Digital Marketing Seminar Cairo Brochure February 2010

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The Digital Marketing Seminar 2 will take place in Cairo, Egypt in February 2010. This time we have added the Michael Leander Email Marketing Masterclass. More information about the event here:

Transcript of Digital Marketing Seminar Cairo Brochure February 2010

Page 1: Digital Marketing Seminar Cairo Brochure February 2010
Page 2: Digital Marketing Seminar Cairo Brochure February 2010

To book your place now: Call: 0100026349 | Email: [email protected] | Web:

Do you want your digital marketing to rise above the rest?

Dear Marketer,

I am excited to invite you to our second Digital Marketing Seminar with Michael Leander. The feedback we received from delegates attending the first one in December was fantastic. In fact 98% of the attendees said they would recommend the event to their marketing peers.

In February 2010, you can attend the seminar at the Conrad Hotel in Cairo. Based on feedback from past attendees the program has been expanded to allow you to tailor-make parts of the contents to best match your current internet marketing interests and priorities. You should also consider attending the 1 day Email Marketing Masterclass offered in Egypt for the first time. Read more about the Masterclass in the program.

I am looking forward to see you at the Digital Marketing Seminar in Cairo.

Best Regards,

Soha RadwanCEO, Global Consultants

1 Learn the 7 most important digital marketing trends 2 Get Michael Leander to review and critique your website live on stage3 Learn how to build a compelling web-presence4 Familiarize yourself with the newest online marketing techniques5 Steal ideas and concepts from Michael Leander’s examples and tips6 Tailor-make your program – choose from specialized break-out sessions7 Learn how to effectively drive new and existing customers to your website

In the Email Marketing Masterclass you will learn: How to set your objectives and add value for your permission based email marketing program How you can use email marketing creatively and insights into how other businesses have successfully applied this media Designing your content concept to ensure relevancy, consistency and high response rates Develop sign-up forms for maximum conversion rates to continually grow the number of subscribers Best practice for content, copy, frequency and timing Profiling your target audience for improved relevancy and targeting Utilizing response for increased interactivity leading to higher conversion rates Email marketing systems; what to look for when choosing a professional email marketing system

Become a Master Email Marketer

7 reasons why you should attend the Digital Marketing Seminar

Page 3: Digital Marketing Seminar Cairo Brochure February 2010

To book your place now: Call: 0100026349 | Email: [email protected] | Web:

Meet Michael LeanderWith more than 20 years of experience in the field of direct marketing, management and sales, Michael Leander is an internationally recognized expert in the areas of digital marketing, customer lifecycle marketing management, permission (email) marketing and multi-channel direct/interactive marketing. He has been direct ly involved in onl ine marketing since 1994.

A proponent of Return on Marketing Investment for many years, Michael Leander is adamant about achieving results for his clients. He is frequently invited to speak on current direct and interactive marketing topics at conferences, seminars, masterclasses, company workshops and internal kick-offs. He has spoken in front of thousands of people in more than 25 countries.

As the current elected Chairman of FIMAC, Fedma’s interactive marketing council, Michael Leander actively contributes to shaping the future of the direct and interactive marketing industry in Europe and MENA. He is one of the founders of the Pan European Email Marketing Benchmark – an unbiased email marketing benchmark study covering more than 20 countries. Recognizing his experience and insights, Michael Leander also regularly judges direct and interactive marketing awards around the world.

Michael Leander is known to be one of the most important permission email marketing experts in Europe and the Middle East. With 15 years of practical email marketing experience under his belt, his experience with email marketing began as a corporate marketer. In the past 9 years Michael Leander has helped numerous organizations embrace email marketing. He has worked with global organizations as well as medium sized and entrepreneurial businesses. His experience covers more than 25 vertical industries. This unique experience allows Michael Leander to quickly assess how to best implement email marketing programs in the Middle East and North Africa.

“I experienced Michael Leander present the 2 day internet marketing seminar in Cairo and, the least I can say is that it was a remarkable one. Not only was I satisfied to receive what he promised to deliver but really enjoyed observing him "perform" the delivery process. He is a humble, funny yet professional speaker who has profound knowledge and insight in Internet Marketing. I considered the few Arabic words he used as the Crème della Crème of the great friendly atmosphere he created, Although I am an occasional university instructor myself, I truly valued these 2 days with Michael and would be looking forward to be part of your audience anytime, anywhere.”Khalid Atabani, Chief Information Officer, Elsewedy Cables, Egypt

“I experienced Michael's unique and hugely engaging personality when he was one of the speakers at Drayton Bird's EADIM seminar in London. He was clear, warmly and engagingly provocative in his ideas and hugely compelling. He kept all of our attention throughout the "graveyard hour". He is not only a master of his subject, his personality fills the room. Warmly recommended.”Michael Trigg, CEO Phoenix International, United Kingdom

“I heard Michael Leander speak at the Loyalty Marketing Conference in Moscow. And his speech was the most brilliant for me. It really was the best from more than 20 speakers. It made me look to some problems and questions from the other side. I thank him very much for his presentation and I wish him good luck in his business!”Pavel Sidorenco, CEO Tellus, Moldova

“Michael Leander is a true expert and innovator within the direct and interactive marketing arena. His energetic presentations are full of actionable insight, interesting and very entertaining. In my opinion Michael currently is one of the best speakers in Europe. His unique style, ability to engage even "difficult" audiences is remarkable. Highly recommendable.”Jørgen N. Andreasssen, Marketing & Membership Director, FEDMA, Belgium/Norway

What others say about Michael Leander

Page 4: Digital Marketing Seminar Cairo Brochure February 2010

Registration and coffee/tea, Networking Opportunity

Welcome noteOutlining the state of Digital Marketing in Egypt, Soha Radwan, CEO, Global Consultants

Opening notesOfficial Speeches: Government representative, and Main Sponsor

Keynote: 7 things You Need to become a Successful Internet Marketer, Michael LeanderLearn about 7 critical elements you need to consider before you develop or revisit your online marketing strategy.

Your Executive Internet Marketing RoadmapIn this top down executive road map to successful internet marketing, Michael Leander will outline the most important components you need to address for maximizing your business online. Learn:

how the internet will force you to change the way you market products and services how to outline your internet marketing objectives/goals understand your target audience and their behavior outline of the assets you need for your digital marketing presence mixed with examples from Egypt and the rest of the world



An introduction to social media and how your business can leverage the opportunities presented – Michael LeanderThis session will give you an understanding of the impact of social media, and help you decide how your business can leverage this opportunity. Learn:

why social media and social networks such as Facebook should be part of your online marketing mix how blogging can positively affect your brand and reputation how to use video effectively as part of your marketing-communication how to measure your response & your online reputation through social media monitoring and analysis how to utilize social media for customer service







To book your place now: Call: 0100026349 | Email: [email protected] | Web:

Seminar Day 1: 19 February 2010

2 seminar days + 1 day Masterclass:

Best Deal: 3.999 EGP

Email MarketingMaster-class only:

1.999 EGP

2 seminar daysonly: 2.999 EGP

TRACK 1 14:30 - 16:00

Search engine optimization


Speaker to be announced

TRACK 314:30 - 16:00

Email Marketing IntroMichael Leander

Email marketing

Get a high level introduction to email marketing and how it can impact your business

TRACK 214:30 - 16:00

How to attract customers with mobile marketing

Digital MediaMobile Marketing

Speaker to be announced

Choose one Track

Page 5: Digital Marketing Seminar Cairo Brochure February 2010

To book your place now: Call: 0100026349 | Email: [email protected] | Web:

Seminar Day 2: 20 February 2010

Welcome Note: Soha Radwan, CEO, Global Consultants

Building or improving your website Design, develop and delivering your online marketing value proposition The 10 second rule of thumb and the ”Walk-in-the-Park” technique How to design and implement a website How to structure your content to make your website relevant How to implement “call-to-actions” to increase your customer acquisition and/or repeat business from

existing customers Examples of best-in-class companies that have expanded by leveraging internet marketing

How to drive traffic to your website Learn about different techniques that will increase the number of visitors to your website Learn about generic and paid-for-traffic Learn how free tools can help you monitor and measure your website traffic, user behavior and conversion


Working lunch (sandwiches)Reviewing your web properties – Michael LeanderMichael Leander will review and comment on delegate’s websites and show a compelling case study from a marketer active in your local market.

seminar attendees develop their own internet marketing plan.






16:15 –18:00


Book and pay before February 1 and save 10%EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: 5 people save 5%

10 people – save 10%Group discounts

TRACK 1 14:30 - 16:00

Search engine optimization


Speaker to be announced

TRACK 314:30 - 16:00

Email Marketing IntroMichael Leander

Email marketing

Get a high level introduction to email marketing and how it can impact your business

TRACK 214:30 - 16:00

Challenges to traditional Media Channels

Digital MediaPlaning & Buying

Speaker to be announced

Choose one Track

Page 6: Digital Marketing Seminar Cairo Brochure February 2010

To book your place now: Call: 0100026349 | Email: [email protected] | Web:

February 21: Email Marketing Masterclass Program

Welcome Note: Soha Radwan, CEO, Global ConsultantsOpening Note: The Legal Side of Permission Marketing in EgyptA representative will give you an up to date information about the state of permission legislation in Egypt.

Keynote: The 7 Step Plan to Successful Email Marketing, Michael LeanderOutlining the executive plan you need to know in order to generate results from permission based email marketing:

The past and future of email marketing: Learn from others mistakes Objectifying email marketing and how to get started The hidden gems in email marketing: how do you find them? Tracking user behavior and how you can utilize that knowledge Benchmark numbers, facts and case studies from successful email marketers in B2B and B2C markets

Building your content concept and defining your email marketing value propositionThe content concept and your email marketing value proposition is critical to your success.

How to build a compelling content concept Designing your email marketing value proposition Defining your email marketing ecosystem for maximum results

WORKING LUNCHMichael Leander will review your email marketing program live on stage

How to acquire subscribers to your permission based email marketing programsEffectively attracting subscribers to your newsletters and/or opt-in to your email marketing promotions requires specific knowledge.

How to design your acquisition forms and work with call-to-actions in multiple channels Effective tactics to acquire new subscribers – even with very little budget

Coffee Break

Designing your message to ensure high open- and response ratesThe moment of truth! are your email messages opened and responded to?

How you craft a powerful email marketing message or design a compelling email marketing newsletter How you implement MWR’s to ensure highest possible response rates The do’s and don’t The three most important things you need to know to become a successful email marketer Key technical aspects you need to take into consideration when crafting your message.

Certification Ceremony





14:30 –15:45



18:00-18:30If you have already started with emai l marketing, Michael Leander will review your current program live on stage providing you valuable insights on what you need to change to improve your current program.

Email MarketingMaster-class only:

1.999 EGP

Page 7: Digital Marketing Seminar Cairo Brochure February 2010

PLEASE SEND COMPLETED FORM & PAYMENT TO GLOBAL CONSULTANTS EGYPT OFFICE: 54 Michael Bakhoum St., 4th fl., PO Box 131, 12311 Dokki, Giza - Fax: +202 33362107 - Email: [email protected]


All payments can be made in cash or by cheque to Global ConsultantsOr wired to:Commercial International Bank, Swift: CIBEEGCX001,for account no. 01-50-39005-2, Global Consultants


NAME: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POSITION: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------PHONE:-------------------------------------------- FAX:------------------------------------------- E-MAIL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Digital Marketing Seminar Registration Form19 – 21 February 2010

COMPANY NAME:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADDRESS:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CITY/STATE:-------------------------------------- ZIP/POSTAL CODE: ----------------------------------- COUNTRY:------------------------------------------------------PHONE:---------------------------------------------------------- FAX:---------------------------------------------------------------E-MAIL:---------------------------------------------------------- WEBSITE:---------------------------------------------------------


FIRST NAME:-------------------------------------------- SURNAME:----------------------------------------------- POSITION:-------------------------------------------------DIRECT PHONE:--------------------------------------- FAX:--------------------------------------------------------- E-MAIL:-----------------------------------------------------

[A] Your Contact Information

I am also interested in finding out more about Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities

[B] Delegates informationDELEGATE 1 : • MR. • MRS. • MS. • DR. • PROF.

FIRST NAME:-------------------------------------------- SURNAME:----------------------------------------------- POSITION:-------------------------------------------------DIRECT PHONE:--------------------------------------- FAX:--------------------------------------------------------- E-MAIL:-----------------------------------------------------


DELEGATE 2 : • MR. • MRS. • MS. • DR. • PROF.

FIRST NAME:-------------------------------------------- SURNAME:----------------------------------------------- POSITION:-------------------------------------------------DIRECT PHONE:--------------------------------------- FAX:--------------------------------------------------------- E-MAIL:-----------------------------------------------------



TERMS OF PAYMENT:Payment should be settled within 2 working days from receiving the invoice.Deadline for registration and payment is February 10th

DIGITAL MARKETING SEMINAR RULES & REGULATIONS 1. PAYMENT & CANCELLATIONS POLICY: by registering you are making a contractual agreement to fulfill payment. Cancellations are not accepted and global consultants will not be able to refund any fees, but we will do our best to accommodate any change in delegates in case that is necessary.2. OTHER MATTERS: The Digital Marketing Seminar is owned and managed by Global Consultants whose main office is at 54 michael Bakhoum St., 4th Fl., 12311 Dokki, Giza, Egypt. All matters not expressly covered in the Contract are subject to the reasonable decision of the Organizer, which decision shall be final.3. ALTERATIONS: Organizer reserves the right to make alterations in matters affecting technical arrangements and safety.

We understand that upon acceptance, this application becomes a contract upon terms and conditions mutually agreed to by the parties. In making this registration, we agree to comply with the Digital Marketing Seminar Rules and Regulations. This Contract shall bind the parties hereto, their successors, executors and administrators.

Date Name Signature Stamp

Page 8: Digital Marketing Seminar Cairo Brochure February 2010

To book your place now: Call: 0100026349 | Email: [email protected] | Web:

Media Sponsors

Global Consultants (GC), established in Beirut since 2002 and Cairo in 2004, operates in the field of education and training, as well as marketing consultancy and event management. The firm’s mission is “to help people fulfill their potentials” on an individual and organizational level.

Creating innovative and dynamic Training & Technology Events in management, marketing and human development: Manage Your Boss Anger Management Emotional Intelligence Regional Business Seminars

Training & Marketing Events

Attend all 3 days and benefit from our 10% discount when booking and

paying before February 1st

Follow-up online seminar includedDownload all presentationsGet your Certificate of Attendance signed by Michael LeanderHave Michael Leander comment on your website Get the DIY Video in Marketing Guide for freeGet the booklet “7 things you need to know about online marketing” freeGet the Email Marketing Masterclass Certificate of AttendanceNetwork with marketing professionals and join our digital marketing group on FacebookQualify for a 10% discount for upcoming Markedu and Global Consultants eventsAccess to 1to1 talk with Michael Leander during the event (limited to lunches, breaks and for one hour after closing of each day)


10 benefits for attending all three days

98% of Participants Recommend the Seminar

Facts From the Last Cairo Internet Marketing Seminar December 2009

You are welcome to participate in the seminar and/or request more information on Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities

An Event of

Inas El-Sakhawy, Project LeaderMobile: 0100026349, [email protected]

Phone/Fax: (+202) 33362107 - 3762931754 Micheal Bakhoum Str., 4th floor,

PO Box 131, 12311 Dokki, Giza ,Egypt

Profile of ParticipantsProfile of Participants