Diabetesmellitus Kf 090806221036 Phpapp02

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Transcript of Diabetesmellitus Kf 090806221036 Phpapp02

  • 8/12/2019 Diabetesmellitus Kf 090806221036 Phpapp02


    Kiana Favors

  • 8/12/2019 Diabetesmellitus Kf 090806221036 Phpapp02


    Diabetes is a

    Syndrome of

    disordered metabolism,

    usually due to a

    combination ofhereditary and

    environmental causes,

    resulting in abnormally

    high blood sugar alsoknow as


  • 8/12/2019 Diabetesmellitus Kf 090806221036 Phpapp02


    Blood test is the onlyway to tell.

    Blood test can beused for type I and

    type II. Symptoms

    Different blood test

    Fasting plasmaglucose test forpregnant women.

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    Type I, type II diabetes, and gestational diabetes.

    All three types of diabetes are a result of too much

    sugar or glucose in the blood.

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    Type I diabetes is

    also called an insulin

    dependent diabetes.

    People with type Idiabetes pancreas

    produce very little

    insulin or none at all.

  • 8/12/2019 Diabetesmellitus Kf 090806221036 Phpapp02


    With these two types

    of diabetes the

    pancreas produces

    insulin, but notenough or the cells in

    the body are resistant

    to the insulin that is

    being produced bythe body.

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    18 million Americans have diabetes.

    900,000 to 1.8 million have type I diabetes.

    16 to 17 million have type II diabetes.

    135,000 pregnant women develop gestational


    Not to mention people living with diabetes and do

    not even know it.

  • 8/12/2019 Diabetesmellitus Kf 090806221036 Phpapp02


    Is not contagious which means you can not give it

    to anyone, nor can it be caught.

    More common in certain racial groups such as


    Viruses like the mumps or German measles' may

    cause type I diabetes.

    Different types of foods such as cows milk when

    fed early in life to 3 or 4 month olds can causediabetes.

  • 8/12/2019 Diabetesmellitus Kf 090806221036 Phpapp02


    Usually was first

    found in children,

    teenagers, or young

    adults. It was once called

    juvenile diabetes.

  • 8/12/2019 Diabetesmellitus Kf 090806221036 Phpapp02


    Scientist linked type Idiabetes to genetics.

    Parents with diabetesthat have children

    are more likely todevelop diabetes thensomeone without afamily history of


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    Most common form of diabetes.

    Also related to genetics.

    Inheritance of certain genes, obesity, age, and

    lifestyles. race/ethnicity- African Americans, Hispanic/Latino

    Americans, American Indians, and some Asian

    Americans and Native Hawaiians or other Pacific

    Islanders are at particularly high risk for type 2diabetes and its complications.

  • 8/12/2019 Diabetesmellitus Kf 090806221036 Phpapp02


    Most importanttriggers of diabetes is


    Too much body fatmakes it hard for the

    body to

    accommodate insulin

    resistance. Body fat promotes

    insulin resistance.

  • 8/12/2019 Diabetesmellitus Kf 090806221036 Phpapp02


    Cardiovascular disease.

    Retinopathy which is and eye disease.

    Nephropathy disease of the nerves.

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    Exact cause isunknown.

    Hormones are

    produced in largeramounts in pregnant

    women then women

    who are not pregnant.

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    Requires consistent and persistent managementfrom the person with diabetes.

    Maintaining there skin.

    Controlling there sugar. Taking care of feet.

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    Change unhealthyeating habits.

    Injection of insulin.

    Monitoring bloodglucose levels.


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    Similar to type Idiabetes.

    No insulin shotsunless sick or in need

    of more insulin. Oral medications.

    Change to low-fatdiet.

    Loosing weight.


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    Modifying diets tohealthier more

    suitable diet.

    Sometimes insulingiven if therapeutic

    range not met.

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    Educating yourself on how to best manage the disease is important

    to avoiding or prolonging adverse affects on the body as a result of

    uncontrolled diabetes.

    Knowledge of Disease

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