Digital marketing Strategies 2016


Transcript of Digital marketing Strategies 2016




Table of Contents



2. Key Strategies & Planning Concepts ....................................................................................... 2

3. Situational Analysis ................................................................................................................... 3

4. Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 5

5. Strategy .................................................................................................................................... 5

6. Delivering Results .................................................................................................................... 8

7. Competition .............................................................................................................................. 9

8 . Action & Control ......................................................................................................................... 9

9 . Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 10





We offer a plethora of services like SEO, SEM, SMM, Complete Digital

Marketing, Website Design and Development, E - Commerce Solutions, Content

Management System and other IT related projects.

First things first Digital marketing planning is no different to any other marketing

plan, in fact it‟s increasingly Perceive your business. However, we‟re often

required to separate plans for “digital” only based on the way teams and reporting

is structured and to help the transition to digital - before it becomes “business as

usual”. Some general strategies we keep in mind when planning the Digital

Marketing Strategy


1. We focus on building a plan around the customer - not your products and


2. Situations and plans change, especially online, so we ensure plans which are

usable by having clear vision for the year and keeping real detail to a shorter term

90-Day focus.

3. Make plans fact-based and state assumptions, so they‟re easy for others to buy


4. Keep it Simple! “Jargon light” is best. Again it helps others buy into what

you‟re saying

5. Keep plans up to date - monthly is more than enough



6. There isn‟t a perfect plan, what‟s needed changes according to each business!

At 5ines we commend the SOSTAC™ planning structure. This is a great

framework for business, marketing or Digital marketing plans since it‟s simple

and logical, so it‟s easy to remember.

S - Situational Analysis

O - Objectives

S - Strategy

T - Tactics



A - Action

C - Control

Each of the six areas help in separating out the key strategies, for example

customer acquisition, Conversion and retention.


Where are we now? Understanding your online marketplace

Always we start with the customer, their characteristics, behaviours, needs and


1. Target Audience

We target your customers online based on age group, demographics, behavior &

their expectations. The more we understand about your customer/potential

customer the more we can use language they appreciate, market where they

spend their time offline and online and design a product that they‟ll want.

Digital Marketing allows you to use the same basic message in different online

“channels” and with slightly different messaging so it fits the context

2. Ideal customers – There are lots of ways to research customers or potential

customers. We conduct online surveys and ask your customers for some

information on their motivations, what websites they look at.



We also look at your sales and tech support previous data, blog/website queries

and phone queries to see what questions are being asked by people or what

people are asking publicly on forums, twitter, Facebook, etc.


The objectives for your digital campaign, The 5 S goals refer to: Sell, Serve,

Speak, Save and Sizzle

It is important to turn each objective into SMART objectives, which stands for:

Specific – Are you focusing enough on a specific issue or challenge within

the organisation?

Measureable – How do you plan to assess the performance? Will it be

monitored through quantitative or qualitative analysis for example?

Actionable – Will it assist in improving performance if achieved?

Relevant – Is the issue to be addressed within the domain of the digital

marketing team?

Time-related – Have you set a specific time period?


How are we going to achieve the goals?

a. Targeting and segmentation

A company‟s online customers have different demographic characteristics, needs

and behaviours to its offline customers. It follows that different approaches to



segmentation may be required and specific segments may need to be selectively

targeted though specific content and messaging on your site or elsewhere on the

web. This capability for “micro-targeting is one of the biggest benefits of digital

marketing. Specific targeting approaches to apply online described in the book

include: demographic, value-based, lifecycle and behavioral personalization.

b. Positioning


We strive hard to place your website on 1 – 2 pages of major search engines and

the keywords will be shortlisted and worked in such a way that it should receive

maximum hits with a perfect landing page and call to action. We perform landing

page analysis and optimize landing pages to increase conversions. We also follow

unique content marketing tactics to engage your customers and reward them with

coupons, free bees etc. We also run a contest in order to indirectly interact with

your customers and later on convert those into revenues.

Social Channels

We have handpicked major social channels to promote

Facebook is a key to increase brand awareness and invite people to browse

properties and increase engagements.

Twitter: Through twitter we can target the market and understand customer‟s

behavior through trending topics. It is a perfect platform to get new updates and

align the strategy based on customer‟s movements.



Linked In: It is a business area wherein you can reach any individual/

influencer/companies through your profiles. People use linked as a powerful tool

for lead generation. We create innovative strategies in order to reach the target

audience by tracking their posts and behaviours to enhance conversions.

Forums: We actively participate in Property forums to check whether there are

any doubts related to property buying. If there is a necessity, we are going to

invite them to the webpage and guide them through the website.

Email Marketing: Email newsletter blasts will let you get your give-away

information out there quickly!

SMS Marketing: If there are any promotions or new property release we can run a

sms campaign.

Affiliate Marketing - Affiliates will drive traffic in exchange for a „per lead‟ fee.

You can set the dollar amount you are willing to pay per lead. These services let

you easily hire great internet marketers to work for you. Building your affiliate

marketing network is a central component to ensure you‟re maximizing

opportunities in generating incremental revenue streams through a network of

publishers that are active within your program either through lead generation,

display, search or voucher codes.



Localized Listings: Local listings populate most maps searches. These are

important for getting in front of people searching on mobile devices and through


Step-by-Step Guides Creation: Educating customer helps, collecting doubts

from your customers and creating step by step guide can increase trust towards

the company.

Online Reputation Management: After performing these tasks monitoring is a

crucial task. We monitor your reputation online.


Here‟s what {5ines}‟s SEO experts will do to assure & meets its goals:

Launch a campaign to bring in a stream of new visitors to your website

– If prospects can find you at the top of their search engine results, you can

turn them into buyers. We‟ll launch a campaign to improve your rankings

and drive visitors to your site.

Build a framework to sustain a long-term increase in website traffic –

We want your SEO investment to pay off over the long haul, so we‟ll base

your campaign on ethical link-building strategies. This framework gives

you a sustained increase in traffic, largely unaffected by changes to search

engine algorithms.

Optimize your SEO campaign to convert your new traffic into

customers – A SEO campaign should produce a tangible return on your

investment: new customers. We‟ll manage your campaign for 6 months



after we launch it, making continual improvements to increase the

percentage of your new traffic that turn into paying customers.


Before working on competitive analysis we seek your help and work on some of

the questions mentioned below:

1. What are the touch points between you and your customers?

2. What is the emotional reward if a customer uses your product?

3. What other product or services do your customers use that are

complimentary to yours?

4. What websites do your customers/potential spend time on?

5. What words/phrases do they use on these websites to describe their

needs that you can fulfil?

6. Where does your website rank for those words/phrases? New website

7. Who are the most important people online that influence your

customers/potential customers?

8. What do you need to do to get mentioned by these people?

9. Who links to you and your competition?

10. What traditional media outlets can help with online

coverage/reputation for you?




“Do it now, sometime later becomes never”

The goals and objectives have already been decided the next step is to get those

into action. We will implement the foundations to achieve those goals.


The final stage is to lay out how you plan to monitor and measure the performance

based on the objectives set at stage 2. The tactics have been considered and the control

section will provide us a series of dashboards tailored for each tactic. The company has

control over the marketing communication plan. The control is predominantly over

three specific elements that include:

Operational Excellence: This is where the company has control over the actual

implementation of the plan. The tactical managers are in charge of this control, which

is communicated accordingly.

Strategic Deployment: The assessment is both to identify the quality and the

effectiveness of the plan that is being deployed. At this stage the tactics of the plan can

be amended to a certain level in order to accomplish the strategy effectively.


The plan is formulated with emphasis on the quality of information and

information consistency. Hence to conclude this report, the marketing plan

proposed in the report when deployed with the relevant controls in place will

increase the customer base and in turn campaign success.

