Division 7 South December Newsletter

Division 7 South | Region 16 | Cali-Nev-Ha District | Key Club International Please BEE Green! Don’t print this newsletter! The Monster mash The Official Newsletter of Division 7 South Key Club Volume: 4 Issue: 7 - December 2013


Check out what's happening in Division 7 South Key Club in December 2013! Get cozy by the fire, and enjoy this issue of the The Monster Mash!

Transcript of Division 7 South December Newsletter

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Division 7 South | Region 16 | Cali-Nev-Ha District | Key Club International

Please BEE Green! Don’t print this newsletter!

The Monster mash The Official Newsletter of Division 7 South Key Club Volume: 4 Issue: 7 - December 2013

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Happy Holidays, 7 South!

I hope your holiday season is filled with plenty of joy – Such compassionate indi-viduals truly deserve it. <3 To combat the issue of hunger in families this holiday season, Pleasant Grove Key Club will be hosting their annual, “Caroling for Cans” on Saturday, Decem-ber 21st in Jungkiet Park in exchange for canned food items that will be donated to the Elk Grove Food Bank. This event is being held in conjunction with our December DCM (3 PM – 4 PM). We hope to see you there once more be-fore the New Year, collecting food for the hungry, having fun, changing the world (you know, the usual). In other news – Elections season is here! I know for a fact that this division is brim-ming with strong, new leaders for the 2014-15 term. If you are interested in run-ning for office, talk to your club officers, or even the division leadership team. We would love to help you in any way possi-ble. Even if you aren’t interested, you’d be surprised to find out just how amazing of an experience it is to serve some of the most kind-hearted people you will ever come to meet. Good luck to those running. I bee-lieve in

each and every one of you! Please, how-ever, refrain from campaigning, and re-member that it is not an election or ap-pointment that makes you an officer – it’s what you do with the title. This goes both ways – for those of you who might not get the position you want, bear in mind that you do not need to be an officer to make a difference. With that being said, I hope you all did well on your finals, and that you have a wonderful winter break. We will see you next year! Love, LTG Emily


In service and friendship,

Emily Mu

Division 7 South Lt. Governor

Region 16 | Cali-Nev-Ha District Cell: (916) 752-3717


‘Tis the season to be jolly,

Division 7 South!

I hope you all are having a

wonderful holiday season!

To add to the season’s

greetings and good vibes,

we have a great

newsletter in store for you

this month :)

Check out our very own

2013 Recap, a whole

bunch of upcoming

events, and info about

DCON 2014!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South Key Club | December 2013 1

Hello Division 7 South!

Hello everyone! I wish all of you Happy Holidays! I can’t wait to see all of you again really soon! We, the Division Leadership Team, have so much for you next year and keep your spirits high! Thank you for being such a great divi-sion, and I love serving you all :)

-- In service and friendship,

Jennifer Dalanan 2013-2014 Executive Assistant Division 7 South, Region 16, Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

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Hello Seven South!

I hope December is going well for you all. This month has been relatively smooth going. I hope you all do well on finals and make it through the strug-gle to enjoy Winter Break!! Spend time with your family and friends, but don't forget that New Year's resolution. That's it for now, I will see you all at the DCM this Saturday!


In service and friendship, Nick Nguyen 2013-2014 Executive Assistant Division 7 South, Region 16, Cali-Nev-Ha District

What it do, 7 South?

I hope you all are having a wonderful month of December everyone! What have I been doing? Ya know, just getting my driver’s license, acing finals, and getting ready to turn 18 :) I’m super excited that we’re announcing our new Webmaster and Marketing Task Coordinator at our DCM on the 21st! This DCM is going to be great, and I know y’all will enjoy it. Sadly, I won’t be attending since I’m going out of town with my family for the holidays :( I will be accepting my punishment for the Gavel Game at the January DCM, so be there too!

Have a great winter break, and I hope to see you all soon!

-- In service and friendship,

Nick Stringfellow 2013-2014 Newsletter Editor Division 7 South | Region 16 | Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South Key Club | December 2013 2

Hey Orange Monsters!

It's finally that time of the year, Holiday Season! But do you know what else Key Club is focused on this jolly month of December? "Children: Their Future, Our Focus". I hope all of you have been playing your part to protect and better chil-dren's lives through service projects. Have an amazing winter break everyone! I'll see you around :)

-- In service and friendship, Jennifer Tham 2013-2014 Service Projects Task Coor-dinator Division 7 South, Region 16, Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

Hello Monsters!!

Hey Everyone! How are you are all doing? I am doing okay, a little bit sick with Rhinovirus but I'll survive. As a senior, I've been jam-packed with so many things this month! December is the month of joy, of togetherness! Anyways, what have I been up to this month? Well when I talked to Dan from KFH, he told me that Divisional Events at the house would be too big for them to handle so many young key clubbers eager to help. But don't worry, I'm sure we'll work something out with the KFH. Stay tuned for my updates and if you have any sugges-tions, feel free to e-mail me!


Ho, Ho, Ho,

Patton Nguyen 2013-2014 Kiwanis Family Foundation Task Coordinator Division 7 South | Region 16 | Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

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2013 A Year All About….



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Fun Times:


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South Key Club | December 2013 4

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Featured Division Events:

December DCM + PGKC’s Caroling for Cans

When: Saturday, Dec. 21st Time: 3 PM - 4 PM Where: Jungkeit Park 9760 Fire Poppy Dr. Elk Grove, CA 95757

“Cheer, Cheer, Guess Who’s Here?” Not Santa Clause, silly goose! It’s our next DCM! We’ll be updating you guys on Division and District-Wide news, announcing our new Task Coordinator, and having a blast warming up our voices for Caroling for Cans! Make sure to come out, and stay after for some caroling!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South Key Club | November 2013 5 Official Newsletter of Division 7 South Key Club | December 2013

D7S December DCM

PGKC’s Caroling for Cans

When: Saturday, December 21, 2013 Time: 4 PM - 8/9 PM Where: Jungkeit Park 9760 Fire Poppy Dr. Elk Grove, CA 95757 Ready to sing your hearts out, Division 7 South? I hope you are! Stay after this month’s DCM and go caroling with us! We’ll be going door-to-door, singing to collect cans for the Elk Grove Food Bank. This event is always a huge excursion, and

we hope that you will join us! It’s the season to be jolly, and nothing’s better than sharing your enthusiasm for the entire community to see :)

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Official Newsletter of Division 7 South Key Club | November 2013

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Upcoming Club Events

Events to Look

Forward To!

December: 12/21 - Caroling For


January: 1/10 - LCKC’s Annual Mock New Year’s Bash

TBA - Sheldon KC An-

nual Movie Night

January/February: Club Elections

More information on upcoming events will

be provided in the next issue! :)

When: Friday, January 10th, 2014 Where: Laguna Creek High School 9050 Vicino Drive Elk Grove, CA 95758 Laguna Creek Key Club is at it again, as their most memorable annual events is re-turning to us in just a few weeks! LCKC would like to formally invite you to their Mock New Year’s Bash (MNYB) Dance! MNYB is a great way to celebrate the new year with your fellow Key Club-bers with dancing, food, socializing, and great times from start to finish! We will also vote on who will be Mock New Year’s Bash King and Queen, with every club selecting royalty! The theme for this year is The Great Gatsby/Roaring 20’s, so it’s sure to be a great shindig for East Eggers and West Eggers alike! (If you’ve read the book, I hope you’re laughing right now :D) You don’t want to miss this,

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Featured Submitted Articles!

Hello Key Clubbers! How has your winter been? Hopefully filled with hap-piness and joy of Christmas! Speaking about the magical celebration of Christmas, Laguna Creek Key Club had recently done a service event on December 14th, 2013 from 7AM to 12PM at 3033 Buckminster Drive Elk Grove, CA 95758. It was Joseph Sims’ Gift Night, where children would stop by and buy gifts! As Key Clubbers, we helped them wrap up their presents and much more! When I had arrived at Joseph Sims’ Gift Night, I saw many other Key Clubbers from Division Seven South hard at work. I had been assigned by the workers to help children with many other volunteers that had at-tended. It was great seeing little chil-

dren and their excite-ment for Christmas. Throughout the night we helped several chil-dren around the cafe-teria with their pre-sents, work the hot chocolate stand and even the popcorn stand as well. We also helped sell candy grams to the little children. I remember vividly how so many kids would ask for our help on spelling and wrapping the gifts. As volunteers we tried to make the pre-sents as beautiful as they could for them! After it had gotten later into the night, they eventually decided to start cleaning up. We helped picked up trash, put down tables, and more with the help of PTSO.

December 14th, 2013 was a night many of us will never forget. Not only be-cause it was Josephs Sims’ Gift Night, but that everyone that had volunteered had a trip back to elementary school and to relive the past with graceful nostalgic moments. Seeing children run around excited about Christmas and being there little selves. Overall it was a great night to attend and greet the children, but on top of that we Key Clubbers got a photo with Santa Claus and free candy!

Tis’ the season to be jolly, and it cer-tainly was jolly for some Elk Grove Key Clubbers. Once the Christmas season ap-proaches, EGKC participates in our traditional gathering- Secret Monster. Secret Monster is just like Secret Santa, and we were able to get many of our members to participate in it! Many of our members seemed interested and happy because it was a fun traditional experience that happens (obviously) only once a year. We passed out Secret Monster slips, with members writing their wish list-

their favorite food, candy, drinks, etc. and then shuffled them all up in a box. We had each member who partici-pated pick a slip from the box and then that was his or her draw for the game. There was no turning back now. “Bring your gift to the next meeting!” The next meeting rapidly approached. Now, it was the moment of truth. Who was my Secret Monster? What did they get me? The gifts were laid out nicely, all wonderfully wrapped in their Christmas-themed bags or wrapping papers, as members wait who was their Secret Monster. As gifts went one by

one, the surprised look on members’ faces when people revealed their Secret Monster was priceless. They were smil-ing so hard, and all of them received what they wished for. It was nice to see members participate in our traditional gathering, but their smiles made everything much more magical. You could definitely feel the Christmas spirit in the meeting room, and it felt just right. Tis’ the Christmas season for everyone!

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Key Club is an organization that is compara-ble to Christmas tree. Right after Thanksgiv-ing, my family begins Christmas prepara-tions. The excitement of it all is the anticipa-tion for all the Christmas events. One of the biggest for my family is putting up the Christmas tree because everyone partici-pates. All of my family members come to-gether to set up the Christmas tree, put up ornaments, with the intention of finishing with an amazing tree. Similarly, Key Club gives me this feeling of excitement and anticipation. Whenever I hear about an event, I can’t wait to partici-pate. At each event everyone comes together with the intention of helping other and to

be able to witness the smiles of the people that we were able to help. We can compare the students volunteering to the ornaments we put on the Christmas tree, and the star that goes at the top of the tree to the goal. The Christmas tree is not complete without the ornaments. When the volunteers come together the goal is accomplished more effi-ciently. Key Club is a beautiful Christmas tree.

A weave. Yes, that is right. We found a weave. Maybe I should clarify. A few weeks back, I hosted a Recycling Sorting Party at my house. This is a monthly event where Frank-lin Key Clubbers help sort the recyclables we collect from our school in separate bags of glass, plastic, and aluminum. Considering we started the recycling program at our school, they have let us sell the recycling and keep the money. These monthly “parties”

have become a fundraiser of sorts. Back to what I was saying, during our most recent sorting party we found a weave. One of the fun parts of digging through the recy-cling is finding weird things. It fascinates me that someone threw away a weave in the recycling bin. Usually we get a maximum of 10 volunteers at each recycling sorting party since word gets around that the smell of all the recycling

makes even the strongest want to vomit. However, at this particular sorting party, we got 20 volunteers. When I saw that many sign-ups, I was elated. (Maybe partly because my back-yard was starting to look like a junkyard) I think this is one of the events where Key Clubbers can really connect. We bond over the weird things we find and we aren’t on a time schedule so we can work at any com-fortable pace. We always get it done in less than 2 hours though. Although, I think it’s because we all want to breathe clean air again.

On December 7th, Pleasant Grove Key Club attended the Dr. Seuss House Lighting event. This party was hosted in order to col-lect donations and funds for the Kiwanis Family House. Upon arrival I saw the beautiful set up of colorful Dr. Seuss characters and scenery. Our members were eager to help in any way possible, refilling bowls whenever food ran low, or clearing tables and washing dishes. Some of us also helped out at the coffee

stand in front of the house, where people donated a dollar and we made them hot chocolate or coffee. Even though it was freezing and we stood outside for most of the time, I enjoyed spending time with mem-bers who I normally don’t talk to, and inter-acting with the Kiwanis members. As nighttime arrived, the house lit up in Christmas lights and bright Dr. Seuss dis-plays, with the very help of our own mem-bers.

At the event, I also met two members from the Sac State Circle K. They were really friendly and gave me advice about college as well as Circle K, if I ever decided to join. Being a Key Clubber and talking to Circle K as well as Kiwanis people really made my night. It showed me that service goes beyond just high school years; you can take it with you throughout your whole life. To me, that is very inspirational and it is something I definitely look forward to.

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Contact Us!

Emily Mu

Lt. Governor

[email protected]

Laguna Creek

Nick Nguyen

Executive Assistant

[email protected]


Nick Stringfellow

Newsletter Editor




Jennifer Dalanan

Executive Assistant

[email protected]



A Kiwanis-family Member


Important Websites

Division Website


CNH Cyberkey


International Website


Jennifer Tham

Service Projects Task Coordina-


[email protected]


Patton Nguyen

Kiwanis Family Foundation Task


[email protected]

Monterey Trail