DJI Marketing Plan

DRONE TECH Marketing Plan BY: Antonio El Hokayem Fadel Sadedine Wael Rif Mousa Nasser TO: Professor Michael Kfoury 25/04/2016

Transcript of DJI Marketing Plan

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Drone Tech

Marketing Plan

BY:Antonio El Hokayem

Fadel Sadedine

Wael Rif

Mousa Nasser

TO:Professor Michael Kfoury


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................................2


SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS..................................................................................................4

ECONOMIC FACTORS..................................................................................................................4

SOCIAL FACTORS..........................................................................................................................4

CULTURAL FACTORS..................................................................................................................5

POLITICAL FORCES.....................................................................................................................5

COMPETITOR ANALYSIS...................................................................................................6

CUSTOMER/CLIENT ANALYSIS.......................................................................................7

SWOT ANALYSIS..................................................................................................................9





MISSION STATEMENT......................................................................................................11


TARGET MARKET..............................................................................................................11

POSITIONING AND DIFFERENTIATION......................................................................13

MARKETING MIX STRATEGY........................................................................................14





ACTION PROGRAMS/ IMPLEMENTATION.................................................................18


CONTROLS/ EVALUATION..............................................................................................19


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Due to the advancements in technology in recent years, consumers are exposed to a wide

variety of unique products and offerings; an opportunity many organizations and

entrepreneurs are making use of. One of those unique products is the DJI drone, and it is our

goal and mission to introduce and sell this product and its benefits to the Lebanese public, as

the first official retailer in the country, through effective implementation of our marketing

strategy. The purpose of this report is to devise a thorough marketing plan allowing us to

focus on key areas that will have an impact on our performance. The outside in approach was

used when constructing the plan: viewing the current existing situation in Lebanon externally

by studying the implications of certain macroeconomic forces and performing a competitor

analysis as well as selecting the target market. With that information, we have the

fundamental tools to plan further and focus on building the overall marketing strategy, which

will help to put this plan into action. We are on a fixed budget and we have taken that into

account outlining all major expenditures in the first year ensuring that it is definitely feasible

to fund the project. Given the fact that our target market is highly aware and interested in our

offerings, there is a demand and need that will finally be satisfied. We believe that the

performance of the business will surpass all expectations and provide superior value to our

customers making this a very appealing and realistic venture to pursue.

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Innovation, sophistication, and creation. This is the world we live in today; technology is

rapidly growing, developing and controlling our lives; whether, implicitly or explicitly. With

a currently unstable economy, comes a similarly unstable market. Which makes it harder for

firms to market, compete, and sell their products or offer their services. Especially, that

people in recent societies are currently more aware of what is going on in the market around

them; whether talking about technology or any innovations that might either improve or

worsen their lives. Mainly, they focus at “why would I want to buy this product?” and

measure the pros and cons of that certain product, because nowadays the well-being of our

societies comes first, so anything that interferes or disrupts that course would be mainly

unwanted or even banned (For ex: banning Kinder surprise in the US and banning

buckeyballs magnet), in addition to the increase in NGOs calling for preserving the earth's

health and our health. These people target issues like pollution, global warming, disease

control and many more. After assessing the market we are present in, we would like to say

that for a product to succeed it has to be a good idea that will stand out among the other

similar products in the market, eventually by offering unique features.

The question is what else can we add into technology? What else can we do with the

technology we have? What further dimensions can we achieve? What further records can we

break? Well, DJI a Chinese Drone Technology Company founded in 2006 by Frank Wang,

manufactures commercial and entertaining unmanned aerial vehicles for aerial photography

and videography and several other purposes. DJI, manufactures a wide variety of products in

order to target vast segments of society. Why DJI? Well, were you ever able to fly an RC

aerial vehicle above the clouds and safely land again, were you ever able to fly your RC

helicopter or quadcopter out of your line of sight and not fear for the worst, was is it easy to

take crystal clear images and ultra HD videos at heights reached by real life helicopters and

high speeds. DJI, offers a wide variety of its Aerial products that solve all these issues and

also encourages people to buy it because it offers fascinating features at affordable prices.

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There are many factors that play a role when having the intention of purchasing a DJI drone,

such as income levels, saving levels and consumer confidence. Here in Lebanon, the income

levels are relatively low in comparison to other countries and the majority of people save

money for future use. Therefore, we are offering a variety of DJI drones with different

pricing levels so customers of different income can purchase our products.


Introducing a DJI store in Lebanon will make it very convenient for consumers to buy drones

for whatever purpose they desire. This might be a concern for many people around the

country as Lebanon has experienced numerous terror attacks and violent events in the past.

For this reason, members of the Lebanese public will be fearful of people using these drones

for the wrong reasons. This is a natural response that we intend to handle with effective

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personal communication and applying certain rules and regulations when it comes to

purchase, which will be discussed later in the report.


One of the most fundamental and prevalent beliefs in Lebanon is that of marriage and the

importance religious institutes, leaders, and parents place on it. This is a very valuable core

belief that impacts the performance of DJI in Lebanon. With every wedding the couple will

want the event filmed and DJIs do that exceptionally well. Another important note to point

out is the growing influence western society has on the younger generations, the millennials.

For this reason, millennials are shifting their beliefs from the norm and adopting more

adventurous and independent approaches to experiencing life. This cultural shift fits in

perfectly with DJI's values and brand personality.


In this part of our marketing plan, we will be discussing the political forces that may affect

the marketing process of our product whether in a direct or indirect manner. The political

forces that will interfere with our business are stated as political stability, Lebanese

governmental policies, trade agreements and the taxation arrangements (Lebanese customs).

Starting with political stability, political stability is the constant integrity and durability of the

current Lebanese ruling system. With an empty presidential seat, an increasing number of

Syrian refugees resulting from the war in Syria, and the constant tension with Israel; we can

easily say that instability is on the rise. All these forces stand in the way of our business. As a

result, this causes increase in corruption leading to ineffective governments. As shown below,

the control of corruption is decreasing as time passing; consequently, meaning that corruption

is on the rise (World Bank Group 2015).

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After analyzing and explaining the degree of political stability in Lebanon, it is crucial to see

how it would affect our product. Our business depends on selling Aerial Unmanned Drones

for Photography, videography, and several other functions. So taking into consideration the

current state Lebanon is at, people or other organizations wouldn’t buy it as it is not a crucial

element of their daily lives or in fact might be a source of fear and terrorism to some people,

which in turn would cause the demand for our products to decrease. However, in order to

balance out the degree of skepticism people have towards drones. We could use them for

many helpful purposes meaning that, drones could be used for military use, which would

serve in preserving the safety of Lebanon’s skies, people can use it for personal surveillance,

and film makers/directors can use our drone to aerially film their movie at extremely low

costs rather than renting a helicopter which would gulp a lot of their budget, far from these

examples the Lebanese Ministry of Tourism rented a DJI drone in order to film the Lebanese

beach, our horizon, our mountains, and many more sceneries. Second is Lebanese

governmental policies, at first the Lebanese government didn’t set any policy towards drones;

however, things eventually changed. Once they were used by a terrorist group in the Bekaa

and eventually shot down, and an unknown individual from Tripoli once bought 20 drones,

but the owner of the shop recognized that there was something somehow fishy about the idea

and called the police, eventually he was arrested and charged for terrorism. Following to

these incidents the Lebanese Army had to take action. According to the daily star, upon entry

of these drones to the country, programmers in the Lebanese army re-program the drone in

order to limit the maximum altitude it could reach and control how far away it could travel.

Last but not least is the trade agreements and the taxation arrangements. Well, Lebanon is

known for its relatively high taxation on imported goods on the borders or at the port.

Speaking of taxation, the Lebanese customs will charge any solid technological import

500,000lbp per 50kgs. Finally, till now no trade agreements have been made towards drone

trading in Lebanon (Lebanese Customs 2015).


It is crucial to analyze the competitors our business would face throughout its expansion in

the Lebanese market. After thorough research, we can conclude that DJI has little or no

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competition in the market; however, a lot of competition exists in other Middle Eastern

countries. Nevertheless, the Lebanese community might find other substitutes like the

Chinese quadcopter drones that are being sold for a maximum price of 50$, but they aren’t

comparable to DJI quadcopter drones whether speaking of stability, efficiency, automation,

and photography. Although the cheapest DJI quadcopter drone is priced at 435$, but on the

other hand it offers a huge set of benefits and advantages with it; as in the user wouldn’t fear

any crash and poor filming or camera quality. In addition, it is important to emphasize the

type of market our drones would be in. Now, even though there are a few sellers of those

Chinese nondurable drones, but there isn’t any major seller for high quality drones. So we

can conclude that we are in a monopoly, since we are the only seller of DJI drones.

According to our experiences, the few negligible competitors that exist do not even adopt a

proper marketing method; however, they focus on the selling concept of marketing which is

an inside-out vision. Meaning that they produce what they want and try to enforce it in the

Lebanese society by adopting the doorstep method and massive sales person activity. This is

a wrong approach in marketing, like DJI; they should see what the society needs and tune

their production into satisfying the people’s needs. You may ask “what do people or

organizations now demand from drones?” Well, people want to use drones for surveillance

meaning they need a good camera, a durable long lasting battery, and an automated system

allowing the drone to evade obstacles automatically or safely land and take off on its own.

DJI has the outside in view of marketing and successfully targeted the demand of consumers

in order to satisfy their demand. In order to prove that DJI has a successful way of targeting

the market, according to the daily star DJI’s revenue in 2011 was only 4 million dollars, in

2015 DJI managed to become a $6 billion business and currently own 70% of the Drone

market share.

Below is a comparison between DJI drone pictures and other drone pictures,


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The DJI Product targets the upper middle class on the younger scale, who value having new

products. That are technologically advanced, to keep up to date with the newest trends. The

wants of these potential buyers can be classified as exploratory wants; to explore the

surrounding areas using an eagle eye camera that captures every single movement that

happens in order to save memories. Also it can be job related, for example the NFL uses the

DJI drones to live stream their matches. Public Organizations are also our major target,

Ministries of Agriculture in lots of countries all over the world are using a DJI drone

specially equipped with pesticides that would hover above the fields of different types of

crops and efficiently spray 6-7 acres of land in an hour much faster and efficient than worker.

In addition to the ministry of agriculture, another prospective customer is the Lebanese

military, because our drones can be tuned to adopt several combat accessories such as

thermal optics to detect bombs and enemies from miles away and also terrain mapping which

gives a clear drawing of the grounds in a combat this helps soldiers in unfamiliar land to

navigate easily. However, these preferences of the people might change, because as we

already mentioned it targets the young people, and as a result of their growth their tastes and

preferences change. So to refocus their sight on the DJI we can use extensive promotion

campaigns that highlights the benefits of having such a user friendly state of the art


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1. The business is going to be branch based, which will solve many issues like people

complaining from lack of communication with DJI as no one in Lebanon is an official dealer

of DJI, people could only order online, making consumers annoyed as they cannot visually

interact with people who understand this product. It also targets problems like repairs, well

our branch will be able to repair and maintain your drone; rather than sending it to the U.S for

any repair.

2. DJI drones could be in use for different tasks; therefore, targeting different market

segments whether targeting people from Generation Y/Millennials(Teens) or people from

Generation X (Parents) and targeting people for personal use, film directors(Aerial filming),

Aerial Photographers, wedding planners(Wedding films), civil engineers, The Lebanese

Army, and Lebanese Ministry of Tourism or Agriculture.

3. DJI drones stand out from all other drones in the Lebanese market and the world, offering

mind blowing features. When talking about DJI drones you talk about the speed, efficient and

durable battery, auto piloting system which offers safe flying and obstacle evasion, crystal

clear 16 megapixel still images and extremely clear shiver free videos at 4K,1920HD,  terrain

mapping, and thermal optics for the use of military combat. The following capabilities could

never be achieved by any drone in the market, hence making our product incomparable to

existing ones in the Lebanese Drone Market.


1. Since the idea of drones is new to the Lebanese society, people are unaware of these

drones and their abilities and lack information about them, which would cause a lack of

interest in this field of technology.

2. Due to the poor economy in Lebanon, people might not want to pay hundreds of dollars on

a drone, and buy a regular fake Chinese drone costing 50$(DJI replicas).

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3. Other things that can limit our success are legal complications, further limitations on the

capabilities of the drone set by the government, and the limited cash budget available.


1.  Our company will be the only official licensed DJI retailer in Lebanon creating trust and a

feeling of prestige in the market. It is always a competitive advantage to be the first to create

an idea or bring in a new product, just like Apple did with the IPod.  

2. DJIs will be the ‘go to’ camera and device for many event planners across the country,

dominating the industry.

3. In addition, our products have the potential to be of great service in various fields such as

agriculture, construction monitoring, the Ministry of Tourism or even the Lebanese film

industry. Any organization looking to use high quality photography or videography for their

business goals will find great value in our offerings.


After careful analysis of the possible threats that we face when it comes to selling DJIs

drones, we have come up with the following:

1. Misuse of DJI drones , especially in Lebanon since we have many attacks most of which

are bomb attacks, we feel that they may fall at the wrong hands and become a possible threat

to the Lebanese people, which may lead to injuries ( minor or serious ) or possible death. This

is the biggest worry we are facing, if this occurs, we are very liable to get sued and in the

worst case scenario, ultimately shut down.

2. Due to advancements in technology these days, DJI makes excellent use of that and its

performance is second to none. However, traditional photographers and film crew used at

weddings and other events will begin to decrease their price and possibly spread bad word

about our products in order to compete, which may hinder our progress into introducing DJI

drones to our target audience.  


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“Creativity is at the heart of every dream. Every idea, every groundbreaking leap that changes

our world starts with the vision of talented creators. At DJI, we give these creators the tools

they need to bring their ideas to life.”


- Form agreements and contracts with credible event planners around the country, so that DJI

drones are present at every wedding, concert, ceremony, etc.

- No matter the occasion, when people look up at the sky, they will see a DJI drone casually

flying around. One year after opening, we predict that 75% of weddings in Lebanon will use

a DJI drone.

- Sales goals in the first month: Minimum of $150,000 from in store purchases of drones, not

accounting for accessories, renting or package sales.

- Provide training for every customer upon purchase, whether personal or by CD.

- Delivery within 24 hours for every online purchase.

- Deal with complaints swiftly and repair damaged drones as soon as possible.


We intend on selling and distributing our products and services to the following target


Event planners in Lebanon for weddings, concerts, and other events. There is great potential

in this market and concentrating our marketing efforts in this segment is essential.

The reason is that event planners are purchasing DJIs online and having them shipped in from

abroad; therefore, there is an awareness of the product and its benefits and there is an existing

demand. In a recent concert in Beirut, DJ Steve Aoki performed where a DJI was present to

capture some of the scenes. In addition, several wedding in Lebanon are incorporating the use

of DJIs due to the advantages it has over a manual filming crew. Besides concerts and

weddings, DJIs can be used in almost any event or ceremony from football matches to school

ceremonies, New Year celebrations and much more.

Professional and amateur photographers/filmmakers between the ages of 20 and 27. There is

no doubt that photographers and filmmakers will be interested in DJIs but when analyzing the

situation and determining what specific type of photographers/filmmakers in Lebanon will

take action to buy the product and thus serve as the most profitable market, it is definitely the

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early adopters. The young ones who are passionate about their work, willing to take risks and

try out new ideas that can enhance their experience, are the ones that will take initiative and

serve as potential customers in the early stages of our opening. After the first couple of

months, we expect other experienced professionals in the field to join in with the early


Other potential target markets include: Ministry of Tourism in Lebanon, Agriculture, and

construction companies to monitor progress of infrastructure and other public organizations.

Deciding whether to act on one of these target markets will depend on our performance in the

first few years.


Now that we have decided who to serve, it is necessary to understand how we will serve

those target markets. Since they are different markets, they require different marketing

strategies to appeal to their unique needs and values. Our marketing strategy revolves around

2 basic principles: positioning and differentiation. This allows us to forms our Value

Proposition which serves as the foundation for the next step and that is the implementation of

the marketing strategy through the 4Ps.

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When deciding on a strategy for introducing and developing DJI in Lebanon, we noted the

following possible competitive advantages:

-  High quality and performance (clear pictures/videos, stable motion, features and abilities)

- Ease of use

- Multi Purpose

-  Speedy delivery and after sale service (training, filming and repair)

- Design

- Durability and ruggedness

We selected 1-2 main competitive advantage for each target market allowing us to build a

unique and specific value proposition that is both appealing and memorable to our target


Event Planners: Performance and after sale service. Demonstrating the quality and scope of

the camera, height and distance the DJI can cover and the incredible stability of the drone are

all benefits that very few other drones on the market can provide. Once purchased, we offer

free training and explain exactly how to use the drone. If purchased online away from Beirut

we promise quick delivery within a maximum of 24 hours and training by DJI employee

upon arrival or the option of having the employee use the drone to film the event (one of the

packages to be discussed in the Price section)

Photographers/Filmmakers: Ease of use, multi-purpose and price. Nobody wants to buy a

drone only to spend hours trying to figure out how to use it. With the DJI that is far from the

case. (Put real life example of ease of use) The price is a possible advantage when comparing

it to other professional cameras which can be quite expensive.

We have opted for a ‘more for more’ positioning strategy. The relatively high selling price is

backed up by high performance, top quality salespeople and trainers, reliable and quick after

sales services allowing our customers to capture their memories and experience the beauties

of the world in the most unique ways possible.

Unique Selling Propositions (USP):  

“To event planners, our DJI products are state of the art manually controlled drones that take

photography and filming to the next level with a high quality camera and a powerful drone at

your disposal, you will be amazed with the difference in performance and results. In addition,

we value customer service and will provide you with quick delivery and all the training and

knowledge you need to be a master flyer, capturing the moment like never before”

“To passionate and adventurous photographers and filmmakers, our DJI products are what

you have been waiting for. They are state of the art manually controlled drones, with the

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ability to take wonderful high quality pictures or videos and with our help and training, they

are very simple to use, and great for a variety of purposes from filming movie scenes to

capturing the beauty of nature from distances only dreamed of. Take your experience to the

next level”



This Business should emphasize on generating a high level of customer-perceived value

through a well-thought and organized market offering. When observing this business, we can

find that it offers a wide range of products that can be marketed to a variety of target

audiences from the upper-middle class, to the NFL which live streams its matches, to movies

makers through the industrial drone which gives best professional aerial photography, another

drone is the inspire which from its name you can deduce that inspires great camera and aerial

performance. Visualizing what the product is all about gives an insight on what are the

important aspects to integrate in the product strategy; which are design (the dynamics and the

performance), branding, and product support service.

Regarding the product design, the DJI company keeps on updating its products with the latest

technologies and perfecting its old models with newer more attractive ones for example take

one of the DJI drones the Phantom series 3 was released January 5, 2016, then they modified

its specs and released a Phantom series 4 on March 5, 2016. With every different type of

drone this company introduces, it expands its target audience that’s why it has the different

models to give different customers the perceived value that they deserve. After all the most

appealing trait in any product is its design and performance that is why the DJI drones are the

easiest flying objects that any individual can use with the utmost confidence that it would not

get destroyed, because of the lack of experience in fly quadcopters.  

Branding is very essential in this type of business, because you are entering a new market and

thus you have to brand it in a way that it attracts the people you are targeting. Therefore, in

branding such a product an emphasis should be made on its quality, and that would help

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attract a bigger number of people that could be interested in buying a drone. Furthermore,

when branding a product in this cast the DJI drones they should be positioned in the minds of

the buyers as mentioned earlier as desirable designs with the power to perform up to the level

that exceeds the buyer's expectation in order to capture value on return. That is why the

company is going to emphasize on delivering this brand message to the client in order to

construct a strong brand reference.

Concerning the product support services, they are very important in such businesses. These

services include the website that we will create for the Lebanese region, helping people solve

any problems they might face, and also get the information needed to deliver the drones the

buy in an organized and timely way. Furthermore, the website will help the clients in buying

the model that best fits her/his taste. Therefore, with all of these features that help make the

customers life a bit easier will also create more customer perceived value as they will notice

the company delivering a product with an outstanding overall marketing offering.


Even the cheapest of products can be expensive if we are not able to sell on its value.

Effective promotion is the key to communicating the value and benefits of a product to

consumers. Promoting DJIs is an important factor in the company’s success, since it is a

relatively new idea in Lebanon. Consequently, it is crucial to communicate with customers

and try to make them aware of this business’ activities and what the business is offering. The

promotion mix consists of public relations, advertising, sales promotion, and personal selling.

The type of budget that will be used is the affordable method, since it emphasizes on

affording the promotion that we are using. The promotion mix strategy that will be used in

promoting the drones is the pull strategy, since there aren’t strong channels to handle the

marketing of such a product.

Advertising includes targeting a message towards the public. Therefore, we would be using

and informative type of advertising to inform the clients of the products they offer, and the

goal in mind is communicating customer value by introducing a line of new products. The

advertising message should spread awareness about the type of drones which the company is

offering with its various types that accommodates the needs and wants of different customers

from people who find it as a hobby of owning a drone to showcasing an important event. This

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distinction in how the public is addressed will make the customers remember the products on

display in a unique way.

The next step would be choosing the advertising media. The planned percentage of coverage

of the targeted clientele will be 50% in the first 6 months of integrating the company in the

Lebanese market. An average occurrence of 3-5 times per week is favorable. The main media

channel would be the internet through social media and Arab e-commerce firms like


The public relations strategy that would be implemented will be achieved by taking the

product line and introducing it in an exhibition that will promote the drones in an area with

crowded people and that would increase its publicity. Regarding the sales promotion tools,

the company would use price packs for example: the customer would buy a drone and pay for

it in full but will only pay 75% on the second drone he/she will buy.

Finally, the last tool in the promotion mix is the personal selling. Therefore, in this category a

salesperson will be use to attract the customers and persuade them to buy the product by

pointing out the benefits of getting a drone and how it would connect with the client, also the

salesperson would keep in touch with the buyer when he/she face any problem with the

product and help keep them satisfied. Moreover, word-of-mouth will influence other buyers

to buy drones by promoting, how the experience of buying and interacting with the company

was a great one.


Pricing plays an extremely important role when it comes to selling any product to a

consumer. It is worthy to note that each model has a different price based on features and

benefits, and prices may range from $400 to $5,999. We are going to sell these models and

the prices respectively:

DJI phantom 2, price: $400.

DJI phantom 3 , price :$575

DJI phantom 3.4k , price : $675

Phantom 3 advanced , price : $999

Phantom 3 professional , price $1,100

Phantom 4 , price : $1.399

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The newest models of DJI, The DJI Inspire 1.

- Inspire 1 V2.0, Price: $3,099 which only comes with a remote to control your drone.

- Inspire 1 V2.0 (all-inclusive package), Price: $3,499. Includes: Two quick release

propellers, battery heater in order to fly safely in cold temperatures, second remote control,

monitor hood to prevent sun from interfering with your perfect view and a spare intelligent

flight battery to capture more shots.

- Inspire 1 pro, Price: $ 4,499

- Inspire 1 pro (all-inclusive package), price:  $4,899. Includes: Two quick release propellers,

battery heater in order to fly safely in cold temperatures, second remote control, monitor hood

to prevent sun from interfering with your perfect view and a spare intelligent flight battery to

capture more shots.

- Inspire 1 pro black edition. Price: $4,799

- Inspire 1 RAW (dual remote), Price: $5,999. The most expensive model that we are selling.


Place is a very important factor when opening any store, you need to choose a place where is

fair and an area which attracts your target audience. Therefore, we have chosen to base our

company in Downtown Beirut (for now), renting an area of around 75 m2.

We have chosen Drone Tech to be in Ramleh IL Bayda, because we feel that is an area

convenient for our target audience and very well respected. Hence, word of mouth will be

helpful to our business, people would be willing to drive a distance in order to come to our

company and purchase our products.

Our store will be around 75 m2. Our storage room will be 25 m2 consisting of 100 DJI’s. 30

of which will be DJI Phantom 2 and phantom 3 as these models will be price convenient to

our customers, 10 DJI phantom 3.4k, 10 DJI phantom 3 advanced, 10 phantom 3

professional, 10 phantom 4, 5 DJI Inspire 1 V2.0, 5 DJI Inspire V2.0 (All-inclusive package),

5 DJI Inspire 1 pro, 5 DJI Inspire 1 pro (All-inclusive package), 5 Inspire 1 pro black edition

and finally 5 Inspire 1 RAW. All our products will come directly from the factory producing


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The 50 m2 will consist of a front desk, shelf stands to display our various models, couches for

convenience, room for maintenance and repairs, drawer for filing, a small area for customer

trial of DJI phantom 2 and DJI phantom 3.


Marketing implementation is transforming the company’s marketing plan into actions. It is

just as important as designing the marketing plan. After acquiring all the work permits to start

working in Lebanon, the implantation process will begin by renting a space so that the

company can set up shop preferably in downtown Beirut, then we will hire employees to

manage the shop, supplies, and sales. There should be a constant monitoring of the

performance and all inflowing and outflowing data, and to correct any errors that might

occur. Before this, the company should start finding suitable social media outlets that would

be used for advertising, like Facebook and Instagram as well as other means of promotion.

Finally, the business will begin its operations and customers will start visiting the DJI store

and purchase their desired drone. Furthermore, the company will monitor its marketing and

advertising efforts progress on a monthly basis, to check if any changes are needed. The

measures set for the company’s marketing plan will focus on operating customer-centered

controls like customer retention and ensuring that the marketing plan meets the pricing and

marketing objectives. The sales promotions and discounts should be updated frequently to

keep them circulating in the minds of the customers, which will make the DJI drones more


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Cost Object Estimated Budget Percentage

Rent, Property, Utilities $140,000 %23.3

Work Permit and Related


$6,700 %1.1

Employee Salaries $100,000 (Excluding Commission per Sale %16.6

DJI Drones on hand $108,000 %18

Advertisement & Promotion $100,000 %16.6

Cash on Hand $145,300 %24.2


Once the plan has been put into action, now begins the process of monitoring and controlling:

ensuring that the results and performance of the company are in line with its objectives. Key

areas to look into are sales, customer satisfaction, and return on marketing investment. We

have come accustomed to the term ‘Cash is King’ but we are aware that in the opening few

months we will be incurring a few losses. However, as a few months go by, consumers will

become more and more aware and convinced with our products and their value, sales begin to

steadily increase and by the end of the quarter we will compare that sales number to our

projected quarterly sales. If the outcome is way below what was expected, we will take a

closer look at our marketing strategy and take corrective action.

The success of the business is directly related to the level of customer satisfaction. How do

we measure that? One way is by sending them direct emails or phone calls (after scheduling a

time), asking them questions about the product and their experience and what can be

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improved. Once we have that information, we enter it into the customer relationship database

where we keep a detailed record of the unique characteristics of our customers and can focus

on improving in the areas they mentioned. The level of employee satisfaction has an impact

on customers as well. If we find in our questionnaires that our salespeople are rude,

unenthusiastic and unhelpful, we know where the bottleneck is. Developing and maintaining

great relationships with our customers will lead to a positive word of mouth and that is the

greatest form of marketing.

Finally we will be concerned with the return on our marketing investment, especially in the

opening few months due to the high level of promotion and costs to be incurred. Were the

exhibitions, social media marketing, and other efforts effective? Were they responsible for

people walking in the store and making the purchase? Estimating the marketing ROI is no

easy task but one way to find out the effect of our promotion efforts is to ask current

customers how they found out about our products and what caused them to buy, through

emails or even personally as they purchase the product.

Monitoring the performance of the business relative to the objectives and constantly adapting

to important and relevant findings is a sure way to enhance customer relationships, boost

sales, and invest our marketing efforts in value added tasks that have the most significant

impact on consumer buying behavior.

Page 22: DJI Marketing Plan



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