Document R Answers - African Economy


Transcript of Document R Answers - African Economy

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2. Voluntary Trade 3. Voluntary Trade 4. People and Industrial planners to specialize in making those things the market demands. 5. True 6. Self-Sufficient 7. Specialization 8. A. Gold B. Diamonds C. Platinum 9. Thriving precious metals industry 10. Oil Deposits 11. High Quality Cotton 12. (D) Specialization allows people to do a more efficient job at producing what they make best and trade for things they want. 13. (D) Gold and Diamond Mining 14. (A) Oil Production 15. (A) 15% 16. (B) Agriculture has suffered greatly and now Nigeria must import food. 17. (C) Cotton Production and Textile Manufacturing 18. Trade Barriers 19. Tariff 20. Imported 21. Exported 22. More 23. Protective Tariff 24. Quota 25. Embargo 26. Apartheid 27. (B) A tax placed on goods coming into one country from another 28. (A) A limit on the amount of foreign goods allowed into a country. 29. (D) A halt to trade with a particular country for economic or political reasons. 30. (D) Local farmers would be able to sale their grain since it would be cheaper than imported grain. 31. (B) They wanted South Africa to end its system of apartheid. 32. Attacked by Chinese troops and many were killed or arrested. 33. Improve the Economy 34. Agriculture 35. Constitutional Monarchy 36. Caste System 37. the Middle Way