DFA Trifold Brochure

REPRESENTATIVE CLIENTS “Unleashing human potential to achieve organizational success” www.davefleck.com thrive@davefleck.com Northeast Corporate Office: Tel: 908-864-8045 / Fax: 908-864-8099 Southeast Regional Office: Tel: 843-877-2627 www.davefleck.com CONTACT US IF: Changes in the competitive environment are forcing your organization to seek more effective ways of doing business – to be faster, better, more efficient Your organization is undergoing a major change in its environment – mergers/ acquisitions, new facilities or technologies, new product/service lines, reorganizations You want to create commitment and alignment – at all levels – in support of your strategy You are struggling with sustainable growth, innovation and adaptation You want all people in your organization, from leaders to employees to contractors, to optimize their personal impact and to maximize their results You need help in defining business outcomes and performance metrics You want your strategies to be implemented, realized and sustained We take a holistic approach with our clients to create sustainable high performance.


Workload, Stress, Long Hours, Work-Life Balance, Change, Engagement, Leadership, Coaching, Diversity, Effectiveness, Team, Development, Management, Managers

Transcript of DFA Trifold Brochure

RepResentative Clients

“Unleashing human potential to achieve

organizational success”™


[email protected] Corporate Office:

Tel: 908-864-8045 / Fax: 908-864-8099southeast Regional Office:

Tel: 843-877-2627www.davefleck.com

COntaCt us if:

• Changes in the competitive environment are forcing your organization to seek more effective ways of doing business – to be faster, better, more efficient

• Your organization is undergoing a major change in its environment – mergers/ acquisitions, new facilities or technologies, new product/service lines, reorganizations

• You want to create commitment and alignment – at all levels – in support of your strategy

• You are struggling with sustainable growth, innovation and adaptation

• You want all people in your organization, from leaders to employees to contractors, to optimize their personal impact and to maximize their results

• You need help in defining business outcomes and performance metrics

• You want your strategies to be implemented, realized and sustained

We take a holistic approach with our clients to create sustainable high performance.


WhO We aRe tOday’s Business Challenges OuR pRaCtiCe aReas

We support the creation of break-through results through our “hands-on” personal support and development of people, teams and organizations. We help you achieve sustainable high performance by developing and implementing holistic, integrated solutions through our following Practice Areas:

leadershipThrough coaching, continuous learning and development, we provide you the opportunity to explore and enhance the organizational and individual competencies necessary to lead your organization to optimal performance.

strategy & Business architectureWe help you clarify your strategic direction and align your organizational design, core business processes and metrics. We develop organizational renewal capabilities for the future.

people engagementWe assist you to maximize individual & team engagement by providing coaching, development tools, training and other appliedbehavioral methods resulting in a higher level of effectiveness and improved results.

Change RealizationWe go beyond the installation of an initiative so you can achieve expected business outcomes on time and within budget. We specialize in managing the human dynamics of change and proactively mitigating execution risks.

Dave Fleck & Associates (DF&A) is a leading organizational development consultancy based in the eastern United States and doing business across the globe in support of our client operations. We help leaders in a broad range of industries and government agencies improve all aspects of performance through the authentic engagement of people. We are the catalyst to assist you in building a healthy and resilient organizational culture together with more customer focused and efficient operations.

Our visionA world where people and organizations thrive

Our MissionTo be a catalyst for leaders and organizations to achieve sustainable high performance by unleashing human potential

initiative success Rates

19% in Culture Change20% in Business Expansion26% in Software30% in Re-engineering33% in M&A37% in TQM-Driven Change46% in Restructuring

delivering on strategic promisesOnly 30% of major change initiatives achieve successful realization

engagement is KeyThe crucial issue is how the change is accomplished, not what the change is

• The most successful transformations have a proactive approach that engages the workforce• Engaged people tend to be more supportive of organizational change initiatives and resilient in the face of change• Productivity is 18% higher; profitability 12% higher• They are twice as likely as others to be top performers and miss 20% fewer days of work • The number of highly engaged people represents only 21% of the workforce

Our Keys for successw Holistic approach to change wEmployee engagementwExecutive sponsorshipwIntegration of action and learning