Devil seal in adventist church

The Devil Seal in Adventist Church Genesis 3-15,” And I will put enmity between thee and the women, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” Later you (snake) will come through persecution (bruise his heel) because of breaking your head and revealing your secrete; If God put the boundary between you and the women, you won’t compromise us to your shoe.

Transcript of Devil seal in adventist church

Page 1: Devil seal in adventist church

The Devil Seal in

Adventist Church

Genesis 3-15,” And I will put enmity between thee and the women, and between thy seed

and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” Later you (snake) will

come through persecution (bruise his heel) because of breaking your head and revealing your

secrete; If God put the boundary between you and the women, you won’t compromise us to

your shoe.

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Table of Contents Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1

The Seal ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1

The Meaning of All-Seeing eye of Devil, by Freemasonry ...................................................................................................... 3

The Relationship between Eye, Mind and Hand. ............................................................................................................ 5

It is the mind or the heart that is going to get the seal of God or the Seal of Devil. ....................................... 6

The Spiral Shape of the Adventist Logo and Snake ................................................................................................................ 8

The Work of the Spirit ..................................................................................................................................................... 11

The Reason of Turning logo Upside Down ............................................................................................................................ 13

The Logo and Cross ........................................................................................................................................................... 15

The Inverted Cross ................................................................................................................................................................ 16

The Sanctuary ................................................................................................................................................................ 16

Honor is not seemly for a fool............................................................................................................................................... 17

The Changing of the ten commandment, and turned upside down; similar as new Adventist inverted cross. .......... 17

The Writer’s Letter to you ..................................................................................................................................................... 18

Bibliography .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19

Closing Cover…… .................................................................................................................................................................. 23

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The Spiral Shape of the Serpent (Snake) formed the six burning seducing spirit that formed the human heart, when

you turn logo upside down in an occult fashion. It (Burning Devils Spirits) formed the four chambers of the heart;

right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium and left ventricle that function as to pump the word of God within the

organization of Seventh Day Adventist. Very dangerous, when the snake starts its coil; right in the middle of the bible

and the upside down cross; his tail (deception) is to wipe out the remnant like as he wiped out the third of the angels

(stars) through his tail in Revelation 12-3-4. This is because his time is short, and his wroth is very great for people

who keep two characteristic of the lord (Commandment and the Testimony of Jesus Christ). There is no time left, seal

contain within this two characteristic, “After the Holy Sabbath has been trodden down (Many Generation) it is to be

restored in the last day Isaiah 58:12, 13”; You find it and you get the seal, you leave it and you lost forever, your

decision I’m not going to make it for you, I am writing to expose all its root in intense detail-both Sunday, Sabbath and

outsiders, you are going to make the decision and your decision will be eternally fixed in your mind, and this little book

will be the washing of my hands to you.

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The Seal

In Revelation 4-5 And out of the throne proceeded lighting and thundering

and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the

throne, which are the seven spirit of God.

The people who change the Adventist logo says “the flame

represent the Holy Spirit” (http://Adventist. org, 2015)

How can the six flame symbolic or represent the holy Spirit

of God? On the other hand in Rev 4-5 states differently?

Warning!!!! “ The foundation that has been put forth by

our pioneers must not be removed because “ Very well

do we know every point of truth was

established and the seal set upon it by

the Holy Spirit of God” (Spirit of Prophecy Library

Volume 2, pp. 1500-1501)

This is the sign of

Secret Society,

Free Masons.


“Those who stand

under the blood stain

banner of Prince

Immanuel cannot be

united with Free

Masons or any secret

organization. The

Seal of the

Living God will

not be placed

upon anyone who

Maintains such a

connection after

the light of truth

has shone upon

his pathway”

(Spirit of Profecy

Library Volume 2,

p. 1509)

Page 5: Devil seal in adventist church

From picture above did you see the all

Seeing Eye of devil? Now after

measuring the length and removing six

flame and open bible, what do you

notice? Did you see the world formed

the all see eye of devil?

The measurement from the top of the flame to the end of the open bible on both side and the length in the base of it is same. That means, if all length is same, all its angle is 60 degrees.

As you can see, the length of the three angles is equal, after getting

the degrees, I removed the 6 flame and the open bible. Now you can see clearly that within the heart of the triangle, the earth formed an all seen eyes of Lucifer. The earth that depicts the devils eye stays within the surrounding of 666, the number of Devil. You just remove three (3) zero and you’ll get the devils number.

“With the point upwards, the equilateral triangle stand for Shiva the Destroyer. This symbol is familiar to us (the Masons) in several degrees, notably the thirtieth degree.” (Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, 1929) This are the free masons who themselves write. Note: refer back to E.G white, “those who united with freemasons, cannot receive the seal of God.

The obelisk is a four sided pillar facing the four corners of the earth, at its peak is the pyramid. It represent the combination of both religious and political power worldwide. It appears in Egypt, in the US and in the Vatican. To Jesuits, esoteric mesons and the illuminati it secretly stand for the one world government. The obelisk represent the sun god Baal. (Marens, 2009)

From the three pictures, did you see the All-seeing eye of devil; the Adventist bible, Adventist logo and devils


Page 6: Devil seal in adventist church

The Meaning of All-Seeing eye of Devil, by Freemasonry

Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, P-52-53 “The All-seeing Eye is an important

symbol of the Supreme Being, borrowed by the freemasons from the

nations of antiquity. On the same principal, the Egyptians present Osiris,

their chief deity (god), by the symbol of an open eye, and placed the

hieroglyphic of him in all their temples.”

The light enters the front of the eye through the pupil and is focused by the

lens into the retina. Red cells on the retina respond though the light and

send the message through the optic nerve to the brain for interpretation.

(Greg N,Dewey H,Carolyn H,, 2000)

Why are they putting the devils eyes in front of Adventist logo and the

bible? This is because the bible had been interpreted and stated by all

seeing eyes of Lucifer-by his six burning flame of seducing spirit.( 1 Timothy

4-1) When you turn the logo upside down, it formed perfectly the heart-

these six seducing spirit formed the chambers of the heart and interpret

the word of God and formed the devils doctrine. The function of chambers

(six spirit) formed the heart to pump or interpret the open bible on top?

Deuteronomy 11-16:

“Take heed to yourselves,

that your heart be not

deceived, and ye turn

aside, and serve other

gods, and worship them;”

The Heart of Adventist Logo Perfectly fitted to the human Heart

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Our Adventist book shop has been filled with all errors of books- the watchman are relaxing in their office-knowingly

allow all these thing into the church. Why are we (watchman) sleeping, whose going to stand and rebuke; sealing is

taking place, millions are confused-even we cannot interpret revelation and Denial; our truth has been faded and

gone. The interpretation had been done by All-seeing eyes of Lucifer, yet we see all these things, we don’t want to

sigh and cry aloud (Ezekiel 9-4-6). What did God say to his watch man; “His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant,

they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, and loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs

which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way,

everyone for his gain, from his quarter.” Isaiah 9-11. When you put the food on the table, even the excreta, the dog

will never consider whether good or bad- the dog will eat everything. I would like us to take our dogs and study his

three characteristic which has been mentioned; “

1. Dumb dogs (dogs cannot bark)

2. Sleeping dogs-loving to slumber

3. Greedy dogs-never have enough

“As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returned to his folly.” Proverbs


The Adventist President, Posters, Ministers don’t you know that you are

dealing with simple millions of people’s eternal life? Your character is

categorized as dogs and you will be thrown out from the holly city of God

because you loveth and maketh a lie. “Revelation 22-15 “For without are

dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers and murderers and idolaters,

and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

This is not time to play up, stand and rebuke these evil systems and doctrines you allow into the church; If you don’t,

our simple millions of people will be slain starting in the God’s church because the mark, seal is not in there heard

and you are the one going to responsible for millions of blood slain in the church.

Ezekiel 9 verse 4-6 “ And the lord said unto him, Go through the mist of the city, through the midst of

Jerusalem and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations

that be done in the midst thereof. And to the other he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the

city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have pity; slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little

children, and women: but came not near any man whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary…….

You blind dogs never read; so it is underlined for you, even though you can read but one of the

characteristic of Dogs is ignorant; so you will ignore because God said “And he said go and tell his people,

Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed but perceive not” Isaiah 6-9 Even the simple

chapter and verse of 6 & 9 depicts your 6 and 9 character; tanim 6 go antap na putim 9 kam down olsem

tail blo snake that explain in your snake logo on the other pages.

KKnnoowwiinnggllyy LLeettttiinngg AAllll EErrrroorrss iinnttoo tthhee CChhuurrcchh,, DDeeffiillee aanndd PPoolllluuttee IItt;; TThhee LLeeaaddeerrss,, NNeevveerr DDeeffeenndd TThhee TTrruutthh..

Page 8: Devil seal in adventist church

The Relationship between Eye, Mind and Hand.

The photoreceptor cells convert the light into electrical impulses which

are transmitted to the brain via nerve fibers. In the frontal lobe

between the eyes, the interpretation of electrical impulses occur. Do

you see the significant of the front part of the brain? Deuteronomy 11-

18” Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your

soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as

frontlets between your eyes.”

Please you read what God says carefully by his word again: you piled

God word in your heart and bind them for a sign upon your hand-means

it is true obedient on the word of God, you’ll going to get sign or seal or

mark in your hand- and that they may be as frontal between your eye- the

location where the interpretation occur. And importantly, God seal shall be

placed in that part.

TThhee BBooookkss tthhaatt ccoonnttaaiinn AAllll--SSeeeeiinngg eeyyee ooff DDeevviill wwaass ppllaacceedd iinn tthhee

AAddvveennttiisstt BBooookk sshhoopp aatt BBoorrookkoo ––tthhee lleefftt eeyyee..

Extremely dangerous!

When church of God

turned and become church

of Satan; “Behold I will

make them of synagogue

of Satan, which they say

they are Jews, and are not,

but do lie; Behold I will

make them to come and

worship before thy feet,

and to know that I have

love thee.” Gods still loves

his church, why not we

sigh and cry for all the

abomination Ezekiel 9-4.

Page 9: Devil seal in adventist church

It is the mind or the heart that is

going to get the seal of God or the

Seal of Devil. Deuteronomy 11-16: Take heed to yourselves, that

your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and

serve other gods, and worship them;

“Revelation 13-16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive the mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.” This referred to the mark of Devil (Satan).

Who cause all to receive the mark of the Devil? Two horn beast (America) Revelation 13:11.

The mark of the beast is going to be received in the forehead or the mind. Many times, mind is referred in the bible as the heart. This is because the heart is the place where all characteristic of human being-either good or evil- is interwoven and placed inside.

Those characteristic are allowed in by the mind and piled in the heart- through its decision making power. The mind consist of will-power, that attached with five channel of highways that we referred as senses; sight, tough, taste, smell and sound. It is through these senses that information is channel into the mind. And most important thing, the frontal lobe interpreted all these information.

When information travelled through these five highways of senses, it piled in the junction of will-power; it is only the strength of the will-power in the mind to allow in or reject information-either good or evil- before reaching the heart.

Okay, if the strength of the will is significant in decision making, how shall we boost the strength of the will-power? It is through the word of God because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

When more word of God is received into the mind, it formed an intense thought that boost the power of the will so easily that power can sift out the bad information and except in, the right information in the heart.

The more information accepted and piled inside the heart, it formed the particular characteristic of attitude and behavior. The behaviors and characteristic won’t change easily; it is the heart where behaviors and characteristic is interwoven and strongly

bonded. That’ why the heart is very important; so as the mind is very important.

The behaviors that is in our hearts is determined by the decision making power of the mind.

Therefore it is the minds that are going to receive the seal of God or the seal of devil.

The heart is where the Holy Spirit live. The Holly Spirit gets its food from the truth-the pure word of God.

The more the Holy Spirit feeds on the truth, it bear the fruit that we called; love loy, piece long suffering. And that particular Spirit that formed love, joy, piece and long suffering, is the seven spirit of God in Revelation Chapter 4:5. “And out of the throne

proceeded lighting and

thundering and voices: and there

were seven lamps of fire burning

before the throne, which are the

seven spirit of God.” This is

Spirit of Truth that gives the

righteous characteristic.

Okay now you understand the function of the mind. It gets the right information through its decision making power.

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The faith of Adventist Church is built on the

two (2) Characteristic;

1. Keeping God’s commandments

2. Faith of Jesus Christ or the

testimony of Jesus Christ. ( Rev: 14-

12 & Rev: 12-17 ) It is embedded

with the Three Angels message and

attached with its original previous


Three Angel Logo Show our true

Adventist- Characteristics & this is our


Now you understand the relationship between the heart, mind, Holy Spirit and the characteristic formed in the heart.

Remember, the heart is where the Holy Spirit live. It is the place where characteristic is interwoven and piled.

As you see the heart, the left side of the heart is greater than the right side. When you turned the new logo of Adventist in an occult fashion, you exactly see the heart enclosed with the six flame of the holy spirit.

Question! They said, the six flames symbolized the Spirit of God

and why in Revelation 5:4 said the seven lamps of fire burning is the Seven Spirit of God?

“In Revelation 4-5 And out of the throne proceeded lighting and thundering

and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the

throne, which are the seven spirit of God”.

If the logo depicts the characteristic of six seducing spirit, attached with its new changes of its doctrines and enclosed in the heart or mind of flame; who is the true God am I direct my worship to get the seal of God in my mind?

1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the later times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrine of devils;

Leaders, the single decision that you determine in the very brain that God give you, to allow all these new changes in our Adventist church; you are the only people whose going to be responsible for the millions of Adventist missed out in the kingdom of God and you are the only people whose going to be responsible for our blood.!!!!

Which Spirit, speak expressly? To

identify that Spirit in 1 Timothy

4:1, “ The starting “S” of the Spirit

who speaks expressly is in capital

letter- this is the spirit of God, the

Seven Spirit in Rev:5-4.

The doctrine that attached

with the six flame of

seducing spirit, is the

doctrine of Devil

Our time

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The Spiral Shape of

the Adventist Logo and


Do you see three wavy line coiled

and formed spiral shape that

enclosed the earth? On the other

hand do you see spiral shape that

formed by the snake? You will see

that, the common to both pictures is

the coiled spiral shape that enclosed

the earth and coiled shape that

enclosed the tree.

In the Adventist logo on the right hand side, it shows the three wavy line starts from the cross and middle of the

open bible- that is from the bottom of the right side-and went up to the top-right above the earth and coiled

down to the back of the earth and sprout out in the other left hand side of the earth. It perfectly spiral around

the earth and went up.

On the left hand side of the picture, the snake spiraled around the stick. The spiral shape of the snake always

starts from the tail and coiled up. Very important, snakes never start the coil or spiral with his head; it start it

with his tail. Why? Because the energy of the snake contained in the tailed part of it.

Let us hear from the snake worshipers themselves: “compositions of the shoulders of cult vases reveal pairs of

snakes with opposed heads, making the world roll with the energy of their spiral bodies” (Gimbutas, n.d.) I am

underling it for you to see clearly.

This is another statement from them; “spiral and carvings are seen all over the world, much like the cult of the

serpent. And it always found to be in association with the serpent worship. According to J.C Cooper in an

Illustrated encyclopedia on Traditional Symbols, the spiral, typifies the androgynies and his connected with the

caduceus symbolism which is of course symbol of serpent healing” (J.C.Cooper)

What did God said, “I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which they say they are Jews, and a not, but

do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know that I have love thee”

Revelation 3-9. “He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes Pro-

13-24. “ Do you see Adventist church tuned to become church of Devil- this is exactly what God says,” I will

make them of the synagogue of Satan- God tries to reproof you of your new doctrine and new changes but if

you don’t listen, God said, “ Turned you at my reproof: behold I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make

known my words unto you. Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man

regarded; But ye have set at naught all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your

calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; when your fear cometh as a whirl-wind; when distress and

anguish cometh upon you. Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but

they will not find me: For they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord.” Proverbs 1-23-29.

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In the bible, what is the function of the serpent tail? Before we discover, I would like you to go through what we

have been learning; the wavy line of Adventist logo start in the middle of the open bible and the cross. On the other

hand, snake always starts his coiled on the tail because the energy is contained in the tail. “And there appeared

another wonder in heaven; and behold great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon

his head. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon

stood before the women which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. Revelation


It is now clear that only weapon dragon uses to fight is, his tail. As he saw that he lost his battle in heaven, the last

strength that he have is, his tail. The real function of his tail is to deceive-that is the power of the tail which he carry

it down to deceive the whole world (read revelation 12-9). He wiped out the third part of the angels and cast them

down to the earth-through his deception. This is what the bible clearly state.

Now we are going to study the nature (snake), when the snake wants to kill an animal and eat; firstly he squeeze

them- making a spiral shape on top the body of targeted animal. It starts with his tail and squeeze till the animal

become death. By looking at the animal, the strength of the particular animal is in the bone; so what snake does, is

to target the bones and break all the bones, so that he will remove every straight and the power of that animal out

before swallowing it.

The foundation of the Adventist church is built on bible and bible alone- the two characteristics that is extracted to

build the foundation is the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ; these characteristic steer the

wroth of the dragon and cause him to coiled his tailed down to the core foundation of the bible where the

commandment and the testimony lies-this is the sealing part of the remnant people. As he coiled right intense of the

heartbeat of church, it remove the strength of the church-when the strength or power of the truth is gone. In the

eyes of watchmen-pastors, president, ministers-they rushing in deceptive theory which neutralize the truth and

truth become look worm (Revelation 3-16). We will have a strength (truth) to fight but if our strength have

neutralizes, this will be the very sad part of the Adventist church because the look worm people, God will spue out

of his mouth.

The heartbeat of the Adventist church is beating in a slow rate to the point where devil tries to stop it. There’s only

two direction we could do to save our friends; The one direction is stated but the another direction that shall be

coming up, we’ll shake the foundation of the Adventist church to the core, and many that built the foundation on

the confusion truth, will be washed away by the flood; but the one who built the foundation on the word of God

shall sealed and this will be the Sabbath. Every individual by individual shall make the decision in their very heard,

they are going to get the seal.

1. The tailed (deception) part of the snake (devil) was coiled into the root of the truth and rooted inside two

characteristic-commandment and testimony. He (devil) saw that his time is short, the final strength that he

is using is to wipe out the Adventist like he wipe out the third part of the stars. Please! The only thing that

we can save our love ones, is to break serpent head- expose its errors to the core. When we break his heard,

the strength of the coiled part in his tail (deception), will be reduced. “And I will put enmity between thee

and the women, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel.

All the deceptive plan is piled inside the head of the serpent, when we break his head and expose his

deception, the strength of the (devil) tail will be loosen and we will set free our love ones. We are the seed

of the women (church), God give us the truth, power, authority to break his head, later he will come to

bruise our heel through persecution, but whatever things that we could do, we blow his heard first. Listen

Great Michael, is standing for us, why are we panic, when the battle is intense I want to stand in the fore

front even losing my life to save my own brothers and sisters in Adventist.

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“We have a testing message to give, I am instructed to say to our

people, “Unify, Unify” but we are not to unify with those who

departing from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. With our hearts sweet and kind and true, we are to go forth to proclaim the message, giving no heed to those who lead away from the truth- Manuscript 31, 1906.” (Spirit of Prophecy Library Volume 2)

Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold he is in the desert; go not forth: Behold he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. Mathew 24:25-26.

“Than if any man shall say unto you, lo here is Christ, or there; believe it not. Mathew 24:23

Program! Program! Program, activities! Activities! Activities! Christ here and Christ there are filling our church.

And when are we going to siting down to studying the word of God? We even cannot explain Revelation and Daniel, we pride that we keep Sabbath. “Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor and blind, and naked: Revelation 3:17 “ so that because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Revelation 3:16.

The heart of these leaders with president is running here and there to set up ecumenical worship. Listen, you will never deceive the seed of the women, and you will never unite the seed of the women and seed of the dragon because enmity is put by God Himself. And if God Himself put this boundary, the women seed will break your head and reveal all your hidden motive because the spirit of God – the Seven Spirit not your six spirit- will search your hidden motives of what you are trying to do. But in you, you will comes through persecution because you always bruise the women’s heel because of breaking your heard to reveal your secrets.

“And I will put enmity between thee and the women, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3:15

“Corinthians 2:10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit; for the spirit searcheth all things yea, the deep things of God.”

This referred to the new

doctrines of Seventh Day

Adventist- the false doctrine.

The seducing spirit is depicted

in the six flame of new

Adventist logo attached with

its new doctrines!

Warning!!!!! Never unify with

those Elders, Pastors &

Church members who support

these new changes. But

Esekiel 9-4 rebuke them to get

the seal of God..because

sealing is starting in our

church of Adventist, right in

our very eyes..

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The Work of the Spirit When you think about the heart, you are thinking about the home of God. When the thought is arouse from the heart, it attached with its feelings and that combination of the feeling and the thought are called desire (Thought + Feelings). When the feeling is attached with the thought to speak, the spirit of God never involve because spirit works contrary with the feelings. The feelings comes from the flesh. “But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.” Romans 7:23.

However, the spirit of God lives in the heart, it takes the word of God that has been bounded in the heart and signaled it to the conscience for decision making- when it do that, there is no feelings involved but common sense prevail. This is how the spirit of God works and it is the significant of the relationship of the mind and the heart. “I Thank God through Jesus Christ our lord. So than with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin. Romans 7;25

TThheerree iiss aannootthheerr bbooookk ccoommiinngg uupp,, iitt wwiillll bbllooww yyoouurr mmiinndd ttoo tthhee ccoorree

ooff yyoouurr ffoouunnddaattiioonn--wwhheetthheerr yyoouu lleeaaddeerrss,, cchhuurrcchh mmeemmbbeerrss,, ppoolliittiicciiaannss

oorr bbuussiinneessss mmaann,, IInnddiivviidduuaall bbyy IInnddiivviidduuaall,, yyoouu wwiillll mmaakkee tthhee ddeecciissiioonn

aanndd tthhaatt sshhaallll bbee yyoouurr ffiinnaall.. TThhee bbooookk tthhaatt ccoommiinngg nneexxtt sshhaallll bbee mmoorree

ppoowweerrffuull tthhaann wwhhaatt yyoouu aarree rreeaaddiinngg;; ssoo rreeaaddyy jjuusstt tthhee ffeeww ttiimmee


Page 15: Devil seal in adventist church

The Explanation of Removing the Ten commandment

In the above Ten Commandment, the first Commandment stays as it is; while the second

Commandment is removed, which sift the third Commandment to second place and forth

commandment to third Commandment and continuous down to eight commandment; but in nine

and ten commandment, the same finger that seen in the Adventist logo, split the ten

commandment in Exodus 20-17 and turned it upside down in an occult fashion like the inverted

cross in the Adventist logo. And put thou shalt not covert thy neighbor’s wife as nine

commandment and let the first sentence of ten commandment as it is.

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The Reason of Turning logo Upside Down

1. In Daniel 7:25 the same finger that removed second commandment and Split 10 commandment and turn it upside down to make nine (9) and (10). It is the same style of dirty finger seen in the Adventist inverted cross. Why am saying dirty finger, because it is the finger of the man of sin (Pope).

2. The Second reason, In Revelation 5-4 state “ And out of the

throne proceeded lighting and thundering and voices: and there were

seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the

seven spirit of God.” And why six fire burning in

Adventist new logo. Because it is the six seducing

spirit attach with its new doctrine of devil.

Answer: 1 Timothy4-1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly

that in the later times some shall depart from the faith,

giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

3. The third Reason. The same inverted cross is seen in

the seat of the man of sin (Pope). It is the same

inverted cross used by the Satanist worshiper to mock


Note: the “S” is in capital letter, it is

God’s spirit- the seven spirit of

revelation 5:4 said about the six

seducing spirit of New Adventist

logo and its new doctrines

The Bible of Satan Worshiper The Seal or

Stamp in

Satanist bible

Page 17: Devil seal in adventist church

TThhee DDeettaaiilleedd EExxppllaannaattiioonn ooff ssiixx bbuurrnniinngg sseedduucciinngg ssppiirriitt tthhaatt ffoorrmmeedd tthhee ppeerrffeecctt hhuummaann hheeaarrtt-- tthhee ffuunnccttiioonn iiss

ttoo mmiissss iinntteerrpprreett tthhee wwoorrdd ooff GGoodd-- bbyy ttaakkiinngg tthhee aabboovvee wwoorrdd iinn tthhee bbiibbllee aanndd ttuurrnneedd iitt aaccccoorrddiinngg ttoo tthheeiirr oowwnn

iinntteerrpprreettaattiioonn.. AAss tthhee sseedduucciinngg wwoorrddss iiss ffiilllleedd iinn tthhee mmiinndd,, iitt ssiinnkk iinnttoo tthhee hheeaarrtt aanndd ffoorrmmeedd cchhaarraacctteerrss ttoo

mmaakkee iitt eeaassyy ffoorr tthhee ssiixx sseedduucciinngg ssppiirriitt ttoo ddwweellll iinn aass tthheeiirr hhoommee.. EExxttrreemmeellyy VVeerryy,, VVeerryy DDaannggeerroouuss!!!!!!!!!!

When you turn the new logo of seventh day Adventist upside down, it perfectly showing you the human heart and at

the same time it show you the seal of satan church-in jesus and garus which previously shown to you. I am turning the

logo upside down according to their style of occult fashion. Why I’m saying that because, the same dirty finger that

split the ten commandment and turned it upside down is again; I use same dirty style and turned their own logo to get

perfect human heart to warn the very elect.

In Revelation 4-5 show that the seven burning flame of fire is the Seven Spirit of God. On the other hand, there’s are

six burning flame; so it is totally contrast to the spirit of God. We had found out that the name of six burning flame of

spirit is six seducing spirit. It is very tragic, and disgraceful in the eyes of the world, that Adventist put the devil seal

as their logo and remove the old logo.

When you see left ventricle of the heart, it is thicker than the right ventricle, this is because the left ventricle pump the

oxygenated blood around the human body. On the other hand left ventricle and left atrium pump the blood with

carbon dioxide-it is not thick. Therefore, it shows that the four chambers of the heart function is to pump the blood.

In the new logo, the six seducing spirit formed the four chambers of the heart- their function is to misinterpret the

word of God. In addition, did you see the all-sseing eye of Lucifer in the youth bible-and everywhere in the book shop?

Very sad that all our books have been interpreted by that evil eye and pump by his six seducing spirit into the mind of

very elect; so when the mind is filled with those seducing words, it sink into the heart and formed the characteristic-

and prepare the way for the devil spirit to dwell in the heart.

After filling the heart of the people, the loud cry will be heard but sadly, these seducing dwelling spirit will resist the

call and the very elect will be deceived.

Deuteronomy 11-16: “Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turned aside, and serve other

gods, and worship them;” Individual by individual, from child, mothers and the father with the youth, you will make

decision; your decision will be eternally fixed. It is the seal in either ways, and it shall start in the house of God –

Sabbath Keepers. When there is total confusion in the church, remember our foundation has been built on the sand; so

if the flood came-counterfeit loud cry, you will be confused to choose. The loud cry of God is coming too, but if you test

every word to confirm your faith, praise God, the Rock of Ages (Jesus Christ) is your foundation.

Page 18: Devil seal in adventist church

God never give authority for the Seventh Day Adventist Leaders to Change its logo of three angel message and formed new organization. The tree angel message depicts our characteristic. We are

the only people (church) that keep the commandment and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Rev 12-17. The logo of three angel message shall not be change; it will last to the end of probation.

When the conference changed this logo, on the other hand, he removed our fundamental believe that state by our pioneers which expose papacy. This is one of our fundamental believe. “That as the man of sin, the papacy, has thought to change times and laws (the law of God, Dan.7:25), and has misled almost all Christendom in regard to the forth commandment-Isa.56:1, 2, 1 Pet. 1:5, Rev. 14:12, etc.”

Why do conference trying to do with the true worship that we give to God? Currently they are producing millions of youth bible, in front page they put ALL SEEN EYES OF DEVIL (Lucifer) the left eye within it and they change some of its precept. I’m going to give you an example from this bible; open your world changer bible to Denial 7:25

The Logo and Cross

What is the difference between upside down cross in the seat of the man of sin (pope) and the New Adventist upside down cross in their logo? Is that the same thing?

I would honestly said, if you are true worshipers of God, you will not support this adapted sign or logo.

God reveal to E.G white of what is going to take place in Adventist Church logo (three angel message).

She write “A company was presented to be under the name of Seventh - day Adventist, who were advising that the banner or sign which makes us distinctive people should not be held out so strikingly. I saw some reaching out their hands to remove the banner, and to obscure its significance. (White E. G., 1947, pp. 1570-1571)

Denial 7:25 “He will defy the Most High

and oppress the holy people of Most

High. He will try to change their sacred

festival and laws, and they will placed

under his control for time, times, and

half a time.”

When you see in this bible the sacred festival is nothing to

do with the meaning of time. The sacred festival talks

about heathen festival like; Christmas, Easter,etc.

When these changes rapidly rushing into the church and

yet our leaders like; president, pastors elders knowingly

don’t want to tell people: what did God say to these kind

of watch men in His Church (Seventh Day Adventist


Isaiah 56-10 His watchmen are blind: they are all

ignorant, they are all dump dogs, they cannot bark;

sleeping, lying down, and loving to slumber. 11 yea,

they are greedy dogs which can never have enough,

and they are shepherds that cannot understand:

they all look to their own way, everyone for his

gain, for his quarter.

Do you see

upside down

cross, hidden

under the flame?

What is the


between the

upside down

cross of man of

sin (Pope) seat

and SDA Logo?

Page 19: Devil seal in adventist church

25 men


their back

The Inverted Cross

The inverted cross

had been most

commonly used as

one of the "religious"

symbols of medieval

Satanists, because

their ceremonies were

the reverse of


Currently, it is still

sometimes worn by

modern Satanists,

purely symbolically,

often as a protest

against Christianity.

(Nattan, 2015)

The inverted cross is a blasphemy against God. The Devil tries to tell God that he puts Him down and direct all worship of (Seventh Day Adventist) to him and not God.

We (Seventh Day Adventist), we don’t have to be proud that we keep the commandment of God and give our true worship to God. God doesn’t need polluted look warm worship, “so than because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Rev3-16”

Don’t you realize that now we are not speaking the three angel message and conduct revelation seminars? Don’t you see now our leaders are trying to discard or do away with Spirit of prophecies Book?

You will never and never change the characteristic of God’s people: The people who keep commandment and testimony of Jesus Christ- the spirit of Prophecy. We speak prophecy and keep his commandments; we speak three angel messages and expose the man of sin (papacy). Why you (leaders in conference) remove old fundamental believe that expose papacy that had been put in by our pioneers in 1872?

Within the Centaury of God-the all reform changes that you allow into the Church of God, you gradually turn our face towards the East to worship the sun (dragon). Even though we worship in one true church (Adventist Church) of God but you (conference) direct our worship towards East (sun).

Ezekiel8-16 And he brought me into the inner court of the Lord’s house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the lord, between the porch and the alter, where about five and twenty men, with their back towards the

temple of the lord, and their faces towards the east; and they worshiped the sun towards the east.”

The Sanctuary

These 25 men, from the east they walk into the single gate, into the church of God (sanctuary).

As 25 men walked in, in front of them is most holy place. This is where God is. When they went in between the porch and alter, they turned their back in the house of God and worship the sun (dragon).

Are we not realizing that we turn our back to God and give our worship to the sun, through all these reform changes? “And He said, go tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not Isaiah 6-9.”


God presence

One Entrance

This is the most Holy



in the box Satanist Seal contain

inverted cross

Page 20: Devil seal in adventist church

Honor is not seemly for a fool We are so clever in our fanciful knowledge of theology; we

thought this doctrine given by God but infect our true

doctrine had been changed and we were deceived. We

keep silent and whose going to stand and speak for our

millions of Adventist?

If the leaders don’t want to speak, God said, you are dump

and greedy dogs. Isaiah 5-20 woe unto them than call evil

good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for


“As snow in summer and as rain in harvest so honor is not seemly for a fool Pro 26-1.”

Listen! Within our good time in summer we sense that the snow is falling-not as the rain but small droplets; as we came near and, near to the year 2000 to 2015 close to the time of the harvest; the snow turned to become rain and whose going to stand for us. We wait and wait for our honorable men (leaders) to speak; but unfortunately the snow turn to become rain in our church; so honor is not seemly for a fool.

The Changing of the ten commandment, and turned upside down; similar as

new Adventist inverted cross.

Our characteristic is identified by the people who keep commandments of

God and testimony-spirit of prophecy- of Jesus Christ. God’s own finger, He

wrote the Ten Commandments and given to us; but papacy took God’s ten

commandment. Split Ten Commandments and turned it upside down in an

occult fashion to make nine and ten. Exodus 20-17 Thou shalt not covet thy

neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his

manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, no anything that is

thy neighbor’s. (Martens, 2010)

Similar occult fashion that turning the commandment of God upside down

have seen in the new Adventist logo; who give you power and authority to

formed new organization and turned our true worship upside down?

“Banner of the third angel message has inscribed upon it, “the

commandment of God and faith of Jesus,” our institutions have taken a name

which sets forth the character of our faith, and of this name we are never to

be ashamed.” We will never permit to be changed to infidelity; we will not

permit the banner of thee angel message to be taken from our hands” (White

E. G., 1947)

All these errors are exposed through the writing of E.G White (spirit of

prophecy). These are the lesser light that add more light to the greater light

(bible). In this lesser light we have seen clearly to build our foundation of our

faith and keep God’s commandments. We will never and ever separate the

testimony of Jesus Christ and the

commandment, because the

testimony of Jesus Christ is the

Spirit of Prophecy- and this is our

characteristic, we will defend

even to the extreme of shedding

our blood.

Remember! It is just worship! Worship! Worship that the seal of the living God will be placed in our heard or the seal of the Devil will be placed in our heard within the century of God first than outside.

Page 21: Devil seal in adventist church

The Writer’s Letter to you

Dear friends;

I really want to publish this book and more books that are going to come; I left my schools and even determined to

suffer for my simple people. I sleep a restless night because the time is very short. The words is flooding down and I

find limited time to put everything down.

I’m not going to force you but if you would like to help me publish this book and other books that shall come, I

would like you to write to me in my email address; [email protected].

Thank you and awaiting to hear from you soon.

Yours in Christ,

Ashley Yoke Tandu

Page 22: Devil seal in adventist church


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