Diseases in Old Age and Alternative Treatments

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  • 8/18/2019 Diseases in Old Age and Alternative Treatments


    Diseases in old age and alternative treatments: using music in

    treating psychosomatic diseases in the elderly 

    Kleberson Calanca

    [email protected]

    Population aging is one of the most significant trends of the twenty-first century.

    It has important and far-reaching implications for all areas of society. According to the

    United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) website, around the world every second two

    people celebrate their sixtieth birthday – in an annual total, of nearly 58 million 60-year-

    old-birthday celebrations. One in nine people in the world is 60 years of age or older,

    and it is estimated to grow to 1 in 5 by 2050. The Bible says: “The days of our years are

    threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is

    their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away” (Psalm 90:10).

    This three-thousand-year canticle confirms that old age is an long standing challenge.

    Despite remarkable advances in medicine, some aspects of this stage of life still cause

    "fatigue and afflictions". However, although elders have to face serious challenges such

    as depression, pain, and dementia, recent research in music therapy shows that these

    problems can be overcome (or relieved) with the use of music.

    According to the International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 24% of seniors

    in America are depressed, in China the number gets to be even higher: 35%. When it

    comes to quality of life, these numbers are worrying (Chan et al .). Depression is not just

    a passing sadness in the face of an adverse unpleasant fact. The person has a deep and

    abiding sadness, accompanied by discouragement, apathy, inability to enjoy the

    pleasures of life. No interest in daily activities, do not sleep well, have no appetite often

    have vague complaints like fatigue, pain in the back or head. Appear "bad" thoughts, as

    ideas of guilt, worthlessness, hopelessness; in severe cases may experience suicidal

    thoughts. Antidepressants that act on neurotransmitters allow a recovery of the

    chemical balance of the brain, with improvement in symptoms of depression. This

    recovery takes a few weeks, during which the family support is also key. However, the

    use of medications in curing depression is also associated with side effects that can be

    mild body aches, dizziness, disorientation, nausea and tingling sensation of the body.

  • 8/18/2019 Diseases in Old Age and Alternative Treatments


    Another common problem is chronic pain affecting 50% of this age range and

    80% of nursing home residents (Grashorn et al .). The pain may be associated with

    negative images, such as prolonged suffering, psychiatric disorders, and lack of

    treatment and abuse of medications. This is becoming a problem for the individual, the

    family and society as it directs and limits the conditions and behavior of the one who

    experiences, increasing morbidity. Chronic pain is a limiting factor of features increases

    the excitement, the risk of emotional stress and mortality, affecting body, or regions,

    and limiting physical functioning of the elderly subjects. Furthermore, elderly people

    with dementia tend to have a more aggressive behavior, causing problems with family

    and nursing staff.

    Therefore, how is it possible to alleviate the problems arising from old age to

    alternative treatments that are both effective and safe? According to the Journal of the

    American Geriatrics Society, “in recent years, more attention has been given to the

    effectiveness of nonpharmacological approaches in dementia care, such as music

    therapy” (Vink et al. 393). 

    Bruscia (1998) defines music therapy as “a systematic process of intervent ion

    wherein the therapist helps the client to promote health, using musical experiences and

    the relationships that develop through them as dynamic forces of change” (Hodges and 

    Sebald 284). The idea of applying music therapy in the treatment of depression, pain

    and dementia possibly emerged from the observation of the ability that music has to

    calm down and relax for anyone who enjoys. Although we do not know exactly by what

    mechanisms it works, music therapy has been widely used in the prevention and

    treatment of depressive people, supported by several studies that prove that it can bring

    many benefits to these individuals.

    The researchers discovered that “Residents receiving music therapy showed

    significantly greater reductions in neuropsychiatric symptoms from the start to the end

    of the treatment than those receiving recreational activities” (Vink et al . 393). The

    results showed that after group music intervention, the experimental group presented

    fewer agitated behaviors at the 6th and 12th sessions and at 1 month after cessation of

    the intervention. This study confirms that patients with dementia benefit from

    participating in music interventions.

  • 8/18/2019 Diseases in Old Age and Alternative Treatments


    In conclusion, it is relevant to consider the need to improve the elderly's quality

    of life. Although the elderly age comes with some fatigue and hardships, there are

    creative outlets available to us so that we may promote health and obtain a better

    quality of life. Recent research shows that alternative treatments such as music therapy

    can bring positive results without the dependence of psychotherapeutic drugs. For this

    very reason, several studies have shown music can be an essential tool in helping elder

    people to ameliorate their mental and physical health. Therefore, not only it is necessary

    to expand the research benefits that music therapy can bring to that clientele but also

    apply them in the elderly to have a healthy, lively and artistic life.

    Works Cited

    Chan, M. F., E. A. Chan, E. Mok, & F. Y. Kwan Tse. “Effect of music on depression levels

    and physiological responses in community-based older adults”. International

     Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 2009: 285-294. Print.

    Grashorn W, C. Sprenger, K. Forkmann, N. Wrobel, U. Bingel. “Age-Dependent Decline

    of Endogenous Pain Control: Exploring the Effect of Expectation and Depression.”

    PLoS ONE . Sep. 2013: 1-7. Print.

    Hodges, Donald A., and David C. Sebald. Music in the human experience: an introduction

    to music psychology . New York: Routledge, 2011. Print.

    Lin, Y., H. Chu, C. Yang, C. Chen, S. Chen, H. Chang, & ... K. Chou. “Effectiveness of group

    music intervention against agitated behavior in elderly persons with dementia.” 

    International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry . 2011: 670-678. Print.

    Vink, A. C., Zuidersma, M., Boersma, F., Jonge, P., Zuidema, S. U., & Slaets, J. P. (2014).

    “Effect of Music Therapy Versus Recreational Activities on Neuropsychiatric

    Symptoms in Elderly Adults with Dementia: An Exploratory Randomized Controlled

    Trial.” Journal of The American Geriatrics Society . Feb. 2014: 392-393. Print.