Doctors and Experts About Distilled Water

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  • 8/10/2019 Doctors and Experts About Distilled Water



    Distilled water is the only water which runs through all water-basedlife forms. Here are the writings of doctors and experts who all supportthe bene ts of Distilled Water. Take note of the ST !D"# $%&S'ST &T(%)*+ which is recommended by them,


    't may safely be taught that TH %&)" ! S%)*T )" /*0 W!T 0 'STH!T /*0'1' D " D'ST'))!T'%&. 'nstruct the public how distillationcan readily and cheaply be done. 't furnishes a fruitful yield for thegenius that will de2ise a small distilling apparatus for the use of e2eryfamily.

    't would be safe to teach that the 3 & 0%*S *S %1 /*0 W!T 0both within and without the body has ne2er yet done any harm4 thatthe functional ailments that a5ict the great host of mankind# are in agreat part due to the fact of the imperfect elimination of wastematter# and that 3 & 0%*S )' !T'%&S %1 /*0 W!T 0 is a mostpotent agent T% 1)*SH TH + 10%+ TH %D"# through the skin# thelungs# the kidneys and the bowels. The diseases caused by impurewater are numerous and fatal.6

    7Dr. !rthur 0. 0eynolds# +.D.# Health $ommissioner of $hicago# fromDistilled Water and )onge2ity6 by lmer llsworth $arey# $hicago# in

    Suggestion maga8ine# (olume 9:# ;anuary 9# 9

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    energy goes up.

    When someone has dementia# the rst thing ' do is gi2e them lots of cold water all day# e2ery day. !bout three weeks later# ' start to seetheir dementia dissipate because they ha2e rehydrated their brains.*nfortunately# your brain actually shrinks as you dehydrate. yD0'&>'&3 )%TS %1 /*0 W!T 0# you get better neuron acti2ity andbetter cellular chemistry# and you?re able to detoxify the cells withwater.

    Water has to be pure# free from Cuoride# chlorine# and chemicals#which is why ' recommend distilled water. To achie2e optimum health#' recommend that you D0'&> ! H!)1 3!))%& T% %& 1*)) 3!))%&/ 0 D!".6

    7 Dr. 3ary &ull# /h.D.# from# 3ary &ull?s *ltimate !nti-!ging/rogram#6 >ensington /ublishing $orp.# 9

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    6 ,it is important that we 3'( T% TH %D" ! S*11'$' &T F*!&T'T"%1 /*0 W!T 0 in order that the blood may be kept in its normal Cuidcondition# and the disease-producing eGete matter eliminated.

    TH 0 'S &% $) !&S'&3 !3 &T !S '+/%0T!&T !S W!T 0# not onlyfor the exterior of the body# but for the interior from the crown of thehead to the soles of the feet. 't is a simple matter to drink a glass of water# yet the results of the act are mar2elous. ! 2ery small portion of it enters the intestines# but by far the larger uantity is absorbed intothe blood and enters immediately into the circulation of this life-gi2ingCuid.6

    %& 'S !)+%ST D0'( if he be particular as to his water supply# T%TH *S %1 D'ST')) D W!T 0.6

    7 ernarr +acfadden# from +acfadden?s ncyclopedia of /hysical$ulture# 9

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    To the best of our knowledge# there would not be any ad2erse healtheGects from TH $%&T'&* D '&3 ST'%& %1 D'ST')) D W!T 0.6

    7;ack !. ell J !ssistant Director# +ay 9A 9'&3 D'ST')) D W!T 0 1%0 =E " !0S. *ni2ersity of $alifornia )os !ngeles# se2eral years ago# told me ' had the bonedensity of a LL year old athlete. So# if in fact Distilled Water robbedthe body of minerals# ' would probably be crippled by now6

    7Dr. rian $lement# from the 2ideo# Why $hoose Distilled WaterM6


    What we as scientists and the public ha2e ne2er reali8ed is thatminerals collected in the body from water are all inorganic minerals#which cannot be assimilated NdigestedO by the body. The only minerals

    that the body can utili8e are the organic minerals Nfrom fruits and2egetablesO. !ll other types of minerals are foreign substances to thebody and must be disposed of or eliminated.6

    Distilled water then is water of the purest kind. 't is odorless#colorless and tasteless. The di2ine purpose of water is to act as asol2ent. 'n nature# water in e2aporation is so ne that your eyecannot percei2e it as it is drawn up into the clouds. Then it falls as

    rain# keeping the earth from being parched and burned. !s a sol2ent#it dissol2es rocks and soil. 't gures in the transport of nutrients intoplant life.

    'n the human body# water lls similar functions. ,Distilled water acts

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    as a sol2ent in the body. 't dissol2es food substances so they can beassimilated and taken into e2ery cell. 't dissol2es inorganic mineralsubstances lodged in tissues of the body so that such substances canbe eliminated in the process of purifying the body. Distilled water isthe greatest sol2ent on earth 7the only one that can be taken into thebody without damage to the tissues.6

    TH !( 0!3 / 0S%& D0'&>S ! %*T ! 3!))%& %1 W!T 0 / 0 D!".,TH'S 3!))%& 'S&?T T%% +*$H. +!&" + & D0'&> +*$H +%0 .6

    Today# many progressi2e doctors prescribe distilled water to theirpatients.6

    7 !llen . anik# +.D. excerpts from# The $hoice is $lear6


    ' personally ha2e been D0'&>'&3 ! 3!))%& %1 D'ST')) D W!T 0/ 0 D!" for o2er B: years. ' fast all food for a minimum of L9 daysannually. %2er the years ' ha2e done three B:-day fasts on Pustdistilled water. ' fasted a year ago for @: daysI B: days# then a breakof @ days eating only 2egetables# and then continued another L: daysNfor a total of @: out of @@ daysO. &o early death6 here# Pust perfecthealth and longe2ity.

    ' guess a man with an experience is not at the mercy of a man with anargument. $hange your water and change your health. Drink distilledwater puri ed nature?s wayI e2aporation and condensation.6

    Q9:#::: $ash will be paid to anyone who can pro2e that Rearly death?comes from drinking distilled water.6

    7 Douglas Hoo2er# author of Distilled Water and Health#6 1ounder of ! uamedia 0esearch 3roup# DistilledWater!

    7 1or Q9:#::: 0ewardI Send your published research paper and blind

    studies toI ! uamedia 0esearch 3roup# /.%. ox A9:EL=# San Diego#$!

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    %nly distilled water# the emptiest water is allowed. Distilled water isso empty# it is like a 2acuum# it is the uni2ersal sol2ent especially forunwanted mineral deposits. ;ust by D0'&>'&3 D'ST')) D W!T 0 %& !0 3*)!0 !S'S you dissol2e stones# and pre2ent new ones fromforming,6

    7 Dr. 0ichard Schul8e# &.D.# +.H. from his >idney Stone Dissol2ing0outine6


    't is +r. ennet?s theory that old age and ill health are caused by thecollection in the arteries and about the Points of lime and claysediments contained in drinking water. This mineral coating# hebelie2es# interrupts the proper circulation of the blood# pre2ents thenecessary irrigation of the skin# produces stiGness of the Points anddulls the action of the brain.6

    Distilled water and oli2e oil# one used internally# the other usedexternally# are my elixirs of youth#6 declared +r. ennett. They willcounteract the decaying conditions in the body. "ou must D0'&> )!03 F*!&T'T' S %1 D'ST')) D W!T 0# rub yourself with pure$alifornia oli2e oil# and take a moderate exercise. That is the secretwhich my friends ha2e so long wished to learn.6

    Why# ten years ago ' could not read without glasses. Today# ' canread the smallest print without arti cial aid of any kind.6

    7 +r. Sanford ennet# excerpted from The San 1rancisco $all#September LB# 9

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    air. /*0 W!T 0# W )) $%0> D# & ( 0 3 TS ST!) .6

    7 Dr. Homer Wake eld# +.D.# of loomington# 'll.# from the article#/ure Water &ot a /oison6 in The &ational Druggist# (olumes L

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    7 from# dgar $ayce ncyclopedia of Healing6 by 0eba !nn >arp

    The following is from W!T 0I S"+ %) %1 )'1 6 an article by Hugh)ynn $ayce discussing dgar $ayce?s readings on water,

    2eryone should drink at least 2e or six glasses of li uid e2ery day.This may be in the form of fruit or 2egetable Puices# milk# water orother li uids. >eep plenty of water in the system# so that eliminationsthrough the body are good.6 &o. 9=A-9:9

    There should be more water taken into the system# '& ! +%0$%&S'ST &T +!&& 0# so that the system 7 especially in the hepaticsand kidneys 7 may function more normally. Thus the correct mannerof elimination of drosses will be produced in the system. 1or there aremany channels of elimination from the system.

    )ack of water in the system creates and excess of those drosses whichwould normally be cleansed through the alimentary canal and thekidneys# and forces these NdrossesO back into the capillary circulation.This brings about congestion and a weakened condition# eitherthrough mental strain or physical strain for portions of the system4producing ill eGects.6 &o. LEA-/-A

    We need more water in the system# systematically taken# so that theacid in the system may be dissol2ed.6 &o. AA

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    0esearch and nlightenment# 'ncorporated# ('03'&'! !$H# (!#!ugust 9

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    7 Dr. $hester Handley# D.$.# +.D.# from his article# The 'mportance of Distilled Water in !ging6


    1or he draws up the drops of water# H D'ST'))S H'S +'ST '& TH0!'& which the skies pour down# !&D D0%/ */%& +!& ! *&D!&T)".6

    7 ;ob# from# The Holy ible# ;% =@ILAV


    %ften times the blood becomes tainted and needs to be puri ed.There is only one way of washing the blood and that is by means of dead water# undiluted water# distilled water which contains no lifeorganism# chemicals or similar substances. 't has to be dead water#i.e. water condensed from steam.

    Distilled water# by 2irtue of its weightI eGects a one pound pressureupon the minerals and acids which clog the bloodstream4 it pressesthem right through the system. 2en in a short time it eliminatesappreciable uantities of impurities from the blood.

    There is no hard and fast rule as to how to take The $ure4 it may betaken uickly or slowly# hot or cold. 't is left entirely to the indi2idualto decide according to temperament and physical condition.

    TH +!'& TH'&3 'S T% % T!'& TH & $ SS!0" /0 SS*0 and toensure that two cups are always taken at one time J ! T%T!) %1S ( & /'&TS / 0 D!". This is uite easy of accomplishment if the

    uantity is systematically regulated as followsI

    9. %n awakening take two cups.

    L. !nother two cups shortly before breakfast.

    =. Two cups in the middle of the morning.

    B. Two more L: to =: minutes before the mid-day meal.

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    body# minerals discarded from natural water !&D from the cells# theminerals which the natural water originally collected from its contactwith the earth and the rocks. Such minerals# ha2ing been rePected bythe cells of the body are of no constructi2e 2alue. %n the contrary#they are debris which distilled water is capable of picking up andeliminating from the system.6

    How much Puice can be taken safelyM ;ust as much as one can drinkcomfortably without forcing oneself. !s a general rule# one pint daily isthe least that will show any perceptible results# and /0 1 0! )"10%+ TW% T% '3HT /'&TS %0 +%0 . We must bear in mind that themore Puice we drink the uicker the results.6

    7Dr. &orman W. Walker# from his books# Water $an *ndermine "ourHealth6 and 1resh (egetable and 1ruit ;uices6 respecti2ely.


    The D'ST')) D W!T 0 helps clean the inorganic minerals from ourbody that ha2e accumulated o2er the years. 't helps transport thetoxins out of our body. !nd we need an ! *&D!&$ of this water#initially# as we are trying to help the body 1)*SH these toxins out sothat we do not ha2e to deal with a lot of symptoms of detoxi cationfrom cleansing.6

    7 Dr. %lin 'dol# &.D.# $.&.$.# from# Distilled Water6 7httpI watchM2Y rug;(m9b+F


    The 3erson household kitchen suppliesI ,W!T 0 D'ST')) 06

    3erson /!T' &TS & D /*0 W!T 0# ,+ost cities ha2e bottledwater businesses that D )'( 0 /*0'1' D !&D D'ST')) D W!T 0 T%H%+ S.6

    'f your municipal water supply is Cuoridated# it is imperati2e that you*S D'ST')) D W!T 0 1%0 !)) /!T' &T '&T!> 6

    7 Dr. +ax 3erson# +.D.# from# 3erson Therapy Handbook

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    ' Pust completed ! B: D!" D'ST')) D W!T 0S 1!ST T% H !) +"S )1from signi cant degeneration of my knees secondary to osteoarthritis.+y fast was fairly simple and straight forward. +y goal was to fast on9 3!))%& T% 9.E 3!))%&S %1 D'ST')) D W!T 0 !$H D!". ' wouldRpound a pound? Ndrink a pint uicklyO at least e2ery 9-L hours. ' wasable to obtain a @ week medical lea2e of absence and on day one of my medical lea2e ' began fasting on 9.E 3!))%&S %1 D'ST')) DW!T 0. ' am ecstatic with the results. ' lost =E pounds which was 2eryimportant for my knees. +y obPecti2e was to remo2e inorganic mineraldeposits throughout my body Nlike years and years of arterial pla uebuild-upO# howe2er ' /0'+!0')" D S'0 D T% 0 +%( !)) TH+'& 0!) D /%S'TS '& !)) %1 +" ;%'&TS which are greatly impactedby osteoarthritis. A weeks ago# ' had to order a seated walker to use atwork in my role as a nurse consultant. &ow that ' ha2e nished my B:day Distilled Waters fast# ' can walk and stand for hours with minimalpain.

    ' had my $H + /!& )S !&D )'/'D /!& )S D0!W& at L9 days and B:days into my Distilled Water fast and +" +!3& S'*+ /H%S/H%0%*S!&D $!)$'*+ ) ( )S W 0 !)W!"S / 01 $T)" &%0+!). This pro2edto me that D0'&>'&3 D'ST')) D W!T 0 D% S &%T ) !$H %03!&'$+'& 0!)S from our tissues. !nd +" )D) !&D T0'3)"$ 0'D ) ( )S!0 TH ST TH " H!( ( 0 &.

    ' return to work in = days feeling much better and able to do my workwithout the need for a walker. This E: something 0& is 2ery grateful

    for Distilled Waters Therapies &amaste 6

    7 Dr. $heryl 0. Scott# 0 /hD# ' $)$

    DR. J. H. TILDEN:

    y using succulent fruits and 2egetables in scur2y# or acidosis# +*$HD'ST')) D W!T 0 'S 1*0&'SH D TH %D" W'TH WH'$H T% 1)*SH%*T TH !$$*+*)!T D /*T0 S$ &$ . 1ruit and 2egetables containo2er ninety per cent water.6

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    7 Dr. ;. H. Tilden# +.D.# from '+/!'0 D H !)TH# 'TS $!*S !&D $*0 I! 0epudiation of the $on2entional Treatment of Disease# 9

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    Still another use for water is T% D'SS%)( !&D W!SH %*T of ourbodies# through the sweat of the skin# and in other ways# TH W!ST!&D W%0&-%*T /!0T'$) S which are no longer of any use.6

    +ost waters ha2e more or less substances dissol2ed in them. Waterwhich has much lime in it is called hard water. Such water is not sogood to drink# or for use in cooking# as soft water. TH!T W!T 0 'S

    ST WH'$H H%)DS &% S* ST!&$ S '& S%)*T'%&.6

    TH /*0 ST W!T 0 'S TH ST. 'mpure water causes sickness.6

    7 Dr. ;ohn Har2ey >ellogg# from# Dr. ;ohn Har2ey >ellogg?s $hild?s3uide to Health and Hygiene


    Salt water when it turns into 2apor becomes sweet and the 2apordoes not form salt water again# when it condenses. This ' know byexperiment. The same thing is true in e2ery case of this kindI wineand !)) 1)*'DS TH!T (!/%0!T !&D $%&D &S '&T% ! )'F*'DST!T $%+ W!T 0. They are all water modi ed by a certainadmixture# the nature of which determines the Ca2or.6

    'f one plunges a watertight 2essel of wax into the ocean# it will hold#after LB hours# a certain uantity of water# that ltered into it throughthe waxen walls# and TH'S W!T 0 W')) 1%*&D T% /%T! ) #

    $!*S TH !0TH" !&D S!)T" $%+/%& &TS H!( & S' ( D%11.6

    7 !ristotle# from +eterologica N''. =O# 1irst published in =E: .$.


    !&"%& D0'&>'&3 D'ST')) D W!T 0 $)*S'( )" W%*)D

    ( &T*!))" 0 T*0& T% &%0+!) W '3HT. The reason# hard waterlm imprisons the cells so tissues become water-logged. 0etention of Cuid is the chief cause of obesity. Distilled water again breaks the cellbarrier and the body weight returns to normal. Weight watchers willlose weight# regardless of present diet if they include B-@ glasses of

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    W!T 0 +%) $*) S# in contact with foreign substances# ha2e beencompared to cowboys cutting cattle from a herd 7 they 1%0$ TH '0W!" TW & $)*ST 0S %1 /!0T'$) S# 0 !> TH + !/!0T !&DH%)D TH + !T !".6

    + 0 )" 1')T 0'&3 TH W!T 0 'S )'> *S'&3 ! !&D-!'D.D'ST'))!T'% %& TH %TH 0 H!&D# 'S +%0 )'> D%'&3 S*03 0"%& TH W!T 0.6

    7 ldon $. +uehling# excerpts from /ure Water &owI 't?s Time for!ction6


    When one drinks impure# dirty water# the body acts as a lter#trapping a percentage of the solids suspended in the water. ! ltere2entually becomes clogged and useless J t only to be thrown away.The human body might well face the same fate.

    ut the basic point J that %&)" D'ST')) D W!T 0 !(%'DS +'& 0!)*')D*/S '& TH %D" J is an inarguable one. The deposits# which

    build up in a teakettle from repeated use# are traces of minerals leftbehind as the water e2aporates. D'ST')) D W!T 0 ) !( S &% S*$HT0!$ S J in a teakettle or in the human body. 't is true that in mosthospitals distilled water is used for newborn infants4 distilled water isprescribed for heart patients in many cardiac wards. !nd it is true thatkidney stones and other mineral-like buildups in the body are muchmore common in the areas where the drinking water has high le2els in

    inorganic minerals J and distilled water has none of those at all.

    'T 'S W'TH%*T D%* T TH ST W!T 0 !(!')! ) T% +!& J and theonly truly pure water a2ailable in our waste-laden society.6

    7Dr. /aul $onn# from &ot ! Drop To Drink6


    D'ST'))!T'%& 'S 11 $T'( $!*S 'T 0 +%( S TH W!T 0 10%+TH $%&T!+'&!&TS# 0!TH 0 TH!& T0"'&3 T% 0 +%( TH

  • 8/10/2019 Doctors and Experts About Distilled Water


    $%&T!+'&!&TS 10%+ TH W!T 0. Distillers ha2e se2eral maPorad2antages o2er other puri cation systems. ! good distillation systempretty much eliminates the need to e2er ha2e your water tested. 't?sthe only puri cation system ' know that remo2es e2ery kind of bacteria# 2irus# parasite# and pathogen# as well as pesticides#herbicides# organic and inorganic chemicals# hea2y metals Ndissol2edor otherwiseO# !&D ( & 0!D'%!$T'( $%&T!+'&!&TS.6

    7 Dr. Da2id Williamson# D.$.# from Why "ou Should Drink DistilledWater6


    'nterestingly# studies examining the role that cholesterol may play inpla ue formation ha2e shown that the BL-amino acid form of beta-amyloid builds up more easily in the brains of rabbits gi2en tap waterthan it does if these animals drink distilled water.

    % ('%*S)"# TH'S S*33 STS ! W!T 0 F*!)'T" 0%) '& !) H '+ 0?SD'S !S .6

    7 Dr. Harold D. 1oster# from What 0eally $auses !l8heimer?sDisease6


    !nd the R+atchless Sanati2e? Jwho has not known of its mar2elous

    curesM Twenty- 2e or thirty years ago it was all the rage in someplaces. ' ha2e seen many chronic in2alids who had worn out half ado8en regular physicians# and swallowed the whole round of patentnostrums4 but nothing e2er did them so much good as the R+atchlessSanati2e.? Well# 'T W!S ! +!T$H) SS + D'$'& . 't was the 2ery bestremedy# as a uni2ersal panacea# e2er sold to an a5icted mortal at anextra2agant price# for 'T W!S /*0 W!T 0# !&D &%TH'&3 )S 6

    7 Dr. 0ussell T. Trall# +.D.# from# TH T0* H !)'&3 !0TI %r#H"3' &'$ 2s. D0*3 + D'$!T'% !n !ddress Deli2ered at theSmithsonian 'nstitute# Washington# D.$.# 9K@L

    W!T 06

  • 8/10/2019 Doctors and Experts About Distilled Water


    To the days of the aged it addeth length4

    To the might of the strong it addeth strength4

    't freshens the heart# it brightens the sight4

    RT'S )'> F*!11'&3 ! 3% ) T %1 +%0&'&3 )'3HT.6

    'f children were properly educated# or rather# '1 + D'$!) + & H!D&%T +'S D*$!T D TH W%0)D# ( 0" !- -$ S$H%%) %" !&D 3'0)W%*)D H!( >&%W& TH!T /*0 !'0 !&D /*0 W!T 0 !0 TH


    7Dr. 0ussell T. Trall# +.D.# from# The +onth# a column in The Herald of Health# &ew "ork# December# 9K@=.


    Water is so 2aluable to the entire system of the human body that it iswise to use only the best. *S /*0 ST !+ D'ST')) D W!T 0 1%0H !)TH !&D W )) '&3.6

    7Dr. ;ohn 0. $hristopher# from 0egenerati2e Diet6


    TH %&)" T"/ %1 W!T 0 TH!T S +S T% 1'T 1%0$%&S*+/T'%& 'S D'ST')) D W!T 0# which is water that is absolutelyfree of any minerals or chemicals. Distilled water is made pure by rstbeing heated to the point of 2apori8ation# so that all of the Rimpurities?are left behind. Then# the water 2apor is condensed. The processresults in water that is in its purest form. D'ST'))!T'%& 'S TH S'&3)+%ST 11 $T'( + TH%D %1 W!T 0 /*0'1'$!T'%&.6

    7/eter !. )odewick# +.D.# from R! Diabetic Doctor )ooks at Diabetes?


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    TH H%+ D'ST')) 0 'S TH ST + TH%D and also the best way toget distilled water. 'T 'S TH %&)" 0 )'! ) H%+ W!T 0/*0'1'$!T'%& 1%0 T!>'&3 1)*%0'D %*T %1 TH W!T 0.6

    7 ;ohn "iamoyuiannis# /h.D.# from R1luorideI The !ging 1actor?


    ' ha2e to state that there can be no two opinions as to the protectiondistilled water aGords to crews of 2essels and to stations of the &a2yagainst infection from such diseases as are water-borne. When %&)"D'ST')) D W!T 0 'S *S D 1%0 D0'&>'&3 and other purposes#diseases of this class# as for example# cholera and typhoid# are littlefeared. 't is conclusi2ely pro2en that a large number of diseases towhich human beings are a prey are introduced into the economy bymeans of contaminated water used for drinking purposes. Distilledwater# as prepared and stored for use in the &a2y# is of course freefrom infectious agents# and 'TS 3 & 0!) *S 'S ! S%*0$ %1 30 !T$%+1%0T to the +edical %Ucers who ha2e the maintenance of thehealth of the many men in their charge. When the water supply isunder control# as on board 2essels of war# little apprehension is felt of the introduction of cholera# typhoid# etc. The numerous animalparasites that prey upon mankind and that are known to be water-borne nd little place in the medical statistics of the &a2y.

    'n conclusion# ' would say that TH 3 & 0!) *S %1 D'ST')) DW!T 0 '& TH &!(" is considered one of the principal factors in

    ST! )'SH'&3 TH H'3H ST!&D!0D %1 H !)TH that is maintained in

    the &a2y of today.6

    7 ;. 1. *rie# !cting $hief of ureau# Department of the &a2y# ureau of +edicine and Surgery# from Distilled Water and )onge2ity6 by lmer

    llsworth $arey# $hicago# in Suggestion maga8ine# (olume 9:# 9

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    ST!&D!0D? 1%0 /*0'1"'&3 W!T 0 'S ! S"ST + TH!T D'ST'))S "%*0W!T 0 and lters it. "ou ha2e the comfort of knowing there is nochlorine# Cuoride# bacteria# 2iruses# pesticides# or lead. "%* 3 T&%TH'&3 *T HL%.6

    70obert D. Willix# ;r.# +.D. from R+aximum Health?


    /*0 W!T 0# W'TH !S )'TT) S%)'D +!TT 0 !S /%SS' ) # andwater that is especially free from lime salts# 'S ! %*T TH %&)"D0'&> TH!T $!& S!'D T% 3%%D 1%0 0H *+!T'S+6

    7 Dr. (an Den urg# of &ew "ork# from# RHygiene? in Suggestionmaga8ine# (olume 9:# ;anuary 9# 9

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    7Dr. dward +. Wagner# from How to Stay %ut of the Doctor?s %Uce6


    2en tap water in2ariably contains a 2ariety of poisons such aschlorine# chloramine# asbestos# pesticides# Cuoride# copper# mercury#and lead. TH ST W!" T% 0 +%( !)) TH S $%&T!+'&!&TS 'S "D'ST'))'&3.6

    7Da2id $. >ennedy# D.D.S.I RHow To Sa2e "our TeethI Toxic-1ree/re2entiti2e Dentistry?


    The e2idence that D'ST')) D W!T 0 !$TS !S ! S%)( &T within thebody# dissol2ing the inorganic mineral deposits# is 2ery important. !growing body of e2idence suggests that distilled water dissol2es !&D0 +%( S TH S D'S !S -$!*S'&3 +'& 0!)S !&D 1)*SH S %*T THH*&D0 DS %1 D!&3 0%*S $H +'$!)S that ha2e been taken into thebody as well. Distilled water is not only free from pollutants# but itapparently helps remo2e them as well from the cells of the body# thus/*0'1"'&3 TH %D" S% TH!T 'T $!& 1*&$T'%& !S 'T SH%*)D.6

    7Dr. 0obert W. 1linchbaught# from /ure Water is )ife6


    D'ST')) D W!T 0 'S TH /*0 ST 1%0+ !(!')! ) . D'ST')) DW!T 0 H )/S T% $0 T $ SS'( H !(" + T!)S 10%+ TH


    7(icki 3lassburn# from Who >illed $andidaM6


    D'ST')) D W!T 0 'S Rempty? water J a hungry water# ! W!T 0

  • 8/10/2019 Doctors and Experts About Distilled Water


  • 8/10/2019 Doctors and Experts About Distilled Water


    ' am directed by the !cting Surgeon 3eneral to state that existingorders in the /hilippines re uire !)) D0'&>'&3 W!T 0 *S D "*&'T D ST!T S T0%%/S T% D'ST')) D# or at places where thiscannot be done# to be boiled twenty minutes. 't is not too much to saythat TH'S /0 $!*T'%& H!S S!( D !& &%0+%*S &*+ 0 %1 )'( Sduring the pre2alence of cholera and has pre2ented many cases of typhoid fe2er# dysentery and intestinal parasites. $ases of choleraamong troops in the /hilippine 'slands ha2e been repeatedly traced todrinking impure water in 2iolation of this order.

    &o deleterious eGect of any kind has been attributed to the daily useof distilled or boiled water.6

    7 +aPor Walter Tolle $awNMO# Surgeon *. S. !rmy# from Distilled Waterand )onge2ity6 by lmer llsworth $arey# $hicago# in Suggestionmaga8ine# (olume 9:# 9')) )!DD 0 $!&$ 0 $ ))S in 2itrothrough osmotic lysis NcytolysisO.6

    7 &ational $ancer 'nstitute# httpI www.cancer.go2 drugdictionaryM



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    The greatest damage done by inorganic minerals NhardO7plus waxycholesterol and salt7is to the small arteries and other blood 2esselsof the brain NAEZ waterO. Hardening of the arteries and calci cation of blood 2essels starts on the day you start taking inorganic chemicalsNand minerals from tap waterO into our bodies.6

    WH & D'ST')) D W!T 0 &T 0S TH %D"# 'T ) !( S &% 0 S'D*%1 !&" >'&D. 't is free of salts and sodium. 't is the most perfectwater for the healthy functioning of the kidneysNK=Z waterO. 't is theperfect li uid for the bloodNK=Z waterO# the ideal li uid for theeUcient functioning of the lungsNK@Z waterO# stomach# li2erNKEZwaterO and other 2ital organs. WhyM ecause it is free of all inorganicminerals. 'T 'S S% /*0 TH!T !)) )'F*'D D0*3 /0 S$0'/T'%&S !01%0+*)!T D W'TH D'ST')) D W!T 0.6

    7 Dr. /aul ragg# &.D. /h.T.# from The Shocking Truth !bout Water6


    $ommon water can be 0 &D 0 D / 01 $T)" /*0 "D'ST'))!T'%&6

    't is not possible in the 2ery nature of things 7in the organi8ation of our bodies and in its relations to external obPects7 to impro2e uponpure water# neither as a circulating Cuid con2eying nourishment to thetissues of our bodies# nor as a uencher of thirst.6

    /*0 W!T 0 $'0$*)!T S TH0%*3H TH +%ST D )'$!T T'SS* S#

    W'TH%*T TH ) !ST / 0$ /T' ) 10'$T'%& %0 '00'T!T'% withoutthe least perceptible disturbance to the senses# except by itstemperature# as it may be warmer or cooler than the tissues4 andwhen applied to an abraded surface# it falls on it !S H!0+) SS)" !&D

    )!&D)" !S 1!))S TH S&%W1)!> %& TH 0'( 0.6

    7 Dr. ;. 3. Webster# +.D.# from TH TW% S"ST +S6 an article in TheHerald of Health# (ol. L J &o. E# &ew "ork# &o2ember# 9K@=


  • 8/10/2019 Doctors and Experts About Distilled Water


    D'ST')) D W!T 0 !$TS !S ! S%)( &T '& TH %D". 't dissol2es foodsubstances so they can be assimilated and taken into e2ery cell. 'TD'SS%)( S '&%03!&'$ +'& 0!) S* ST!&$ # !$'D $0"ST!)S !&D!)) %TH 0 W!ST /0%D*$TS S% TH!T TH S $!& )'+'&!T D '&TH /0%$ SS %1 /*0'1"'&3 TH %D".6

    Distilled water has the inherent characteristics of a magnet# whichpicks discarded minerals and with the assistance of the blood and thelymph# transports them to the kidneys for elimination. 'T 'S TH'S >'&D%1 +'& 0!) )'+'&!T'%& TH!T 'S 00%& %*S)" 0 1 00 D T% !S) !$H'&3.TH &%T'%& TH!T D'ST')) D W!T 0 ) !$H S +'& 0!)S10%+ TH %D" 'S '&!$$*0!T 4 'T D% S &%TH'&3 %1 TH S%0T.Distilled water collects and remo2es inorganic mineral that ha2e beenrePected by the cells and tissues and which# if not e2acuated# cancause serious damage.

    %dorless# colorless and tasteless# distilled water contains no solidmater of any kind# no minerals# organic or inorganic and is madesolely of the two gases# hydrogen and oxygen. 't can be used as adrinking water# for cooking# for electric irons and batteries4 and it is sopure that it is used for intra2enous feeding# inhalation therapy#prescriptions and baby formulas. &;%" ! 3*!0!&T D $) !& 3)!SS%1 D'ST')) D W!T 0 TH & T T'+ "%* & D S%+ TH'&3 T%D0'&> !&D 0 )! .6

    7 Dr. Wayne /ickering# from The Distilled Water +yth6


    ! fre uent de2elopment while fasting is a dislike for water. This isparticularly true if the water is hard6. H!0D W!T 06 that# while oneis eating# tastes pleasant enough# 'S 0 ; $T D " TH SH!0/ & DS &S %1 T!ST . '& S*$H $!S S W 1'&D TH *S %1 D'ST')) DW!T 0# T% S!T'1!$T%0".6

    7 Dr. Herbert +. Shelton# &.D.# from The Science and 1ine !rt of 1asting# The Hygienic SystemI (ol. '''


  • 8/10/2019 Doctors and Experts About Distilled Water


    TH 0 !0 +!&" +!T 0'!)S TH!T ) $T0'$'T" D% S&?T )'> T%1)%W TH0%*3H. !ir# for example# is one thing that electricity can?tCow through 2ery easily. !ir is an insulator. %ther insulators includerubber# glass# ceramics# wood# many plastics and# S*0/0'S'&3)"

    &%*3H# D'ST')) D W!T 0.6

    7 1ederal mergency +anagement !gency N1 +!O#httpI www.usfa.fema.go2 downloads pdf pcm pcm[r:LEE.pdf


    %ne of the most important is TH D'ST')) D W!T 0 $) !&S'&3/0%30!+. !lthough most people don?t reali8e it# they ha2e a lot of sugar7including white sugar4 sugar from honey4 and sugar from fruit7packed into their muscles and fatty tissues. 't?s packed in therebecause their sugar metabolism wasn?t functioning properly. Theirbody neither burned those sugars for energy nor excreted them. *ntilthese stored sugars are 1)*SH D %*T %1 TH S"ST +# the body mayrelease them into the blood at any time# disrupting the blood sugarle2el. The distilled water cleansing program is designed to rid thebody of these sugars 7TH*S $) !0'&3 TH W!" 1%0 ! ST! )

    )%%D S*3!0 ) ( ).6

    7 Dr. $arey !. 0eams# in response to the uestion# What else do youdo to help the hypoglycemicsM6 from a 9'&3 %1D'ST')) D W!T 0.6

    7Dr. $arey !. 0eams# from# Health 3uide for Sur2i2al6 by Salem>irban

    FRANK N. HEPBURN, USDA:TH 0 'S &%TH'&3 ! %*T D'ST')) D W!T 0 TH!T W%*)D +!> 'T

    H!0+1*) 1%0 TH %D". 't may be helpful to remember that distilledwater is the only water a2ailable for crews of &a2al 2essels at sea.6

  • 8/10/2019 Doctors and Experts About Distilled Water


    71rank &. Hepburn# $hief# &utrient Data 0esearch ranch# *nitedStates Department of !griculture# $onsumer &utrition Di2ision


    Distilled water is water which has been heated to the boiling point sothat '+/*0'T' S !0 S /!0!T D 10%+ TH W!T 0 which itself becomes 2apor or steam. 't is then condensed back into pure li uidform. TH '+/*0'T' S 0 +!'& '& TH 0 S'D* which is simply thrownaway. Distilled water contains no solids# minerals or trace elements#and has no taste. Distillation remo2es the debris# bacteria# and othercontaminants.

    D'ST')) D W!T 0 H!S & ! W!T 0 /*0'T" ST!&D!0D in analyticallabs# pharmaceuticals# cosmetics# and many other industries for manyyears and more recently ! 3%)D ST!&D!0D 1%0 D0'&>'&3.Distillation duplicates nature?s hydrologic cycle. The sun?s heat2apori8es the water and draws it from the earth?s surface into theatmosphere. The impurities remain. !s the 2apor cools# it falls back tothe earth as rain# snow# and other precipitation. !s it lea2es theclouds# the precipitation is pure but as it makes is descent to the earthit picks up the 2arious forms of pollution found in the air. Then# as itreaches the ground# the water continues to pick-up contaminants onits way back to the 2arious bodies of water on the earth. 'nmechani8ed distillation# water is boiled in a distiller# which createssteam that rises and lea2es 2irtually all contaminants behind in theboiling chamber. Steam is then collected and condensed into pure#clean distilled water lea2ing the impurities behind to e2entually Cush

    down the drain. ecause of the heat in2ol2ed in the process of creating steam# all forms of bacteria and all water borne diseases aredestroyed. D'ST')) D W!T 0 'S TH %&)" 1%0+ %1 W!T 0# WH'$H 'S10 10%+ !)) $%&T!+'&!&TS !&D '+/*0'T' S. D'ST')) D W!T 0 'STH %&)" $) !& W!T 0. ('0T*!))" ( 0"TH'&3 'S 0 +%( D 10%+TH W!T 0 " ST !+ D'ST'))!T'%&6.

    7 Dr. +ichael $olgan# from# %ptimum Sports &utrition6


  • 8/10/2019 Doctors and Experts About Distilled Water


    Since L:9:# we?2e got a system on board that can /*0'1" THW!T 0 in real time# you don?t ha2e to take it out and store it in bags.We ha2e lters and a > 3-S' D D'ST')) 0 that spins to createarti cial gra2ity and mo2e the waste water along.6

    6 ,keep in mind that the water that we end up with is /*0 0 TH!&+%ST %1 TH W!T 0 TH!T "%* D0'&> on a daily basis at home#6Had eld says in the 2ideo. That makes the 'nternational SpaceStation its own self-contained en2ironment. That?s a $0'T'$!) ST /T%W!0DS )'('&3 1%0 )%&3 / 0'%DS oG of planet arth.6

    7 $ommander $hris Had eld# $olonel 0oyal $anadian !ir 1orce#$ommander 'nternational Space Station and $anadian Space !gencyX &ational !eronautics and Space !dministration# from the 2ideo#

    Water 0ecycling on the 'nternational Space Station6


    &ow as to the argument that distilled water leaches out minerals.This is true# and this is exactly what we want it to do. The minerals itleaches out are of the unusable# ionic form and we want these tolea2e the body rather than be deposited and cause disease. Distilledwater does not leach out signi cant amounts of biologically a2ailableminerals because these are uickly taken up by the body on an asneeded basis. 'f they are present in excess then they are lteredthrough the kidneys and this is exactly what needs to happen with allthings which are in excess in the circulation. D'ST')) D W!T 0$) !&S S TH %D" through promoting healthy kidney function.6

    7 Dr. 0on >ennedy# +.D.


    While the two methods described abo2e will kill most microbes in

    water# D'ST'))!T'%& W')) 0 +%( +'$0% S N3 0+SO TH!T 0 S'STTH S + TH%DS# as well as hea2y metals# salts# and most otherchemicals.

    Distillation in2ol2es boiling water and then collecting only the 2apor

  • 8/10/2019 Doctors and Experts About Distilled Water


    that condenses. TH $%&D &S D (!/%0 W')) &%T '&$)*D S!)T %0+%ST %TH 0 '+/*0'T' S6

    7 !merican 0ed $ross#httpI images + D'![$ustom/roduct$atalog mBBB:9K9[1ood[and[Water- nglish.re2ised[A-: *&& $ SS!0" 0'S>S# D0'&> H !)TH"# D0'&> D'ST')) D. To be Sure# se2eral drinks of local tap water will not killyou# but common sense will tell you that "%*0 %D" $!&&%T1*&$T'%& !&D S*0('( W'TH D!')" '&3 ST'%& %1 /%'S%&.6

    7 Dr. 'an Shillington &.D.# from# The 'mportance of Distilled Water6


    D'ST')) D W!T 0 0 +%( S /%'S%&%*S S* ST!&$ S and inorganicmineral matter from the human body. This process will be impeded if the water you drink is already contaminated.6

    6 ,only distilled water produces a completely negati2e ion reaction inthe system. &egati2e ions are alkaline-forming. These negati2echarged ions draw the positi2ely charged acid waste products#Cushing them into the elimination channels of the body for excretion.So e2en though distilled water tests slightly acidic# because of itsnegati2e charge# ! +%0 !)>!)'& '&T 0&!) S"ST +'$

    &('0%&+ &T 'S $0 !T D WH & D'ST')) D W!T 0 'S $%&S*+ D.6

    "our body is @:-K: Z water4 water is the chief catalyst and mediumfor all the energy reactions that take place. *sing higher energy# wet#D'ST')) D W!T 0 !SS*0 S TH!T TH %D"?S + T! %)'$

    &('0%&+ &T 'S !T 'TS ST H"D0!T'%&.6

    7 from Why Distilled WaterM6 by Dr. (arah Siedlecki. D%+# D /H.D.


    1irst of all D'ST')) D W!T 0 'S ! H'3H & 03" W T W!T 0. 'n order

  • 8/10/2019 Doctors and Experts About Distilled Water


    for it to end up high energy wet water it is going to ha2e to becomecationic. 0emember# cations can ha2e anywhere from E:: to

  • 8/10/2019 Doctors and Experts About Distilled Water


    the earth to organic minerals which our body can assimilate. '1 W$%*)D !SS'+')!T '&%03!&'$ +'& 0!)S W $%*)D S*$> %& 0*ST"&!')S T% 3 T %*0 '0%& 0 F*'0 + &TS or eat dolomite and stonesto get calcium and magnesium. '& 1!$T# TH '&%03!&'$ +'& 0!)S '&&%&-D'ST')) D W!T 0 !0 ST%& -)'> !&D ) !D T% D /%S'TS '&TH ;%'&TS which cause stiGness and pla ue in the 2ascular systemwhich causes arthrosclerosis.

    !fter making E gallons of water my distiller has about a tablespoon of stone like material left behind,better in the distiller than in my body.TH !( 0!3 / 0S%& $!& !S')" T!> '& S ( 0!) /%*&DS %1ST%& -)'> +!T 0'!) '& ! TW &T" T% TH'0T" " !0 / 0'%D %1 T'+ .

    TH +"TH TH!T D'ST')) D W!T 0 ) !$H S +'& 0!)S %*T %1 TH%D" 'S S'+/)" TH!T# ! +"TH.6

    7 Dr. 3eorge $romack# from# Distilled Water 2s. Spring Water6httpI tag dr-george-

    cromack page L


    $%&S*+/T'%& %1 )%W TDS W!T 06

    N&%T I D'ST')) D W!T 0 falls under the category of )%W TDSW!T 0.6 The term )%W TDS W!T 06 means water with a low TotalDissol2ed Solids count. Distilled Water is in the category of )%W TDSW!T 06 because it generally has a count of 8ero parts per million of dissol2ed solids.O

    ! $%++'TT 0 /%0T " TH W!T 0 F*!)'T" !SS%$'!T'%S$' &$ !D('S%0" $%++'TT 9

  • 8/10/2019 Doctors and Experts About Distilled Water


    W!T 0 1%0 +%&THS !T ! T'+ # all with no reported ill eGects. Thiswas con rmed with separate sources at the Da2id Taylor 0esearch$enter in !nnapolis# the &a2al Sea Systems $ommand# the ureau of +edicine and Surgery# and the &a2y n2ironmental Health $enter.1inally# the Surgeon 3eneral directed the &a2y to address the subPectformally in 9&%W& H !)TH 11 $TS %0 /0% ) +S H!( & 0 /%0T D as aresult of this widespread practice.6

    &!S! H!S 0 /%0T D &% ')) 11 $TS from the consumption of approximately .:E mg ) TDS water N .:E /arts /er +illion O on boardspace craft. 'T !// !0S TH!T TH /%SS' ')'T" TH!T TH'S $%*)DH!( & ! /0% ) + W!S & ( 0 S 0'%*S)" $%&S'D 0 D "&!S!.

    'n a eld test in oulder# $olorado with about E: families# anexperimental# 8ero discharge water system pro2ided drinking watercontaining about .:E parts per million TDS. &% ')) H !)TH 11 $TSW 0 $!*S D !S ! 0 S*)T %1 D0'&>'&3 TH'S W!T 0.

    'n conclusion# the eld experiences cited suggest that TH 0 !0 &%)%&3-T 0+ ')) H !)TH 11 $TS# S/ $'1'$!))" TH +'& 0!)) !$H'&3 10%+ H*+!& T'SS* # D* T% TH $%&S*+/T'%& %1 )%WTDS W!T 0.6

    7 Dr. )ee T. 0o8elle and Dr. 0onald ). Wathen# +.D.# from$%&S*+/T'%& %1 )%W TDS W!T 06 by TH W!T 0 F*!)'T"



    ' am &%T !W!0 %1 !&" D!T! ade uate to support the conclusionthat water with low le2els of minerals is unsafe.6

  • 8/10/2019 Doctors and Experts About Distilled Water


    7 Dr. dward (. %hanian# $hief of Human 0isk !ssessment ranch#*nited States n2ironmental /rotection !gency# from $%&S*+/T'%&%1 )%W TDS W!T 06 by TH W!T 0 F*!)'T" !SS%$'!T'%&


    &% '&1%0+!T'%& TH!T S*$H N)%W T%T!) D'SS%)( D S%)'DSOW!T 0 W%*)D H!( !&" !D( 0S 11 $T %& +'& 0!) !)!&$ .6

    7 Dr. 3alal-3orche2# World Health %rgani8ation# from $%&S*+/T'%&%1 )%W TDS W!T 06 by TH W!T 0 F*!)'T" !SS%$'!T'%&\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

    DETOX SYMPTOMS:When you read the diGerent doctors describe how distilled watermelts garbage inside of you# make sure you understand that thistranslates into real world e2ents. !s in# garbage W')) start to pour outof you 't has to come out ut better out than in# rightM So thismeans# you W')) ha2e detox symptoms. !nd e2erybody is diGerent asto how they detox# where they detox# and what they detox. 't alldepends on what "%* ha2e ingested and inhaled your whole life andwhat routes your body chooses to ePect the garbage.

    >now that these symptoms are only temporary. They can only last aslong as you still ha2e garbage inside of you. "ou can dial in the speedtoo. 'f it?s too much detox for you# back oG on the distilled water# eathealthy# consume more raw fruits# 2egetables# herbs# nuts and seedsand then come back to it again when you feel stronger.

    0emember# when they say this is the greatest sol2ent known to man#TH "?0 &%T >'DD'&3

    Here is a link to a short audio clip speci cally about detox symptoms,

    httpI a detox-symptoms

    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\How to start ac uiring Distilled Water,"ou can buy it in plastic gallon Pugs at rst. ig stores tend to sell thebest tasting. &%T because they make it the best# but because they

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    mo2e thru the most of it# and it spends the least amount of timepicking up plastic Ca2or from being in the bottles. Small drug storestend to taste the worst# because it spends the most time sittingaround in plastic bottles.

    %nce you decide you like it# you can buy a small counter-top distillerthat is good for one or two people for about Q9E:. They sell a cheaperone for Q9::# but it empties into a plastic catch# whereas the Q9E:model comes with a glass catch. They sell bigger# more con2enientfamily si8ed ones for about Q@:: to Q9E::. ! carbon pre- lter is agood idea for most kinds of waters# but S/ $'!))" important for anymunicipal tap waters as they contain H'3H amounts of (%$?s or(olatile %rganic $ompounds which ha2e a lower boiling point thanwater and actually make it through the distillation process. So# thecarbon lter catches the (%$?s before they e2er get to the distiller.The bigger Q@:: units come with a carbon pre- lter so that is great#but for anybody who gets the smaller Q9E: units which don?t comewith a carbon pre- lter# they need to lter it rst with a brita pitcher# arefrigerator door water dispenser# or a faucet lter# anything whichuses basic carbon ltering. There are some waters which don?t ha2eany (%$?s in them and you don?t need any carbon ltering# Pust tastea batch and see. 'f the water tastes like nasty plastic e2en after it hasbeen distilled# then you are tasting (%$?s and need to do the pre-

    ltering and the post- ltering.

    1or more infos about distilled watter please 2isitIhttpI a