Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

Digital Signal Digital Signal Processing Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana

Transcript of Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

Page 1: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

Digital Signal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingPrepared by:Bhawna BhardwajAssistant professorB.P.R.C.E Gohana

Page 2: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

Digital Signal ProcessingCourse at a glance

Discrete-TimeSignals &Systems

Fourier DomainRepresentation

Sampling &Reconstruction




Z-Transform DFT


Filter Structure Filter Design

Page 3: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

Chapter 1

Digital Signal Processing

Signals, Systems and Signal Processing.

Classification of Signals.

Concept of Frequency in Continuous-

Time & Discrete-Time Signals.

Analog to Digital & Digital to Analog


Fourier transform

Page 4: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

1.1. Signals, Systems and Signal Processing

Signal is defined as any physical quantity that varies with independent

variables. For Example, the functions

S1(t) = 5t or S2(t) = 20t2 one variable

S(x,y) = 3x+4xy+6x2 two variables x and y

Speech signal

Digital Signal Processing


iiii ttFtA



Amplitude Frequency Phase

Page 5: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

System, is defined as a physical device that performs an operation on a


Basic elements of a digital signal processing system:

Digital Signal Processing

A/D ConverterDigital SignalProcessing

D/A Converter

Analog input signal

Analog outputsignal

Digital input signal

Digital output signal

1.1. Signals, Systems and Signal Processing

Page 6: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

Digital Signal Processing

1.1. Signals, Systems and Signal Processing

Advantages of DSP

Flexibility (software change)


Reliable Storage

Complex process realized by simple code

Cost, Cheaper than analog

Page 7: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

ttx cos)(1 tetx )(2

Classification of Signals

Continuous-Time versus Discrete-Time Signals:

Continuous-Time or analog signal are defined for every value of time.

Digital Signal Processing

are examples of analog signals


t0 Analog Signal• Continuous in time. • Amplitude may take on any value in the continuous range of (-∞, ∞).

Analog Processing• Differentiation, Integration, Filtering, Amplification.• Implemented via passive or active electronic circuitry.

Page 8: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

1.2. Classification of Signals

1.2.2. Continuous-Time versus Discrete-Time Signals:

Digital Signal Processing

Discrete-Time signals are defined only at certain specific value of time.

• Continuous Amplitude.• Only defined for certain time instances.• Can be obtained from analog signals via sampling.

The function provide an example of a discrete-time signal.


n0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-1



Page 9: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

1.2. Classification of Signals

1.2.3. Continuous-Valued versus Discrete-Valued Signals:The values of a CT or DT Signal can be continuous or discrete.If a signal takes on all possible values of a finite or an infinite range, it is CONTINUOUS-VALUED Signal.If the signal takes on values from a finite set of possible values, it is DISCRETE-VALUED Signal. Also called Digital SignalDigital Signal because of the discrete values.

Digital Signal Processing


n0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-1 8

Digital Signal with 4 different amplitude values

Page 10: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

1.2. Classification of Signals

1.2.4. Deterministic versus Random Signals:

Digital Signal Processing

Random SignalA signal in which cannot be approximated by a formula to a

reasonable degree of accuracy (i.e. noise).

Deterministic SignalAny signal whose past, present and future values are

precisely known without any uncertainty

Page 11: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

Fourier TransformFourier Transform• A CT signal A CT signal xx((tt) and its frequency domain, Fourier ) and its frequency domain, Fourier

transform signal, transform signal, XX((jj), are related by), are related by

• For example:For example:

• Often you have tables for common Fourier Often you have tables for common Fourier transformstransforms

• The Fourier transform, The Fourier transform, XX((jj), represents the ), represents the frequency content frequency content of of xx((tt).).








)()( jXtxF







Page 12: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

Fourier Transform of a Time Fourier Transform of a Time Shifted SignalShifted Signal• We’ll show that a Fourier transform of a signal which has We’ll show that a Fourier transform of a signal which has

a a simple time shift simple time shift is:is:

• i.e. the original Fourier transform but i.e. the original Fourier transform but shifted in phaseshifted in phase by –by –tt00

• ProofProof• Consider the Fourier transform synthesis equation:Consider the Fourier transform synthesis equation:

• but this is the synthesis equation for the Fourier but this is the synthesis equation for the Fourier transform transform

• ee--jj00ttXX((jj))




( )10 2


( ) ( )

( ) ( )

( )

j t

j t t

j t j t

x t X j e d

x t t X j e d

e X j e d

)()}({ 00 jXettxF tj

Page 13: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

Convolution in the FrequencyConvolution in the Frequency DomainDomain• We can easily solve ODEs in the frequency We can easily solve ODEs in the frequency


• Therefore, to apply Therefore, to apply convolution in the convolution in the frequency domainfrequency domain, we just have to , we just have to multiply multiply the the two Fourier Transformstwo Fourier Transforms..

• To solve for the differential/convolution equation To solve for the differential/convolution equation using Fourier transforms:using Fourier transforms:

1.1. Calculate Calculate Fourier transformsFourier transforms of of xx((tt) and ) and hh((tt): ): XX((jj) by ) by HH((jj))

2.2. MultiplyMultiply HH((jj) by ) by XX((jj) to obtain ) to obtain YY((jj))

3.3. Calculate the Calculate the inverse Fourier transforminverse Fourier transform of of YY((jj))

)()()()(*)()( jXjHjYtxthtyF

Page 14: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

Proof of Convolution Proof of Convolution PropertyProperty

• Taking Fourier transforms gives:Taking Fourier transforms gives:

• Interchanging the order of integration, we haveInterchanging the order of integration, we have

• By the time shift property, the bracketed term is By the time shift property, the bracketed term is ee--

jjHH((jj), so), so

dthxty )()()(

dtedthxjY tj )()()(

ddtethxjY tj)()()(









Page 15: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

1.4. A/D & D/A Conversion

Digital Signal Processing

Sampler Quantizer Coder



Discrete-Time signal

Quantized signal



xq (n)


A/D Converter

1.4.1. Analog to Digital Converter (A/D):

Conceptually, the A/D comprise 3 step process as in the following figure.

Page 16: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana. Sampling:

1.4. A/D & D/A Conversion

Digital Signal Processing

1.4.1. Analog to Digital Converter (A/D):

It is the conversion of a CT signal into DT signal obtained by taking “Samples” of the CT signal at DT instants.

Periodic or Uniform Sampling:This type of sampling is used most often in practice, describe by the relation:

where x(n) is the DT signal obtained by taking samples of the analog signal xa(t) every T seconds.

The rate at which the signal is sampled is Fs: Fs = 1/T


Page 17: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana. Sampling:

1.4. A/D & D/A Conversion

Digital Signal Processing

1.4.1. Analog to Digital Converter (A/D):

Consider an analog sinusoidal signal of the form:

Sampling Frequency:

Normalized frequency:

Sampled Signal:

Page 18: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana. Sampling:

IntroductionIntroduction1.4. A/D & D/A Conversion

Digital Signal Processing

1.4.1. Analog to Digital Converter (A/D):

Relation among frequency variable:


Page 19: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana. Sampling:

1.4. A/D & D/A Conversion

Digital Signal Processing

4.1. Analog to Digital Converter (A/D):

We observe that the fundamental difference between CT and DT signals in their range of values of the frequency variables F and f or Ω and ω.

Means Sampling from infinite frequency range for F (or Ω) into a finite frequency range for f (or ω).

Since the highest frequency in a DT signal is ω = π or f = 1/2.

With sampling rate Fs the corresponding highest values of F and Ω are:

Page 20: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana. Sampling:

1.4. A/D & D/A Conversion

Digital Signal Processing

1.4.1. Analog to Digital Converter (A/D):


I. Two analog sinusoidal signals:

Which are sampled at a rate Fs = 40 Hz.

Discrete-time signals:

This mean


The frequency F2 = 50 Hz is an alias of the frequency F1 = 10 Hz at the sampling rate of 40 samples per second.

F2 is not the only alias of F1

Page 21: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

1.4. A/D & D/A Conversion

Digital Signal Processing

1.4.1. Analog to Digital Converter (A/D):II. Two analog sinusoidal signals, F1 = 1 Hz & F2 = 5 Hz are sampled at a rate Fs = 4 Hz.

F2 is the alias of F1

Page 22: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

1.4. A/D & D/A Conversion

Digital Signal Processing

1.4.1. Analog to Digital Converter (A/D):


• Aliasing occurs when input frequencies (again greater than half the sampling rate) are folded and superimposed onto other existing frequencies.

In order to prevent alias

where Fmax is the highest input frequency

Nyquist Rate:

Minimum sampling rate to prevent alias.

Page 23: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana. Sampling:

1.4. A/D & D/A Conversion

Digital Signal Processing

1.4.1. Analog to Digital Converter (A/D):

• Given Band Limited (Frequency Limited Given Band Limited (Frequency Limited Signal) with highest frequency FSignal) with highest frequency Fmaxmax::The signal can be exactly reconstructed The signal can be exactly reconstructed provided the following is satisfied:provided the following is satisfied:– Sampling Frequency:Sampling Frequency:– The samples are not quantized The samples are not quantized

(analog amplitudes)(analog amplitudes)

Sampling Theorem:

Page 24: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

1.4. A/D & D/A Conversion

Digital Signal Processing

1.4.1. Analog to Digital Converter (A/D):

Reconstruction Formula:

The signal:

The samples:


Interpolation Function:

Page 25: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

1.4. A/D & D/A Conversion

Digital Signal Processing

1.4.1. Analog to Digital Converter (A/D): Quantization:

The process of converting a DT continuous amplitude signal into

digital signal by expressing each sample value as a finite number of

digits is called QUANTIZATION.

Page 26: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

1.4. A/D & D/A Conversion

Digital Signal Processing

1.4.1. Analog to Digital Converter (A/D): Quantization:

Fs = 1 Hz

Page 27: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

1.4. A/D & D/A Conversion

Digital Signal Processing

1.4.1. Analog to Digital Converter (A/D): Quantization:

Numerical illustration of quantization with one significant digit using truncation or rounding

Page 28: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

1.4. A/D & D/A Conversion

Digital Signal Processing

1.4.1. Analog to Digital Converter (A/D): Coding:

Page 29: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

IntroductionIntroduction1.4. A/D & D/A Conversion

Digital Signal Processing

1.4.2. Digital to Analog Converter (A/D):


Page 30: Digital Signal Processing Prepared by: Bhawna Bhardwaj Assistant professor B.P.R.C.E Gohana.

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