Do You Know You

1 1 If a magic mirror would tell you the truth about persons, their life, their future what would you want to know ?


I f a magic mirror would tell you the truth about persons, their life, their future what would you want to know ? 1 3 C an you describe your dream house ? I f you can go back in time and choose a friend, H ow often do you talk to yourself ? I f you are given a chance to trade places with a whom will you choose and why ? celebrity in India, who would it be and why ? 2

Transcript of Do You Know You

Page 1: Do You Know You


1If a magic mirror would tell you the truth about persons, their life, their

future what would you want to know ?

Page 2: Do You Know You


2If you can go back in time and choose a friend,

whom will you choose and why ?

3Can you describe your dream house ?

4If you are given a chance to trade places with a

celebrity in India, who would it be and why ?

5How often do you talk to yourself ?

Page 3: Do You Know You


6What do you think this world will be like in 100 years

from now and what would be the state of our country ?

7If you have the power to travel to any part of this

world, where would you go and why ?

8How would you describe a perfect day ?

9Whom do you admire the most in this entire

universe ? why ?

Page 4: Do You Know You


10If you are given a choice to learn an art which you

don’t know now, what would you choose ?

11Would you like to be in the company of men / women ? In which sex would you want your best friend to be ?

12Which was the best year of your life. Why ?

Page 5: Do You Know You


13Which is the best way to relieve tension ?

14Would you like to be the Chief Minister of your state? If so, what are the issues that would get

immediate attention ?

Page 6: Do You Know You


15What will you be doing five years from now ?

16Would you love to go back in time or into the future ?

17You find a person very amusing. Will you be the first to start the conversation or wait to be approached ?

18Suppose you get an offer of one lakh rupees per

month as salary for the rest of your life and that you can have peace assured for all your problems, would

that spice up your life ?

Page 7: Do You Know You


19Imagine your friend has a bad body odour and bad

breath. Would you point out or keep quiet ?

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20If the whole world gets destroyed and you have a

chance to live in a fully provisioned shell along with one person, who would that be ?

21If you were to bring three dead people back to life,

who would they be and why ?

22A street named after you, a statue erected in your

honour, a postage stamp to commemorate your birthday. What do you think it would take to reach

these honours ?

Page 9: Do You Know You


23 Can you think of any couple who leads a happy

married life ?

24If God grants you three boons, what will you ask ?

25If you are to vote for an MLA candidate out of a list of

a thief, a rapist and a murderer, what will be you choice ?

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26Have you ever done this in public: spitting or nose

picking ?

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27Your friend’s mother packs a lunch box for you and half way through lunch, you find a cockroach in the lunch box. Would you throw away the food or take the cockroach out and continue eating your food ?

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28Who is the most important person in your life ?

What would you do to enhance your relationship ?

29Do you appreciate it when people go out of their

way to help you ? Will you still appreciate if they help someone else ?

30Do you believe in rumours ? Were you aware at any point of time that you were a part of a rumour chain ?

Can you recollect the last rumour that you have heard ?

31You move to a new place. Will you take time to sleep

at night because it’s a new place ?

Page 13: Do You Know You


32Your superior suddenly scolds you for no mistake of

yours ? Would you argue or try to reason out with him ?

33Have you ever tried to find out the secrets of

success from successful men? Who do you think is the most successful man you have ever met ?

34Would you spare your time to fill a questionnaire or would you think it a waste of time ? Do you believe

in the results of these surveys ?

35Are you proud about your community ? Would you

give special attention to someone who is of your community or who knows your mother tongue ?

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36 Do you believe in love at first sight ?

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37What do you think are the major issues that are

confronting our globe ?

38Do you believe in UFO ( Unidentified Flying Objects)

and life on other planets ?

39A lady with a baby asks for alms and a very decent

person approaches you and asks for money since he has lost his purse. Who deserves your help ?

40If somebody comes crying to complain, would you go

out of your way to settle it or listen to it patiently ?

Page 16: Do You Know You


41What if you are given a chance to start your life

afresh? Would you choose to be the same or different ?

42Your favorite verse / verses from a poem.

What is your favourite quote which you often use ?

43What is the best thing that has ever happened to

your town or state ?

44If you can do plastic surgery to any part of your body,

which part would you go for ?

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45Which is your favourite heavenly body and why do

you think so ?

46What is the feeling you get when you look at the sea ?

47What specific subject do you feel you know better

than other subjects ?

48Have you ever felt bad talking in your mother tongue

in a five star hotel or a mall ?

49Do you think having ‘community’ as one of the

criteria for admissions is good for our education ?

Page 18: Do You Know You


50Do you really say good morning or good night very

genuinely or do it just as a ritual?

51Highest place you have ever been and how does it

feel to be at the top ?

52Do you tend to puke or feel dizzy if you see a gory

accident ?

53Do you fume or relax when you get stuck in a traffic jam ?

54Your neighbours catch a thief and beat him black

and blue, would you also join the bandwagon ?

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55Have you ever thought that you are the best looking

person in this universe ?

56Your country wages a war and tries to justify it.

Would you stand by your country ?

57Do you think man is a territorial animal ?

58When you think of world leaders, which are the

faces that come to your mind ?

59What does it take for you to trust someone ?

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60Do you believe in a very lavish wedding or a simple,

humble one ?

61Do you believe in astrology, numerology and

vasthu? Can they change your destiny ?

62 If you know that one of your relatives is going to be alive only for the next 24 hours, what would you do

for him ?

63If you have the option of choosing your parents,

who would they be ?

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64You pester your grandmother to go with you for a ride

in the car which you have just bought. After a good time, you return back home. When she alights, you slam the car door accidentally injuring her fingers.

Now would you feel guilty for what you have done or try to console yourself saying that it was just bad luck ?

65 If you are authorized to kill anyone in this world,

who would you choose and why ?

66What would happen if you lost all your wealth

overnight ?

67You come home very hungry and find a cake to eat

and suddenly you have a visitor. Would you share the piece of cake or eat it all by yourself ?

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68What is your ambition in life ?

69You are one of the few lucky winners, eligible to stay

in a five star resort in Goa for five days along with five persons. Whom would you invite ?

70 If you were to dine with anyone in this whole world,

whom would you choose, and why ?

71 Is your birthday a special day for you ? What do

you think about your birthday ? Are you happy that you lived so long or sad that life on earth is getting

shorter with each passing day ?

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72If you were stuck in the middle of a war zone in Iraq,

what would be your view on war ?

73 If you think of a moral story, which story comes to your mind? Do you think that the story has served its

purpose in your life ?

74 What do you think is essential for success ?

75Do you think bad habits like smoking, drinking and chewing pan are some of the criteria things to make

you feel macho ?

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76Do you believe in ghosts and demons ? Have you

ever heard of people seeing it?

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77Do you like theme parks ? What would it be like to

have a free fall? Have you tried it?

78One of your close relative’s marriage coincides with

that of your friend’s marriage, and you are able to attend only one. Which one would you go for ?

79 Is life wonderful with or without a family ?

80Some acquaintances ask for donation for a temple

festival, in which you don’t have faith. Would you half heartedly give them money or say ‘no’ politely ?

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81Suppose you are given the ability to give speech to three animals from the animal kingdom, which would

you choose ?

82 Have you ever sympathised with people who live on

the roads and pavements ?

83 In case of a war, if you are asked to join the army,

( not mandatory ) would you volunteer ?

84 What would you ask God for if you had a chance to

interview Him ?

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85Are you an optimist or a pessimist ?

86Do you think the present education system is

outdated ? Are the subjects you read, relevant to your life or your profession ?

87Do you think it is rare to see genuine people ?

88 What do you think are the important qualities of a leader ? Who do you think is the leader in your country, in the sphere of politics and business ?

Page 28: Do You Know You


89Are you a materialist or spiritualist ?

90If you are to raise a kid, how differently would you

like to raise it? Would you like to thrust your opinions, and beliefs on the kid and so influence the kid

considerably ?

91What were you thinking about an hour ago ? Was

that thought anywhere close to your goal ?

92Which is more important: the actual incident or the

memories of it ?

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93Which is the greatest of all the inventions, List three

of them according to your priority ?

94What is the feeling you get, when you see people

working well past their age, to make both ends meet ?

95Have you ever wished to be popular? If so, in what

way ? Have you ever wished to appear on television ?

96You are entitled with one of the services free for a

life time: train travel, hospital, library or mobile phone. Which would you choose and why ?

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97When was the last time you shouted at someone

and why ? Did you feel bad afterwards ?

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98Have you ever felt one with nature ? Do you have time to listen to the sounds of nature around you ?

99Do you believe in organ donation ?

Have you enrolled yourself to donate your eyes or your body ?

100When you narrate an incident you witnessed, do you

usually exaggerate it or tell it plainly ?

101 Do you believe whatever you see on TV as fair? Has it ever occurred that there is someone who is

controlling the content of news ? Do you think news channels are unbiased ?

Page 32: Do You Know You


102What is freedom ?

103In your view which is the noblest of all the

professions ?

104Can anyone ruin your day without your permission ?

105Life is a rollercoaster, just got to ride it. But why is it scaring when it comes down both in life as well as in

the rollercoaster ? Did you enjoy it at all ?

Page 33: Do You Know You


106What if life is a joke ?

107You see three teenagers make fun of a mentally

retarded woman. How would you react ?

108In a day on what do you spend most of your time ?

109Which is the most difficult task you have ever

accomplished ?

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110Name the person you know with the purest soul ?

111If you pass by any mirror, would you like to see

yourself or just walk past it ?

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112Do we live to die or die to live ?

113 Which was the dream you enjoyed the most ? Which was the worst nightmare you ever had ?

114What was the biggest failure in your life?

Professional and Personal ?

115 When was the last time that you did something for

the first time ?

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116When did you last cry in front of another person ?

Did you expect them to cry along with you ?

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117 Would you like to know the date and time of

your death ?

118Imagine you are in a coffin with all the people you

know around you. What would your best friend, your favourite cousin, your boss think and say

about you ?

119Do you believe in God ? If not, would you pray

during a life and death situation ?

120Have you ever thought of committing suicide ?

What is that one thing that makes life worth living ?

Page 38: Do You Know You


121Did you like your school or college days ?

122If you have to pick one teacher from all your school life , who would you choose ? Have you ever done

anything to thank your teachers ?

123Do you think politics is a necessary evil ? Are you a

member of any political or communal outfit ? If not, why ?

124Whom do you prefer: your mother or father ?

125Have you ever been in a tight corner ? ( For eg., you

take a friend’s son and lose him in the beach )

Page 39: Do You Know You


126Your parents leave home for a wedding out of

station and warn you not to entertain friends. Would you listen to them or instead throw a wild party ?

127Which is the best gift you ever received? Costliest

and cheapest ?

128Do you expect people to wish you on your special

days like birthdays and anniversaries ? Will you remember to wish your loved ones on their

special day ?

129Have you ever tried to figure out what’s happening in

the mind of your loved ones ?

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130Scariest experience ?

131Have you ever imagined a world without you ?

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132Which was the best piece of advice you received ? Never mind even if it was in the form of a proverb

or maxim.

133 You go to a party with your friend and everyone

compliments your friend. Would you envy your friend?

134Some group of students tease a girl in a bus. Would you dare ask them to stop it or be a silent spectator

and enjoy it ?

135 Your favourite movie, song and lyrics ?

Page 42: Do You Know You


136Have you ever come across the word “dejavu” ?

Have you ever felt it ?

137 You speak with a very learned man and he uses some English words which you don’t understand.

Would you care to stop him and ask for the meaning, or pretend as if you know the meaning ? What if he

suddenly asks you whether you know the meaning of that word ?

138You are with a very rich group of friends and a very poor old friend of yours passes by not noticing you.

Would you care to go and say hello ?

139 Have you ever been exploited ?

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140What are the things that you would do to keep

yourself happy ?

141What would you give as a present for your best friend’s wedding ? Gold, cash, gift vouchers or a bouquet of flowers ? What would you expect for

your wedding ?

142 Of all the people close to you, whose death would

you find most disturbing ?

143Have you ever cried watching a film and would you

like to hide it from being noticed ?

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144Who was your first crush and first love ?

Page 45: Do You Know You


145You get into an argument with a friend and you hurt each other verbally. When you meet him face to face

next time, would you continue be angry with him, or forget about it ?

146What do you like the most and least about yourself ?

147Have you ever rehearsed what you have to say before

going for an interview or speaking to someone ?

148Are you organized ? How many times have you

misplaced your keys ?

Page 46: Do You Know You


149Have you ever pictured yourself as an old person

relying on walking sticks ?

150You fight with a friend over a trivial issue. Would you wait for the friend to come and patch up or would you

make the initiative ?

151 Do you agree with the fact that friends made in

trains do not last long ?

152Have you ever embarrassed any one by your

questions or have you ever been in this situation ?

Page 47: Do You Know You


153Did you ever read a joke at which you laughed to

your heart’s content ?

154Have you ever caught your friends lying to you ?

If yes, how ?

155Do you fall for flattery ?

156Do you get attracted to someone who has got a

similar personality, or a different one ?

157Do you find it easy to ask for a favour ? How would

you react if they turned it down ?

Page 48: Do You Know You


158What do you think you are doing with this life ?

159Which is the most expensive article of clothing you

have ever worn ?

160Have you ever felt ashamed or guilty for what you

have done ?

161Do you believe in life after death and re-incarnation ?

162If an acquaintance asked you how much salary you

were getting, would you gladly state the right figure or would you change it for your convenience ?

Page 49: Do You Know You


163Which is the most beautiful, ethereal face you have

ever seen ?

166Have you ever tried to interpret your dreams ? Has it ever occurred to you that it will happen ?

167During school years, when using bad language,

did it make you feel superior or inferior ?

168What was your favourite outdoor sport while you

were in school? Do you still play it, even after growing up ?

Page 50: Do You Know You


169 Do you ever play pranks with your loved ones over the telephone ? Have you tried it with a stranger ?

170Are you afraid of darkness ? Do you like to sleep

with a night light on or in pitch darkness ?

171As a kid have you ever been abused sexually by

your relatives or strangers ?

172Without hesitation name three persons who have

helped you in a very critical situation ?

Page 51: Do You Know You


173Do you have any kind of OCD, (Obsessive

Compulsive Disorder) ?

174If someone pays you 1 lakh rupees to shave your

head and keep silent for one day without explaining it to anyone, would you ?

Page 52: Do You Know You


175Do you like flowers for its fragrance or colour ?

176You just had a miraculous escape from death.

Hence forth would you mend your ways and try to lead a austere life, or still be the same ?

177 Which is your most treasured moment ?

178 If you have the power to choose the way you want

to die, which would you choose ?

179Do you have any specific long term goals ? How do

you plan to reach it ?

Page 53: Do You Know You


180If you can adopt two brothers and sisters, who would you like to adopt out of your friends and

acquaintances ?

181What is the most fascinating aspect of life ?

182 Have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach ?

When was the last time and for what ?

183What would happen, if one day, currency in the

whole world became invalid ?

Page 54: Do You Know You


184Do you get irritated when some tele - marketing executives call you on your cell phone to market

their product ?

185 Have you ever felt during a conversation, that the person to whom you are talking to, is boring ? Has it

ever occurred to you that you could have been a bore at times ?

186A friend flirts with another common friend of yours next to you, would you feel jealous or peeved that

you can’t be like that ?

187Have you ever hesitated to express your love for

someone when you were young ? Do you think you are still hesitant ?

Page 55: Do You Know You


188 What images comes to your mind when you hear

the word “police station” ? Do you think the police are polite to the public ?

189Suddenly you have to go by train to Delhi and the seats

are all full. You travel in an unreserved compartment. A TTI offers you a berth for a few hundred rupees extra.

Would you gladly agree or would you decide to stay back in the general compartment ?

190You travel in a luxury bus and suddenly you want to attend nature’s call. Would you ask the driver to stop

immediately or would you wait for the next junction to alight ?

191Which is your signature city ?

Page 56: Do You Know You


192Are you the type who hurries to do things at the

last minute ?

193You just felt a severe jolt or a quake. Who would you

call up first to find out if they were fine, other than your relatives ?

Page 57: Do You Know You


194Do you like to participate in slogan contests or lucky

draws. Have you ever won ?

195Did you ever hear of the word Tsunami before 26 th December 2004 ? Where were you at that time and

how did you know about it ?

196Your friend’s mother thinks that you are having a bad influence on her kid, so she asks you to stop coming

home. Would you stop or would you brush it off ?

197Would you wish to get caught in a lift with a lovely

person alone ?

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198Does listening to songs elate your mood ?

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199If you say hello to someone and the person does

not notice you, but someone else sees that you were ignored, would you blush or pretend you are

not bothered ?

200Have you ever been intimidated or threatened to

do something ?

201One of your colleagues harasses you, would you

take it up to the authorities immediately or give them time to mend their ways ?

Page 60: Do You Know You


202Do you like to be pampered a lot ?

203 How would you generally feel about people

wasting food in the plates after they eat ? Has it ever occurred there are many villages in our country

where people can afford to eat only once a day ?

204What do you strive for most in life ? Love, power,

knowledge, money, excitement, spirituality or anything else ?

Page 61: Do You Know You


205Doctors have advised you to be on liquid diet for a week. What food would you love to eat for breakfast on the day of your first regular diet ? Have you ever

tried detoxifying your body ?

Page 62: Do You Know You


206Who told you bedtime stories ? Have you ever

passed on these stories to the younger generation ?

207Do you like kids ? New borns or tiny tots ?

208Do you schedule your priorities in life ? Do you

organize things much in advance ?

209 If you see someone crying, would you also start

crying or feel sad ?

Page 63: Do You Know You


210How well do you know your city ? Have you ever

thought of exploring your own city, avenues and lanes ?

211Have you ever had a pen friend ?

212Do you like your name ? How would you feel, to

meet someone with the same name as yours ? If you can change your name , what would it be ?

213 You go with a girl who is your relative, and some persons pass a vulgar comment. Would you react

violently or would you pretend not to notice ?

Page 64: Do You Know You


214 Are you very much attached to your maternal or

paternal relatives ?

215Do you believe that going to places of worship or on a pilgrimage, would yield positive results ? Have you ever made promises to God in exchange for favours

received from God ?

216Have you ever kept up your new year resolution ?

217 Are you health conscious? What are the things that

you do to keep yourself healthy ?

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218You travel in an auto and he charges you an

exhorbitant rate. Would you agree, argue or politely tell him to reduce ?

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219 Are you corrupt ? Would you ever bribe to get things done ? Do you remember when was the last time you

were part of it ?

220What are the tourist attractions in your city ? Other than school trips, have you ever wished to travel to

these places when you have time ?

221 Do you still have the same role model you looked

up to when you were young ?

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222 If you were to choose a physical disability you could

live with, what would that be and why ?

223You decide to get dressed for a party. What kind of

attire would you love to see yourself in ?

224Are you punctual ? Do you think going late is trendy ?

225You see a eunuch on the road, do you look at him

sarcastically or pretend you are busy with your other things ?

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226Usually your father is home by 8 pm but there is no word from him even till 11 pm. If your mother panics,

how would you react ?

227What would you do if you were asked to spend one crore in a day, which should not be carried forward in

any kind of assets ?

228Have you ever thought that your actions influence the people around you ? Can you think of someone

who has influenced you recently ?

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229Are you a vegetarian or non - vegetarian ? If you see

how a chicken or goat is being slaughtered, would you still go ahead eating it ?

230What are the qualities you would look for in a person ?

231If you could prevent a Tsunami which could kill

50,000 people in Japan, or a train collision near your area which could kill 1,000 people, or a road accident

which could kill your best friend, whom would you choose to save?

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232Whatever money you get, your enemy would get double its value. Would you agree for this deal ?

233Would you give up watching movies for the next

5 years, if that would be compensated to satisfy the hunger of 1000 starving children in Bangladesh ?

234On your way to work, you see lots of people

gathered around an accident victim. Would you also join them to watch or call “100” for rescue ?

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235 Have you ever thought of celebrating your special day or anniversary in a charity or old age home ?

236Someone asks you a favour, but you are not in a

position to oblige, would you still agree to it so as not to hurt him / her ?

237Would you give your seat in a crowded bus to an

elderly person to sit ?

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238Would you try to atleast enquire, if you see a middle

aged couple along with their kids stranded on a highway late in the night ?

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239 If the friends you trust let you down at a very crucial

time, would you forgive them ?

240How many of your friendships have lasted more than

10 years and which of your current friends will be important to you 10 years from now ?

241How much are you worth in both movable and

immovable assets ?

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242How much time do you spend in a day watching

television? Do you think its worth your time ?

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243 If you are to assess yourself about the time that you have spent on this planet, how would you rate in a

chart of 1 to 10 ?

244What are you good at ? Have you ever tried to

analyse your strengths and weaknesses ?

245Comparing to how you were 10 years ago, to

what extent have you changed physically, mentally, friends, priorities etc.,

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246In times of difficulty, would you grind down or polish up ?

247 If you have decided firmly on one particular issue and

suddenly your friends advised you to do something else, would you trust your instincts or your friends ?

248Would you do anything for your friendship to last,

even if it demanded killing a person ?

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249 Did you urinate in public places ? Have you ever

done it because of some unexpected circumstances ?

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250Have you ever fought on the streets ? If so for what and when was the last time ? Did you win or lose ?

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251 Have you ever made a sacrifice. If so, would you keep boasting about it or would you keep quiet ?

252Have you ever cheated anyone ?

253For 10 crore rupees of brand new notes would you

be willing to lose your best friend’s friendship ?

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254Would you agree to leave India for ever, in return for

an island with all amenites near the Caribbean ?

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255If you are offered, to leak information about

confidential aspects of your company, for a very large sum of money, would you agree to it ?

256 Late in the night on a lonely highway, you drive full speed in your vehicle and suddenly someone falls in front of your vehicle . You ram the person down and no one sees you. Would you care to stop by to help

or go away ?

257After an excellent meal in a restaurant, you find one of the items has not been charged in the bill, would

you point it out or keep quiet ?

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258You are in an exam hall and you realize suddenly the person next to you is copying from your paper,

would you try to hide your paper or make the position better for the person to copy ?

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259Do you have any principles in life ? Would you like to compromise with it at times ? Has it ever happened ?

260Would you go without taking a bath or brush your

teeth for 1 month in exchange for a brand new car ?

261Do you like to get wet in the rain or are you scared

that you might catch a cold ?

262Do you like to gossip ? Has it ever occured to you

that others could also gossip about you ?

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263Which is the most creepiest of all the insects ?

What if you find one in your bed ?

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264What makes life so spectacular ? The small little

things or the big great ones ?

265Which would you choose ? A succcessful

professional life with an ordinary private life or a succesful private life with an ordinary professional life.

266Do you know your time, date and place of birth?

Have you ever tried visiting the spot where you first came to earth ?

267What do you think is too personal to share wtih others ?

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268What is the habit you are trying to get rid of ?

Do you regularly struggle to break these habits ?

269Have you ever empathised with the people’s family

who die in terrorist attacks in planes, trains and cities ?

270Do you believe that you will be a millionaire in your

lifetime ? If so, how do you plan to achieve it ?

Page 87: Do You Know You


Thanks for your time and patience in going through this book. As I have mentioned earlier, this book is a perfect gift for any

season. This life itself is the greatest gift one has and it’s our duty to make the best possible use of it. Now that you have taken time to walk through life, by now you must be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Focus on your strengths and jump start on developing your goals, realistic goals and work towards them. Drive your own luxurious car, dine at your favourite restaurant, live in your dream mansion, visit your favourite places on the globe, cruise through Mediterranean seas, scale mountains, take evening walks with your beloved, watch sunrise etc., All these things are possible and is very much within your reach. But you will have to stretch out and work for it. There is no black magic which can make all this possible overnight. Have realistic goals and try to achieve them step by step. Just like how a train journey has got a destination, the journey of life also has a destination. If you want to be one among the million, watch all the wonderful things in your journey pass by and reach your destination. If you want to be one in a million, then take charge of your life’s journey, don’t just watch , get down to enjoy the beauty of it. Its all in your hands. Are you one among the million or one in a million ? You decide. My last question :“ How can you understand others when you don’t understand yourself ?”Carpe diem!

Page 88: Do You Know You


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This is not the end of it, just the beginning. Please feel free to send in your suggestions and comments to me.

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