DINING - DoubleTree€¦ · PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00 hOT...


Transcript of DINING - DoubleTree€¦ · PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00 hOT...

Page 1: DINING - DoubleTree€¦ · PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00 hOT anD sOUR seaFOOD BROTh, MUshROOM, TOFU, MaRkeT Fish, TOMaTO beef laksa souP 200 15.00



Pan asian sPecialTies

seaFOOD PlaTTeRs





Page 2: DINING - DoubleTree€¦ · PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00 hOT anD sOUR seaFOOD BROTh, MUshROOM, TOFU, MaRkeT Fish, TOMaTO beef laksa souP 200 15.00

RenDy MihaRDja

СheF De СUisine BaR:DOTXX1

Page 3: DINING - DoubleTree€¦ · PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00 hOT anD sOUR seaFOOD BROTh, MUshROOM, TOFU, MaRkeT Fish, TOMaTO beef laksa souP 200 15.00

PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes

java islanD is The MOTheRlanD

OF OUR cheF RenDy MihaRDja.

he is eXTReMely in lOve wiTh Pan asian cUisine

anD will Be glaD TO have a TRiP wiTh yOU

aROUnD UniqUe gasTROnOMic sOUTh easT asian

cUlTURes like singaPORe, Malaysia, inDOnesia,

The PhiliPPines anD ThailanD.

Page 4: DINING - DoubleTree€¦ · PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00 hOT anD sOUR seaFOOD BROTh, MUshROOM, TOFU, MaRkeT Fish, TOMaTO beef laksa souP 200 15.00

Dot bItes

DOT BiTes aRe sMall BiTes ThaT have Been DevelOPeD,

cOMBining The BesT ingReDienTs wiTh The newesT

TechniqUes - Making TheM a sensaTiOn OF TeXTURes anD

FlavORs PeRFecTly caPTUReD in sMall aPPeTizeRs.

saMPle a liTTle BiT OF eveRyThing The BiTes aRe

gReaT FOR shaRing.

Please, leT yOUR seRveR knOw iF yOU have any alleRgies.all PRices aRe in Byn inclUDing 20% vaT

salMOn wiTh sPicy MayO anD cavieR Byn 14.00

Page 5: DINING - DoubleTree€¦ · PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00 hOT anD sOUR seaFOOD BROTh, MUshROOM, TOFU, MaRkeT Fish, TOMaTO beef laksa souP 200 15.00

cRaB RangOOn Byn 8.00

cRisPy PORk Belly Byn 11.00

Page 6: DINING - DoubleTree€¦ · PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00 hOT anD sOUR seaFOOD BROTh, MUshROOM, TOFU, MaRkeT Fish, TOMaTO beef laksa souP 200 15.00

Dot bItes G byN

cHIckeN satay 150 11.00

cashewnUT saUce, FRieD shallOT, asian sTyle ReMOUlaDe

crIsPy Pork belly 150 11.00

sweeT POTaTO chiPs, jalaPenO

beef bItes 150 9.00

PUlleD BeeF, cashewnUT saUce, cRackeRs

cHIckeN taNDoorI 150 8.00

RaiTa, MinT chUTney, OniOn TOMaTO salaD

colD cut 150 12.00

PaRMa haM, iTalian salaMi, gRissini, hOney sOya, Olives

lamb kofta 150 12.00

RaiTa, PiTa BReaD, TOMaTO

salmoN 100 14.00

TORch salMOn, sPicy MayO, caviaR

Duck leG 120 12.00

FRieD DUck, gaRlic chili, kiMchi, FRieD BaO

tIGer PrawN 150 14.00

salaD ROll, TOasTeD shRiMP, Rice PaPeR, cReaMy sesaMe saUce

crab raNGooN 100 8.00

FRieD cRaB DUMPling, sweeT chili

beef slIDers 100 9.00

BeeF PaTTies, hOMeMaDe BBq

Please, leT yOUR seRveR knOw iF yOU have any alleRgies.all PRices aRe in Byn inclUDing 20% vaT

chicken saTay Byn 11.00

Page 7: DINING - DoubleTree€¦ · PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00 hOT anD sOUR seaFOOD BROTh, MUshROOM, TOFU, MaRkeT Fish, TOMaTO beef laksa souP 200 15.00

G byN

PoPIaH 100 10.00

FRieD vegeTaBle sPRing ROll, sweeT chili

remPeyek 70 9.00

PeanUT, Rice cRackeR, inDOnesian ROMescO

casHewNut 50 7.00

gaRlic, BUTTeR, nORi

BeeF BiTes Byn 9.00

DUck leg wiTh FRieD BaO Byn 12.00

Page 8: DINING - DoubleTree€¦ · PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00 hOT anD sOUR seaFOOD BROTh, MUshROOM, TOFU, MaRkeT Fish, TOMaTO beef laksa souP 200 15.00

PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN

Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00


beef laksa souP 200 15.00

cURRy sOUP, Black Rice PUFF

my INterPretatIoN of PHaD tHaI 250 21.00

sPicy FRieD Rice nOODle, shRiMP, Bean sPROUT, cilanTRO, liMe, PeanUT

1yellow NasI GoreNG 250 21.00

aROMaTic FRieD Rice, chicken, PORk, chicken saTay, egg, nORi

asIaN cHIckeN curry 350 18.00

ReD chicken cURRy, jasMine Rice, wOk FRieD haRicOT

lamb reNDaNG 300 29.00

cURRy gRavy, jasMine Rice

INDoNesIaN frIeD Duck balaDo 400 36.00

cRisPy DUck leg, sPicy BalaDO saUce, PickleD cUcUMBeR, jasMine Rice

seabass JImbaraN 300 36.00

gRilleD seaBass, MaTah salsa, OniOn saMBal

sHrImP skewer 250 46.00

gRilleD shRiMP, POnzU, wasaBi MayOnnaise, cORianDeR

laMB RenDang Byn 29.00

Page 9: DINING - DoubleTree€¦ · PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00 hOT anD sOUR seaFOOD BROTh, MUshROOM, TOFU, MaRkeT Fish, TOMaTO beef laksa souP 200 15.00

Please, leT yOUR seRveR knOw iF yOU have any alleRgies.all PRices aRe in Byn inclUDing 20% vaT

BeeF laksa sOUP Byn 15.00

yellOw nasi gOReng Byn 21.00

Page 10: DINING - DoubleTree€¦ · PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00 hOT anD sOUR seaFOOD BROTh, MUshROOM, TOFU, MaRkeT Fish, TOMaTO beef laksa souP 200 15.00

Please, leT yOUR seRveR knOw iF yOU have any alleRgies.all PRices aRe in Byn inclUDing 20% vaT

seaFOOD PlaTTeR On ice Byn 149.00

Page 11: DINING - DoubleTree€¦ · PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00 hOT anD sOUR seaFOOD BROTh, MUshROOM, TOFU, MaRkeT Fish, TOMaTO beef laksa souP 200 15.00

seafooD Platters*available on Thu, Fri, and sat G byN

oN GrIll 800 119.00

salMOn, DORaDO, seaBass, calaMaRi, shRiMP, Black MUssels*served with sambal, corn on the cob, grilled vegetables, Tartar sauce

oN Ice 900 149.00

FResh OysTeR, chilleD shRiMP, Black MUssels, salMOn TaRTaR, ReD caviaR*served with wasabi Mayonnaise, Blinis, Fresh vegetables, Dill smetana

starters G byN

fIsH & oyster croQuets 100 19.00

asian ReMUlaDe, MaTah salsa

sHrImP salaD 200 27.00

caviaR, gRilleD shRiMP, POMelO, gReens, hOMeMaDe ciTRUs DRessing

beef tartar 200 23.00

wasaBi, POnzU, PORcini cRUMBle, egg yOlk, Mini BRiOche

Half DozeN of fresH oysters wItH lemoN 600 65.00* available on Thu, Fri, and sat

Fish & OysTeR cROqUeTs Byn 19.00

Page 12: DINING - DoubleTree€¦ · PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00 hOT anD sOUR seaFOOD BROTh, MUshROOM, TOFU, MaRkeT Fish, TOMaTO beef laksa souP 200 15.00

souPs G byN

musHroom souP 200 14.00

cReaMy MUshROOM sOUP, PORcini sOil, BRie FOaM, TRUFFle aROMa

leNtIl souP 200 15.00

PURee OF lenTil, chicken saUsages, cROUTOns

salmoN cHowDer 200 15.00

cReaMy salMOn sOUP, cORn, gReen Pea

maINs G byN

Pork sHasHlIk 350 20.00

DRaniki, PORk shaslik, TOMaTO cUcUMBeR Pickles

lamb meatball 250 26.00

cOUscOUs, TaBBOUleh, BRaiseD chickPea

salmoN 250 35.00

gRilleD salMOn, Pea PURee, leMOn BUTTeR saUce

GraIN feD beef rIb eye 350 79.00

POTaTO weDges, caFe De PaRis

Please, leT yOUR seRveR knOw iF yOU have any alleRgies.all PRices aRe in Byn inclUDing 20% vaT

salMOn chOwDeR Byn 15.00

Page 13: DINING - DoubleTree€¦ · PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00 hOT anD sOUR seaFOOD BROTh, MUshROOM, TOFU, MaRkeT Fish, TOMaTO beef laksa souP 200 15.00

gRain FeD BeeF RiB eye Byn 79.00

Page 14: DINING - DoubleTree€¦ · PaN asIaN sPecIaltIes G byN Hawker style tom yum GooNG 200 17.00 hOT anD sOUR seaFOOD BROTh, MUshROOM, TOFU, MaRkeT Fish, TOMaTO beef laksa souP 200 15.00

Desserts G byN

caramelIzeD PINeaPPle crumble 180 15.00

gingeR ice cReaM, gingeR PickleD, MeRengUe, cOOkies cRUMBle

berrIes cHeesecake 180 15.00

hOMeMaDe cheesecake, BeRRies, Black MeRengUe, MinT gel

fruIt GarDeN 400 18.00

seasOnal FRUiT PlaTTeR, FRUiT sPRing ROll

cHeese Platter 200 23.00

cheF cheese selecTiOn, MaRMalaDe, hOMeMaDe BReaD

l’ete INDIeN 180 15.00

MangO MOUsse, MaTcha BiscUiT, gin TOnic gel

almoND tart 180 15.00

alMOnD Flakes, MeRengUe

tIramIsu 180 15.00

kahlUa, aMaReTTO

Please, leT yOUR seRveR knOw iF yOU have any alleRgies.all PRices aRe in Byn inclUDing 20% vaT

BeRRies cheesecake Byn 15.00