Do you like fear?

Do you like fear? 1 Options Trading

Transcript of Do you like fear?

Page 1: Do you like fear?


Do you like fear?

Options Trading

Page 2: Do you like fear?


What is the comfort zone?

Fear certainly appears every time you start a new thing, because initially you get into unknown fields. If you get out of your comfort zone, you begin to feel fear.

But what is the comfort zone?Patterns are life situations which you have practised, you have gotten used to, and you live by. 

They are a sort of stereotypes that - despite the fact that they may even be uncomfortable - are hard to leave, because in that case you would get out of your comfort zone. The change will generate fear, because you arrive at unknown areas.A basic human model is being afraid of the unknown. However, fear may also be an incentive. People may have different reactions to it. If you want to change, you have to face your fears, you have to know them, and you must adapt them to serve your purposes.

Page 3: Do you like fear?


Believe in yourself!

If you can believe that you can do it and you are motivated enough, fear will be overcome by experience and knowledge over time.

Fear always feeds off of the basic feeling that you do not have the knowledge, the experience and the strength in yourself to do something.

Fear may inhibit you, but it may also help in recognizing what you do not know yet. If you can recognize what you do not know,  you will see what you have to learn in order to become confident, that is, to get rid of your fear.

Page 4: Do you like fear?


Can you imagine yourself as a successful investor?

There are four types of competency levels, each of which represents a different sense of fear:

Unconscious incompetence: you do not even know that you do not know it.

Conscious incompetence: you know what you do not know.

Conscious Competence: you know what you know.

Unconscious Competence: when you know it so thoroughly, that you do not need to pay attention to it, it isinyour blood. It feels like driving, at first it is difficult, you need to focus on it, but later on, it becomes an automatic, unconscious deed. I’m sure it has happened to you as well, that you had no idea how you got home, because your thoughts were elsewhere during your trip. This is unconscious competence. When you reach this level in your stock market experience and abilities, you will not fear any longer.

Page 5: Do you like fear?


Fear teaches you to learn, to educate yourself to get


Remember, it does not take two days. You did not get to this level in driving within two days either, you needed years for it, sufficient practicing, exciting situations, successes, failures.

If you had given it up in the first frustrating situation, now you would not be able to drive.

Fear teaches you to learn, to educate yourself to get better.

You can never be good enough on the market, you need continuous experience, learning and change. 

So if you treat fear positively, accept it as a friend, because if you use it well, it can serve your purposes and it will help you on your way.