DILG MC 2014-39 Seal of Good Local Governance Mar 24 2014

Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corner euezon Avenue, euezon City Telephone Number 925.1 1 .48 . 925.88.88 , 925.03.32 www.dilg.gov.ph OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY MARCH 24,20L4 MEMORANDTIM CIRCULAR NO.: 20I4-39 TO AIL PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS, CITY MAYORS, MUNICIPAI IVIAYORS, REGIONAL GOVERNOR OF THE ARMM, AND DILG RXGIONAL DIRECTORS SI.JBJECT 2014 SEAL OF GOOD LOCAT GOVERNAI.ICE: PAGKII/4I-A SA I(ATAPATAN AT KAIIUSAYAN NG PA],TAITAI-4,ANG LOKAL PREFATORY STATEMENT AND OBIECTnTE From its pilot run in 2010, the Seal of Good Housekeeping (SGH) has promoted transparency and accountability in local government operations, which assesses financial housekeeping through compliance with COA'S accounting and auditing standards and the Departrnent's Full Disclosure Policy. In2012,84o/o of provinces, cities and municipalities were conferred with the SGH. This indicates readiness of local governments to take on greater challenges. This year, the Department scales up the Seal of Good Housekeeping into the Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG). Good governance promotes transparency and accountability in the use of public funds by delivering basic services that are responsive to people's needs. In this context, the SGLG is a recognition of good perfonnance of provincial, city and municipal governments, not only on financial housekeeping, but also on other areas that directly benefit the people. It is a continuing challenge for local governments to perform better, and ultimately, achieve a desirable condition where local governments: (a) Sustain the practice of transparency and accountability in the use of public funds; (b) Prepare for challenges posed by disasters; (c) Demonstrate sensitivity to the needs of vulnerable and marginalized sectors of society; (d) Encourage investment and employment; (e) Protect constituents from threats to life and security; and (0 Safeguard the integrity of the environment. COVERAGE The assessment covers 80 provinces, 143 cities and 1,491 municipalities. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA There are six components where a local government is to be assessed using the prescribed criteria. Assessment criteria vary by LGU level and income class. Assessment draws from data from other agencies, and those to be collected from the LGU itself. The general criteria in each component are as follows:

Transcript of DILG MC 2014-39 Seal of Good Local Governance Mar 24 2014

Page 1: DILG MC 2014-39 Seal of Good Local Governance Mar 24 2014


DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corner euezon Avenue, euezon CityTelephone Number 925.1 1 .48 . 925.88.88 , 925.03.32







From its pilot run in 2010, the Seal of Good Housekeeping (SGH) has promotedtransparency and accountability in local government operations, which assesses financialhousekeeping through compliance with COA'S accounting and auditing standards and theDepartrnent's Full Disclosure Policy. In2012,84o/o of provinces, cities and municipalities wereconferred with the SGH. This indicates readiness of local governments to take on greaterchallenges.

This year, the Department scales up the Seal of Good Housekeeping into the Seal of GoodLocal Governance (SGLG). Good governance promotes transparency and accountability in theuse of public funds by delivering basic services that are responsive to people's needs. In thiscontext, the SGLG is a recognition of good perfonnance of provincial, city and municipalgovernments, not only on financial housekeeping, but also on other areas that directly benefitthe people. It is a continuing challenge for local governments to perform better, and ultimately,achieve a desirable condition where local governments: (a) Sustain the practice of transparencyand accountability in the use of public funds; (b) Prepare for challenges posed by disasters; (c)Demonstrate sensitivity to the needs of vulnerable and marginalized sectors of society; (d)Encourage investment and employment; (e) Protect constituents from threats to life andsecurity; and (0 Safeguard the integrity of the environment.


The assessment covers 80 provinces, 143 cities and 1,491 municipalities.


There are six components where a local government is to be assessed using the prescribedcriteria. Assessment criteria vary by LGU level and income class. Assessment draws from datafrom other agencies, and those to be collected from the LGU itself. The general criteria in eachcomponent are as follows:

Page 2: DILG MC 2014-39 Seal of Good Local Governance Mar 24 2014

1.' Good Financial Housekeeping (formerly the Seal of Good Housekeeping) - an LGU thatexhibits compliance with accounting and auditing standards, rules and regulations, i.e.,with an Unqualified or Qualified COA Opinion of the immediately preceding year; as

well as Compliance with the Full Disclosure Policy of Local Budget and Finances, Bidsand Public Offerings e.g., Annual Budget, Statement of Receipts and Expenditures,Annual Procurement Plan or Procurement List, and Bid Results On Civil Works. Goodsand Services and Consulting Services, among others.

2. Disaster Preparedness - an LGU that shows preparedness for disasters, indicators includebeing an awardee of the National Gawad KAI-A.SAG for Best Local Disaster RiskReduction and Management Council; or having structures, plans and systems in placefor disaster preparedness e.g., Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM)Council and local DRRM Office, Provincial Development and Physical FrameworkPlan/Comprehensive Land Use Plan, DRRM plan, Contingency Plan, Local ClimateChange Action PIan, early warning and evacuation alert system, evacuation cenrers,Standard Operating Procedures, transportation, relief operations, medical services,registration, and security.

3. Social Protection - an LGU that is sensitive to the needs of vulnerable sectors likewomen, children, senior citizens, indigenous peoples and persons with disability(PWD), among others. This includes access to justice, especially on cases of violenceagainst women and children; access to quality public health facilities certified byPhilHealth; support to basic education, particularly alignment of the Local school Board(LSB) Plan with the School Improvement Program certified by Department ofEducation-representative in the LSB; providing privilege access for PWDs, seniorcitizens and pregnant women in frontline services; enhancing mobility for PWDs inpublic infrastructures like local government centers and hospitals in accordance withthe Accessibility Law; mandatory representation of indigenous people in compliancewith the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997; and representation from non-government organization(s) in local development council consistent with Section 107,Local Government Code of 1991.

4. Business-friendliness and Competitiveness an LGU that demonstrates goodperformance in business promotion as a result of Business-Friendliness orCompetitiveness Assessment by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry orthe National Competitiveness Council; or at the minimum, having a simplified businessprocessing and licensing system, tracking of economic data, having a designated localeconomic investment promotion officer or its equivalent.

5. Peace and Order - an LGU that shows considerable efforts in maintaining peace andorder in the community by adopting a Local Anti-Criminality Action Plan or Peace andOrder Council Action Plan, providing logistical or financial supporr to the local policestation, convening the local peace and order council, and establishing a community-oriented policing mechanism.

6. Environmental Management - an LGU that displays substantial efforts in safeguardingthe integrity of the environment. The initial focus is assessing compliance with the

Page 3: DILG MC 2014-39 Seal of Good Local Governance Mar 24 2014


' Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, particularly developing a Ten-YearSolid Waste Management Plan, or enacting an ordinance on solid waste management,having a material recovery facility or its equivalent, or access to sanitary landfill oralternative technology for final waste disposal.

The detailed assessment criteria by LGU level and income class-range are provided inAttachment A, for ready reference.


The "3 plus 1" Principle applies. A local government, which passes all three coreassessment areas, namely: Good Financial Housekeeping, Disaster Preparedness, and SocialProtection; and at least one essential assessment area, namely: Business-friendliness andCompetitiveness, Peace and Order, or Environmental Management, will be conferred with theSeal of Good Local Governance.


Data Collection and Regional Validation (3'd Week, April to 2"d'Week, ]uly). Cross-postingscheme shall be applied. Each DILG Regional Office shall create Regional AssessmentTeams and arrange cross-posting assignments in provinces, cities and municipalities. NoProvincial Director. City Director or Cluster Head shall be assigned in his or her localgovernment field station. There shall be CSO representative(s) during regional validationprocess. Initial feedback on the results shall be made to the local government being assessed.

Data collection for the SGLG and Chihd-Friendly Local Governance Audit are to besimultaneously conducted. Details of the Chihd-Friendly Locat Governance Audit shaLl beissued in a separate Circular.

Data Tabulation and National Validation (2'd Week ]uty to September). The Bureau of LocalGovernment Supervision (BLGS), together with DllG-partners: the Leagues of Provinces,Cities and Municipalities and Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines; orher NGAs;academe; private sectors; and civil society organizations shall convene as the NationalAssessment Team, with the Undersecretary for Local Government (USLG) as Chairperson.

The Team shall conduct national validation -- spot checks on selected LGUs in everyregion, and finalize the list of LGU-passers for submission to, and adoption by, the Secretaryof Interior and Local Government, through the USLG.

The National Assessment Team, in consultation with the Regional Teams, shall preparerecommendations to improve the assessment and selection process, including correctivemeasures on operational issues, e.8., disciplinary actions in response to deliberatemisrepresentation of data, if any.


Page 4: DILG MC 2014-39 Seal of Good Local Governance Mar 24 2014

' 3. Conferurent of the Seal (October). All qualified local governments are to be conferred with' thb Seal ofGood Local Governance.


The Local Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS) shall serve as theoperational platform of the Seal of Good Local Governance.

Relatedly, the Local Governance Performance Management Division of BLGS, and theLocal Governance Monitoring and Evaluation Division in every DIIG Regional Office shalltake the lead in performance monitoring and assessment of LGUs. The LGPMS ImplementingGuidelines shall supplement this Circular on the detailed rules and procedures on datagathering, verification and certification, and on-line data entry.


Recipients of the Seal are eligible to access the Performance Challenge Fund (PCF), asuPPort fund to finance local development initiatives in furtherance of national governmentgoals and strategic thrusts. Details of the PCF incentive design shall be issued in a separateCircular.

Access to other program windows and capacity development assistance from theDepartment will form part of the incentives package, subject to national policies and guidelines.


The Seal of Good Local Governance is hereby approved and thereby promulgated.

Let copies of this Memorandum Circular be disseminated to all Regional Offices foreventual circulation to concerned local authorities.


This Circular shall take effect immediatelv.

ffi lililnrmfrlv DtrG€sEcouTGOtNG 14{1m0

Page 5: DILG MC 2014-39 Seal of Good Local Governance Mar 24 2014


Assessment Criteria for Prouinces

Attachment A

Crilerio Certilied By:CORE I : Good Enonc_lg! lleu_leleeplngl. 2013 "Unquolified" or "Quolified" COA Opinion coA2. Complionce with the Full Disclosure Policy of Locol Budget ond Finonces Bids ond public

Offerings os stoted in DILG Memorondum Circulor No.20l3-l40 (l'1 euorter oeriodposting)2.1 Posting in Conspicuous Ploces Reg'lAssessmenl

2.2 Postinq in lhe FDP Portol DILG-BLGSCORE 2: Disqsler Preporedness3. 2013 Gowod KALASAG Holl of Fomer, qr Nolionol Awordee for Best LDRRMC5. ol DND-OCD

Allof ihe following:(i) Hos structure for: (o) LDRRMC ond (b) LDRRMO(ii) Hos ol leost two of these plons: (o) Provinciol Development ond Physicol Fromework

Plon, (b) DRRM Plon, (c) Contingency Plon, (d) LocolClimote Chonge Action pton(iii) Hos o system in ploce for: (o) eorly worning ond evocuotion olert system; (b) evocuotion

cenlers; (c) commond line ond Stqndord Operoting Procedures; (d) seorch ond rescue; (e)relief operolions; (f) medicol services; (g) registrotion; ond (h) securilv.



CORE 3: Sociol ProleclionAccess lo iuslice4. An LGU-monoged Youth Home, Bohoy Pog-oso or ony similor core focility(ies) for ihe

vulnerob]e sectors_ eg., r,,romen, children, senior cilizens qnd pWDs, orDSWD

A licensed LocolSociol Welfore ond Development Officer Reg'l AssessmenlTeom

Access to Public Heolth5. 2013 Philheollh-occreditotion for oll provinciol hospitols PhilheolthSupporf lo Bosic Educotion6. A LocolSchool Boord (LSB) Plon for CY 20l3 thoi is oligned with the School tmprovement

Plon, ond7. Compleled, ot leost 7O%, of its LSB plon for Cy 20t 3


Privilege occess f or PWDs, Senior Citizens ond pregnont Women8. Complionce wilh Accessibility Low i.e., provision of romps (hondroils) ol the entronce/exit,

speciol lifl/elevotor, os opplicoble ond toilet wilh hondroils in the provinciol copitol ond moinprovinciol hospilol

Reg'l AssessmeniTeom

Represenlotion of lhe seclors in locoldecision bodies9. Complionce with indigenous people mondolory representolion, if opplicoble, ond10. Represenlolion of non-governmenl orgonizoiion(s), from ony of the following sectors, in

lhe locol development council: (o) pWDs; (b) Women; (c) Formers qnd londless rurol wor<ers;(d) Artisonol fisher folk; (e) Urlcon poor; (f) Workers in formol lobor ond migroni workers; (g) Workersin lhe informolsector; (h) Children; (i) Youth ond Students; (j) Senior citizens; (k) Victims of disostersond cqlomities; (l) Cooperotives; or (m) oiher sector.


ESSENTIAL I : Business-friendliness ond Compelilivenessl. 2013 Finqlist of the PCC|'s Most Business-friendly LGUs Aword. or Dr/-/^l

A designoted locol economic ond investmenl promotion officer (LEIPO) or its equivolent Reg'lAssessmenlTeom

ESSENTIAI 2: Peqce ond OrderAllitems:l. Convened, of leost once,lhe Provinciol Peoce ond Order Council (PPOC) in 20l3 up to'l't Quorter.20l4

Adopted o Locol Anli-Criminolity Action Plon (whether o seporoie plon or embodied inthe PPOC oclion plon) for CY 2013Completed, oi leost one, joint LGU-PNP ociivity os conioined in the Locol Anti-CriminolityAction Plon for CY 2013Provided logisticol or finonciol support to the PNP Provinciol Police Office in 2013 uo toI't Quorter,20l4


Chief, PNPProvinciol Police


ESSENTIAL 3: Environmenlql MonogemenlTen-YeorNSWMC

I Solid Wosie Monogement (SWM) Plon opproved oy ihe Songgunion or Reg'lAssessmenlTeom

AttachmentA to IDILG Memorandum Circular No.: 2014- 39) Page 1 of9

Page 6: DILG MC 2014-39 Seal of Good Local Governance Mar 24 2014

SEAL OF GOOD LOCAL GOVERNANCE (SGLG)Assessment Criteria for Highly Urbanized Cities (HUC)

Attachment A to (DILG Memorandum Circular No.: 2014- 39)

Crilerio Cerlified bv:CORE 1: Good Finqnciol Housekeepingl. 2013 "Unquolified" or "Quolified" COA Opinion coA2. Complionce with ihe Full Disclosure Policy of Locol Budget ond finorrces Bids onO

Public Offerings os stoted in DILG Memorondum Circulor No.2Ol3-l40 (l't euqrrerposting period)2.1 Posiing in Conspicuous Ploces Reg'lAssessmenl

Teom2.2 Posting in the FDp portol

DILG-BLGSCORE 2: Disosler Prepqredness3. 2013 Gowod KALASAG Holl of Fomer, or NqtionolAwordee for Best LDRRMCs, or DND-OCD

Allof the tollowing:(i) Hos slructure for: (o) LDRRMC ond (b) LDRRMO(ii) Hos ot leosl two of these plons: (o) comprehensive Lond Use plon, (b) DRRM pton,

(c) Contingency Plon, (d) LocotCtimote Chonge Action pton(iii) Hos o system in ploce for: (o) eorly worning ond evocuotion olerl system; {b)

evocuotion ceniers; (c) commond line ond Siondord Operoting Procedures; (d)seorch ond rescue; (e) relief operotions; (f) medicolservices; (g) registrotion; ono(h) sequrity



goRE 3: sociol ProtecllonAccess fo jusfice3' An ordinonce estoblishing Borongoy Violence Agoinst Women ond their Children

(VAWC) desks, ondReg'lAssessmenl


4. An LGU-monoged Youlh Home, Bohoy Pog-oso or ony similor core foCititylieg ror ttrevulneroblg seclors-e.g., women, children, senior cilizens ond pWDs. or


A licensed LocolSociolWelfore ond Developmenl Officer Reg'lAssessmenlTeom

Access to Public Heolth5. 20l3 Philheolth-occreditotion in ol leost 25% of its heolth focilities, i.e., mqin ono

borongoy units, for Moternol core services6. 20l3 Philheollh-occreditotion in ot leost 70% of its heolth fociliiies, i.e.. moin ono

borongoy units, for Primory core7. 2013 Philheolih-occreditotion in ot leost 25% of its heqlth focilities, i.e., moin ono

borongoy units, for TB deteclion ond treolment


Supporf lo Bosic Educotion8. A Locol School Boord (LSB) Plon for CY 2Ol3 thot is oligned with the School

lmprovement Plon, ond9. Completed, ot leost 70%, its LSB pton for Cy 20t3


Privilege occess f or PWDs, Senior Citizens ond pregnont Womeni0. Designoted express lones for PWDs, Sr. Citizens ond pregnonl women on froniline

services, ond11. Complionce with Accessibiliiy Low i.e., provision of romps (hondroils) ot the

entronce/exil, speciol lift/elevotor, os opplicoble, ond toilet with hondroils in ihe cityholl ond moin RHU or ciiy hospitol


Represenlotion of lhe secfors in locotdecision bodies12. Complionce with indigenous people mondoiory representoiion, if opplicoble, ond13. Representotion of non-governmenl orgonizolion(s), from ony of ihe following sectors,

in the locoldevelopmenl council: (o) PWDs; (b) Women; (c) Formers ond londless rurolworkers; (d) Artisonol fisher folk; (e) Urbon poor; (f) Workers in formol lobor ond migrontworkers; (g) Workers in the informol sector; (h) Children; (i) youth ond Studenis; (j)Senior cilizens; (k) Victims of disosiers ond colomities; (l) Cooperotives; or (m) othersector.


Page? of9

Page 7: DILG MC 2014-39 Seal of Good Local Governance Mar 24 2014

ESSENTIAL I : Business-friendtiness ond CompellllyenessRonked omong the top 50 of the Competitiveness Index of lhe Notionol CornpetitivenessCouncil (NCC), or o Finolist of lhe Philippine Chomber of Commerce ond Industry's MostBusinessjriendly LGUs Aword (201 3 resulis),or

NCCD r/-

'/- |

Alliiems:l. A designoted locol economic ond investmenl promolion officer (LElpO) or its

equivolent2. Simplified business processing ond licensing syslem: (o) Not more lhon 5 steps, both for

new ond renewol of business, (b) Not more thon 1 doy processing time for businessrenewol, (c) Not more thon 5 doys processing iime for new business, ond (d) BusinessOne-Stop-Shop

3. Trocking of ol leqsl lhree the following economic doto: (o) No. of new business, (b)No. of business renewol, (c) Amount of copilol inveslment, derived from regisierednew businesses ond business renewol, ond (d) No. of employees, derivel fromre-oistered new businesses ond business renewol.


ESSENTIAL 2: Peqce ond OrderAll of the following ilems:l. Convened, of leosl once, the City Peoce ond Order Council (CPOC) in 20l3 up to lst

Quorter.20l42. Adopted o Locol Anti-Criminolity Action Plon (whether o seporote plon or embodied

in the CPOC qction plon) for Cy 20133. Provided logislicol or finonciol supporl io the PNP Ciiy Police Office (in the cose of

NCR, PNP city Police stolion or ony sub-stotions) in 2013 up lo 1$ euorter, 20144. Support the orgonizotion of lhe Borongoy Peocekeeping Action Teoms, or its


Chief, PNP CilyPolice Office (inlhe cose of NCR,PNP Cily Police


ESSENTIAL 3: Environmenfql MqnqgemenlAny lhree of the following ilems:l. An ordinonce on solid woste monogement2. A Moleriol Recovery Focility (MRF), or on exisling portnership with similor entiiy3. Ten-Yeor Solid wosle Monogement (SWM) plon opproved by the songgunion

NSWMC4. Access to sonitorv londfill



Attachment A to (DILG Memorandum Circular No.: 2014- 39J Page 3 of9

Page 8: DILG MC 2014-39 Seal of Good Local Governance Mar 24 2014

Cdlerio Cerlified by:

CORE I : Good Finonclgl Heulef;eepingl 20.|3 "Unquolified" or "Quolified" COA Opinion COA2. Complionce with the Full Disclosure Policy of Locol Budget ond Finonces Bids ond public

Offerings os sloled in DILG Memorondum Circulor No.2Ol3-l40 (l't Quorter postingperiod)2.1 Posting in Conspicuous Ploces Reg'lAssessment

Teom2.2 Posling in the FDP Portol DILG-BLGS

CORE 2: Disqster Preporedness3. 20]3 Gowod KALASAG Holl of Fomer, or NotionolAwordee for Best LDRRN4Cs, or DND-OCD

Allof the following:(i) Hos struciure for: (o) LDRRMC ond (b) LDRRMO(ii) Hos ot leost two of these plons: (o) Comprehensive Lond Use Plon, (b) DRRM plon,

(c) Contingency Plon, (d) Locot Climote Chonge Action pton(iii) Hos o syslem in ploce for: (o) eorly worning ond evocuolion olert system; (b)

evocuotion centers; (c) commond line ond Siondord Operoting Procedures; (d)seorch ond rescue; (e) relief operoiions; (f) medicol services; (g) registrotion; ond(h) security



CORE 3: Sociol ProleclionAccess lo iuslice4. An ordinonce esloblishino

(VAWC) desksBorongoy Violence Agoinst Women ond their Children Reg'lAssessmenl


5' An LGU-monoged Youth Home, Bohoy Pog-oso or ony similor core focility(ies) for thevulneroble seciors e.9., women, children ond senior citizens. or


A licensed LocolSociolWelfore ond Development Officer Reg'lAssessmenlTeom

Access to Public Heolth6. 2013 Philheollh-occreditotion in ot leost 25% of ils heolth focilities, i.e., moin ono

borongoy units, for Moternol core services7. 2013 Philheolth-occreditotion in of leost 70% of its heolth focilities, i.e., moin ono

borongoy unils, for Primory core8. 2013 Philheolth-occreditoiion in ot leosl 25% of its heolth focilities, i.e., moin ond

boronggy unils, for TB delection ond treolment


Support lo Bosic Educotion9. A Locol School Boord (LSB) Plon for CY 2Ol3 thoi is oligned with the School lmprovement

Plon, ondlO. Completed, ot leost 70%, its LSB pton for Cy 2013


Privilege occess f or PWDs, Senior Citizens ond pregnont Women1 l. Designoied express lones for PWDs, Sr. Citizens ond pregnonl women on fronline

services, ond12. Complionce with Accessibility Low i.e., provision of romps (hondroils) of the

entronce/exit, speciol lift/elevotor, os oppticoble ond toilet with hondroils in the cityhollond moin RHU


Represenlotion of lhe seclors in locoldecision bodies13. Complionce with indigenous people mondoiory representotion, if opplicoble, ond14. Representotion of non-governmenl orgonizotion(s), from ony of the following sectors,

in the locoldevelopment council: (o) PWDs; (b) Women; (c) Formers ond londless rurolworkers; (d) Artisonol fisher folk; (e) Urbon poor; (f) Workers in formol lobor ond migronrworkers; (g) Workers in lhe informolsecior; (h) Children; (i) Youth ond Students; (j) Seniorcitizens; (k) Victims of disosters ond colomilies; (l) cooperotives; or (m) olher seCtor.


sEAr oF GOOD LOCAL GOVERNAITCE (SGLG)Assessment Criteria for Independent Component Cities gCCs) and Component Cities

AttachmentA to IDILG Memorandum Circular No.: 2014- 39) Page 4 of9

Page 9: DILG MC 2014-39 Seal of Good Local Governance Mar 24 2014

ESSENTIAI I : Business-frlendliness qnd CompeflllvenessRonked omong lhe top 50 of the Competitiveness Index of ihe Notionol ComoetitivenessCouncil (NCC), or o Finolisl of the Philippine Chomber of Commerce ond Industry's MostBusiness-friendly LGUs Aword (2013 resulls, or


Allitems:i. A designoted locol economic ond investmenl promotion officer (LEIPO) or its

equivolenl2. Simplified business processing ond licensing system: (o) Not more ihon 5 steps, both for

new ond renewol of business, (b) Noi more thon 1 doy processing time for businessrenewol, (c) Not more thon 5 doys processing time for new business, ond (d) BusinessOne-Stop-Shop

3. Trocking of ot leosi two of the following economic doto: (o) No. of new business, (b)No. of business renewol, (c) Amount of copitolinvestment, derived from registered newbusinesses ond business renewol, ond (d) No. of employees, derived from registerednew businesses ond business renewol.


ESSENTIAI 2: Peoce ond OrderAllof the following items:l. Convened, ot leost once, the City Peoce ond Order Council (CPOC) in 2Ol3 up to 1't

Quorter.20142. Adopted o Locol Anti-Criminqlily Aciion Plon (whether o seporote plon or embodied

in the PPOC ocfion plon) for CY 20133. Provided logislicol orfinonciol support to the PNP City Police Office in 20l3 up to I'r

Quorter, 20144. Support lhe orgonizotion of the Borongoy Peocekeeping Action Teoms, or its


PNP Ciiy PoliceOffice

ESSENTIAt 3: Environmenlol MonogemenlAny lwo of the following ilems:l. An ordinonce on solid woste monogement2. A Moferiol Recovery Focility (MRF). or on exisling portnership with similor entity3. Ten-Yeor solid woste Monogement (swM) Plon opproved by fhe Songgunion or

NSWMC4. Access to sonitory londfill


AttachmentA to IDILG Memorandum Circular No.: 2014- 39J Page 5 of9

Page 10: DILG MC 2014-39 Seal of Good Local Governance Mar 24 2014

I't to Jd Class resCrileriq Certified by:

CORE l: Goqd Finonciol Housekeepingl. 2013 "Unquolified" or "Quolified" COA Ooinion2. Complionce with the Full Disclosure Policy of Locol Budget ond Finonces Bids ond

Public Offerings os sloted in DILG Memorondum Circulor No.2Ol3-l40 (lst euorterposting period)2.1 Posting in Conspicuous Ploces Reg'l


2.2 fosting in the FDP Portol DILG-BLGSCORE 2: Disqsler Preporedness3. 2013 owod KALASAG Hollof Fqmer, or NolionolAwordee for Best LDRRMCs. or DND-OCD

Allof the following:(i) Hos structure for: (o) LDRRMC ond (b) LDRRMO(ii) Hos oi leost two of lhese plons: (o) comprehensive Lond use pton, (b) DRRM pton,

(c) Contingency Plon, (d) LocolClimote Chonge Action plon(iii) Hos o system in ploce for: (o) eorly worning ond evocuotion olert system; (b)

evocuotion centers; (c) commond line ond Stondord Operoling Procedures; (d)seorch ond rescue; (e) relief operoiions; (f) medicolservices; (g) registrotion; ond(h) securily



CORE 3: Sociol ProleclionAccess to iustice4. An ordinonce estoblishing Borongoy Violence Agoinst Women ond their Children

(vAWC) desks, or o licensed Locolsociolwelfore ond Development officerReg'l


Access to Public Heolth5. 2013 Philheoth-occredifolion in its moin heolth focility or rurol heolth unit for ol leosr

two of lhe following: (o) Moiernol core services; (b) Primory core; (c) TB deleclionond treotment


Supporf lo Bosic Educotion6. A Locol School Boord (LSB) Plon for CY 2013 ihot is oligned with the Schoor

lmprovemenl Plon, ond7. Completed, ot leosl707o, its LSB plon for CY 2013


Privilege occess f or PWDs, Senior Citizens ond pregnont Women8. Designoted express lones for PWDs, Sr. Cifizens ond pregnont women on fronline

services qnd9. complionce with Accessibility Low i.e., provision of romps (hondroits) ol the

enlronce/exit in the municipol holl ond moin RHU



Represenlotion of lhe seclors in locoldecision bodies10. Complionce wilh indigenous people mondotory represenlotion, if opplicoble, ondI 1. Represenlotion of non-governmenl orgonizotion(s). from ony of the following secrors,

in the locol developmenl council: (o) PWDs; (b) Women; (c) Formers ond londlessrurol workers; (d) Artisonol fisher folk; (e) Urbon poor; (f) Workers in formol lobor ondmigront workers; (g) Workers in ihe informol sector; (h) Children; (i) Youth ondSludents; (j) Senior ciiizens; (k) Victims of disosters ond colomities; (l) Cooperotives; or(m) other sector.




Assessment Criteria for

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ESSENTIAI l: Business.hiendllness ond CompefilivenessRonked omong the top 50 of the Competitiveness Index of the Notionol ComoetitivenessCouncil (NCC), or o Finolist of the Philippine Chomber of Commerce ond Induslry's MostBusiness-friendly LGUs Aword {2013 results), or


Allilems:l. A designoted locol economic ond investmenl promotion officer (LEIPO) or its

equivolent2. Simplified business processing ond licensing syslem: (o) Not more thon 5 steps, both

for new ond renewol of business, (b) Not more thon I doy processing time for businessrenewolond (c) Nol more thon 5 doys processing time for new business

3. Trocking of ot leost two of lhe following economic doto: (o) No. of new business, (b)No. of business renewol, (c) Amouni of copilol investment, derived from registerednew businesses ond business renewol, ond (d) No. of employees , derived fromregistered new businesses ond business renewol.



ESSENTIAT 2: Peqce ond OrderAllof the following items:l. Convened, oi leost once, the Municipol Peoce ond Order Council (MPOC) in 2013

up lo lsf Quorter,20l42. Adopted o Locol Anti-Criminolity Action Plon (whether o seporote plon or embodied

in the MPOC oction plon) for CY 20133. Provided logisticol or finonciol support to lhe PNP Municipol Police Stotion in 20l3 up

lo lst Quorter, 20144. Support lhe orgonizolion of lhe Borongoy Peocekeeping Action Teoms, or ils


Chief. PNPMunicipol Police


ESSENTIA[ 3: Environnlenlol MonogemenfAny lwo of the following items:l. An ordinonce on solid woste monogement2. A Moleriol Recovery Focility (MRF), or qn exisling portnership with similor enliiy3. Ten-Yeor Solid wosle Monogement (swM) Plon opproved by lhe songgunion or

NSWMC4. Access lo sonitorv londfill



AttachmentA to (DILG Memorandum Circular No.: 2014- 39)

Page 12: DILG MC 2014-39 Seal of Good Local Governance Mar 24 2014


Assessment Criteria for 4'h to 6h Class Municipalities

Criferio Cerlified by:CORE l: Good Finonclql HousekeepinEl. 2013 "Unquolified" or "Quolified" COA Ooinion2. Complionce with ihe Full Disclosure Policy of Locol Budget ond Finonces Bids ond Public

Offerings os stoted in DILG Memorondum Circulor No.2Ol3-l40 (lsf Quorter postingperiod)2.1 Posting in Conspicuous Ploces Reg'l


2.2 Posiing in the FDP Portol DILG-BLGSCORE 2: Disosler Preporedness9, 2013 Gowod KAL{!49 f oll of Fomer, or NotionolAwordee for Best LDRRMCs, or DND-OCD

Allof ihe following:(i) Hos struclure for: (o) LDRRMC ond (b) LDRRMO(ii) Hos oi leosf two of these plons: (o) comprehensive Lond use plon, (b) DRRM pton,

(c) Contingency Plon, (d) LocolClimoie Chonge Action pton(iii) Hos o syslem in ploce for: (o) eorly worning ond evocuotion olert system; (b)

evocuolion centers; (c) commond line ond Stondord Operoting Procedures; (d)seorch ond rescue; (e) relief operotions; (f) medicol services; (g) registrotion; ond(h) securify



CORE 3: Sociol ProleclionAccess to iusfice3. An ordinonce estoblishing Borongoy Violence Agoinst Women ond their Children

(vAWc) desks, or o licensed Locolsociolwelfore ond Development officerReg'l


Access to Public Heolth4. 20l3 Philheolh-occreditotion in its moin heolth focilify or rurol heolth unit for ot leosr one

of the following: (o) Moternol core services; (b) Primory core; (c) TB delection onotreotment


Supporf to Bosic Educotion5. A LocolSchool Boord (LSB) Plon for CY 2013 thot is oligned with ihe School lmprovemenr

Plon, ond6. Completed, of leosl 707o,its LSB plon for CY 2013


Privilege occess f or PWDs, Senior Ciiizens ond Pregnont Women7. Designoted express lones for PWDs, Sr. Citizens ond pregnonl women on fronlline

services, ond8. Complionce with Accessibility Low i.e., provision of romps (hondroils) ot lhe

entronce/exit in ihe municipql hollond moin RHU



Represenfotion of lhe seclors in locoldecision bodies9. Complionce wilh indigenous people mondolory representolion, if opplicoble, qnd10. Representoiion of non-government orgonizoiion(s), from ony of lhe following secrors,

in the locoldevelopmenl council: (o) PWDs; (b) Women; (c) Formers ond lqndless rurorworkers; (d) Ariisonol fisher folk; (e) Urbon poor; (f) Workers in formol lobor ond migrontworkers; (g) Workers in lhe informolsector; (h) Children; (i) youth ond Students; (j) Seniorcitizens; (k) Victims of disosters ond colomities; (l) Cooperolives; or (m) other sector.



ESSENTIAI I : Business-friendliness ond CompellllvenessRonked omong the top 50 of ihe Competitiveness Index of the NolionqrCompetitiveness Council (NCC), or o Finolisl of the Philippine Chomber of Commerceond Induslryls Mosl Business-friendty LGUs Aword (2013 resulls), or


A designoted locol economic ond invesiment promotion officer (LEIPO) or ilsequivolent


TeomESSENTIAI 2: Peoce qnd OrderAny lhree of the following ilems:l. Convened, ot leost once, the Municipol Peoce ond Order Council (MPOC) in 20l3 up

to l.r Quorter,2O142. Adopted o Locol Anti-Criminolity Aciion Plon (whether o seporole plon or embodied

in the MPOC oction plon) for CY 2013

Chief, PNPMunicipol

Police Stotion

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