladů lze podle zákaznického

nastavení modifikovat ručně. Zásahy tohoto typu systém

sleduje a zaznamenává do logů.

Ke každé příchozí zprávě/dokladu jsou vždy jednoznačně

přiřazeny veškeré zprávy související s reakcemi, aby je bylo

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Sabris Broker – DocuPoint poskytuje služby elektronické

datové komunikace rozšířené o možnost portálového

B2b přístupu pro menší dodavatele a obchodní partnery

(označujeme malým písmenem „b“), které chce klient zahr-

nout do datové komunikace a kteří nedisponují dostatečně

sofistikovaným systémem nebo u kterých je frekvence zpráv

taková, že se plná automatizace nevyplatí. V principu tak

díky využití této služby může Vaše společnost významně

rozšířit okruh firem, se kterými může provozovat elektro-

nickou výměnu standardních dokladů formou zpráv přímo

do/z ERP SAP.


Sabris, s.r.o. Česká republika

Sídlo společnosti: Sabris, s.r.o., Pekařská 621/7, 155 00 Praha 5Pobočky: Sabris, s.r.o., Královopolská 3052/139, 612 00 BrnoSabris, s.r.o., Dolní Hejčínská 36, 779 00 Olomouc

Sabris, s.r.o. Slovenská republika

Sabris, s.r.o., Prievozská 4B, 821 09 Bratislava

Sabris, s.r.o. Ruská federace

ООО « Сабрис » Газетный пер.9 стр.2, 125009 Москва

možné dohledat v případě potřeby rekapitulace historie


Díky zobrazovacímu Inbox/Outbox rozhraní řešení poskytu-

je společnosti komfortní a rychlou kontrolu nad nepřijatými

resp. nezpracovatelnými zprávami a bez nutnosti zavedení

zvláštních scénářů může tyto případy bezodkladně řešit

v zájmu a souladu s cíli podnikových procesů.


Při zpracování zpráv a jejich zobrazování řešení využívá

standardní transakce SAP ERP. Pro jednotlivé procesní

kroky jsou s pomocí transakcí volány příslušné programy

v ERP SAP, jejichž pomocí jsou prováděny např. kontroly

kmenových dat, ověřování správnosti údajů, před-účtování

dokladu nebo jeho finální vyřízení.

Řešení EMOND tak nad SAP ERP disponuje knihovnou

procesních kroků, ze kterých se skládají standardní

scénáře. Ze stejných knihoven je možné vytvářet i scénáře


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2020 Agenda: Are You Ready?TM

Digital Changes Everything

MARK BARRENECHEAOpenText President and CEO


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Digital Changes Everything . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2020: Digital Disruption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Cheaper, Faster, Stronger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1 . Disruptive Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 . The “Generation Z” Workforce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3 . Mass Digitalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2020: Digital Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2020 Employees: The Digital Workplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2020 Customers: Digital Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2020 Suppliers: The Digital Supply Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2020 Innovation: Accelerated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2020 Governance: Secure and Trusted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2020 IT: Systems of Engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2020: The Strategic CIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

OpenText Agenda 2020: Building the Digital Enterprise . . . . . . . . . .11

Content Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Process Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Experience Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Information Exchange Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Discovery Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

The Trading Grid, Developer Tools, Ecosystem Solutions, and Cloud Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

2020: Change Creates Opportunity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

OpenText Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

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2020: Digital Disruption

The year 2020 will see a convergence of forces into a nexus that the enterprise can capi-talize on to create opportunities for growth and innovation. There are three major forces that contribute to digital disruption: disruptive technologies, the “Generation Z” workforce, and digitalization on a mass scale. When combined, these factors create a powerful platform for change.

Cheaper, Faster, Stronger

What gives digital disruptions even greater impact is the speed of development and the magnitude of innovation involved in their creation. Unlike the disruptions introduced by the Web in the nineties, this digital disruption is cheaper, faster, and stronger.

1. Disruptive Technologies

New technologies that will impact the enterprise are being developed at lightning speed. Many of these technologies will be mainstream by 2020. Examples include 5th generation (5G) mobile networks, holographic TVs, nanobots, wearable technologies (like Google Glass®), three-dimensional (3D) printing, and The Internet of Things (IoT).


1/10THthe cost

100xthe power

10xthe innovators


Digital Disruption is Cheaper, Faster, and Stronger

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In 2020, 5G wireless networks will support 1,000-fold gains in capacity, connections for at least 100 billion devices, and a 10 gigabyte individual user experience capable of extremely low latency and response times. Deployment of these networks will emerge between 2020 and 2030. 5G radio access will be built upon new radio access tech-nologies (RAT) and evolve based on existing wireless. Breakthroughs in wireless network innovation will also drive economic and societal growth in entirely new ways. 5G will realize networks capable of providing zero-distance connectivity between people and connected machines.1

In 2020, the boundaries between technology and people will blur, heightened by holographic TVs, 3D printing, and wearable technologies. Texting by thought will replace texting by smartphone. The ability to scan a 3D object, send the digital file, and print a 3D replica, for example, will be mainstream. Although they will still be considered a luxury item in 2020, holographic images will be used to fill entire rooms. Nanobots will be able to sense stimuli, perform complex calculations and computations, communicate, and collaborate. Whole industries will be affected by the consolidation of information from diverse systems, including mobile devices, Global Positioning System (GPS), and video surveillance.

All of these inputs will be connected and placed onto networks to contribute to The Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of Things has been called “the world’s new digital nervous system”.2 The IoT brings together wireless technologies, Micro-Electrome-chanical Systems (MEMS) and Internet technology to connect many disparate machines to exchange information. According to Gartner there will be nearly 26 billion devices on the Internet of Things by 2020.3






1 2 34 5 67 8 9* 0 #


5G–Zero Distance Connectivity Between People and Machines

1 “5G: A Technology Vision”, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., 2013.2 “What Exactly Is The “Internet of Things”?” Infographic, Harbour Research and Postscapes,

(accessed March 2014).3 “Gartner Says the Internet of Things Installed Base Will Grow to 26 Billion Units By 2020”, Gartner Inc., December 12, 2013.

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The IoT will automatically integrate data, people, and processes in new and varying ways. By the year 2020, there will be 5 billion users on the Internet.5 Hyper-mobile connectivity is already becoming more affordable and widespread. With enhanced communica-tions and innovations like the IoT, the world is becoming a smaller place.

This will result in the creation of new products and services. The ability to tap into the broad network created by the IoT will be critical to the digital enterprise in 2020.

2. The “Generation Z” Workforce

By 2020, more than 50 percent of the workforce will be “digital natives” and expect to be connected to the way they want to work, 24/7. Meet “Generation Z”, made up of a generation that has grown up with easy access to and knowledge of the Internet and its applications. This technically savvy generation will expect unlimited access to information and be driven by the immediacy of real-time insight and action. Generation Z presents the greatest generational shift the workplace has ever seen, challenging leaders, managers, and Human Resources (HR) in all sectors to radically change the way they attract, retain, and support the workforce.

3. Mass Digitalization

The growth in Internet users will result in more people gathering, transmitting, and exchanging information online. The Internet will continue to grow as a channel for distri-bution, revamping value chains in many industries. In the year 2020, the delivery of soft-ware, video, audio, games, and other media content will be almost entirely digital, without requiring the use of physical media. The transformation from analog to digital is well underway. This is already in evidence today, as email and texting render the postal indus-try obsolete; newspapers are replaced by online websites and user-generated content; and record labels and outlets are subverted by the artists distributing music themselves and through online stores like iTunes®.


The Internet of Things—Connecting Devices, Sensors, RFID tags, Meters, and Smart Appliances4

4 “What Exactly Is The “Internet of Things”?” Infographic, Harbour Research and Postscapes, (accessed March 2014).

5 “Internet use reaches 5 billion worldwide”, Future, (accessed March 2014).

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2020: Information is the New CurrencyThe recent innovations in technologies discussed are challenging the established rules of business. What all these technologies have in common is that they enable a new way of using information. Information is no longer just a cost factor, but rather the basis for innovation, growth, and competitiveness. Information is becoming the core component of a corporate strategy.

Information is the currency of the digital economy. In 2020, information will drive competi-tive advantage in the digital enterprise. One of the biggest business challenges related to digital transformation will be how to effectively manage growing volumes of informa-tion to optimize its value while reducing risk. IDC predicts that by 2020 the world will generate 50 times the amount of information it does currently.6 New technologies, skills, and analysis will be required to mitigate the cost of creating, capturing, managing, and storing information.



















2000 2010 2020


Increasing Internet Usage

6 John Gantz and David Reinsel, “The Digital Universe in 2020: Big Data, Bigger Digital Shadows, and Biggest Growth in the Far East”, IDC, December, 2012.

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Digital Changes Everything

The pace of business has accelerated. There have been more changes in the past twenty years than in the previous 100. In a world where everything is touched by technology, the enterprise has never had such an incredible opportunity to reinvent itself—to more closely align business with technology, deliver significant customer value, and make transforma-tional business impact.

Changes that are taking place in business today are reminiscent of the seventies when technology promised increased competitive advantage through automation and greater efficiencies. Business models were radically transformed again in the nineties as technology and commerce intersected on the Internet. The technologies of today—social, mobile, and cloud computing—are causing seismic shifts in many industries, from publishing to entertainment to government. Entire sectors and old business models are being swept away as people find new ways to access information, news, entertainment, products, and services to meet their daily needs.

Based on the progress of the past and the present rate of change, how will digital tech-nology transform business models to meet the needs of the workplace, the supply chain, and marketing channels in the future? What will the enterprise look like in 2020?

By 2020 all of the major operating functions of the enterprise will be digital. Digital busi-ness involves a complete transformation. Organizations will need to digitize every process and re-configure their businesses to ensure competitiveness and effectiveness. To keep pace with evolving consumer and business needs, the enterprise of today will have to transform itself into the digital enterprise of tomorrow.

The capacity of digital technology to expedite communication has influenced the ways that people interact with each other, with information, and with businesses. The ability to securely manage the exchange of information—in a multitude of formats, many of which have not yet been conceived—will be crucial in the digital enterprise of 2020.

Information lies at the heart of digital transformation. In the digital age, information is the new currency, playing a crucial role in enabling innovation, growth, and opportunity. Infor-mation leads to greater insights, better business decisions, higher customer satisfaction, greater agility, and optimized business performance. But how can the enterprise unlock the potential of information without compromising productivity and security? Enterprise Information Management (EIM) is the key transformative technology. This paper explores the future of digital technologies, their impact on the enterprise, and how EIM equips the enterprise as it transforms itself into the digital enterprise to brace for change and oppor-tunity in the year 2020.

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Organizations are collecting increasingly detailed amounts of information. The value of managing enterprise information is being realized as a recent study found that 95 percent of organizations correlate strong information management with business success.”8 For the strategic CIO, managing and harnessing information is essential to driving the 2020 agenda for innovation and growth.

2020: Digital Transformation

Digital technologies are a major driver of business strategy. “From big data to cloud computing, executives see digital technologies as transforming business—more than half (52%) see them as driving either a “complete transformation” or “significant change”.9 Enabling 2020 is a multi-year journey. To empower the digital enterprise, the strategic CIO will need to embrace future trends in technology. In 2020, the enterprise will either evolve or it will get disrupted. Business technology leaders of the future will apply the technolo-gies described above to re-engineer and digitize old business models to support:

• Employees

• Customers

• Supply Chain

• Innovation

• Governance

• Information Technology (IT)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020











Growth of Information by Exabytes7

7 John Gantz and David Reinsel, “The Digital Universe in 2020: Big Data, Bigger Digital Shadows, and Biggest Growth in the Far East”, IDC, December, 2012. 8 “Managing Information in the Enterprise: Perspectives for Business Leaders”, Forbes Insight (2009),

in%20the%20Enterprise%20Perspectives%20for%20Business%20Leaders.pdf (accessed 24 Oct. 2012).9 Accenture, “CEO Briefing 2014”, Global Agenda, 2014.

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2020 Employees: The Digital Workplace

As they enter the workforce, Generation Z will introduce the globalization of talent. While it works to support the existing workforce, the enterprise will also have to support Genera-tion Z and the way that they like to work. This generation will expect to use the same tools in the workplace that they use at home to communicate, collaborate, and share informa-tion. The enterprise will need to adapt to attract, retain, and motivate a workforce that is digital, social rather than hierarchical, mobile, and highly collaborative. The good news is that, if they are empowered, this highly-agile workforce will help the enterprise on its journey to digital transformation.

2020 Customers: Digital Marketing

In 2020, digital will become the direct route to market. Businesses will connect directly with their customers through omni-channel experiences to provide highly personalized products and services in real time. Customers will expect immediacy and experiences that satisfy. The sales funnel will be replaced by multiple interactions to create a lifetime of customer value and brands will be built and maintained in consumer communities rather than by marketing departments and advertising.

In 2020, “customer obsession” and new markets will create a more complex business environment. In the “age of the customer”, technology-led disruption is eroding traditional competitive barriers such as manufacturing strength, distribution power, and information mastery. For example, empowered buyers have information at their fingertips to check a price, read a product review, or access peers for advice. In 2020, a sustainable competi-tive advantage will be knowledge of and engagement with the customer.”10


2020: Generation Z Constitutes Half the Workforce



BbBaby Boomers


20 years or less 42-55 years 56-74 years21-41 years

10 Jean-Pierre Garbani with Doug Washburn, Elizabeth Langer, “Prepare for 2020 - Transform Your IT Infrastructure and Operations Practice”, Forrester Research, October 24, 2012.

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The key to sales and marketing success in 2020 will depend on an organization’s ability to leverage all available data and use it to better understand the customer and deliver compelling messages. Targeted experiences will be created by presenting customers with personalized content through multiple channels, seamlessly connecting with a broad network of external sites to complete the consumer experience. The digital enterprise will tap into the wisdom of the crowd through online consumer communities to source new markets, products, and services. Organizations will replace traditional advertising with user-generated content, empowering customers to share positive experiences as brand evangelists. Digital marketing technologies will need to be intuitive, mobile, accessible, responsive, and secure.

2020 Suppliers: The Digital Supply Chain

By 2020, consumers will drive interactions with suppliers. Buyer-driven platforms will continue to infuse the digital world with dynamic and real-time results, expanding on Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing to optimize supply chains and meet customer demand. The purchase of goods, such as perishables, cars, and real estate will grow. Consum-ers will expect immediate delivery following purchase. The rapid delivery of goods will impact the enterprise’s value chain and drive an unprecedented need for supply-chain optimization through real-time, Business-to-Business (B2B) integration. Pioneered by JIT manufacturing and fed by 3D printing, many products will be built to order, which will require a great deal of agility and accuracy from the supply chain. In addition, the Internet of Things (through machine-to-machine interaction) will add big data, predictive analytics, multi-layer transparency, and hyper-connectivity to production. In 2020, off-shoring will become near-shoring, next-day delivery will become next-hour delivery, and sustainability will be a primary requirement.

As information flows from employee to consumer to supplier in the digital enterprise, in order to be optimized and efficient, it will need be managed according to governance policies and regulations to minimize risk.


Finding the Balance Between Opportunity and Risk





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2020 Innovation: Accelerated

The development of new products and services will evolve from sprints to “hyper-connected dashes” in 2020. Product features will be crowdsourced and collective. Feedback about consumer experience with products and services will be collected to upgrade features, improve delivery, and serve niche markets—in real time—removing the developer “safety net”. Data-based product ideas will be shared across yottabytes (one trillion terabytes) of data and millions of people as innovation cycles are faster, compressed, and even approach the spontaneous. By 2020, 3D printing, holograms, and simulations will completely change product expectations.

2020 Governance: Secure and Trusted

In 2020, the need for information security will be crucial. With increasing amounts of data, there is also the growing complexity of legal and regulatory requirements in all sectors. Establishing a single source of the truth across multiple sources will involve managing structured data, unstructured content, and emerging data types, such as social media, securely as records—both inside the firewall and in the cloud.

In all countries, countless government regulations, industry standards, and company procedures exist. Non-compliance can lead to poor performance, financial penalties, and even criminal charges. In 2020, growing regulatory and competitive pressures will require the digital enterprise to rethink and reprioritize their security and governance strategies for enterprise information. These requirements will be driven by new, global regulations, increasing amounts of Internet users and privacy-related issues, emerging sustainability metrics, open data, big data, and protection against Intellectual Property (IP) loss.

Every business and every department is subject to laws, rules, and regulations that require strict compliance to protect corporate assets. As the enterprise moves from governing systems of record to enabling new systems of engagement, the strategic CIO will need to articulate a digital strategy that balances innovation and growth with security and risk.

2020 IT: Systems of Engagement

Enterprises are evolving from systems of record to systems of engagement. Systems of record are the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems that run an organization’s business (financials, CRM, HR, etc.). As records, data has to be accurate, accessible, and integrated. Systems of engagement are systems that engage employees, such as email, social networks, collaborative technologies, and learning systems. Systems of engage-ment are digital and interactive, and will support the digital enterprise in 2020.

This shift is demonstrated by a change in focus from customer transactions to custom-er interactions; from hierarchical command-and-control systems of governance to flat, globally-enabled collaboration; from facts and commitments to ideas and even nuances. With systems of engagement, discovery and dialogue influence the single source of the truth and conversations are communal, replacing documents as primary record types. Usability is intuitive, accessibility is ad hoc and open, and retention is transient. Finally, policy moves from concentrating on security mechanisms for corporate assets to protect-ing the privacy of enterprise users.

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2020: The Strategic CIO

In the year 2020, the attention of the strategic CIO will shift to systems of engagement to sustain strategies for growth and innovation. Over the last 30 years, CIOs have been focused on automating processes and transactions in systems of record with ERP systems. For the next 30 years, CIOs will concentrate on automating processes and transactions for unstructured information in systems of engagement (emails, social media, presentations, videos, and more) with Enterprise Information Management (EIM). Unstructured information is today’s untapped resource. Being able to capture, preserve, manage, and build information-oriented applications is the next frontier of competitive business. To create effective, new applications in 2020, the CIO will work with business managers to help them achieve their goals, aligning technology with business function as part of an overall digital strategy that outlines clear corporate goals.

Corporate goals will include improving time to market. The strategic CIO will partner with the heads of Research and Development (R&D) and Marketing to create an environment that fosters innovation across geographically distributed teams. Innovation begins with market research and discovery and is developed through collaborative ideation and rapid development processes to targeted demand creation. A partnership with Marketing will facilitate objectives in terms of awareness, demand generation, and field enablement.

Decreasing time to revenue is another important corporate goal which is particu-larly critical for Product Manufacturing functions such as operations, assembly, and production. In 2020, the strategic CIO will partner with line-of-business managers to focus on operational excellence, quality, and cost by optimizing the supply chain and manufacturing processes.

Improving time to satisfaction requires the strategic CIO to partner with the heads of Sales and Services to deliver a seamless and engaging customer experience from purchase through to follow-on services. The goal is to transform customers into repeat buyers over an extended lifetime of value. As previously discussed, engagement is delivered through personalized, compelling, and consistent customer experience across all channels.

All of these corporate goals can be achieved through the implementation of an EIM strategy and supporting technologies. The decisive strength of EIM is its ability to cross departments, applications, and repositories to integrate with existing ERP systems across value chains and make information available for daily use. EIM embeds informa-tion management and security directly into processes, combining structured data with unstructured data to align operations with strategic vision. EIM arms the enterprise with the technology and approaches it needs to transform itself into a digital enterprise.

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OpenText Agenda 2020: Building the Digital Enterprise

How does an organization transform itself into a digital enterprise that embraces digital disruption and harnesses information for increased competitiveness, innovation, and growth?

For the digital enterprise, Enterprise Information Management (EIM) provides the founda-tion for digital transformation. As the set of technologies and practices that maximize the value of information while minimizing its risks, EIM supports the strategic CIO to:

• Digitize all information assets and processes

• Build applications that drive the top-line results, such as revenue, customer satisfaction, innovation, and growth

• Integrate structured and unstructured data into a single source of the truth

• Facilitate social collaboration to foster engagement, idea sharing, and innovation

• Mobilize information and processes across any device, without compromising security

• Deliver a proven framework for information governance across all functions and applications

• Consolidate IT platforms and applications to manage information flows

• Protect the enterprise with robust, multi-layered security

• Capitalize on opportunity and expand into global markets


OpenText 2020 Agenda— Building the Digital Enterprise












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EIM encompasses the full range of technologies required to integrate information and expand its use beyond simple, isolated tasks to help drive value as information moves throughout the digital enterprise. These technology suites include Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Business Process Management (BPM), Customer Experience Management (CEM), Information Exchange, and Discovery—each of which is described below. These are the pillars of the digital enterprise.

Content Suite

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions manage information throughout its life-cycle to improve business productivity, while mitigating compliance and legal risk, and controlling the costs of growing volumes of content. Content Suite accelerates time to governance by providing a common and consistent information governance infrastruc-ture that enables secure and dependable adherence to laws, rules, and regulations, without compromising user adoption and productivity.

A global oil and gas company uses Content Suite to improve materials management and collaboration with suppliers and engineers.

Process Suite

Business Process Management (BPM) solutions empower employees, customers, and partners with the processes and information they need to produce signature experiences and significant business results. Process Suite accelerates time to results by optimiz-ing business processes with a highly adaptable suite of tools to drive productivity and operational excellence.

A technology giant has consolidated 1,500 disparate customer service and ERP process-es down to 100 with Process Suite.


EIM Technologies—The Pillars of the Digital Enterprise










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Experience Suite

Customer Experience Management (CEM) solutions help organizations exceed customer expectations, reach new markets, and provide superior experiences across all digital touch-points. Experience Suite accelerates time to market using digital experience tools to deliver media rich, personalized, and targeted communications across all marketing channels—from paper to web to mobile.

A major sports association is maintaining brand consistency and optimizing user experi-ence to support six million fans with Experience Suite, through the management and distribution of assets, including 160,000 articles and 58,000 videos.

Information Exchange Suite

Information Exchange solutions facilitate efficient, secure, and compliant data exchange inside and outside the enterprise. The Information Exchange Suite accelerates time to revenue with supply chain solutions that extend information management strategies to a trading network of partners.

A global car manufacturer is streamlining its supply-chain using Information Exchange Suite powered Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

Discovery Suite

Discovery solutions organize and visualize all relevant enterprise information to make it possible for business users to quickly find answers to questions and optimize the busi-ness impact of their decisions. Discovery Suite accelerates time to innovation by setting up a corporate engine for innovation, based on social collaboration and information discovery solutions.

A government federal agency is managing over nine million emails every day to meet regulatory compliance and e-discovery requirements—securely, in the cloud—with Discovery Suite.

The Trading Grid, Developer Tools, Ecosystem Solutions, and Cloud Deployment

To address the unique requirements of the digital enterprise, EIM is both extensive and expansive. EIM seamlessly integrates information management with existing IT infrastruc-ture and business applications. It can be extended to incorporate partners and suppli-ers in the world’s largest trading community to drive the engine of commerce across all industries. This is called the Trading Grid.

In addition to the core information management capabilities delivered by each of the five product suites, EIM offers AppWorks. AppWorks is a modern, flexible development plat-form with tools for creating customized EIM applications. Developers can use AppWorks to pull data from EIM suites and develop apps suited to specific needs and usage scenar-ios. These apps can be developed and run across mobile devices and desktop platforms.

With both AppWorks and the Trading Grid, EIM capabilities are available across all devices, on premise or in the cloud, or as a combination of both, for optimal and flexible deployment capabilities.

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2020: Change Creates Opportunity

Gartner Research captures the challenge CIOs face today: “CIOs require a new agenda that incorporates hunting for new digital innovations and opportunities, and harvesting value from products, services, and operations.”11 Often, the culture of an organization determines its success or failure. All of the great innovators of today have embraced digital innovation.

Disruptive technologies, by their very nature, shake up the status quo. At the early stage of adoption and implementation, the full scope of their influence is difficult to predict. Based on the fast pace of innovation today, it is safe to assume that future digital technol-ogies will either bring down the enterprise or help to transform it into a digital enterprise.

The message is clear. To successfully provide products and services to digital consum-ers, the enterprise must reinvent itself. With change comes tremendous opportunity: the opportunity for the enterprise to form deeper connections with its customers, partners, and employees; to create social, mobile and flexible workplaces that are conducive to higher levels of productivity and innovation; to deliver products and services according to individual need and specification; to streamline the production and delivery of supply chains on a global scale. With opportunity comes risk, and the greatest risk lies in not embracing disruption in an increasingly digital society.


2020: Disruption is Digital and Distributed







11 Gartner, “Gartner Executive Program Survey of More Than 2,000 CIOs Shows Digital Technologies Are Top Priorities in 2013”, January 16, 2013, (accessed March 2014).

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In 2020, the strategic CIO will build the digital enterprise according to a digital strategy that focuses on information as a key competitive differentiator in creating opportunity and mitigating risk. EIM is the transformative technology.

A 2020 Agenda is a multi-year blueprint to re-conceptualize the future. Developed by OpenText, it is a guide for digital transformation to support:

1 The Digital Enterprise

2 Generation Z Workforce

3 Omni-channel Experiences

4 On-demand Supply Chain

5 Accelerated Innovation

6 Secure and Trusted Governance

7 Systems of Engagement

Are you ready?

Follow the 2020 Agenda at

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OpenText is leading the charge with a practical roadmap to help today’s C-suites advance how they interact with employees, customers and the supply chain to be fully prepared for 2020. For over two decades, OpenText has been a core contributor to the most successful businesses in the world. Ninety percent of Fortune 500 companies today are using EIM to transform their enterprise into a digital enterprise.

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Fast data extraction, higher data quality and betterproductivity increase responsiveness in the customer service of an enterprise helping to geartheir competitiveness.

Reduce Operating Costs

Streamlining business processes and reduction ofoperational costs for manual indexing, documentseparation and data extraction.

Fast Return on Investment

Cost savings due to a reduction of manual labourallows a fast payback of licensing and implementa-tion costs.

Enterprise Capture with FlexiCapture 10

ABBYY FlexiCapture Distributed is an Enterprise Capture platform with which multinational organisa-tions can automate their document-driven business processes. With FlexiCapture enterprisesstreamline the transformation of documents into electronic data for delivery into backend businessprocesses. It replaces manual and expensive data entry by providing intelligent and accurate dataextraction from a full range of document types such as application forms, claim and order docu-ments, invoices, or contracts. With its enterprise scalability organisations can handle nearly any volume and automatically classify, separate and extract data into backend applications to increaseresponsiveness and keep up with today’s requirements for ever-increasing transaction speeds.

Moving paper at the Speed of BusinessWherever businesses deal with documents and whenever those documents drive transactions,organisations will benefit from automating those processes through reduced operating costs,increased productivity and speed, faster customer service and a reduced risk of compliance failure. FlexiCapture Distributed is a highly customisable platform offering a full-range of functionalitiesfor automatic document classification and separation, data extraction, indexing and it allows theintegration of external custom modules for vertical or horizontal solution development.

* This feature is still under development, planned to be released in a maintenance release of FlexiCapture 10.** Verification Station Web Service API available in FlexiCapture 10 Release 1, enhanced API planned to be released in a maintenance release of

FlexiCapture 10

Key features:

• Intelligent Enterprise Captureplatform for processing any kindof document in one stream

• Integration of Custom Modulese.g. third-party engines for partner-enabled vertical and horizontal solution development

• Web-based stations for scanning*, data verification andverification* allow better integration of remote workforces

• Custom processing stages allowcreation of customisable work-flows depending on businessrequirements and/or documenttypes

• Auto learning and automaticclassification simplify the cre-ation of layouts and shorten thedevelopment time

• Double Verification andDistributed Verification* forincreased data quality

• High availability with FailoverCluster support and LoadBalancing

• Support for 186 OCR languagesincluding Chinese, Japanese,Korean, Thai and Vietnameseand 113 languages for ICR

• Web-based reports with customreport integration and enhancedstatistics

• Export connectors to variousbackend application and customexport scripts to connect anythird-party backend

• Microsoft® SharePoint© Export

• PDF- & PDF/A document exportfor archiving

• Web Services API**

ABBYY® FlexiCapture 10Distributed

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Functionality Overview

Working with FlexiCapture Distributed

Server Components

Processing Server and Processing Stations

Automatically execute all resource-intensive operations such asimage import, recognition, classification, data extraction, validationrules execution, and export. The Processing Server has a highly scalable architecture and distributes tasks among its ProcessingStations. When adding several stations, load balancing helps to boostproductivity and Failover Cluster support ensures high availability.

ABBYY FlexiCapture Distributed delivers high performance enterprise capture functionality via a highly scalable, client-server architecturehandling nearly any volume. It includes a set of dedicated server components for data processing and multiple client operator stations foreach step in the capture process: setup, administration, scanning, verification, export and monitoring. FlexiCapture also meets the requirementsof multinational enterprises by providing powerful tools for remote as well as web-based GUI for scanning*, data verification and verification*.

Scanning Stations

Custom 3rd Party Modules


Data VerificationStations

VerificationStationsServer Processing Stations

local,remoteor web

local,remoteor web













local,remoteor web



Administration and Setup

Administration and Monitoring Console

Administrators and operators can manage processing and track statistics using the Administration and Monitoring Console.Administrators can manage user rights, system administration andsetup. Operators can track jobs or generate statistics, control and viewdocument batches, queues, and their status. Custom reports based onCrystal reports can be integrated to generate individual statistics.

Layout Development and Project Setup

FlexiCapture comes with a range of tools for template development.ABBYY Document Definition Editor is used for creation of machine-readable fixed forms. With ABBYY FlexiLayout Studio, FlexiLayoutsfor semi-structured and unstructured documents like invoices orcontracts can be developed. Data capture projects are set up withthe ABBYY Project Setup Station which also provides convenientinstruments to test, fine tune and adjust projects quickly and easily.

Database Server

A Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Database Server*** keeps alldata and about processing stages, and stores all information about users, batches, processing operations, and statistics.

Application Server (based on Microsoft® IIS)

The Application server handles all processing tasks and queuesautomatically and distributes them among the stations.

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Functionality Overview

Document Processing with FlexiCapture Distributed

(Remote) Scanning and Image Import

Batch scanning, scanner management, and image quality control canbe handled by the Scanning Station. Click-once installation allowseasy distribution and remote usage of the Scanning Station.Enterprises may also use 3rd-party scanning applications asFlexiCapture supports Hot-Folder or email data capture to automateimport.

OCR, ICR, Checkmark and Barcode Recognition

FlexiCapture is based on ABBYY’s award-winning recognition techno-logies delivering unprecedented accuracy and stability in several languages for OCR and ICR. 1D and 2D Barcodes and checkmarkscan be recognised and powerful image pre-processing algorithmshelp to improve recognition quality.

Automated Data Validation

Built-in validation rules are automatically applied during recognitionto increase accuracy. Automatic data validation ensures high dataquality and reduces the workload for subsequent verification.

Customisable Workflows

Custom processing stagescan be added to a workflowto set up an individual cap-ture workflow. Enterprisescan now adapt companyinternal workflow require-ments to the capture plat-form or simply create newindividual workflows depen-ding on business require-ments or document types.

Classification, Document Separation, and Indexing

Simple document separation via blank pages and barcodes can beimplemented in FlexiCapture Distributed. Intelligent separation viamulti page document definitions enables processing of differentdocument types in a single stream. Automated and trainable classi-fiers speed-up the document template development.

(Web-based) Data Verification

Data verification operatorsexecute low-level verificationtasks to match extracteddata with original documentdata. Data verification canbe carried out on group- andfield-level to correct formerrors. Remote offices oroutsourcing service providerscan be integrated into thecapture process via a web-based interface for data verification,which operates completely within a web browser (using MicrosoftSilverlight®).

Verification Station **

Complex document errors can be manually checked using theVerification Station. Master verification operators can check forassembly errors for document composition and rules validation fordata correctness. They can also manually re-assemble documentscontaining classification and assembling errors. An intuitive drag-and-drop interface simplifies this process.

The Verification Station‘s look and feel can be tailored to the needsof a verification operator, which allows ergonomic keying and impro-ved validation through verification operators

Data Export

Data can be exported to backend applications, databases or can bestored in enterprise repositories. Powerful export features includeautomated export or export to multiple destinations. FlexiCaptureDistributed supports the following export destinations:

- Files (most common file formats supported)

- XML (Basic and Advanced XML export)

- External databases (via ODBC)

- Microsoft SharePoint

- ERP, DMS, CMS and other business applications through scriptable export

- Custom export

Archiving and Image Export

Documents can be exported in various image formats. Documentscan prepared for archiving when converting them to SearchablePDF/PDF-A. Postponed deletion allows to delete documents onlyafter the data is captured and transfered in the relevant businessapplications.

ABBYY FlexiCapture Distributed features intelligent document recognition technologies for classification, separation, data extraction, andindexing. Customers can select and deploy user-attended client operator stations for (re-)scanning, data verification and document verification.A highly customisable workflow with custom processing stages makes it easy to manage the processing and verification step and configuresthe level of automatic or manual intervention desired. FlexiCapture allows integration of custom modules for recognition and classificationand gives customers the opportunity to integrate third-party verification modules.

* This feature is still under development, planned to be released in a maintenance release of FlexiCapture 10.

** Verification Station Web Service API available in FlexiCapture 10 Release 1, enhanced API planned to be released in a maintenance release of FlexiCapture 10

*** Oracle Database support still under development, planned to be released in a maintenance release of FlexiCapture 10.

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Specifications and Licensing

SpecificationsSystem requirements

• PC: Intel® Core™2 Duo/2 QuadPentium®/Celeron®/Xeon™, AMDK6/Turion™/Athlon™/Duron™Sempron™ 2 GHz processor or faster.Dual Core (or more) CPU for ApplicationServer

• RAM for stations: 512 MB RAM for eachCPU Core, not less than 1 GB RAM for Servers: 2 GB RAM for each CPU core, 4 GB forintensive processing, 2 GB forMicrosoft® SQL Server

• Operating systems: For servers:Windows® Server 2003 SP2 Windows® Server 2008 SP2Windows® Server 2008 R2

For stations:Windows® XP SP3, Windows® Vista®SP2, Windows® 7

Required external components

• Microsoft® .Net Framework 2.0 or higher

• Internet Information Server version 6, 7or 7.5

• Crystal Reports® Basic Runtime for VisualStudio 2008 and 2010 x86 and x64

• Microsoft® SQL Server 2005, 2008 or2008 R2

• Adobe® Acrobat Reader 9

Input formats

BMP, PCX, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG, TIFF,DjVu, DCX, PDFs (including PDF/A)

Recognition languages

Please check for a fulllanguage list.

• OCR: 186 languages, 42 with dictionarysupport

• ICR: 113 languages

• OMR: Checkboxes, non-framed check-boxes, bubbles

• Barcodes: 1D-Barcodes including EAN,Check, IATA, UCC and UPC and 2DBarcodes including PDF417, AZTEC andData Matrix

Data export formats


• Basic and advanced XML export

• Database export via ODBC

• Export to Microsoft® SharePoint 2010

• Export to backend applications via custom export scripts

• Connectors to business applications

Image export/saving format:


• Export for archiving to PDF and PDF/A

Pages per Year Licences (PPY)

FlexiCapture Distributed is available on a PPYlicensing model. PPY describes the amount ofpages that can be processed during a one yeartimeframe. Processing speed is not limited.Multiple processing stations and cores areallowed, which allows high-performance data cap-ture in your enterprise.

Add-on Stations and Modules

Additional stations for verification or scanning canbe added to a licence. Add-on modules like PDF-export, additional language support for CJK, Thaiand Vietnamese or data export connectors toindustry-leading backend applications. are availableas add-ons.

ABBYY FlexiCapture 10 Distributed Licensing

ABBYY FlexiCapture is sold through a network of Certified Solution Partners. The product’s flexiblelicensing scheme allows partners to select the best pricing option for their specific project. Licensingis offered as:

ABBYY Maintenance and Support

Purchase of Maintenance and Support is mandatory when obtaining a FlexiCapture licence.Maintenance and Support allows customers to retrieve updates, upgrade to the next version ofFlexiCapture and gives a customer access to ABBYY Technical Support. Maintenance must bepurchased in yearly increments. Details are outlined in the ABBYY Maintenance and Support policy.

ABBYY Professional Services

ABBYY offers professional services to help partners jump-start their projects or provide additionalexpertise and support. Services include the creation of FlexiCapture document definitions,FlexiLayout development, and additional services to help partners' success in their customer projects.

ABBYY FlexiCapture Certification and Training

To ensure the success of your projects, ABBYY offers additional training and certification programsfor the FlexiCapture platform. Certification training courses are offered regularly. Please visitABBYY's regional websites for training schedules.

Total Page Count Licences (TPC)

TPC project licences can be obtained as an add-on to a FlexiCapture Distributed PPY licence. TPCdescribes the total amount of pages that can beprocessed. Processing power is not limited whenlicensing on a TPC licence scheme. An installedFlexiCapture Distributed PPY licence is a prerequisitewhen using a TPC licence in a customer project.

ABBYY Europe GmbHElsenheimerstrasse 4980687 Munich, GermanyTel: +49 89 511 159 0Fax: +49 89 511 159 [email protected]

© 2011 ABBYY, the ABBYY logo, FlexiCapture, FlexiLayout are registered trademarks of ABBYY Software Ltd. Opening and processing PDF files: © 1987-2003 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Adobe® PDF Library licensed from Adobe SystemsIncorporated. Adobe, Acrobat, the Adobe Logo, the Acrobat Logo and the Adobe PDF logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Using Type 1 fonts for exporting to PDF for-mat: © 2001 ParaType Inc. © 2003 ParaType Inc. Opening DjVu image format: Portions of this computer program are copyright © 1996-2007 LizardTech, Inc. All rights reserved. DjVu is protected by U.S. Patent No. 6,058,214. Foreign Patents Pending. Workingwith JPEG image format: This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. Unicode support: © 1991-2009 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners

Bureau France33 avenue Philippe Auguste75011 Paris, France [email protected]

ABBYY UK Ltd.Abbey House, Grenville PlaceBracknell RG12 1BP, United KingdomTel: +44 1344 392 610Fax: +44 1344 392 [email protected]

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Converting Entire Archives toSearchable PDF/A and PDF Format

ABBYY Recognition Server automatically con-verts extensive collections of paper docu-ments, scanned document images and com-plete books into PDF or PDF/A files that canbe electronically archived, easily detected viakeywords by e-discovery and enterprisesearch systems, or remotely accessed byemployees or clients. The solution is highlyscalable and can process large amounts ofdocuments within tight timeframes.

Deployment of a Document ConversionService

ABBYY Recognition Server allows implement-ing a centralised OCR service instead ofinstalling OCR software on many individualworkstations. Any employee within an organi-sation or a workgroup can convert scanneddocuments to Microsoft Word or searchablePDF files, reaching the service directly at thescanning point or from any location via e-mail or FTP folder. The service can bedeployed locally for own employees or in ahosted environment for external clients.

Creating Full-text SearchableSharePoint Libraries

Documents stored in Microsoft SharePoint,such as TIFFs created by fax servers andimage PDFs created by scanners, remain“invisible” for the search engine and can’tbe detected. ABBYY Recognition Server canretrieve such files, convert them into asearchable format, such as PDF, and storethem in the same location so they can beincluded in the search engine’s index. Ifscanned PDFs exist among stored PDF files,the application can smartly detect them. Itwill then add a new text layer, turning theminto searchable PDFs instantly.

ABBYY Recognition Server can crawlSharePoint libraries and network areas on a continuous basis and automatically convert all newly added image files. Shouldan existing TIFF collection need to be preserved in its original format, ABBYYRecognition Server can generate searchabletext for those images and deliver it as anXML file to the Microsoft Search Engine orthe Google Search Appliance leaving theoriginal TIFFs in place.

Robust Document Capture and PDF-ConversionABBYY Recognition Server is a powerful server-based OCR solution for automated documentcapture and PDF conversion. It allows organisations and scanning service providers to imple-ment cost-efficient processes for converting paper and image documents into electronic filessuitable for long-term digital archiving and full-text search.

ABBYY Recognition Server automatically acquires document images from scanners, file, faxand e-mail servers, as well as Microsoft® SharePoint® libraries, performs optical character recognition to retrieve full-text information and offers the possibility to add metadata. Theresults are delivered directly to network folders, SharePoint libraries or other storage andmanagement systems as MRC-compressed searchable PDF or PDF/A files, XML data,Microsoft Word and Excel® files or plain text.

This highly scalable solution allows you to quickly convert large quantities of documents in ashort time. Its quick deployment, easy administration and automated work routines makeABBYY Recognition Server an investment that delivers fast returns.

How can you benefit from ABBYY Recognition Server? The possibility to convert business documents into digital files in an automated way supportsa variety of business processes, for example:

ABBYY Recognition ServerProduct Information

• Reliable OCR results due to state-of-the-art ABBYY recognition technologies

• Easy deployment with any scanneror MFP, existing ECM or other ITsystem

• Fail-safe processing due to workload balancing and clustersupport

• Flexible usage for smaller quantities as well as for significantdocument volumes

• Fast return on investment due to quick deployment and easy maintenance

• Highly accurate recognition of documents in more than 190 languages and 1D and 2D barcodes

• Automated processing of largedocument volumes within desiredtimeframe

• Exact copy of the original inputfile structure in output library -with all files in searchable format

• Multiple export formats incl. XML,highly compressed MRC PDF,PDF/A, Microsoft Word and others

• Conversion of documents directlywithin Microsoft SharePoint



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Step 1: Scanning and Document Input

ScanningThe application offers an easy to use Scanning Station interfacethat supports scanning of documents in batches. It provides toolsfor document quality improvements, such as image preview andenhancement, manual redaction, and many others. Scripting commands can be used, for example, to auto-split large pages or re-order pages after duplex scanning.

Document ImportPreviously scanned document images can be automatically retrievedfrom document libraries or received per e-mail. The imported document images will be processed with corresponding prioritiesand according to available computing resources.

Scanning via TWAIN, WIA, ISIS

Integrates with all network scanners and MFPs.

Hot Folder Watching (FTP or Local Network)

Automatically processes files arriving in defined folders.

Crawling of Network Shares and SharePoint Libraries

Detects newly added image files and converts them intoa searchable format.

Input via E-mail (Exchange, POP3)

Integrates with fax and e-mail servers and processesimage attachments.

Step 2: Processing of Documents

Document Recognition/OCRThe optical character recognition process runs automatically on adedicated workstation – the Processing Station. Using ABBYY’saward-winning OCR technology the system supports a broad rangeof functions to increase the recognition accuracy, including:

• Image pre-processing (for example split dual pages for bookscans or clear background noise)

• Print type definition (chose between normal text, typewriter, dot-matrix, OCR-A, OCR-B, and MICR E13b)

• Language definition (more than 190 languages and historic textsin old fonts)

Depending on the document’s quality and its structure, the process-ing mode can be set on either ‘precision’ or ‘speed’. To increaseprocessing speed significantly, for example to process many documents within a tight deadline, additional Processing Stations or a higher number of CPU-cores can be added.

Verification (optional)In some cases, for example when digitising books, verification ofthe recognition results is necessary. The integrated VerificationStation interface offers the possibility to correct the results eitheron all documents or only on documents that did not reach a pre-defined recognition accuracy threshold.

Indexing (optional)If required, document indexing can be done either manually usingthe Indexing Station interface or automatically by a script. Lists ofindex field values can be imported and synchronised with third partysystems.

Scheduled Processing

Different kinds of documents can be processed at different times according to a schedule.

24/7 Fail-safe Processing

Multiple Processing Stations and cluster deployment can be used to distribute the workload dynamically andassure reliable processing.

Barcode Recognition

Values of most popular 1D and 2D barcodes including 2DAztec, Data Matrix, and QR Code barcodes can beextracted.

Recognition of Historical Texts in Old Fonts

Support for black letter, Schwabacher and most otherGothic fonts in English, German, French, Italian andSpanish.

Automated Document and PDF Conversion

• Creates MRC-compressed PDF and PDF/A files that significantly reduce size of colour documents.

• Supports encryption: Limits opening and printing of the created PDF documents.

• Detects scanned PDFs and PDFs with insufficient text quality and adds a new text layer to the original file.

• Retains original image, bookmarks, and attachments wheninserting a new text layer into original PDF.

• Digitally created PDFs with a good text layer can be moveddirectly to the new location.

• Support for long term document archiving standards:PDF/A-1a, 1b, PDF/A-2a, 2b, 2u

• Creates PDFs optimised for Internet download.


Feature OverviewABBYY Recognition Server converts documents automatically, with minimum user intervention. It runs in the background and independentlyperforms all document processing steps - round the clock or at pre-defined times:

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Step 3: Document Assembly and Export

After the recognition stage, ABBYY Recognition Server assemblesthe processed pages into individual documents. The documents canbe separated using blank sheets or barcode pages as separators orby a fixed number of pages per document. Separation can also bedone according to a scripted rule.

Assembled documents in the required formats are delivered to pre-defined output locations such as network folders, SharePoint docu-ment libraries, and e-mail addresses. They can as well be handledover to other applications connected via the API.

Additionally, scripts can be applied for intelligent routing and deliveryof documents to Enterprise Content Management systems based ondocument properties and attributes. ABBYY Recognition Server supports a variety of output formats and allows creating severaloutput files at the same time.

To turn digital archives into fully searchable electronic documentarchives the application can crawl individual libraries, detect notsearchable image-based documents and convert them into search-able formats. Documents such as Microsoft Word files, PowerPoint®presentations or Excel spreadsheets, which don’t require any pro-cessing, can be moved into the output library to the same position.This way any document library can be turned into fully searchableelectronic library.

Multiple Output Formats

Variety of formats, including searchable PDF and PDF/A(MRC-compressed), XML, RTF, Microsoft Office and others

Publishing to Network Folders

The original folder structure is automatically mirrored.The name of output files can be flexibly defined using a barcode, the document type, etc.

Sending by E-mail

Converted documents can be delivered back to thesender or to a list of specified recipients.

Publishing to SharePoint

Results can be automatically uploaded to SharePointlibraries. Scanned PDFs stored within SharePoint can beenhanced with a text layer and saved under a new ver-sion number.

Administration Console for Easy ManagementABBYY Recognition Server can be remotely administered viathe Microsoft Management Console (MMC). All system settings, including workflows, licences and server log files, can be accessed in one place.

Automated and Scheduled ProcessingABBYY Recognition Server processes documents automaticallyaccording to pre-defined sets of processing parameters (workflows), which include document input source, processingstages and output parameters. The application can handle different workflows simultaneously, following corresponding pri-orities. Particular workflows can run at specific times to takeadvantage of low-workload periods (i.e. night time).

Integration into Existing SystemsABBYY Recognition Server can be easily connected to externalapplications, such as digital archives or Enterprise ContentManagement systems via XML Tickets, COM-based API andWeb Service API.

Scalability and FlexibilityTo increase processing speed a high-performance multi-corePC can be used as Processing Station or the workload can bedistributed among several PCs within the network. The flexibleand scalable architecture allows setting up systems which caneasily process hundreds of pages per minute.









Pages per minute

Numbers of CPU-cores

Deployingmore CPUprocessingpower willincrease theprocessingspeed.

Information is based on internal testing. The system performance can varydepending on the quality of images, hardware performance, network configurationand other factors.

Feature Overview – continued



Automated Document and PDF Conversion

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Specifications and Licencing

© 2014 ABBYY Production LLC. All rights reserved. ABBYY, the ABBYY logo, Recognition Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of ABBYY Software Ltd. © 2000-2012Datalogics, Inc. © 1984-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated and its licensors. All rights reserved. Adobe, Acrobat, the Acrobat Logo, the Adobe Logo, the Adobe PDF Logo and Adobe PDFLibrary are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. © 2008 Celartem, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2011Caminova, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2013 Cuminas, Inc. All rights reserved. DjVu is protected by U.S. Patent No. 6,058,214. Foreign Patents Pending. Powered by AT&T Labs Technology.PixTools © 1994-2007 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Portions of this software are copyright © 2012 University of New South Wales. All rights reserved. © 2001-2006 Michael DavidAdams, © 1999-2000 Image Power, Inc., © 1999-2000 The University of British Columbia. This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. © 1991-2013 Unicode,Inc. All rights reserved. The Unicode Word Mark and the Unicode Logo are trademarks of Unicode, Inc. Portions of this software are copyright © 1996-2002, 2006 The FreeType Project(HYPERLINK "" All rights reserved. EMC2, EMC, Captiva, ISIS and PixTools are registered trademarks, and QuickScan is a trademark of EMCCorporation. .NET, Access, Active Directory, ActiveX, Aero, Excel, Hyper-V, InfoPath, Internet Explorer, JScript, Microsoft, Office, Outlook, PowerPoint, SharePoint, Silverlight, SQL Azure, SQLServer, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual C#, Visual Studio, Windows, Windows Azure, Windows Power Shell, Windows Server, Windows Vista, Word are either registered trademarks or trade-marks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Extended Edition

The Extended Edition offers a broad set ofOCR functionalities, integration with externalapplications and implementation as part of aWeb service architecture. Additional OCR languages (Thai and Hebrew), export to XML,Web Service API, COM-based API as well assupport of XML Tickets and MicrosoftSharePoint integration are as well provided.Recognition of Gothic letters in historicaldocuments (Black letter script) and OCR forArabic, Chinese, Japanese and Korean areavailable on request.

CPU-Core Based Licence

Most users need to convert documents on aregular basis. For those users a CPU-corebased licence is the best choice.The numberof the used CPU-cores influences the process-ing speed: The more CPU-cores are used thefaster the conversion process. If necessary,additional cores can be licensed any time.

Total Page Count (TPC) Based LicenceFor one-time projects (f.e. a conversion of thecompany‘s archive into PDF/A format) it isrecommended to acquire a TPC basedlicence, which is defined by the number ofpages that should be processed. As the number of CPU-cores is not limited, evenlarge document archives can be convertedwithin shortest time.

ABBYY Recognition Server - Product Editions

LicensingBoth product editions are available within a flexible licensing system. The licence defines theset of functionalities, which can be extended flexibly without re-installing the software. Thismakes ABBYY Recognition Server a valuable efficiency booster for customers with a relativelylow demand for document processing as well as for large organisations or professional scan service providers processing millions of pages.

Add-on ModulesThe functionality can be extended by adding Scanning, Indexing and Verification Stations ormore CPU-core support. Additional recognition languages can be licensed to expand function-ality. Connectors for Google Search Appliance and IFilter for Microsoft Search can be added toenable those systems to detect image based documents per full-text search.

Software MaintenanceSoftware Maintenance protects the software investment. With Software Maintenance the customer receives regular software updates, upgrades to the latest version as well as technical support free of charge. Software Maintenance is calculated as 20% of the licenceprice and invoiced separatel y on a yearly basis. Software Maintenance is mandator y.

Trial VersionsABBYY offers fully functional trial versions. Please contact ABBYY or its partners for moreinformation or request your trial version on

Professional Edition

The Professional Edition offers standard functionalities for organisations that want aneasy-to-deploy automated background OCRservice and do not require integration with otherapplications. With a set of Add-on modulesthe functionality can be flexibly extended.

Note: Please see ABBYY Recognition Serverprice list for details about pricing,available feature sets and expansionpossibilities of Professional andExtended Edition.

General System Requirements• PC with Intel® Core™2/2 Quad/Pentium®/

Celeron®/Xeon™, AMD K6/ Turion™/ Athlon™/Duron™/ Sempron™ processor with min. 2 GHz

• Operating system: Microsoft® Windows® 8,Windows 7, Windows Vista®, Windows Server®2012, 2008

• Memory (RAM):Server Manager: 1 GB

Scanning Station: 1 GB

Processing Station: 512 MB plus 300 MB foreach recognition process

Indexing Station: 768 MB

Verification Station: 1024 MB

• Hard Disk Space: Server Manager: 20 MB for installation plus 1 GBfor program operation

Scanning Station: 1 GB

Processing Station: 600 MB for installation plus 1 GB for program operation

Indexing Station: 500 MB for installation plus 1 GB for program operation

Verification Station: 700 MB for installation plus700 MB for program operation

Requirements for program operation depend oncomplexity, quality, and number of images. Systemrequirements may vary based on server compo-nent or additional module used. Contact ABBYYfor more detailed specifications.

• Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later for savingfiles to Microsoft SharePoint Server

• Microsoft Outlook® 2000 or later for processinge-mail messages

• Microsoft IIS 5.1 of later for Web API

• Scanner supporting TWAIN, WIA or ISIS

User Interface Languages*English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian,Portuguese (Brazilian), Czech, Hungarian, Polish,Chinese (Traditional and Simplified).

*Release 1 contains only Russian and English user interface.

Input Formats• BMP, PCX, DCX, GIF, TIFF / Multipage TIFF, WDP, WMP


• PDF (up through version 1.7), DjVu, JPX

OCR Languages More than 190 languages

Print TypesNormal, Fax (mode for low resolution texts),Typewriter, Dot matrix printer, OCR-A, OCR-B, MICR(E13B), Gothic

Barcode types1D: Check Code 39, Check Interleaved 25, Code 128,

Code 39, EAN 13, EAN 8, Interleaved 25, CODABAR (without checksum), UCC Code 128, Code 2 of 5 (Industrial, IATA, Matrix), Code 93, UPC-A, UPC-E, Patch Code and Postnet

2D: PDF 417, Aztec, Data Matrix, QR Code

Output FormatsEditable Formats



• XML, Alto XML, FineReader internal format

Searchable Formats

PDF (up through version 1.7); PDF/A

Image Formats

• Image-only PDF, PNG, JBIG2


Integration and Customisation OptionsXML Tickets, COM-based API and Web Service API,Scripting in VBScript and JScript


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Rok založení: 1993Počet zákazníků (prosinec 2011): více než 1200Počet zaměstnanců (prosinec 2011): 264Mezi zákazníky SAP ČR je 77 firem z CZECH TOP 100Mezi zákazníky SAP ČR je 10 firem z CZECH TOP 10

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SPOLEČNOST SAP Společnost SAP ČR je dceřinou společností německého softwarového gigantu SAP AG. SAP AG byla založena už v roce 1972 v německém Walldorfu a v dnešní době má regionální zastoupení po celém světě. Společnost SAP AG je dnes se 183 000 zákazníky největším dodavatelem podnikového softwaru v Evropě a čtvrtá největší softwarová společnost na světě.

Na celosvětovém trhu slavila společnost SAP své první úspěchy se softwarovou aplikací SAP R/2, která byla zaměřena na uživatele s centralizovanou organizační strukturou. Největšího uznání od zákazníků se však dostalo podnikovému systému SAP R/3, který je založen na architektuře klient/server, v 90. letech. V roce 1999 byla představena e-business platforma, kterou dnes nahradil SAP Business Suite, jenž reprezentuje hlavní těžiště činnosti SAP.

SAP V ČESKÉ REPUBLICESpolečnost SAP působí na českém trhu od roku 1993. Díky znalosti lokálního trhu se českému zastoupení podařilo navázat mimořádně úspěšnou komunikaci se zdejšími podniky a organizacemi. Výsledkem je současných více než 1 200 českých zákazníků, z nichž velká většina patří ke špičce českého hospodářství a státní administrativy.

Podle nezávislého lokálního průzkumu je SAP největším dodavatelem podnikových aplikačních systémů (EAS) na českém trhu, a to s 45,5% podílem (IDC, 2010).

SAP ČR, v současné době zaměstnává 273 pracovníků ve dvou pobočkách, kteří se kromě obvyklé obchodní a marketingové činnosti věnují také jiným vysoce kvalifikovaným činnostem jako výzkum a vývoj, poradenské a implementační služby, školení a podpora zákazníků. V Brně se nachází vývojové a lokalizační středisko pro celou střední a východní Evropu a v Praze regionální zastoupení SAP ČR. V Praze se nachází také třetí a s 538 i největší zastoupení SAP v České republice - SAP Business Services Centre Europe, která poskytuje podporu v oblasti financí a lidských zdrojů SAP pobočkám v Evropě a Africe.

NABÍDKA SAPNabídka společnosti SAP pokrývá potřeby společností všech velikostí od velkých organizací v podobě kom-plexního integrovaného souboru podnikových řešení SAP Business Suite po střední a menší firmy pomocí specifických řešení přizpůsobených jejich potřebám.

Díky řešení SAP Business Suite mohou podniky na celém světě zlepšovat vztahy se svými zákazníky a partnery, lépe organizovat své činnosti a dosahovat vyšší efektivity pomocí svých dodavatelských řetězců. Do segmentu menších a středně velkých společností (SME) vstoupila společnost SAP ČR s řešeními SAP Busi-ness All-in-One a SAP Business One. SME řešení od SAP využívá v současnosti stále více českých společností.

V roce 2008 společnost SAP úspěšně dokončila akvizici společnosti Business Objects a díky rozšířenému portfo-liu se brzy stala předním dodavatelem v oblasti business software, enterprise performance management a busi-ness inteligence.

Společnost SAP považuje trvalou udržitelnost za klíčovou oblast všech business procesů napříč společností. Udržitelnost v tomto pojetí směřuje ke komplexnímu řízení ekonomických, sociálních a environmentálních rizik a příležitostí pro zvýšení krátkodobé i dlouhodobé ziskovosti.

První zákazníci implementovali řešení postavené na technologii in-memory computing - SAP HANA, které umožňuje analyzovat data během několika vteřin namísto dnů, či dokonce týdnů. Zájem, který tento nový produkt vzbudil u zákazníků je srovnatelný s ohlasem SAP R/3 v době jeho spuštění.

Díky akvizici společnosti Sybase v roce 2010 distribuje SAP a partnerské firmy řadu mobilních business aplikací, které otevřelo řešení SAP pro nové uživatele – ty, kteří trváví většinu pracovního času mimo kanceláře.

Cílem společnosti SAP je pomáhat při zdokonalování řízení podniků všech velikostí. Při svém působení na českém trhu sází společnost SAP především na dlouhodobou spolupráci s kvalitními domácími a globálními partnery. Poskytováním poradenských služeb pro produkty a řešení se v České republice zabývá více než 500 poradců pracujících jednak ve společnosti SAP, jednak u partnerských firem.

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SAP HANA® Cloud Platform is an in-memory cloud platform for today’s increasingly net-worked, mobile, social, and data-driven world. With flexible subscription models and optional services for apps, database, and infrastructure, it provides instant access to the full power of SAP HANA in the cloud. As the only cloud platform built on the SAP HANA platform, it powers the real-time applications companies need to succeed in business today.


Customers, partners, and SAP are all building, extending and running a wide variety of next-generation cloud-based applications on SAP HANA Cloud Platform. Examples include a patient portal for hospitals, a real-time traffic management system for a municipal port authority, a nutrition portal for consumers, fan engagement applications for national sports teams, virtual-shopping mobile apps for retailers, a customer engagement tool for sales representatives, an online car-accessory configurator, and delivery of personal-ized content and offers to public transit customers. These are mobile-ready Web and portal applications that bring together unstructured and structured

business and social content with minimal IT involvement and disruption to existing systems.

For customers and partners alike, SAP HANA Cloud Platform addresses the following business challenges:

• Connecting and more deeply engaging with customers • Increasing operational efficiency and reducing overall

business costs • Simplifying the development, deployment, and management

of cloud-based applications • Meeting rapidly evolving business needs at a low total cost of


Partners that want to build a successful cloud business can start by joining the SAP® PartnerEdge® program for Application Development. Members of this fast-growing program can:

• Network and collaborate with a passionate and expandingcommunity of developers

• Market and sell their applications on HANA Marketplace tomore than 232,000 SAP customers

To learn more and apply, go to

SAP HANA Cloud Platform

Build New and Extend Existing Applications in the Cloud with SAP HANA® Cloud PlatformPower Your Next-Generation Applications with the Full Capabilites of SAP HANA

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© 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Overview of SAP HANA Cloud Platform


SAP HANA Cloud Platform is packed with features that let you rapidly build, deploy, and manage cloud-based enterprise applications that complement and extend your SAP or non-SAP solutions, either on premise or in the cloud. With flexible subscription models and optional services for apps, database, and infrastructure, it provides instant access to the full power of SAP HANA.

Enterprise Platform Built for DevelopersSAP HANA Cloud Platform is an open-standard, Eclipse-based, modular platform as a service. It is certified at the latest indus-try cloud standards and operated by SAP. The applications can run in SAP HANA directly or in the JAVA Runtime Environment.

Standards BasedTo maximize development productivity, SAP HANA Cloud Platform leverages familiar open-source tools and frameworks. SAP HANA Cloud Platform currently supports Java EE 6 Web Profile and a subset of the Java 7 SE specification.

Support for other runtime environments, open-source tools, and frameworks is expected to grow, offering developers their preferred technologies for building cloud-based applications.

Native Integration with SAP and Non-SAP SoftwareSAP HANA Cloud Platform facilitates secure integration with on-premise systems running software from SAP and other vendors. Using SAP HANA Cloud Platform services, such as the connectivity service, applications can establish secure point-to-point connections to SAP HANA, Applications built with SAP HANA Cloud Platform support representation state transfer (REST) services and Web services interfaces to enable integration with other cloud-based applications, such as those from SuccessFactors, an SAP company. This enables developers to build loosely coupled applications that extend the value of SAP or non-SAP enter-prise solutions, whether they are running on premise or in the cloud.

In-Memory SAP HANA Cloud Platform includes the full power of the SAP HANA platform, taking full advantage of its real-time, in-memory computing technology and built-in analytics. As a service on SAP HANA Cloud Platform, SAP HANA is available to appli-cation developers without the worry of setting up or adminis-tering virtual database instances of SAP HANA.


Drive business innovation with SAP HANA Cloud Platform.

SAP HANA Infrastructure Services is the way to quickly deploy and manage your pre-licensed SAP HANA instances without hardware investments and setup time. Available in configurations ranging from 128GB to 1TB, SAP’s infrastructure subscription is a scalable, affordable way to deploy your SAP HANA licenses in the cloud.

SAP HANA DBServices is an easy, low cost way to be up and running with a fully supported SAP HANA system. With monthly subscriptions in configurations from 128GB to 1TB, SAP HANA DBServices delivers fast provisioning of SAP HANA and hardware, and includes a cloud management console for easy configuration and administration. This allows you to build realtime analytic applications using the development capabilities of SAP HANA.

SAP HANA AppServices builds on the capabilities of SAP HANA DBServices, and allows you to build and deploy the real-time applications required to succeed in today’s always-on, mobile, social and data-driven world. With comprehensive services for mobility, collaboration, security, systems management and more, SAP HANA AppServices is ideal for the creation of innovative, consumer grade applications, and for the extension of cloud and on-premise applications.


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© 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Secure Data PlatformComprehensive, multilevel security measures have been built into SAP HANA Cloud Platform. This security is engineered to protect your mission-critical business data and assets and to provide the necessary industry-standard compliance certifica-tions. This built-in protection extends from maintaining strong physical security of the data center to safeguarding the data and enabling full reliability of the service. SAP HANA Cloud Platform is certified to meet standards, including ISO 27001, Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) 70 Type II, and Inter-national Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3402, to help ensure complete infrastructure stability, security, and performance. These certifications are renewed regularly to keep up with evolving security threats.

Lightweight, Modular Runtime Container for ApplicationsApplications developed on SAP HANA Cloud Platform run in a modular and lightweight runtime container (lean Java server) on a virtual machine. They typically consume services that are centrally provided and logically shared across the platform to reduce overhead and maximize performance.

SAP HANA Cloud Platform provides a secure, scalable runtime environment with reusable platform services, such as the following:

• Connectivity service that enables secure integration withon-premise systems running software from SAP and othervendors

• Identity management service enabling single sign-on withthird-party identity providers

• Scalable document service for managing unstructuredcontent

• Mail service for processing outbound e-mail fromapplications

• SAP HANA Cloud Portal for mashing up OpenSocial gadgetsfrom third-party providers with applications built on SAP HANA Cloud Platform


With SAP HANA Cloud Platform, you can realize the full benefits of SAP HANA – fast.

Accelerate Time to ValueSAP HANA Cloud Platform lets you quickly build and deploy business and consumer applications that deliver critical new functionality to meet emerging business needs while connect-ing you with customers in more engaging experiences.

Extend the Value of Existing ApplicationsWhether your existing enterprise solutions are running on premise or in the cloud, whether they rely on data from SAP or non-SAP software, SAP HANA Cloud Platform provides con-nectivity based on the cloud connectivity service. As a result, the platform streamlines the integration of your new applica-tions at the lowest possible total cost of ownership.

Increase Developer ProductivitySupport for open programming standards provides a low barrier to entry for developers, making them productive from the start in building enterprise applications that can integrate with any SAP or non-SAP solution. No new coding skills are required.

The information in this communication is confidential and proprietary to SAP, and is for general informational purposes only; this information shall not be binding on SAP, nor shall this communication be construed or argued as a commitment or promise to do anything. SAP has no obligation to pursue any course of business outlined in this document or any related presentation, or to develop or release any functionality mentioned therein. It would be unreasonable for you to rely on the statements made in this document, as it is understood that SAP may, at any time, unilaterally, without any liability whatsoever, change, alter, revise, or abandon any part of its plans with respect to the software discussed herein. You agree that plans related to SAP HANA Cloud Platform are not guaranteed in any way, shape, or form, and SAP hereby expressly disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied (including all warranties of merchantability and all warranties of fitness for a particular purpose), in any way arising from, related to, or in any way connected to the information contained in the message. The information contained in this communication, and any related presentation on SAP’s strategy and/or platform directions and functionality are all subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. This information is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality. As noted above, this information is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement. This information serves for informational purposes only. SAP assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. You agree that it shall not share the contents of this communication (in whole or in part) with any person or organization without the prior express written consent of SAP, and it is agreed that you shall indemnify and hold SAP entirely harmless from and against any loss, harm, claim, demand, or consequence arising from, related to, or in any way connected to this communication or any unpermitted disclosure of the contents of this message.

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Lower Risk and Improve ROISAP HANA Cloud Platform requires no up-front capital invest-ment in hardware or software for customers and partners, allowing them to get started cost-effectively and reduce their overall risk.

Decrease CostsBecause SAP manages the platform operations (including patches and upgrades), SAP HANA Cloud Platform can reduce the cost of developing and deploying cloud applications.

AvailabilitySAP HANA Cloud Platform is generally available and for sale on the HANA Marketplace.


To learn more about SAP HANA Cloud Platform and the related partner program, visit

CMP20558 (13/11) © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice.

Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. National product specifications may vary.

These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies (“SAP Group”) for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.

SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries.

Please see for additional trademark information and notices.

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+420 475 214 781 [email protected]

ESP holding a.s.Vývoj mobilních podnikových řešení

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+420 475 214 781 [email protected]

ESP holding a.s.Vývoj mobilních podnikových řešení

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Mobilní přístup k datům

a jejich zpracování

v podnikových procesech


Komplexní mobilnířešení zlepšíchod podniku

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Mobilní přístup k datům

a jejich zpracování

v podnikových procesech


Komplexní mobilnířešení zlepšíchod podniku

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Mobilita napříč podnikovými procesy zajišťuje vyšší produktivitu celku

Vývoj mobilních

podnikových řešení

Technologický partner

Dodávky prvků automatické identifi kace


komplexnost služeb

maximalizuje užitek

1 2


Page 57: DOCURIDE 2014


Mobilita napříč podnikovými procesy zajišťuje vyšší produktivitu celku

Vývoj mobilních

podnikových řešení

Technologický partner

Dodávky prvků automatické identifi kace


komplexnost služeb

maximalizuje užitek

1 2


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Používané identifi kační technologie

Bezkontaktní identifi kace

Čárový kód

rozpoznání hlasu

Strojové vidění

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Používané identifi kační technologie

Bezkontaktní identifi kace

Čárový kód

rozpoznání hlasu

Strojové vidění

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Terminály - ruční, stacionární

Snímače - ruční, stacionární

Tiskárny - mobilní, stacionární


Dodávky prvků automatické identifi kace

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Terminály - ruční, stacionární

Snímače - ruční, stacionární

Tiskárny - mobilní, stacionární


Dodávky prvků automatické identifi kace

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cardHouseve skupině ESP

www.cardhouse .cz

kompletní kartové systémy i jednotlivé komponenty

• Zakázkový vývoj kartových aplikací

• Tisková pracoviště tvorby plastových karet

• Plastové identifi kační karty všech druhů

• Snímače karet stolní, mobilní

• Veškeré příslušenství a spotřební materiál

• certifi kovaný servis

Page 65: DOCURIDE 2014

cardHouseve skupině ESP

www.cardhouse .cz

kompletní kartové systémy i jednotlivé komponenty

• Zakázkový vývoj kartových aplikací

• Tisková pracoviště tvorby plastových karet

• Plastové identifi kační karty všech druhů

• Snímače karet stolní, mobilní

• Veškeré příslušenství a spotřební materiál

• certifi kovaný servis

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Důvěra v partnerství

Budeme pro vás skutečným partnerem

+420 475 214 [email protected]

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Důvěra v partnerství

Budeme pro vás skutečným partnerem

+420 475 214 [email protected]

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kontakt: Zuzana Plzenská

mobil: +420 737 200 262

e-mail: [email protected]