Doc.: IEEE 802 EC-12/0004r1 Agenda February 2012 Jon Rosdahl, CSRSlide 1 IEEE 802 EC Interim Telecon...

Februar y 2012 Jon R osdah l, CS Slide 1 doc.: IEEE 802 EC-12/0004r1 Agenda IEEE 802 EC Interim Telecon – Feb 7 2012 Date: 2012-02-07 N am e A ffiliations A ddress Phone em ail Jon Rosdahl CSR 10871 N 5750 W Highland, UT 84003 801-492-4023 [email protected] Authors:

Transcript of Doc.: IEEE 802 EC-12/0004r1 Agenda February 2012 Jon Rosdahl, CSRSlide 1 IEEE 802 EC Interim Telecon...

Page 1: Doc.: IEEE 802 EC-12/0004r1 Agenda February 2012 Jon Rosdahl, CSRSlide 1 IEEE 802 EC Interim Telecon – Feb 7 2012 Date: 2012-02-07 Authors:

February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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doc.: IEEE 802 EC-12/0004r1


IEEE 802 EC Interim Telecon – Feb 7 2012Date: 2012-02-07

Name Affiliations Address Phone email Jon Rosdahl CSR 10871 N 5750 W

Highland, UT 84003 801-492-4023 [email protected]


Page 2: Doc.: IEEE 802 EC-12/0004r1 Agenda February 2012 Jon Rosdahl, CSRSlide 1 IEEE 802 EC Interim Telecon – Feb 7 2012 Date: 2012-02-07 Authors:

February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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Agenda and meeting slides for the Feb 7, 2012 EC interim telecon.

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February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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Agenda – Feb 7, 2012; 1-3pm1. Welcome/Intro/Approve Agenda – Nikolich 4 min2. Report: Single Sales Channel Update – Nikolich 3 min3. Report: Pending Appeal – 802.15.6 – Nikolich 3 min4. Report: Network RFP – Rosdahl 3 min5. Report: March 2012 Waikoloa Meeting Plans – Rosdahl 3 min6. Report: July 2013 Geneva Meeting Plans – Rosdahl 4 min7. Report: 802.21 – Sponsor Ballot Completions – Das 5 min8. Motion: 802.16 – Sponsor Ballot Request – Marks 5 min

Motion: To forward IEEE P802.16.1b/D2 for IEEE-SA Sponsor Ballot.

9. Motion: 802.11 – Sponsor Ballot Completions – Kraemer 10 minMotion: To forward IEEE 802.11ae to RevComMotion: To forward IEEE 802.11aa to RevCom

10. Update: November Workshop Action items – Kraemer 60 min11. AOB 15 min

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February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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1. Welcome/Intro/Approve Agenda

Nikolich 4 min

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February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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2. Report: Single Sales Channel Update –

Nikolich 3 min

Announced 2-2-2012 -- 802 Standards available for $5.

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February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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3. Report: Pending Appeal – 802.15.6

Nikolich 3 min

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February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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4. Report: Network RFP

Rosdahl 3 min

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February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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5. Report: March 2012 Waikoloa Meeting Plans

Rosdahl 3 min

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February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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6. Report: July 2013 Geneva Meeting Plans

Rosdahl 4 min

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February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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7. Report: 802.21 on two Sponsor Ballot Completions

Das 5 min

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February 2012

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IEEE 802 EC Interim Teleconference

Report from 802.21 on two Sponsor Ballot Completions  

Subir Das

Subir at appcomsci dot com

Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG

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February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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• During the November 2011 closing plenary the IEEE 802 EC granted conditional approval for the IEEE802.21a and  IEEE802.21b drafts  to proceed to RevCom

• Full details of EC presentation are available at:,  and

Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG

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February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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Sponsor Ballot Update


• The Ballot closed on December 08, 2011 

• The recirculation  comments (editorial)  are available at:, and

• The comments associated with remaining disapproves and the WG responses are available at: 

– and

Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG

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February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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Conditional Terms and Results

• As per LMSC OM Clause 14:

- The Ballot occurred, in accordance with the tentative schedule presented to the EC.The recirculation running at the time conditional approval was granted completed on schedule.  The additional recirculation shown on the plan is not required– The approval percentage is 98% for IEEE 802.21a   (63 Approve, 1

Disapprove).– The approval percentage is 96% for IEEE 802.21b   (60 Approve, 2

Disapprove).    - There are no new DISAPPROVE votes

• No new valid DISAPPROVE comments on new issues that are not resolved to the satisfaction of the submitter from existing DISAPPROVE voters     - During the last recirculation of IEEE 802.21a, we received  an APPROVE vote from one DISAPPROVE voter      - No new DISAPPROVE comments were received for IEEE802.21a and IEEE802.21b

Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG

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February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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• Based upon the results of the WG 802.21 recirculation ballots on P802.21a/D6.0  and P802.21b/D6.0, the terms of the conditional approval have been met

• An email was sent to EC reflector on December 09, 2011

• IEEE802.21a and IEEE802.21b drafts are in RevCom’s March meeting agenda

Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG

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February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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8. Motion: 802.16 – Sponsor Ballot RequestMarks 5 min

The Working Group Letter Ballot on this draft currently stands at 100% approval. A recirc will close two days prior to the EC telecon, so Roger

expects the approval request to be unconditional

Motion: To forward IEEE P802.16.1b/D2 for IEEE-SA Sponsor Ballot.

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February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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Motion 802.16.1bForward to Sponsor Ballot

• To forward IEEE P802.16.1b/D2 for IEEE-SA Sponsor Ballot.

• Moved: Roger Marks

• Seconded: Jon Rosdahl

• Approve:

• Disapprove:

• Abstain:

Roger Marks, Consensii LLC

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February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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9. Motion: 802.11 – Sponsor Ballot Completions

Kraemer 10 min

802.11ae – Completed Sponsor Letter Ballot 100%

802.11aa – Completed Sponsor Letter Ballot 100%

Motion: To forward IEEE 802.11ae to RevCom

Motion: To forward IEEE 802.11aa to RevCom

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February 2012

Jon Rosdahl, CSR

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Motion – 802.11aa (Robust Audio Video Transport Streams)

UnConditional Approval to RevCom• Grant Unconditional approval to forward P802.11aa to


• Moved: Bruce Kraemer

• Seconded: Jon Rosdahl

• This project completed Sponsor Ballot on D9.0 on Jan 27, 2012 with zero comments and 100% approval.

• Document 11-12-0179r3 is the report the requirements for unconditional approval to forward P802.11aa to RevCom.

• URL: 19

Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

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February 2012

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Motion – 802.11ae(Prioritization of Management Frames)

UnConditional Approval to RevCom• Grant Unconditional approval to forward P802.11ae to RevCom.

• Moved: Bruce Kraemer

• Seconded: Jon Rosdahl

• This project completed Sponsor ballot on Jan 04, 2012 with zero comments and 100% approval

• Document 11-12-0030r1 is the report the requirements for unconditional approval to forward P802.11ae to RevCom was approved in the WG: 61/0/0

• URL:

Slide 20

Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

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10: Update: November Workshop Action items

Kraemer 60 min

Workshop Action items doc::EC-12/03r1

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11. AOB

About 15 min

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February 2012

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