dizajn so ekoloski materijali

Универзитет “Гоце Делчев“- Штип Факултет за природни и технички науки Насока: Архитектура и дизајн Семинарска работа по предметот Еко материјали за дизајн Тема Дизајн со еколошки и природни материјали во ентериерот и екстериерот Ментор: Изработил: Проф. д-р. Борис Крстев Дијана Веселиновска 131552 1



Transcript of dizajn so ekoloski materijali



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. -. 131552

, , 2015

1. .............................................................................................................32. ?...42.1. ................................................................................................42.2. .........................................................................52.3. ...........62.4. ..................................................................................................72.5. , ..........................................................................83. ......................................94. ..............................................................................................125. 25 - ....................................146. ......................................................................................................277. ...............................................................................281.

. . - , , , . , , , ... , , .2. ? , , . , , , . , . , , . , , .


, . , 20 , , , . 10 , 5 , , 100% . . ? , 40+ Rolling Stones, , , , . , , , .


Pic. 1. Bathroom with natural materials, granite tiles2.2. , . . , . , . - , - , .

2. , - Pic. 2. Dining and living room with granite walls coated with dark wood details2.3. , . - ? . ? , , . , , . , , , , .

3. ,

Pic. 3. Bedroom by using natural materials, wood2.4. . . . , wow .

4. Pic. 4. Living room with wooden floor and wooden doors2.5. , , , , , , . , .


Pic. 5. granite stairs , , . , , .3.

6. ,

Pic. 6. Dining room with natural materials, wood , , , Filippo Carandini, Eponimo.


Pic. 7. Living room by using natural materials


Pic. 8. Dining room with wooden oak under , , , . , .

9. o ,

Pic. 9. Bath with natural materials, wood

10. Pic. 10. Bedroom to wooden oak under

4. , . .

11. , Pic. 11. Kitchen with dining room by natural materials, wood . .


Pic. 12. Eco apartment . . .

13. , Pic. 13. Dining room connected to the living room, wood under

. .


Pic. 14. Living room with wooden floor and stairs

15. ,

Pic. 15. Bedroom with natural materials, wood

, , . .5. 25 - , . , . , , , . . , . , .5.1.


Pic. 1. House built solely out of stone and wood5.2. E

2. Pic. 2. House built of wood and stone situated in the wild with a large roof5.3.

3. ,

Pic. 3. Modern and stylish eco apartments, which get a lot of energy from the sun


4. , Pic. 4. Torres house is made of marble, wood and volcanic stone5.5.

5. ,

Pic. 5. Elephant House or for the rest of us, Hobbit hole5.6.

6. - ?

Pic. 6. Eco house with a beautiful view of the river - what could be better?5.7.

7. , ( )Pic. 7. This house is located in the beautiful sunny city in Latvia (where it is located and the house above)5.8.

8. ,

Pic. 8. Japanese style house, made from bamboo


9. 100%

Pic. 9. House built from 100% natural materials5.10.

10. . Pic. 10. Safari guest house that looks like it should be in the Flintstones. Just dont expect to see any dinosaurs

5.11. E


Pic. 11. An eco farm at the top of a hill



Pic. 12. Eco housing in a beautiful location5.13.

13. ,

Pic. 13. Completely natural house, Sweden


14. 4

Pic. 14. Star of C4s Grand Designs



Pic. 15. This eco home is hidden away in the hillside


16. 70- , , ,

Pic. 16. Built in the 70s and handmade, using soil, car tires, glass bottles and cans



Pic. 17. This modern home can hardly be seen by the public


18. ,

Pic. 18. Believe it or not, this really is a house


19. Pic. 19. This eco home in Pembrokeshire is perfect



Pic. 20. This little eco home looks like something out of a storybook5.21.

21. , Pic. 21. Small but perfectly formed eko home5.22.

22. Pic. 22. This eco house has been designed for the modern family5.24.

24. , Pic. 24. Extremely environmentally friendly, but beautiful house5.25.

25. , Pic. 25. This impressive, natural home looks like a piece of art.

6. . , , , , , , , . , , . . , , . . -Frank Lloyd Wright, , , .7. http://www.designyourway.net/blog/inspiration/25-eco-friendly-houses-made-with-natural-materials/ http://www.zivotistil.mk/zoshto-da-koristite-prirodni-materijali-dokolku-go-redizajnirate-zhivotniot-prostor/ http://www.porta3.mk/fuzija-na-laden-kolorit-i-prirodni-materijali/ http://a1on.mk/wordpress/archives/33538828
