Dhamma Nature Ajahn Chah Awakening to the Dharma means to open our eyes to unnoticed truths.

Dhamma Nature A j a h n C h a h

Transcript of Dhamma Nature Ajahn Chah Awakening to the Dharma means to open our eyes to unnoticed truths.







Awakening to the Dharma means to open our eyes to unnoticed


The Dharma of nature is always there

Surrounding us, penetrating us, besides us

How doesthe Dharmateach the proper way of life?

It has many ways of showing - on roots, trees or just in front of you.

It is teaching but not in words.

So still the mind, the heart,and learn to watch.

You'll find the whole Dharmarevealing itselfhere and now

… through sustainedeffort in nurturing

such calm & understanding

Peace in our heartis attained …

Peace is not something that we chase and conquer.

It is a journeyof making happy steps,each one made with joyful mindfulness.

How do we knowwhen we are one

with Dharma nature?

Sometimes it’s a breeze, softly caressing our cheeks.

Sometimes it’sa morning dew,

hugging ayoung sapling

in afresh morning

When we know how to stop and be still, and enjoy nothing else but to be embraced by the fresh morning dew

We become one with nature …

The Dharmahas found us!

Peace, in essence, is to be in union with such natural friends,like the breeze, the dew drop and the trees.

After all, Dharma natureis nothing more than a mind that clearly sees the ways of the world

When your heart is ready, peace will come looking for you

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