Different Methods of Research as Applied to Architectural Studies

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    The acquisition of knowledge is not limited to the bounds of scientific studies alone. Alongside with the other fields of expertise,

    the practice and the profession of Architecture is one of the beneficiary that seeks for the aid of researches for a better understandingof prevailing concepts, and outstanding resolute to architectural endeavors. Studies provide an unmatched discoveries that will

    answer the weary of typical knowledge presented. And in architecture, these researches should not be overlooked because it makes

    our perception wider and have a clearer vision of what’s within.

     And since architecture by definition is also a science, it is not far from the heart that it would utilize some generalizations taken

    under the roof of scientifically inclined field of profession. One of these is the fundamental ideology of studies and researches which

    lends its systematic processes to the program. It is inherent for each aspect of life and matter that the chase for greater apprehensions

    is dealt.

    The study of architecture does not only comprise of endless drawing schemes, go after the aesthetic impression of a structure,

    and pursuit of glory through a legacy, it also needs the updated and latest explorations to identify certain points of the present trends

    to be developed. This encompassing field of study offers a diverse scope of obligation which consequently time to time be refurbished

    to eliminate obsolete ideas and bring up-to-date innovations. It is not enough to be contented of what is existent and what is prevailing.

    Sometimes, those that you thought to be enough does not match the demand of the other. There are certain circumstances that one

    must seek for a higher elucidation to appropriately respond particular complexity.

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      Before the designing process begins, a thorough research must always

    come beforehand. These researches could be done through the use of abundant

    material that might clarify some certain points about the project that is not yet

     very clear to the planner. As acknowledge from the writing of Christopher hart

    on Doing a Literature Review , there are certain questions that must be addressed

    to fully understand the importance of a research to each proposal. Each research

    be purposively answer if what’s the focus of the study, how can the study be

    executed, are there any readily available materials to be used as tool on

    evidence claiming, could the findings be an additional to the existing known

    facts, and what’s next after conducting this research, are some of the significant

    points to ponder when conducting researches.

    There are also these architectural researches that could be identified

    good and bad as to how it was written, taken the measures and steps. As Leonard

    Bachman said, a good research could also be like the best design due to the

    chosen characteristics. 

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     As summarized in the book of Calderon and Gonzales, each research is characterized by a systematic procedure that leads to

    a discovery; empirical perception that is perceived by most; analytical criticism for better interpretation; unbiased, objective and

    logical collection of presented data; employs hypothesis to draw temporary conclusions; controlled to keep consistency to the

     variables; an original work drafted and collated by an expert researcher to ensure its validity; requires accurate investigation,

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    observation and description so that generalizations won’t corrupt the conclusions; patient and unhurried activity to facilitate the

    accuracy of results; and lastly demand for courage to undergo difficulties and hazards.

     Architectural research process is very essential to successfully administer the study. Initial hypothesis guides the research

    process to the forethought destination of analysis. Some of the approaches require specific element. 

    There’s a multitude of methods that could be taken to broaden and expand the cognition of each and every aspect of

    architecture. From this set of methodologies, each has a specific objective as to how a principle could be further subjected to analysis,

    study, inquiry and evaluation. Such strategies may unfold the mysteries hidden behind usual facts that could be used to a more

    ingenious and deviceful setting.

    The procedural part of the method, its appropriateness to the study, and some advantages should be given attention and should

     well be discussed before a research would commence. Whether the research is more of the historical side of the subject to further

    inquire and criticize it, interpretive method to examine the differently angled perspectives, experimental method to dig deeper into

    the least noticeable variation of commodities, descriptive method to provide a much clearer qualities of the topic and many other

    goal-oriented discussions of mechanisms.

    Loads of fact-finding and groundwork inquisitions are launched even in the discipline of architecture to provide the public a

    better place to live in. These explorations are dependent to the purpose and bounds of its limits. Either it is a quantitative or qualitative

    research it is essential for each study to be concise, coherent and consistent.

    “Think outside of the box” as coined by many who believes that one should not just stick to what ’s typical. Explore if

    you must so you could have a better vision of the world outside. Architectural research allows us to understand that successful built

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    environments are successful not because of their physical attributes, but also because of many human considerations, including

    subjective preferences, memory, physical comfort and a sense of one’s social roles.


    There are roughly seven strategies of research primarily used in the study of architecture. Stated in the book of Architectural

    Research Methods, Interpretive-Historical Research, Qualitative Research, Correlational Research, Experimental and Quasi-

    Experimental Research, Simulation and Modeling Research, Logical Argumentation, and Case Studies and Combined Strategies are

    categorically determined and discussed by Groat and Wang as the components of the book. These methods have individual

    characteristics that could separately and independently dissert the underlying issue within the topics to be reviewed.

    a.  Interpretive-Historical Research

    This method of research constitute the collection of organized evidences that would undergo the process of evaluation and

    assessment to validate the collated data. After the long process of looking for the readings and in-hand documentation, the

    analysis and narration of what’s being found shall inhibit. A well-sewn explanation of consecutive or consequent details of

     what might have been recorded shall be documented using the interpretation derived from the series of tabulated

    testimonies. The chronological chain of events may produce a well-thought article and could also be used as future


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    Interpretive-Historical method is widely used in the study of architecture most especially in the account of History subjects.

    Complete documentation of past architectural movements, prominent architects of each period and outstanding structures

    are gathered and assembled to speculate the probable situations and events then. Broad imagination and the ability to

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    comprehend the revelations makes the

    process more interesting. But of course, it’s

    always basic that before believing into

     whatever’s indicated keep in mind to

    question and verify the validity of each and

    every presented argument. Keen

    observation and attention is always an asset.

     For instance, there are varying speculations

    about the construction of the Great Pyramid of

    Giza. Many articles are to have their own

     belief on how such a colossal structure is built.

    Some might say that it is an effort dedicated

     by the ancient Egyptians through their blood

    and sweat that made it possible to be

    assembled, but for the others, they believe

    that once in our history extraterrestrial beings

    visited our planet and one of their doings is

    these structure. It ’s hard to  believe and

    acknowledge any of these theories without

     really finding an actual indication and proof

    that would concretize the conjecture.

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    b.  Qualitative Research

    With this method, the involvement of the

    researcher is close enough to the subject

    of the study. Qualitative research enables

    contact to the ones being observed

    because it is an in-depth style of acquiring

    data and information gathering. The

    researcher has a direct access to the

    subject where she could carefully and

    minutely watch and catch the actual

    feedback of the respondents. The

    proponent has a first-hand data which is

    accurate enough as compared to those

    documented resources. The natural setting

     which could contribute to probable results

    of action can also be noted and is

    considered for what the product may be.

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    Since qualitative research encourages face-to-face encounter with the interviewee or subject of study, immediate

    interpretation of the data could be analyzed right-away without the worry of manipulation. The different strategies and

    tactics of collecting data in qualitative data helps the researcher in gathering substantial data and afterwards may neglect

    some of the unnecessary notes but could still keep them for future use.

     As an example, some of the planners and designers prefer to live and experience the setting of the proposal they ’  re going to

    work on. Immersion is a good tactic to gather first hand data. It is advisable to have an actual contact and experience to the

     project you’  re supposed to design, in this manner you need not to speculate, guess and have presumptions of the possible

    outcome. In some schools, immersion is part of the curriculum where the students are sent to live within a society or setting

    they ’  re about to plan and design. After sometime, they would use these collected data as basis for their proposals.

    c.  Correlational Research

    The strategy focuses more on the statistical treatment of data where every number is a significant figure which could

    represent some important and notable difference that could identify variation for the study. Patterns and numerical

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    difference constitute the elemental discourse of this study. A compilation of tabulations and consolidated inventory of

    documents are closely compared to identify the factors that draw asymmetry to the variables.

    Clustering the data are done for a more conventional way of distinguishing the contrasting determinants and common

    factors for both gist. Surveys are one of the qualitative way to accumulate materials which could be done through the use

    of questionnaires. A varying observation is also employed to collect information from the rare setup of the study. The use

    of recording devices is an aid to a time consuming studies. Respondents could also be subjected to controlled environments

    to determine varying effects.

     As representation, an observation could be done to the behavior of the people who have access to certain spaces. The patterns

    could be determined are the basis for the formation of amendments.


    Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research

    The experimental method of research is defined by Good as a method or procedure involving the control or manipulation

    of conditions for the purpose of studying the relative effects of various treatments applied to members of a sampl, or of the

    same treatment applied to members of different samples. 

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    The basic purpose of experimental research is to discover the influence of one or more factors upon a condition, group, or

    situation, purpose of which is to discover “ what will be”.

    To illustrate further, certain individuals are asked to enter these rooms which are set up differently. Room A is a well-lit, ideally

    assembled space where the aesthetic and comfort factors are highly considered. The presence of elegantly design furniture,

     lively ambience because of some ornamental details. On the other hand, room B is an enclosed room which is windowless and

     is painted with dark color while lighted in red. Responses of the subjects would be recorded and are compared to discern the

     possible difference that could improve the other ’s impression. 


    Logical ArgumentationConcepts and principles vary from what are their missions and visions. Logical argumentation seeks for the

     justification of established dogmas. Perceptions of the scholars are consulted as to what the results of certain would

    be. It is a systematic method which observes the logical and practical practices.

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     Architecture is not only about the physical environment, it is also the provision of ample and required needs of its users. It’s about

    guaranteeing the interest of its stakeholder. And to further have an excellent view of these overlooked aspects is to start studying more of

    the enigmas and try to give appropriate measures.

    Most innovative research in architecture will be interdisciplinary, requiring atypical unexpected combinations of methods.

    Triangulation is not disregarded in this case.

    “If architecture as a field can be strengthened and enriched through research, then the power of architecture to enhance people’s

    lives will be strengthened as well.” 

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