Dialysis -Weathering the Storm

Weathering the Storm When you Need Dialysis Treatments

Transcript of Dialysis -Weathering the Storm

Weathering the Storm When you Need Dialysis


When you’re on dialysis, getting there isn’t usually a problem.

You drive yourself, take public transportation,

or have a friend or caregiver get you to your appointment.

You know how important it is to keep your appointments to protect your health,

so you make the necessary arrangements.

But do you have a plan when Mother Nature and Old Man

Winter collide?


Tips for Dialysis Patients for Weathering Storms


Keep your emergency phone numbers handy

Keep emergency supplies on hand, such as any needed medications

Talk to your doctor or dialysis team and family about your plan – what should you do?


If you dialyze at a clinic or at the hospital, arrange for back-up transportation with a friend, neighbor or family member

Monitor local weather forecasts, and be in touch with your dialysis facility when bad weather threatens.


Pre-pack a bag with first-aid kit, flashlight and batteries, blankets, radio, cell phone and medications.

Store three days of food that is compliant with your dialysis diet.

MagicKitchen.com can help with that, see our Dialysis Meals here.

If you can’t get to the clinic

Stay at home unless you are hurt, as long as it is safe to do so. Call your dialysis facility or doctor, because he or she might be able to help you manage this emergency.

Start your emergency diet as soon as an emergency situation is predicted or occurs, if it could delay your next regular dialysis treatment.

A few of our Dialysis Meals, brought to you by MagicKitchen.com!