Digital Marketing Company In Pune-Sainoormedia


Transcript of Digital Marketing Company In Pune-Sainoormedia

It is an unassailable fact that digital marketing plan has become the integral part of any strategy to take a business to higher levels. As no two businesses are same, it is crucial to device a unique, flexible and sustainable plan that suits the goal, marketing approach and prospective customers. Although the potentials of digital marketing are quite vast, it is only through a prudent approach and strategy, the available resources and efforts can be channelized for effective returns. Sainoor Media, a leading digital marketing company in Pune, explains the methodologies to create a digital marketing plan

In the first place, what is a digital marketing plan and why it is necessary for any company in the present circumstances. It is very much apt to answer these questions before we even start thinking about the designing and implementation of a digital marketing plan. Digital marketing plan is a comprehensive process of analyzing the business goals, and possibilities and re-aligning of strategies to enhance your returns through digital marketing. In simple words, chalk out the effective strategies that complements all of your digital marketing channels.But what is the need to do it if the present business growth is quite decent? In this digital world, what seems to be profitable strategy today becomes a Stone Age old theory tomorrow. With new trends and technologies coming up very fast, it is absolutely necessary to channelize all the digital marketing avenues, so that they do not cross each other.

How to create the digital marketing plan?

Although it is a few worded simple questions, the answer is not so straight forward.

In fact, the plan can be devised only after finding answers to several other questions listed below.

What is our current position?

This is the primary reality check that forms the base for further steps of action. As a preliminary step, list out all the offline and online marketing plans that are presently being taken up. Along with the investment made on each of them, list out which channels are presenting good ROI and which are throwing them down to the drain. This is an important activity that will come very handy at the last stage of our process. For instance, let us see the marketing strategies that involve social media.

• Check out how many of your online ads in a social media site are being clicked and how many posts of yours in the same site are being liked and shared.

• When the most number of clicks or shares or likes were registered and was there any relation with an event of your organization, like discounts and deals.

• What kind of incentives that can be offered to repeat those high traffic performances.

• Are your competitors following what you are doing and vice versa. Business is no more a closed door affair – it is a full fledged battle with competitors that is heavily influenced by several external parameters such as key events, technology developments and changes in trends.

• Analyze how far you have implemented the latest technologies in your marketing model. Again for instance, whether your website is responsive in design to cater the seamless browsing through hand held devices?

What is the Intended Goal?

Having done a detailed introspection of the prevalent conditions of the business and marketing scenarios, it is now time to set goal. It should be borne in the mind that only realistic targets are achievable and it is of utter waste of resources, energy and time to chase highly near impossible targets. As a good practice, in addition to the ritual targets of year on year growth percentage, other measurable, realistic and time bound targets such as the target levels for the website and reach of brand in social media should also be incorporated as a goal. This definitely plays a vital role in measuring the success of your digital marketing strategies.

What are the Methodologies Available to Reach the Goal Post?

• This is the most interesting stage of the whole process – plans to evaluate the ways that can take the business to next level. Firstly, consider the tactics adapted by your competitors, for it pays rich dividends to fine tune the strategies based not only on our strength but also on that of our competitors. Now, having armed with the current marketing channels that are yielding good results for the business model, choose the best. As a word of caution, it is not a good idea to dump the avenues that did not yield results; may be it just needed few adjustments. With the budget in hand, and the goal posts defined, it should not be a rocket science to decide upon the channels. Again for instance, ad banners are good option if brand awareness is the primary goal and sales traffic is the secondary.

If you heave a sigh of relief that the entire process is over, the truth is that it hasn’t. It has just begun. The entire plan has to be suitably modified to blend completely with the

technology and the business trends.Sainoor Media, renowned for providing amazing digital

marketing services in Pune, renders the perfect value for your business digital strategies