DF24 Stormcrows Gather

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  • 8/18/2019 DF24 Stormcrows Gather


  • 8/18/2019 DF24 Stormcrows Gather


    Stormcrows Gather

     An AD& D Adventure for Character Levels 5-7

    Copyright © 2006 John A. Turcotte

    Cover Art: P. MullenInterior Art: Joe Calkins, Andy “ATOM” Taylor,

    John Turcotte, Stehan Poa!, Steve "ieser Mas: Andreas Claren

    Proo#readin!: $ana Shea%ayout: Chris &onner'an

    Playtestin!: %a(rence “)ol#” Averill,

    Michael “Constantine” *reton, Chester “Te+” Cook,Matthe( “ed Ta'” &a!non, Ja'es “Mo!” &alla!her 

    Dragonsfoot UK

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  • 8/18/2019 DF24 Stormcrows Gather


    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte

    *lack -e the ni!ht that locks around the',They (ho chant o# the &ood and %i!ht,*lack -e the inions that shall con#ound the',

    *reakin! their -rains (ith a deadly #ri!ht.o-ert . /o(ard, “*lack Chant I'erial”


    A -rutal (inter has #allen on the %and o# Son!.)eakened -y incessant attacks throu!hout theautu'n -y hu'anoids and (orse descendin!#ro' the Trev0r0 Peaks, its hardy eole no(stru!!le a!ainst the unrelentin! ele'ents. Anancient ene'y o# the clans seeks to reassert hercold iron !ri on the northern reaches. Sharchecks have -een dealt a!ainst her and no(the clans are holed u in their ancestral hallsand stron!holds. )aitin! out the stor's o# iceand sno(, they hoe their 'ea!er stores (illlast.

    The venera-le 1arl, 2n!var, is deely trou-led.Stor'cro(s are !atherin! over his do'inion.Althou!h the evil #orces o# /er $ark Ma1estyhave -een thrust -ack #ro' his land #or no(, heis certain that they are 'assin! to the north,(aitin! #or the srin! tha( to unleash adevastatin! strike a!ainst his starvin! and (eary


    %on! a!o, the ancestors o# the clans (orked'i!hty 'a!ics to #or!e #our relics o# !reato(er to aid their descendants in dark ti'es.These !"r #orn$ o% the C&"n$  (orked 'i!htyenchant'ents (hen sounded. They (ere lastused durin! the )inter o# Tears, 'ore thanseventy years a!o, (hen the !reat 1arl /1al'arcrushed /er $ark Ma1esty3s #orces in a terri-le-attle uon a #ro+en #1ord. It is sun! that her-ody (as -roken and cast throu!h the ice4 her#ell host scattered into the trackless (astes. 2et

    (icked #orces continue to 'uster under her!ri' -anner. Surely she still lives, seethin! #orven!eance a!ainst the roud and -raveeole o# the %and o# Son!.

    Since /1al'ar3s victory, the le!endary )ar /ornshave -een lost to ti'e. ecently, t(o o# the#our have -een recovered4 the #orn o% the '"$t

    #ro' the 5alley o# the Sleein! Jarls, and the#orn o% the (outh #ro' -eneath the (icked ruinso# *lack To(en. The horns o# the )est and6orth re'ain 'issin!.

    2n!var has issued a call #or heroes to scour the%and o# Son! and recover the lost )ar /orns.Can the relics -e (rested #ro' their hidin!laces -e#ore the 'ountain asses oen to /er

    $ark Ma1esty3s -lack host7 )hat dan!ers lurk inthe #ree+in! sunless !ul#s here at the roo# o# the(orld7


    This 'odule is the third in the #er D"r) *"+e$tyseries, #ollo(in! )here the 8allen Jarls Sleeand *eneath *lack To(en. It is not necessary tolay either these 'odules in order to run thisadventure4 each install'ent o# the series 'ay-e layed indeendently o# the others i# the $Mso chooses.

    The arty should nu'-er -et(een si9 to ei!ht'e'-ers. I# there are #e(er or 'ore layercharacters, the $M 'ust ad1ust the encounterscontained herein accordin!ly. Oortunitiesa-ound #or a cautious and dilo'atic arty tocollect hench'en and hel#ul advice alon!their 1ourney. *y the sa'e token, heroes (hosurn or insult the stron!(illed eole o# the%and o# Son! (ill #ind !ate and doors closeda!ainst the';

    2n!var (ill out#it the adventurers (ith (hatever

    reasona-le and necessary rovisions they need#or the 1ourney, -earin! in 'ind the relativeaucity o# resources and the 'odest (ealth o#the eole. /eavy #urs and cold(eather !earare a 'ust. 2n!var (ill #urther send a #aith#ul!uide, &re!ers, to lead the arty on theirsearch. &re!ers is a ?4 S: @4 I: @@4 ): @@4 $: @

  • 8/18/2019 DF24 Stormcrows Gather


    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte

    @, #a'iliar (ith the layout o# the land. /e iseDuied (ith - $tu//e/ &e"ther "ror, lar!e(ooden shield, sear, thro(in! a9e and - &ong$1or/. I# &re!ers erished durin! lay o# therevious adventures, his lace (ill -e taken -yhis cousin Jens, (ho has identicalcharacteristics.

    I# the arty reDuests, 2n!var can also rovideeach arty 'e'-er (ith a (arrior -ody!uard.These @st level neutral #i!hters are out#itted (ithleather ar'or, lar!e (ooden shields, sears andlon! s(ords. The Jarl3s (ise (o'an, Siri, (ill alsorovide each layer character (ith an earthen 1u! containin! t(o doses o# a o(er#ulhoneyed -re( eDuivalent to a potion o% etr"he"&ing and each cleric in the arty (ith t(ovials o# holy (ater.

    OT'( FOR T#' D*

    This 'odule 'akes use o# sells and 'a!icite's #ro' E6AT/$ ACA6A, -ut does notindicate in the te9t (hether 6PC #i!hters areseciali+ed (ith any (eaonry. To the e9tentyou the $M use seciali+ation in yourca'ai!n, care should -e taken to ensure thatene'y #i!hters have seciali+ationsco''ensurate (ith the #i!hter PCs in your!a'e.

    Please note #urther that, e9cet #or the rarecircu'stance, only hit oints are rovided #orthe #oes encountered herein. Enless other(iseindicated, all other statistics, includin! Ar'orClass, #ro' the MO6ST MA6EA%, MO6STMA6EA% II, 8I6$ 8O%IO and $ITIS F$MI&O$S aly. 8or e9a'le, i# thencounter Gey descri-es “t(o !ru!ach =/P: H,B” ar'ed (ith lon! s(ords, the $M is to assu'ethat the re'ainder o# the stats con#or' to the“%8, &ru!ach” entry in MO6ST MA6EA% II,i.e., =AC: H4 M5: @B”4 /$: @@4 ATT: @4 $M: @K4S$: ?L resistant to slee and char'4 A%: 6=C64NP: HB>h.

    3. B'G33G T#' ('ARC#

    The Clans do not kno( the locations o# the

    'issin! )ar /orns and Siri3s consultations (iththe Ancestors have -een #ruitless. They canrelate the #ollo(in! in#or'ation to the heroes:

    Tradition holds that the #orn o% the orth  (aslast in the ossession o# &ud-rand &rayyes, anehe( o# /1al'ar. &ud-rand (as a true hero4(ellre'e'-ered in son!. /e (as last seenover #i#ty years a!o so'e(here on the (esterncoast o# the %and, near &ri''in3s /eadland. Itis said that he took art in the eic *attle o#e!e, (here the Clans #iercely reulsed aninvasion -y the 'ysterious Sea Peole. /e

    aears in no #urther tales, -ut (hether heerished in the -attle is unkno(n.

    The tales o# the #orn o% the !e$t diver!e. Oneline o# eic oe's tells that #ollo(in! the )intero# Tears, the !reat 1arl /1al'ar a(arded the/orn  to a cousin, Thorvald &nollha''er, theChie# o# the rival )ol# Clan. It is said that

    Thorvald in turn assed the /orn to one o# his

    sons. Thorvald, ho(ever, had t(in sons, Grestenand Gristin. It is unclear (hich one ossessedthe relic. Gresten Shield*reaker (as a hero o#!reat reno(n. It is sun! that he #ell in -attle (iththe !reat -east 8ar#arsil in the #oothills o# theMarchin! Mountains 'ore than #orty years a!o.Gristin l#8riend (as last kno(n to live near the5olk(ood. I# he (ere still alive today, he (ould-e Duite venera-le.

    Another set o# son!s, ho(ever, 'aintains thatthe trickster hero a!nvold uneStealer (onthe /orn o# the )est #ro' Thorvald in a !a'e o#

    chance. a!nvold3s #a'ed luck ca'e to anend, ho(ever, (hen he sou!ht to steal #ro' thehoard o# /allakire, the !reat )hite )or', andthe /orn (as lost (ith hi'.

    ,"ge 2

  • 8/18/2019 DF24 Stormcrows Gather


    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte


    This 'odule resents the layers (ith a(ilderness adventure. The adventure is #airly#ree#or'. Althou!h the arty 'e'-ers are!iven ossi-le leads, the heroes 'ay travel thelen!th and -readth o# the %and o# Son! i# theyso choose, the only li'itation -ein! one o# ti'e.It is i'erative that the arty #ind the 'issin!relics -e#ore the -reak o# srin!, so'e ei!ht(eeks a(ay.

    In #act, only one o# the oe's (ill lead thearty to the relics. The /orn o# the 6orth isindeed located at &ri''in3s /eadland =andstill !uarded -y &ud-rand3s 'ourn#ul lover.The /orn o# the )est (as le#t to the !ru!ach o#the 5olk(ood -y Gristin l##riend. It has recently-een stolen -y villainous 'e'-ers o# theMarten Clan =see T/ /E6TS, D.v.. They no(hold the /orn in their lon!house outsideSkalke!ard.

    The adventure takes lace outdoors and theheroes 'ust deal (ith the terrain, the harshele'ents and the 'any and #ierce inha-itantso# this #ri!id, unta'ed (ilderness. This scenarioshould -e 'ore than 1ust a series o# successiverolls on the rovided encounter charts. It isincu'-ent uon the $M to #lesh out the#or-iddin! terrain and dan!erous residents. Thelayers (ill soon #ind that the ele'ents are #arand a(ay their 'ost dan!erous #oes. The$un!eon Master should #a'iliari+e hi'sel# (iththe “Adventures in the Outdoors” section o# the$E6&O6 MASTS &EI$ (ith resect to'ove'ent and encounters. I# &re!ersJens isslain, the arty stands an e9cellent chance o#-eco'in! lost.

    As the heroes undertake their Duest they (illencounter t(o di##erent !rous o# seci#icene'ies a-ove and -eyond any dan!erous(anderin! 'onsters. The #irst !rou is in#ernal in

    nature, and has -een sent #ro' a terri-le lacein the sunless north -y /er $ark Ma1esty to eitheraven!e the arty3s rior success at *lackTo(en, assu'in! that 'odule (as co'leted,or to revent the re'ainin! )ar /orns #ro'#allin! into the Clans3 hands =see T/ /OE6$S,D.v.. The second !rou scours the %and on

    -ehal# o# the Marten Clan. The Martens seekthe last )ar /orn #or their o(n ne#ariousuroses =see T/ /E6TS, D.v.. It (ill -e u tothe $M3s discretion to deter'ine (hen and(here these ene'ies encounter the arty. It isreco''ended that T/ /OE6$S -e!in theadventure at AA @. As a condition o# itsrelative #reedo' in this (orld, Toivonsur'acannot use its g"te a-ility.

    The hounds are e9cellent trackers, andToivonsur'a3s i&&u$ion, ch"r  and $ugge$tiona-ilities ena-le it to !lean in#or'ation a-out theheroes #ro' unsusectin! clan 'e'-ers. The

    $M should decide (hen the devil icks u thearty3s trail. The PCs 'ay also -eco'e a(arethat they are -ein! hunted. The #iend is no #ool4it kno(s already that the arty is o(er#ul. It (illursue the arty and (ait #or the ri!ht 'o'entto strike.

    T/ /E6TS: The Marten Clan has a reutation#or untrust(orthiness and dis!race. These villainshave allied the'selves (ith /er $ark Ma1estyand seek to -etray their cousins. The heroes'ay have encountered one traitorous 'e'-erat *lack To(en. 6o( a tea' o# Marten Clan

    'e'-ers co'ete a!ainst the heroes torecover the re'ainin! )ar /orn.

    These evil 6PCs have already catured the/orn o# the )est #ro' the !ru!ach elves =SeeAA >>, otentially settin! in 'otion a tra!icencounter -et(een the elves and the PCs, andno( ursue the last re'ainin! relic. They (ill


  • 8/18/2019 DF24 Stormcrows Gather


    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte

    certainly co'e into con#lict (ith the heroes atso'e ti'e. The $M should decide (hen and(here the arties 'eet. The hunters aredescri-ed as #ollo(s:

    Tor$tein, a Hth level hu'an #i!hter =AC: @4 /P: 4 S: ?4 I: @H4 ): @@4 $: @H4 C: @@4 C/: @>4 A%: Cacco'anies the tea'. Gasar is tall and!aunt. /e (ears a !ray hooded ro-e, heavy#urs, sno(shoes, a - ring o% protection  and isar'ed (ith a air o# da!!ers.  In his -elt ouch,he carries a potion o% etr" he"&ing. /e (ears a-ackack   that holds his sleein!  roll, histravelin! sell -ooks, sell co'onents, > !and s and a s'all silver 'irror. These sell-ooks contain all the sells he nor'ally'e'ori+es, lus ch"nge $e&%, /"r)ne$$  andirror i"ge.

    Gasar has ph"nto "ror  cast, and the#ollo(in! sells nor'ally 'e'ori+ed:

    8irst level: chro'atic or-, hantas'al #orce

    Second level: detect 'a!ic, 'isdirection

    Ar%in, a Qth level hu'an druid =AC: Q4 /P: Q4 S: K4I: @@4 ): @B4 $: @>4 C: @4 C/: @B4 A%: 6, is sli!htand handso'e. /e (ears leather ar'or, heavy#urs and -ears a lar!e (ooden shield. /e also(ears a 7rooch o% $hie&/ing  =BK hit ointsre'ainin!. /e uses a $t"%% o% $tri)ing  =@>

    char!es le#t in co'-at and carries a slin! (ith@ - $&ing 7u&&et$  and Q re!ular -ullets. /e(ears heavy #urs. In his -elt ouch he kees apotion o% "ni"& contro& 8"5i"n9. In his-ackack, he carries a -edroll, > torches, t(osri!s o# 'istletoe, a s'all ouch containin!(inter -erries, a tallo( candle and >L3 o# t(ine./is ani'al co'anions, a sno(y o(l =/P: > and

    a sno(shoe hare =/P: , acco'any hi' at allti'es.

    Ar#in -ears no love #or /er $ark Ma1esty. /e-elieves that his kins'en are seekin! the )ar

    /orns to i'rove the standin! o# the Clan, andis so'e(hat a'-ivalent a-out the Duest. /ehas 1oined su-seDuent to the -loody events inAlven'ore =D.v. and is una(are o# ho( the/orn o# the )est (as o-tained. /e (illstaunchly de#end his kin a!ainst outsiders.

    Ar#in has protection %ro %ire already cast uonhi'sel#, and has 'e'ori+ed the #ollo(in! sells:

    8irst level: detect 'a!ic, detect oison,entan!le, #aerie #ire, ass (ithouttrace, redict (eather 

    Second level: -arkskin, char' erson or'a''al, cure li!ht (ounds 9>,heat 'etal

    Third level: neutrali+e oison

    8ourth level: disel 'a!ic

    :&5", a Qth  level hu'an =(ere(easel #i!hter=AC: Q4 /P: B4 S: @B4 I: @4 ): @4 $: @@4 C: @H4 C/:@>4 A%: 6 =in (ere(easel #or': AC: 4 /P: >

  • 8/18/2019 DF24 Stormcrows Gather


    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte

    da!!er i# he 'ust. /e carries a potion o%po&yorph 8$e&%9 and his sell co'onents in his-elt ouch.  In his -ackack, he carries his-edroll and travelin! sell -ooks. These containthe sells he nor'ally 'e'ori+es, lus: "%%ectnor"& %ire$, i/enti%y and )noc) . /e also carriesa -one scroll tu-e that contains a $cro&& o%protection %ro "gic.

    s-en has "ror  cast each day and has'e'ori+ed the #ollo(in! sells:

    8irst level: 'a!ic 'issile, shield, slee

    Second level: darkness @B3 radius, invisi-ility

    Third level: #ire-all

    The clan 'e'-ers have a sled!e ulled -yseven hardy (ar do!s =/P: @B, @ =9>, @@,?. The sled!e holds additional #urs, saresno(shoes, #our lar!e sacks, si9 shovels, #ive(eeks (orth o# iron rations, t(o casks o# -randy,#ire(ood, three shovels and a sealskin tar used#or convertin! the sled!e itsel# into a shelter.

    33. TRA;'< AD AD;'TUR' 3 T#' . A 'anyheaded #iend lays in (ait in the#ree+in! (aters 1ust o## the shore o# Gerava,creein! over the city3s (alls under thecover o# ni!ht. =8

    . The /andso'e 8olk have set u their (interca' on the shore south o# Gerava. They

    are a dan!erous eole and cannot -etrusted, -ut they kno( 'any secrets

    denied to 'en.

  • 8/18/2019 DF24 Stormcrows Gather


    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte

    @>. A 'ysterious !rou o# standin! stones e9iston a -ald hill north o# Alastro. )eird li!htsand sounds have -een seen there at ni!ht.

    @. *e(are the #osser!ri'. These handso'e#airy #olk d(ell in (ater#alls and seek tocarry youn! 'aidens a(ay;

    @L. /allakire, the )hite )or' has rava!ed thesouthern coast o# the %and o# Son! #ordecades. She lairs in a cave not #ar #ro'

    8instro'. 6o one has dared to challen!ethis dread -east #or decades.

    TRA;'LL3 altitude. These areas include theshoreline, #ields, lo(lands, scru- and valleys.The land here is lar!ely lo(lyin! #ields (ithscattered coses o# -irch, oak and #ir. Close toto(ns and alon! the shore and river-anks,there are #ar's and ha'lets. Party 'e'-ersnot dressed accordin!ly in lo( elevation areassu##er @ hit oint o# epo$ure /""ge er hourunless they #ind adeDuate cover =D.v.. Thise9osure da'a!e cannot -e healed -y'a!ic4 it 'ay only -e re!ained throu!h rest(hile sheltered or roerly attired. ach day,there is a >L chance o# sno( =lastin! @H hours,leavin! @” o# sno( er hour and a @L chanceo# sleet =(hich reduces sno( cover -y @H”, -ut(hich cuts all 'ove'ent rates in hal# durin! its

    duration. very LL3 to >,LLL3 elevation. These areasare thickly(ooded (ith coni#ers and -irch.Occasional clearin!s rovide a sectacularvie( o# the land and sea -elo(. Party'e'-ers not dressed accordin!ly su##er @ hitoints o# e9osure da'a!e er hour unlesscover is #ound =D.v.. ach day, there is a >Bchance o# sno( =lastin! @H hours, leavin! @” o#sno( er hour and a @L chance o# sleet=(hich reduces sno( cover -y @H inches, -ut(hich cuts all 'ove'ent rates in hal# durin! itsduration. very

  • 8/18/2019 DF24 Stormcrows Gather


    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte

    tallest o# the eaks, see'in! to descend andcro(n the 'ountains.

    It is e9ceedin!ly (indy and #ree+in! cold here,and i# arty 'e'-ers are not aroriately

    dressed, they (ill su##er @< hit oints o# e9osureda'a!e er hour outside o# cover =D.v.. All'issile #ire is at a @ enalty to hit due to the(inds, and ran!es are halved. The hi!helevation areas are usually cloaked in clouds,and sno( is L likely each day, lastin! #or @Khours and leavin! @” o# sno( cover er hour.very he9es @@ 'iles = he9es

    /i!h levation > 'iles =@> he9 < 'iles =@ he9 H 'iles => he9es

    Tr"5e& 7y 1"ter= It 'ay occur to the arty to 'ake use o# the #1ords, rivers and sea to 'ove 'oreDuickly. Salt(ater travel in the (inter is e9ceedin!ly dan!erous, as any 'ariner (ill relate to the'.The 'ove'ent rates are as #ollo(s:

    *etho/ Ri5er- F+or/


      Oared L 'iles =K he9es> he9es>

    BL 'iles =@> he9es*ar!e @B 'iles =< he9es> >B 'iles =H he9es@ This includes (ater(ays -ranchin! 'ore than @ he9 #ro' a 'a1or #1ord> This #i!ure is #or do(nstrea' seed. Estrea' seed is BL o# the #i!ure sho(n.

    6ote that i# a -li++ard or sleet stor' is indicated=see 'ncounter$, D.v., any native cre( (ill'ake #or shore i''ediately. A shi cau!ht in a-li++ard in oen sea ='ore than @ he9 #ro'shore has a >B chance o# sinkin! (ith all on-oard. At the $M3s discretion, success#ul savin!thro(s versus death 'a!ic 'ay result in PCsso'eho( #indin! #lotsa' and -ein! a-le to

    'ake their (ay to land. Sleet stor's have onlya B chance o# such a cala'itous e##ect. 6ote#urther that i# any shi #ounders (ithin a threehe9 radius o# AA >

  • 8/18/2019 DF24 Stormcrows Gather


    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte


    This adventure contains t(o tyes o#encounters4 6u'-ered ncounter Areas and)anderin! Monster ncounters. The 6u'-eredncounter Areas are descri-ed #urther in this'odule. )anderin! Monster ncounters should-e deter'ined -y rando' dice rolls as thearty travels throu!h the (ilderness.

    very ei!ht hours ='ornin!, noon, ni!ht, there isa @ in @L chance o# encounterin! a (anderin!'onster. The encounters (ill vary accordin! tothe terrain, as rovided on the ta-les -elo(.The a--reviations M, MII and 88 re#er to theMO6ST MA6EA%, MO6ST MA6EA% II andthe 8I6$ 8O%IO, resectively, (hereas 6Mre#ers to 6) MO6STS, D.v.

    Fie&/$ @@

  • 8/18/2019 DF24 Stormcrows Gather


    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte


    00 Ro&& 'ncounter

    L@L> @ &roanin! Sirit =MLLB @H Ice Trolls =88

    LHL? *li++ard@@L>L @< )ere-oars =M>@@ >K /u!e Siders =M> >@> O!res =M

  • 8/18/2019 DF24 Stormcrows Gather


    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte

    Those e9osed to the -li++ard 'ove at onethirdtheir nor'al rate, the use o# 'issile (eaons isi'ossi-le, and sell casters 'ust 'ake asuccess#ul savin! thro( a!ainst etri#ication inorder to success#ully cast a sell. 6ote that i#this encounter is rolled, and the arty had castpredict weather  earlier that day, the $M shouldreveal this encounter (ell in advance.

    >. See the /erd Ani'al ncounters ta-le,-elo(, #or this encounter tye.

    . See the ManTye ncounters ta-le, -elo(,#or this encounter tye. The #ollo(in! notesaly to this ta-le:

    a. These (ill either -e clan 'e'-ers#orced to illa!e -y the cruel (inter, or

    #ierce GRthic raiders #ro' the ast. 8ro'L -erserkers (ill -e encountered. 8orevery @L -erserkers, there (ill -e @ @stlevel #i!hter4 i# >L are encountered a >ndlevel #i!hter (ill -e resent as (ell and i#L are encountered, the arty is led -ya #ierce >L Llevel hu'ans resent. 8orevery @L hunters, a @st level #i!hter (ill-e resent as (ell. 8or every > hu'ans,there (ill -e a #ierce (ar do!acco'anyin! the'.

    c. These Llevel hu'ans (ill !enerally-e seekin! re#u!e at the nearestsettle'ent, havin! -een driven #ro'their ho'es. There (ill -e < o# the',(ith a BL chance o# @H children -ein!resent as (ell.

    d. These cruel raiders (ill nu'-er #ro'@> to L =>d@L@L. They seek to lunder

    in these ti'es o# trou-le no( that the 1arl3s reach is short. They (ill -e led -y ard level #i!hter and, i# L areencountered, a Bth level #i!hter (ill -eresent as (ell.

    e. These cave'en are the desised“ed Paint Peole” (ho skulk a'idst the(estern reaches o# the %and. They have-een driven -y the cold to seek #ood

    ,"ge -0

    #er/ Ani"& 'ncounter$

    Ani"& Type Fie&/$ etc. Fore$t *"r$h #i&&$ *ount"in$ (hore

    @K #eral i!s L@@< L@< L@>> L@@K L@>B@> 'ountain !oats @?@> 'ule deer @B>? BH? >BL

  • 8/18/2019 DF24 Stormcrows Gather


    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte

    and victi's #or their dread *lack &od o#the /ills. There (ill -e #ro' @L dire (olves.

    4ATT: @4 $M: >B are (idely hunted. Males (illde#end their hare's. @L o# these encounters(ill -e (ith @H leoard seals instead. These @>3lon!, KLL ound redators =AC: B4 M5: ?”@K”4/$: 4 ATT: @4 $M: >K are not a-ovehuntin! hu'an =and de'ihu'an rey.

    @ !each.

    @B. These #loatin! islands o# ice are dan!erousto (ater travel. Enless detected in ti'e, these#loes (ill in#lict

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    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte

    u7ere/ 'ncounter Are"$

    -. GR3**3E( #'ADnd  =or d@LK hours, they (ill #inda articularly lar!e -urial 'ound that, curiously,has an oenin! sealed -y an i''ense -oulder=the other to'-s are sealed -eneath rock andearth. I# the -oulder is rolled aside =reDuirin! aco'-ine stren!th o# H, a narro( oenin!leadin! into a hollo( area inside the 'ound isrevealed. The cra'ed cha'-er is @

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    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte

    and saved hi' instead, there-y #orever#orsakin! her lace in the /all o# Ancestors.9iled to the land o# the livin!, the lovers sent-ut a -rie# ti'e to!ether -e#ore &ud-rand #ellreellin! the invasion o# the Sea Peole. Aslau!could not acco'any hi' to the halls o# his kin.She has raised the cairn in the 'anner o# hiseole and re'ains here, honorin! his last (ish:to !uard his -ones and revent the /orn #ro'#allin! into the hands o# the un(orthy until/1al'ar hi'sel# co'es to clai' it;

    Aslau! is 'ourn#ul and not hostile. She (illrelate her sad tale to the heroes -ut (ill noter'it the /orn to -e taken under anycircu'stances, resolutely resortin! to #orce o#ar's i# necessary. The /orn can only -ereturned to /1al'ar, (ho is, o# course, lon!

    dead. Aslau! (ill take all necessary acts torotect the horn, (earin! it on her erson andcallin! uon its o(ers i# she 'ust.

    The /orn can -e recovered short o# co'-at.En#ortunately, it (ill reDuire ti'e, risk and a!reat deal o# e##ort. 8irst, 2n!var could hi'sel#co'e and lay clai' to the /orn as the ri!ht#ul 1arl o# the clans and /1al'ar3s successor.Second, /1al'ar does have livin! descendantsa'on! the )ol# Clan in *eede (ho couldo-tain the /orn #ro' Aslau!. 6ote that, in theinteri', the Marten Clan tea' 'ay learn o# the

    /orn3s location and strike directly. Moreover, i#2n!var leaves his stron!hold, Girsi (ill de#initelystrike, erhas allyin! (ith treacherous Martensin an e##ort to slay the 1arl and cast the clansinto desair and disarray.

    Aslau! has done little over the decades save'ourn and (atch the sea. I# asked a-out the/orn o# the )est, Aslua! can in#or' the PCsonly that she once #easted and san! atThorvald &nollha''er3s hall and that his sonGristin (as his #avorite.

    Aslau! is a 5"&)yrie  =AC: >4 M5: @B”4 8@>4 /P:@LL4 ATT: >4 $M: -y (eaon4 SA: Stren!th o#@KLL =H4 S$: on savin! thro(s versus'inda##ectin! sells4 M: >B4 A%: C64 NP5:HQLL and a dauntin! oonent, althou!h she is'uch di'inished since her e9ulsion #ro'&ladshei'. I# necessary, she #i!hts (ith a 2&ong $1or/ and 2 $pe"r, althou!h she (ill seek

    to drive see'in!ly avaricious PCs a(ay ratherthan kill the', i# she can. I# reduced to L /P, sheis released #ro' this (orld and -eco'esincororeal, see'in!ly -lo(in! a(ay to thenorth as i# -y an un#elt (ind. /er !ear and ch"in "i&  re'ain -ehind. 6ote that her ar'oris seci#ically 'ade #or a (o'an and (ill ill#it=and -e Duite e'-arrassin! #or a 'ale.

    The !"r #orn o% the orth  rests uon&ud-rand3s chest. /is re'ains still (ear his $c"&e "i&  #ashioned #ro' -lue dra!on scales.This ar'or !rants the (earer the e##ects o# aprotection %ro &ightning sell once er day =at@@th  level o# a-ility. /o(ever, anyone (hodesecrates the re'ains in order to o-tain thear'or (ill -e cur$e/  =no save, su##erin! aer'anent reduction o# his or her Charis'a to until re'oved -y a chaoticali!ned riest o# atleast @@th  level o# e9erience. *ooty #ro' his#allen ene'ies is ket here as (ell4 'any (eirdhel'ets and ieces o# -i+arre ar'or. Ti'e andsalty air have -een unkind to this trove, -ut oneiece re'ains, a -eaten -ron+e shield. Thethin! is heavy4 it is un(ieldy and (as ro-a-lycere'onial in nature. Its #ace -ears an intricatedesi!n. Anyone (ith a )isdo' o# @@ or -etter(ho care#ully studies the desi!n and (hosuccess#ully rolls -eneath their )isdo' score ona @d>L reali+es that it is a 'a o# a ortion o#

    the %and3s coastline and #1ords. It deicts the(ay to AA

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    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte

    hallucinations #or @< turns. She has 'e'ori+ed

    the #ollo(in! sells:C&eric"& (pe&&$

    #irst level: rotection #ro' !ood, resist cold

    second level: silence @B3 radius

    *"gicu$er (pe&&$

    #irst level: a##ect nor'al #ires, shield

    second level: scare

    The Dua!!oths have 1ust crossed the #1ord #ro'

    the (est and have (ith the' a nu'-er o#crude hide -oats. They ossess no treasure.The (eather(itch3s sell-ook contains only thesells listed a-ove. She carries on her ersonthree doses o# her dru! in a -ladder. On the(estern shore, nine others =/P: ?, B =9, @?, the socalled “&ray %adies.” They 'ay(ell -e encountered on the shore in the #or' o#'a!ni#icent #oa'!ray 'ares. Anyone so#oolish =or un#ortunate as to enter the #ree+in!(aters (ithout adeDuate 'a!ical rotection(ill su##er @> hit oints o# da'a!e er roundand (ill -e a##ected as i# -y a $&o1 sell unless

    they 'ake a success#ul savin! thro( versusaraly+ation.

    I# success#ully arleyed (ith =erhas (ith theassistance o# a $pe") 1ith p&"nt$  or ch"ron$ter  sell, the kelies can relate that&ud-rand &reyyes #ell at the *attle o# e!eand that the /orn “never le#t &ri''in3s

    ,"ge -4

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    /eadland.” I# Duestioned a-out the other /orn,they (ill su!!est the “Sea Peole3s ruins” =AA,LLL e, a potiono% &onge5ity, a "ce and a =sealed scrollcase containin! a $cro&& o% protection "g"in$t1"ter.

    4. *:(T'R3OU( RU3(.  This area is 'oreco'letely descri-ed in the scenario “The'eror3s %ost Ar'y,” u-lished in 8ootrints

    6u'-er ? =$ece'-er >LLH, availa-le #or #reedo(nload at (((.dra!ons#oot.or!.

    >. U

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    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte

    . . Snare: Save versus etri#ication or -e

     1erked KdH #eet into the air andsusended =su##erin! >Q oints o# da'a!eand traed until #reed.

    . $ead#all: Save versus etri#ication or su##er>dH da'a!e.

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    C&eric $pe&&$

    #irst level: cause #ear, co''and, detect!ood

    second level: chant, silence @B3 radius, (yvern(atch

    third level: cause -lindness

    *"gicu$er $pe&&$

    #irst level: alar', detect 'a!ic, shockin!!ras, taunt

    second level: invisi-ility, ray o# en#ee-le'ent

    third level: disel 'a!ic

    Three )"p%u&t  =/P: @, @@, @L !uard herersonal -urro(, hidin! a'on! the roots and!ro(ths. She hoards the ill!otten (ealth o# herclan: >,LLL !, ,LLL c, and #ive !e's: a'oonstone (orth BL ! and #our ieces o#coral (orth @LL ! each. /er sell-ookcontains the sells listed a-ove, to!ether (ith"%%ect nor"& %ire$, $&eep, %orget, and 1"ter7re"thing.

    I# success#ully arleyed (ith, or other(ise #orcedto talk, *es'ara kno(s only that Clan 'e'-ersattacked the Court o# *irch and 8ir a-out t(o(eeks a!o and that the elves have -een (roth(ith an!er since. She can direct the arty toMikkel the #osser!ri' =AA @B as a source o#ossi-le in#or'ation.

    . T#' T3K'R.  A s'all ca' has -een set at thenorth(estern ed!e o# the Thorny(ood. Acovered (a!on =(ithout horse serves as a(ind-reak #or a s'all #ire.

    A hu'an tinker can -e #ound here. /e (ille9lain that he (as travelin! #ro' Alastro to*eede (hen he lost his horse in a stor'. /e (illolitely yet oddly re#use aid #ro' the arty

    'e'-ers, -ut (ill thank the' #or any o##ers. /esee's -liss#ully una(are o# the severity o# hissituation and (ill dro several re#erences tohunkerin! do(n until srin!. The arty 'ay (ellthink he is 'ad.

    In #act, the tinker, (ho calls hi'sel# u-en, is a%ir7o&g  =/P: HQ. /e nor'ally ulls the (a!on

    -ehind hi' and is, in #act, headin! toAlven'ore =AA H. an!ers searchin! the!eneral area 'ay #ind distur-in!ly lar!e#ootrints. u-en is not nor'ally hostile4 hisreaction (ill deend uon the arty3s actionsand de'eanor =6COE6T ACTIO6 O%% i#necessary. I# a hostile reaction is called #or, he(ill atte't to shoo the arty o##4 on a neutralroll, he (ill atte't to sell the arty so'e !oods=see -elo(4 i# a ositive reaction is called #or he(ill share in#or'ation and su (ith the heroes. I#the arty directly threaten hi', he (ill de#endhi'sel# to the ut'ost o# his a-ilities.

    The (a!on contains #our -arrels o# #resh (ater,a -arrel #illed (ith ickled herrin!, si9 casks o#e9cellent -randy =>L ! value each, a(ooden crate stu##ed (ith hay holdin! three

    -ottles o# a!ed (ine =L ! each, anothercontainin! L arro(s, a trio o# lon! s(ords insca--ards, t(o leather -ackacks, seven lar!esacks =e'ty, t(elve s'all sacks =also e'ty,one lar!e and #ive s'all iron -o9es =all (ithkeys, a s'all (ooden chest lined in velvet thatholds a s'all silver 'irror, a -ulls eye lantern, asuit o# leather -ardin!, a saddle (ith silvertri''in!s and -ells =(orth >B !, a lar!e cedarchest that holds t(o -eaver #ur coats =>LL !each, a #o9 #ur cae =LL !, a sealskin 1acket=@>B ! and ei!ht er'ine elts =< ! each.

    u-en can relate that another !rou o# heroeshas -een disatched -y the Marten Clan to#ind the )ar /orns. /e kno(s that they (erelast seen travelin! to the )est. /e can (arnthe heroes o# the dan!ers o# the southern endo# the #orest =AA @L, tell the' to avoid Elrikeand the &ray %adies =AAS B and andadvise the' to seek the (isdo' o# his #riendIs'o on the headland south o# Gerava =AA>B, -ut not to accet any !i#ts #ro' hi'.

    -0. T#' B

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    covered -ranches tear at the arty as theyass. In this area a hu!e #lock o# @Q $tirge$ =/P:K =N>, Q =N, B =N, < =N>, =N =9 roosts.The (ithered and dry re'ains o# ast victi's'i!ht -e #ound, rovidin! a clue to their deadlynature. These creatures have no treasure.

    --. T#' (TAD3G (TO'(.  The southeastern'ost hill is only li!htly (ooded. Its #lattenedsu''it is cro(ned (ith seven enor'ous'enhirs. The standin! stones are covered (ithodd sirals and 'ysterious !lyhs #ar too(eathered to -e decihera-le. seciallyinDuisitive PCs 'ay note a tellin! 'ound in thecenter o# the circle4 in #act an earthcoveredstone ta-le. This is clearly an ancient altar, alsocovered (ith s(irlin! sirals. So'e re'ains o#-lue ochre still clin! to the ancient desi!ns. The$M should #eel #ree to either e9and uon thesi!ni#icance o# this lace or leave it as aneni!'atic u++le.

    As the PCs aroach the standin! stones they(ill hear the sound o# an in#ant (ailin!. I# they#ollo( the sound, they (ill -e led into the scru-on the shoulders o# the hill, and there they (ill-e a'-ushed -y a 'ated air o# leucrottas=/P: >K, >B. These 'aster ventriloDuists (illatte't to lure the PCs into a narro( !ulley-et(een rickly thorn hed!es -e#ore attackin!#ro' the rear.

    I# they can -e tracked -ack to their lair, theirpup =AC: Q4 /$: 4 /P: @K hides (ithin a-urro(. The lair is stre(n (ith -ones andossessions o# #or'er victi's. A air o# -attlea9es, a -road s(ord, a air o# 2 "rro1$  andQLL ! and ,LLL s can -e #ound.

    -2. T#' , ? =9B, K =9

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    /er $ark Ma1esty3s a!ents have atte'ted touse the /ain as a -ase o# oerations a!ainst thesettle'ent o# Girkoinen, not kno(in! that theinha-itants o# the 'arsh have 'inds o# theiro(n. One o# the lar!er islands is ho'e to an"&goi/ =/P: >K. Its lair is a stee “island” o# dryland, thick (ith ever!reens. It has a air o#(illo(s it can ani'ate near-y4 several !nollcorses are still ent(ined in their roots.

    The al!oid is still a!itated -y the intrusion o# /er$ark Ma1esty3s sies. It is likely to threaten #irst i#its territory is invaded, -ut (ill not hesitate to#ollo( throu!h i# the PCs re#use to -ack do(n. I#seriously threatened, it (ill co''and one o# theani'ated (illo(s to tear oen a curious sno(covered conical 'ound. To the arty3s dis'ay,this is a !iant 'ud (as lair, and nine an!ry

    !iant (ass (ill e'er!e; The 1"$p$ =/P: >>, @?,@Q, @B, @, @@ =9>, Q (ill attack everythin! insi!ht, includin! the al!oid and (illo(s, -utthose creatures are i''une to the (ass3veno'. A'idst the !nolls3 re'ains are seven-attle a9es, a trio o# lon! -o(s and thirty sevenarro(s. A hand#ul =@> s o# silver ieces can -erecovered.

    The al!oid has a ersonal cache o# ,LLL s,located in its lair, a da' !rotto near thecenter o# the island. The !rotto3s entrance isrotected -y a atch o# !reen sli'e. The

    al!oid is unlikely to arley (ith the arty, -ut i#co''unication is ossi-le, it (ill relate that a-and o# “the ne'y3s 'etal 'en” is ca'ed inthe Silverthorn 8orest =AA @

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    thorou!hly in#ected (ith a !hastly #un!uscultivated in a itiless lace to the north. Any#oodstu##s 'ade #ro' this !rain are oisonous toeat =save at @ or die.

    *alro has -een disatched to so( 'isery andcala'ity. /e (ill there#ore -e reluctant toretreat. I# he #aces certain destruction,ho(ever, he (ill teleort -ack to his 'istress3sholdin!. %ike the rest o# its kin disatched on/er $ark Ma1esty3s errands, it cannot use its g"tea-ility. It has no treasure. *alro kno(s that the/orn o# the )est has -een taken -y the MartenClan =AA @Q and that /er $ark Ma1esty3sServants have -een sent to #etch it, -ut it (illnot (illin!ly art (ith this in#or'ation.

    ->. T#' FO(('RGR3*.  A (ater#all cascades

    do(n a #rostlaced stee cli##, crashin! into adee #oa'in! -asin (ith a resoundin! roar thatcan -e heard #or 'ore than a 'ile. The areahere is li!htly (ooded4 the ancient !narledtrees heavy (ith sno( cover.

    A hollo( area e9ists -ehind the (ater#all, the lairo# a %o$$ergri  =/P: K o# the availa-le ru'ors =D.v. and canstate (ith conviction that the /orn o# the 6orth

    can -e #ound at &ri''in3s /eadland =AA @and that the /orn o# the )est lies in /allakire3s%air =AA >uses o# royal 1elly =see &iant *ee, MO6STMA6EA% II4 Mikkel #urther kno(s (here the!iant -ee hive 'ay -e located. /is rivateDuarters, accessed only throu!h the -asin, holdhis ersonal e##ects and the #ollo(in! treasure:,LLL !, a #lask containin! oi& o% %u7&ing, apotion o% $tone gi"nt $trength, and a  ring o%%"erie  =ali!ned to !ood. The entrance to thislair, ho(ever, is !uarded -y his et, a gi"nt$"&on =AC: H4 M5: @K”4 /$: H4 /P: 4 ATT: @4$M:

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    Anyone enterin! the nu'-ered he9 (ill hear athin son! #loatin! a-ove the (ind. Its source isdi##icult to locate due to the 'erciless !usts,and searchers (ill #ind the'selves in sno(choked !ulleys and hollo(s. ventually,deter'ined seekers (ill #ind ;iggo, a

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    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte

    it, deositin! the victi's into a >L3 dee it, (iththe -otto' K3 #illed (ith -onechillin! (ater,-e#ore shuttin!. $a'a!e #ro' the #all is >d<and the cold (ater in#licts @ hit oint o#da'a!e er round. Anyone ar'ored 'aydro(n i# not rescued in ti'e. The door on the#ar side o# the it is a #alse door and only oensonto a -lank stone (all.

    C. FAK oints o# da'a!e (ith a chance tocontract a disease as a-ove, and the victi''ust save versus etri#ication or -e ho--led =atonehal# 'ove'ent until the da'a!e is #ullyhealed. 9cet #or the tra 'echanis', thes'all cha'-er -eyond is e'ty.

    Another secret door 'i!ht -e #ound in thesouthern (all, cunnin!ly secreted (here t(oainted eaks co'e to!ether.

    D. C#A*B'R OF R',A(T=  A sloin! hall(ay

    leads do(n to this area, (hich is #illed (ithru--le. The air is dank. The re'ains o# #urniture,-arrels, crockery and crates are scattereda-out. Once this cha'-er held a !reat store o#(ater, (ine, honeyed 'ead and other o##erin!sto the chie#, !i#ts #or his entrance to the halls o#his ancestors. The trolls in AA 'ade short(ork o# the !oods that survived the a!es. Theentrance in the southern (all aears to -enatural4 there is no stone(ork, rather it is a rou!htunnel in the earth. The ortal in the (esternhall is a1ar4 the cha'-er -eyond has -eensi'ilarly looted. The eastern ortal is un'arked.

    '. 3C' CA;'R= The earthen tunnel oens into alar!e natural cavern. The air is Duite cold andthe stone is slick (ith !listenin! ice. The soundo# #lo(in! (ater co'es #ro' the (est and a#ro+en strea' -isects the rou!h #loor o# thecave.

    The ice coverin! the strea' is not thick and thestrea' varies in deth #ro' >3

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    L3 dee it (ith a tradoor that snas shutand locks a#ter droin! its victi's into itsdeths. The !uardian sirits (ill revent the it#ro' oenin! under any reciients o# their-lessin!, -ut (ill not -e so charita-le to others.

    G. TRU' TO*B= The decorations in this to'-(ere once sectacular, no dou-t, -ut theassin! o# lon! (inters has undone the artists3(ork. Pale, !hostly i'a!es o# -attle scenes areall that re'ain. At the #ar end o# the cha'-er isa li#esi+e (ooden statue deictin! a dou!hty(arrior he#tin! a sear.

    $a!run allo(s her thrall, a hal#stren!th "r"=/P: >@ to haunt this cha'-er. This iti#ulcreature (as once a ran!er o# so'e reno(n,-ut has -een reduced to a allid slaverin!

    'onstrosity. I# the -attle !oes (ell #or her thrall,$a!run (ill enter the -attle. I# they have notyet -een en!a!ed, she calls her trolls to her aid=note that the !uardian sirits are also #orced todo her -iddin! and (ill not oen the it-eneath her servitors. Other(ise, she (ill a(aitthe intruders in AA I. 6ote that i# the PCshave not closed ortals -ehind the', $ahrun(ill su''on a s(ar' o# cro(s to de#end her.The s(ar', 'akin! the cha'-er thick (ith#urious s(ooin! -odies, (ill 'ake sellcastin!i'ossi-le. 6ote #urther her 'inions3 enchant#or attackin! their victi's3 eyes =see MO6ST

    MA6EA% II.

    #. F3A< R'!ARD=  The sla- coverin! theentry(ay na'es the occuant (ithin as“/1ortur, $e#ender o# the Peole,” and !oes onto na'e a lon! list o# acco'lish'ents, -eastsslain, deeds undertaken, and -oasts #ul#illed. A'assive overturned -oat do'inates thecha'-er. The cra#t is (ell'ade. The (allshere have -een sared 'uch o# the da'a!eo# ti'e. Still, (hat (ere once rich taestrieshave -een reduced to 'olderin! iles.Cera'ic ots and lacDuered (ooden chests

    surround the -oat.

    The cra#t is a 'iniature lon!shi. It is #ar toolar!e to #it throu!h the door(ay =it (asconstructed (ithin the cha'-er. The ots arestoered and contain sulies #or the chie# inhis voya!e to the /alls o# the Ancestors: honey,'ead, (ater, salt and ickled herrin!. One ot

    contains seven doses o# a un!ent -al'eDuivalent to KeoghtoE$ Ointent.

    The overturned -oat covers a stone -ier. There'ains o# a 'assive ar'ored 'an rests ato

    the sla-. Once he (ore #urs and vividlycoloredclothes, -ut these have (ithered a(ay. /e islar!ely covered -y a 'assive shield. The devicedeicts on its #ace a -rave hero -attlin!ani'alheaded de'ons and #iends. #+orturE$(hie&/  is a otent 'a!ic ite'. 6or'ally a -&"rge et"& $hie&/, (hen he#ted -y a #i!hter =or#i!hter su-class, it is 2?4 "g"in$t &o1er p&"ne$cre"ture$  =includin! dae'ons, de'ons,de'odands, devils, 'ehitis, etc.. Moreover, a'e'-er o# that class 'ay invoke a protection%ro e5i&  sell as i# they (ere a ?th  level clericonce er day (hen he#tin! the shield. *eneaththe shield, the re'ains still !ras a sear (ith a#ierce iron head. This is a  $pe"r. The #i!ure(ears a coat o# 2 $c"&e "i&. I# the artydestroys $a!run, /1ortur3s shade (ill -ear the'no ill (ill #or desoilin! his re'ains.

    3. DAGRUE( TO*B= The ortal -arrin! entry intothis cha'-er na'es the occuant -eyond as“$a!run, #aith#ul -eyond death.” I# only that(ere true4 $a!run did not (illin!ly #ollo( herhus-and to the !rave and her !reedy sirit livedon a#ter her ritual 'urder. This roo' #eatures a-are stone sla-. Stoered ots and caskscircle the -ier.

    The casks and ots contain 'uch o# the sa'econtents as those in her hus-and3s to'- =AA/, -ut also contain er#u'e and #ine (o'en3sclothin!.

    D"grun  =/P: Q (ill -e #ound here as a lastresort, hoverin! a-ove the entry in 'oth #or' tostrike #ro' surrise. I# cornered here, she (ill-attle until reduced to L hit oints At that oint,she is reduced to a #ine 'ist that #lo(s to the#unereal -ier and sinks -eneath it. A close

    e9a'ination #inds several s'all holes -ored intothe stone -ase. I# the entire sla- is (renchedout o# the #loor =reDuirin! a success#ul *6$*AS roll, a

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    3 u the cli## #ace. The tunnel'outh #eatures thick icicles and #rost-earded-riars. I# 8ar#arsil has -een a(aitin! the heroes,he (ill either strike no(, (in!in! do(n #ro'ato the su''it, or he (ill -e 1ust inside thetunnel and (ill rush out (hen the #irst intruder

    cla'-ers over the cli## ed!e.

    B. GR3(L4 ATT:4 $M: @

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    (ill attack at @ to hit and @ er die o#da'a!e i# the cu-s are har'ed. She (ill #i!htto the death to de#end her cu-s.

    '. D'= This hi!hceilin!ed =@?3 cavern is

    littered (ith -ones. The #loor is (orn s'oothand a ile o# treasure has -een 'ounded in thecenter o# the cha'-er. An entire (ild horse=artially eaten lies on the #loor 1ust -e#ore theentrance.

    A'idst the 'ess are a 2 1"r h"er, a +"5e&ino% &ightning, B,LLL s, K,LLL c, a silver diade'set (ith tour'aline (orth >,LL !, a !olddrinkin! cu set (ith a'ethysts (orth @,,@ =9>4 A%: 6 ar'ed (ith sears andacco'anied -y seven 1o&%houn/$  =as (ardo!s, /P: @

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    Su''erater, a 'onstrous (ol#, hasdescended #ro' the Marchin! Mountains tohaunt the #ields east o# Askainen =AA @? andthat #ierce -easts are raidin! the land 1ust (esto# the Seven Maidens =AA >>.

    24. #AUT OF T#' !#3T' !OR*.  This area isdescri-ed in 'ore detail in SCTIO6 5, -elo(.

    2>. CA*, OF T#' #AD(O*' FO are o##shore inseal #or'. The selkies3 leader, 3$o, hassellcastin! a-ility =see MO6ST MA6EA% II #or'ore details. /e -ears a - /"gger 2 5$.cre"ture$ $"&&er th"n "n$ie/.

    I# the arty is a-le to attain the selkies3 #avor,they (ill dine (ith the arty and share son!s.6ote that the selkies eat their #ish and shell#ishra( and see' content to drink sea(ater. Is'ocan relate !eneral in#or'ation a-out /allakire3s%air =AA >< and SCTIO6 5, -elo(. Theselkies have lon! su##ered the deredations o#the )hite )or', and 'ay assist the arty i# theysee' caa-le o# 'ountin! a serious assault on/allakire3s lair, althou!h they (ould -e loatheto directly #i!ht the -east. Is'o 'ay -e (illin!to let the arty (ear $e&)ie c&o")$  =see 6)MA&IC ITMS, D.v.4 he has si9 to share. /e 'aynot -e as #orthco'in! as erhas he should -ea-out the ossi-le side e##ects o# these ite's./e #urther -elieves that the !reat skald 5i!!ocould assist the arty in trackin! do(n the relics=AA @H.

    The selkies have a 'ore er'anent lair o##shore,-ut Is'o has -rou!ht so'e treasure (ith hi',ket in an iron chest -uried -eneath his tent./e -ears the coer key. The chest containsHLL !, @,KLL s, a potion o% $1eet1"ter and an"u&et o% proo% "g"in$t /etection "n/ &oc"tion.

    ,"ge 26

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    333. A, K, Q =9>, H =9>, =9> ar'ed (ith short -o(s and lon!knives =treat as short s(ords, @> %ooten =AC: B4/P: K, Q, H =9, < =9B, > =9> -earin! (oodenshields and ar'ed (ith sears, #our -$t  &e5e&%ighter$ =AC: , K, B (earin! chain'ail, -earin! shields and ar'ed (ith short -o(sand lon! s(ords, a air o# 2n/ &e5e& %ighter$ =/P:@, @@ si'ilarly ar'ed and ar'ored, and a&e5e& ? %ighter?/rui/  #e'ale (earin! 2&e"ther "ror =AC: < (ith $N4 /P: @?, a - ringo% protection, ar'ed (ith a - $hort 7o1 and asear. She has 'e'ori+ed the #ollo(in! sells:

    # irst level: entan!le, #aerie #ire, seak (ithani'als

    second level: cure li!ht (ounds, (ar (ood

    third level: su''on insects

    The #irst volley o# arro(s #ro' the -o('en (ill all-e enveno'ed (ith an insinuative oison, asay aste that reDuires a savin! thro( versusoison at @ or the victi' (ill -e araly+ed #or@< turns. The seven hi!herlevel elves (ill all -e'ounted uon $t"g$ =AC: B4 M5: @K”4 /$: @@4/P: B each4 ATT: @4 $M: @

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    their ri!ht o# ven!eance and only uon a trulyeloDuent and convincin! lea =$M3s discretion(ill the (ar arty re#rain #ro' slayin! all hu'anheroes outri!ht.

    A&5enore=  Alven'ore itsel# is located on as'all lake =not sho(n on the area 'assecreted (ithin the deths o# the 5olk(ood =itsrecise location to -e deter'ined -y the $M.It (as desi!ned to -e di##icult #or even adeter'ined ene'y to take. The stron!hold,disin!enuously re#erred to as the “%ake /ouse”-y the !ru!ach the'selves, is a (ooden #ort-uilt uon stilts (ithin the lake itsel#; Thestructure is connected to the shore -y a ?L3lon! (ooden dock.

    O# course, the lake is #ro+en, so it is ossi-le to

    access the %ake /ouse #ro' the ice, -ut they(ill -e terri-ly e9osed to the shareyed(atchers. Ma!ical invisi-ility or conceal'ent'ay -e necessary. 6ote that #e( (indo(s#ace north, ho(ever.

    I''ediately -eneath the %ake /ouse, (hich israised K3 a-ove the ice, is a rou!h do'econstructed o# salin!s and lo!s, ho'e to si9gi"nt 7e"5er$ =/P: >, >>, @?, @K, @H =9>. Thesecreatures are #ast #riends o# the %ady and (ill(arn =-y ercussive tail slas on the ice o#intruders, althou!h the -itter cold !enerally

    kees the' in their lod!e.6COE6T G2: e#er to Ma C.

    -. DOCK. This (ide (ooden dock e9tends outinto the #ro+en lake. The ilin!s are neither -entnor s(ayed -y the ice. A air o# sindly (illo(s#lank the dock. Indeed, a -and o# ni9ies thatlive in the center o# the lake take care o# thedock #or the %ady. 8our grug"ch $entrie$ ar'ed(ith shields and sears =/P: ? =9>, Q, H stand!uard here at all ti'es, rotatin! shi#ts (ith!uards (ithin the #ort itsel#.

    The lar!er o# (illo(s sho(s si!ns o# #ire da'a!e.It is, in #act, a @> /$ tre"nt  =/P: H@ =>Kre'ainin! still (ounded -y the Marten Clan3s'a!icuser. Its co'anion is K /$ =/P: .6ote that i# the lar!er treant is a!ain attacked(ith #ire, it (ill !o -erserk, directin! all its attacksa!ainst the #ireuser and i!norin! any de#ense,

    e##ectively -eco'in! ar'or classes (orse, -utattackin! at a to hit -onus.

    2. ,3'R.  A Tshaed 1uncture rovides a air o#stes that lead do(n to the ice. 6o dou-t,

    -oats are ket here durin! (ar'er ti'es. Anyintruders 'akin! their (ay to the #ort roer (illco'e under #ire #ro' the archers in AA Q.

    . GUARD #A

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    $N (earin! chain 'ail and ar'ed (ith ashort -o( and lon! s(ord oversees the !uards.ach archer -ears a s'all clay containerholdin! H doses o# the say oison used -y the(ar arty =D.v. in the 5olk(ood.

    . CO**AD'RE( C#A*B'R(.  The co''andero# the !uards, a 4th &e5e& %ighter =AC: @ =L (ith$N4 /P: >H4 SA: @> due to ST (ears -e&%in ch"in and -ears a - $hie&/ into co'-at./e is ar'ed (ith a - $pe"r and a - $hort 7o1./e has H 2 "rro1$. /e also carries a claycontainer o# oisonous sa #or his arro(s. /ekees his trained gre"t $no1y o1& (ith hi' =AC:B4 M5: @”>Q”4 /$: @@4 /P: H4 ATT: 4 $M:@>@>@4 SA: lu''et attack > to hit #ordou-le da'a!e. I# the alar' is sounded, he(ill !o to AA Q to aid in any 'issile #ire and (illdirect the de#ense o# the holdin!.

    A ladder leads to a tradoor in the ceilin!. Theroo# 'ay -e accessed #ro' here. The %ady3s!iant o(l =see AA >H kees a nest here. I#necessary, additional de#enders can 'an theroo#to.

    . COURT:ARD. The door securin! entry into theCourtyard is o# recent reair, the ori!inal -roken-y the Marten Clan “heroes.” The central areao# the stron!hold is oen. The (ooden #loor o#the courtyard is ket clear o# sno(. The (alls

    are K3 hi!h, althou!h they are not 'anned. Aair o# coo$hee =/P: @?, @@ !a'-ol and #rolichere. They (ill -e naturally susicious o#stran!ers, -ut not overly hostile a-sent aco''and #ro' the elves. A (ide circular areasho(s si!ns o# scorch'arks.

    -0. 'A(T'R !ATC#TO!'R. Stairs lead u to theto o# the threestorey to(er. 8ro' here, a airo# grug"ch  =/P: K, th  &e5e& /rui/ =AC: > (ith $N4 /P: @4SA: @ due to ST (ho (ears 2 e&%inch"in"i& and -ears a 2 1oo/en 7uc)&er. /e(ears a 2 /"gger at his hi and 2 $pe"r 45er$u$ go7&in$ "n/ go7&inoi/$  =!o-lins,ho-!o-lins, -u!-ears, norkers and nil-o!s isnear-y. The (eaon in#licts dou-le da'a!euon any true !o-lin and can detect their kind(ith a ran!e o# HL3. The s'ith is choosin! selectieces to re-uild the %ady3s throne, (hich (asda'a!ed durin! the recent treachery =seeAA @B. The s'ith has 'e'ori+ed the#ollo(in! sells:

    #irst level: ani'al #riendshi, detect 'a!ic,#aerie #ire, locate ani'als,shillela!h, seak (ith ani'als

    second level: -arkskin, char' erson or'a''al, heat 'etal,o-scure'ent, (ar (ood

    ,"ge 2

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    third level: kno( ali!n'ent, rotection #ro'#ire

    The s'ith is acco'anied at all ti'es -y his et,a !iant otter =/P: >K. /e kees a Sartan livin!

    area in the rear o# the area, decorated only -y(onder#ul carvin!s and (ooden -usts heintends to resent to others.

    ->. T#' COURT OF B3RC# AD F3R.  The cha'-eris #antastic. The (alls are intricately (orked todeict tall, actual trees risin! to suort theceilin!, (here inlaid (oods and se'ireciousstones have -een used to create the e##ect o# acanoy oulated -y a 'yriad o# color#ul -irds.The (alls o# the cha'-er are decorated (ithrich and intricate taestries deictin! sylvanscenes. At the #ar end o# the cha'-er, a tall

    chair is set ato a sta!e o# sorts. There are si!nso# violence in the roo'4 the chair is -urned andrent. Portions o# the (all -ehind the chair arescarred as (ell. The re'ains o# -roken #urniturehave -een re'oved to the corners o# the roo'.

    $istur-in! stains can -e #ound on the #loor. Theoncei'ressive hall o# the !ru!ach is e'ty4the #urniture re'oved to -e reaired and /er%ady3s throne ruined. 6o one is resent4 the%ady is 'eetin! in her council cha'-ers =AA>th  &e5e& /rui/ =AC: >

    (ith $N4 /P: >@4 SA: @@ due to ST (earin!2 $tu//e/ &e"ther "ror a ring o% +uping anda - 1oo/en $hie&/ and ar'ed (ith a 2 $pe"r./e (ears 7oot$ o% 1"ter 1"&)ing =as the rin! o#the sa'e na'e. /e has 'e'ori+ed the#ollo(in! sells:

    #irst level: ani'al #riendshi, detect 'a!ic,detect oison, entan!le, #aerie#ire, redict (eather 

    second level: -arkskin, cure li!ht (ounds 9>,

    heat 'etal, roduce #la'e

    third level: cure disease, su''on insects

    The advisor is a 2n/  &e5e& %ighter?2n/  &e5e& /rui/=AC: B (ith $N4 /P: @@ (earin! leather ar'orand a - 1oo/en $hie&/, and -earin! asci'itar. She has 'e'ori+ed the #ollo(in!sells:

    # irst level: detect -alance, detect snares Fits, invisi-ility to ani'als, redict(eather 

    second level: !ood-erry, re#lectin! ool, slo(oison

    /inrik3s et e&%in c"t =/P: @K is currently curledu at his #eet. I# ressed, the elves 'i!ht 'akeuse o# the secret tra door in the #loor to dro K3onto the ice -eneath the #ort.

    @Q. &EA$ /A%%. A stee set o# stairs leadsto AA >,

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    -. ,ATR:. This area rovides the sulies #orthe livin! areas o# the #ort, includin! dried,salted and ickled #oods, as (ell as linens,cutlery and -arrels o# (ater. oo' A holds ado+en casks o# (ine o# e9cellent Duality, (hileoo' * holds the %ady3s rivate store o#-randies.

    -. ('R;ATE( UART'R(. i!ht unar'ed e&5e$=/P: H, B =9, > Duarter here and areket -usy (orkin! in the kitchen and dinin!roo' and (ith cleanin! the livin! Duarters.They have no treasure.

    20. K3TC#'. This roo' is alive (ith activity asthe stron!hold3s sta## kees the soldiers and theesecially hun!ry !uest =AA >> (ellserved.Si9 e&5e$  =/P: B =9>, to hit. The korred is

    una##ected. The korred carries a 1ine$)in o%ho&/ing, (hich holds H !allons o# liDuid. Thekorred, Sour Ta' -y na'e, has (ith hi' a airo# shears and a (ondrous roll o# ri--on (hich,at his co''and =and only his co''and canenvelo one ene'y as a rope o% ent"ng&eent.The ri--on is not as sturdy4 it can -e -roken -y asuccess#ul *6$ *AS%I8T &ATS roll, or cut =AC:K4 /P: >L.

    2. BARRACK(. leven grug"ch =/P: K, Q =9>, H=9>, B =9B, rest here until they are called toduty on the ne9t shi#t. )ith the' is a r/  &e5e&co"n/er =/P: @H. All have (eaons =lon!s(ords and sears near-y. There are -unkssu##icient #or t(enty#ive troos and each -unkhas a collection o# #oot lockers. These s'allchests hold ersonal ite's and clothin!. 6otreasure is ket in the -arracks.

    24. COUC3< C#A*B'R(.  This roo' isi'ressive. It is do'inated -y a 'assive(ooden ta-le. Its to has -een (orked todeict a lar!e and accurate 'a o# the5olk(ood. Ma1or aths and #airy roads aredeicted. %akes, onds and strea's are sho(n(ith inlaid a+urite, dense !ro(th (ith 'alachiteand hi!hlands (ithin the #orest3s reach (ith'oss a!ate. Talle'a1a, the %ady o# *irch and8ir, is here to!ether (ith Sindri, a nisse rince#ro' the north(est (ho has co'e in the %ady3sti'e o# need. Talle'a1a is a 4th  &e5e& %ighter?th

    &e5e& /rui/ =AC: Q4 /P:

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    She has 'e'ori+ed the #ollo(in! sells:

    #irst level: ani'al #riendshi, detect 'a!ic,entan!le, #aerie #ire, invisi-ility toani'als, seak (ith ani'als

    second level: -arkskin, char' erson or'a''al, cure li!ht (ounds,#la'e -lade, o-scure'ent, (ar(ood

    third level: hold ani'al, kno( ali!n'ent,(ater -reathin!

    #ourth level: cure serious (ounds, disel'a!ic

    )ith her is her ersonal counsel, a!nheider, a$irine  =/$: B4 /P: >. She is unar'ed. Sindri is a

    no-le o# his kind =AC: >4 /$: 4 /P: @H4 M: >B./e (ears ultra#ine silver chain, eDuivalent to @=too s'all #or use, under a silken dou-let. /e isar'ed (ith a 2 &ongtooth /"gger  and (ears aring o% the northern &ight$  =see 6) MA&ICITMS. In addition to all the natural a-ilities o#his kind, he can cast sells as a B th level 'a!icuser and has 'e'ori+ed the #ollo(in! sells:

    #irst level: char' erson, rotection #ro'evil, unseen servant

    second level: irritation, Tasha3s uncontrolla-le

    hideous lau!hter third level: disel 'a!ic

    Talle'a1a and Sindri are in the 'idst o#discussin! the resent situation. She is terri-le inher (rath. It (as she (ho (elco'ed Gristin l##riend and allo(ed hi' to take one o# herhand'aidens as a (i#e4 raisin! his child as hero(n =S AA >B. *elievin! the visitin! clan'e'-ers3 tale, she invited the' intoAlven'ore. The vile treachery is a direct a##rontto her and has laced her in a delicate situation(ith her o(n 9enoho-ic eole. I#, ho(ever,Talle'a1a is slain, the 5olk(ood (ill -e a deadlylace #or any hu'an #or centuries to co'e.

    Sindri is a !reat no-le o# his kind. /e (ill not#i!ht to the death and (ill instead seek to-ar!ain his (ay out o# a -ad situation. 6ote

    that i# he is slain, his slayers (ill have earned theen'ity o# #airykind (ithin the %and o# Son!.

    The ta-le is conceiva-ly (orth @>,BLL ! i# itcould ever -e re'oved.

    2>. T#' 4 S: K4I: @>4 ): @H4 $: @@4 C: K4 C/: @H. She is

    unar'ored and unar'ed. She kno(s the#ollo(in! sells:

    # irst level: detect 'a!ic, invisi-ility toani'als, redict (eather, seak(ith ani'als

    second level: cure li!ht (ounds 9>, re#lectin!ool

    /er et, a gi"nt erine =as a !iant (easel, /P:@> o#tenlurks here =KL durin! the dayli!ht hours. It (illviciously attack anyone (ho entersunacco'anied -y Talle'a1a or Syrsa.

    Co'ared to the sittin! roo', this area is ratherlain. Save #or a sin!le taestry, the (alls areunadorned and si'le (oven ru!s cover the(ooden #loor. The -ed, ho(ever, is lar!e andcovered -y a !iant #ur -lanket. The -lanket is'ade #ro' o(l-ear elts and is (orth KLL !.

    ,"ge 2

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    The taestry deicts a sylvan scene: a dee(ooded !rotto lit -y a'-er lanterns. lvescavort a'idst a cloud o# enor'ous #ire#lies. The(hole is 'ade o# tene-rous (or' silk and (orthB,LLL !. It deicts the !ru!ach sa#ehouse o#Alvenhei', #ar to the southeast. The taestryradiates 'a!ic4 it has three #unctions, eachtri!!ered -y a seci#ic co''and hrase. 8irst,it 'ay -e used to su''on >< #ire#riends onceer day. These creatures (ill -e #riendly to thesu''oner and (ill re'ain #or @ turns. Second,the taestry can #unction as a "gic %ont #or @turn @ turn levels o# the character seakin!the correct hrase. This #unction 'ay -e usedonce er day. %astly, it 'ay -e used as a one(ay !ate to Alvenhei' once er 'onth, the!ate -rie#ly oenin! =#or H se!'ents only once

    the co''and hrase is soken.2@. GU'(T ROO*. This cha'-er is (ellaointed. A s'all narro( -ed stands-et(een rosecolored (indo(s o# etched !lass.A lu9urious caret covers the #loor. An ornatecoer -ra+ier deictin! a #ish (ar's the roo',the si''erin! coals iled in its !ain! 'outh.

    The !ru!ach have #e( !uests4 the roo' is littleused. Sidri, the nisse rince, has -een allo(edto stay here. /e kees a s'all travelin! chestthat is cunnin!ly traed. The lid o# the chestdeicts =accurately a constellation kno(n in

    the %and o# Son! as The Slei!h. All nine starscan -e deressed sli!htly. I# the ri!htco'-ination o# three stars is deressed as thechest is oened, the tra is disar'ed.Other(ise, a vial shatters and a o(er#ul slee!as !ushes out #illin! a @” 9 @” 9 @” area,reDuirin! all in the area o# e##ect to save versusoison at > or #all into a catatonic slu'-er #orK> hours. The chest holds Sidri3s ersonale##ects, a crystal vial =(orth BL ! holdin! arecious colo!ne =(orth @>L !, @LL and a%o&/ing 7o"t.

    2. GARD'ROB'. This area is unoccuied.

    6ote, since very nearly anythin! is conceiva-lein an A$5A6C$ $E6&O6S F $A&O6S!a'e, it is not i'ossi-le that a articularly

    clever or eloDuent arty 'i!ht -e a-le toersuade Talle'a1a that the Martens have-etrayed the hu'an clans as (ell. )hethersuch a dialo!ue can ever -e success#ul is u tothe $un!eon Master. ven i# success#ulho(ever, Talle'a1a (ill insist uon a wereguild#or each o# her eole slain as (ell as the chie#o# the Marten Clan delivered to her #or 1ustice;Since the clans (ould never a!ree to the latter,erhas she (ould settle on a lesser token o##or!iveness, such as *es'ara3s hide =AA K orSu''er ater3s teeth =AA @?.

    3;. T#' #OU(' OF *ART'

    The stron!hold o# the Marten Clan erchesato a stee arti#icial 'ound overlookin!Skalke!ard. The Marten clan 'e'-ers live inlar!e nu'-ers in an around the to(n. The clan#ortress houses the chie# and his retainers. Thelon!house is constructed o# heavy ti'-ers,treated to resist #ire. The structure is one storeytall, (ith a sharlyan!led roo# to de#lect sno(,and is (indo(less. The only visi-le entrance is a

    air o# stron! iron-ound ortals. A lar!e(ooden tote' has -een hun! a-ove the!ates. An attached (ooden alisade shields as'all oen sace. 6u'erous s'okin!chi'neys srout #ro' the structure like horns.

    The #ort 'ay only -e reached -y a narro( aththat cuts -ack and #orth u the 'ound as it

    aroaches. A lone (atch #ire -urns #it#ully inthe (ind i''ediately -e#ore the entry,silhouettin! a trio o# sentries.

    The -erserker !uards =/P: Q, B,

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    'COUT'R K':

    e#er to *"p D

    F3R(T , 4 $: @Q4C: @4 C/: @H =(ere(easel #or': AC: L4 /P: >K./e is ar'ed (ith a 7"tt&e "e o% /"ncing =as thes(ord o# the sa'e na'e, a 2 /"gger a handa9e  and -ears a e/iu 1oo/en $hie&/straed to his -ack. /e (ears hide ar'or=treat as added. Around his neck on a silverchain, he oenly (ears the !"r #orn o% the!e$t  =see 6) MA&IC ITMS, D.v.. /e carrieson his erson a potion o% $1eet1"ter, a potiono% etr" he"&ing and a cera'ic 1ar containin! a

    ,"ge 4

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    veno'ous aste = doses. I# #ore(arned, he(ill coat his hand a9e and (ill seek to hurl it atan oonent -e#ore enterin! co'-at. Theoison reDuires a success#ul savin! thro( at a >enalty, or the victi' is araly+ed #or >@Hrounds, su##erin! @ oint o# da'a!e er rounddurin! that duration. /e also -ears a rin! (iththree iron keys =to AA HA, the door to$un!eon %evel, AA > and to the door in$un!eon %evel, AA >. /e (ears a !old torcdecorated (ith huntin! 'artens (orth BLL !=and a-solutely unsella-le (ithin the -ounds o#the %and o# Son!.

    Three (o'en =nonco'-atants are also here,entertainin! the Chie#, his inner circle and his!uest.

    I# the arty is a-le to enter the roo' (ithout #irsthavin! the alar' raised, the occuants (ill nothave their (eaons at the ready. Thelycanthroes (ill retain hu'an #or' until at leastthe third round o# co'-at, unless death orde#eat are i''inent.

    The cha'-er contains #our ta-les, sevenleatheruholstered chairs, and 'ultile-enches. A stack o# cut -irch is iled -esidethe -la+in! hearth. 8our lar!e ke!s o# ale have-een oened, and 'assive trays -ear iles o#a!ed cheese, sausa!e, dried 'eats, le!s o#

    la'-s and -read. The duer!ar have -rou!ht a(eird -randy (ith the' in a darkstained caskthat aears to -e (ood, -ut #ro' anunidenti#ia-le tye. The -randy is Duite !ood,and the (hole is (orth >LL !. The occuantsare all drinkin! #ro' #ine cus. Three are 'adeo# solid !old and (orth >BL !, #our are 'ade#ro' silver and (orth @>B ! each, si9 are-ron+e and (orth >L !. /e''in!3s su-chie#,the duer!ar !uest and one o# the (o'en drink#ro' silver cus set (ith !arnets (orth BL !each. /e''in! hi'sel# drinks #ro' a cu#ashioned #ro' a hu'an skull, lated in !old

    and set (ith a'ethysts (orth @,>LL !.

    >. #ALL !. She (ill -e 'ost distressedto -e #ound4 #or she #ears the %ady o# the /ouseat least as 'uch as intruders. The cha'-er alsocontains si9 -ottles o# (ine and a silver late=(orth L ! -ears cheese and dried ales.

    The tradoor is hidden -y a -earskin ru!, ato(hich sits a s'all trunk containin! 'en3sclothin!. The door can -e ulled aside toreveal a ladder leadin! do(n to AA Q o# the

    $un!eon %evel.The door to Area A is locked and /e''in!-ears the key. )ithin is a suit o# 2 ch"in "i&and a (icked hel'et and #acelate #ashioned#or /e''in! -y the !ray d(arves. Also kethere is the cere'onial !irdle and cloak o# theMarten Chie#. The !irdle is #ashioned #ro'handso'e red leather, studded (ith silver and-ound (ith a thick !old -uckle. It is (orth QLL!. The cloak -oasts !old -uttons and !iant(easel #ur tri'4 the (hole is (orth >,BLL !.6ote that neither ite' can -e sold (ithin the

    -ounds o# the %and o# Son!. An unlocked chest(ithin the cha'-er contains

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    and the lady3s e9ected #uture role as the ladyo# the land. This roo' is s'aller than the chie#3s-ut is even 'ore richly decorated. /er -ed iscovered in 'ink #urs.

    Althou!h the t(elveyear old dau!hter is nonco'-ative, the chie#3s (i#e and herhand'aidens are Duite caa-le o# de#ense, #orthey are -erserkers the'selves; The chie#3s (i#eG1ell#rid is a 4th  &e5e& 7er$er)er %ighter and a1ere1e"$e& =/P: >? =>< in (ere #or', and hert(o hand'aidens are 2n/ "n/ -$t &e5e& 7er$er)er%ighter$, resectively =/P: @, B. All areunar'ored, -ut the lady o# the house kees asli' -lade concealed -eneath her skirt =treat asa short s(ord, and each o# her hand'aidensare ar'ed (ith knives. Sleein! under the #urson the -ed is the lady3s et, a gi"nt 1e"$e& =/P:@Q.

    The lady3s 'ink -lanket is (orth @,L and @L !. The lady (ears a (rou!ht !old-rooch set (ith a'-er (orth L ! and three!old rin!s (orth >L, B and BBL !, the latter set(ith a toa+. She #urther carries a tortoiseshell-rush inlaid (ith 'othero#earl (orth >L !and an ivory co'- (orth @B !. Thehand'aidens each (ear !old rin!s (orth >L !and she (ith @ hit oints has a s'all ouch(ith K ! concealed (ithin her -odice. Thechie#3s dau!hter (ears a !old necklace (ith asin!le lar!e earl (orth >LL !.

    . K3TC#'. Seven nonco'-atant thralls areket -usy in the kitchen, caterin! to the revelryin AAS and , H =9

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    ->. (TORAG' (#'D. This area is unlocked. )ithinare stored various and sundry sulies #or thelon!house. Soa, (hale oil, and tools are kethere.

    DUG'O .

    2. (TROG ROO*. 6or'ally a 'eetin! roo' #orthe chie# and his inner circle, this lockedcha'-er has seen little use as the chie# and hisdourvisa!ed advisers no( 'eet in AA H toavoid detection. The roo' aears to -e lon!disused.

    The roo' contains a air o# lon! ta-les, ado+en (ell'ade chairs and a air o# =unlitlanterns. T(o casks o# (ater are stacked in acorner and a tanned deer hide han!s on one(all, a 'a o# Skalke!ard and its environsdra(n thereon in ink. The concealed door inthe southern (all is hidden -ehind a ile o#stained and tattered skins.

    . ;AU. (#R3' OF T#' B'A(T. The air o# this cloisteredcavern is thick (ith 'usky incense. A air o#censors, each #ashioned to reresent a #an!ed-east, are strun! #ro' the earthen ceilin!. The#loor is also o# earth, -eaten s'ooth -y theassa!e o# 'any #eet. The 'ost strikin! #eatureo# the cha'-er is a !reat slate altar, a-ove

    (hich is a horri#ic vision: a atch(ork o# -ones,#an!s, #eathers, skulls and hides atchedto!ether to #or' a !reat hulkin! #i!ure e9udin!#ear.

    The altar is sacred to the )ild *east, a #iendish-ein! o# !reat o(er and #ear. A 7er$er)erc&eric =AC: ?4 CQ4 /P: , ): @H, $: K,C: @B, C/: @@4 A%: % tends to the altar. /e isunar'ored, (earin! only the hide o# a cavelion, a necklace o# shark teeth, and -earin! a2 h"er. /e (ears an unholy sy'-ol=deictin! an unsettlin! serentine #or', a

    scroll o# protection %ro "gic a  potion o%poi$on  and a vial o# unholy (ater. /e has'e'ori+ed the #ollo(in! sells:

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    #irst level: curse, co''and, detect 'a!ic,endure cold, rotection #ro'!ood

    second level: hold erson, kno( ali!n'ent,

    resist #ire, silence @B3 radius,(ithdra(

    third level: disel 'a!ic, rayer 

    #ourth level: cause serious (ounds

    )ith hi' is a 7er$er)er  attendant =8>4 /P: @B=(ere(easel #or' /P: @? ar'ed (ith a 'aul=treat as a -ardiche, t(o +u+u o7ie$ =/P: >@, and a gi"nt 1e"$e& =/P: @Q that o-eys thecleric3s co''ands.

    Enderneath a #oul skin, the heroes 'ay uncover

    a silver ca!e. /eld (ithin is an esecially lar!eand alert red sDuirrel. The sDuirrel is caa-le o#seech and (ill ask to -e released. This, in #act,is atatosk, the 'essen!er and !ossi o# the!ods. Sent -y the Ancestors #ro' his nest on2!!drasil last su''er to (arn 2n!var3s (ise(o'an o# the dan!er !ro(in! in the 5alley o#the Sleein! Jarls =see )here the 8allen JarlsSlee, he (as catured -y /er $ark Ma1esty3sdia-olic 'inions. The Marten Clan has -eener'itted the “rivile!e” o# detainin! thecreature =and they also -ear the risk o# theAncestors3 (rath i# the i'rison'ent isdiscovered. R"t"to$)   =AC: 4 M5: H”4 /$: H4/P: >4 ATT: @4 $M: @

  • 8/18/2019 DF24 Stormcrows Gather


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    ;. T#' #AUT OF T#' !#3T' !OR*

    This encounter area resents the arty (ithlo!istic ro-le's in addition to the inherentdan!er o# its inha-itant. The arty had -estlan (ell -e#ore atte'tin! to assault the )hite)or' in her lair lest they co'e to a tra!ic end.The headstron! and heedless (ill erish here.

    8or over #orty years, /allakire has haunted thearea, harryin! tradin! vessels, disrutin! the#isheries and runnin! ra'ant alon! thecoastline. Many heroes have atte'ted to slaythe -east, #or certain #a'e and honor (ouldresult #ro' such a deed. All (ho have 'adethe atte't have #ailed. The clan 'e'-ershave -een reduced to ayin! the annualwurmgild to li'it her 'araudin!.

    ote to the Dungeon *"$ter=  Throu!hout thelen!th and -readth o# the land, /allakire iskno(n as “the )hite )or'.” The eole use!eneral and #antastic ter's to descri-e her, asso #e( have actually (itnessed her and lived toreort seci#ics. As 'any reort that she sorts(in!s as (ill reort that she has si9 le!s, #our ornone. All a!ree that she is ice (hite in color,and that the ter' “dra!on” certainly #its her4she is lar!e, retilian and decidedly evil. Otherscan con#ir' that she has a deadly -reath(eaon. Gno(led!ea-le layers are likely toassu'e that /allakire is a (hite dra!on and it isi'ortant #or the $M not to dissuade the' #ro'that 'istake. These sa'e layers 'ay -e!in tohave dou-ts (hen e9lorin! her lair, -ut it isincu'-ent uon the $M not to si'ly “!ivea(ay the !a'e” and in#or' the layers thatthe 'onster in Duestion is a linnor' =6)MO6STS, D.v.. Allo(, even art#ullyencoura!e, the' to stock u on 'eans torotect the'selves #ro' cold-ased attacksand concentrate on #ire-ased o##ensive ite's.It (ill 'ake /allakire3s aearance, and the

    resultin! con#rontation, all the 'ore'e'ora-le.

    /allakire has chosen her lair (ell, #or it is di##icultto assail. She holes u in a tidal sea cave,located in a dee !or!e #or'ed -y therelentless (aves o# 8rost#ury Sound. 6or'allyaccessi-le only durin! lo( tide, the cavern 'ust

    either -e aroached #ro' the sea, or -ydescendin! the L@L #eet.Althou!h 'arine li#e is resent in !reatDuantities, it is !enerally o# the ino##ensive, al-eit


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    sli'y and disDuietin!, variety. There are no(anderin! 'onsters in /allakire3s lair.

    -. 'TR:!A:. The (ide cave 'outh ya(nsoen at the #urthest reach o# the tidal !or!e.

    Enless aroached -y -oat, intreidadventurers (ill !et (et, as the (ater is B3 deeat the entry. *eyond, the assa!e sloesu(ards, out the (ater, in a series o# naturalterraces thick (ith e9crescences and scuttlin!'ollusks. The sensation o# enterin! the 'outh o#so'e !hastly -east #ro' the -otto' o# the seais inescaa-le.

    2. *OB chance todetect the' -e#ore Duite literally stu'-lin!uon the'. These gi"nt green urchin$ =/P: @@,Q4 see 8I6$ 8O%IO (ill attack i# 'olested.


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    Althou!h the correct 'eans o# co''unin! (iththe -ein! reresented here have -een lon!lost, the last (orshier devoured screa'in! -y/allakire decades a!o, it is ossi-le to 'ake acrude connection (ith this ele'ental o(er. I#any treasure (orth 'ore than @,LLL ! isdroed into the (ell, one o# the ar's (ille9tend and the al' oen, revealin! a!lea'in! oalescent earl. I# this earl istouched, the etitioner hears an i'eriousvoice in his or her head that de'ands, “ASG.”The e##ect is that o# a coune sell, (ith theo(er ans(erin! one Duestion er @,LLL !value o# the sacri#ice o##ered. Once thecorresondin! nu'-er o# ans(ers is !iven, thehand closes and the ar' retracts ti!htly to theidol3s chest. A erson 'ay only co''une (ith

    this o(er once er 'onth, desite the a'ounto# any su-seDuent sacri#ices =(hich are #oreverlost and cannot -e recovered.

    Su-seDuent atte'ts -y the sa'e etitioner(ithin the one 'onth eriod have a @Lcu'ulative chance o# incurrin! the o(er3sannoyance. In that case, a (ater (eird'ateriali+es (ithin the (ell and attacks theo##endin! arty. I# any other erson intervenes,another (ater (eird aears #or each suchintervener. The earls cannot -e recoveredunless the statue is da'a!ed =AC: L4 /P: HL4 S$:Ma!ic (eaons needed to hit4 d!ed (eaonsin#lict only @ oint o# da'a!e. I# the artyhar's the statue ho(ever, the (ater in the (ell-oils and #roths. The arty has only t(o roundsto e9it -e#ore a 'assive !out o# 1et -lacktentacles eruts #ro' the !ate. very livin!thin! in the cavern is attacked -y threetentacles. On a success#ul strike, the tentaclesin#lict >K oints o# da'a!e and ull the victi'@3 closer to the (ell #or each oint o# da'a!ein#licted. Moreover, the victi' continues to -econstricted #or >B oints o# da'a!e er round.The tentacles are considered to have an

    e##ective Stren!th o# >B, #or this is only a tinyortion o# the unseaka-le ele'ental horror onthe other end o# the !ate; Only those (ith @K or!reater Stren!th have any hoe o# resistin!,and even they 'ust 'ake a success#ul *6$*AS%I8T &ATS roll to avoid the thin!3s ull.ach tentacle has an e##ective ar'or class o# Hand K hit oints. Anyone ulled do(n into the

    (ell is #orever !one. A protection %ro e5i&kees the thin! #ro' touchin! anyone sorotected.

    I# all the tentacles are destroyed, or i# at least

    three victi's are ulled throu!h the !ate, thethin! dearts. 8urther e##orts to #ree the earls!o unans(ered. I# #reed, each is (orth B,LLL !and each radiates 'a!ic. I# strun! to!ether ina necklace (orth not less than @B,LLL !, the(hole (ill #unction in a 'anner identical to aring o% e&eent"& co"n/ 81"ter9. The'aterial and (ork necessary to create this ite'can #or' a short Duest, at the $M3s discretion./o(ever, the eldritch o(er (ill -e 'ostdisleased, and a creature #ro' the araele'ental lane o# oo+e (ill -e disatched tounish the trans!ressors should they ever -e so-old as to travel -y (ater a!ain;

    @. T#' !OR*E( ,AR

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    dou-t 'eet an unleasant end. The cr"7$ =AC:B4 M5: 4 ATT: >4 $M: @@4 NP5: B @h are not articularly tou!h oonents, -uttheir !reat nu'-ers could easily over(hel'even hardy adventurers.

    @A. This shel# is so'e K3 a-ove the cave #loor.$an!lin! sea(eed and other !ro(ths han! likea -eard, allo(in! #or an easy, i# sli'y, cli'-./o(ever, one o# the !ro(ths is in #act a !iantane'one =AC: Q4 M5: @”4 /$: K4 /P: >4 ATT:secial4 $M: @ er attack4 SA: oison4 NP5:@@ V3 tall leathery e!!srotrude #ro' the 'ound.

    All o# the nine e!!shells are e'ty4 the arty (ill#ind s'allish slits in the casin!s (here thei''ature linnor's have escaed. There is no

    tellin! ho( lon! a!o the e!!s hatched.The assa!e to the northeast #or's a stee slideto AA @L. Anyone atte'tin! to traverse theassa!e 'ust roll less than their $NTIT2 on a@d>L, or sli and careen into AA @L, su##erin!@< oints o# da'a!e in the rocess.

    -0. T#' ,R3(O'R. This li!htless (ell is L3 dee.The #orlorn lace serves as a rison #or aer"i/ =/P: @>3. Slo!!in! throu!h the (eird#issure is a noisy, tirin! rocess. At every

    'o'ent, the arty e9ects a !hastly #oe toe'er!e #ro' the hal#su-'er!ed !ro(ths androcky rotu-erances. The cave is unoccuied.

    -2. #'R lun!eso## into an KL3 dee !or!e here. Anyone inar'or (ho is (ithout 'a!ical assistance (illsurely erish. The a-yss is a nearlyinco'rehensi-ly horri#ic lace. /allakire usesthe area as a co''ode and dis!or!es -onesand other inedi-les that she cannot di!est. Thisli!htless it is ho'e to do+ens o# el#si+ed

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    carnivorous snails, all o# (ho' (illenthusiastically seek to devour any livin!creature un#ortunate enou!h to lu'- thesedeths. The $n"i&$ =AC: ”4 /$: 4 ATT: @4$M: >,QLL , ?,LLL !, @>, LLL s and >,

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    BLL ! =9 H, LL !=9 >, @LL ! =9 K, BL ! =9@>, >B ! =9 >>. A !lea'in! -roads(ord liesnear the to o# the hoard. Its na'e, “Ah'atti”is etched in silvered runes alon! its handle. Thisotent (eaon is and allo(s its (ielder toin#lict dou-le da'a!e on a natural “to hit” rollo# >L. /o(ever, this ancient -lade isdan!erous, #or it loves nothin! 'ore than -attleand audi-ly 'oans at the si!ht o# !ore. Inco'-at it #unctions as a cur$e/ 7er$er)ing$1or/, 'aintainin! its Duality. Mi9ed in (iththe coins are > stoered ots4 one contains apotion o% etr"he"&ing, the other a potion o%%&ying. Ten 2 7o&t$ can -e #ound in the tan!le,'iraculously havin! avoided any salt or (aterda'a!e. A urle sail can -e #ound to -eti!htly (ound into a roll in the 'ess. The $"i& o%

    ephyr$ is 'a!ical, and (hen raised on a lar!e

    !allery =or s'aller vessel, it allo(s the nor'aland 'a9i'u' sailin! rates o# the vessel =see$E6&O6 MASTS &EI$, . B>,LLL.

    Curiously, a heavy 'illstone leans a!ainst the#ar (all, nearly -uried -eneath a ile o# torn#ishin! nets. The 'illstone is actually a o(er#ulrelic stolen #ro' 8instro' early in the (or'3srei!n. The 'illstone 'a!ically triles thea'ount o# !rain 'illed -eneath its (ei!ht.Moreover, (ith the roer co''and (ord, itcan 'ill salt #ro' !rain as (ell, and even !old;This i&&$tone o% p&enty =NP5:

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    ,"ge 4>

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    D*H$ *"p

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    ,&"yerH$ *"p

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    A,,'D3I A= ,'O,0

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    tyically unar'ed, @L are as #it and tou!h astheir 'ates and can #i!ht in ti'es o# ut'ostneed.

    A%ASTO= This is the secondlar!est o# the to(ns

    -ehind only Gerava. It is a #ishin! co''unityand the -astion o# the Ti!er Clan. Alastro is athrivin! tradin! center, (ith steady co''erce#ro' *eede, Skalke!ard and Gikoinen. A 'oreorless #riendly co'etition e9ists -et(eenAlastro and Gerava. The Ti!er Clan (oulddearly like one o# its elders to relace 2n!var(hen he asses.

    ASGAI66=  Askainen is #a'ed #or the skulls o#reulsed ene'ies that adorn its (alls. Askainen-oasts the stron!hold o# the *ear Clan.

    *$= *eede is an outost #or the clans4 it is the(estern'ost settle'ent. As such, it is the#reDuent tar!et o# raidin! hu'anoids and'onsters. Many heroes clai' =truth#ully or not*eede to -e their -irthlace. *eede has -eenho'e to the )ol# Clan #or !enerations.

    *A6$/O%M= This villa!e -oasts lenti#ul #ishin!!rounds and one o# the 'ore #ertile #ar'lands.Many o# the !reatest sea#arers hail #ro'*randhol', and its (o'en are reno(ned #ortheir sail'akin! a-ility. The Otter and Giller)hale Clans each have stron!holds here.

    8I6STOM= One o# the s'allest o# the villa!es,8instro' has su##ered under the scaly oressiono# /allakire the )hite )or', (ho lairs near-y.The roud clan 'e'-ers have -een reducedto 'akin! o##erin!s =the wurmgild to the -eastin order to avoid raids. 6evertheless, theeole here are as hardy and -rave as their-rethren. 6o clan has a #orti#ied holdin! here4the (or' (ould not stand #or it. Thus the6ar(hale Clan is currently (ithout a stron!hold.

    86$:  This #ishin! co''unity thrives #ro'cooeration (ith Askainen to the north and*randhol' to the south, althou!h, o# course, itsinha-itants are not a-ove raidin! theirnei!h-ors (hen the need arises. It is said thatany son o# 8renred can #ind his (ay to ortthrou!h the darkest stor'. The Sta! and*ad!er Clans each have a lon!house here.

    GA5A: The stron!hold o# the Jarl, Gerava is thelar!est and 'ost secure o# the to(ns. It -oaststhe tallest (alls, the lar!est #leet o# drakkars andis ho'e to the stron!est o# the clans, the %ions.Skulls o# #ierce -easts line the entrance to theClans3 !reatest holdin!. It is easily a-le toreulse 'ost raids, save those #ro' Alastro, its#iercest co'etitor. The Jarl3s /ouse is a'assive stone -uildin! in the center o# theto(n, surrounded -y its o(n alisade. All o# theother settle'ents ay tri-ute to Gerava.

    GIGOI66:  Gikoinen is the northern'ostsettle'ent. It relies on #ishin! in near-y Si!r#1ord,its lar!e #ar'lands =the lar!est and 'ost #ertilein the %and and its cran-erry -o!s. Gikoinen(as once (alled, -ut /er $ark Ma1esty -urneddo(n its -arriers and ra+ed the co''unity

    durin! the )inter o# Tears. Many o# itsinha-itants no( (inter in Skalke!arde orAlastro, leavin! only the 'ost hardy or #oolish to#ace the cold seasons alone. The /ain, atrackless 'arsh to the north, shelters all 'annero# 'onsters and outla(s, and rovides thevilla!ers (ith a constant source o# (orry andheroes (ith a constant source o# adventures.

    MA$S*A$: The eastern'ost settle'ent,Mads-ad is kno(n #or its sal'on andcran-erries. So'e(hat isolated #ro' itsnei!h-ors, Mads-ad (as once a yearround

    ca' -elon!in! to the rival GRthic tri-es.Sacked and taken -y the Clans, its (alls #aceannual raids #ro' the ven!e#ul -erserkers rovin!throu!h the eastern (ilderlands. The GRthictri-es -elieve that a relic -elon!in! to their#ore-ears re'ains (ithin the to(n and haves(orn ven!eance. The *oar Clan3s stron!hold islocated here.

    SGA%G&A$: This to(n (as also ra+ed durin!the )inter o# Tears, -ut has since -een re-uilt,and no( #eatures a tall (hite(ashed alisade.Skalke!arde strives to -eco'e a center o#

    o(er and vies (ith Alastro and Gerava #orresti!e. 6o 'a1or clan has a holdin! here,havin! le#t a#ter /er $ark Ma1esty destroyed theto(n. Instead, the a'-itious 8o9 and MartenClans each have a stron!hold on hi!h !roundsurroundin! the to(n.

    ,"ge >-

  • 8/18/2019 DF24 Stormcrows Gather


    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte

    *2O6$ T/ MAP: It is ossi-le that durin! thecourse o# the adventure, your layers 'ay seekto e9lore -eyond the ed!e o# the 'aedarea. The $M is le#t to decide (hat seci#icdan!ers 'ay lurk there.

    To the orth= The ni!hi'assi-le Trev0r0 Peaksstretch #or 'any lea!ues to the north,eventually !ivin! (ay to the (indscoured ice#ields that 'ake u the Plains o# )oe. *eyondthe lains is the deadly Sea o# &nashin! Teeth.Only the 'ost 'aster#ul o# 'ariners can dare toly those -lue-lack (aters, and even then onlydurin! the hei!ht o# su''er. The !host city o#6alk0inen Givenen is located (here a #ro+en#1ord snakes dee throu!h the lains to the veryroots o# the eaks.

    To the '"$t=  Thick ever!reen #orests stretch onsee'in!ly #orever, the socalled Sea o# 6eedles,-roken only -y countless !lacier#ed rivers. Thes(ath o# tai!a conti!uous to the %and o# Son! isGRthica, ho'e o# the no'adic GRthic tri-es,

    relatives and #ierce rivals o# the Clans. They (arcontinuously a!ainst each other, the sha!!y'en and the other 'alevolent inha-itants o#this shado(y real'.

    To the (outh= ocky headlands line the coast,shelterin! s'all #ishin! villa!es and ha'lets.8urther south -y 'any lea!ues are the ettykin!do's the Clans re#er to as The *readlands4the tar!ets o# their annual raids. These lands are(ild, sarsely oulated not only due to thederedations o# the Clans, -ut also #erocious'onsters.

    To the !e$t=  The *arrens, (ide lava lains,-oulder #ields and active volcanoes, stretch on#or a lea!ue -e#ore reachin! the *urnin!)aters, (here rivers o# 'a!'a 'eet the #ri!id

    sea. Only the 'ad or deserate (ould occuythis area, (ith its unredicta-le hot vents andsulhur ools. The desised ed Paint Peolehaunt this (aste.

    ,"ge >2

  • 8/18/2019 DF24 Stormcrows Gather


    DF24 Stormcrows Gather  John Turcotte

    A,,'D3I B= '! *O(T'R(

    T#' B and -etter  I6 %AI: @LLTASE T2P: Incidental6O. ATTACGS: @ and -etter $AMA&ATTACG: *y (eaonSPCIA% ATTACGS: See -elo(SPCIA% $86SS: See -elo(MA&IC SISTA6C: StandardI6T%%I&6C: Se'iA%I&6M6T: %a(#ul vilSI": M =Q3 tallPSIO6IC A*I%IT2: 6il

    Attack$e#ense Modes: 6il6ilN.P. 5A%E: @Q@ > er hit oint

    The *lack )atch (as created durin! dark ti'es in the ut'ost, sunless north. The 'a1ority o# thesedread#ul thin!s (ere destroyed alon! (ith their creator in a !reat -attle. So'e re'ain, hidden insecret laces, tirelessly a(aitin! their 'istress3s return.

    ach 'e'-er o# the )atch is a suit o# #ull late ar'or ani'ated -y a (icked sirit. The ar'or o#each 'e'-er is inhu'anly tall and thin, a dead -lack in color, (ith a !reat lu'e o# 1et ato their#ull hel's. 6either #aces nor eyes can -e seen (ithin the e'ty hel's.

    )atch 'e'-ers are all ar'ed (ith ole ar's. Althou!h they (ill al'ost al(ays -e encounteredsin!ly, there are ru'ored to -e entire units secured in hidden vaults in the under(orld. )atch'e'-ers are ar'ed as #ollo(s:

    B hal-erds@B voul!e@L locha-er a9e@L -ardiche

    As 'ere ani'ated suits o# ar'or, )atch 'e'-ers are i''une to all 'inda##ectin! sells=includin! #ear and illusions in addition to death 'a!ic, araly+ation, etri#ication, oison,oly'orh and cold. They su##er only @ hit oint o# da'a!e er die o# #ire and electrical attacks.They are i''une to sionics. They have no need to eat, drink, -reathe