Director RYT300 Advanced Teacher Training -...

RYT300 Advanced Teacher Training Techniques Training - asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation; Teaching Methodology – principles of demonstration, observation, assisting and adjusting, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, process of learning and teaching; Anatomy and Physiology – physical anatomy and physiology, energy anatomy, chakras, nadis, benefits and contraindications; Yoga Philosophy, lifestyle and ethics for yoga teachers; Practicum – practice teaching, receiving feedback, observing others and apprenticing. Customized Area Of Study - 45 hours of the 300 hours of study will be completed in a specialized area of study either within the Yoga Center or from an outside source. Possible areas of study might include therapeutically-oriented yoga, chair yoga, pregnancy yoga, senior yoga, yoga philosophy, etc. Each weekend will be in-depth and rich with content and experience. This program is designed to enhance & enrich your teaching and your life. Apprenticeships will be available in a content area that is of interest to you. 8950 State Route 108, Suite 109, Columbia, MD 21045 410. 720.4340 Director 410. 720.4340 8950 State Route 108, Suite 109, Columbia, MD 21045 E-mail: [email protected] Advanced Teacher Training January - December 2017 RY T300 Bita Jenkins Bita Jenkins, M.D., E-RYT500. has been practicing and studying yoga since 1976. She has completed teacher training with The Yoga Center of Columbia, Willow Street Yoga, and has been studying with various master teachers. Since completing her teacher certification in 2007, she has been teaching at The Yoga Center of Columbia and Willow Street Yoga and has continued her studies and teachings. Bita’s strength as a teacher comes from her strength in practice first and foremost, continuing to shift and grow with the teachings. Bita’s emphasis in teacher training is to provide, empower and assist each student to not only deepen their knowledge and understanding of yoga, but of themselves. She inspires them to cultivate, explore and thrive on their journey.

Transcript of Director RYT300 Advanced Teacher Training -...

RYT300 Advanced Teacher Training

Techniques Training - asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation;

Teaching Methodology – principles of demonstration, observation, assisting

and adjusting, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, process of learning and teaching;

Anatomy and Physiology – physical anatomy and physiology, energy anatomy, chakras, nadis, benefits and

contraindications; Yoga Philosophy, lifestyle and ethics for yoga teachers;

Practicum – practice teaching, receiving feedback, observing others

and apprenticing.

Customized Area Of Study - 45 hours of the 300 hours of study will be completed in a specialized area of study either within the Yoga Center or from an outside source. Possible areas of study might include therapeutically-oriented yoga, chair yoga, pregnancy yoga, senior yoga, yoga philosophy, etc.

Each weekend will be in-depth and rich with content and experience. This program is designed to enhance & enrich your teaching and your life. Apprenticeships will be available in a content area that is of interest to you.

8950 State Route 108, Suite 109, Columbia, MD 21045 410. 720.4340


410. 720.4340 8950 State Route 108, Suite 109, Columbia, MD 21045 E-mail: [email protected]

Advanced Teacher Training January - December 2017

RY T300

Bita Jenkins Bita Jenkins, M.D., E-RYT500.

has been practicing and

studying yoga since 1976.

She has completed teacher

training with The Yoga Center of Columbia,

Willow Street Yoga, and has been studying

with various master teachers.

Since completing her teacher certification in

2007, she has been teaching at The Yoga

Center of Columbia and Willow Street Yoga

and has continued her studies and teachings.

Bita’s strength as a teacher comes from her

strength in practice first and foremost,

continuing to shift and grow with the teachings.

Bita’s emphasis in teacher training is to provide,

empower and assist each student to not only

deepen their knowledge and understanding of

yoga, but of themselves. She inspires them to

cultivate, explore and thrive on their journey.

Eligibility Must have a current RYT200 registration with

Yoga Alliance and have an active yoga practice.

The training will be geared toward advancing and enhancing your teaching and will be most beneficial to those who are currently teaching.

However, those who have completed the RYT200 and wish to deepen their study and experience

will also benefit greatly from this program.

Successful completion of this program will require a commitment to study and practice.

Your openness to learn/willingness to grow will ease the journey with others on the path.

2017 Dates January Fri 1/13, Sat 1/14, Sun 1/15 February Fri 2/10, Sat 2/11, Sun 2/12 March Fri 3/10, Sat 3/11, Sun 3/12 April Fri 4/7, Sat 4/8, Sun 4/9 May Fri 5/5, Sat 5/6, Sun 5/7 June Fri 6/9, Sat 6/10, Sun 6/11 July Fri 7/14, Sat 7/15, Sun 7/16 August Fri 8/11, Sat 8/12, Sun 8/13 September Fri 9/8, Sat 9/9, Sun 9/10 October Fri 10/13, Sat 10/14, Sun 10/15 November Fri 11/10, Sat 11/11, Sun 11/12 December Fri 12/8, Sat 12/9, Sun 12/10

A syllabus and other information will be distributed the first day of class.


What Happens If I Miss A Class?

Missed hours can be made up by substituting hours from approved workshops.

Approved workshops shall include any workshop offered at The Yoga Center of Columbia or any

workshop approved by the Director of Teacher Training prior to taking the workshop.

How Do I Register? Application form can be downloaded online, or call the Yoga Center at 410.720.4340 or e-mail: [email protected]

Submit Application Form with $300 deposit (refunded if you are not accepted).

Cost/Payment Refund Policy The cost of the program is $3,800.

The $300 deposit must accompany your application. Receive a $100.00 discount for full payment

by the first weekend.

Balance can be divided into 10 monthly payments January - October of $350.

Full refunds (minus the non-refundable deposit of $300) will only be granted until January 16, 2017.

This teacher training program meets the revised requirements for a Registered Yoga Teacher. This course has been carefully designed to be

comprehensive, professional, and yet convenient for busy lifestyles. Upon satisfactory completion

of this program, you will be eligible to register with Yoga Alliance at the 500-hour level (RYT-500). In addition to meeting all Yoga Alliance curriculum

requirements, this program also includes: how to offer private yoga sessions, effective sequencing,

developing your workshops, and 45 hours of specialized study outside of the program,

in an area of interest to you.

We will explore and experience different styles and approaches to asana practice, meditation

and the business of yoga. A list of required reading will be provided. The cost of textbooks

is not included in the tuition.

This program will be offered for 12 months from January – December 2017.

The weekends will include Friday 6:00pm - 9:30pm

Saturday & Sunday, 12:30pm – 6:30pm

Some guest teachers will expand the weekend to include Fridays, 12pm - 6:30pm. Dates will be announced.


Bita Jenkins, M.D., E-RYT500

Moses Brown Doug Keller Lucy Lomax

Penny Diamanti Robin Carnes …and more

Why We Love This Program “RYT300 is a multi-layered, rich program that transcends your experience on the mat and in

the classroom, inspiring meaningful growth in practice, teaching and life!" - JR

“So practical I’m able to take what I learn immediately into the studio where I teach,

seeing students benefit from my refined skills. Transformative for me personally:

learning skills for self-care that help me be a better yoga teacher.” - CP

“I walk into RYT300 weekends with a desire to learn and walk out enriched and

complete, full of knowledge and love. The RYT300 weekends are all about love:

the love of knowledge, the love of connection, and the love of fulfillment – for I come to realize how much I myself

can offer. Thanks for the encouragement to reflect.” - DQ