Do The Green Thing Social Media Metrics

Green Thing social media metrics 15 December 2010


At Do The Green Thing, we spend a lot of time finding the best inspiring Green Things, and sharing them with you on our website, Facebook page, in our monthly emails and on Twitter. We love to hear what you think, and naturally, we're also keen to know if we're helping you to Do The Green Thing. We track the numbers for all our digital presences to see how many people we reach, and how interesting you find us. There are a lot of numbers to collect, and it's not always obvious what they mean, or whether they're useful. So we've been doing some work recently to come up with a simple system to collect data from all the different sources (our email software, Facebook, Twitter and so on), combine it, and give us some monthly indicators of how well we're doing. We've posted up a slideshow here that shows how our system works, what assumptions we're making, and what we get out of it. And we're sharing it for two reasons: 1. If you're involved in something a bit like Do The Green Thing, you might find it useful as a model for measuring your own success. You'll likely have to tailor it to fit your circumstances and objectives, but it might provide a useful starting point 2. We'd love to get your feedback on whether you think this is a good model, and how you would improve it. So please let us know what you think, and if you find it useful. Thanks.

Transcript of Do The Green Thing Social Media Metrics

Page 1: Do The Green Thing Social Media Metrics

Green Thing social media metrics

15 December 2010

Page 2: Do The Green Thing Social Media Metrics


• What is Green Thing? “Green Thing is a not-for-profit public service that

inspires people to lead a greener life. With the help of brilliant videos and

inspiring stories from creative people and community members around the

world, Green Thing focuses on seven things you can do - and enjoy doing.”

• Green Thing and social media. Most people who see Green Thing content do

so through online social networking tools: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, email, etc.

• Social media measurement. We want to measure our impact through these

channels. How many people consider themselves ‘fans’ of Green Thing; how

many people engage with us; how much do they tell their friends about us?

• Feedback. We like feedback on how we’re doing. If you think we could measure

this stuff better, or you see a flaw in our reasoning, let us know. And if you’d like

to draw on this for your own social media measurement, go ahead. We’d love to

know if you find it useful. (Email me at [email protected])

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What we’re trying to do

• Show the trends over time in key measures of our success: how

many fans we have, how engaged they are, how much influence we

have through the social web.

• Show the relative effectiveness of all the different social networking

tools we use.

• Be confident in our figures so we know we can rely on them to make

decisions, and they stand up to scrutiny.

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What we’re not trying to do

• Campaign measurement. We run a lot of different campaigns,

sometimes several simultaneously. We have a different way of

measuring the success of campaigns, typically because we want to

answer different questions — and those questions vary so widely

across the campaigns.

• Insights for optimisation. We collect the raw data monthly. We’re

not using this for real-time review of campaign activity.

• CO2 saved. Our mission is to get as many people as possible Doing

the Green Thing, to prevent climate change. We have a system

(validated by experts) that helps us determine how effective we are

at changing behaviour and saving CO2. This is not that system.

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What we’re measuring: the audience model





This diagram shows how we model

our audience.

The following slides show how the

parts fit together …

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What we’re measuring: the audience model


‘Fan’ is a loose term – they’re

people who subscribe to our email

newsletters, like us on Facebook,

follow us on Twitter, or have

otherwise indicated that they like

hearing from us.

It gives us an idea of the potential

of our direct ‘first order’ reach.

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What we’re measuring: the audience model




Almost everyone we reach

directly is already a fan. But of

course we don’t reach all our fans.

For example, not everyone who

‘likes’ us on Facebook actually

visits our page.

But we’re not so interested in how

many people we reach; we’d rather

know how engaged they are …

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What we’re measuring: the audience model





Of the people we do reach, only

some of them are engaged. i.e.

interested enough to do something:

click through to the website, hit the

‘Like’ button, or write a comment

on our Wall.

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What we’re measuring: the audience model





With social media, many more

people can experience our content

than those we reach directly. This

can be through direct, personal

advocacy (e.g. blogging or re-

tweets), automated publishing

through networks (e.g. when

Facebook places stories in your

news feed), PR or paid media.

Influence is a measure of this

extended impact of our work. It’s

difficult to determine an absolute

figure, because we don’t always

know if someone has seen

something in their digital stream.

But we can track changes over


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What we’re measuring: types of activity

• Platforms. We experiment with a lot of social networking platforms to see

if they’ll work for us. We track all the significant ones: Facebook, Twitter,

email and our blog. We split out the data for each platform so we can see

how well we’re doing in each.

• Campaigns. Most of our content forms part of a campaign, e.g. Glove

Love or Buy Nothing. We often use one platform (like Twitter) to support

several campaigns at the same time. We collect data for all, but we

aggregate it for each platform. Campaign tracking is done separately.

• Ambient/continuous activity. As well work to support specific

campaigns, we also use these tools to share other content, news and links.

We collect data for this, but as with campaigns, we aggregate it all on the

platform level.

The end result is that we have a record of how well we’re doing on each

platform over time, with all campaign and ambient activity counted together.

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How we’re doing it

1. We collect metrics for each platform monthly and put them in a


2. Each metric is assigned as a type of measure: fans, reach,

engagement or influence.

3. We apply a weighting where necessary to account for any

misleading raw data. (Currently no weightings are applied, but this

is kept in as an option.)

4. The spreadsheet does some maths to groups metrics by type (fan,

engagement, reach), aggregate data for each type on each

platform, and sum across each quarter. It then draws charts on a

‘dashboard’ worksheet to show the relative performance of

platforms, and trends over time.

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How we’re doing it: the spreadsheet

1. All the social networks

we use are listed in

rows, split out by the

campaign activity

running in each. The

include different Twitter

accounts, Facebook

pages apps and groups

2. Each metric is classified

as a measure of fans,

reach engagement or


3. Space for a weighting

factor if we want to use


4. All metrics collected


1 2 3 4

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How we’re doing it: Email

• Our email delivery platform provides the standard metrics on

delivery and recipient behaviour:

Metric Type

Subscribers Fans

Emails opened Reach (direct)

Click throughs to website Engage

Forwards Influence

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How we’re doing it: Facebook metrics

• We use Facebook insights for our page and for the apps we use for

specific campaigns

• We also have a legacy Facebook group — we don’t collect metrics

for thisFacebook page

Metric Type

Net new page likes Fans

Active users Reach (direct)

Like and comments Engage

User posts Engage

Stream impressions Influence

Sustainability's Next Top Model Competition

Metric Type

Net new application installs Fans

Active users Reach (direct)

Content created Engage

Saved Shop 

Metric Type

Net new application installs Fans

Active users Reach (direct)

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How we’re doing it: Twitter metrics

• We currently use several tools to collect Twitter metrics.

• The tools currently available don’t quite support the ideal model we

have in mind, shown here:

Metric Type

Followers Fans

Click-throughs Engage

Mentions Influence

Retweets Influence

Use of our hashtags Influence

Reach of retweets and mentions Influence}Currently not directly

measurable (though estimates are possible for individual tweets)

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How we’re doing it: Twitter metrics (continued)

Twitter’s forthcoming in-house analytics product could fill in these

gaps. In the meantime, we use 3rd party tools to supplement the basic

metrics Twitter currently provides:

• Hootsuite: using trackable URLs, we can measure click-throughs to

our website

• Klout: provides some measure of our influence in Twitter

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How we’re doing it: Blog

• Almost everything we produce ends up on

• Google Analytics and Feedburner give us all the data we need and


• Some Green Thing content is syndicated elsewhere (e.g. on At the moment, we’re not measuring this.Metric Type

RSS subscribers Fans

Visits Reach (direct and indirect)

Comments Engage

Referring sites Influence

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How we’re doing it: 3rd party measures

We’re always trying out new tools to see how they can help us to

validate the data we collect directly from the tools we use (e.g.

Facebook Insights) and fill in the gaps in that data where necessary.

Currently, we collect data from:

• Klout to measure Twitter influence

• PostRank Analytics

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Assumptions we’ve made in order to come up with a practical system

• All platforms are equivalent. e.g. Someone who likes our page on

Facebook is just as much of a ‘fan’ as someone who follows us on Twitter.

• No de-duping between platforms. We know that, for example, some of

our email subscribers also follow us on Twitter. As the platforms don’t talk to

each other, we have no systematic way of determining how many duplicates

we are counting. This is less important when reporting trends over time.

When we report absolute figures, we apply a de-duping factor based on our

best knowledge of how much we’re over-counting.

• Where we count reach, we’re counting ‘number of times we reach

people’, not ‘number of people reached’. The platforms we use don’t

consistently report uniques.

• We’re counting ‘engagements’, rather than ‘engaged people’. The

platforms we’re using don’t consistently report ‘number of people

interacting’, but rather ‘interactions’.

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Problems, constraints and questions

This system is a work in progress. We welcome any thoughts on how it could be

improved. Some issues we’re thinking about:

• Does the model make sense? We want to be able to share these figures.

Are they meaningful to others? Does our categorisation stand up to scrutiny?

• Distinguishing direct, extended, and potential reach. We have no way of

telling if someone we reached on Facebook came there because they’re a fan

(i.e. direct), or if they followed a link from a blog (i.e. extended). And with

some tools, we can’t even be sure that we reached them at all. How many of

our Twitter followers actually see our tweets, for example?

• Twitter metrics. At the time of writing, Twitter’s official analytics service is

still in private alpha. The publicly available alternatives do not give us the data

we need. (They tend to focus on popularity or metrics for individual tweets.)

• De-duping. As mentioned above, should we use our weighting score to

account for over-counting? If so, how can we justify the weightings we apply?

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Problems, constraints and questions (continued)

• How can we measure real, personal advocacy? At the moment, this

is difficult for three reasons:

1. Some advocacy metrics are not readily available (e.g. number of re-

tweets over a time period)

2. Some metrics fall into a grey area between engagement and

advocacy – to what extent is liking something on Facebook a form of

recommendation? Is it equivalent to a re-tweet?

3. Most social software has built in functions to propagate content

through the network. Facebook, for example, publishes content from

pages you like onto your wall. This helps us extend our reach, but we

can’t really count it as direct advocacy

• Dependence on shifting toolsets. We have no guarantee of sustained

access to consistent metrics (as we would with server logs for a website,

say). We know from experience that available metrics can be changed

and withdrawn by the 3rd party services we rely on (e.g. Facebook).

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Thank you

[email protected]