Different types of photography

Photography Different types of photography

Transcript of Different types of photography


Different types of photography


Architecture photos are pictures taken of buildings and other structures which are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. They also include buildings that are accurate representations of their subjects. Architecture photos are also taken of the inside of the building as well as the exterior.Interior photos are usually taken with artificial light sources to improve the illumination of the interior. Exterior shots are mostly taken at daytime but are also taken at night time, utilizing ambient light from things like, adjacent street lamps and moon light.


• Food photos are still pictures taken to create attractive still photos of food products. It is mostly used for advertising and used in magazines. This type of photography is a group effort as it takes a: Art director, photographer, food stylist, prop stylist and their assistants (If any.)


• Nature photos are pictures taken outdoors and devoted to everything related to nature which would include: Wild life, plants, landscapes and forests. In nature photography, there is more of an emphasis on an aesthetic value of a photograph instead of other photography genres like sport or journalism. Nature photos are taken with wide apertures to achieve a faster shutter speed, freezing a subjects movement and blur the backgrounds top put more of an emphasis on the animal or subject the picture is being taken of.


• Sport photos are pictures taken outdoors and are devoted to everything sport related. This would include sports like: Football, tennis and basketball. The main application focus of sport photography is company's like newspapers and dedicated sports magazines. It can also be used tom promoted a new brand.


Landscape photos are pictures taken outdoors and typically focus on things like nature and the country side. They can also be taken of man-made features and disturbances in the landscape (E.G stormy weather.) One of the main applications of landscape photography is environmentalism or wild life conservation. This could include landscapes of rare animals in their natural habitat. It would also include landscapes taken in order to help preserve a area of land.

Photo journalism.

• Photo journalism are pictures taken indoors and outdoors and manly focus on collecting then editing material for news publications or broadcasts, e.g. newspapers and the news on TV. Some of the pictures which would be gathered could include: Crime scenes, locations or objects related to a news story.