Doc ID: 6557795 - · PDF fileDoc ID: 6557795 ..,SECRRT BlSTORY ... F. Training G....

Doc ID: 6557795

Transcript of Doc ID: 6557795 - · PDF fileDoc ID: 6557795 ..,SECRRT BlSTORY ... F. Training G....

  • Doc ID: 6557795

  • Doc ID 6557795

  • Doc ID: 6557795

    .. SECRET

    Fiscal Year 1952

    ~tOWii~; 1 - /1.dn:inistration

    . Prepared by the Chief of Staff, G-2


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  • Doc ID: 6557795


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    the national defense of the United States within t he meaning of the Espionage Laws, 18, u.s.c., 793 and 794. The trans-mission '0r:-:tne ieve1~tion of its contents _ in any manner to an unauthori2ed person is prohibited by law.

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  • Doc ID: 6557795



    HISTORY OF ASA Fiscal Year 1952

    o. ) pages



    III. THE SITUATION l JULY 1951 }-11

    A. Mission

    B. ~nits

    c. Manpower

    D. Finance and Fiscal

    E. Plans and Policy

    F. Training

    ) G. Equipnent

    H. .Morale

    IV. THE PROBLEM 12-19

    A. Mission

    B. Units

    c. Manpower

    D. Finance and Fiscal

    :E. Plans and Policy . :

    F. Training

    G. Equipnent .:.

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  • Doc ID: 6557795

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    H. .Morale

    v. THE SOLUTION 20-36 ') A. Mission

    B. Unit5

    c. Manpower

    D. Finance and Fiscal

    E. Plana and Policy

    F. Training


    H. Mora.le


    A. Continental United States .37-61

    ) 1. Hq ASA Washington, 8600 AAU, Arlington Va. a. Arlington Hall 8617 A.AU

    2. Training Centers

    a. The ASA Training Center, 8622 A.AU, Fort Devens,

    (1) 50.3d Comm Recon Gp

    (2) Hq & Hq Det, 302d Comm Re con Bn

    (3) 306th CellllD. Recon Bn

    (4) 328th Camm Recon Co (Int)

    (5) 334th. Comm Recon Co (Int)

    (6) 35ls~ Recon Co (Scty)


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    . )

    . ~ \ ,,.- )

    .~. )

    (7) 354th Co.l!l111 Recon Co (Scty)

    (8) J58th Comm Recon Co (Scty)

    (9) 85.3d Comm Recon Det (Scty);es 376l(cont'd)

    b. The ASA Training Det 8>22 AAU, Camp Pickett, va.

    (1) .30lst Comm-Recon Bn

    (2) 33.3d CoJDJD, Recon Co (Int)

    (3) 353d Comm Recon Co (Scty)

    3. Field Statio.ns

    a. Vint Hill Farms Station, 8623 AAU, Warrenton Va.

    (1) Hq & Hq Co, 8623 AAU

    ( 2)



    ASA Casual Detachment, 8623 AAU ,. .

    Communications Security Det # 1, 8607 A.AU

    Field Station 8601 AAU, Warrenton, Va

    b. Two Rock Ranch Station, 8602' .AAU, Petalwna, Calif.

    (1) Field, Station 8602 AAU,

    4. Communications Reconnaissance Detachments (Liaison)

    a. 60lst Comm Recon ])et, First Ar!1f1, New York

    b. 602d Comm Recon Det, Second Army, Maryland

    c. 60.3d Comm Recon Det, Third Army, Georgia

    d. 604th Comn Recon Det, Fourth Anny, Texas

    , e. 605th Comm Recon Det, Fifth ArIDY', Illinois

    f 606th Co.D:llll Recon Det, Sixth Anny, California


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    .. )

    . : ... --'~\ )


    g. 7Ilth Recon Det, Army Field Forces, Va.

    5, ASA Research Detachment (Prov) 8617 AAU_, Camp Carson~ Colo.

    B. Territories and Possessions 61-70

    1. Hq ASA Alaska 8614 AAU, Fort ~ichardson, Alaska

    a. 33.3d Comm Recon Co, Fort Ricb:Lrdsen

    b. Field Station 8607 AAU, Fairbanks

    2. Hq ASA Caribbean, 8616 AAU, Fort Kobbe, C.Z.

    3. Hq ASA Hawaii, 8624 AAU, Fort Shafter T.H.

    a Field Statien 8605 .AAU, Helemano

    c. Pacific 70-133 l. ~apa.n

    a. Hq ASA Paeif ic 8621 ~U, :llQ~

    . (1) Hq & Hq Co 8621 .AAU, ~Qi

    .b. 356th Conm Recon Co (Sety), Chitose

    c. 85lst Camm Recon Det (Scty), Matsushima

    d. Field Station 8610 AAU, Kyoto

    e. Field Station 8612 AAU, Chitose

    2. Korea

    a. 50lst COOllll -Recon Gp

    b. JOlst Comm Recon Bn

    c. .303d Comm Recon Bn

    d 304th COJnin Recon En

    e. 326th Comm Recon Co (Int)

  • Doc ID: 6557795

    "\ .'


    r. 3.29th Comm Recon Co (Int) .

    g. 3~h Comm Recon Co (Int)

    h. 352d Comm Recon Co (Scty)

    3. Okinawa

    a. 327th Can:Ill1 Recon Co (Int)

    b. Field Station 8603 A.AU

    4. Pbilippine.s

    a. Field Station 8609 AAU

    D. Europe 133-169

    1. Germany

    a. Hq ASA Europe 8620 AAU, Frankfurt

    (1) Hq & Hq Co 8620 .AAU, Frankfurt

    ) (2) Hq& Hq Co 8606 AAU, Herzo b. 502d Comm Recon Gp

    c. Hq & Hq Det 307th Corilm. Recon Bn

    d. 33lst Comm Recon Co (Int)

    't e. 332d Camm Recon Co (Int)

    r. 353d Camm Recon Co (Scty)

    g. 852d Comm Recon Det (Scty)

    h. Field Station 8606 AAU

    i. Field Station 8608 AAU

    E. Africa 169-172

    \ ./

    1. Field Station 8604 AAU, Asma.ra, Eritrea

    ) VII. GWSSARY 172-178 ,


  • Doc ID: 6557795

    /._) ., )



    This volume contains the history of the Pu:rrY Security Agency,

    (ASA or the Agency) excepting its operations which are recorded in

    volUI:Le II,. for the period 1 July 1951 through 30 June 1952.

    . Content has been derived from reports, rec0rds , . and correspondeoc~ '

    developed by requirement on ASA commanders worl~~wide .

    Authority and methods of compilation for this docUI:Len~ are contained

    in AR 200- 345, Subj: Field Organizationsjl8 Oct 1954; SR 525-45-1,

    Subj: Combat Operations, 24 Mar 1953; DA Pamphlet 20- 200, Subj: Guide . "

    to Preparation of American Military History, Aug 1951; .Staff Memo

    .: . No. 28, Hq ASA, Subj: Records Administration, 9 No,;. 1953.;, Circular 23, . . . \

    Subj: Historical Activities of the Army Security Agency , 28 June 1955.

    Throughout the r eport period, Headquarters ASA was located. at .

    " Arlington Hall Station, on the southwest corner of Ar lington Boulevard ~.\ ~.

    and Glebe Road~ in Arlington, Virginia. . . . . Comm.and of ASA was held by Major General Robinson E. Duff, 07388,

    .. f fl t.l-1\ S'-f . G, C> '3 f, I A'""~ S'I . USA f'rom .. -1--:JuJ.-1951 through JO June 1952. Colonel Julian H. Bauman, S ,

    :- . . . . . . . . . -'e: (f.,"

  • Doc ID: 6557795

    The Agency had been ineffective as a mobile ~pp0rt force frQIIl

    the close of Wi~ II until the Korean attack in the last month of

    f.y 1950.

    Fiscal year 1951, coinciding with the first year of Korean

    operations, was a period of build up in a dual role. nie Agency con-

    centrated on obtaining men, money, and material for an immediate

    mobile support in Koreaj while effecting increased capability in

    support of the strategic Armed Forces Security Agency (AFSA) effort.

    It was als0 a period of improvisation in irr.mediate needs, with long

    range planning for .future activity.

    At the end of fy 1951, increased mobile support was being afforded

    J the Eighth Ar!W3 in Korea, and strategic support had been maintained world-wide . With the expected arrival of the 50lst Co~munications

    Reconnaissance Group (CRG) in Korea to co1DI11and the CoD1Il.unications

    Reconnaissance Battalions (CRB) already present, the practical appli"""

    cation of the concept, ASA in support of a, would be under-

    As the preliminaries had passed the planning stage and were in

    precess of activation, fiscal year 1952 opened with the promise of

    increased capability in both the strategic and tactical fields.

    ~ .J


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    A. Mission

    'lhe Chief, ASA, was responsibie for ColIIJIUnications Intelli-

    gence (COMINT) and Communications Security (COMSEC) for the Department

    of the ~rmy (DA).

    'I'h~s mission included:

    (1) Formulation and i.mple.m.entation of plans, policies and 1 -

    doctrine on OOMINT and CClGEC for the Army.

    (2) Technical supervision of DA COMSEC activities to include



    cryptographic instructions and monitoring intra-service 2


    Preparation, pr0curement, storage, distribution; and

    accounting for all registered cryptographic equipment used 3

    by the Army.

    Conduct of !~"'r cryptologic activities to maintain direct ~ .. .., ' ) support of combat operations including intercept and

    . 4 processing of combat CCMINT.

    (5) Provision for Army personnel, facilities, and fiscal and : ~

    logistic support to incl ude intercept stations for AFSA

    Outbreak of Korean hostilities in fy 1950 had established need

    for rapid Agency expansion from its relatively weak post-WW ll p