Diamond Creek News Spring 2012



Diamond Creek News Spring 2012

Transcript of Diamond Creek News Spring 2012

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At the turn of the 20th century fashionableAmerican ladies drove Electric cars withhigh cabins to accommodate their largeEdwardian hats. In Melbourne, at this time,the City Council had Electric trucks hum-ming around the city, their battery chargingprovided free via the City’s Spencer StreetPower Station.

Alas, the Electric cars and Electric tramswere banished from the American roads by“other interests” and switched off. In Mel-bourne Electric trams kept rolling and TModel and other makes took over ourroads.

Now the next generation of Electric vehi-cles will soon be silently gliding around ourstreets so pedestrians watch out.

by KEVIN PATTERSONNillumbik Historical Society


Diamond Creek News Page 3

“Electric delivery trucks stand at the Spencer Street Power Station”

now online www.diamondcreeknews.comSpring 2012

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The Diamond Creek News provides the opportunityfor each of the elected Nillumbik Councillors in theWards surrounding Diamond Creek to publish a re-port to their constituents, as well as reports fromState and Federal Government Members. The viewsexpressed in these reports are those of the authorsand not those of the Committee of the DiamondCreek Progress Association. The Diamond CreekProgress Association reserves the right to edit anyarticles supplied for any reason they see fit.

The Diamond Creek NewsThe Diamond Creek NewsP.O. Box 38

Diamond Creek

Phone: 0419 337 933Email: [email protected]

Design & LayoutPeter Clarkson Ph: 0419 337 933 Email: [email protected] Peter Clarkson Ph: 0419 337 933 Email: [email protected] Clarkson Ph: 0439 755 411 Email: [email protected]

Distribution: 3500+

Apollo Parkways Arthurs Creek, DiamondCreek, Doreen,

Eltham North, Greensborough Complex,Hurstbridge, Kangaroo Ground, Panton Hill, Plenty, St Andrews,

St Helena, Smiths Gully, Yarrambat, Wattle Glen.

This issue Printed & Distributed on 26/09/2012Deadline for next Edition

1st November 2012

Advertising Rates for Diamond Creek News

Advertising Rates¼ page B/W $75 (pre paid)½ page B/W $120Full page B/W $230Colour Full page $460

Artwork for Adverts¼ page B/W $15 (pre paid)½ page B/W $20Full page B/W $30Colour Full page P.O.A

Alterations for Adverts¼ page B/W $10 (pre paid)½ page B/W $15Full page B/W $20Colour Full page P.O.A

Colour Full page adverts are only available if room permitsin that edition.

The Diamond Creek Progress Association

The Diamond Creek Progress Association has been aroundsince the 1930s. Its main objective is to ensure improvementof the township of Diamond Creek and the advancement ofthe interests of ratepayers and residents.

The Association meets Bi-Monthly at 7.30pm on the secondThursday at the Diamond Creek Scout Hall, 45 ChallengerStreet, Diamond Creek.

Membership is available on application to any resident orratepayer within the township of Diamond Creek, and thosenot within the township at the discretion of the Committee.

Membership enquiries are welcome. Please contact thePeter Clarkson on 0419 337 933, or write to PO Box 38 DI-AMOND CREEK VIC 3089.

Spring 2012

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Another Day, another dollar!

Diamond Creek News Page 5

The saying goes “Another day, another dol-lar”.

Well with your rates it should be “Another day,another 5 dollars”.

Let me explain. In early July the Diamond Val-ley Leader published a familiar story underthe headline, “5.9% rate rise approved”:

“Nillumbik Council has approved its budget forthe 2012-13 financial year. In a 6-1 vote,councillors gave the green light to the draftbudget, which contains a 5.9 per cent rate riseand charge increases.

Cr Chris Chapple said the rate increase waslow, considering “a number of adverse im-pacts”, including the federal carbon tax, flooddamage locally and bushfire works. “I amquite pleased with the outcome”.

Mayor Michael Young said the Council wasnot hit as hard by the carbon tax as other mu-nicipalities because of initiatives such as en-

ergy-efficient lighting, which saved about$150,000 a year.

Cr Belinda Clarkson, the only councillor not tovote for the budget, said the council shouldfollow Melbourne City’s example and producea zero rate increase.

But Cr Chapple said such a move would be“very irresponsible”.

The following day I wrote to the newspaper:

“Dear Editor,In response to “5.9% rate rise approved” (DVL4 July), my rates have gone up about 100%since 2004. In the same period, all consumergroups in Melbourne have increased by 23%.That 23% vs Council’s about 100%. Watchthis space at the Council election in 3months”.

The DV Leader did not publish it. Instead,they published a letter from Cr Young aboutspending millions more of your rate money of

the Eltham Town Square, which was con-structed only a few years ago. So when youvote at the October Council election, if youwant your rates to keep sky rocketing, votefor the existing six councillors, they have aproven track record for delivery on higherrates, in fact I believe they should be given agold medal for the highest rates in Victoria.

It’s your call. They only become councillors ifyou vote them in.

Belinda Clarkson

Spring 2012

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The Diamond Creek News needs new advertisers.Contact Peter Clarkson on 0419 337 933 for more info

Support your local Community Paper!

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Page 6 Diamond Creek News Spring 2012

During the Winter months the children of Di-amond Creek East Preschool kept busy withall manner of fun activities.

The 4 year old group learnt all about di-nosaurs and fossils through a visit from themuseum. The children tried out their culi-nary skills by cooking fried rice and bakingapple pies.

The transit of Venus across the Sun pro-vided an opportunity to talk to the childrenabout our solar system. Inflatable planets,space shuttles, rockets, lunar vehicles, as-tronauts and many accessory materialswere set up in a corner of the room as awonderful visual aide.

Once the children realised that the planetswere not punching balls they got down tothe play that we value at DCE Preschool:putting into practice some of our formal andinformal discussions. The children learnt

that some planets are closer to Earth andcan be seen in the night sky, whilst otherswe can only see with powerful telescopes.Many children were able to recall the namesof the planets.

The Princess and Pirate Dance Party held atWellers of Kangaroo Ground provided thechildren, dressed in their favourite cos-tumes, an opportunity to play and danceoutside of the Preschool hours. The dancefloor was awash with pink hues, fairy wings,buccaneers, and scallywags while Nut BushCity Limits, Bus Stop and the Limbo weretaught to a new generation of enthusiasticdancers! As the children danced the par-ents were able to bid on a silent auction, un-wind and build on new friendships.

Children dressed as dingoes, wombats,koalas, emus, blue tongue lizards and platy-pus will be participating in the parade at the

Town Fair. DCE Preschool will represent thestory of Wombat Stew, a delightful Aus-tralian story of how a naughty dingo wasoutwitted by the bush animal’s whist at-tempting to make wombat stew.

With Spring on its way the children of Dia-mond Creek East Preschool and their fami-lies can look forward to more outdooradventures and pastimes.

Diamond Creek East Pre-School

There are over 140 businesses in Dia-mond Creek and the products and serv-ices we offer are varied - from carmechanics, restaurants and cafes, serv-ice stations to supermarkets.

Some businesses employ just a couple ofstaff, whilst others employ a large numberof local people. Many of the staff areyoung adolescents from one of the manylocal high schools, embarking on their firstjob - to the delight of their parents.

Being part of the local community is notjust about serving coffees, stackingshelves, taking orders, or serving at alocal hardware store, employing ouryoung people is a commitment that istaken seriously.

Some businesses, such as Platters Caféand Restaurant in Diamond Creek, makeit a mandate to employ local high schoolstudents and give them an opportunity towork their first job. Owners Wendy andTerry O’Connor ensure that their staff re-ceive the ongoing training and support re-quired to gain valuable skills. By providingthe necessary training and providing men-toring by their current experienced staff,is not only great for their business buthelps their staff learn new skills every day.

“It is my desire to continue giving youngpeople an opportunity to work and learnin our restaurant” says Wendy.

“Personal presentation, confidence and a‘never give up’ attitude will always standout from other applicants and I stronglyencourage any student looking to work ina local businesses to follow up on their CVdrop. Following up in person demon-strates a determination that will ensurethat you are remembered when it comes

time for an employer to find new staff andbusinesses in Diamond Creek are alwaysrecruiting”.

Diamond Creek – the future is bright for our young……

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VanillazHair Studio

“At Vanillazwe love helping you look and feel your best!”

Shop 118 Chute Street, Diamond Creek

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FOR 2012

9th November7th December

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We don’t just dance!

now online www.diamondcreeknews.com

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Diamond Creek News Page 9

Diamond Creek Primary School has a won-derful school community that works togetherfor our students. We are always improvingthe opportunities for eachand every child. DiamondCreek Primary School pro-vides the highest quality cur-riculum including a full rangeof specialist programs aswell as an extensive varietyof extra-curricular activities.

We have been involved inthe Human Powered VehicleProgram for over ten years.It is an exciting program thatencourages a team effort toproduce, maintain and racea vehicle that reinforces en-ergy conservation. This pro-gram is loads of fun and agreat learning opportunity at the same time.12 children make up the HPV team. Theywork on improving their fitness and en-durance levels in the 6 months leading up tothe race. They complete a long-term exerciseprogram and compete in events such as thecross country and endurance days to testtheir stamina. The HPV team consists of 8drivers and 4 pit crew who work together todemonstrate their commitment, fortitude andteamwork as they participate in the 24 hourendurance race, which is one aspect of the 3day program held in Maryborough each year.Last Year Diamond Creek Primary School’sHPV team won the event in their division.This year the HPV team will be striving forthe same result.

Diamond Creek Primary School also offersstudents a number of other interests outsidethe classroom.

Our Gardening Club is a busy group of chil-dren who work to beautify and maintain ourschool’s magnificent garden beds. They usethe green-house and gardening shed full oftools to propagate andplant vegetables, herbsand native plants and par-ticipate in many environ-mentally friendlyprograms. They are cur-rently developing a butter-fly garden to attract morebutterflies to our area. Knitting Club is anothergreat activity where thechildren involved arebeing taught to knit and

are knitting squares to make blankets for theneedy. We have a wonderful connection withour local church and those church volunteers

are going to assist with the sewing.

We also have Glee Club, Chess Club andBand. Our Glee club has a load of fun as theysing songs of past and present and performat various events throughout the year. OurChess club provides a great alternativeweekly lunchtime activity for those children

choosing to exercisetheir minds insteadof their bodies. Andour school band enjoys some fantastic per-formance opportunities with the singers andmusicians, including the School of Rockwhere they showcased their music-makingtalents.

Yes Diamond Creek Primary Schoolmakes learning fun!

The School Concert’s theme this year was ”AYear In the Making” We were dazzled bysome great dance moves and singing fromall classes as they moved through the yearusing the seasons as theme. What a tributeto our staff and their never ending talents.The staff act was hilarious! Thanks for thelaughs and great entertainment.

Visit the school for a personal tour. Make a

booking by phoning the office 9438 1108 orcontact us by [email protected]

or simply ring to speak with the principal di-rectly - Mrs Helen Micallef.

Enrol your child in our pre-prep programand/or any of the special pre-school special-ist activities, which include Art, Italian, Tech-nology and Music – the choice is yours!Subscribe to our newsletter; it will be emailedto you [email protected]

If you would like a tour of our wonderfulschool please do not hesitate to contact theschool office on 9438 1108.


Spring 2012

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now online www.diamondcreeknews.com

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Diamond Creek News Page 11 Spring 2012

OM:NI Diamond Creek is enjoying a suc-cessful year and everyone is enjoying thegenerous and supportive ideals of the Group.

The facilitation of the Group is being sharedaround and those who are perhaps a little re-luctant are being encouraged to take a partthey may have previously thought not possi-ble. The Group joins in the discussions withenthusiasm and the participants find they arelearning from the wide knowledge and expe-rience represented at each meeting.

The after meeting BBQ continues to be a fea-ture, and the colder winter days have not de-terred the men from enjoying this extensionof the days activities.

The Thursday Cycling Group continues togrow and eleven men set off from DiamondCreek around 7.30am-8.00am and ride anywhere between 35 klms to 86 klms. Theysleep well!

A major achievement this year has been theestablishment of a new Group in Eltham. A

vibrant group of men meet at the ElthamFootball Club Rooms every second andfourth Wednesdays of each month. The Dia-mond Creek, Eltham, Banyule and Greens-borough Groups will be at the DiamondCreek Town Fair on 8th September.

These four Groups met at Degani Cafe on29th August to share lunch and to extend thelines of communication and friendship be-tween older men of the Banyule and Nil-lumbik Council areas.

If you would like more in formation aboutOM:NI Mens Discussion Groups in the Dia-mond Valley area, come along on Town Fairday to chat to some of the Blokes or [email protected].

Ken Ramplin

OM:NIOlder men - New ideas


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Yes they do.!RoadSafe Metropolitan North Eastern Inc (orRoadSafe MNE) is a volunteer group thatmeets monthly to discuss local RoadSafe is-sues and implement potential solutions.

Child Restraint CheckingRoadSafe MNE has recently supported a Vi-cRoads approved Child Restraint Fitter tocheck child restraints are properly fitted atcommunity events in the City of Whittlesea.We would like to encourage all parents andcarers to ensure child seats and restraints arecorrectly fitted in your vehicle to ensure yourchild is as safe as possible in an accident.

Look out for RoadSafe MNE and a Child Re-straint Fitter coming to a community event inNillumbik soon!

PedestriansAt this time of year, one of our major concernsis pedestrian safety and the use of electronicdevices distracting them and potentially caus-ing an accident.

In order to reduce levels of accidents, we asa community, need to acknowledge the prob-lem first and then modify our behaviours ac-cordingly. We can achieve this throughenforcement, but more importantly we can allwork together using education, awarenessand “buy in” from all road users. Levels of awareness can be raised and com-mitment towards reducing these accidents ispossible by adopting some basic principles

when travelling on our roads such as :-Do’s

• Do make use of pedestrian crossings, pedestrian refuges, overpasses, underpasses and traffic lights when crossing roads.

• Do make eye contact with drivers when crossing the road to ensure that they have seen you.

• Do cross the road in a straight line, this means that you are taking the shortest possible route and spending less time onthe road.

• Do keep scanning for traffic when crossing.

• Do set an example for young people when crossing.

• Do wear bright or reflective clothing where possible, especially at night and during inclement weather.

• Do look ahead and anticipate the unexpected actions of pedestrians whenthey are crossing in front of you, particularly at night where alcohol consumption may be a factor.

Don’t’s• Don’t be distracted by mobile phones,

ipods or other devices whilst crossing theroads. Remember to use your ears as well as your eyes.

• Don’t cross near the crest of a hill or on a bend.

• Don’t step out from between parked vehicles.

• Don’t wear dark clothing at night if you are going to be walking on roads.

• Don’t assume drivers have seen you andwill be able to take evasive action if required.

RoadSafe MNE covers the Nillumbik, Whit-tlesea and Banyule municipalities and is acommunity road safety council. The groupand its programs are funded through Vi-cRoads after determining which areas/groupsto focus on.

RoadSafe MNE prides itself on the programsit has developed to assist in reducing seriousinjuries and fatalities on local roads; with astrong focus on the community the group en-courage issues to be raised which are thenaddressed.

If you are interested in road safety and wouldlike to become a member of the group, or ifyou have feedback on a road safety concernin your area, please contact our group.

[email protected] Metropolitan North EasternPO Box 414, Diamond Creek, VIC 3089

Does anyone care about thesafety on the roads in my area?

Spring 2012

Page 13: Diamond Creek News Spring 2012

It’s nearly Term 4 and at Diamond CreekEast Primary School we have been busy,busy, busy!

Our hugely successful School Concert,“Rocking All Over The World” was held onTuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 of Augustat Plenty Ranges Convention Centre inSouth Morang. The Concert was ex-tremely colourful and entertaining, andshowcased various countries from aroundthe world, highlighting their music and cul-ture. After six weeks of intensive daily re-hearsals, our students were confident andenthusiastic performers on their perform-ance nights. Special thanks must go toour “behind the scenes” team of teachers- Mrs Julie McCredden, Mrs Linda Hill-brick, Mrs Lisa James, Ms Sue Taylor andMr Robbie Greig who ensured the Concertwas a big success. We are al-ready looking forwardto the next SchoolConcert in 2014.

One of our Grade 6 stu-dents - Zoe M was se-lected to participate inan International JuniorElite Diving Competitionin Bulgaria. Zoe attendedthe Competition with 11other divers from hersquad. Zoe achieved the in-credible results of 11th onthe 1m Springboard (out of 22 competi-tors), 6th on the 3m Springboard and 9thin the Platform Competition (out of 18competitors). We are all very proud ofyour amazing achievements, Zoe. Con-gratulations.

Our Discovery 2 students (Grade 1/2)have been participating in a weekly Swim-

ming Program at the Eltham StreamlineSwimming Pool during Term 3. The Swim-ming Program at Diamond Creek East Pri-mary School runs from Prep to Grade 6and aims to teach students stroke correc-tion, water safety and survival.

Our Discovery 1 students (Prep) havebeen participating in a weekly Gymnasticssession at Jets Gymnastics in the Com-munity Bank Stadium located in DiamondCreek. Like the Swimming Program, theGymnastics Program is offered to ourPrep to Grade 6 students and is part of theweekly Physical Education session. Thestudents have really enjoyed Jets Gym-nastics - especially the foam pit.

Our “Kids in the Kitchen” pro-gram also

contin-ues top r o -duce

someexcit-i n g

food. During Term 3, our Enrichment stu-dents (Grade 5/6) have been participatingin weekly cooking sessions. Vegetablecurry, sushi and yo-yo biscuits are justsome of the delicious food being cookedby our junior chefs.

At Diamond Creek East Primary Schoolwe have a very busy Term 4 coming up.Our Challenge students (Grade 3/4) areoff to Camp Manyung in Mt. Eliza for twonights in October. Hopefully the weatheris nice for them! Our Discovery 1 studentswill celebrate their first year at school byhaving breakfast at school in November.Our Grade 1 students will be holding aspecial dinner at school, while our Grade2 students are already looking forward totheir sleepover. Before we know it, Grade6 Graduation will be here in Decemberand we will be saying goodbye to our“Graduating Class of 2012”. This year weare especially excited to be holding Grade6 Graduation for the first time in the Com-munity Bank Stadium.

There is always lots happening at Dia-mond Creek East Primary School and we

are currently taking enrolments forthe 2013

school year.We wouldlove for youto see ourschool in ac-tion, so if youwould like to or-ganise a tour,please contactour School Prin-cipal – Mr. RobRostolis on 94381413.

Kassie Papuga


Diamond Creek News Page 13Spring 2012

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Players and coaches come and go but onefootball icon has remained the same. Nextyear the Diamond Creek Football Club willcelebrate its 125th year.

In order to commemorate the occasion for-mer committee members, coaches, playersand supporters will be invited to join in thecelebration at a gala event which is not tobe missed on Friday, April 26th. 2013 atIvanhoe Town Hall.

HistoryDiamond Creek can boast a long, illustri-ous history which has seen us enjoy pre-miership success, in four distinct eras, inseveral different competitions. Formed in1888 the club competed in the Whittlesea

District Football Association without win-ning any premierships. In 1906 the clubwas a founding member of the Bourke Eve-lyn Football League. The change of stamp-ing ground obviously did the side good asit promptly claimed the inaugural BEFL flagfollowed by a second place finish in 1907and another premiership in 1908. This waseffectively the first of Diamond Creek's foureras of success. The second such era oc-curred during the 1920s. In 1922 DiamondCreek was one of seven foundation mem-bers of the Diamond Valley FootballLeague. The club was a force in this newleague from the outset, and went to takeout the premierships in both 1924 and1926. There then followed more than half

a century of predominantly mediocre show-ings which were finally brought to an endby the club's first, and to date only, back toback premiership triumphs in 1981 and1982. The 1981 season had seen theDVFL split into two divisions, with both ofthe Demons' successes coming in the topflight. However, the last of the club's foureras of success involved a trio of seconddivision flags, in 1992, 1998 and 2005.

PremiershipsBourke Evelyn Football League

1906, 1908 Diamond Valley Football League




Celebrating 125 years - 1888 - 2013

If you have any information, photos or memorabiliathat you would be willing to share or for any further in-formation on the event please contact either, Glenn'Mushy" Walle: 0438 024361, Caliem O'Connor: 0408090 378 Brian Harvey: 0414 235 302or Club Histo-rian -Gary "Tarax" Marchant: 0413 458 516

Be a part of history in 2013 and help celebrate

125 years of the Diamond Creek Football Club

Diamond Creek News Page 15Spring 2012

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Become a CFA Volunteer today

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For Appointment Phone 9438 1404 or 0412 403 293

Spring 2012

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Diamond Creek News Page 17

Enrolments for 2013 – All Year Levels –NOW BEING ACCEPTEDThe school is now accepting enrolment formsfor 2013. We have had an overwhelming re-sponse to the advertisement of a 3rd con-secutive year of a straight prep class. Already,there have been over 25 school tours con-ducted.To assist in planning classroom and staffingset up, we now need enrolment forms to bereturned as soon as possible.

If you know of any other families interested injoining our school, please feel free to pass onthe school contact details (9438 1259) so thatwe can conduct a personalised tour.

Olympics Day 2012

Thanks you to Anna Volodina, wonderful PEteacher, for planning and coordinating a FAN-TASTIC WGPS Olympics Day! The threecompeting teams of New Zealand, Swedenand Ireland put on a great show and everystudent had a wonderful day! From the Chi-nese Dragon Race and Chop Stick race to thePotato Throw and Pasta Race, there weresome wonderful moments!

2012 Book Week LaunchA great day of activities was held at WGPS tolaunch the short-listed booklist for 2012. Witha feature being the puppet play – ‘A Wizard’sTale’, the students participated in a variety ofart and craft-based activities. There weremany fantastic costumes including – Arthur,the Harry Potter brothers, Mr. Strong and Mr.Bump, Cinderella and Bindy Irwin! Thank youto our Literacy Coach, Tracey Fay, for all her

efforts in coordinating a memorable day. Spe-cial thanks also to the staff for their great sup-port!

Mathletics Award WinnersCongratulations to the following student onreceiving Mathletics Achievement Awardsduring Semester 1 – Manny Fay, Emily Buller,Timothy Pilkington, Grace Beckman andDaniel Gaunt.


The Bright Start Program is STILL running in2012!Every Monday at the school from 9 am to11am for 3, 4 and 5 year olds – and its STILLFREE. Coordinated by Dani Szymanski – anexperienced Prep teacher! Contact the schoolif you would like more info! Twitter

Wattle Glen PS has entered the world of Twit-ter!!Follow the latest news @wattlegps

Spring 2012

If you would like a personalised tour of the school, please contact Gerard on 9438 1259. For more information, please visit us at - http://www.wattlegps.vic.edu.au/


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SANDRA SHELL0417 525 696












DIAMOND CREEKUNITING CHURCHThe Uniting Church on the corner ofMain Hurstbridge Road and WensleyStreet, Diamond Creek holds an OpShop between the hours of 9 a.m.and 12 noon on the first Saturday ofthe month. At the same time thechurch is open to anyone who maywish to pray or have a time for quietreflection. It is hoped that the widercommunity will take the opportunityto come and browse, have a chat anda cuppa and feel comfortable andwelcome to enter the church for atime of peace on what can be a verybusy day of the week.

FURTHER INFORMATIONFor further information about theUniting Church in Diamond Creekand Hurstbridge, please contact RevLoni Vaitohi on 9438 1107, or see ourinformative websitewww.diamondvalley.unitingchurch.org.au

Spring 2012

The 1st Diamond Creek Scout Group wouldlike to thank the following local traders fortheir support in donating goods and servicesfor their Inaugural Supper Dance held earlierthis year:-

Bakers Delight, Barry Plant Real Estate,Bendigo Bank, Blockbuster, Breadwise,Bronzing Butterfly, Caltex, Celebrity PizzaHouse, Curnow Tennis, Da Vinci Pizza &Pasta Gallery, DC Skin & Body, Degani’s,Dentessence, Diamond Creek Aquarium &Pet Supplies, Diamond Creek Bike Shop, Di-amond Creek Newsagency, Diamond CreekPharmacy, Diamond Creek Quality Meats, Di-

amond Creek Veterinary Hospital, DiamondValley Barber Shop, Diamond Valley Mitre 10,Diamond Valley Optical, Gigliola, La SeraPizza, Pasta & Ribs, Madeleine's Bakery andCake Shop, McDonalds, Nando’s, NillumbikCellars, Penguin Dry Cleaners, Piccolo Mec-canico, Platters Café & Bar, Priceline, RainFlorist, Reece Plumbing, Soleil Rouge, ThePet Bath Shop, Veronica’s Pantry, WildernessWear & Yings Restaurant.

The support of these traders helped makethis night an outstanding success. Pleasesupport them!


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Diamond Creek News Page 19

Preps Celebrate 100 DaysTuesday 31st July, 2012 was a milestone forour Preps as they reached 100 school daysat Sacred Heart.

P/1MG and P/1KG celebrated the preps’

achievements during the day using their fivesenses to explore the number 100.

Their celebration day started with listening,singing and dancing to the 100 Macarena.The students then went outside to find 100

numbered counters that were placed aroundthe play grounds and bring them back to thenumber chart.

Back inside and it was 100 star jumps beforelooking at 100 jellybeans inside jars. Neck-laces were made with 100 cheerios and theyalso made 100 glasses. Containers filledwith 100 scented cotton balls were passedaround for the students to smell.

Of course, you can’t have a celebration with-out a party. There were 100 marshmallowsdrizzled with chocolate, 100 pieces of fruit,cupcakes, cookies, 100’s & 1000’s sand-wiches (and the list goes on).It was a great day and at the end of the daythe preps had plenty to share about the num-ber 100 with their families.

ENROLMENTS for 2013 are now open. Formore information, or to organise a personaltour, please contact the School Office on9438-1590 or visit our website www.shdia-mondcreek.catholic.edu.au



Spring 2012

now online www.diamondcreeknews.com

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Page 20 Diamond Creek News Spring 2012

Get your quality, fresh and seasonal produce from local producers!

Sunday 7 October 8.30am-1pmFergusons Paddock, Hurstbridge-Arthurs Creek Road, Hurstbridge

HurstbridgeFarmers’ Market

EXHIBITION MATERIAL THINGS Maria Barbaro, Miranda Burton, Libby Schreiber and Kylie Sirett

Material Things showcases the work of a small group of artists who are exploring the use of and/or association to ‘fabric’ in our society. Their individual approach is inspired by identity, gender, status, time and story.

When: 4-29 October Where: Eltham Library Community Gallery, Panther Place, Eltham

Image: Libby SCHREIBER, Adolesence, Linocut, 2012, 15 x 15cm


Saturday 27 October

Saturday 3 and 10 November

Saturday 10 November

Sunday 11 November

For the full program, visit www.nillumbik.vic.gov.au, Council brochure stands or call 9433 3316.

‘ON THE HILL’ FESTIVALSunday 28 October, 11am-6pm Panton Hill Township

‘On the Hill’ is a popular day out for the whole family with live

featuring Black Cat Bone, Greg Champion and Gary Carruthers, and the Leslie Avril Band!

SPRINGTIME IN YOUR GARDENEdendale Indigenous Plant Nursery30 Gastons Road, ElthamOpen seven days, 9.30am-4.30pm

Visit us for:



Saturday 24 November, 10am

A huge festival featuring the Grand Parade, carnival rides, roving entertainment, children’s activities, market stalls and the famous






PracticallyGreen FestivalSunday 21 October, 10am-5pm

This free day out offers practical and simple ways to help you and your family live more sustainably plus music, food and entertainment - all in a fun family-friendly atmosphere.

Where: Edendale, 30 Gastons Road, ElthamDetails: Call 9433 3206 or email [email protected]



NILLUMBIK PET EXPO Sunday 28 October, 10am-4pm

Marngrook Oval, Diamond Creek

A free, family event with displays, competitions and demonstrations; lure

nursery; pony rides, face painting and

live entertainment. Bring your pet!




your pet!


Page 21: Diamond Creek News Spring 2012

The 4C’s is a great group of women who havea shared cancer journey. We meet twice amonth. The day and evening details are listedbelow. Feel free to join us if you also have beenon the cancer journey.

Night Gathering:When:Last Thursday of the month at 7pmSeptember 27 2012, October 25 2012 , No-vember 29 2012

Where:Degani Bakery Cafe, Diamond Creek29 - 35 Chute Street, Diamond CreekMelways Ref 11 K5

Don’t cook dinner, come along share a mealand a glass of wine with the 4C’s ‘chicks’ andenjoy a friendly chat together. $8.00 coffee/teaand cake on offer or you are most welcome tocome and just chat without having a meal.

2012 Daytime Meeting datesWhen:

2nd Tuesday of each month 1-3 pmSeptember 11 2012. October 9 2012, Novem-ber 13 2012

Where:St John’s Anglican Church Diamond Creek Cor-ner of Main Rd and Bage Street near AD Ryans.

Family, friends and new members always wel-come.

Please bring a small plate to share if possible

For further details, contact group members;Leanne 0421 549 455Mary 0414 890 630Michelle 0417 101 827Cathleen 0422 974 947Barb 9712 0139Jane 0423 262 343Pam 0410 815 038

We would like to thank Diamond Creek Mitre 10who once again have volunteered their night fora Ladies Night. We appreciate your assistance

in raising awareness of women’s cancers andhelping us raise funds. A large group of 4Cmembers met at Samson’s Winery for aWomen’s Wellness and Wellbeing day on Sun-day the 9th of September. The day was filledwith information about relaxation, brain trainingafter chemotherapy, natural products, caring foroneself so that we can care for our families,naturopathy and detoxing. We were able tohave RE-Med from Bolton Street come in andrun the day for us in a private function room atSamson’s Winery because the community sogenerously fund raised. It is necessary to beable to get together for seminars on the latestrecommendations so the 4C’s are all verythankful to the community for their fundraisingefforts. There will also be a Diamond CreekGirls’ Night in to be held in late October. Moredetails are available through Living and Learn-ing Diamond Creek.

Diamond Creek News Page 21Spring 2012

now online www.diamondcreeknews.com

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Page 22 Diamond Creek News

� Peace of mind� A clean, safe and loving environment for your child� A Personalised, Clean Centre� Highly Qualified Staff Committed to the Care and Development

of Children.� Open from 7.00 am to 6.30 pm (Monday to Friday)� Long Day Care – 6 weeks – 5 Years � Kindergarten program provided by a qualified Kindergarten

Teacher promoting a wonderful literacy and numeracy program� Nutricious Meals, Cooked on the Premises

(Breakfast, Morning Tea, Lunch, Afternoon Tea)� Multilingual and Bilingual staff members� Our Centre has an Open Door Policy� Privately Owned by a local family

Enquiries welcome: Director, DeborahPhone: (03) 9435 5104 or Mobile: 0433 379 430



DIAMOND CREEK BRANCHHello and a may we all join together in wel-coming spring and trusting that the sun willshine on the Diamond Creek Town Fair. Asyou know our branch has been together fornearly fifty years so our committee havebeen known to have a ‘senior moment’ ortwo in these latter years. We discoveredwe were one year early in our planned 50thBirthday celebration for September 3, 2012at the Uniting Church Hall. As the DiamondCreek News will not be distributed beforethis date we sincerely apologize to anyonethat we have not been in touch with to letthem know this event had to be cancelled.Our fifty years since formation will not be till2013 so we will try again next year. We in-tend to have a few committee members inattendance on September 3 at the venuein case someone turns up expecting aparty.

We held a five day stall at the Greensbor-ough Plaza in early May and raised $1,200.From 13-17 August we were in attendanceat the Warringal Shopping Centre and theamazing best total ever for a five day stallwas $2,600. We have forwarded $13,000to head office for projects here in Victoriaand Fiji.

Before we close we send our best wishesto Mrs. Nese Roberts who is recoveringfrom a broken hip. Nese is presently atRoyal Talbot stoically facing up to rehabili-tation again, and coming through with fly-ing colours. Nese was a founding memberof our Branch and still supports us andtakes great interest in Save the Children.Congratulation also to Nese on her 96thBirthday spent at Royal Talbot. Other res-idents and staff certainly enjoyed that giantBirthday Cake you shared with them.

Au revoir till the Christmas Edition of the Di-amond Creek News. Come to the Fair andcelebrate Diamond Creek, a great place tolive.

Jill Pittle

Spring 2012

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Diamond Creek News Page 23


Wesley Do Care (a program of Wesley MissionVictoria and funded by DoH) is calling for volun-teers to help support isolated older people andthose with disabilities living in their own homes.

People who have 1 - 2 hours spare a week tospend with someone else, sharing interests, talk-ing at home or going out locally should phoneNikki on 8199 6260 for details.

No lifting or domestic work required, as this is asocial support program only. Training and sup-port are offered to volunteers.

Spring 2012


After careful examination of the surfaces onboth Coventry and Marngarook oval, andafter giving consideration to the short termweather forecasts, we have decided that it willnot be possible to run the Diamond Creek Ro-tary Town Fair 2012 on the proposed date of8th September. After extensive discussionswith council and the affected organizations ,we have decided to POSTPONE THEEVENT TO 24th NOVEMBER.

The grounds are currently too wet to use forany vehicle movement. The ovals would suf-fer too much damage if used in these condi-tions. Having previously tried to run the eventin quite wet conditions, we also know that theresult it is not good for stall holders, activitiesor participants. Many have already their ex-pressed concern.

By rescheduling to the November date, wehope to have better weather, so that the eventcan be better enjoyed by all participants. Thisrescheduling will not be welcomed by every-one, but we believe that this is in the best in-terests of the majority. We are also takingsteps to replan the usage layout of the

grounds, to hopefully achieve an “AllWeather” event. More details of the new lay-out will be available shortly.

We had to reschedule the event two yearsago for similar reasons, and after a lot of workthe November date was a great success. Welearnt a lot from that year and expect applythose lessons to this year as well. The feed-back from a many of stallholders and partici-pants, was that they actually preferred theNovember date.

We will still have all of your favourite activi-ties will be there: Carnival rides, lots of freeentertainment and activities, craft stalls, nov-elties, food stalls, free demonstrations anddisplays, and much more.

All updated forms and much more informa-tion will be available on our website www.di-amondcreektownfair.org.au within the nexttwo weeks. The website is a working docu-ment and is continually being updated as in-formation comes to hand.

We have made this decision nearly threeweeks before the event to minimize the in-

convenience this causes. We hope you un-derstand the reasons and are not too badlyaffected.

Should you for any reason be unable to par-ticipate in the Diamond Creek Rotary TownFair 2012 on the new date of 24th November,then please contact me at [email protected] and we will be happy to givea full refund of any fees paid.

Thank you for your understanding and welook forward to your involvement in this greatlocal event!

2012 Diamond Creek Rotary Town Fair

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Hall’s Funeral Services15 Station Street,Diamond Creek.

An Australian owned and operated family Fu-neral business for three generations that un-derstands the needs of people at a time ofgrief.

Pre-arranged and Prepaid Funerals

Telephone: 9438 5416

24 Hours a Day7 Days a Week

Nillumbik Historical Society is holding a

SAUSAGE SIZZLE AT MITRE 10on Saturday, 6th October

Please come along and support us!Funds raised will go towards establishing our old Diamond Creek Police Cell as a permanent display

If you would like to lend a hand, or just drop by for a chat that’s fine too.We will be there from about 9am until about 3pm


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Diamond Creek News Page 25Spring 2012

HOLIDAYS ARE OVER…With Pennant fast approaching, our travellershave returned to the clubroom with stories ofthe bowling competitions in and around Mer-imbula, the great time they had and how won-derful the weather was. While we love tohear their news, those who stayed at homeare not really that interested in the talk of thewonderful weather.

In preparation for the new bowling season,we had our Clean up Day on Sunday 25th Au-gust. Our happy group of volunteer membersgardened, painted, washed, polished, and ti-died. A big thankyou, your help was much ap-preciated. Now the Club is ready to enjoy ourOpening Day on Saturday 25th August.

We have entered 4 teams in the SaturdayPennant competition and 3 teams in theTuesday competition. We look forward to asuccessful year.

SOCIAL COMMITTEE…Our new Social Committee have been busyplanning and organising activities. On Friday27th July, they hosted their first soup and rollnight with the choice of home made mine-strone or pumpkin/red lentil/tomato soup. Wehad a great attendance with members thor-oughly enjoying the perfect meal on a coldwinter’s night.

Soon we will be enjoying our Season Launchthree course dinner on Saturday 15th Sep-tember.

WINTER BOWLS RESULTS…While our three bowls triples ‘Cold Cash’competition is nearly finished and bowlers areentering their teams in the soon to start ‘HotCash’, the Saturday afternoon Social Bowlshas ended.

Congratulations to our winners… First place Eric Macklin, second Jean Robin-son, and third Wally Nitschke.

UPCOMING TOURNAMENT… Once again, we are hosting our Valley Main-tenance 2 Bowl Triples Tournament.This is to be held on Friday 21st September.The tournament is very popular with manyteams coming from other Bowling Clubs. For any information please ring Danny Dickon 0412613555.

BARE FOOT BOWLS…Our popular Friday night Bare Foot Bowls isback!!! Proudly sponsored by Bendigo Bank,the starting date is 19th October and will runfor 18 weeks with a break over Christmas.The night will include 16 ends of bowls, a

BBQ dinner, and big prize money to be won.

So make up your team of four (you can in-clude emergencies) and contact Graham Guyon 0411 798546 or email [email protected] with your entry or any queries.

It is a lot of fun but get your entries in fast asthe competition is limited to 16 sides.

Diamond Creek Bowling Club is a friendlyplace to come and enjoy a game of bowls.If you would like to visit our club you wouldbe made most welcome.

For any Information… please phone the clubon 9438 1717. Our Clubrooms are at Recre-ation Reserve, Diamond Creek.

Sandra Darling - Media.

What’s Happening at the… Diamond Creek Bowling Club

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The Walking School Bus program is stillgoing strong with many trained volun-teers volunteering their time to walk thechildren safely to school. The walkerslove the stroll to school as they can chatto their friends and the adults along theway whilst exercising.

As we all know exercise is an important

part of our everyday life and what bet-ter way to have a healthy start than towalk to school!

Just a friendly reminder to all our driv-ers pedestrian safety is of paramountimportance to us all. We appreciatethose drivers who obey the law and do40 km in a school area. This is a man-

dated speed outside schools that arenot on main roads. Another importantpoint is that when there is a crossing su-pervisor on a crossing cars can not goaround people they must stop until thepedestrians have crossed the entireroad. A few near misses on the CollinsStreet and Main Street intersection haveoccurred because road users are com-placent and do not obey the law.

Thanks to all of those drivers who dokeep us safe. Give us a wave when younext see us walking.

Diamond Creek Primary School Walking School Bus.

Spring 2012

At a meeting with VicRoads, I raisedconcerns about Yan Yean Road. For thepast two years I have been trying to getWhittlesea City Council to fund the turn-ing lanes at all the intersections alongYan Yean Rd, from Kurrak Rd Yarram-bat to Bridge Inn Rd Doreen. The cost ofthese upgrades, are to be covered byDevelopment Contributions, from theWhittlesea developments. Finally Whit-tlesea Council are talking to Nillumbikabout the proposed upgrades, that arewell and truly overdue.

The population of Doreen has grown207%, from 3500 in 2006 to 10,889. Thefollowing details are from the “Infra-structure Agreement” between Whittle-sea City and Nillumbik Shire Council’s,Gateway Concepts Pty Ltd and Lan-dano Pty Ltd, (10 April 1997):One intersection, I believe was over-looked, is at Laurie Rd Yarrambat. Dur-ing peak times, traffic is alreadygridlocked, by the time upgrades are ac-tioned, I believe the traffic will be un-bearable. In my opinion, the growth of

Doreen and Mernda without appropriateroad upgrades and public transport likea railway line, was/is poor planning.

As the State government has not com-mitted funds to the upgrades from Dia-mond Creek Rd to Kurrak Rd (could be10 years off), I have asked VicRoads toprovide pedestrian refuges at PlentyStore, and Worns Lane in Yarrambat toassist school children to cross these

dangerous sections of Yan Yean Rd.

To improve traffic flow in the 80km zonein front of the BP Service Station on Di-amond Creek Rd, I have also asked fora left turning lane into the BP.

Belinda Clarkson.

Meeting with VicRoads

Page 27: Diamond Creek News Spring 2012

Proudly supporting the

Diamond Creek Rotary Town


Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited. ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL 237879. PS19 (162318_v3) (21/08/2012)

With every product or service we offer, money goes back into the community to support local clubs, organisations and initiatives like the Diamond Creek Rotary Town Fair.

We’ve contributed more than $70,000 to the Diamond Creek Rotary Town Fair, thanks to you. These much needed funds have allowed the Fair to continue to be a huge success.

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Diamond Creek Community Bank® Branch

Page 28: Diamond Creek News Spring 2012