Devry PSYC 110 All Weeks Discussions

Devry PSYC 110 All Weeks Discussions (All 14 Discussions ] All Quizes All Assignment Midterm And Final IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work then Click The Link Below For Instant Down Load 5811230254.htm?categoryId=-1 IF You Face Any Problem Then E Mail Us At [email protected] Question Week 1 discussion Psychological Research (graded) The text gives seven major perspectives in modern psychology (Study Organizer 1.1). These perspectives are based on observations of how people think, feel, and act. Select a perspective that you think best explains human behavior and evaluate it for strengths and weaknesses. Biological Foundations (graded) An on-going debate continues on the influence of nature and nurture on human behavior. If you had to argue that either genetics (nature) or environment (nurture) has the greater impact on human development, which would you pick, and why? Week 2 discussion Stress (graded) We are exploring the nature of stress, its effect on human functioning, and techniques to minimize stress. What is the


Devry PSYC 110 All Weeks Discussions

Transcript of Devry PSYC 110 All Weeks Discussions

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Devry PSYC 110 All Weeks Discussions

(All 14 Discussions ]All Quizes All Assignment Midterm And Final

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Week 1 discussion

Psychological Research (graded)The text gives seven major perspectives in modern psychology (Study Organizer 1.1). These perspectives are based on observations of how people think, feel, and act. Select a perspective that you think best explains human behavior and evaluate it for strengths and weaknesses.



Biological Foundations (graded)An on-going debate continues on the influence of nature and nurture on human behavior. If you had to argue that either genetics (nature) or environment (nurture) has the greater impact on human development, which would you pick, and why?


Week 2 discussion


Stress (graded)We are exploring the nature of stress, its effect on human functioning, and techniques to minimize stress. What is the biggest source of stress you have in your life? What is the most effective technique you have used to handle it?



Sensation and Perception (graded)Sensation and perception are two different processes. Does sensory stimulus shape our perceptions? Do our perceptions misinterpret our sensations? How does that happen?


Week 3 discussion


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Learning (graded)After you have read about the theories of learning, reflect on how you learned as a child? What methods did your parents use to teach you how to act? Was it through classical conditioning? What about operant conditioning and social learning theory? Which theory had the biggest impact? Why? Give an example and state how it has impacted the person you are today.



Memory (graded)We all seem to want a good memory. (What are my co-workers names? Where did I leave my computer? What day was I supposed to submit that proposal to my boss?) might be typical memory issues. After reading about memory, what is your most valuable tip for the class on improving your ability to remember things?


Week 4 discussions



Physical and Cognitive Development (graded)Human development is a process in which there are various milestones from conception to death all of which require mastery. In terms of an individual's healthy physical functioning, is the period of prenatal developmental more critical than any other stage of development? If you answered yes, what makes it most critical? If you pick another stage, for example, adolescence, what makes that most critical?



Social Development(graded)On pages 264–265 in the textbook, you can find Erik Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development. Each of these stages comes with a corresponding psychosocial challenge. In stage 1, for example, the challenge is that of trust versus mistrust. While all of these challenges must be met and overcome, which one of the challenges do you think is the most difficult for an individual to successfully resolve? Please explain the reasons for your choice and supply supporting data for your opinion.



week 5

Physical, Cognitive and Social Development (graded)Human development is a process in which there are various cognitive, physical, social, and emotional milestones from conception to death, all of which require mastery. Our discussion

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begins with an exploration of physical development. All stages are essential for development, however, if you had to rank the importance of these physical stages, which would you rank as most important? Please provide an explanation to support your answer.

Sexuality and Gender (graded)Understanding sexuality varies from culture to culture, yet there are basic biological, cognitive, and emotional components in sexuality and sexual development. A good starting point in understanding our topic this week will be to explore the issues of sexual identity and gender role. What is the difference between the two and what are some examples of sexual identity and gender roles?

week 6

Stress (graded)We are exploring the nature of stress, its effect on human functioning, and techniques to minimize stress. What is the biggest source of stress you have in your life? What is the most effective technique you have used to handle it?




Social Psychology (graded)Why is it that some people will blame others for their misfortunes yet excuse themselves of responsibility when they fail? Explain the fundamental attribution error and the self-serving bias and offer some suggestions as to how to avoid those errors.


week 7


Psychological Disorders (graded)Despite the best efforts of psychologists, psychiatrists, and medical researchers, psychological disorders appear to be as prevalent today as they ever were—if not more so. What might be the cause of this phenomenon? Inadequate genetic makeup? Inadequate parenting? Inadequate social structures? What is different in our culture today than in previous generations? Please provide support for your opinion.


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Theories of Therapy (graded)At some point in your life you may think you need therapy. At some point in your life, you may think a coworker or a family member needs therapy. Should you find yourself in that situation, which type of therapy would you recommend for another person or yourself: psychoanalysis, cognitive, humanistic, group, behavioral, or biomedical (medication or surgery)? Why? (If you would recommend no treatment for yourself or a coworker, please explain your rationale for this.)





 Question 1.1. (TCOs 1, 2) Participants in research early in psychology’s history might have been asked to view a chair and describe its color, shape, texture, and other aspects of their conscious experience. These individuals would have been using a method called (Points : 2)


objective introspection.





Question 2.2. (TCO 4) The administration of Midwest State University wants to know if the arrangement of chairs affects student participation in classrooms. What would be a good operational definition of the dependent variable in an experiment designed to measure this relationship? (Points : 2)

Class size: under 50 or over 50

Number of students enrolled in each class

Chair arrangement: theater style or circular

Frequency with which students ask questions


Question 3.3. (TCOs 2, 3) Phineas Gage tragically had a tamping iron propelled through his head. Both left and right sides of the prefrontal cortex were severely damaged. As a result of the accident, Phineas Gage (Points : 2)

died from his injuries.

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suffered loss of his arms and legs.

lost his sense of hearing.

suffered a change in personality.


Question 4.4. (TCOs 2, 3) What do we call the state of a neuron when it is not firing a neural impulse? (Points : 2)

Action potential

Resting potential

Myelination signal

Transmission impulse



Question 5.5. (TCOs 2, 3) _____ synapses make it more likely that a neuron will send its message to other neurons, whereas _____ synapses make it less likely that a neuron will send its message. (Points : 2)

Excitatory; inhibitory

Inhibitory; excitatory

Augmentation; depletion

Depletion; augmentation



Question 6.6. (TCO 4) Jamie, a toddler, is making distinctions about various aspects of color in terms of whether it looks red, blue, and so forth. In doing so, she is referring to its (Points : 2)







Question 7.7. ( TCO 4) What are the five primary tastes? (Points : 2)

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Hot, sour, spicy, sweet, origami

Salty, sour, spicy, sweet, tart

Bitter, salty, sour, sweet, umami

Peppery, salty, sour, sweet, acidic



Question 8.8. (TCO 4) Perception is the (Points : 2)

process by which people take all the sensations they experience at any given moment and interpret them in some meaningful fashion.

action of physical stimuli on receptors leading to sensations.

interpretation of memory based on selective attention.

act of selective attention from sensory storage.



Question 9.9. (TCO 5) Sid is taking part in research on the effects of sleep deprivation; he has been without sleep for 75 hours. Right now, researchers have asked him to sit in front of a computer screen and hit a button each time he sees the letter S on the screen. A few days ago, Sid was a whiz at this task; however, he is doing very poorly today. How are sleep researchers likely to explain Sid’s poor performance? (Points : 2)

Due to the sleep deprivation, Sid does not understand the task.

Microsleeps are occurring due to the sleep deprivation and he is asleep for brief periods of time.

He is determined to ruin the research because of the suffering he is enduring at the hands of the researchers.

He is probably dreaming that he is somewhere else and has no interest in responding to the “here and now.”



Question 10.10. (TCO 5) After taking a drug for several years, Bruce decides to quit taking it. He begins to experience a variety of physical symptoms, psychological symptoms such as irritability, and a strong craving for the substance. What term is used to describe what Bruce is experiencing? (Points : 2)


Physical dependence

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Drug intoxication



Question 11.11. (TCO 5) A client tells his therapist about a dream in which he drives his wife to the airport where she boards a plane. As the plane takes off, he is smiling. The therapist says the dream suggests a desire for a divorce. The therapist’s interpretation represents what Sigmund Freud called the dream’s ________. (Points : 2)

deep content

latent content

manifest content

subliminal content



Question 12.12. (TCOs 7, 8) Sue noticed that whenever she opened the door to the pantry, her dog would come into the kitchen and act hungry by drooling and whining. She thought that because the dog food was stored in the pantry, the sound of the door had become a(n) (Points : 2)

unconditioned stimulus.

conditioned stimulus.

unconditioned response.

conditioned response.



Question 13.13. (TCOs 7, 8) Mark and Kathy take their 2-year-old son to the supermarket every Saturday. Each week, the same sequence of events unfolds: Their son screams, demanding that they buy him treats. Although they refuse to give in to his demands, he continues to scream. Finally, either Mark or Kathy gets in their son’s face and yells at the top of their lungs “Shut up!” He stops screaming instantly. What operant conditioning concepts are illustrated in this story? (Points : 2)

The parents are using negative reinforcement to increase their son’s screaming.

The parents are in a very dysfunctional marriage; their child’s screaming is his way of trying to get his parents to remain married.

The parents are using punishment to suppress the screaming; their use of punishment is negatively reinforced by the cessation of screaming.

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Their son probably learned how to scream by observing his parents at home and now he is reinforced on a variable-interval schedule of reinforcement.



Page 2


Question 1.1. (TCOs 7, 8) For observational learning to occur, each of the following must happen EXCEPT (Points : 2)

paying attention to what the model does.

remembering what the model did.

doing what the model did.

being reinforced for imitating the model.



Question 2.2. (TCO 7) A display of 12 letters is flashed on a screen in front of you followed by a tone. You attempt to recall a portion of the display based on the specific tone you heard. What aspect of your memory is this experiment designed to assess? (Points : 2)

Primary memory

Sensory memory

Long-term memory

Short-term memory



Question 3.3. (TCO 7) Adrianna is trying to memorize the names of the bones in the hand. She had gone through a list of them when her phone rang. After she gets off the phone, she is MOST likely to remember the first few bone names because of the (Points : 2)

elaboration effect.

recency effect.

primacy effect.

maintenance effect.


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Question 4.4. (TCO 7) Which of the following pairings would result in the best overall memory? (Points : 2)

Sad during learning and happy at recall

Happy during learning and sad during recall

Serious during learning and serious during recall

Intoxicated during learning and sober during recall



Question 5.5. (TCO 8) Sally is enrolled in a high school geometry course, which she describes as “drawing figures and figuring drawings.” In a typical class, students draw geometric figures and use a formula to calculate an aspect of the figure, such as its area. Each time Sally uses a formula, she is making use of what psychologists call (Points : 2)







Question 6.6. (TCO 8) Which of the following statements about gifted people is true? (Points : 2)

They are more likely to suffer from mental illnesses.

They are physically weaker than nongifted persons.

They are often skilled leaders.

They are socially unskilled.



Question 7.7. (TCO 9) Monica put all her time and energy into getting into the acting club because her main goal in life “was to be a famous star!” Monica’s drive to be famous was a(n) _____ drive. (Points : 2)



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Question 8.8. (TCO 9) Glenn believes he can learn from his mistakes and that study and perseverance will help him improve his intelligence. According to Dweck, what locus of control does Glenn have? (Points : 2)

Internal locus of control



External locus of control



Question 9.9. (TCO 9) You are walking in the forest and see a bear. According to the Cannon-Bard theory, what happens next? (Points : 2)

You experience physiological changes followed by fear.

You feel fear followed by physiological changes.

You experience physiological changes and a feeling of fear simultaneously.

You experience physiological changes and context appraisal followed by fear.



Question 10.10. (TCO 11) Carolyn took home some printer paper from the office. Later, she felt guilty for stealing it, so she brought some paper to work to replace what she took. Freud would suggest that Carolyn’s _____ was influencing her motives and behavior. (Points : 2)


unconscious mind





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Question 11.11. (TCO 11) Ruth-Ann just graduated from high school; she is trying out for the soccer team at the college that she will attend in the fall. She knows that it will be more competitive than her high school team, but she believes in her ability to succeed and plans to practice all summer. Bandura would say that Ruth might have an edge over some competitors simply because she has (Points : 2)

high self-efficacy.


set aside the time to practice.

an external locus of control.




Question 12.12. (TCO 11) Travis is a participant in the X-Games every year, which features events that are high-flying and exhilarating to watch or participate in, but also very dangerous to the competitors. Because Travis is willing to take chances with his health to get the adrenaline rush from these sorts of events, Cost and McCrae would argue that he ranks high on which of the five factors? (Points : 2)





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Question 1. 1. (TCOs 2, 3, 4) Describe how sound waves become nerve impulses as they enter the ear. How are the important characteristics of sound coded? (Points : 10) 


Question 2. 2. (TCOs 5, 7) What are the main differences between physical dependence and psychological dependence? Give examples of both types of dependence. (Points : 10) 

Question 3. 3. (TCOs 7, 8) What is the definition of language? What is the evidence, pro and con, as to whether nonhuman animals have a capacity for language? (Points : 10) 



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Question 4. 4. (TCOs 9, 11) Take three theories of emotion and apply them to one emotional event in your life. Be specific about the event and make clear connections to the theoretical assumptions. (Points : 10) 

Question 5. 5. (TCOs 7, 8) Define learning. Given this definition, what types of behaviors would not be considered learning? How does the concept of instinctive drift relate to these examples? What types of behaviors would be included? (Points : 10) midterm

1. (TCOs 1, 2) Sallie noticed that when her alarm clock goes off in the morning, her dog Ruffles is standing by her

bed salivating. Every morning when Sallie wakes to the alarm, she immediately rolls out of bed and feeds Ruffles,

who very much enjoys his canned dog food. It is likely that _____. (Points : 5)

Sallie has conditioned Ruffles to enjoy canned dog food

Sallie has conditioned Ruffles to sleep next to her bed

Sallie has conditioned Ruffles to salivate over canned dog food

Sallie has conditioned Ruffles to salivate to the sound of her alarm clock



Question 2.2. (TCOs 1, 2) Darley and Latané (1968) believe that the presence of other people in a distressing

situation decreased the likelihood that they would receive help due to _____. (Points : 5)

diffusion of anonymity

flaws in laws protecting Good Samaritans

timeliness of onset

diffusion of responsibility



Question 3.3. (TCOs 2, 3) Your teacher asks you to describe the sequence of parts of a neuron that the impulse

travels during neural conduction. Which of the following sequences will you offer? (Points : 5)

Dendrites, axon, soma, synaptic knob

Terminal buttons, axon, soma, dendrites

Axon, soma, dendrites, synaptic knob

Dendrites, soma, axon, synaptic knob


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Question 4.4. (TCOs 2, 3) Andy has decided to seek medical help for mood disturbances and appetite problems.

Which neurotransmitter is most likely involved in the problems Andy is experiencing? (Points : 5)







Question 5.5. (TCO 4) The vestibular senses are concerned with _____. (Points : 5)

touch, pressure, temperature, and pain

the location of body parts in relation to the ground and to each other

movement and body position

your location as compared to the position of the sun


 Question 6.6. (TCO 4) Suppose you look at a given figure and decide that, depending on how you look at it, it can be

perceived as either an old woman or a young lady. Such a figure would be said to be _____. (Points : 5)







Question 7.7. (TCO 5) Which of the following stages of sleep is marked by the production of very slow delta waves?

(Points : 5)


Stage 1 (N1)

Stage 2 (N2)

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Stage 4 (N4)



Question 8.8. (TCO 5) A client tells his therapist about a dream in which he drives his wife to the airport where she

boards a plane. As the plane takes off, he is smiling. The therapist says the dream suggests a desire for a divorce.

The therapist’s interpretation represents what Sigmund Freud called the dream’s _____. (Points : 5)

deep content

latent content

manifest content

subliminal content



Question 9.9. (TCOs 7, 8) In a conditioning experiment, a sound is paired with a brief puff of air to the eye of the

rabbit. After several pairings, the rabbit ultimately blinks its eye when it hears the sound. Which of the following is

true? (Points : 5)

The blinking of the eye serves as stimulus.

The puff of air serves as the unconditioned stimulus.

The puff of air serves as the conditioned stimulus.

The blinking of the eye serves as the conditioned stimulus.



Question 10.10. (TCOs 7, 8) John has been working on a math problem late at night without success; he falls asleep.

Upon awakening, John suddenly realizes how to answer the problem. This best illustrates which of the following?

(Points : 5)

Observational learning

Latent learning

Insight learning

Cognitive learning



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Question 11.11. (TCOs 7, 8) “The effectiveness of memory retrieval is directly related to the similarity of cues present

when the memory was encoded to the cues present when the memory is retrieved.” What concept does this

statement describe? (Points : 5)


Registered learning

Encoding specificity

Accessible decoding


 Question 12.12. (TCOs 7, 8) Evidence suggests that procedural memories are stored in the _____. (Points : 5)


prefrontal and temporal lobes of the cortex





Question 13.13. (TCO 8) You are learning Russian in preparation for a trip next summer. Although you are doing a

good job recognizing the written signs you need to know, you are having trouble with the sounds of the Russian

language. Which of the following aspects of language is giving you trouble? (Points : 5)







Question 14.14. (TCO 8) How many morphemes are there in the sentence “I wanted it”? (Points : 5)





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Question 15.15. (TCO 10) Emily and her husband are thrilled as they peer into Emily’s uterus by means of an

ultrasound. The physician reports that the pregnancy appears normal and that their baby’s fingers, toes, heart, and

circulatory system are developing as expected. The couple learns that the baby is only an inch long. Given this

information, the current stage of prenatal development is the _____. (Points : 5)

embryonic period

germinal period

zygotic period

fetal stage

Page 2


Question 1.1. (TCO 10) At what stage of moral development is moral thought guided by principles that have been

decided upon by the individual and may be in disagreement with accepted social norms? (Points : 5)




Conventional role conformity



Question 2.2. (TCO 9) Michael has trained very long hours in order to qualify for the Olympics in diving. He has

sacrificed a great deal—he put his education on hold and spent a lot of time away from his two small children and

wife. To Michael, qualifying for the Olympics is a(n) ____. (Points : 5)

instinctual drive


innate goal

optimum goal



Question 3.3. (TCO 9) Which of the following is a criticism of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? (Points : 5)

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The highest level has never been attained.

Self-actualization is actually a biological drive.

The hierarchy does not have any focus on social needs.

There is a lack of scientific support.



Question 4.4. (TCO 11) Consider the following three circumstances: (1) Raul is walking toward a business office and

when he gets there, he opens the door for a woman and allows her to walk through ahead of himself. (2) Raul is

walking toward a business office, and when he gets there, he opens the door for a man and a woman who are also

approaching and allows both of them to walk through ahead of himself. (3) Raul is walking toward a business office,

and when he gets there, he opens the door for a woman and allows her to walk through ahead of himself, but then he

walks through without holding the door for the man with whom the woman was having a conversation. In which of the

above circumstances has Raul demonstrated the greatest example of benevolent sexism? (Points : 5)

Circumstances #1 and #2 only

Circumstance #1

Circumstance #2

Circumstance #3



Question 5.5. (TCO 11) Lance is in the 12th

grade and is presently dating the head cheerleader, Ava. Lance is attracted to Ava, who is very feminine in her

mannerisms, and Lance reports that he is attracted to girls who are petite and athletic. He and his buddies like to go

“cruising for girls” on the weekends, but he has never strayed from Ava and is thinking about proposing to her after

they graduate. He has never been attracted to any other boys. Lance is considered _____ in terms of his sexual

orientation. (Points : 5)







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Question 6.6. (TCO 6) Seira is very pleasant and likes to keep the peace. She finds it difficult to express emotions

and internalizes her anger. She has few friends and spends a lot of time alone. According to research, Seira _____.

(Points : 5)

is at high risk for coronary heart disease

is a hardy personality

is a Type B personality

is a Type C personality



Question 7.7. (TCO 6) Vanna’s mother is ill and Vanna is feeling overwhelmed and sad. To cope with this stress of

her mother’s illness, Vanna has been writing her feelings down in a journal. Vanna is using _____. (Points : 5)

problem-focused coping

emotion-focused coping






Question 8.8. (TCO 13) The classic Robber’s Cave study showed that prejudice can be reduced by _____. (Points :


mere exposure

relearning social norms

cooperating to meet a mutually beneficial goal

rethinking one’s stereotypes



Question 9.9. (TCO 13) According to the research of Latané and Darley, which of the following situations would be

the most likely in which someone would offer to help? (Points : 5)

Person on the side of the road with a flat tire during rush hour

Person asking for help in a crowded stadium parking lot

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Person falling down coming out of an elevator with only one other person in it

A student falling off a ladder outside a full classroom