Djangocon 2014 - Django REST Framework - So Easy You Can Learn it in 25 Minutes

APIS with Django Rest Framework So easy, you can learn it in 25 minutes. (No, seriously)

Transcript of Djangocon 2014 - Django REST Framework - So Easy You Can Learn it in 25 Minutes

APISwith Django Rest

FrameworkSo easy, you can learn it in 25 minutes.

(No, seriously)


Describes an architecture

For the purpose of web apis:- stateless- support common HTTP methods- return internet media type (JSON or XML…)

HTTP Verbs


Like CRUD… sort of.

What do REST endpoints look like?


- GET will return a collection of all users


- GET will return a single user

Common HTTP Response Codes

200 - OK

201 - Created

401 - Not Authorized

404 - Not Found

500 - Server Error


Is a hard to pronounce word.

The operation will produce the same result, no matter how many times it is repeated.

PUT, DELETE - Idempotent.GET - Safe method. Produces no side effects.

Where DRF Comes inIt makes REST API creation easy!


A Modelclass Tweet(models.Model):

user = models.ForeignKey(User)

text = models.CharField(max_length=140)

timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

class Meta:

ordering = ['-timestamp']

And a ModelSerializerclass TweetSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):

user = serializers.Field(source='user')

class Meta:

model = Tweet

fields = ('text', 'user', 'timestamp')

The Result [


"text": "Bob is the coolest name EVAR",

"user": "bob",

"timestamp": "2014-08-29T18:51:19Z"




Field Validation def validate_text(self, attrs, source):

value = attrs[source]

if len(value) < 5:

raise serializers.ValidationError(

"Text is too short!")

return attrs



IsAuthenticated - Only allow authenticated Users

IsAdminUser - user.is_staff is True

class IsAuthorOrReadOnly(permissions.BasePermission):

def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):

if request.method in permissions.SAFE_METHODS:

return True

return obj.user == request.user


ModelViewSetsclass TweetViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):

queryset = Tweet.objects.all()

serializer_class = TweetSerializer

permission_classes = (permissions.IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly,


def pre_save(self, obj):

obj.user = self.request.user

Generic Views

APIView is base class. Takes care of routing.

Mixins provide common operations, and generic Views provide common combinations of mixins.

ex: ListCreateAPIView, UpdateAPIView



The DRF Request provides many methods we are used to seeing.

request.DATA is similar to request.POST

It handles data types we specified, and is available on all requests.



DRF Responses are unrendered.Return DATA, and status code.

Behind the scenes:serializer = TweetSerializer(tweets, many=True)

return Response(


ViewSet Routingrouter = DefaultRouter()

router.register(r'tweets', views.TweetViewSet)

router.register(r'users', views.UserViewSet)

urlpatterns = patterns('',

url(r'^api/', include(router.urls))


Browsable API

Unit Testing

Does our validation work? def test_create_invalid_tweet(self):

self.client = APIClient()

self.client.login(username='bob', password='bob')

url = reverse('tweet-list')

data = {'text': "x" * 4}

response =, data, format='json')

error_msg =['text'][0]

self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 400)

self.assertEquals(error_msg, 'Text is too short!')

When to use it?

New projects.- You don’t have to code for the framework, but it’s easier to integrate.

Clean models.

When to be cautious (IMHO)

Complex models, tons of interdependent validation logic, dealing with saving non-model fields on a model

Legacy Django… It’s out there.

Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go for it it, but prepare for hurdles.

Next Steps

pip install djangorestframework

Also, the documentation rocks.

Bye Everybody!@nnja