Dexter Downtown Development Authority - Dexter, MI Home · 5/17/2018  · Dexter Downtown...

Dexter Downtown Development Authority April 19, 2018 < > 7:30 AM Dexter Senior Center 7720 Ann Arbor Street Dexter, MI 48130 MINUTES 1. Call to Order: Called to order at 7:30 AM on April 19, 2018 by Chairman Steve Brouwer. 2. Roll Call Becker, Patrick-ab Bellas, Rich Brouwer, Steve Darnell, Don-ab Finn, Doug Fitzpatrick Mike Jones, Carol Keough, Shawn Model, Fred O’Haver, Dan-ab Schmid, Fred-ab Willis, Randy Also in attendance: Michelle Aniol, Community Development Manager. 3. Approval of Minutes from the Regular Meeting on March 15, 2018 Motion Willis; support Bellas to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 15, 2018 as presented. Unanimous voice vote approval with Becker, Darnell, O’Haver and Schmid absent. 4. Approval of Agenda: Motion Willis; support Finn to approve the agenda with the following corrections: Strike the comment regarding the formatting issues with the Treasurer’s Report. Correct the amount of the invoices to be paid to $199,577.11. Unanimous voice vote approval with Becker, Darnell, O’Haver and Schmid absent. 5. Pre-arranged Audience Participation: None 6. Non-Arranged Citizen Participation: None 7. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mike Fitzpatrick provided information on invoices, cash balances and the 2018-2019 DDA Draft Forecast. The following action was taken: Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 1

Transcript of Dexter Downtown Development Authority - Dexter, MI Home · 5/17/2018  · Dexter Downtown...

  • Dexter Downtown Development Authority April 19, 2018 < > 7:30 AM

    Dexter Senior Center 7720 Ann Arbor Street

    Dexter, MI 48130

    MINUTES 1. Call to Order: Called to order at 7:30 AM on April 19, 2018 by ChairmanSteve Brouwer.

    2. Roll CallBecker, Patrick-ab Bellas, Rich Brouwer, Steve Darnell, Don-ab Finn, Doug Fitzpatrick Mike Jones, Carol Keough, Shawn Model, Fred O’Haver, Dan-ab Schmid, Fred-ab Willis, Randy

    Also in attendance: Michelle Aniol, Community Development Manager.

    3. Approval of Minutes from the Regular Meeting on March 15, 2018

    Motion Willis; support Bellas to approve the minutes of the RegularMeeting of March 15, 2018 as presented.

    Unanimous voice vote approval with Becker, Darnell, O’Haver andSchmid absent.

    4. Approval of Agenda:

    Motion Willis; support Finn to approve the agenda with the followingcorrections:

    • Strike the comment regarding the formatting issues with theTreasurer’s Report.

    • Correct the amount of the invoices to be paid to $199,577.11.

    Unanimous voice vote approval with Becker, Darnell, O’Haver and Schmid absent.

    5. Pre-arranged Audience Participation: None

    6. Non-Arranged Citizen Participation: None

    7. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mike Fitzpatrick provided information oninvoices, cash balances and the 2018-2019 DDA Draft Forecast. Thefollowing action was taken:

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018Page 1

  • a) April Invoices: City of Dexter for City Maintenance in the amount of $10,000.00; City of Dexter for House Purchase Reimbursement in the amount of $20,000.00; PNC Bank for 2011 Refunding Bond in the amount of $37,610.75; US Bank for 2015 Taxable Bond Refunding in the amount of $59,202.50; US Bank for 2017 Non-Taxable Bond in the amount of $35, 787.50; Chase Bank for 2017 Non-Taxable Bond Refunding in the Amount of $35,980.24 and Pear Sperling Eggan & Daniels for Attorney Fees in the amount of $996.12 for a total of invoices of $199,577.11. Motion Finn; support Keough to pay the invoice in the amount of $199,577.11. Unanimous voice vote approval with Becker, Darnell, O’Haver and Schmid absent. b) Approval of April 2018 Treasurer’s Report. Motion Finn; support Willis to approve the April Treasurer’s Report as presented. Unanimous voice vote approval with Becker, Darnell, O’Haver and Schmid absent. c) 2018-2019 DDA Draft Forecast Discussion followed with the following corrections to be made on the report:

    • Remove the $500 donation for Downtown Events. • Add $25,000 to Attorney Fees • Add an additional $10,000 to projects for stair repair.

    8. Correspondence / Communications: None 9. Action Items:

    a) Old Business - None b) New Business - None

    10. Discussion Updates - None

    11. Reports:

    a) Mayor – Shawn Keough

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 2

  • Mayor Keough includes his written report in the packet and gave the following updates:

    • Last night’s meeting (April 18, 2018) for 3025 Broad Street was well attended. There will be a fourth meeting. Mayor Keough gave a brief review of the meeting,

    • The Mayor’s report from the past Council meeting is included in your packet.

    • The City is also entering into the budget cycle. b) Staff – Michelle Aniol

    Ms. Aniol includes her written report per packet and provided the following updates:

    • I am continuing to work with Oxford and Dexter Crossing on the incremental tap fee issue.

    • City Council will be looking to adopt the Economic Development Strategy by Resolution at the next meeting. Please review the copy included in your packet.

    12. Vice-Chairman’s Report: May 17, 2018 Agenda

    a) Budget and Forecast FY 2018-2019

    13. Non-Arranged Citizen Participation:


    14. Adjournment

    Motion Willis; support Finn to adjourn at 8:06 AM. Unanimous voice vote approval with Becker, Darnell, O’Haver and Schmid absent

    Respectfully submitted, Carol J. Jones, Secretary

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  • Memo To: Dexter DDA From: Marie Sherry, City Treasurer & Mike Fitzpatrick, DDA Treasurer Date: May 14, 2018 Re: Treasurer’s Report for Fiscal Year End 06-30-2018 Invoice Approval Notes

    • Pear Sperling Eggan & Daniels, PC – Dexter Wellness (248-248-810.000): $1,424.62 • Pear Sperling Eggan & Daniels, PC – Dexter Wellness (248-248-810.000): $3,515.62 • Combined total due for all invoices is $4,940.24

    Cash Status

    General Ledger Fund Account Name Balance Notes

    248 - DDA General TCF Pooled Account -$ 394 - DDA Debt TCF Pooled Account -$

    Total DDA Pooled Checking -$

    248 - DDA General TCF Money Market Account 257,622.73$ Total DDA Pooled Savings 257,622.73$

    248 - DDA General Old National Bank CD 205,594.49$ 1.75%, matures 6-11-2018248 - DDA General Flagstar Bank CD 203,778.82$ 1.55%, matures 7-23-2018

    Total Non-Pooled 409,373.31$

    Total General Cash 666,996.04$ Total Debt Cash -$


    666,996.04$ -$

    Presented Revenue Budget Amendment 23,000.00$ Presented Expense Budget Amendment (59,400.00)$

    (13,233.78)$ Wellness Center Set Aside (460,531.63)$ Through February 28, 2018

    156,830.63$ Projected Year End Cash

    DDA Cash Balances Report4/30/2018

    Month End CashProjected FY 17/18 Revenue All Funds

    Projected FY 17/18 Expenditures All Funds

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 10

  • Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Revenue Expenditure Report

    05/14/2018 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF DEXTER PERIOD ENDING 04/30/2018 % Fiscal Year Completed: 83.29




    RevenuesDept 000 - ASSETS, LIABILITIES & REVENUE248-000-405.000 TAX CAPTURE REVENUE 308,200.00 308,200.00 331,223.47 (23,023.47) 107.47248-000-574.001 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX REIMBURSEMENT 7,800.00 7,800.00 5,270.07 2,529.93 67.57248-000-665.000 INTEREST EARNED 1,000.00 1,000.00 5,133.96 (4,133.96) 513.40Total Dept 000 - ASSETS, LIABILITIES & REVENUE 317,000.00 317,000.00 341,627.50 (24,627.50) 107.77

    TOTAL REVENUES 317,000.00 317,000.00 341,627.50 (24,627.50) 107.77

    ExpendituresDept 248 - ADMINISTRATION248-248-802.000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00248-248-803.000 CONTRACTED SERVICES 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 100.00248-248-810.000 ATTORNEY FEES 25,000.00 25,000.00 23,060.48 1,939.52 92.24248-248-957.002 DDA CAPTURE REFUNDS 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 0.00Total Dept 248 - ADMINISTRATION 37,000.00 37,000.00 24,560.48 12,439.52 66.38

    Dept 442 - DOWNTOWN PUBLIC WORKS248-442-803.015 CITY MAINTENANCE 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 100.00Total Dept 442 - DOWNTOWN PUBLIC WORKS 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 100.00

    Dept 901 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS248-901-972.001 PURCHASE OF HOUSE 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 100.00Total Dept 901 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 100.00

    Dept 965 - TRANSFERS OUT - CONTROL248-965-999.394 TR OUT FOR BOND PAYMENTS - 394 290,600.00 282,100.00 281,608.15 491.85 99.83Total Dept 965 - TRANSFERS OUT - CONTROL 290,600.00 282,100.00 281,608.15 491.85 99.83

    TOTAL EXPENDITURES 357,600.00 349,100.00 336,168.63 12,931.37 96.30

    Fund 248 - DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY:TOTAL REVENUES 317,000.00 317,000.00 341,627.50 (24,627.50) 107.77TOTAL EXPENDITURES 357,600.00 349,100.00 336,168.63 12,931.37 96.30NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (40,600.00) (32,100.00) 5,458.87 (37,558.87)

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 11

  • Dexter Wellness Center We have had no updates on the Wellness Center case from the Tax Tribunal. The City Treasurer has calculated what she believes the judgment interest would be through the end of April if the Tax Tribunal orders the DDA to release the funds to Chelsea Wellness. A budget amendment is being presented so that she can expense the $59,332.16 in projected interest and place it into the liability account with the rest of the Dexter Wellness set-aside. Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Amendments In addition to the amendment mentioned above, others are being presented at the same time. The first is to recognize the additional revenue from tax capture that was detailed in the previous Treasurer’s Report (which helps to offset the judgment interest cost). The second is to transfer funds from professional services to attorney fees to cover ongoing Dexter Wellness litigation. While this isn’t technically necessary as both lines are in the same department, it doesn’t harm anything to do so. Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget A proposed Fiscal Year 2018-2019 is being presented at this meeting, based on DDA feedback on the forecast that was given at your last meeting. The updated forecast is included as well.

    Fund 394 - DDA DEBT FUND

    RevenuesDept 000 - ASSETS, LIABILITIES & REVENUE394-000-671.000 OTHER REVENUE 0.00 0.00 389.44 (389.44) 100.00394-000-695.248 TRANSFER IN FROM DDA FUND 248 290,600.00 282,100.00 281,608.15 491.85 99.83Total Dept 000 - ASSETS, LIABILITIES & REVENUE 290,600.00 282,100.00 281,997.59 102.41 99.96

    TOTAL REVENUES 290,600.00 282,100.00 281,997.59 102.41 99.96

    ExpendituresDept 850 - LONG-TERM DEBT394-850-992.000 BOND FEES 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 100.00394-850-997.003 DDA 2008 TAXABLE BOND ($1.6M) 0.00 0.00 59,202.50 (59,202.50) 100.00394-850-997.004 DDA 2008 BOND ($2+M) 125,300.00 44,400.00 45,142.50 (742.50) 101.67394-850-997.005 2011 REFUNDING BOND ($620K) 75,800.00 75,800.00 75,682.35 117.65 99.84394-850-997.006 2015 REFUNDING - TAXABLE BOND 88,500.00 88,500.00 29,202.50 59,297.50 33.00394-850-997.007 2017 REFUNDING - NON-TAXABLE BOND 0.00 72,600.00 71,767.74 832.26 98.85Total Dept 850 - LONG-TERM DEBT 290,600.00 282,300.00 281,997.59 302.41 99.89

    TOTAL EXPENDITURES 290,600.00 282,300.00 281,997.59 302.41 99.89

    Fund 394 - DDA DEBT FUND:TOTAL REVENUES 290,600.00 282,100.00 281,997.59 102.41 99.96TOTAL EXPENDITURES 290,600.00 282,300.00 281,997.59 302.41 99.89NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 0.00 (200.00) 0.00 (200.00) 0.00

    TOTAL REVENUES - ALL FUNDS 607,600.00 599,100.00 623,625.09 (24,525.09) 104.09TOTAL EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS 648,200.00 631,400.00 618,166.22 13,233.78 97.90NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (40,600.00) (32,300.00) 5,458.87 (37,758.87)

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 12

  • Required Reporting

    • Form 5176 – Request for State Reimbursement of Tax Increment Finance Authority. Deadline to file is June 15th.

    • Form 2604 – Tax Increment Financing Plan Report for Capture of Property Taxes Deadline to file is July 31st.

    • Qualifying Statement – Deadline to file is December 31st. • Audit – Deadline to file is December 31st. • Publish the Annual Report by February 28th.

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 13

  • Summary

    DDA Forecast - Summary4-3-2018 - Approved by DDA ___________________M. Fitzpatrick / M. Sherry / M. Aniol

    Estimated ProposedFiscal Year (July-June) 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026

    RevenueTax Capture 331,217 375,051 419,609 439,971 460,596 478,037 482,897 494,756 506,790 Small Parcel Reimbursement 5,200 4,000 4,000 - - - - - - Rents - - - - - - - - - Property Sale - - - - - - - - - Other 5,800 3,500 - - - - - - -

    Total Revenue 342,217 382,551 423,609 439,971 460,596 478,037 482,897 494,756 506,790

    ExpendituresDebt Payments 282,100 267,512 275,969 303,764 310,520 313,023 328,356 349,248 361,641 Professional Services - 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Contracted Services 1,500 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 Attorney Fees 30,700 25,000 - - - - - - - City Maintenance 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Capture Refunds BOR/MTT 59,332 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Other - - - - - - - - - Projects 20,000 30,000 20,000 24,000 70,000 45,000 50,000 50,000 50,000

    Total Expenditures 403,632 344,712 318,169 349,964 402,720 380,223 400,556 421,448 433,841

    Revenue/Expenditures (61,415) 37,839 105,440 90,007 57,876 97,814 82,341 73,308 72,949

    Beginning Fund Balance 200,396 138,981 176,820 282,261 372,267 430,143 527,957 610,298 683,606Forecasted Net Change (61,415) 37,839 105,440 90,007 57,876 97,814 82,341 73,308 72,949 Ending Fund Balance 138,981 176,820 282,261 372,267 430,143 527,957 610,298 683,606 756,554

    Notes / Assumptions: Wellness Center capture remains in escrow (not avialable in forecast)Revenue note - Welleness center appeal finding should happen in 2018 at Supreme CourtRevenue note - Sale of property, 3045 Broad St. could add revenue in 2018-2019 or 2019-2020Grandview Commons, Rainbow Child Care & 150 Jeffords capture estimated start 2019-2020

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 14

  • Summary

    2026-2027 2027-2028 2028-2029 2029-2030 2030-2031 2031-2032 2032-2033 2033-2034 2034-2035 2035-2036 2036-2037 2037-2038

    519,002 531,393 532,902 726,754 742,418 758,316 774,452 790,831 807,455 824,329 841,456 858,839 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    519,002 531,393 532,902 726,754 742,418 758,316 774,452 790,831 807,455 824,329 841,456 858,839

    374,083 375,103 244,560 250,028 229,798 215,033 - - - - - - 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

    1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 - - - - - - - - - - - -

    10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500

    - - - - - - - - - - - - 50,000 25,000 25,000 45,000 50,000 - - - - - - -

    446,283 422,303 291,760 347,228 331,998 267,233 52,200 52,200 52,200 52,200 52,200 52,200

    72,719 109,090 241,142 379,526 410,420 491,083 722,252 738,631 755,255 772,129 789,256 806,639

    756,554 829,273 938,363 1,179,505 1,559,031 1,969,451 2,460,533 3,182,786 3,921,416 4,676,671 5,448,800 6,238,05672,719 109,090 241,142 379,526 410,420 491,083 722,252 738,631 755,255 772,129 789,256 806,639

    829,273 938,363 1,179,505 1,559,031 1,969,451 2,460,533 3,182,786 3,921,416 4,676,671 5,448,800 6,238,056 7,044,695

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 15

  • Tax Information

    DDA Forecast - Tax Capture4-3-2018 - Approved by DDA ___________________M. Fitzpatrick / M. Sherry / M. Aniol

    Actual ProposedFiscal Year (July-June) 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025% Increase to TV 0.9% 2.1% 2.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5%Total Taxable Value 35,559,565 36,389,132 37,298,860 37,858,343 38,426,218 39,002,612 39,587,651 40,181,466 Base Value 14,918,413 14,918,413 14,918,413 14,918,413 14,918,413 14,918,413 14,918,413 14,918,413 Captured Value 20,641,152 21,470,719 22,380,447 22,939,930 23,507,805 24,084,199 24,669,238 25,263,053

    Tax Capture Revenue 453,079 482,362 502,800 515,370 528,128 541,077 537,282 550,215 Grandview Commons - - 26,803 36,245 45,787 51,979 58,790 59,414 (Less Brownfield)(Less Wellness Withheld)* (121,862) (107,311) (109,994) (111,644) (113,319) (115,018) (113,176) (114,874) Actual Tax Capture 331,217 375,051 419,609 439,971 460,596 478,037 482,897 494,756

    Millage RatesCity Operating 10.8987 10.8987 10.8987 10.8987 10.8987 10.8987 10.8987 10.8987

    City Streets 3.4075 3.4075 3.4075 3.4075 3.4075 3.4075 3.4075 3.4075 Washtenaw County (S) 4.4880 5.4880 5.4880 5.4880 5.4880 5.4880 5.4880 5.4880

    Washtenaw County (W) 1.7242 1.7217 1.7217 1.7217 1.7217 1.7217 1.7217 1.7217 Dexter Library 1.1113 1.1190 1.1190 1.1190 1.1190 1.1190 0.4324 0.4324

    Washtenaw CC 3.4267 3.4360 3.4360 3.4360 3.4360 3.4360 3.4360 3.4360 Scio Township

    Twp ConservationTotal 21.9503 22.4661 22.4661 22.4661 22.4661 22.4661 21.7795 21.7795

    Dexter Wellness Taxable 5,318,053 4,776,600 4,896,015 4,969,455 5,043,997 5,119,657 5,196,452 5,274,399

    Notes / Assumptions: 2017 TV inflation rate multiplier is actualUses 2016 millage rates - may see Headlee reductions again in 2017Dexter Library capture ends six years after last renewal, per new State law. Renewal approved by voters Nov 2016.Wellness Center valuation is still in dispute and Tax Tribunal Case is being appealed. Lower in 18-19 because parcel is now exempt, but assessed as building State Treasury sets infation rate multiplyer2019-2020 - Assumed building growth - Grand, Shultz

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  • Tax Information

    2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 2028-2029 2029-2030 2030-2031 2031-2032 2032-2033 2033-2034 2034-2035 2035-2036 2036-20371.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5%

    40,784,188 41,395,950 42,016,890 42,647,143 43,286,850 43,936,153 44,595,195 45,264,123 45,943,085 46,632,231 47,331,715 48,041,690 14,918,413 14,918,413 14,918,413 14,918,413 14,918,413 14,918,413 14,918,413 14,918,413 14,918,413 14,918,413 14,918,413 14,918,413 25,865,775 26,477,537 27,098,477 27,728,730 28,368,437 29,017,740 29,676,782 30,345,710 31,024,672 31,713,818 32,413,302 33,123,277

    563,342 576,666 590,190 590,052 603,665 617,482 631,506 645,740 660,188 674,853 689,737 704,845 60,044 60,681 61,324 61,973 244,000 247,660 251,375 255,146 258,973 262,857 266,800 270,802

    (116,597) (118,346) (120,121) (119,124) (120,910) (122,724) (124,565) (126,433) (128,330) (130,255) (132,209) (134,192) 506,790 519,002 531,393 532,902 726,754 742,418 758,316 774,452 790,831 807,455 824,329 841,456

    10.8987 10.8987 10.8987 10.8987 10.8987 10.8987 10.8987 10.8987 10.8987 10.8987 10.8987 10.8987 3.4075 3.4075 3.4075 3.4075 3.4075 3.4075 3.4075 3.4075 3.4075 3.4075 3.4075 3.4075 5.4880 5.4880 5.4880 4.4880 4.4880 4.4880 4.4880 4.4880 4.4880 4.4880 4.4880 4.4880 1.7217 1.7217 1.7217 1.7217 1.7217 1.7217 1.7217 1.7217 1.7217 1.7217 1.7217 1.7217 0.4324 0.4324 0.4324 0.4324 0.4324 0.4324 0.4324 0.4324 0.4324 0.4324 0.4324 0.4324 3.4360 3.4360 3.4360 3.4360 3.4360 3.4360 3.4360 3.4360 3.4360 3.4360 3.4360 3.4360

    21.7795 21.7795 21.7795 21.2795 21.2795 21.2795 21.2795 21.2795 21.2795 21.2795 21.2795 21.2795

    5,353,515 5,433,817 5,515,325 5,598,054 5,682,025 5,767,256 5,853,765 5,941,571 6,030,695 6,121,155 6,212,972 6,306,167

    g on leased land.

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 17

  • Bond Payments

    DDA Forecast - Bond Schedule4-3-2018 - Approved by DDA ___________________M. Fitzpatrick / M. Sherry / M. Aniol

    Fiscal Year (July-June) 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-20252011 Refunding ($900K) 75,738 72,673 74,608 2015 Refunding ($1.9M) 88,405 87,340 81,275 110,388 108,435 106,483 104,530 97,578 2017 Refunding ($1.9M) 116,910 106,499 119,086 192,376 201,085 205,540 222,826 250,670 Bond Fees 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

    Total Debt 282,053 267,512 275,969 303,764 310,520 313,023 328,356 349,248



    Notes / Assumptions:

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 18

  • Bond Payments

    2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 2028-2029 2029-2030 2030-2031 2031-2032 2032-2033 2033-2034 2034-2035 2035-2036 2036-2037 2037-2038

    95,803 93,478 86,153 244,060 249,528 229,298 214,533 - - - - - - 264,838 279,605 287,950 - - - - - - - - - -

    1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 500 - - - - - - 361,641 374,083 375,103 244,560 250,028 229,798 215,033 - - - - - -

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 19

  • Projects

    DDA Forecast - Projects4-3-2018 - Approved by DDA ___________________M. Fitzpatrick / M. Sherry / M. Aniol

    Projects will not be undertaken until revenues are to a level to support themFiscal Year (July-June) 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025Tupper Redevelopment ($347K) 149,656$ ADA Ramp ($85K)Ann Arbor St Lighting ($110K)House Purchase Payback ($164K) 164,000$ 20,000 20,000 20,000 24,000 Brick Pavers 28,125$ Central Street ($200K) -$ Parking Lot Maintenance ($10K) 10,000$ 10,000 Downtown Façade ($30K) -$ Main Street Parking Rehab ($95K) -$ Baker Rd Streetscape ($130K) -$ Dex-AA Rd Corridor ($200K) -$ Downtown Fire Safety ($10K) -$ Forest Street Improvements ($750K) -$ Miscellaneous -$ - - DTE Substation Move ($370K) 370,000$ - - - - 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 DTE Substation Property Swap ($140,000) 140,000$ - - - - 20,000 20,000 25,000 25,000

    Total Projects 20,000 30,000 20,000 24,000 70,000 45,000 50,000 50,000

    Notes / Assumptions: DTE Substation when?House Payback continue?

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 20

  • Projects

    2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 2028-2029 2029-2030 2030-2031 2031-2032 2032-2033 2033-2034 2034-2035 2035-2036 2036-2037 2037-2038

    25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 45,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 45,000 50,000

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 21


    2016-17 2017-18 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19ACTIVITY AMENDED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED


    Fund 248 - DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYDept 000 - ASSETS, LIABILITIES & REVENUE248-000-405.000 TAX CAPTURE REVENUE 302,687 308,200 331,200 375,000248-000-574.001 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX REIMBURSEMENT 8,812 7,800 5,300 4,000248-000-665.000 INTEREST EARNED 1,742 1,000 5,800 3,500248-000-671.000 OTHER REVENUE 38,243 NET OF REVENUES/APPROPRIATIONS - 000 - ASSETS, LIABILITIES & REV 351,484 317,000 342,300 382,500

    Dept 248 - ADMINISTRATION248-248-802.000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,544 10,000 10,000248-248-803.000 CONTRACTED SERVICES 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,700248-248-810.000 ATTORNEY FEES 27,618 25,000 30,700 25,000248-248-955.000 MISCELLANEOUS 62248-248-957.002 DDA CAPTURE REFUNDS 17,133 500 59,300 500 NET OF REVENUES/APPROPRIATIONS - 248 - ADMINISTRATION (48,857) (37,000) (91,500) (37,200)

    Dept 442 - DOWNTOWN PUBLIC WORKS248-442-803.015 CITY MAINTENANCE 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 NET OF REVENUES/APPROPRIATIONS - 442 - DOWNTOWN PUBLIC WO (5,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000)

    Dept 901 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS248-901-972.001 PURCHASE OF HOUSE 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000248-901-974.001 OTHER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 10,000 NET OF REVENUES/APPROPRIATIONS - 901 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS (20,000) (20,000) (20,000) (30,000)

    Dept 965 - TRANSFERS OUT - CONTROL248-965-999.204 TRANSFER OUT TO MUNICIPAL STREETS 12,500248-965-999.394 TR OUT FOR BOND PAYMENTS - 394 286,663 282,100 282,000 267,600 NET OF REVENUES/APPROPRIATIONS - 965 - TRANSFERS OUT - CONTR (299,163) (282,100) (282,000) (267,600)

    ESTIMATED REVENUES - FUND 248 351,484 317,000 342,300 382,500APPROPRIATIONS - FUND 248 373,020 349,100 403,500 344,800NET OF REVENUES/APPROPRIATIONS - FUND 248 (21,536) (32,100) (61,200) 37,700

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 22


    2016-17 2017-18 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19ACTIVITY AMENDED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED


    Fund 394 - DDA DEBT FUNDDept 000 - ASSETS, LIABILITIES & REVENUE394-000-671.000 OTHER REVENUE 400394-000-695.248 TRANSFER IN FROM DDA FUND 248 286,663 282,100 282,000 267,600 NET OF REVENUES/APPROPRIATIONS - 000 - ASSETS, LIABILITIES & REV 286,663 282,100 282,400 267,600

    Dept 850 - LONG-TERM DEBT394-850-992.000 BOND FEES 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000394-850-997.003 DDA 2008 TAXABLE BOND ($1.6M) 59,200394-850-997.004 DDA 2008 BOND ($2+M) 116,379 44,400 45,100394-850-997.005 2011 REFUNDING BOND ($620K) 79,815 75,800 75,700 72,700394-850-997.006 2015 REFUNDING - TAXABLE BOND 89,470 88,500 29,200 87,400394-850-997.007 2017 REFUNDING - NON-TAXABLE BOND 72,600 71,800 106,500 NET OF REVENUES/APPROPRIATIONS - 850 - LONG-TERM DEBT (286,664) (282,300) (282,000) (267,600)

    ESTIMATED REVENUES - FUND 394 286,663 282,100 282,400 267,600APPROPRIATIONS - FUND 394 286,664 282,300 282,000 267,600NET OF REVENUES/APPROPRIATIONS - FUND 394 (1) (200) 400

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 23

  • Budget Amendments

    New Revenue Original Previously Budget AfterLine or Adopted Amended Amendment Current

    Line Number Line Description # ? Expenditure? Budget Budget Amount Amendment248-000-405.000 Tax Capture Revenue No Revenue 308,200$ 308,200$ 23,000$ 331,200$ 248-248-802.000 Professional Services No Expenditure 10,000$ 10,000$ (10,000)$ -$ 248-248-810.000 Attorney Fees No Expenditure 25,000$ 25,000$ 10,000$ 35,000$ 248-248-957.002 DDA Capture Refunds No Expenditure 500$ 500$ 59,400$ 59,900$

    Reason for Amendments

    23,000$ (59,900)$ (36,900)$

    Approved by the DDA on May 17, 2018

    Carol J. Jones, Downtown Development Authority Secretary

    Source of Reserves, if applicable:

    DDA Fund 248

    Dexter Wellness Costs

    Total change in Revenue - increase /(decrease):Total change in Expenditures - increase /(decrease):

    Change to Overall Budget's revenue over expenditures:

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 24

  • OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 8140 Main Street Dexter, Michigan 48130-1092 (734) 580-2233 Fax (734) 426-5614

    To: Downtown Development Authority Courtney Nicholls, City Manager From: Michelle Aniol, Community Development Manager RE: 3045 Broad Street Pre-Development Agreement with Norfolk Homes Date: May 16, 2018

    The above referenced Pre-Development Agreement between the City of Dexter and Norfolk Homes set a six (6) month period in which to undertake and complete a series of tasks. The tasks are associated with the development of a viable concept plan for redevelopment of the 3045 Broad Street property. The Agreement also allows for 90 day extension; provide the Developer (i.e. Norfolk Homes) is making active progress towards obtaining conceptual plans, studies and pro formas.

    At the recommendation of staff and the 3045 Broad Street Committee, Norfolk Homes has submitted a written request for a five (5) month extension, as a result of 1) the need for additional due diligence, 2) the greater than anticipated, but very positive in-depth site analysis and community engagement process, and 3) the ultimate desire to get the project right. A revised project schedule accompanies the request, as well, and is attached for your convenience.

    The DDA is tasked with reviewing the request and revised project schedule, and then making a recommendation to the City Council, much the way it did when the Pre-Development Agreement was being considered.

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 25

  • From: Sean LefereTo: Michelle Aniol ([email protected])Subject: NorfolkDate: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 9:10:42 AMAttachments: Dexter Project Schedule_revised 043018.pdf

    Good morning Michelle, We would like to request a 5 month extension to the Pre-Development Agreement dated November

    2nd 2018 between the City of Dexter and Norfolk Homes as result of 1) the need for additional duediligence, 2) the greater than anticipated, but very positive in-depth site analysis and communityengagement process, and 3) the ultimate desire to get this right. Attached is a revised schedule. Thank you again for the opportunity to partner with the City on this project. Sean Sean LefereChief Operating Officer Norfolk Homes8178 Jackson Rd. Suite DAnn Arbor, MI 48103734-545-8564 office734-408-0780 [email protected] This e-mail and any attachments is confidential and intended for the addressee(s) only. Accessto this email by anybody else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, pleasedelete this message and any attachments and advise the sender by return e-mail. WhileNorfolk Homes takes reasonable care to ensure that any attachment to this e-mail does notcontain software viruses, this cannot be guaranteed and you should therefore carry out yourown virus checks before opening any attachment. Norfolk Homes accepts no responsibility orliability for any damage that you suffer as a result of software viruses.

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 26

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 3045 Broad Street, Dexter MIProject Schedule




    Aug Jun


    Jul OctSept DecNov FebJan JulMar MayApr Aug Jun


    OctSept DecNov FebJan JulMar MayApr Aug

    Construction Cost & Pro-Forma

    Site Analysis / Pre-Design

    Concept Design

    Design Development

    Phase 2 Drawings & Permitting Phase 2 Construction

    Project Award

    Site Plan Review Approval Process

    Community Engagement Mtgs


    Final Site Plan Approval

    DTE Sub-Station Decommissioning

    Phase 1 Construction - Site & Remediation Contingent on DTE and financing

    Decommissioning Complete: 9 months to 2 years

    Start of construction depends on DTE sub-station decommissioning & mortgage lien on property

    What impact will DTE’s mortgage lien

    on property have on executing the city’s

    Developer Agreement?Developer Agreement

    City Council


    Pre-Development Agreement

    City Approval

    Schematic Design Construction Documents

    Phase 1 Site & Remediation Drawings & Permitting

    Kickoff Meeting w/ DDA

    Data Collection

    Meetings w/ DDA

    Brownfield Redevelopment Plan

    CE #2 CE #3 CE #4

    Concept Revisions

    CE #5 - Final Concept Presentation

    Approved Concept Design

    CE #6 CE #7

    Environmental Assessment City Review WCBRA ReviewPrepare ACT 381 Work Plan

    WCBRA, MDEQ, & MEDC Approval Process

  • 3045 Broad Street, Dexter MIProject Schedule




    Aug Jun


    Jul OctSept DecNov FebJan JulMar MayApr Aug Jun


    OctSept DecNov FebJan JulMar MayApr Aug

    Construction Cost & Pro-Forma

    Site Analysis / Pre-Design

    Concept Design

    Design Development

    Phase 2 Drawings & Permitting Phase 2 Construction

    Project Award

    Site Plan Review Approval Process

    Community Engagement Mtgs


    Final Site Plan Approval

    DTE Sub-Station Decommissioning

    Phase 1 Construction - Site & Remediation Contingent on DTE and financing

    Decommissioning Complete: 9 months to 2 years

    Start of construction depends on DTE sub-station decommissioning & mortgage lien on property

    What impact will DTE’s mortgage lien

    on property have on executing the city’s

    Developer Agreement?Developer Agreement

    City Council


    Pre-Development Agreement

    City Approval

    Schematic Design Construction Documents

    Phase 1 Site & Remediation Drawings & Permitting

    Kickoff Meeting w/ DDA

    Data Collection

    Meetings w/ DDA

    Brownfield Redevelopment Plan

    CE #2 CE #3 CE #4

    Concept Revisions

    CE #5 - Final Concept Presentation

    Approved Concept Design

    CE #6 CE #7

    Environmental Assessment City Review WCBRA ReviewPrepare ACT 381 Work Plan

    WCBRA, MDEQ, & MEDC Approval Process

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 27

  • Mayor Report Shawn Keough

    Prepared on May 9, 2018

    Hello Residents and Council, Here is my report of recent activities and my calendar of planned Dexter activities looking ahead: Mayor’s Thoughts Facilities Workshop – Our next facilities workshop can be scheduled for either May 29th or June 11th. Our goal has been to meet once a month, so I am leaning toward May 29th, although our City Manager is away the entire week prior, so this may not be the best choice. Let’s plan to discuss whether May 29th or June 11th works best as a group on May 14th. Recent Fire Station discussions - I feel that we still need to discuss the importance of response times as it relates to how we provide our fire and rescue services. People in our community are concerned about response times. The idea of potentially moving the fire station to the MAVD property on Dexter Ann Arbor Road (across from Mill Creek Middle School) has been the topic of our most recent workshops. This still needs a lot of discussion especially as it relates to response times, because the data does not support that it will benefit the City or the Townships that are our partners in the DAFD. Moving the City of Dexter fire station from its current location to the Dexter Ann Arbor Road location will increase response times to the majority of the DAFD District by 2 minutes. I don’t think that is a good idea. Increased response times are not in the best interest of the City or the two Townships that DAFD supports. Traffic congestion during Road Improvements – I would like to thank our community for being patient as the Dexter Ann Arbor Road Improvements (Dan Hoey to Zeeb) and the upcoming Roundabout projects are completed. Please take the path of least resistance. Please allow a few extra minutes going and coming each day. You may find there is another route that adds a mile or so, but is less congested. We will do our best to provide updates as the work is progressing. Recent Meetings April 27, 2018 – Meeting with Scio Twp Supervisor Jack Knowles – City Manager Courtney Nicholls, Community Development Manager Aniol, Meghan Masson-Minock (Carlisle/Wortman & Associates) and I met with Supervisor Jack Knowles, Township Manager Bryce Kelley and Doug Lewan (Carlisle/Wortman & Associates) to discuss the City Master Plan and planning outside of our boundaries. The meeting was very cordial. Scio understands the City is going through a Master Plan update and they understand that certain properties are more logical than others to be Master Planned as possible future properties that could request annexation. Carlisle Wortman has prepared some draft language for our Planning Commission and City Council to consider. The draft language was shared as part of the Joint PC/City Council meeting on May 7, 2018. April 27, 2018 – Connection Fee meeting regarding Oxford Properties – this meeting was internal and included our City Manager, Community Development Director and City Attorney. Our staff provided a very good summary of how the original “REU’s” (Residential Equivalent Units) have been assigned and how the connection fees for the new businesses have been determined. Following the meeting, this information was shared with Oxford. May 2, 2018 – Budget Review Workshop #1 – City Council reviewed the draft General Fund budget for the upcoming 2018-2019 Fiscal Year. Upcoming Activities May 14, 2018 – City Council meeting (7 pm) May 16, 2018 – Budget Workshop #2 (Dexter Library) – 6 pm to 8 pm – we will begin with a review of the draft budget for our Street Fund, and Water & Sewer Funds. As time allows, we will discuss any other parts of the budget as necessary. May 16, 2018 – The May WATS Policy meeting has been canceled.

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 28

  • May 17, 2018 – Downtown Development Authority meeting May 17, 2018 – Dexter Area Fire Department meeting May 28, 2018 (Memorial Day) – I will not be able to participate in the Memorial Day Ceremony. I have asked Pro-Tem Ray Tell to represent the City and give the “Welcome speech” at the Memorial Day Ceremony following the parade. Many thanks to Ray for his willingness to help and to represent the City in this special tradition. May 29, 2018 (Tuesday) – City Council meeting (7 pm) – please note that this meeting is on Tuesday evening due to the Memorial Day holiday. Looking ahead to June 2018, I will be working with our City staff to provide a list of recommended re-appointments/appointments (as necessary) to our various Boards and Commissions. I look forward to seeing you around our town. 😊😊 Shawn Keough Mayor, City of Dexter [email protected] (313) 363-1434 (cell)

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 29

    mailto:[email protected]

  • OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 8140 Main Street Dexter, Michigan 48130-1092 (734) 580-2233 Fax (734) 426-5614

    To: Downtown Development Authority Courtney Nicholls, City Manager From: Michelle Aniol, Community Development Manager RE: Staff Report – May 17, 2018 Date: May 15, 2018

    1. Master Plan Update:

    • A third joint meeting of the Planning Commission and City Council is scheduled for 5:30 pm on Monday, June 4, 2018 to complete the review of goals and objectives, and to discuss implementation mechanisms.

    2. Planning Commission: The Planning Commission will conduct a second meeting on May 21, 2018 for the purpose of continuing its discussion regarding text amendment options for allowing live-work units in the Village Commercial District.

    3. 3rd Quarter Community Development Report: Attached you will find the 3rd Quarter Report.

    4. Business Updates: Sohner Plastics, as plastics component manufacturer is finalizing the purchase of an existing industrial building, located at 7275 Joy Road. The company has outgrown its facility in Scio Township and is looking forward to expanding in Dexter.

    5. Arbor Day Update: The Tree Board distributed over 200 seedlings on April 27th, as part of the City’s annual Arbor Day event. Volunteers from TFC Bank participated this year as well.

    6. Project Updates:

    • Grandview Commons: The developer has decided to remove the remainder of the existing industrial building (7931 Grand St) and the house (7961 Grand St). An amendment to the Master Deed will be required and is anticipated to be considered by the Planning Commission at its June 4th meeting.

    • Rainbow Child Care Center: Contractors installed silt fencing and began balancing the site. Construction activity will continue throughout the spring and summer months.

    • 150 Jeffords: Staff is reviewing documents submitted by the applicant is accordance with the approvals granted by City Council earlier this year. No date yet for start of construction.

    Dexter DDA: May 17, 2018 Page 30

    3.0 DDA minutes April 19 2018Dexter Downtown Development AuthorityDexter Senior Center

    7.a.1 2018-03-31 munzel invoice7.a.2 2018-04-30 munzel invoice7.b.1 2018-05 Treasurers Report7.c 2018-2019 DDA Forecast (4-2-2018)SummaryTax CaptureBondsProjects

    7.d Proposed Budget (4-27-18)BudgetReport

    7.e Budget Amendment - Dexter Wellness InterestSheet1

    9.b.1 Norfolk memo9.b.2 Dexter Project Schedule_revised 04301811.a mayor report11.b cdm 2018-05-14